changeset 1 22878952f6e2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/srcanamdw/codescanner/scripts/	Thu Feb 18 12:29:02 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,1885 @@
+# #################################################################
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# - the main body of CodeScanner
+# #################################################################
+import base64
+import datetime
+import encodings
+import getopt
+import os
+import os.path
+import psyco
+import re
+import sys
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import zlib
+# Ignore flags
+KIgnoreNothing = 0
+KIgnoreComments = 1
+KIgnoreCommentsAndQuotes = 2
+KIgnoreQuotes = 3
+# Severities for the scripts
+KSeverityHigh = 0
+KSeverityMedium = 1
+KSeverityLow = 2
+# The names used in the XML configuration file for severity element names.
+KSeverityConfigMap = {
+			KSeverityHigh		: "high",
+			KSeverityMedium		: "medium",
+			KSeverityLow		: "low"}
+# The names used in the HTML summary file for severity element names.
+KSeverityHTMLMap = {
+			KSeverityHigh		: "High",
+			KSeverityMedium		: "Medium",
+			KSeverityLow		: "Low"}
+# Categories for the scripts
+KCategoryLegal = "Legal Code" 
+KCategoryDefinitePanic = "Always Panic"
+KCategoryCanPanic = "Can Panic"
+KCategoryWrongFunctionality = "Wrong Functionality"
+KCategoryLocalisation = "Localisation"
+KCategoryPerformance = "Performance"
+KCategoryCodingStandards = "Coding Standard"
+KCategoryDocumentation = "Documentation"
+KCategoryCodeReviewGuides = "Code Review Guide"
+KCategoryOther = "Other"
+KCategoryHtmlDisplayOrder = [KCategoryLegal,
+	KCategoryDefinitePanic,
+	KCategoryCanPanic,
+	KCategoryWrongFunctionality,
+	KCategoryLocalisation,
+	KCategoryPerformance,
+	KCategoryCodingStandards,
+	KCategoryDocumentation,
+	KCategoryCodeReviewGuides,
+	KCategoryOther]
+# The names used in the XML configuration file for category element names.
+KCategoryConfigMap = {
+			KCategoryLegal				:	"legal", 
+			KCategoryDefinitePanic		:	"panic", 
+			KCategoryCanPanic			:	"canpanic", 
+			KCategoryWrongFunctionality	:	"functionality",
+			KCategoryLocalisation		:	"localisation",
+			KCategoryPerformance		:	"performance",
+			KCategoryCodingStandards	:	"codingstandards",
+			KCategoryDocumentation		:	"documentation",
+			KCategoryCodeReviewGuides	:	"codereview",
+			KCategoryOther				:	"other"}
+#Custom rule keyword types
+KKeywordBaseClass = "baseclass"
+KKeywordCall = "call"
+KKeywordClassName = "class"
+KKeywordComment = "comment"
+KKeywordGeneric = "generic"
+KKeywordLocal = "local"
+KKeywordMacro = "macro"
+KKeywordMember = "member"
+KKeywordMethod = "method"
+KKeywordParameter = "parameter"
+KKeywordUnknown = "unknown"
+#The names used in the XML configuration file for custom rule keyword types.
+KCustomRuleKeywordMap = {
+			KKeywordBaseClass           :   "baseclass",
+			KKeywordCall                :   "call",
+			KKeywordClassName           :   "class",
+			KKeywordComment             :   "comment",
+			KKeywordGeneric             :   "generic",
+			KKeywordLocal               :   "local",
+			KKeywordMacro               :   "macro",
+			KKeywordMember              :   "member",
+			KKeywordMethod              :   "method",
+			KKeywordParameter           :   "parameter",
+			KKeywordUnknown             :   "unknown"}
+KVersion = "Nokia CodeScanner version 2.1.4"
+KCopyrightLine1 = "Copyright (c) 2007-2009. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved."
+KCopyrightLine1Html = "Copyright © 2007-2009. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved."
+KCopyrightLine2 = "For product and support information, visit"
+KWww = ""
+stringPool = {}
+def Usage(code, msg=""):
+	print msg
+	print
+	print KVersion
+	print
+	print "Usage: CodeScanner [options] <source dir> [<output dir>]"	
+	print "   or: CodeScanner [options] <source file> [<output dir>]"
+	print 
+	print "options:"
+	print "    -h - display command help"
+	print "    -v - display verbose messages"
+	print "    -c <config file> - use specified configuration file"
+	print "    -i <source dir/file> - specify additional directory/file to scan"
+	print "    -l <log file> - create debug log with specified filename"
+	print "    -o html|xml|std - specify output format : HTML, XML or StdOut; default is HTML"
+	print "    -x url to lxr site"
+	print "    -r lxr version"
+	print "    -t on/off - create a time-stamped directory for results, default is on"
+	print
+	print "<source dir> is the directory containing the source code to scan"
+	print "<source file> is the single file containing the source code to scan"
+	print "<output dir> is the directory in which to produce the output"
+	print
+	print "Notes:"
+	print "<source dir> and <output dir> cannot be identical"
+	print "<output dir> cannot be the root of a drive"
+	print
+	print KCopyrightLine1
+	print KCopyrightLine2
+	if scanner.iLog <> None:
+		scanner.iLog.Write("usage(): exiting with code " + str(code))
+		scanner.iLog.Close()
+	sys.exit(code)
+def DefaultCompare(aLines, aCurrentline, aRematch, aFilename):
+	if[aCurrentline]):
+		return 1
+	else:
+		return 0
+def DefaultFuncParamCompare(lines, currentline, rematch, filename):
+	# distinguish local declaration from function parameter
+    line = lines[currentline]
+    m =
+    if m:
+        isFuncParam = (line.find(")") <> -1)
+        isLocal = (line.find(";") <> -1)
+        while (not isFuncParam) and (not isLocal) and (currentline + 1 < len(lines)):
+            currentline += 1
+            line = lines[currentline]
+            isFuncParam = (line.find(")") <> -1)
+            isLocal = (line.find(";") <> -1)
+        if isFuncParam:
+            return 1
+        elif isLocal:
+            return 0
+    return 0
+def ScanDirOrFile(argument):
+	if os.path.isdir(argument):
+		scanner.iComponentManager.SetRoot(argument)
+		scanner.TraverseDirectory(argument)
+	elif os.path.isfile(argument):
+		parentDir = os.path.dirname(argument)
+		scanner.iComponentManager.SetRoot(parentDir)
+		scanner.iComponentManager.BeginDirectory(parentDir)
+		numberOfLinesScanned = 0
+		numberOfLinesScanned += scanner.ScanFile(argument)
+		scanner.iComponentManager.EndDirectory(parentDir, numberOfLinesScanned)
+	else:
+		print "Unable to open specified source file: " + argument
+		sys.exit(2)
+class CScript:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CScript - a test script
+	def __init__(self, aScriptName):
+		self.iScriptName = aScriptName
+		self.iCompare = DefaultCompare
+		self.iReString = ""
+		self.iReMatch = re.compile("")
+		self.iTitle = stringPool[aScriptName + "!title"]
+		self.iIdeTitle = stringPool[aScriptName + "!ideTitle"]
+		self.iFileExts = []
+		self.iIgnore = KIgnoreNothing
+		self.iDescription = stringPool[aScriptName + "!description"]
+		self.iSeverity = KSeverityMedium
+		self.iBaseClass = ""
+	def ScriptConfig(self):
+		if (scanner.iDomConfig <> None):
+			for scriptsNode in scanner.iDomConfig.getElementsByTagName("scripts"):
+				for scriptNode in scriptsNode.getElementsByTagName(self.iScriptName):
+					return scriptNode
+		return None
+	def DefaultInheritanceCompare(self, lines, currentline, rematch, filename):
+		m =[currentline])
+		if m:
+			inheritanceString =
+			# check for inheritance list spanning multiple lines
+			i = currentline + 1
+			while (inheritanceString.find("{") == -1) and i < len(lines):
+				if (inheritanceString.find(";") <> -1):
+					return 0
+				inheritanceString += lines[i]
+				i += 1
+			# construct inheritance class list
+			inheritancelist = inheritanceString.split(",")
+			reclass = re.compile("[\s:]*(public|protected|private)?\s*([\w:]+)")
+			classlist = []
+			for inheritance in inheritancelist:
+				match =
+				if match:
+					inheritclass =
+					colonpos = inheritclass.rfind(":")
+					if (colonpos <> -1):
+						inheritclass = inheritclass[colonpos + 1:]
+					classlist.append(inheritclass)
+			# search for inheritance class
+			for classname in classlist:
+				if classname == self.iBaseClass:
+					return 1
+		return 0
+class CCustomScript(CScript):
+	# #######################################################
+	# CScript - a test script based on a custom rule
+	def __init__(self, aScriptName):
+		self.iScriptName = aScriptName
+		self.iCompare = DefaultCompare
+		self.iReString = ""
+		self.iTitle = ""
+		self.iIdeTitle = ""
+		self.iFileExts = []
+		self.iIgnore = KIgnoreNothing
+		self.iDescription = ""
+class CCategorisedScripts:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CCategorisedScripts - a collection of scripts sorted
+	# by script category (panic, can panic, etc.)
+	def AddScript(self, aScript):
+		# do we have a category for this already?
