changeset 1 22878952f6e2
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:509e4801c378 1:22878952f6e2
     1 #! /usr/bin/env python
     2 # Build packages using spec files
     3 # Copyright (C) 2005, Giovanni Bajo
     4 # Based on previous work under copyright (c) 1999, 2002 McMillan Enterprises, Inc.
     5 #
     6 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     7 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     8 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
     9 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    10 #
    11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
    15 #
    16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    17 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    18 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
    19 import sys, os, shutil, mf, archive, iu, carchive, pprint, time, py_compile, bindepend, tempfile
    21 STRINGTYPE = type('')
    22 TUPLETYPE = type((None,))
    24 HOMEPATH = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    25 SPECPATH = None
    26 BUILDPATH = None
    27 WARNFILE = None
    28 rthooks = {}
    29 iswin = sys.platform[:3] == 'win'
    30 cygwin = sys.platform == 'cygwin'
    31 try:
    32     config = eval(open(os.path.join(HOMEPATH, 'config.dat'), 'r').read())
    33 except IOError:
    34     print "You must run before building!"
    35     sys.exit(1)
    37 if config['pythonVersion'] != sys.version:
    38     print "The current version of Python is not the same with which PyInstaller was configured."
    39     print "Please re-run with this version."
    40     sys.exit(1)
    42 if config['hasRsrcUpdate']:
    43     import icon, versionInfo
    45 def setupUPXFlags():
    46     f = os.environ.get("UPX", "")
    47     is24 = hasattr(sys, "version_info") and sys.version_info[:2] >= (2,4)
    48     if iswin and is24:
    49         # Binaries built with Visual Studio 7.1 require --strip-loadconf
    50         # or they won't compress. makes sure that UPX is new
    51         # enough to support --strip-loadconf.
    52         f = "--strip-loadconf " + f
    53     f = "--best " + f
    54     os.environ["UPX"] = f
    56 if config['hasUPX']:
    57     setupUPXFlags()
    59 def build(spec):
    60     global SPECPATH, BUILDPATH, WARNFILE, rthooks
    61     rthooks = eval(open(os.path.join(HOMEPATH, 'rthooks.dat'), 'r').read())
    62     SPECPATH, specnm = os.path.split(spec)
    63     specnm = os.path.splitext(specnm)[0]
    64     if SPECPATH == '':
    65         SPECPATH = os.getcwd()
    66     WARNFILE = os.path.join(SPECPATH, 'warn%s.txt' % specnm)
    67     BUILDPATH = os.path.join(SPECPATH, 'build%s' % specnm)
    68     if '-o' in sys.argv:
    69         bpath = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-o')+1]
    70         if os.path.isabs(bpath):
    71             BUILDPATH = bpath
    72         else:
    73             BUILDPATH = os.path.join(SPECPATH, bpath)
    74     if not os.path.exists(BUILDPATH):
    75         os.mkdir(BUILDPATH)
    76     exec open(spec, 'r').read()+'\n'
    78 def mtime(fnm):
    79     try:
    80         return os.stat(fnm)[8]
    81     except:
    82         return 0
    84 class Target:
    85     invcnum = 0
    86     def __init__(self):
    87         self.invcnum = Target.invcnum
    88         Target.invcnum = Target.invcnum + 1
    89         self.out = os.path.join(BUILDPATH, 'out%d.toc' % self.invcnum)
    90         self.dependencies = TOC()
    91     def __postinit__(self):
    92         print "checking %s" % (self.__class__.__name__,)
    93         if self.check_guts(mtime(self.out)):
    94             self.assemble()
    96 class Analysis(Target):
    97     def __init__(self, scripts=None, pathex=None, hookspath=None, excludes=None):
    98         Target.__init__(self)
    99         self.inputs = scripts
   100         for script in scripts:
   101             if not os.path.exists(script):
   102                 raise ValueError, "script '%s' not found" % script
   103         self.pathex = []
   104         if pathex:
   105             for path in pathex:
   106                 self.pathex.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(path)))
   107         self.hookspath = hookspath
   108         self.excludes = excludes
   109         self.scripts = TOC()
   110         self.pure = TOC()
   111         self.binaries = TOC()
   112         self.__postinit__()
   113     def check_guts(self, last_build):
   114         outnm = os.path.basename(self.out)
   115         if last_build == 0:
   116             print "building %s because %s non existent" % (self.__class__.__name__, outnm)
   117             return 1
   118         for fnm in self.inputs:
   119             if mtime(fnm) > last_build:
   120                 print "building because %s changed" % fnm
