changeset 1 22878952f6e2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/srcanamdw/codescanner/pyinstaller/	Thu Feb 18 12:29:02 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Configure PyInstaller for the current Python installation.
+# Copyright (C) 2005, Giovanni Bajo
+# Based on previous work under copyright (c) 2002 McMillan Enterprises, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
+import os, sys, string, shutil
+HOME = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+iswin = sys.platform[:3] == 'win'
+is24 = hasattr(sys, "version_info") and sys.version_info[:2] >= (2,4)
+cygwin = sys.platform == 'cygwin'
+configfile = os.path.join(HOME, 'config.dat')
+    config = eval(open(configfile, 'r').read())
+except IOError:
+    config = {'useELFEXE':1}    # if not set by we can assume Windows
+# Save Python version, to detect and avoid conflicts
+config["pythonVersion"] = sys.version
+import mf, bindepend
+# EXE_dependencies
+print "I: computing EXE_dependencies"
+python = sys.executable
+if not iswin:
+    while os.path.islink(python):
+        python = os.readlink(python)
+        if not os.path.isabs(python):
+            for dir in string.split(os.environ['PATH'], os.pathsep):
+                test = os.path.join(dir, python)
+                if os.path.exists(test):
+                    python = test
+                    break
+toc = bindepend.Dependencies([('', python, '')])
+if iswin and sys.version[:3] == '1.5':
+    import exceptions
+    toc.append((os.path.basename(exceptions.__file__), exceptions.__file__, 'BINARY'))
+config['EXE_dependencies'] = toc[1:]
+_useTK = """\
+# Generated by
+# This file is public domain
+import os, sys
+    basedir = os.environ['_MEIPASS2']
+except KeyError:
+    basedir = sys.path[0]
+tcldir = os.path.join(basedir, '_MEI', 'tcl%s')
+tkdir = os.path.join(basedir, '_MEI', 'tk%s')
+os.environ["TCL_LIBRARY"] = tcldir
+os.environ["TK_LIBRARY"] = tkdir
+os.putenv("TCL_LIBRARY", tcldir)
+os.putenv("TK_LIBRARY", tkdir)
+# TCL_root, TK_root and support/
+print "I: Finding TCL/TK..."
+if not iswin:
+    saveexcludes = bindepend.excludes
+    bindepend.excludes = {}
+import re
+pattern = [r'libtcl(\d\.\d)?\.so', r'(?i)tcl(\d\d)\.dll'][iswin]
+a = mf.ImportTracker()
+binaries = []
+for modnm, mod in a.modules.items():
+    if isinstance(mod, mf.ExtensionModule):
+        binaries.append((mod.__name__, mod.__file__, 'EXTENSION'))
+binaries.extend(bindepend.Dependencies([('', sys.executable, '')]))
+for nm, fnm, typ in binaries:
+    mo = re.match(pattern, nm)
+    if mo:
+        ver =
+        tclbindir = os.path.dirname(fnm)
+        if iswin:
+            ver = ver[0] + '.' + ver[1:]
+        elif ver is None:
+            # we found "" so we need to get the version from the lib directory
+            for name in os.listdir(tclbindir):
+                mo = re.match(r'tcl(\d.\d)', name)
+                if mo:
+                    ver =
+        print "I: found TCL/TK version %s" % ver
+        open(os.path.join(HOME, 'support/'), 'w').write(_useTK % (ver, ver))
+        tclnm = 'tcl%s' % ver
+        tknm = 'tk%s' % ver
+        # Linux: /usr/lib with the .tcl files in /usr/lib/tcl8.3 and /usr/lib/tk8.3
+        # Windows: Python21/DLLs with the .tcl files in Python21/tcl/tcl8.3 and Python21/tcl/tk8.3
+        #      or  D:/Programs/Tcl/bin with the .tcl files in D:/Programs/Tcl/lib/tcl8.0 and D:/Programs/Tcl/lib/tk8.0
+        if iswin:
+            for attempt in ['../tcl', '../lib']:
+                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tclbindir, attempt, tclnm)):
+                    config['TCL_root'] = os.path.join(tclbindir, attempt, tclnm)
+                    config['TK_root'] = os.path.join(tclbindir, attempt, tknm)
+                    break
+        else:
+            config['TCL_root'] = os.path.join(tclbindir, tclnm)
+            config['TK_root'] = os.path.join(tclbindir, tknm)
+        break
+    print "I: could not find TCL/TK"
+if not iswin:
+    bindepend.excludes = saveexcludes
+print "I: testing for Zlib..."
