changeset 0 beb51793110d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:beb51793110d
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description:
    15 #
    16 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    17 # package: SysDefCollector
    18 #
    19 # usage: Interacts with the SysDefParser to obtain those parts of the system
    20 #        definition which are relevant to building a named configuration within the
    21 #        system definition. Contains a SysDefCollector::ParserClient instance which
    22 #        acts as the interface to the SysDefParser. This separation reduces the
    23 #        possibility of a method name clash due to the parser callback mechanism
    24 #        requiring the client to implement methods of the same name as the XML
    25 #        element tags of interest.
    26 #
    27 # public methods:
    28 #
    29 #    new(configname, loghandle): constructs a new instance to collect system 
    30 #       definition info relating to the configuration name 'configname'.
    31 #
    32 #    parserClient(): returns a reference to the SysDefCollector::ParserClient
    33 #       instance - typically for passing to the parser.
    34 #
    35 #    options(): returns a list of the abld options flags as specified in the
    36 #       'option' elements.
    37 #
    38 #    targets(): returns a list of the abld target flags as specified by the
    39 #       'targetList' attributes for each 'buildLayer' element in the specified
    40 #       configuration.
    41 #
    42 #    specialInstructionsFlag(): returns true/false accordingly as any relevant
    43 #       'specialInstructions' elements are present/not present. Relevant means
    44 #       instructions which invoke SETUPPRJ.BAT.
    45 #
    46 #    components(): returns a hash of component name and bldFile directories
    47 #        for each component to be built for the specified configuration.
    48 #
    49 #    dump(): debug/development method to dump the internal data structures
    50 #
    51 #    test(): debug/development method to dump the results of the methods
    52 #        'options()', 'targets()', 'specialInstructionsFlag()', 'components()'.
    53 #
    54 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 package SysDefCollector;
    56 use strict;
    58 my $debugFlag = 0;
    60 sub new 
    61 {
    62     my ($class, $configname, $loghandle) = @_;
    63     my $self = { client => SysDefCollector::ParserClient->new($configname,$loghandle), loghandle => $loghandle };
    64     return bless $self, $class;
    65 }
    67 sub parserClient
    68 {
    69     my $self = shift;
    70     return $self->{client};
    71 }
    73 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 # sub options() - returns the translated list of options for each 'option' element
    75 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 sub options
    77 {
    78     my $self = shift;
    79     return $self->_collectedList('option');
    80 }
    82 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 # sub targets() - returns the translated list of targets for each 'buildLayer'
    84 #    in the named configuration.
    85 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 sub targets
    87 {
    88     my $self = shift;
    90     my @targets;
    91     my @buildLayerTargetList = $self->_collectedList('buildLayerTargetList');
    93     for my $layerTarget (@buildLayerTargetList)
    94     {
    95         my %targetListHash = $self->_collectedHash('targetList');
    96         my @targetList = @{ $targetListHash{$layerTarget} };
    97         push @targets, @targetList;
    98     }
   100     # eliminate any duplicates by storing as hash keys
   101     my %targetHash = map { $_, '' } @targets;
   103     # now translate via the target mapping
   104     my %targetMap = $self->_collectedHash('target');
   105     @targets = map { $targetMap{$_} } keys %targetHash;
   107     return @targets;
   108 }
   110 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 # sub specialInstructionsFlag() - returns true if 'specialInstructions' elements are present.
   112 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 sub specialInstructionsFlag
   114 {
   115     my $self = shift;
   116     my $flag = 0;
   117     $flag = $self->_collected()->{specialInstructions}
   118                         if exists $self->_collected()->{specialInstructions};
   119     return $flag;
   120 }
   122 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   123 # sub components() - returns an array of components to be built for the named
   124 #    configuration. Each array element is a reference to a further array whose
   125 #    element[0] is the component name and element[1] is the directory location
   126 #    of that component's 'bld.inf' file.