+		category = aScript.iCategory
+		if (not self.iScripts.has_key(category)):
+			# no, create a linear array here
+			self.iScripts[category] = []
+		# append to the correct category
+		self.iScripts[category].append(aScript)
+		# compile the reg-ex otherwise will get continuous hits
+		aScript.iReMatch = re.compile(aScript.iReString, re.VERBOSE)
+	def AllScripts(self):
+		result = []
+		for scripts in self.iScripts.values():
+			result += scripts
+		return result
+	def PrintListOfTestScripts(self):
+		for category in self.iScripts.keys():
+			print(category + "\n----------------------------------")
+			for script in self.iScripts[category]:
+				print("\t" + script.iScriptName)
+		print("")
+	# iScripts is a 2D array, 1st level is a hash of categories
+	#                         2nd level is linear array
+	iScripts = {}        
+class CLogger:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CLogger
+	# a simple log file interface
+	def __init__(self, aFilename):
+		if aFilename != None and len(aFilename) > 0:
+			self.iFile = file(aFilename, "w")
+			self.iFile.write(KVersion + " started at " + + "\n")
+		else:
+			self.iFile = None
+	def Write(self, aText):
+		if self.iFile <> None:
+			self.iFile.write(str(":"+aText+"\n")
+			self.iFile.flush()
+	def Close(self):
+		if self.iFile <> None:
+			self.iFile.write(KVersion + " ended at " + + "\n")
+			self.iFile.close()
+class CRendererBase:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CRendererBase - base class for renderers
+	def RegisterSelf(self, aName, aDescription, aRendererManager):
+		self.iName = aName
+		self.iDescription = aDescription
+		aRendererManager.AddRenderer(self)
+	def BeginComponent(self, aComponent):
+		return
+	def BeginFile(self, aFilename):
+		return
+	def ReportError(self, aLineContext, aScript):
+		return
+	def EndFile(self):
+		return
+	def EndComponent(self, aComponent):
+		return
+class CStdOutRenderer(CRendererBase):
+	# #######################################################
+	# CStdOutRenderer - renderer for Standard Console Output
+	# Output goes to standard output; when run in Carbide, 
+	# this shows up in the output window. Correctly formatted 
+	# lines can then be selected, automatically selecting 
+	# the corresponding line of the associated source file. 
+	# The format is:
+	#   <filename>(<line>) : <comment>
+	def __init__(self, aRendererManager):
+		self.RegisterSelf("stdout", "StdOut renderer", aRendererManager)
+		print KVersion
+	def BeginComponent(self, aComponent):
+		return
+	def BeginFile(self, aFilename):
+		self.iErrorCount = 0
+		scanner.ReportAction("Scanning file " + aFilename)
+	def ReportError(self, aLineContext, aScript):
+		self.iErrorCount += 1
+		if (aScript.iSeverity == KSeverityLow):
+			msgType = "info"
+		elif (aScript.iSeverity == KSeverityMedium):
+			msgType = "warning"
+		elif (aScript.iSeverity == KSeverityHigh):
+			msgType = "error"
+		print(aLineContext.iFileName + "(" + str(aLineContext.iLineNumber) + ") : " + msgType + ": " + aScript.iScriptName + ": " + KSeverityConfigMap[aScript.iSeverity] + ": " + KCategoryConfigMap[aScript.iCategory] + ": " + aScript.iIdeTitle)
+		if len(scanner.iRendererManager.iAnnotation)>0:
+			print scanner.iRendererManager.iAnnotation
+			scanner.iRendererManager.iAnnotation = ""
+	def EndFile(self):
+		scanner.ReportAction("Total problems found in file: " + str(self.iErrorCount))
+	def EndComponent(self, aComponent):
+		scanner.iEndTime =
+		return
+class CXmlComponentSummaryFile:
+	# #########################################################
+	# CXmlComponentSummaryFile
+	# Encapsulates the script (problem) summary for XML output.
+	# For each script, there is a listing for occurrences
+	# of that script's problem and location of each occurrence.
+	def CreateSummary(self, aXmlRenderer):
+		try:
+			outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(aXmlRenderer.iOutputDirectory, "problemIndex.xml"))
+			outputFile = file(outputPath, "w")
+		except IOError:
+			scanner.ReportError("IOError : Unable to create output file " + outputPath)
+		else:
+			errors = aXmlRenderer.iErrors
+			level = 0
+			indent = "   "
+			outputFile.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n")
+			outputFile.write(level * indent + "<problemIndex>\n")
+			level += 1
+			for category in KCategoryHtmlDisplayOrder:
+				found = False
+				if scanner.iCategoriedScripts.iScripts.has_key(category):
+					for script in scanner.iCategoriedScripts.iScripts[category]:
+						if errors.has_key(script.iScriptName):
+							found = True
+							break
+					if found:
+						outputFile.write(level * indent + "<category")
+						outputFile.write(" name=\"" + KCategoryConfigMap[category] + "\">\n")
+						level += 1
+						for script in scanner.iCategoriedScripts.iScripts[category]:
+							if errors.has_key(script.iScriptName):
+								outputFile.write(level * indent + "<problem")
+								outputFile.write(" name=\"" + script.iScriptName + "\"")
+								outputFile.write(" severity=\"" + KSeverityConfigMap[script.iSeverity] + "\">\n")
+								level += 1
+								for fileName, lines in errors[script.iScriptName].items():
+									outputFile.write(level * indent + "<file")
+									outputFile.write(" path=\"" + fileName + "\">\n")
+									level += 1
+									for lineNo in lines:
+										outputFile.write(level * indent + str(lineNo) + "\n")
+									level -= 1
+									outputFile.write(level * indent + "</file>\n")
+								level -= 1
+								outputFile.write(level * indent + "</problem>\n")
+						level -= 1
+						outputFile.write(level * indent + "</category>\n")
+			level -= 1
+			outputFile.write(level * indent + "</problemIndex>\n")
+			outputFile.close()
+class CXmlRenderer(CRendererBase):
+	# ########################################
+	# CXmlRenderer - a renderer for XML output
+	def __init__(self, aRendererManager, aOutputDirectory):
+		self.RegisterSelf("xml", "XML renderer", aRendererManager)
+		self.iOutputDirectory = aOutputDirectory
+		if os.path.isdir(self.iOutputDirectory) != True :
+			os.makedirs(self.iOutputDirectory)
+		self.iErrors = {} 
+		print
+		print KVersion
+		print KCopyrightLine1
+		print KCopyrightLine2
+	def BeginComponent(self, aComponent):
+		return
+	def BeginFile(self, aFilename):
+		self.iFilename = aFilename
+		scanner.ReportAction("Scanning file " + aFilename)
+	def ReportError(self, aLineContext, aScript):
+		scriptName = aScript.iScriptName
+		fileName = aLineContext.iFileName
+		lineNumber = aLineContext.iLineNumber
+		if (not self.iErrors.has_key(scriptName)):
+			self.iErrors[scriptName] = {}
+		if (not self.iErrors[scriptName].has_key(fileName)):
+			self.iErrors[scriptName][fileName] = []
+		self.iErrors[scriptName][fileName].append(lineNumber)
+	def EndFile(self):
+		#tbd
+		return
+	def EndComponent(self, aComponent):
+		relativeComponentName = scanner.iComponentManager.RelativeComponentName(aComponent.iFullPath)
+		if len(relativeComponentName) < 1:	# root component - final component
+			scanner.iEndTime =
+			componentSummaryFile = CXmlComponentSummaryFile()
+			componentSummaryFile.CreateSummary(self)
+class CHtmlOutputFileBase:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CHtmlOutputFileBase - base class for HTML output files
+	def WriteHeader(self, aOutputFile):
+		aOutputFile.write("<html><body>")
+	def Write(self, aOutputFile, aText):
+		aOutputFile.write(aText)
+	def WriteLink(self, aOutputFile, aHref, aText):
+		aHref = self.CleanupLink(aHref)
+		aOutputFile.write("<a href=\"" + aHref + "\">" + aText + "</a>")
+	def WriteElement(self, aOutputFile, aElementName, aElementValue):
+		aOutputFile.write("<"+aElementName+">"+aElementValue+"</"+aElementName+">")
+	def WriteBreak(self, aOutputFile):
+		aOutputFile.write("<br>")
+	def WriteFooter(self, aOutputFile):
+		aOutputFile.write("<br><hr><center><h5>"+KCopyrightLine1Html+"</h5>")
+		aOutputFile.write("<h5>")
+		CHtmlOutputFileBase.WriteLink(self, aOutputFile, "http://"+KWww, KWww)
+		aOutputFile.write("</h5></center></body></html>")
+	def CleanupLink(self, aHref):
+		# Mozilla Firefox does not handle link with the '#' character correctly, 
+		# so we need to replace it with the equivalent URL encoding "%23"
+		aHref = aHref.replace("#", "%23")
+		# Mozilla Firefox sometimes does not handle link with '\' correctly,
+		# so we need to replace it with '/'
+		aHref = aHref.replace('\\', '/')
+		return aHref
+class CHtmlOutputFile(CHtmlOutputFileBase):
+	# #######################################################
+	# CHtmlOutputFile - simplified access to HTML output file
+	def __init__(self, aOutputPath):
+		if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(aOutputPath)):
+			os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(aOutputPath))
+		self.iOutputFile = file(aOutputPath, "w")
+		self.WriteHeader(self.iOutputFile)
+	def Write(self, aText):
+		CHtmlOutputFileBase.Write(self, self.iOutputFile, aText)
+	def WriteLink(self, aHref, aText):
+		CHtmlOutputFileBase.WriteLink(self, self.iOutputFile, aHref, aText)
+	def WriteElement(self, aElementName, aElementValue):
+		CHtmlOutputFileBase.WriteElement(self, self.iOutputFile, aElementName, aElementValue)
+	def WriteBreak(self):
+		CHtmlOutputFileBase.WriteBreak(self, self.iOutputFile)
+	def Close(self):
+		self.WriteFooter(self.iOutputFile)
+		self.iOutputFile.close()
+class CHtmlComponentSummaryFiles:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CHtmlComponentSummaryFiles
+	# Encapsulates the component summary files for HTML output.