   121                 return 1
   122         try:
   123             inputs, pathex, hookspath, excludes, scripts, pure, binaries = eval(open(self.out, 'r').read())
   124         except:
   125             print "building because %s disappeared" % outnm
   126             return 1
   127         if inputs != self.inputs:
   128             print "building %s because inputs changed" % outnm
   129             return 1
   130         if pathex != self.pathex:
   131             print "building %s because pathex changed" % outnm
   132             return 1
   133         if hookspath != self.hookspath:
   134             print "building %s because hookspath changed" % outnm
   135             return 1
   136         if excludes != self.excludes:
   137             print "building %s because excludes changed" % outnm
   138             return 1
   139         for (nm, fnm, typ) in scripts:
   140             if mtime(fnm) > last_build:
   141                 print "building because %s changed" % fnm
   142                 return 1
   143         for (nm, fnm, typ) in pure:
   144             if mtime(fnm) > last_build:
   145                 print "building because %s changed" % fnm
   146                 return 1
   147             elif mtime(fnm[:-1]) > last_build:
   148                 print "building because %s changed" % fnm[:-1]
   149                 return 1
   150         for (nm, fnm, typ) in binaries:
   151             if mtime(fnm) > last_build:
   152                 print "building because %s changed" % fnm
   153                 return 1
   154         self.scripts = TOC(scripts)
   155         self.pure = TOC(pure)
   156         self.binaries = TOC(binaries)
   157         return 0
   158     def assemble(self):
   159         print "running Analysis", os.path.basename(self.out)
   160         paths = self.pathex
   161         for i in range(len(paths)):
   162             paths[i] = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(paths[i]))
   163         dirs = {}
   164         pynms = []
   165         for script in self.inputs:
   166             if not os.path.exists(script):
   167                 print "Analysis: script %s not found!" % script
   168                 sys.exit(1)
   169             d, base = os.path.split(script)
   170             if not d:
   171                 d = os.getcwd()
   172             d = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(d))
   173             pynm, ext = os.path.splitext(base)
   174             dirs[d] = 1
   175             pynms.append(pynm)
   176         analyzer = mf.ImportTracker(dirs.keys()+paths, self.hookspath, self.excludes)
   177         #print analyzer.path
   178         scripts = []
   179         for i in range(len(self.inputs)):
   180             script = self.inputs[i]
   181             print "Analyzing:", script
   182             analyzer.analyze_script(script)
   183             scripts.append((pynms[i], script, 'PYSOURCE'))
   184         pure = []
   185         binaries = []
   186         rthooks = []
   187         for modnm, mod in analyzer.modules.items():
   188             if mod is not None:
   189                 hooks = findRTHook(modnm)  #XXX
   190                 if hooks:
   191                     rthooks.extend(hooks)
   192                 if isinstance(mod, mf.BuiltinModule):
   193                     pass
   194                 else:
   195                     fnm = mod.__file__
   196                     if isinstance(mod, mf.ExtensionModule):
   197                         binaries.append((mod.__name__, fnm, 'EXTENSION'))
   198                     elif modnm == '__main__':
   199                         pass
   200                     else:
   201                         pure.append((modnm, fnm, 'PYMODULE'))
   202         binaries.extend(bindepend.Dependencies(binaries))
   203         scripts[1:1] = rthooks
   204         self.scripts = TOC(scripts)
   205         self.pure = TOC(pure)
   206         self.binaries = TOC(binaries)
   207         try:
   208             oldstuff = eval(open(self.out, 'r').read())
   209         except:
   210             oldstuff = None
   211         if oldstuff != (self.inputs, self.pathex, self.hookspath, self.excludes, scripts, pure, binaries):
   212             outf = open(self.out, 'w')
   213             pprint.pprint(
   214                 (self.inputs, self.pathex, self.hookspath, self.excludes, self.scripts, self.pure, self.binaries),
   215                 outf)
   216             outf.close()
   217             wf = open(WARNFILE, 'w')
   218             for ln in analyzer.getwarnings():
   219                 wf.write(ln+'\n')
   220             wf.close()
   221             print "Warnings written to %s" % WARNFILE
   222             return 1
   223         print self.out, "no change!"