   127 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 sub components
   129 {
   130     my $self = shift;
   131     my $loghandle = $self->{loghandle};
   133     my @unitNames;
   134     my @unitListRef = $self->_collectedList('unitListRef');
   135     my %unitList    = $self->_collectedHash('unitList');
   136     my %unitListNamesHash;  # Used to detect duplicates and then discarded!
   137     my %unitNamesHash;      # Used to detect duplicates and then discarded!
   138     my %unitMap = $self->_collectedHash('unit');
   140     for my $unitListName (@unitListRef)
   141     {
   142         if (defined $unitListNamesHash{$unitListName})
   143         {    # Duplicate unitListName! Ignore it!
   144             print $loghandle "Ignoring duplicated unitList: $unitListName\n";
   145             next;
   146         }
   147         $unitListNamesHash{$unitListName} = 1;
   148         unless (defined $unitList{$unitListName})
   149         {     # No info for this unitList!
   150             print $loghandle "No Unit info for unitList: $unitListName\n";
   151             next;
   152         }
   153         my @units = @{ $unitList{$unitListName} };
   154         foreach my $unit (@units)
   155         {
   156             if (defined $unitNamesHash{$unit})
   157             {    # Duplicate unit name! Ignore it!
   158                 print $loghandle "Ignoring duplicated Unit: $unit\n";
   159                 next;
   160             }
   161             $unitNamesHash{$unit} = 1;
   162             unless (defined $unitMap{$unit})
   163             {      # No bldFile (directory) info for this component!
   164                 print $loghandle "No bldFile info for Unit: $unit\n";
   165                 next;
   166             }
   167             my @unitdef = ($unit, $unitMap{$unit});
   168             push @unitNames, \@unitdef;
   169         }
   170     }
   172     return @unitNames;
   173 }
   175 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 #
   177 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 sub dump
   179 {
   180     my $self = shift;
   181     my $fh = shift;
   182     $self->parserClient($fh)->dump($fh);
   183 }
   185 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 #
   187 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   188 sub test
   189 {
   190     my $self = shift;
   191     my $fh = $self->{loghandle};    # Logfile handle
   193     my @options    = $self->options();
   194     my @targets    = $self->targets();
   195     my $special    = $self->specialInstructionsFlag();
   196     my @components = $self->components($fh);
   198     print $fh "\nTest Collected System Definition Query Methods\n";
   199     print $fh "==============================================\n";
   201     print $fh "options: ['", (join "', '", @options), "']\n";
   202     print $fh "targets: ['", (join "', '", @targets), "']\n";
   203     print $fh "special instructions: '", ($special ? "yes" : "no" ), "'\n";
   204     print $fh "components:\n{\n";
   205     for my $component (@components)
   206     {
   207         print $fh "\t'", $component->[0], "' => '", $component->[1], "'\n";
   208     }
   209     print $fh "}\n";
   210     print $fh "==============================================\n";
   211 }
   213 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 # private methods:
   215 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   216 sub _collected
   217 {
   218     my $self = shift;
   219     return $self->parserClient()->{collected};
   220 }
   222 sub _collectedHash
   223 {
   224     my ($self, $slot) = @_;
   225     my %hash = ();
   226     %hash = %{ $self->_collected()->{$slot} }
   227                         if exists $self->_collected()->{$slot};
   228     return %hash;
   229 }
   231 sub _collectedList
   232 {
   233     my ($self, $slot) = @_;
   234     my @list = ();
   235     @list = @{ $self->_collected()->{$slot} }
   236                         if exists $self->_collected()->{$slot};
   237     return @list;
   238 }
   240 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   241 # package: SysDefCollector::ParserClient
   242 #
   243 # usage: Interacts directly with the SysDefParser to obtain those parts of the system
   244 #        definition which are of interest. Implements the parser callback methods
   245 #        for the XML elements for which we collect information. Some elements are
   246 #        of interest only if they are enclosed within an outer element with certain
   247 #        properties. Other elements are always of interest. The latter style of
   248 #        element is always collected. The former is only collected when it is known
   249 #        that we are within an appropriate enclosing element. The 'context' property
   250 #        is used for testing this condition.
