changeset 0 3e07fef1e154
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3e07fef1e154
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    20 /**
    21  @file TEFUnit.inl
    22 */
    25 #if !(defined TEF_LITE)
    26 #include <basched.h>
    27 #endif
    29 template <class T>
    30 inline TBool AssertEquals(const T& aExpected, const T& aActual)
    31 /**
    32  * AssertEquals
    33  *
    34  * @publishedPartner
    35  * @test
    36  *
    37  * @param aExpected - Expected result
    38  * @param aActual - Actual result
    39  * @return - True if equal
    40  */
    41 	{
    42 	if( aExpected==aActual )
    43 		{
    44 		return ETrue;
    45 		}
    46 	return EFalse;
    47 	}
    49 template <class T>
    50 inline TBool AssertNull(const T* aPtr)
    51 /**
    52  * AssertNull
    53  *
    54  * @publishedPartner
    55  * @test
    56  *
    57  * @param aPtr - Pointer
    58  * @return - True if NULL
    59  */
    60 	{
    61 	if( aPtr==NULL )
    62 		{
    63 		return ETrue;
    64 		}
    65 	return EFalse;
    66 	}
    68 template <class T>
    69 inline TBool AssertSame(const T* aExpectedPtr, const T* aActualPtr)
    70 /**
    71  * AssertSame
    72  *
    73  * @publishedPartner
    74  * @test
    75  *
    76  * @param aExpectedPtr - Expected pointer
    77  * @param aActualPtr - Actual pointer
    78  * @return - True if equal
    79  */
    80 	{
    81 	if( aExpectedPtr==aActualPtr )
    82 		{
    83 		return ETrue;
    84 		}
    85 	return EFalse;
    86 	}
    88 inline TBool AssertTrue(const TBool& aCondition)
    89 /**
    90  * AssertTrue
    91  *
    92  * @publishedPartner
    93  * @test
    94  *
    95  * @param aCondition - Condition
    96  * @return - True if aCondition is true
    97  */
    98 	{
    99 	if( !aCondition )
   100 		{
   101 		return EFalse;
   102 		}
   103 	return ETrue;
   104 	}
   107 template<class Fixture>
   108 inline void AddTestCase(CTestSuite* aTestSuite, const TDesC& aName, void (Fixture::*aTestMethod)())
   109 /**
   110  * AddTestCase
   111  *
   112  * @param aTestSuite - CTestSuite
   113  * @param aName - Test name
   114  * @param aTestMethod - Test method within the fixture
   115  */
   116 	{
   117 	CTestCaseTemplate<Fixture> *testCaseTemplate = new (ELeave) CTestCaseTemplate<Fixture>(aName, aTestMethod);
   118 	CleanupStack::PushL(testCaseTemplate);
   119 	aTestSuite->AddL( testCaseTemplate );
   120 	CleanupStack::Pop(testCaseTemplate);
   121 	}
   123 template<class Fixture>
   124 inline void AddAsyncTestCase(CTestSuite* aTestSuite, const TDesC& aName, void (Fixture::*aTestMethod)())
   125 /**
   126  * AddAsyncTestCase
   127  *
   128  * @param aTestSuite - CTestSuite
   129  * @param aName - Test name
   130  * @param aTestMethod - Test method within the active fixture
   131  */
   132 	{
   133 	CAsyncTestCase<Fixture> *asyncTestCase = new (ELeave) CAsyncTestCase<Fixture>(aName, aTestMethod);
   134 	CleanupStack::PushL(asyncTestCase);
   135 	aTestSuite->AddL( asyncTestCase );
   136 	CleanupStack::Pop(asyncTestCase);
   137 	}
   139 template <class Fixture>
   140 inline CTestCaseTemplate<Fixture>::CTestCaseTemplate(const TDesC &aName, TestMethod aTestMethod )
   141 /**
   142  * Constructor
   143  *
   144  * @param aName - Test name
   145  * @param aTestMethod - Test method
   146  */
   147 	: CTestCase(aName), iTest(aTestMethod)
   148 	{
   149 	}
   151 template <class Fixture>
   152 inline CTestCaseTemplate<Fixture>::~CTestCaseTemplate()