+	# For each component, there is a component report file listing the number 
+	# of occurrences of each problem type. There is also a single index or 
+	# summary file with links to each of the component report files.
+	def CreateSummaries(self, aHtmlRenderer, aOutputDirectory):
+		totalErrorCount = 0
+		outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(aOutputDirectory, "componentIndex.html"))
+		componentSummaryFile = CHtmlOutputFile(outputPath)
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("<font face=verdana>")
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteElement("h2", "Component Summary")
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("Source: "+scanner.iSource)
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("Scan started at:   " + scanner.iStartTime)
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("Scan completed at: " + scanner.iEndTime)
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteLink("problemIndex.html", "View problems by type")
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("<hr>")
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("<table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">")
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("<tr bgcolor=\"#0099ff\">")
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteElement("th width=\"75%\"", "Component")
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteElement("th", "Items Found")
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteElement("th", "Lines of Code")
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteElement("th", "Possible Defects/KLOC")
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("</tr>")
+		for component in scanner.iComponentManager.iCompletedComponents:
+			componentName = scanner.iComponentManager.ComponentName(component.iFullPath)
+			outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(aOutputDirectory, "byComponent"))
+			outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(outputPath, componentName))
+			outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(outputPath, "componentSummary.html"))
+			errorCount = self.WriteComponentReport(aHtmlRenderer, outputPath, component.iFullPath, componentName)
+			if (errorCount > 0):
+				totalErrorCount = totalErrorCount + errorCount
+				numberOfLinesScanned = component.iNumberOfLinesScanned
+				if (numberOfLinesScanned > 0):
+					defectsPerKLOC = int((1000.0 / numberOfLinesScanned) * errorCount)
+				else:
+					defectsPerKLOC = 0
+				componentSummaryFile.Write("<tr>")
+				componentSummaryFile.Write("<td>")
+				relOutputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join("byComponent", componentName))
+				relOutputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(relOutputPath, "componentSummary.html"))
+				componentSummaryFile.WriteLink(relOutputPath, component.iFullPath)
+				componentSummaryFile.Write("</td>")
+				componentSummaryFile.Write("<td>")
+				componentSummaryFile.WriteElement("center",str(errorCount))
+				componentSummaryFile.Write("</td>")
+				componentSummaryFile.Write("<td>")
+				componentSummaryFile.WriteElement("center",str(numberOfLinesScanned))
+				componentSummaryFile.Write("</td>")
+				componentSummaryFile.Write("<td>")
+				componentSummaryFile.WriteElement("center",str(defectsPerKLOC))
+				componentSummaryFile.Write("</td>")
+				componentSummaryFile.Write("</tr>")
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("<tr>")
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("<td>")
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteElement("b", "Total")
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("</td>")
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("<td><center>")
+		componentSummaryFile.WriteElement("b", str(totalErrorCount))
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("</center></td>")
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("</tr>")
+		componentSummaryFile.Write("</table>")
+		componentSummaryFile.Close()
+	def WriteComponentReport(self, aHtmlRenderer, aOutputPath, aComponentFullPath, aComponentName):
+		totalErrorCount = 0
+		componentReportFile = CHtmlOutputFile(aOutputPath)
+		componentReportFile.Write("<font face=verdana>")
+		componentReportFile.WriteElement("h2", "Component Report")
+		componentReportFile.WriteElement("h3", "Component: "+aComponentFullPath)
+		componentReportFile.Write("<font face=verdana color=black>")
+		found = False
+		for category in KCategoryHtmlDisplayOrder:
+			if scanner.iCategoriedScripts.iScripts.has_key(category):
+				for script in scanner.iCategoriedScripts.iScripts[category]:
+					errorCount = scanner.iComponentManager.ScriptComponentErrorCount(aComponentFullPath, script.iScriptName)
+					if errorCount > 0:
+						found = True
+						break
+		if found:
+			componentReportFile.Write("<table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">")
+			componentReportFile.Write("<tr bgcolor=\"#0099ff\">")
+			componentReportFile.WriteElement("th width=\"75%\"", "Problem")
+			componentReportFile.WriteElement("th", "Items Found")
+			componentReportFile.WriteElement("th", "Severity")
+			componentReportFile.Write("</tr>")
+			for category in KCategoryHtmlDisplayOrder:
+				if scanner.iCategoriedScripts.iScripts.has_key(category):
+					for script in scanner.iCategoriedScripts.iScripts[category]:
+						errorCount = scanner.iComponentManager.ScriptComponentErrorCount(aComponentFullPath, script.iScriptName)
+						if errorCount > 0:
+							componentReportFile.Write("<tr>")
+							componentReportFile.Write("<td>")
+							#scriptComponentPath = aHtmlRenderer.ScriptComponentPath(aComponentFullPath, script.iScriptName)
+							#componentReportFile.WriteLink(scriptComponentPath, script.iTitle)
+							componentReportFile.WriteLink(script.iScriptName+".html", script.iTitle)
+							componentReportFile.Write("</td>")
+							componentReportFile.Write("<td>")
+							componentReportFile.WriteElement("center", str(errorCount))
+							componentReportFile.Write("</td>")
+							componentReportFile.Write("<td>")
+							componentReportFile.WriteElement("center", KSeverityHTMLMap[script.iSeverity])
+							componentReportFile.Write("</td>")
+							componentReportFile.Write("</tr>")
+							totalErrorCount = totalErrorCount + errorCount
+			componentReportFile.Write("<tr>")
+			componentReportFile.Write("<td>")
+			componentReportFile.WriteElement("b", "Total")
+			componentReportFile.Write("</td>")
+			componentReportFile.Write("<td><center>")
+			componentReportFile.WriteElement("b", str(totalErrorCount))
+			componentReportFile.Write("</center></td>")
+			componentReportFile.Write("</tr>")
+			componentReportFile.Write("</table>")
+		else:
+			componentReportFile.WriteBreak()
+			componentReportFile.WriteElement("i", "There are no items to report for this component.")
+			componentReportFile.WriteBreak()
+		componentReportFile.Close()
+		return totalErrorCount
+class CHtmlScriptSummaryFiles:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CHtmlScriptSummaryFiles
+	# Encapsulates the script (problem) summary files for HTML output.
+	# For each script, there is a file listing the number of occurrences
+	# of that script's problem for each component. There is also a single
+	# index or summary file with links to each of the problem report file.