   251 #
   252 # methods:
   253 #
   254 #    new(configname): constructs a new instance to collect system definition info
   255 #       relating to the configuration name 'configname'.
   256 #
   257 #    parserClient(): returns a reference to the SysDefCollector::ParserClient
   258 #       instance - typically for passing to the parser.
   259 #
   260 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 package SysDefCollector::ParserClient;
   262 use strict;
   264 sub new
   265 {
   266     my ($class, $configname, $loghandle) = @_;
   267     my $self = { configname => $configname, configfound => 0, context => {intask => 0}, collected => {}, loghandle => $loghandle };
   268     return bless $self, $class;
   269 }
   271 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   272 # The following methods 'configuration()', 'configuration_()' initiate and
   273 # terminate respectively the collection of element information found inside a
   274 # 'configuration' element with 'name' attribute matching the objects 'configname'
   275 # attribute.
   276 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   277 sub configuration
   278 {
   279     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   280     $self->_debugin(@_);
   281     my $loghandle = $self->{loghandle};
   283     # start of a 'configuration' element - if the name of the element matches our
   284     # 'configname' attribute then we create contexts so that elements of interest
   285     # nested within this 'configuration' element can be collected.
   286     unless ($attrs{name} eq $self->{configname}) { return; }
   288     if ($self->{configfound})
   289     {
   290         print $loghandle "Ignoring duplicated configuration: $attrs{name} ($attrs{description})\n";
   291     }
   292     else
   293     {
   294         $self->{configfound} = 1;
   295         $self->{context}->{unitListRef} = [];
   296         $self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList} = [];
   297     }
   298 }
   300 sub configuration_
   301 {
   302     my ($self, $expat, $element) = @_;
   303     $self->_debugout(@_);
   305     # end of a 'configuration' element - save what we have collected within this
   306     # 'configuration' element and delete the context so as to terminate collection
   307     # of any subsequently encountered nested elements.
   309     if (exists $self->{context}->{unitListRef})
   310     {
   311         $self->{collected}->{unitListRef} = $self->{context}->{unitListRef};
   312         delete $self->{context}->{unitListRef};
   313     }
   315     if (exists $self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList})
   316     {
   317         # eliminate duplicates
   318         my %hash = map { $_, '' } @{$self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList}};
   319         my @unique = keys %hash;
   320         $self->{collected}->{buildLayerTargetList} = \@unique;
   321         delete $self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList};
   322     }
   323 }
   325 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   326 # Method 'unitListRef()' accumulates 'unitListRef' unitList information found
   327 # within a 'configuration element with matching name.
   328 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   329 sub unitListRef
   330 {
   331     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   332     $self->_debugin(@_);
   334     if($self->{context}->{intask})
   335         { return; }     # Task-specific unitListRef not supported
   337     # if there is a previously created context for 'unitListRef's then store this one.
   339     if (exists $self->{context}->{unitListRef})
   340     {
   341         push @{$self->{context}->{unitListRef}}, $attrs{unitList};
   342     }
   343     my $x = 1;
   344 }
   346 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   347 # Methods 'task()' and 'task_()' track context (i.e. inside a task or not)
   348 # because task-specific activities are not supported.
   349 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 sub task
   351 {
   352     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   353     $self->_debugin(@_);
   354     $self->{context}->{intask} = 1;
   355 }
   357 sub task_
   358 {
   359     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   360     $self->_debugout(@_);
   361     $self->{context}->{intask} = 0;
   362 }
   364 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 # Method 'buildlayer()' accumulates 'buildlayer' targetList information found
   366 # within a 'configuration element with matching name.