   224         return 0
   226 def findRTHook(modnm):
   227     hooklist = rthooks.get(modnm)
   228     if hooklist:
   229         rslt = []
   230         for script in hooklist:
   231             nm = os.path.basename(script)
   232             nm = os.path.splitext(nm)[0]
   233             if os.path.isabs(script):
   234                 path = script
   235             else:
   236                 path = os.path.join(HOMEPATH, script)
   237             rslt.append((nm, path, 'PYSOURCE'))
   238         return rslt
   239     return None
   241 class PYZ(Target):
   242     typ = 'PYZ'
   243     def __init__(self, toc, name=None, level=9):
   244         Target.__init__(self)
   245         self.toc = toc
   246 = name
   247         if name is None:
   248    = self.out[:-3] + 'pyz'
   249         if config['useZLIB']:
   250             self.level = level
   251         else:
   252             self.level = 0
   253         self.dependencies = config['PYZ_dependencies']
   254         self.__postinit__()
   255     def check_guts(self, last_build):
   256         outnm = os.path.basename(self.out)
   257         if not os.path.exists(
   258             print "rebuilding %s because %s is missing" % (outnm, os.path.basename(
   259             return 1
   260         try:
   261             name, level, toc = eval(open(self.out, 'r').read())
   262         except:
   263             print "rebuilding %s because missing" % outnm
   264             return 1
   265         if name !=
   266             print "rebuilding %s because name changed" % outnm
   267             return 1
   268         if level != self.level:
   269             print "rebuilding %s because level changed" % outnm
   270             return 1
   271         if toc != self.toc:
   272             print "rebuilding %s because toc changed" % outnm
   273             return 1
   274         for (nm, fnm, typ) in toc:
   275             if mtime(fnm) > last_build:
   276                 print "rebuilding %s because %s changed" % (outnm, fnm)
   277                 return 1
   278             if fnm[-1] in ('c', 'o'):
   279                 if mtime(fnm[:-1]) > last_build:
   280                     print "rebuilding %s because %s changed" % (outnm, fnm[:-1])
   281                     return 1
   282         return 0
   283     def assemble(self):
   284         print "building PYZ", os.path.basename(self.out)
   285         pyz = archive.ZlibArchive(level=self.level)
   286         toc = self.toc - config['PYZ_dependencies']
   287         for (nm, fnm, typ) in toc:
   288             if mtime(fnm[:-1]) > mtime(fnm):
   289                 py_compile.compile(fnm[:-1])
   290, toc)
   291         outf = open(self.out, 'w')
   292         pprint.pprint((, self.level, self.toc), outf)
   293         outf.close()
   294         return 1
   296 def checkCache(fnm, strip, upx):
   297     if not strip and not upx:
   298         return fnm
   299     if strip:
   300         strip = 1
   301     else:
   302         strip = 0
   303     if upx:
   304         upx = 1
   305     else:
   306         upx = 0
   307     cachedir = os.path.join(HOMEPATH, 'bincache%d%d' %  (strip, upx))
   308     if not os.path.exists(cachedir):
   309         os.makedirs(cachedir)
   310     basenm = os.path.basename(fnm)
   311     cachedfile = os.path.join(cachedir, basenm )
   312     if os.path.exists(cachedfile):
   313         if mtime(fnm) > mtime(cachedfile):
   314             os.remove(cachedfile)
   315         else:
   316             return cachedfile
   317     if upx:
   318         if strip:
   319             fnm = checkCache(fnm, 1, 0)
   320         cmd = "upx --best -q \"%s\"" % cachedfile
   321     else:
   322         cmd = "strip \"%s\"" % cachedfile
   323     shutil.copy2(fnm, cachedfile)
   324     os.chmod(cachedfile, 0755)
   325     os.system(cmd)
   326     return cachedfile
   329 class PKG(Target):
   330     typ = 'PKG'
   331     xformdict = {'PYMODULE' : 'm',
   332                  'PYSOURCE' : 's',
   333                  'EXTENSION' : 'b',