+    import zlib
+except ImportError:
+    config['useZLIB'] = 0
+    print 'I: ... Zlib unavailable'
+    config['useZLIB'] = 1
+    print 'I: ... Zlib available'
+if iswin:
+    # only available on windows
+    print "I: Testing for ability to set icons, version resources..."
+    try:
+        import win32api, icon, versionInfo
+    except ImportError, detail:
+        config['hasRsrcUpdate'] = 0
+        print 'I: ... resource update unavailable -', detail
+    else:
+        test_exe = os.path.join(HOME, r'support\loader\run_7rw.exe')
+        if not os.path.exists( test_exe ):
+            config['hasRsrcUpdate'] = 0
+            print 'E: ... resource update unavailable - %s not found' % test_exe
+        else:
+            # The test_exe may be read-only
+            # make a writable copy and test using that
+            rw_test_exe = os.path.join( os.environ['TEMP'], 'me_test_exe.tmp' )
+            shutil.copyfile( test_exe, rw_test_exe )
+            try:
+                hexe = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(rw_test_exe,0)
+            except:
+                config['hasRsrcUpdate'] = 0
+                print 'I: ... resource update unavailable - win32api.BeginUpdateResource failed'
+            else:
+                win32api.EndUpdateResource(hexe, 1)
+                config['hasRsrcUpdate'] = 1
+                print 'I: ... resource update available'
+            os.remove(rw_test_exe)
+    config['hasRsrcUpdate'] = 0
+_useUnicode = """\
+# Generated by
+# This file is public domain
+import %s
+_useUnicodeFN = os.path.join(HOME, 'support', '')
+print 'I: Testing for Unicode support...'
+    import codecs
+    config['hasUnicode'] = 1
+    try:
+        import encodings
+    except ImportError:
+        module = "codecs"
+    else:
+        module = "encodings"
+    open(_useUnicodeFN, 'w').write(_useUnicode % module)
+    print 'I: ... Unicode available'
+except ImportError:
+    try:
+        os.remove(_useUnicodeFN)
+    except OSError:
+        pass
+    config['hasUnicode'] = 0
+    print 'I: ... Unicode NOT available'
+print 'I: testing for UPX...'
+hasUPX = 0
+    vers = os.popen("upx -V").readlines()
+    if not vers:
+        hasUPX = 0
+    else:
+        v = string.split(vers[0])[1]
+        hasUPX = tuple(map(int, string.split(v, ".")))
+        if iswin and is24 and hasUPX < (1,92):
+            print 'E: UPX is too old! Python 2.4 under Windows requires UPX 1.92+'
+            hasUPX = 0
+    print 'I: ...UPX %s' % (('unavailable','available')[hasUPX != 0])
+except Exception, e:
+    print 'I: ...exception result in testing for UPX'
+    print e, e.args
+config['hasUPX'] = hasUPX
+# now write out config, so Build can load
+outf = open(configfile, 'w')
+import pprint
+pprint.pprint(config, outf)
+import Build
+# PYZ_dependencies
+print "I: computing PYZ dependencies..."
+a = mf.ImportTracker([os.path.join(HOME, 'support')])
+mod = a.modules['archive']
+toc = Build.TOC([(mod.__name__, mod.__file__, 'PYMODULE')])
+for i in range(len(toc)):
+    nm, fnm, typ = toc[i]
+    mod = a.modules[nm]
+    tmp = []
+    for importednm, isdelayed, isconditional in mod.imports:
+        if not isconditional:
+            realnms = a.analyze_one(importednm, nm)
+            for realnm in realnms:
+                imported = a.modules[realnm]
+                if not isinstance(imported, mf.BuiltinModule):
+                    tmp.append((imported.__name__, imported.__file__, imported.typ))
+    toc.extend(tmp)
+config['PYZ_dependencies'] =
+outf = open(configfile, 'w')
+import pprint
+pprint.pprint(config, outf)