+	def CreateSummaries(self, aHtmlRenderer, aOutputDirectory):
+		totalErrorCount = 0
+		outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(aOutputDirectory, "problemIndex.html"))
+		scriptSummaryFile = CHtmlOutputFile(outputPath)
+		scriptSummaryFile.Write("<font face=verdana>")
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteElement("h2", "Problem Summary")
+		scriptSummaryFile.Write("Source: "+scanner.iSource)
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		scriptSummaryFile.Write("Scan started at:   " + scanner.iStartTime)
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		scriptSummaryFile.Write("Scan completed at: " + scanner.iEndTime)
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteLink("componentIndex.html", "View problems by component")
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		scriptSummaryFile.Write("<hr>")
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		for category in KCategoryHtmlDisplayOrder:
+			if scanner.iCategoriedScripts.iScripts.has_key(category):
+				scriptSummaryFile.WriteElement("h3", "Category: "+category)
+				scriptSummaryFile.Write("<table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">")
+				scriptSummaryFile.Write("<tr bgcolor=\"#0099ff\">")
+				scriptSummaryFile.WriteElement("th width=\"75%\"", "Problem")
+				scriptSummaryFile.WriteElement("th", "Items Found")
+				scriptSummaryFile.WriteElement("th", "Severity")
+				scriptSummaryFile.Write("</tr>")
+				categoryErrorCount = 0
+				for script in scanner.iCategoriedScripts.iScripts[category]:
+					outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(aOutputDirectory, "byProblem"))
+					outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(outputPath, script.iScriptName+"Summary.html"))
+					errorCount = self.WriteScriptReport(aHtmlRenderer, outputPath, script)
+					categoryErrorCount = categoryErrorCount + errorCount
+					scriptSummaryFile.Write("<tr>")
+					scriptSummaryFile.Write("<td>")
+					relOutputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join("byProblem", script.iScriptName+"Summary.html"))
+					scriptSummaryFile.WriteLink(relOutputPath, script.iTitle)
+					scriptSummaryFile.Write("</td>")
+					scriptSummaryFile.Write("<td>")
+					scriptSummaryFile.WriteElement("center", str(errorCount))
+					scriptSummaryFile.Write("</td>")
+					scriptSummaryFile.Write("<td>")
+					scriptSummaryFile.WriteElement("center", KSeverityHTMLMap[script.iSeverity])
+					scriptSummaryFile.Write("</td>")
+					scriptSummaryFile.Write("</tr>")
+				totalErrorCount = totalErrorCount + categoryErrorCount
+				scriptSummaryFile.Write("<tr>")
+				scriptSummaryFile.Write("<td>")
+				scriptSummaryFile.WriteElement("b", "Category Total")
+				scriptSummaryFile.Write("</td>")
+				scriptSummaryFile.Write("<td>")
+				scriptSummaryFile.WriteElement("center", "<b>"+str(categoryErrorCount)+"</b>")
+				scriptSummaryFile.Write("</td>")
+				scriptSummaryFile.Write("</tr>")
+				scriptSummaryFile.Write("</table>")
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteElement("b", "Total: " + str(totalErrorCount))
+		scriptSummaryFile.WriteBreak()
+		scriptSummaryFile.Close()
+	def WriteScriptReport(self, aHtmlRenderer, aOutputPath, aScript):
+		totalErrorCount = 0
+		scriptReportFile = CHtmlOutputFile(aOutputPath)
+		scriptReportFile.Write("<font face=verdana>")
+		scriptReportFile.WriteElement("h2", "Problem Report")
+		scriptReportFile.WriteElement("h3", "Problem: " + aScript.iTitle)
+		scriptReportFile.Write(aScript.iDescription)
+		scriptReportFile.WriteBreak()
+		scriptReportFile.WriteBreak()
+		found = False
+		for component in scanner.iComponentManager.iCompletedComponents:
+			errorCount = scanner.iComponentManager.ScriptComponentErrorCount(component.iFullPath, aScript.iScriptName)
+			if errorCount > 0:
+				found = True
+				break
+		if found:
+			scriptReportFile.Write("<table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\">")
+			scriptReportFile.Write("<tr bgcolor=\"#0099ff\">")
+			scriptReportFile.WriteElement("th width=\"80%\"", "Component")
+			scriptReportFile.WriteElement("th", "Items Found")
+			scriptReportFile.Write("</tr>")
+			for component in scanner.iComponentManager.iCompletedComponents:
+				errorCount = scanner.iComponentManager.ScriptComponentErrorCount(component.iFullPath, aScript.iScriptName)
+				if errorCount > 0:
+					scriptReportFile.Write("<tr>")
+					scriptReportFile.Write("<td>")
+					scriptComponentPath = aHtmlRenderer.ScriptComponentPath(component.iFullPath, aScript.iScriptName, "..")
+					scriptReportFile.WriteLink(scriptComponentPath, component.iFullPath)
+					scriptReportFile.Write("</td>")
+					scriptReportFile.Write("<td>")
+					scriptReportFile.WriteElement("center", str(errorCount))
+					scriptReportFile.Write("</td>")
+					scriptReportFile.Write("</tr>")
+					totalErrorCount = totalErrorCount + errorCount
+			scriptReportFile.Write("<tr>")
+			scriptReportFile.Write("<td>")
+			scriptReportFile.WriteElement("b", "Total")
+			scriptReportFile.Write("</td>")
+			scriptReportFile.Write("<td><center>")
+			scriptReportFile.WriteElement("b", str(totalErrorCount))
+			scriptReportFile.Write("</center></td>")
+			scriptReportFile.Write("</tr>")
+			scriptReportFile.Write("</table>")
+		else:
+			scriptReportFile.WriteBreak()
+			scriptReportFile.WriteElement("i", "There are no items of this problem type to report.")
+			scriptReportFile.WriteBreak()
+		scriptReportFile.Close()
+		return totalErrorCount
+class CHtmlScriptComponentFile:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CHtmlScriptComponentFile
+	# Encapsulates access to the HTML output files with the greatest amount of detail.
+	# Each of these files is for a specific problem (script) and for a specific component.
+	# The file handle is closed between each call to avoid exhausting the system
+	# limit for open file handles. Many of these files may be open at one time,
+	# and the number of open files is dependent on both the directory structure
+	# being traversed and the number of types of problems found.
+	def __init__(self, aLxrUrl, aLxrVersion):
+		self.iLxrUrl = aLxrUrl
+		self.iLxrVersion = aLxrVersion
+	def BeginOutputFile(self, aOutputPath, aScript, aComponentName):
+		if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(aOutputPath)):
+			os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(aOutputPath))
+		outputFile = file(aOutputPath, "w")
+		self.iScriptComponentFile = CHtmlOutputFileBase()
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.Write(outputFile, "<font face=verdana>")
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.WriteHeader(outputFile)
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.WriteElement(outputFile, "h2", "Detailed Problem Report")
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.WriteElement(outputFile, "h3", "Component: "+aComponentName)
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.WriteElement(outputFile, "h3", "Problem: "+aScript.iTitle)
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.Write(outputFile, aScript.iDescription)
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.WriteBreak(outputFile)
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.Write(outputFile, "<hr>")
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.WriteBreak(outputFile)
+		outputFile.close()
+	def ReportError(self, aOutputPath, aLineContext):
+		outputFile = file(aOutputPath, "a")
+		if self.iLxrUrl == None:
+			# Mozilla Firefox cannot open links to local files, 
+			# so it is necessary to convert local file path
+			filePath = "file:///" + aLineContext.iFileName
+		else:
+			# generate link to LXR server instead of local file system
+			filePath = self.iLxrUrl + aLineContext.iFileName[len(scanner.iComponentManager.iRootPath):]
+			if self.iLxrVersion <> None:
+				filePath = filePath + "?v="+self.iLxrVersion
+			filePath = filePath + '#%03d'%aLineContext.iLineNumber
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.WriteLink(outputFile, filePath, self.TrimFileName(aLineContext))
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.Write(outputFile, "(" + str(aLineContext.iLineNumber) + ") ")
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.Write(outputFile, aLineContext.iClassName+"::"+aLineContext.iMethodName+" ")
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.Write(outputFile, "<code><font color=red>"+self.CleanUpText(aLineContext.iLineText))
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.Write(outputFile, "</font></code>")
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.WriteBreak(outputFile)
+		if len(scanner.iRendererManager.iAnnotation)>0:
+			self.iScriptComponentFile.Write(outputFile, scanner.iRendererManager.iAnnotation)
+			self.iScriptComponentFile.WriteBreak(outputFile)
+			scanner.iRendererManager.iAnnotation = ""
+		outputFile.close()
+	def EndOutputFile(self, aOutputPath):
+		outputFile = file(aOutputPath, "a")
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.WriteFooter(outputFile)
+		outputFile.close()
+	def TrimFileName(self, aLineContext):
+		filename = aLineContext.iFileName
+		componentNameLen = len(aLineContext.iComponentName)
+		if len(filename) > componentNameLen:
+			if filename[0:componentNameLen] == aLineContext.iComponentName:
+				filename = filename[componentNameLen:]
+				if filename[0] == os.path.sep:
+					filename = filename[1:]
+		return filename
+	def CleanUpText(self, aLineText):
+		# check for sub-strings that look like HTML tags and preform clean up if needed
+		reTag = re.compile(r"""(<.+>)""", re.VERBOSE)
+		foundTag =
+		if foundTag:
+			aNewLineText = aLineText.replace("<", "&lt;")
+			aNewLineText = aNewLineText.replace(">", "&gt;")
+			return aNewLineText
+		else:
+			return aLineText		
+def ComponentCompare(a, b):
+	return cmp(os.path.normcase(a.iFullPath), os.path.normcase(b.iFullPath))
+class CHtmlRenderer(CRendererBase):
+	# #######################################################
+	# CHtmlRenderer - a renderer for HTML output
+	# I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. 