   334                  'PYZ' : 'z',
   335                  'PKG' : 'a',
   336                  'DATA': 'x',
   337                  'BINARY': 'b',
   338                  'EXECUTABLE': 'b'}
   339     def __init__(self, toc, name=None, cdict=None, exclude_binaries=0,
   340                  strip_binaries=0, upx_binaries=0):
   341         Target.__init__(self)
   342         self.toc = toc
   343         self.cdict = cdict
   344 = name
   345         self.exclude_binaries = exclude_binaries
   346         self.strip_binaries = strip_binaries
   347         self.upx_binaries = upx_binaries
   348         if name is None:
   349    = self.out[:-3] + 'pkg'
   350         if self.cdict is None:
   351             if config['useZLIB']:
   352                 self.cdict = {'EXTENSION':COMPRESSED,
   353                               'DATA':COMPRESSED,
   354                               'BINARY':COMPRESSED,
   355                               'EXECUTABLE':COMPRESSED,
   356                               'PYSOURCE':COMPRESSED,
   357                               'PYMODULE':COMPRESSED }
   358             else:
   359                 self.cdict = { 'PYSOURCE':UNCOMPRESSED }
   360         self.__postinit__()
   361     def check_guts(self, last_build):
   362         outnm = os.path.basename(self.out)
   363         if not os.path.exists(
   364             print "rebuilding %s because %s is missing" % (outnm, os.path.basename(
   365             return 1
   366         try:
   367             name, cdict, toc, exclude_binaries, strip_binaries, upx_binaries = eval(open(self.out, 'r').read())
   368         except:
   369             print "rebuilding %s because %s is missing" % (outnm, outnm)
   370             return 1
   371         if name !=
   372             print "rebuilding %s because name changed" % outnm
   373             return 1
   374         if cdict != self.cdict:
   375             print "rebuilding %s because cdict changed" % outnm
   376             return 1
   377         if toc != self.toc:
   378             print "rebuilding %s because toc changed" % outnm
   379             return 1
   380         if exclude_binaries != self.exclude_binaries:
   381             print "rebuilding %s because exclude_binaries changed" % outnm
   382             return 1
   383         if strip_binaries != self.strip_binaries:
   384             print "rebuilding %s because strip_binaries changed" % outnm
   385             return 1
   386         if upx_binaries != self.upx_binaries:
   387             print "rebuilding %s because upx_binaries changed" % outnm
   388             return 1
   389         for (nm, fnm, typ) in toc:
   390             if mtime(fnm) > last_build:
   391                 print "rebuilding %s because %s changed" % (outnm, fnm)
   392                 return 1
   393         return 0
   394     def assemble(self):
   395         print "building PKG", os.path.basename(
   396         trash = []
   397         mytoc = []
   398         toc = TOC()
   399         for item in self.toc:
   400             inm, fnm, typ = item
   401             if typ == 'EXTENSION':
   402                 binext = os.path.splitext(fnm)[1]
   403                 if not os.path.splitext(inm)[1] == binext:
   404                     inm = inm + binext
   405             toc.append((inm, fnm, typ))
   406         seen = {}
   407         for inm, fnm, typ in toc:
   408             if typ in ('BINARY', 'EXTENSION'):
   409                 if self.exclude_binaries:
   410                     self.dependencies.append((inm, fnm, typ))
   411                 else:
   412                     fnm = checkCache(fnm, self.strip_binaries,
   413                                      self.upx_binaries and ( iswin or cygwin )
   414                                       and config['hasUPX'])
   415                     # Avoid importing the same binary extension twice. This might
   416                     # happen if they come from different sources (eg. once from
   417                     # binary dependence, and once from direct import).