   367 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 sub buildLayer
   369 {
   370     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   371     $self->_debugin(@_);
   373     if (exists $self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList})
   374     {
   375         push @{$self->{context}->{buildLayerTargetList}}, (split /\s+/, $attrs{targetList});
   376     }
   377 }
   379 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   380 # The following three methods 'unitList()', 'unitList_()' and 'unitRef()'
   381 # accumulate 'unitList' and 'unitRef' information found within the 'build' elements.
   382 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   383 sub unitList
   384 {
   385     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   386     $self->_debugin(@_);
   388     # start of a 'unitList' element  - create a context so that collection of all
   389     # 'unitRef's elements found within this 'unitList' element can be collected.
   391     die "Fatal: context already has unitList\n" if exists $self->{context}->{unitList};
   392     $self->{context}->{unitList} = { name => $attrs{name}, list => [] };
   393 }
   395 sub unitList_
   396 {
   397     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   398     $self->_debugout(@_);
   400     # end of the current 'unitList' element - save what we have collected
   401     # and delete the context
   403     $self->{collected}->{unitList} = {} if ! exists $self->{collected}->{unitList};
   405     my $unitList = delete $self->{context}->{unitList};
   406     $self->{collected}->{unitList}->{$unitList->{name}} = $unitList->{list};
   408 }
   410 sub unitRef
   411 {
   412     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   413     $self->_debugin(@_);
   415     # unitRef found - save unitRef data to current context
   417     die "Fatal: context requires unitList\n" if ! exists $self->{context}->{unitList};
   418     push @{$self->{context}->{unitList}->{list}}, $attrs{unit};
   419 }
   421 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   422 # The method 'unit()' accumulates 'unit' information found within the 'systemModel'
   423 # elements.
   424 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   425 sub unit
   426 {
   427     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   428     $self->_debugin(@_);
   430     # no need to set up a temporary context to collect these since they have global scope
   431     $self->{collected}->{unit} = {} if ! exists $self->{collected}->{unit};
   432     $self->{collected}->{unit}->{$attrs{unitID}} = $attrs{bldFile};
   433 }
   435 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 # sub option() - accumulates 'option' element information found within the
   437 # 'build' element.
   438 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   439 sub option
   440 {
   441     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   442     $self->_debugin(@_);
   444     if ($attrs{enable} =~ /[Yy]/)
   445     {
   446         # no need to set up a temporary context to collect these since they have global scope
   447         $self->{collected}->{option} = [] if ! exists $self->{collected}->{option};
   448         push @{$self->{collected}->{option}}, $attrs{abldOption};
   449     }
   450 }
   452 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   453 # sub target() - accumulates 'target' element information found within the
   454 # 'build' element.
   455 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   456 sub target
   457 {
   458     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   459     $self->_debugin(@_);
   461     $self->{collected}->{target} = {} if ! exists $self->{collected}->{target};
   462     $self->{collected}->{target}->{$attrs{name}} = $attrs{abldTarget};
   463 }
   465 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   466 # sub targetList() - accumulates 'targetList' element information found within the
   467 # 'build' element.
   468 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   469 sub targetList
   470 {
   471     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   472     $self->_debugin(@_);
   474     $self->{collected}->{targetList} = {} if ! exists $self->{collected}->{targetList};
   475     my @list = split /\s+/, $attrs{target};
   476     $self->{collected}->{targetList}->{$attrs{name}} = \@list;
   477 }
   479 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   480 # sub specialInstructions() - sets the 'specialInstructions' flag if a
   481 # 'specialInstructions' element is encountered. In practice, we are only
   482 # interested in instructions which invoke SETUPPRJ.BAT as this will require
   483 # the inclusion of the "bootstrap" line in the output text file.
   484 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   485 sub specialInstructions
   486 {
   487     my ($self, $expat, $element, %attrs) = @_;
   488     $self->_debugin(@_);
   489     if ($attrs{command} =~ /^setupprj.bat/i)
   490         {
   491         $self->{collected}->{specialInstructions} = 1;
   492         }
   493 }
   495 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   496 # utility routines for development/debug purposes.