+	#  - Winston Churchill, 1940 
+	def __init__(self, aRendererManager, aOutputDirectory, aLxrUrl, aLxrVersion):
+		self.RegisterSelf("html", "HTML renderer", aRendererManager)
+		self.iOutputDirectory = aOutputDirectory
+		if os.path.isdir(self.iOutputDirectory) != True :
+			os.makedirs(self.iOutputDirectory)
+		self.iScriptComponentFile = CHtmlScriptComponentFile(aLxrUrl, aLxrVersion)
+		self.iScriptComponentFilePaths = {}
+		print
+		print KVersion
+		print KCopyrightLine1
+		print KCopyrightLine2
+	def BeginFile(self, aFilename):
+		self.iFilename = aFilename
+		scanner.ReportAction("Scanning file " + aFilename)
+	def ReportError(self, aLineContext, aScript):
+		outputPath = self.ScriptComponentPath(aLineContext.iComponentName, aScript.iScriptName)
+		if not os.path.isfile(outputPath):
+			self.iScriptComponentFilePaths[aLineContext.iComponentName].append(outputPath)
+			self.iScriptComponentFile.BeginOutputFile(outputPath, aScript, aLineContext.iComponentName)
+		self.iScriptComponentFile.ReportError(outputPath, aLineContext)
+	def EndFile(self):
+		return
+	def BeginComponent(self, aComponent):
+		self.iScriptComponentFilePaths[aComponent.iFullPath] = []
+	def EndComponent(self, aComponent):
+		if self.iScriptComponentFilePaths.has_key(aComponent.iFullPath):
+			for outputPath in self.iScriptComponentFilePaths[aComponent.iFullPath]:
+				self.iScriptComponentFile.EndOutputFile(outputPath)
+			del self.iScriptComponentFilePaths[aComponent.iFullPath]
+		relativeComponentName = scanner.iComponentManager.RelativeComponentName(aComponent.iFullPath)
+		if len(relativeComponentName) < 1:	# root component - final component
+			scanner.iEndTime =
+			scanner.iComponentManager.iCompletedComponents.sort(ComponentCompare)
+			scriptSummaryFiles = CHtmlScriptSummaryFiles()
+			scriptSummaryFiles.CreateSummaries(self, self.iOutputDirectory)
+			componentSummaryFiles = CHtmlComponentSummaryFiles()
+			componentSummaryFiles.CreateSummaries(self, self.iOutputDirectory)
+	def ScriptComponentPath(self, aComponentName, aScriptName, aRel=None):
+		componentName = scanner.iComponentManager.ComponentName(aComponentName)
+		if aRel==None:
+			aRel = self.iOutputDirectory
+		outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(aRel, "byComponent"))
+		outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(outputPath, componentName))
+		outputPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(outputPath, aScriptName+".html"))
+		return outputPath
+class CRendererManager:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CRendererManager
+	# this class handles all the renderers 
+	def __init__(self):
+		# declare associative list of renderers: iRendererList[name]=renderer
+		self.iRendererList = {}
+		self.iAnnotation = ""
+	def AddRenderer(self, aRenderer):
+		self.iRendererList[aRenderer.iName.lower()] = aRenderer
+	def PrintListOfRenderers(self):
+		print("Renderers:")        
+		for name, renderer in self.iRendererList.items():
+			print("\t" + name + "\t" + renderer.iDescription)
+		print("")
+	def BeginFile(self, aFilename):
+		for name, renderer in self.iRendererList.items():
+			renderer.BeginFile(aFilename)
+	def ReportError(self, aLineContext, aScript):
+		for name, renderer in self.iRendererList.items():
+			renderer.ReportError(aLineContext, aScript)
+	def ReportAnnotation(self, aAnnotation):
+		self.iAnnotation = aAnnotation
+	def EndFile(self):
+		for name, renderer in self.iRendererList.items():
+			renderer.EndFile()
+	def BeginComponent(self, aComponent):
+		for name, renderer in self.iRendererList.items():
+			renderer.BeginComponent(aComponent)
+	def EndComponent(self, aComponent):
+		for name, renderer in self.iRendererList.items():
+			renderer.EndComponent(aComponent)
+class CComponent:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CComponent - a single component, identified by the
+	# directory path to its source code
+	def __init__(self, aPath):
+		self.iFullPath = aPath
+		self.iScriptErrorCounts = {}
+		self.iHasGroupDir = False
+		self.iNumberOfLinesScanned = 0
+	def appendComponent(self, aComponent):
+		for scriptName in aComponent.iScriptErrorCounts.keys():
+			if self.iScriptErrorCounts.has_key(scriptName):
+				self.iScriptErrorCounts[scriptName] += aComponent.iScriptErrorCounts[scriptName]
+			else:
+				self.iScriptErrorCounts[scriptName] = aComponent.iScriptErrorCounts[scriptName]
+		self.iNumberOfLinesScanned += aComponent.iNumberOfLinesScanned
+		return
+class CComponentManager:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CComponentManager - controls access to components
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.iComponentStack = []
+		self.iCompletedComponents = []
+		self.iRootComponent = CComponent("")
+		self.iUseFullComponentPath = False
+	def SetRoot(self, aRootPath):
+		# set the list of root directories - used to left-trim component names
+		self.iRootPath = self.SanitizePath(aRootPath)
+	def BeginDirectory(self, aPath):
+		aPath = self.SanitizePath(aPath)
+		if os.path.isdir(aPath):
+			newComponent = CComponent(aPath)
+			contents = os.listdir(aPath)
+			for entry in contents:
+				if (entry.upper() == "GROUP"):
+					entryPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(aPath, entry))
+					if os.path.isdir(entryPath):
+						newComponent.iHasGroupDir = True
+						break
+			if len(self.iComponentStack) > 0:
+				topComponent = self.iComponentStack[len(self.iComponentStack)-1]
+				if (newComponent.iHasGroupDir or (not topComponent.iHasGroupDir)):
+					self.BeginComponent(newComponent)
+				else:
+					scanner.iLog.Write(aPath + " taken as part of " + topComponent.iFullPath)
+			else:
+				self.BeginComponent(newComponent)
+		else:
+			scanner.iLog.Write("ERROR: CComponentManager::BeginDirectory: bad path "+aPath)
+		return aPath
+	def EndDirectory(self, aPath, numberOfLinesScanned):
+		aPath = self.SanitizePath(aPath)
+		if len(self.iComponentStack) > 0:
+			topComponent = self.iComponentStack[len(self.iComponentStack)-1]
+			topComponent.iNumberOfLinesScanned += numberOfLinesScanned
+			if (topComponent.iFullPath == aPath):
+				self.EndComponent()
+	def ReportError(self, aLineContext, aScript):
+		scanner.iRendererManager.ReportError(aLineContext, aScript)
+		for component in self.iComponentStack:
+			if component.iFullPath == aLineContext.iComponentName:
+				if component.iScriptErrorCounts.has_key(aScript.iScriptName):
+					component.iScriptErrorCounts[aScript.iScriptName] = component.iScriptErrorCounts[aScript.iScriptName] + 1
+				else:
+					component.iScriptErrorCounts[aScript.iScriptName] = 1
+	def ScriptComponentErrorCount(self, aComponentName, aScriptName):
+		for component in self.iCompletedComponents:
+			if component.iFullPath == aComponentName:
+				if component.iScriptErrorCounts.has_key(aScriptName):
+					return component.iScriptErrorCounts[aScriptName]
+				else:
+					return 0
+		return 0
+	def BeginComponent(self, aComponent):
+		scanner.iRendererManager.BeginComponent(aComponent)
+		scanner.ReportAction("Begin component: " + aComponent.iFullPath)
+		self.iComponentStack.append(aComponent)
+	def EndComponent(self):
+		previousComponent = self.iComponentStack.pop()
+		matchingComponent = self.MatchingComponent(previousComponent)
+		if (matchingComponent <> None):
+			matchingComponent.appendComponent(previousComponent)
+		else:
+			self.iCompletedComponents.append(previousComponent)
+		scanner.ReportAction("End component: " + previousComponent.iFullPath)
+		scanner.iRendererManager.EndComponent(previousComponent)
+	def MatchingComponent(self, aComponent):
+		for component in self.iCompletedComponents:
+			if (ComponentCompare(component, aComponent) == 0):
+				return component
+		return None
+	def CurrentComponentName(self):
+		if len(self.iComponentStack) < 1:
+			return None
+		return self.iComponentStack[len(self.iComponentStack)-1].iFullPath
+	def SanitizePath(self, aPath):
+		# Translate an unspecified or relative pathname into an absolute pathname
+		if len(aPath) < 1:
+			aPath = "."
+		aPath = os.path.normpath(aPath)
+		# translate "." and ".." into absolute paths
+		aPath = os.path.abspath(aPath)
+		return aPath
+	def ComponentName(self, aFullComponentName):
+		if (self.iUseFullComponentPath):
+			(unused, componentName) = os.path.splitdrive(aFullComponentName)
+			if len(componentName) > 0:
+				if componentName[0] == os.path.sep and len(componentName) > 1:
+					componentName = componentName[1:]
+			return componentName
+		else:
+			return self.RelativeComponentName(aFullComponentName)
+	def RelativeComponentName(self, aFullComponentName):
+		# Remove the root path from the specified component name
+		rootLen = len(self.iRootPath)
+		if aFullComponentName[0:rootLen] == self.iRootPath:
+			relativeComponentName = aFullComponentName[rootLen:]
+		else:
+			# this case is unexpected...but we'll try to make the best of it
+			(unused, relativeComponentName) = os.path.splitdrive(aFullComponentName)
+		# trim leading path separator, if present
+		if len(relativeComponentName) > 0:
+			if relativeComponentName[0] == os.path.sep and len(relativeComponentName) > 1:
+				relativeComponentName = relativeComponentName[1:]
+		return relativeComponentName
+class CLineContext:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CLineContext
+	# A description of the line of source code currently being scanned
+	iComponentName = ""
+	iFileName = ""
+	iLineNumber = 0
+	iClassName = ""
+	iMethodName = ""
+	iLineText = ""
+class CCodeScanner:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CCodeScanner - main application class
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.iCategoriedScripts = CCategorisedScripts()
+		self.iRendererManager   = CRendererManager()
+		self.iComponentManager = CComponentManager()
+		self.iLineContext = CLineContext()
+		self.iDomConfig = None
+		self.iVerbose = False
+		self.iLog = None
+		self.iSource = None
+		self.iEncodedFileList = None
+		self.iOutputDirectory = None
+		self.iStartTimeObj = None
+		self.iStartTime = None
+		self.iEndTime = None
+		self.iLxrUrl = None
+		self.iLxrVersion = None
+		self.iConfigFilename = ""
+		self.iInputFilenames = ""
+		self.iLogFilename = ""
+		self.iOutputFormat = ""
+		self.iTimeStampedOutput = ""
+		self.iReMethod = re.compile(r"""
+			((?P<class>\w+)::~?)?