   418                     if typ == 'BINARY' and seen.has_key(fnm):
   419                         continue
   420                     seen[fnm] = 1
   421                     mytoc.append((inm, fnm, self.cdict.get(typ,0),
   422                                   self.xformdict.get(typ,'b')))
   423             elif typ == 'OPTION':
   424                 mytoc.append((inm, '', 0, 'o'))
   425             else:
   426                 mytoc.append((inm, fnm, self.cdict.get(typ,0), self.xformdict.get(typ,'b')))
   427         archive = carchive.CArchive()
   428, mytoc)
   429         outf = open(self.out, 'w')
   430         pprint.pprint((, self.cdict, self.toc, self.exclude_binaries, self.strip_binaries, self.upx_binaries), outf)
   431         outf.close()
   432         for item in trash:
   433             os.remove(item)
   434         return 1
   436 class ELFEXE(Target):
   437     typ = 'EXECUTABLE'
   438     exclude_binaries = 0
   439     def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
   440         Target.__init__(self)
   441         self.console = kws.get('console',1)
   442         self.debug = kws.get('debug',0)
   443 = kws.get('name',None)
   444         self.icon = kws.get('icon',None)
   445         self.versrsrc = kws.get('version',None)
   446         self.strip = kws.get('strip',None)
   447         self.upx = kws.get('upx',None)
   448         self.exclude_binaries = kws.get('exclude_binaries',0)
   449         if is None:
   450    = self.out[:-3] + 'exe'
   451         if not os.path.isabs(
   452    = os.path.join(SPECPATH,
   453         self.toc = TOC()
   454         for arg in args:
   455             if isinstance(arg, TOC):
   456                 self.toc.extend(arg)
   457             elif isinstance(arg, Target):
   458                 self.toc.append((os.path.basename(,, arg.typ))
   459                 self.toc.extend(arg.dependencies)
   460             else:
   461                 self.toc.extend(arg)
   462         self.toc.extend(config['EXE_dependencies'])
   463         self.pkg = PKG(self.toc, cdict=kws.get('cdict',None), exclude_binaries=self.exclude_binaries,
   464                        strip_binaries=self.strip, upx_binaries=self.upx)
   465         self.dependencies = self.pkg.dependencies
   466         self.__postinit__()
   467     def check_guts(self, last_build):
   468         outnm = os.path.basename(self.out)
   469         if not os.path.exists(
   470             print "rebuilding %s because %s missing" % (outnm, os.path.basename(
   471             return 1
   472         try:
   473             name, console, debug, icon, versrsrc, strip, upx, mtm = eval(open(self.out, 'r').read())
   474         except:
   475             print "rebuilding %s because %s missing or bad" % (outnm, outnm)
   476             return 1
   477         if name !=
   478             print "rebuilding %s because name changed" % outnm
   479             return 1
   480         if console != self.console:
   481             print "rebuilding %s because console option changed" % outnm
   482             return 1
   483         if debug != self.debug:
   484             print "rebuilding %s because debug option changed" % outnm
   485             return 1
   486         if config['hasRsrcUpdate']:
   487             if icon != self.icon:
   488                 print "rebuilding %s because icon option changed" % outnm
   489                 return 1
   490             if versrsrc != self.versrsrc:
   491                 print "rebuilding %s because versrsrc option changed" % outnm
   492                 return 1
   493         else:
   494             if icon or versrsrc:
   495                 print "ignoring icon and version resources = platform not capable"
   496         if strip != self.strip:
   497             print "rebuilding %s because strip option changed" % outnm
   498             return 1
   499         if upx != self.upx:
   500             print "rebuilding %s because upx option changed" % outnm
   501             return 1
   502         if mtm != mtime(
   503             print "rebuilding %s because mtimes don't match" % outnm
   504             return 1
   505         if mtm < mtime(self.pkg.out):
   506             print "rebuilding %s because pkg is more recent" % outnm
   507             return 1
   508         return 0
   509     def _bootloader_postfix(self, exe):
   510         if iswin:
   511             exe = exe + "_"