   497 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   499 sub _debugin
   500 {
   501 ##    return;             ## Suppress this debugging!
   502     my $self = shift;
   503     my ($ignore0, $ignore2, $element, @args) = @_;
   504     my $loghandle = $self->{loghandle};
   505     if ($debugFlag) { print $loghandle "Enter: $element (", (join ' ', @args), ")\n"; }
   506 }
   508 sub _debugout
   509 {
   510 ##    return;             ## Suppress this debugging!
   511     my $self = shift;
   512     my $loghandle = $self->{loghandle};
   513     if ($debugFlag) { print $loghandle "Leave: $_[2]\n"; }
   514 }
   516 sub dump
   517 {
   518     my $self = shift;
   519     my $fh = shift;
   521     print $fh "\nDump Collected System Definition\n\n";    
   522     print $fh "================================\n";    
   524     if (keys %{$self->{collected}} > 0)
   525     {
   526         if (exists $self->{collected}->{option})
   527         {
   528             my @option = @{$self->{collected}->{option}};
   529             print $fh "option :[", (join ',', @option), "]\n";
   530         }
   532         if (exists $self->{collected}->{specialInstructions})
   533         {
   534             my $flag = $self->{collected}->{specialInstructions};
   535             print $fh "specialInstructions : '", ($flag ?  "yes" : "no"), "'\n";
   536         }
   537         else
   538         {
   539             print $fh "specialInstructions : 'no'\n";
   540         }
   542         if (exists $self->{collected}->{buildLayerTargetList})
   543         {
   544             my @buildLayerTargetList = @{$self->{collected}->{buildLayerTargetList}};
   545             print $fh "buildLayerTargetList :[", (join ',', @buildLayerTargetList), "]\n";
   546         }
   548         if (exists $self->{collected}->{unitListRef})
   549         {
   550             my @unitListRef = @{$self->{collected}->{unitListRef}};
   551             print $fh "unitListRef :[", (join ',', @unitListRef), "]\n";
   552         }
   554         if (exists $self->{collected}->{unitList})
   555         {
   556             print $fh "unitList:\n{\n";
   557             my %unitList = %{$self->{collected}->{unitList}};
   558             for my $key (keys %unitList)
   559             {
   560                  my @list = @{$unitList{$key}};
   561                  print $fh "\t'$key' has units:[", (join ',', @list), "]\n";
   562             }
   563             print $fh "}\n";
   564         }
   566         if (exists $self->{collected}->{target})
   567         {
   568             print $fh "target:\n{\n";
   569             my %target = %{$self->{collected}->{target}};
   570             for my $key (keys %target)
   571             {
   572                  print $fh "\t'$key' => '", $target{$key} , "'\n";
   573             }
   574             print $fh "}\n";
   575         }
   577         if (exists $self->{collected}->{targetList})
   578         {
   579             print $fh "targetList:\n{\n";
   580             my %targetList = %{$self->{collected}->{targetList}};
   581             for my $key (keys %targetList)
   582             {
   583                  my @list = @{$targetList{$key}};
   584                  print $fh "\t'$key' has targets:[", (join ',', @list), "]\n";
   585             }
   586             print $fh "}\n";
   587         }
   589         if (exists $self->{collected}->{unit})
   590         {
   591             print $fh "unit:\n{\n";
   592             my %unit = %{$self->{collected}->{unit}};
   593             for my $key (keys %unit)
   594             {
   595                  print $fh "\t'$key' => '", $unit{$key} , "'\n";
   596             }
   597             print $fh "}\n";
   598         }
   599     }
   600     else
   601     {
   602         print $fh "Nothing collected\n";
   603     }
   604     print $fh "================================\n";    
   605 }
   607 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   608 # -EOF-
   609 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   610 1;