   153 /**
   154  * Destructor
   155  */
   156 	{
   157 	}
   159 template <class Fixture>
   160 inline void CTestCaseTemplate<Fixture>::RunL(CTestConfig& aConfig, CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger)
   161 /**
   162  * RunL
   163  *
   164  * @param aConfig - Test configuration
   165  * @param aLogger - Test logger
   166  */
   167 	{
   168 	Fixture* iFixture = new (ELeave) Fixture();
   169 	CleanupStack::PushL(iFixture);
   171 	// Must set the Logger and Config now
   172 	iFixture->SetLoggerL( aLogger );
   173 	iFixture->SetConfigL( aConfig );
   175 	// Setup code
   176 	iFixture->SetupL();
   178 	// Run the test
   179 	TRAPD( err, (iFixture->*iTest)() );
   181 	// Log the result
   182 	CTEFLogger::LogResult( iName, err, aLogger );
   184 	// Now the test case has been logged we need to leave
   185 	// again if that is what the test did
   186 	if( err != KErrTEFUnitPass )
   187 		{
   188 		User::Leave(err);
   189 		}
   191 	// Teardown code
   192 	iFixture->TearDownL();
   194 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   195 	}
   197 template <class Fixture>
   198 inline CActiveTester<Fixture>::CActiveTester(Fixture* aFixture, TestMethod aTestMethod, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 /*aDelays[KNumberOfDelays]*/ )
   199 /**
   200  * Constructor
   201  *
   202  * @param aFixture - Test fixture
   203  * @param aTestMethod - Test method within the fixture
   204  */
   205 	:	CTimer(EPriorityStandard), iState(EConstruct), iFixture(aFixture),
   206 		iTest(aTestMethod), iError(KErrTEFUnitPass)
   207 	{
   208 	for( TInt i=0 ; i<KNumberOfDelays ; i++ )
   209 		{
   210 		iDelays[i] = 1;
   211 		}
   212 	}
   214 template <class Fixture>
   215 inline CActiveTester<Fixture>::~CActiveTester()
   216 /**
   217  * Destructor
   218  */
   219 	{
   220 	}
   222 template <class Fixture>
   223 inline void CActiveTester<Fixture>::RunL()
   224 /**
   225  * RunL
   226  */
   227 	{
   228 	switch( iState )
   229 		{
   230 		case EConstruct:
   231 			// Run generic startup code - delegate to the fixture
   232 			iFixture->SetupL();
   233 			iState = ERunTest;
   234 			After( iDelays[0] );
   235 			break;
   236 		case ERunTest:
   237 			// Run the test - delegate to the fixture
   238 			(iFixture->*iTest)();
   239 			iState = EDestroy;
   240 			After( iDelays[1] );
   241 			break;
   242 		case EDestroy:
   243 			// Run generic teardown code - delegate to the fixture
   244 			iFixture->TearDownL();
   245 			iState = EExit;
   246 			After( iDelays[2] );
   247 			break;
   248 		case EExit:
   249 			// Stop the Active Scheduler, test complete - delegate to the fixture
   250 			iFixture->StopEnvL();
   251 			return;
   252 		default:
   253 			break;
   254 		}
   255 	}
   257 template <class Fixture>
   258 inline TInt CActiveTester<Fixture>::RunError(TInt aError)
   259 /**
   260  * RunError
   261  *
   262  * @return - Error
   263  */
   264 	{
   265 	if (aError != KErrNone)
   266 		{
   267 		#if !(defined TEF_LITE)	
   268 		if(aError != KLeaveExit)
   269 			{
   270 		#endif
   271 			iError = KErrTEFUnitFail;
   272 			// Run generic teardown code - delegate to the fixture
   273 			iFixture->TearDownL();
   274 			// Stop the ActiveScheduler - delegate to the fixture
   275 			iFixture->StopEnvL();
   276 			return KErrNone;
   277 		#if !(defined TEF_LITE)
   278 			}
   279 		else
   280 			{
   281 			return aError;