   512             is24 = hasattr(sys, "version_info") and sys.version_info[:2] >= (2,4)
   513             exe = exe + "67"[is24]
   514             exe = exe + "rd"[self.debug]
   515             exe = exe + "wc"[self.console]
   516         else:
   517             if not self.console:
   518                 exe = exe + 'w'
   519             if self.debug:
   520                 exe = exe + '_d'
   521         return exe
   522     def assemble(self):
   523         print "building ELFEXE", os.path.basename(self.out)
   524         trash = []
   525         outf = open(, 'wb')
   526         exe = self._bootloader_postfix('support/loader/run')
   527         exe = os.path.join(HOMEPATH, exe)
   528         if iswin or cygwin:
   529             exe = exe + '.exe'
   530         if config['hasRsrcUpdate']:
   531             if self.icon:
   532                 tmpnm = tempfile.mktemp()
   533                 shutil.copy2(exe, tmpnm)
   534                 os.chmod(tmpnm, 0755)
   535                 icon.CopyIcons(tmpnm, self.icon)
   536                 trash.append(tmpnm)
   537                 exe = tmpnm
   538             if self.versrsrc:
   539                 tmpnm = tempfile.mktemp()
   540                 shutil.copy2(exe, tmpnm)
   541                 os.chmod(tmpnm, 0755)
   542                 versionInfo.SetVersion(tmpnm, self.versrsrc)
   543                 trash.append(tmpnm)
   544                 exe = tmpnm
   545         exe = checkCache(exe, self.strip, self.upx and config['hasUPX'])
   546         self.copy(exe, outf)
   547         self.copy(, outf)
   548         outf.close()
   549         os.chmod(, 0755)
   550         f = open(self.out, 'w')
   551         pprint.pprint((, self.console, self.debug, self.icon, self.versrsrc,
   552                        self.strip, self.upx, mtime(, f)
   553         f.close()
   554         for item in trash:
   555             os.remove(item)
   556         return 1
   557     def copy(self, fnm, outf):
   558         inf = open(fnm, 'rb')
   559         while 1:
   560             data =*1024)
   561             if not data:
   562                 break
   563             outf.write(data)
   565 class DLL(ELFEXE):
   566     def assemble(self):
   567         print "building DLL", os.path.basename(self.out)
   568         outf = open(, 'wb')
   569         dll = self._bootloader_postfix('support/loader/inprocsrvr')
   570         dll = os.path.join(HOMEPATH, dll)  + '.dll'
   571         self.copy(dll, outf)
   572         self.copy(, outf)
   573         outf.close()
   574         os.chmod(, 0755)
   575         f = open(self.out, 'w')
   576         pprint.pprint((, self.console, self.debug, self.icon, self.versrsrc,
   577                        self.strip, self.upx, mtime(, f)
   578         f.close()
   579         return 1
   581 class NonELFEXE(ELFEXE):
   582     def assemble(self):
   583         print "building NonELFEXE", os.path.basename(self.out)
   584         trash = []
   585         exe = 'support/loader/run'
   586         if not self.console:
   587             exe = exe + 'w'
   588         if self.debug:
   589             exe = exe + '_d'
   590         exe = os.path.join(HOMEPATH, exe)
   591         exe = checkCache(exe, self.strip, self.upx and config['hasUPX'])
   592         shutil.copy2(exe,
   593         os.chmod(, 0755)
   594         shutil.copy2(,'.pkg')
   595         f = open(self.out, 'w')
   596         pprint.pprint((, self.console, self.debug, self.icon, self.versrsrc,
   597                        self.strip, self.upx, mtime(, f)
   598         f.close()
   599         for fnm in trash:
   600             os.remove(fnm)
   601         return 1
   603 if config['useELFEXE']:
   604     EXE = ELFEXE
   605 else:
   606     EXE = NonELFEXE
   608 class COLLECT(Target):
   609     def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
   610         Target.__init__(self)
   611 = kws.get('name',None)
   612         if is None:
   613    = 'dist_' + self.out[:-4]
   614         self.strip_binaries = kws.get('strip',0)
   615         self.upx_binaries = kws.get('upx',0)
   616         if not os.path.isabs(
   617    = os.path.join(SPECPATH,
   618         self.toc = TOC()
   619         for arg in args:
   620             if isinstance(arg, TOC):
   621                 self.toc.extend(arg)
   622             elif isinstance(arg, Target):
   623                 self.toc.append((os.path.basename(,, arg.typ))
