changeset 0 3e07fef1e154
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     1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------
     2  -
     3  * Software Name : UserEmulator
     4  * Version       : v4.2.1309
     5  * 
     6  * Copyright (c) 2009 France Telecom. All rights reserved.
     7  * This software is distributed under the License 
     8  * "Eclipse Public License - v 1.0" the text of which is available
     9  * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
    10  *
    11  * Initial Contributors:
    12  * France Telecom 
    13  *
    14  * Contributors:
    15  *------------------------------------------------------------------
    16  -
    17  * File Name: Logger.h
    18  * 
    19  * Created: 13/08/2009
    20  * Author(s): Marcell Kiss, Reshma Sandeep Das
    21  *   
    22  * Description:
    23  * This class is used for logging purposes
    24  *------------------------------------------------------------------
    25  -
    26  *
    27  */
    29 #ifndef LOGGER_H__
    30 #define LOGGER_H__
    32 //System Includes
    33 #include <eikenv.h>
    34 #include <flogger.h>
    35 #include <f32file.h>
    37 //User Includes
    38 #include "UserEmulatorScriptsView.h"
    39 #include "Constants.h"
    41 //Forward Declarations
    42 class CSettings;
    44 /**
    45  * CLogger 
    46  * Class used for logging purposes
    47  */
    48 class CLogger : public CBase
    49 {
    50 public:
    52    /**
    53 	* ConstructL
    54 	*/
    55 	void ConstructL();
    56    /**
    57 	* Constructor
    58 	* @param aScriptView Reference to the script view
    59 	* @param aSettings Reference to the CSettings class
    60 	* @param aEikonEnv Reference to the CEikonEnv class
    61 	*/
    62 	CLogger(CUserEmulatorScriptsView& aScriptView,CSettings& aSettings, CEikonEnv* aEikonEnv);
    63    /**
    64 	* Destructor
    65 	*/
    66 	~CLogger();
    68    /**
    69 	* Function to write log into the log file
    70 	* @param aText Reference to a 8 bit descriptor
    71 	* @param aHeader boolean indicating presence of headers or values in the logging information
    72 	* @param aHash boolean indicating presence of # in the begging of the log line
    73 	*/
    74     void WriteLogL(const TDesC8& aText, TBool aHeader,TBool aHash=EFalse);
    76    /**
    77 	* Function to write log into the log file
    78 	* @param aText Reference to a 16 bit descriptor
    79 	* @param aHeader boolean indicating presence of headers or values in the logging information
    80 	* @param aHash boolean indicating presence of # in the begging of the log line
    81 	*/
    82     void WriteLogL(const TDesC16& aText, TBool aHeader,TBool aHash=EFalse);
    84    /**
    85 	* Function to close log file handles
    86 	*/
    87     void CloseFileHandles();
    89 private:
    90    /**
    91 	* Function to write log into the log file
    92 	* @param aText Reference to a 8 bit descriptor
    93 	* @param aHeader boolean indicating presence of headers or values in the logging information
    94 	* @param aHash boolean indicating presence of # in the begging of the log line
    95 	*/
    96 	TInt Write(const TDesC8& aText, TBool aHeader,TBool aHash=EFalse);
    97    /**
    98 	* Function to write log into the log file
    99 	* @param aText Reference to a 16 bit descriptor
   100 	* @param aHeader boolean indicating presence of headers or values in the logging information
   101 	* @param aHash boolean indicating presence of # in the begging of the log line
   102 	*/
   103 	TInt Write(const TDesC16& aText, TBool aHeader,TBool aHash=EFalse);
   104 private:
   105    /**
   106 	* Reference to the file handle
   107 	*/
   108     RFile 		 iFile;
   109    /**
   110  	* Reference to the file server session
   111  	*/
   112     RFs   		 iFs;
   113    /**
   114   	* Log buffer
   115   	*/
   116     TBuf8<KBuffer1024>  iLogBuffer;
   117    /**
   118   	* Reference to the CSettings class 
   119   	*/
   120     CSettings& 	 iSettings;
   121    /**
   122   	* Reference to the CEikonEnv class
   123   	*/
   124     CEikonEnv* 	 iEEnv;
   125    /**
   126    	* Reference to the CUSerEmulatorScriptsView class
   127    	*/
   128     CUserEmulatorScriptsView& iScriptView;
   129    /**
   130    	* Boolean indicating drive validity
   131    	*/
   132     TBool		 iDriveLockError;
   133 };
   135 #endif //__LOGGER_H__