+			(?P<method>[A-Za-z0-9<>=!*\-+/]+)
+			[\s\n]*
+			\(
+			[^;]*
+			$
+			""", re.VERBOSE)
+	def ReportError(self, aErrorMsg):
+		self.iLog.Write(aErrorMsg)
+		print aErrorMsg
+	def ReportAction(self, aAction):
+		self.iLog.Write(aAction)
+		if self.iVerbose:
+			print aAction
+	def ReportInfo(self, aInfoMsg):
+		self.iLog.Write(aInfoMsg)
+		print aInfoMsg
+	def CleanOutputDirectory(self):
+		self.iLog.Write("Deleting existing contents of output directory " + self.iOutputDirectory)
+		for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.iOutputDirectory, topdown = False):
+			for name in files:
+				os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
+			for name in dirs:
+				os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
+	def CheckSourceIncluded(self, aSourceFileName):
+		if (self.iDomConfig <> None):
+			for sourceNode in self.iDomConfig.getElementsByTagName("sources"):
+				for excludeSourceNode in sourceNode.getElementsByTagName("exclude"):
+					reExcludeSourceStr = excludeSourceNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+					reExcludeSource = re.compile(reExcludeSourceStr, re.IGNORECASE)
+					if
+						self.ReportInfo("Note: excluding " + aSourceFileName + " : " + reExcludeSourceStr)
+						return False
+		return True
+	def CheckScriptEnabled(self, aScript):
+		if (self.iDomConfig <> None):
+			for scriptsNode in self.iDomConfig.getElementsByTagName("scripts"):
+				for scriptNode in scriptsNode.getElementsByTagName(aScript.iScriptName):
+					enabledAttr = scriptNode.getAttribute("enable")
+					if (enabledAttr.lower() == "false"):
+						return False
+			for severitiesNode in self.iDomConfig.getElementsByTagName("severities"):
+				for severityNode in severitiesNode.getElementsByTagName(KSeverityConfigMap[aScript.iSeverity]):
+					enabledAttr = severityNode.getAttribute("enable")
+					if (enabledAttr.lower() == "false"):
+						return False
+			for categoriesNode in self.iDomConfig.getElementsByTagName("categories"):
+				for categoryNode in categoriesNode.getElementsByTagName(KCategoryConfigMap[aScript.iCategory]):
+					enabledAttr = categoryNode.getAttribute("enable")
+					if (enabledAttr.lower() == "false"):
+						return False
+		return True
+	def UpdateScriptCategory(self, aScript):
+		if (self.iDomConfig <> None):
+			for scriptsNode in self.iDomConfig.getElementsByTagName("scripts"):
+				for scriptNode in scriptsNode.getElementsByTagName(aScript.iScriptName):
+					if scriptNode.hasAttribute("category"):
+						newCategory = scriptNode.getAttribute("category").lower()
+						if (newCategory <> KCategoryConfigMap[aScript.iCategory]):
+							for name, value in KCategoryConfigMap.items():
+								if (newCategory == value):
+									return name
+		# no update needed, return original category
+		return aScript.iCategory
+	def UpdateScriptSeverity(self, aScript):
+		if (self.iDomConfig <> None):
+			for scriptsNode in self.iDomConfig.getElementsByTagName("scripts"):
+				for scriptNode in scriptsNode.getElementsByTagName(aScript.iScriptName):
+					if scriptNode.hasAttribute("severity"):
+						newSeverity = scriptNode.getAttribute("severity").lower()
+						if (newSeverity <> KSeverityConfigMap[aScript.iSeverity]):
+							for name, value in KSeverityConfigMap.items():
+								if (newSeverity == value):
+									return name
+		# no update needed, return original severity
+		return aScript.iSeverity
+	def ScanFile(self, aSourceFile):
+		self.iLineContext.iFileName = aSourceFile
+		self.iLineContext.iLineNumber = 0
+		self.iLineContext.iClassName = ""
+		self.iLineContext.iMethodName = ""
+		self.iLineContext.iComponentName = self.iComponentManager.CurrentComponentName()
+		self.iRendererManager.BeginFile(aSourceFile)
+		# note source file extension - used for filtering later on
+		(unused, sourceFileExt) = os.path.splitext(aSourceFile)
+		if len(sourceFileExt) > 0 and sourceFileExt[0] == '.':
+			sourceFileExt = sourceFileExt[1:]
+		# open, read, and preparse source file
+		inputFileHandle = file(aSourceFile, "r")
+		inputFileLines = inputFileHandle.readlines()
+		inputFileHandle.close()
+		(noQuoteFileLines, noCommentFileLines, noCommentOrQuoteFileLines, csCommands) = self.PreParseSourceFile(inputFileLines)
+		# bundle all the filtered versions of the file contents into
+		# a hash to re-factor code
+		fileContentsToTest = { KIgnoreNothing           : inputFileLines,
+							   KIgnoreComments          : noCommentFileLines,
+							   KIgnoreQuotes            : noQuoteFileLines,
+							   KIgnoreCommentsAndQuotes : noCommentOrQuoteFileLines
+							   }
+		# now apply test scripts to source file
+		iBraceCount = 0
+		iBraceCountList = []
+		newCurrentClassName = ""
+		newCurrentMethodName = ""
+		self.iCurrentClassName = ""
+		self.iCurrentMethodName = ""
+		self.iCurrentMethodStart = -1
+		totalNumberOfLines = len(inputFileLines)
+		reConstant = re.compile(r"""
+			^\s*
+			(static\s+)?
+			const
+			\s+
+			\w+		# type
+			\s*
+			[\*&]?	# reference or pointer
+			\s*
+			\w+		# name
+			\s*
+			(=|\()
+			""", re.VERBOSE)
+		reInheritance = re.compile("[\s:]*(public|protected|private)\s*([\w:]+)")
+		rePreprocessorIf = re.compile("^\s*\#(el)*if(.*)")
+		rePreprocessorElse = re.compile("^\s*\#else")
+		rePreprocessorEnd = re.compile("^\s*\#endif")
+		reTypedef = re.compile("^\s*typedef")
+		i = 0
+		while (i < totalNumberOfLines):
+			# for extra open braces in #if blocks
+			if ([i])):
+				iBraceCountList.append(iBraceCount)
+			if ([i])):
+				if (len(iBraceCountList) > 0):
+					iBraceCount = iBraceCountList.pop()
+			if ([i])):
+				if (len(iBraceCountList) > 0):
+					iBraceCountList.pop()
+			if (newCurrentMethodName == ""):
+				methodString = noCommentOrQuoteFileLines[i]
+				currentLine = i
+				m =
+				if not m and (i + 1 < totalNumberOfLines):
+					currentLine = i + 1
+					methodString += noCommentOrQuoteFileLines[currentLine]
+					m =
+				if m and (iBraceCount == 0) and (methodString.find("#") == -1) and (methodString.find("_LIT") == -1):	# must be at root level and not a preprocessor directive or a _LIT
+					if not reTypedef.match(methodString) and not reConstant.match(methodString):  # must not be typedef or constant declaration 
+						# check for cases where macros are used to declare a class
+						# by searching for the inheritance part
+						# eg. NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMyClass) : public CBase
+						isClass =
+						if not isClass and (currentLine + 1 < totalNumberOfLines):
+							methodString += noCommentOrQuoteFileLines[currentLine + 1]
+							isClass =
+						if not isClass:
+							newCurrentMethodName ='method')
+							if'class'):
+								newCurrentClassName ='class')
+							else:
+								newCurrentClassName = ""
+			iBraceCount += noCommentOrQuoteFileLines[i].count("{")
+			if (iBraceCount > 0) and (newCurrentMethodName <> ""):
+				self.iCurrentClassName = newCurrentClassName
+				self.iCurrentMethodName = newCurrentMethodName
+				self.iCurrentMethodStart = i
+				newCurrentClassName = ""
+				newCurrentMethodName = ""
+			self.iLineContext.iLineNumber = i+1
+			self.iLineContext.iClassName = self.iCurrentClassName
+			self.iLineContext.iMethodName = self.iCurrentMethodName
+			# perform all test scripts onto source file									   
+			for script in self.iCategoriedScripts.AllScripts():
+				if (script.iFileExts.count(sourceFileExt) > 0
+				    and fileContentsToTest[script.iIgnore][i] != "\n"
+					and	script.iCompare(fileContentsToTest[script.iIgnore], i, script.iReMatch, aSourceFile)):
+					# skip any script that has been disabled via CodeScanner command(s) in sources
+					if script.iScriptName.lower() in csCommands[i].lower():
+						continue
+					self.iLineContext.iLineText = fileContentsToTest[script.iIgnore][i]
+					self.iComponentManager.ReportError(self.iLineContext, script)
+			iBraceCount -= noCommentOrQuoteFileLines[i].count("}")
+			if (iBraceCount < 0):	# for extra close braces in #if blocks
+				iBraceCount = 0
+			if (iBraceCount == 0):
+				self.iCurrentClassName = ""
+				self.iCurrentMethodName = ""
+				self.iCurrentMethodStart = -1
+			i = i + 1
+		self.iRendererManager.EndFile()
+		return totalNumberOfLines
+	def TraverseDirectory(self, aDirectory):
+		# skip folders marked to be excluded in configuration file
+		aPath = self.iComponentManager.SanitizePath(aDirectory)
+		if (not self.CheckSourceIncluded(aPath)) or (not self.CheckSourceIncluded(aPath + os.path.sep)):
+			return
