changeset 1 22878952f6e2
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:509e4801c378 1:22878952f6e2
     1 #! /usr/bin/env python
     2 # Copyright (C) 2005, Giovanni Bajo
     3 # Based on previous work under copyright (c) 2002 McMillan Enterprises, Inc.
     4 #
     5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     6 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     7 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
     8 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     9 #
    10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    13 # GNU General Public License for more details.
    14 #
    15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    16 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    17 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
    19 # This code is courtesy of Thomas Heller, who
    20 # has kindly donated it to this project.
    21 RT_ICON = 3
    22 RT_GROUP_ICON = 14
    25 import struct
    27 class Structure:
    28     def __init__ (self):
    29         size = self._sizeInBytes = struct.calcsize (self._format_)
    30         self._fields_ = list (struct.unpack (self._format_, '\000' * size))
    31         indexes = self._indexes_ = {}
    32         for i in range (len (self._names_)):
    33             indexes[self._names_[i]] = i
    34     def dump (self):
    35         print "I: DUMP of", self
    36         for name in self._names_:
    37             if name[0] != '_':
    38                 print "I: %20s = %s" % (name, getattr (self, name))
    39         print
    40     def __getattr__ (self, name):
    41         if name in self._names_:
    42             index = self._indexes_[name]
    43             return self._fields_[index]
    44         try:
    45             return self.__dict__[name]
    46         except KeyError:
    47             raise AttributeError, name
    48     def __setattr__ (self, name, value):
    49         if name in self._names_:
    50             index = self._indexes_[name]
    51             self._fields_[index] = value
    52         else:
    53             self.__dict__[name] = value
    54     def tostring (self):
    55         return apply (struct.pack, [self._format_,] + self._fields_)
    56     def fromfile (self, file):
    57         data = (self._sizeInBytes)
    58         self._fields_ = list (struct.unpack (self._format_, data))
    60 class ICONDIRHEADER (Structure):
    61     _names_ = "idReserved", "idType", "idCount"
    62     _format_ = "hhh"
    64 class ICONDIRENTRY (Structure):
    65     _names_ = "bWidth", "bHeight", "bColorCount", "bReserved", "wPlanes", "wBitCount", "dwBytesInRes", "dwImageOffset"
    66     _format_ = "bbbbhhii"
    68 class GRPICONDIR (Structure):
    69     _names_ = "idReserved", "idType", "idCount"
    70     _format_ = "hhh"
    72 class GRPICONDIRENTRY (Structure):
    73     _names_ = "bWidth", "bHeight", "bColorCount", "bReserved", "wPlanes", "wBitCount", "dwBytesInRes", "nID"
    74     _format_ = "bbbbhhih"
    76 class IconFile:
    77     def __init__ (self, path):
    78         self.path = path
    79         file = open (path, "rb")
    80         self.entries = []
    81         self.images = []
    82         header = self.header = ICONDIRHEADER()
    83         header.fromfile (file)
    84         for i in range (header.idCount):
    85             entry = ICONDIRENTRY()
    86             entry.fromfile (file)
    87             self.entries.append (entry)
    88         for e in self.entries:
    89    (e.dwImageOffset, 0)
    90             self.images.append ( (e.dwBytesInRes))
    92     def grp_icon_dir (self):
    93         return self.header.tostring()
    95     def grp_icondir_entries (self):
    96         data = ""
    97         i = 1
    98         for entry in self.entries:
    99             e = GRPICONDIRENTRY()
   100             for n in e._names_[:-1]:
   101                 setattr(e, n, getattr (entry, n))
   102             e.nID = i
   103             i = i + 1
   104             data = data + e.tostring()
   105         return data
   108 def CopyIcons_FromIco (dstpath, srcpath):
   109     f = IconFile (srcpath)
   110     print "I: Updating icons from", srcpath, "to", dstpath
   111     import win32api #, win32con
   112     hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource (dstpath, 0)
   113     data = f.grp_icon_dir()
   114     data = data + f.grp_icondir_entries()
   115     win32api.UpdateResource (hdst, RT_GROUP_ICON, 1, data)
   116     print "I: Writing RT_GROUP_ICON resource with %d bytes" % len (data)
   117     i = 1
   118     for data in f.images:
   119         win32api.UpdateResource (hdst, RT_ICON, i, data)
   120         print "I: Writing RT_ICON resource with %d bytes" % len (data)
   121         i = i + 1
   122     win32api.EndUpdateResource (hdst, 0)
   124 def CopyIcons (dstpath, srcpath):
   125     import os.path, string
   126     index = None
   127     try:
   128         srcpath, index = map (string.strip, string.split (srcpath, ','))
   129         index = int (index)
   130     except:
   131         pass
   132     print "I: PATH, INDEX", srcpath, index
   133     srcext = os.path.splitext (srcpath)[1]
   134     if string.lower (srcext) == '.ico':
   135         return CopyIcons_FromIco (dstpath, srcpath)
   136     if index is not None:
   137         print "I: Updating icons from", srcpath, ", %d to" % index, dstpath
   138     else:
   139         print "I: Updating icons from", srcpath, "to", dstpath
   140     import win32api #, win32con
   141     hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource (dstpath, 0)
   142     hsrc = win32api.LoadLibraryEx (srcpath, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
   143     if index is None:
   144         grpname = win32api.EnumResourceNames (hsrc, RT_GROUP_ICON)[0]
   145     elif index >= 0:
   146         grpname = win32api.EnumResourceNames (hsrc, RT_GROUP_ICON)[index]
   147     else:
   148         grpname = -index
   149     data = win32api.LoadResource (hsrc, RT_GROUP_ICON, grpname)
   150     win32api.UpdateResource (hdst, RT_GROUP_ICON, grpname, data)
   151     for iconname in win32api.EnumResourceNames (hsrc, RT_ICON):
   152         data = win32api.LoadResource (hsrc, RT_ICON, iconname)
   153         win32api.UpdateResource (hdst, RT_ICON, iconname, data)
   154     win32api.FreeLibrary (hsrc)
   155     win32api.EndUpdateResource (hdst, 0)