   624                 if isinstance(arg, NonELFEXE):
   625                     self.toc.append((os.path.basename('.pkg','.pkg', 'PKG'))
   626                 self.toc.extend(arg.dependencies)
   627             else:
   628                 self.toc.extend(arg)
   629         self.__postinit__()
   630     def check_guts(self, last_build):
   631         outnm = os.path.basename(self.out)
   632         try:
   633             name, strip_binaries, upx_binaries, toc = eval(open(self.out, 'r').read())
   634         except:
   635             print "building %s because %s missing" % (outnm, outnm)
   636             return 1
   637         if name !=
   638             print "building %s because name changed" % outnm
   639             return 1
   640         if strip_binaries != self.strip_binaries:
   641             print "building %s because strip_binaries option changed" % outnm
   642             return 1
   643         if upx_binaries != self.upx_binaries:
   644             print "building %s because upx_binaries option changed" % outnm
   645             return 1
   646         if toc != self.toc:
   647             print "building %s because toc changed" % outnm
   648             return 1
   649         for inm, fnm, typ in self.toc:
   650             if typ == 'EXTENSION':
   651                 ext = os.path.splitext(fnm)[1]
   652                 test = os.path.join(, inm+ext)
   653             else:
   654                 test = os.path.join(, os.path.basename(fnm))
   655             if not os.path.exists(test):
   656                 print "building %s because %s is missing" % (outnm, test)
   657                 return 1
   658             if mtime(fnm) > mtime(test):
   659                 print "building %s because %s is more recent" % (outnm, fnm)
   660                 return 1
   661         return 0
   662     def assemble(self):
   663         print "building COLLECT", os.path.basename(self.out)
   664         if not os.path.exists(
   665             os.mkdir(
   666         toc = TOC()
   667         for inm, fnm, typ in self.toc:
   668             if typ == 'EXTENSION':
   669                 binext = os.path.splitext(fnm)[1]
   670                 if not os.path.splitext(inm)[1] == binext:
   671                     inm = inm + binext
   672             toc.append((inm, fnm, typ))
   673         for inm, fnm, typ in toc:
   674             tofnm = os.path.join(, inm)
   675             todir = os.path.dirname(tofnm)
   676             if not os.path.exists(todir):
   677                 os.makedirs(todir)
   678             if typ in ('EXTENSION', 'BINARY'):
   679                 fnm = checkCache(fnm, self.strip_binaries,
   680                                  self.upx_binaries and ( iswin or cygwin )
   681                                   and config['hasUPX'])
   682             shutil.copy2(fnm, tofnm)
   683             if typ in ('EXTENSION', 'BINARY'):
   684                 os.chmod(tofnm, 0755)
   685         f = open(self.out, 'w')
   686         pprint.pprint((, self.strip_binaries, self.upx_binaries, self.toc), f)
   687         f.close()
   688         return 1
   690 import UserList
   691 class TOC(UserList.UserList):
   692     def __init__(self, initlist=None):
   693         UserList.UserList.__init__(self)
   694         self.fltr = {}
   695         if initlist:
   696             for tpl in initlist:
   697                 self.append(tpl)
   698     def append(self, tpl):
   699         try:
   700             if not self.fltr.get(tpl[0]):
   702                 self.fltr[tpl[0]] = 1
   703         except TypeError:
   704             print "TOC found a %s, not a tuple" % tpl
   705             raise
   706     def insert(self, pos, tpl):
   707         if not self.fltr.get(tpl[0]):
   708   , tpl)
   709             self.fltr[tpl[0]] = 1
   710     def __add__(self, other):
   711         rslt = TOC(
   712         rslt.extend(other)
   713         return rslt
   714     def __radd__(self, other):
   715         rslt = TOC(other)
   716         rslt.extend(
   717         return rslt
   718     def extend(self, other):
   719         for tpl in other:
   720             self.append(tpl)
   721     def __sub__(self, other):
   722         fd = self.fltr.copy()
   723         # remove from fd if it's in other
   724         for tpl in other:
   725             if fd.get(tpl[0],0):
   726                 del fd[tpl[0]]
   727         rslt = TOC()