+		aDirectory = self.iComponentManager.BeginDirectory(aDirectory)
+		contents = os.listdir(aDirectory)
+		numberOfLinesScanned = 0
+		for entry in contents:
+			entryPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(aDirectory, entry))
+			if os.path.isdir(entryPath):
+				self.TraverseDirectory(entryPath)
+			else:
+				if self.CheckSourceIncluded(entryPath):
+					numberOfLinesScanned += self.ScanFile(entryPath)
+		self.iComponentManager.EndDirectory(aDirectory, numberOfLinesScanned)
+	def AddScript(self, aScript):
+		enabled = self.CheckScriptEnabled(script)
+		if enabled:
+			aScript.iCategory = self.UpdateScriptCategory(aScript)
+			aScript.iSeverity = self.UpdateScriptSeverity(aScript)
+			self.iCategoriedScripts.AddScript(aScript)
+		else:
+			self.ReportInfo("Note: script '" + aScript.iScriptName + "' DISABLED")
+	def AddCustomScript(self, aScript):
+		self.ReportInfo("Note: custom rule '" + aScript.iScriptName + "' ADDED")
+		self.iCategoriedScripts.AddScript(aScript)
+	def PreParseSourceFile(self, aLines):
+		# it provides 3 versions of input:
+		# 	1. without quotes
+		# 	2. without comments
+		# 	3. without quotes and without comments
+		inCommentBlock = 0
+		noQuoteLines = []
+		noCommentLines = []
+		noCommentOrQuoteLines = []
+		csCommands = []
+		reCSCommand = re.compile("codescanner((::\w+)+)") # CodeScanner command(s) in comments
+		for line in aLines:
+			noQuoteLine = ""
+			noCommentLine = ""
+			noCommentOrQuoteLine = ""
+			csCommand = "\n"
+			i = 0
+			startQuote = 0
+			b = 0
+			escCount = 0
+			while i < len(line):
+				# skip quotes
+				if not inCommentBlock and ((line[i] == "\"") or (line[i] == "\'")):
+					startQuote = i
+					i += 1
+					while (i < len(line)):
+						endIndex = line[i:].find(line[startQuote])
+						if (endIndex <> -1):
+							b = i + endIndex - 1
+							escCount = 0
+							while (line[b] == "\\"):
+								escCount += 1
+								b -= 1
+							i += endIndex + 1
+							if (escCount % 2 == 0):
+								noQuoteLine += "\"\""
+								noCommentOrQuoteLine += "\"\""
+								noCommentLine += line[startQuote:i]
+								break
+						else:
+							#	print "Unterminated quote : " + line
+							break
+					continue	
+				# parse comments
+				if not inCommentBlock:
+					if (line[i] == "/"):
+						if (i < (len(line)-1)):
+							if (line[i + 1] == "/"):
+								noCommentLine += "\n"
+								noCommentOrQuoteLine += "\n"
+								noQuoteLine += line[i:]
+								# look for CodeScanner command(s) in comments
+								m =[i:])
+								if m:
+									csCommand =
+								break
+							elif (line[i + 1] == "*"):
+								inCommentBlock = 1
+								i += 2
+								noQuoteLine += "/*"
+								continue
+					noCommentLine += line[i]
+					noCommentOrQuoteLine += line[i]
+					noQuoteLine += line[i]
+				else:
+					# look for CodeScanner command(s) in comments
+					m =[i:])
+					if m:
+						csCommand =
+					endIndex = line[i:].find("*/")
+					if (endIndex <> -1):
+						inCommentBlock = 0
+						noQuoteLine += line[i:i + endIndex + 2]
+						i += endIndex + 2
+						continue
+					else:
+						noCommentLine += "\n"
+						noCommentOrQuoteLine += "\n"
+						noQuoteLine = line[i:]
+						break
+				i += 1
+			noCommentLines.append(noCommentLine)
+			noCommentOrQuoteLines.append(noCommentOrQuoteLine)
+			noQuoteLines.append(noQuoteLine)
+			csCommands.append(csCommand)
+		return [noQuoteLines, noCommentLines, noCommentOrQuoteLines, csCommands]
+	def ReadConfigFile(self):
+		if self.iConfigFilename <> "":
+			if (os.path.isfile(self.iConfigFilename)):
+				self.iDomConfig = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.iConfigFilename)
+				if self.iVerbose:
+					print "Note: using configuration file " + self.iConfigFilename
+			else:
+				self.ReportInfo("Unable to open specified configuration file: " + self.iConfigFilename)
+				self.iLog.Close()
+				sys.exit(2)
+	def ReadArgumentsFromConfigFile(self):
+		if (self.iDomConfig <> None):
+			for argumentsNode in self.iDomConfig.getElementsByTagName("arguments"):
+				# read input file names
+				for inputFileNode in argumentsNode.getElementsByTagName("input"):
+					self.iInputFilenames += inputFileNode.firstChild.nodeValue + "::"
+				# read output format
+				for outputFormatNode in argumentsNode.getElementsByTagName("outputformat"):
+					self.iOutputFormat += outputFormatNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+				# read lxr URL
+				for lxrURLNode in argumentsNode.getElementsByTagName("lxr"):
+					self.iLxrUrl = lxrURLNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+				# read lxr version
+				for lxrVersionNode in argumentsNode.getElementsByTagName("lxrversion"):
+					self.iLxrVersion = lxrVersionNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+				# read time stamped output option
+				for timeStampedOutputNode in argumentsNode.getElementsByTagName("timestampedoutput"):
+					self.iTimeStampedOutput = timeStampedOutputNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+	def ReadCustomRulesFromConfigFile(self):
+		if (self.iDomConfig <> None):
+			for customRulesNode in self.iDomConfig.getElementsByTagName("customrules"):
+				for customRuleNode in customRulesNode.getElementsByTagName("customrule"):
+					ignoreComments = True
+					# read the name of the rule
+					ruleName = ""
+					for ruleNameNode in customRuleNode.getElementsByTagName("name"):
+						if (ruleNameNode == None) or (ruleNameNode.firstChild == None) or (ruleNameNode.firstChild.nodeValue == None):
+							continue
+						else:
+							ruleName = ruleNameNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+					if len(ruleName) == 0:
+						self.ReportError("Missing custom rule name in configuration file: " + self.iConfigFilename)
+						continue
+					# read the keywords associated with the rule
+					keywordList = []
+					badKeywordElement = False
+					for keywordNode in customRuleNode.getElementsByTagName("keyword"):
+						# read keyword content
+						if (keywordNode == None) or (keywordNode.firstChild == None) or (keywordNode.firstChild.nodeValue == None):
+							badKeywordElement = True
+							continue
+						newKeyword = CCustomRuleKeyword()
+						newKeyword.iContent = keywordNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+						# read keyword type
+						if not keywordNode.hasAttribute("type"):
+							badKeywordElement = True
+							continue
+						type = keywordNode.getAttribute("type").lower()
+						if type in KCustomRuleKeywordMap.values():
+							if type == KKeywordComment:
+								ignoreComments = False
+						else:
+							type = KCustomRuleKeywordMap[KKeywordUnknown]
+						newKeyword.iType = type
+						keywordList.append(newKeyword)
+					if (len(keywordList) == 0) or (badKeywordElement == True):
+						self.ReportBadCustomRuleElement(ruleName, "keyword")
+						continue
+					# read the file types associated with the rule
+					fileTypeList = []
+					badFileTypeElement = False
+					for fileTypeNode in customRuleNode.getElementsByTagName("filetype"):
+						if (fileTypeNode == None) or (fileTypeNode.firstChild == None) or (fileTypeNode.firstChild.nodeValue == None):
+							badFileTypeElement = True
+							continue
+						newFileType = fileTypeNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+						fileTypeList.append(newFileType.lower())
+					if (len(fileTypeList) == 0) or (badFileTypeElement == True):
+						self.ReportBadCustomRuleElement(ruleName, "file type")
+						continue
+					# read the severity level of the rule
+					severity = KSeverityLow
+					for severityNode in customRuleNode.getElementsByTagName("severity"):
+						if (severityNode == None) or (severityNode.firstChild == None) or (severityNode.firstChild.nodeValue == None):
+							self.ReportBadCustomRuleElement(ruleName, "severity")
+							continue
+						severityValue = severityNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+						for severityKey in KSeverityConfigMap.keys():
+							if severityValue == KSeverityConfigMap[severityKey]:
+								severity = severityKey
+					# read the tile of the rule
+					title = ""
+					for titleNode in customRuleNode.getElementsByTagName("title"):
+						if (titleNode == None) or (titleNode.firstChild == None) or (titleNode.firstChild.nodeValue == None):
+							continue
+						title = titleNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+					if len(title) == 0:
+						self.ReportBadCustomRuleElement(ruleName, "title")
+						continue
+					# read the description of the rule