   282 			}
   283 		#endif
   284 		}
   285 	else
   286 		{
   287 		return aError;
   288 		}
   289 	}
   291 template <class Fixture>
   292 inline TInt CActiveTester<Fixture>::Error()
   293 /**
   294  * Error
   295  *
   296  * @return - Error
   297  */
   298 	{
   299 	return iError;
   300 	}
   302 template <class Fixture>
   303 inline void CActiveTester<Fixture>::ConstructEnvL()
   304 /**
   305  * ConstructEnvL
   306  */
   307 	{
   308 	CTimer::ConstructL();
   309 	// Delegate to the fixture
   310 	iFixture->ConstructEnvL();
   311 	}
   313 template <class Fixture>
   314 inline void CActiveTester<Fixture>::DestroyEnvL()
   315 /**
   316  * DestroyEnvL
   317  */
   318 	{
   319 	// Delgate to the fixture
   320 	iFixture->DestroyEnvL();
   321 	}
   323 template <class Fixture>
   324 inline void CActiveTester<Fixture>::StartEnvL()
   325 /**
   326  * StartEnvL
   327  */
   328 	{
   329 	After( iDelays[0] );
   330 	// Delegate to the fixture
   331 	iFixture->StartEnvL();
   332 	}
   334 template <class Fixture>
   335 inline void CActiveTester<Fixture>::SetLoggerL(CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger)
   336 /**
   337  * SetLoggerL
   338  *
   339  * @param aLogger - Test logger
   340  */
   341 	{
   342 	// Delegate to the fixture
   343 	iFixture->SetLoggerL(aLogger);
   344 	}
   346 template <class Fixture>
   347 inline void CActiveTester<Fixture>::SetConfigL(CTestConfig& aConfig)
   348 /**
   349  * SetConfigL
   350  *
   351  * @param aConfig - test configuration
   352  */
   353 	{
   354 	// Delegate to the fixture
   355 	iFixture->SetConfigL(aConfig);
   356 	}
   359 template <class Fixture>
   360 inline CAsyncTestCase<Fixture>::CAsyncTestCase(const TDesC &aName, TestMethod aTestMethod )
   361 /**
   362  * Constructor
   363  *
   364  * @param aName - Test name
   365  * @param aTestMethod - Test method within the fixture
   366  */
   367 	: CTestCase(aName), iTest(aTestMethod)
   368 	{
   369 	}
   371 template <class Fixture>
   372 inline CAsyncTestCase<Fixture>::~CAsyncTestCase()
   373 /**
   374  * Destructor
   375  */
   376 	{
   377 	}
   379 template <class Fixture>
   380 inline void CAsyncTestCase<Fixture>::RunL(CTestConfig& aConfig, CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger)
   381 /**
   382  * RunL
   383  *
   384  * @param aConfig - Test configuration
   385  * @param aLogger - Test logger
   386  */
   387 	{
   388 	// Create the active Object
   389 	Fixture *fixture = new (ELeave) Fixture();
   390 	CleanupStack::PushL(fixture);
   391 	CActiveTester<Fixture>* tester = new (ELeave) CActiveTester<Fixture>(fixture, iTest, 0);
   392 	CleanupStack::PushL(tester);
   394 	// Set the Logger and Config now
   395 	tester->SetLoggerL( aLogger );
   396 	tester->SetConfigL( aConfig );
   398 	// Create the Active Scheduler Environment
   399 	tester->ConstructEnvL();
   401 	// Add the ActiveObject which has the test fixture
   402 	CActiveScheduler::Add( tester );
   404 	// Start the ActiveSheduler
   405 	tester->StartEnvL();
   407 	// When complete Teardown
   408 	tester->DestroyEnvL();
   410 	// Log the result
   411 	CTEFLogger::LogResult( iName, tester->Error(), aLogger );
   413 	// If an error was returned from the ActiveTester Leave here
   414 	if( tester->Error() != KErrTEFUnitPass )
   415 		{
   416 		User::Leave( tester->Error() );
   417 		}
   419 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, fixture);
   420 	}