changeset 1 22878952f6e2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/srcanamdw/codescanner/pyinstaller/	Thu Feb 18 12:29:02 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Tkinter interface to the McMillan installer
+# (c) 2003 Alan James Salmoni - yes, all this bad code is all mine!!!
+# released under the MIT license
+import os, os.path
+from Tkinter import *
+import tkFileDialog
+import FileDialog
+class McGUI:
+    def __init__(self):
+        root = Tk()
+        fr1 = Frame(root)
+        fr1["width"] = 200
+        fr1["height"] = 100
+        fr1.pack(side="top")
+        fr2 = Frame(root)
+        fr2["width"] = 200
+        fr2["height"] = 300
+        fr2["borderwidth"] = 2
+        fr2["relief"] = "ridge"
+        fr2.pack()
+        fr4 = Frame(root)
+        fr4["width"]=200
+        fr4["height"]=100
+        fr4.pack(side="bottom")
+        getFileButton = Button(fr1)
+        getFileButton["text"] = "Script..."
+        getFileButton.bind("<Button>",self.GetFile)
+        getFileButton.pack(side="left")
+        self.filein = Entry(fr1)
+        self.filein.pack(side="right")
+        self.filetypecheck = Checkbutton(fr2)
+        self.filetypecheck["text"] = "One File Package                 "
+        self.filetype = IntVar()
+        self.filetypecheck["variable"] = self.filetype
+        self.filetypecheck.pack()
+        self.tkcheck = Checkbutton(fr2)
+        self.tkcheck["text"] = "Include Tcl/Tk                         "
+ = IntVar()
+        self.tkcheck["variable"] =
+        self.tkcheck.pack()
+        self.asciicheck = Checkbutton(fr2)
+        self.asciicheck["text"] = "Do NOT include decodings"
+        self.ascii = IntVar()
+        self.asciicheck["variable"] = self.ascii
+        self.asciicheck.pack()
+        self.debugcheck = Checkbutton(fr2)
+        self.debugcheck["text"] = "Use debug versions             "
+        self.debug = IntVar()
+        self.debugcheck["variable"] = self.debug
+        self.debugcheck.pack()
+        self.noconsolecheck = Checkbutton(fr2)
+        self.noconsolecheck["text"] = "No console (Windows only)"
+        self.noconsole = IntVar()
+        self.noconsolecheck["variable"] = self.noconsole
+        self.noconsolecheck.pack()
+        okaybutton = Button(fr4)
+        okaybutton["text"] = "Okay   "
+        okaybutton.bind("<Button>",self.makePackage)
+        okaybutton.pack(side="left")
+        cancelbutton = Button(fr4)
+        cancelbutton["text"] = "Cancel"
+        cancelbutton.bind("<Button>",self.killapp)
+        cancelbutton.pack(side="right")
+        self.fin = ''
+        self.fout = ''
+        root.mainloop()
+    def killapp(self, event):
+        sys.exit(0)
+    def makePackage(self, event):
+        commands = 'python '
+        if (self.filetype.get() == 1):
+            commands = commands + '--onefile '
+        if ( == 1):
+            commands = commands + '--tk '
+        if (self.ascii.get() == 1):
+            commands = commands + '--ascii '
+        if (self.debug.get() == 1):
+            commands = commands + '--debug '
+        if (self.noconsole.get() == 1):
+            commands = commands + '--noconsole '
+        commands = commands + self.fin
+        x = os.path.split(self.fin)
+        y = os.path.splitext(x[1])
+        os.system(commands)
+        commands = 'python '+str(y[0])+os.sep+str(y[0])+'.spec'
+        os.system(commands)
+        sys.exit(0)
+    def GetFile(self, event):
+        self.fin = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
+        self.filein.insert(0,self.fin)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    app = McGUI()