+					description = ""
+					for descriptionNode in customRuleNode.getElementsByTagName("description"):
+						if (descriptionNode == None) or (descriptionNode.firstChild == None) or (descriptionNode.firstChild.nodeValue == None):
+							continue
+						description = descriptionNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+					if len(description) == 0:
+						self.ReportBadCustomRuleElement(ruleName, "description")
+						continue
+					# read the optional link of the rule
+					link = None
+					for linkNode in customRuleNode.getElementsByTagName("link"):
+						if (linkNode == None) or (linkNode.firstChild == None) or (linkNode.firstChild.nodeValue == None):
+							self.ReportBadCustomRuleElement(ruleName, "link")
+							continue
+						link = linkNode.firstChild.nodeValue
+					# create the RE string for the custom rule
+					keywordMap = self.ConstructCustomRuleKeywordMap(keywordList)
+					reString = self.ConstructCustomRuleREString(keywordMap)
+					if len(reString) == 0:
+						continue
+					# create a script based on the custom rule
+					aScript = CCustomScript(ruleName)
+					aScript.iReString = reString
+					aScript.iReMatch = re.compile(reString)
+					aScript.iFileExts = fileTypeList
+					aScript.iCategory = KCategoryOther
+					if keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordBaseClass):
+						aScript.iBaseClass = keywordMap[KKeywordBaseClass]
+						aScript.iCompare = aScript.DefaultInheritanceCompare
+					if ignoreComments:
+						aScript.iIgnore = KIgnoreComments
+					else:
+						aScript.iIgnore = KIgnoreQuotes
+					aScript.iSeverity = severity
+					aScript.iTitle = title
+					aScript.iIdeTitle = title
+					aScript.iDescription = description
+					if link <> None:
+						aScript.iLink = link
+					self.AddCustomScript(aScript)
+		return
+	def ReportBadCustomRuleElement(self, name, element):
+		self.ReportError("<customrule> element '" + name + "' has bad <" + element + "> child element in configuration file: " + self.iConfigFilename)
+	def ConstructCustomRuleKeywordMap(self, keywordList):
+		reString = ""
+		keywordMap = {}
+		for keyword in keywordList:
+			if keywordMap.has_key(keyword.iType):
+				keywordMap[keyword.iType] = keywordMap[keyword.iType] + "|" + keyword.iContent
+			else:
+				keywordMap[keyword.iType] = keyword.iContent
+		return keywordMap
+	def ConstructCustomRuleREString(self, keywordMap):
+		# generate RE string based on the keyword types
+		if keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordBaseClass):
+			reString = "^\s*class\s+(\w+::)?(\w+)\s*:(.*)"
+		elif keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordCall):
+			reString = "(" + keywordMap[KKeywordCall] + ")\s*\(.*\)\s*;"
+		elif keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordClassName):
+			if keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordMethod):
+				reString = "([A-Za-z0-9]+\s+" + keywordMap[KKeywordClassName] + "::)?(" + keywordMap[KKeywordMethod] + ")\s*\(.*\)\s*[^;]"
+			else:
+				reString = "^\s*class\s+(\w+::)?(" + keywordMap[KKeywordClassName] + ")"
+		elif keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordComment):
+			reString = "/(/|\*).*(" + keywordMap[KKeywordComment] + ")"
+		elif keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordGeneric):
+			reString = "(" + keywordMap[KKeywordGeneric] + ")"
+		elif keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordLocal):
+			reString = "^\s*[A-Z]\w*\s*[\*&\s]\s*(" + keywordMap[KKeywordLocal] + ")\w*\s*[;\(=]"
+		elif keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordMacro):
+			reString = "^\s*\#define\s+(" + keywordMap[KKeywordMacro] + ")"
+		elif keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordMember):
+			reString = "^\s*[A-Z]\w*\s*[\*&\s]\s*(" + keywordMap[KKeywordMember] + ")\w*\s*[;\(=]"
+		elif keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordMethod):
+			reString = "[A-Za-z0-9]+\s+[C|T|R][A-Za-z0-9]+::(" + keywordMap[KKeywordMethod] + ")\s*\(.*\)\s*[^;]"
+		elif keywordMap.has_key(KKeywordParameter):
+			reString = "({)*\s*(" + keywordMap[KKeywordParameter] + ")\s*=\s*(.*);"
+		return reString
+class CCustomRuleKeyword:
+	# #######################################################
+	# CCustomRuleKeyword - keyword associated with custom rules
+	def __init__(self):
+		iContent = ""
+		iType = "unknown"
+# #######################################################
+class CEncodedFile:
+    def Extract(self, aBaseDirectory):
+        outputFileHandle = open(os.path.join(aBaseDirectory, self.iFilename), 'wb')
+        outputFileBinary = zlib.decompress(base64.decodestring(self.iFileBody))
+        outputFileHandle.write(outputFileBinary)
+        outputFileHandle.close()
+	iFilename = ""
+	iFileBody = ""
+# #######################################################
+class CEncodedFileList:
+	def AddEncodedFile(self, aEncodedFile):
+		self.iEncodedFileList[aEncodedFile.iFilename.lower()] = aEncodedFile
+	def ExtractEncodedFile(self, aFilename, aBaseDirectory):
+		# look for the filename in our list of files
+		filename = aFilename.lower()
+		if (self.iEncodedFileList.has_key(filename)):
+			self.iEncodedFileList[filename].Extract(aBaseDirectory)
+		else:
+			scanner.iLog.Write("Missing "+filename)
+	def ExtractAllEncodedFiles(self, aBaseDirectory):
+		# run through associative array and extract everything
+		for filename in self.iEncodedFileList.keys():
+			self.ExtractEncodedFile(filename, aBaseDirectory)
+	# declare iEncodedFileList is an associative array
+	iEncodedFileList = {}
+# #######################################################
+# main()
+scanner = CCodeScanner()
+# process command line arguments
+opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvc:i:l:o:x:r:t:", ["help", "verbose", "config=", "input=", "logfile=", "outputformat=", "lxr=", "lxrversion=", "timestampedoutput="])
+for o, a in opts:
+	if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+		Usage(0)
+	if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
+		scanner.iVerbose = True
+	if o in ("-c", "--config"):
+		scanner.iConfigFilename = a
+	if o in ("-i", "--input"):
+		scanner.iInputFilenames += a + "::"
+	if o in ("-l", "--logfile"):
+		scanner.iLogFilename = a
+	if o in ("-o", "--outputformat"):
+		scanner.iOutputFormat += a			
+	if o in ("-x", "--lxr"):
+		scanner.iLxrUrl = a
+	if o in ("-r", "--lxrversion"):
+		scanner.iLxrVersion = a
+	if o in ("-t", "--timestampedoutput"):
+		scanner.iTimeStampedOutput = a
+if len(args) < 1:
+	Usage(1)
+scanner.iLog = CLogger(scanner.iLogFilename)
+scanner.iLog.Write("Command line: " + str(sys.argv[1:]))
+scanner.iLog.Write("Current working directory: " + os.getcwd())
+scanner.iSource = args[0]
+scanner.iEncodedFileList = CEncodedFileList()
+scanner.iStartTimeObj =
+scanner.iStartTime = scanner.iStartTimeObj.ctime()
+scanner.iOutputDirectory = scanner.iStartTimeObj.strftime("%a-%b-%d-%H-%M-%S-%Y")
+# invoke the pysco module to improve performance
+# choose renderer based on command line arguments
+if len(args) > 1:
+	if ("off" in scanner.iTimeStampedOutput.lower()):
+		scanner.iOutputDirectory = args[1]
+	else:
+		scanner.iOutputDirectory = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(args[1], scanner.iOutputDirectory))
+	scanner.CleanOutputDirectory()
+	if scanner.iOutputFormat <> "":
+	#user specified output format
+		if ("xml" in scanner.iOutputFormat.lower()):
+			CXmlRenderer(scanner.iRendererManager, scanner.iOutputDirectory)
+		if ("html" in scanner.iOutputFormat.lower()):
+			CHtmlRenderer(scanner.iRendererManager, scanner.iOutputDirectory, scanner.iLxrUrl, scanner.iLxrVersion)
+		if ("std" in scanner.iOutputFormat.lower()):
+			CStdOutRenderer(scanner.iRendererManager)
+	else:
+	#default output format
+		CHtmlRenderer(scanner.iRendererManager, scanner.iOutputDirectory, scanner.iLxrUrl, scanner.iLxrVersion)
+	CStdOutRenderer(scanner.iRendererManager)
+if (scanner.iVerbose):
+	scanner.iCategoriedScripts.PrintListOfTestScripts()
+	scanner.iRendererManager.PrintListOfRenderers()
+print "Scanning inititated : " + scanner.iStartTime
+if scanner.iInputFilenames <> "":
+	scanner.iComponentManager.iUseFullComponentPath = True
+	#additional input files
+	inputFiles = scanner.iInputFilenames.split("::")
+	for inputFile in inputFiles:
+		if inputFile <> "":
+			ScanDirOrFile(inputFile)
+argument = args[0]
+print "Scanning finished   : " + scanner.iEndTime
+if (scanner.iDomConfig <> None):
+	scanner.iDomConfig.unlink()