   728         # return only those things still in fd (preserve order)
   729         for tpl in
   730             if fd.get(tpl[0],0):
   731                 rslt.append(tpl)
   732         return rslt
   733     def __rsub__(self, other):
   734         rslt = TOC(other)
   735         return rslt.__sub__(self)
   736     def intersect(self, other):
   737         rslt = TOC()
   738         for tpl in other:
   739             if self.fltr.get(tpl[0],0):
   740                 rslt.append(tpl)
   741         return rslt
   743 class Tree(Target, TOC):
   744     def __init__(self, root=None, prefix=None, excludes=None):
   745         Target.__init__(self)
   746         TOC.__init__(self)
   747         self.root = root
   748         self.prefix = prefix
   749         self.excludes = excludes
   750         if excludes is None:
   751             self.excludes = []
   752         self.__postinit__()
   753     def check_guts(self, last_build):
   754         outnm = os.path.basename(self.out)
   755         try:
   756             root, prefix, excludes, toc = eval(open(self.out, 'r').read())
   757         except:
   758             print "building %s because %s is missing / bad" % (outnm, outnm)
   759             return 1
   760         if root != self.root:
   761             print "building %s because root changed" % outnm
   762             return 1
   763         if prefix != self.prefix:
   764             print "building %s because prefix changed" % outnm
   765             return 1
   766         if excludes != self.excludes:
   767             print "building %s because excludes changed" % outnm
   768             return 1
   769         stack = [root]
   770         while stack:
   771             d = stack.pop()
   772             if mtime(d) > last_build:
   773                 print "building %s because directory %s changed" % (outnm, d)
   774                 return 1
   775             for nm in os.listdir(d):
   776                 path = os.path.join(d, nm)
   777                 if os.path.isdir(path):
   778                     stack.append(path)
   779 = toc
   780         return 0
   781     def assemble(self):
   782         print "building Tree", os.path.basename(self.out)
   783         stack = [(self.root, self.prefix)]
   784         excludes = {}
   785         xexcludes = {}
   786         for nm in self.excludes:
   787             if nm[0] == '*':
   788                 xexcludes[nm[1:]] = 1
   789             else:
   790                 excludes[nm] = 1
   791         rslt = []
   792         while stack:
   793             dir, prefix = stack.pop()
   794             for fnm in os.listdir(dir):
   795                 if excludes.get(fnm, 0) == 0:
   796                     ext = os.path.splitext(fnm)[1]
   797                     if xexcludes.get(ext,0) == 0:
   798                         fullfnm = os.path.join(dir, fnm)
   799                         rfnm = prefix and os.path.join(prefix, fnm) or fnm
   800                         if os.path.isdir(fullfnm):
   801                             stack.append((fullfnm, rfnm))
   802                         else:
   803                             rslt.append((rfnm, fullfnm, 'DATA'))
   804         try:
   805             oldstuff = eval(open(self.out, 'r').read())
   806         except:
   807             oldstuff = None
   808         if oldstuff != (self.root, self.prefix, self.excludes, rslt):
   809             outf = open(self.out, 'w')
   810             pprint.pprint((self.root, self.prefix, self.excludes, rslt), outf)
   811             outf.close()
   812    = rslt
   813             return 1
   814         print self.out, "no change!"
   815         return 0
   817 def TkTree():
   818     tclroot = config['TCL_root']
   819     tclnm = os.path.join('_MEI', os.path.basename(tclroot))
   820     tkroot = config['TK_root']
   821     tknm = os.path.join('_MEI', os.path.basename(tkroot))
   822     tcltree = Tree(tclroot, tclnm, excludes=['demos','encoding','*.lib'])
   823     tktree = Tree(tkroot, tknm, excludes=['demos','encoding','*.lib'])
   824     return tcltree + tktree
   826 def TkPKG():
   827     return PKG(TkTree(), name='tk.pkg')
   829 usage = """\
   830 Usage: python %s <specfile>
   832 See doc/Tutorial.html for details.
   833 """
   835 if __name__ == '__main__':
   836     if len(sys.argv) < 2:
   837         print usage % sys.argv[0]
   838     else:
   839         build(sys.argv[1])