changeset 0 3e07fef1e154
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3e07fef1e154
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 * Main log server engine.
    16 * Process log requests from multiple clients simultaneously.
    17 *
    18 */
    22 /**
    23  @file server.cpp
    24 */
    25 #include "server.h"
    27 CLogServer* CLogServer::NewL()
    28 /**
    29  * @return - Instance of the log server
    30  */
    31 	{
    32 	CLogServer * server = new (ELeave) CLogServer();
    33 	CleanupStack::PushL(server);
    34 	server->ConstructL();
    35 	// CServer base class call
    36 	server->StartL(KFileLogrerServerName);
    37 	CleanupStack::Pop(server);
    38 	return server;
    39 	}
    41 void CLogServer::ConstructL()
    42 /**
    43  * Second phase construction
    44  */
    45 	{
    46 	User::LeaveIfError(Fs().Connect());
    47 	}
    50 CLogServer::CLogServer() : CServer2(EPriorityStandard,ESharableSessions)
    51 /**
    52  * Constructor
    53  */
    54 	{
    55 	}
    57 CLogServer::~CLogServer()
    58 /**
    59  * Destructor
    60  */
    61 	{
    62 	// Close the array of control structures
    63 	LogControl().Close();
    64 	Fs().Close();
    65 	}
    68 CSession2* CLogServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& /*aVersion*/,const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/) const
    69 /**
    70  * @param RMessage - RMessage for the session open
    71  */
    72 	{
    73 	// Just create the session
    74 	CLogSession* session = new (ELeave) CLogSession();
    75 	return session;
    76 	}
    78 void CLogServer::ControlComplete(CLogFileControl& aControl)
    79 /**
    80  * @param aControl - Logfile control class reference
    81  *
    82  * Checks to see if this control session can be removed 
    83  */
    84 	{
    85 	// Check session count and the data buffers on the queue 
    86 	if(aControl.SessionCount() || !aControl.QueueEmpty())
    87 		return;
    89 	// There are no subsessions mapped to the logfile control class and
    90 	// no data buffers on its write queue
    91 	// Loop through the server's control array and remove it then delete it
    92 	TInt i;
    93 	for(i=0;i<LogControl().Count();i++)
    94 		{
    95 		if(&aControl == LogControl()[i])
    96 			{
    97 			// Done
    98 			LogControl().Remove(i);
    99 			delete &aControl;
   100 			break;
   101 			}
   102 		}
   103 	// If it's the last one then exit the server
   104 	if(!LogControl().Count())
   105 		CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   106 	}
   109 ///////
   111 CLogSession::CLogSession()
   112 /**
   113  * Constructor
   114  */
   115 	{
   116 	}
   118 CLogSession::~CLogSession()
   119 /**
   120  * Destructor
   121  */
   122 	{
   123 	// Check for null
   124 	// Session close without a createlog call leaves iControl null
   125 	if(!iControl)
   126 		return;
   127 	// A logfile control structure can have multiple server sessions
   128 	// decrement its server session count
   129 	iControl->RemoveSession();
   130 	CLogServer* p=(CLogServer*) Server();
   131 	// Shuts Down the server if this is the last open session
   132 	p->ControlComplete(*iControl);
   133 	}
   135 void CLogSession::ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   136 /**
   137  * @param aMessage - Function and data for the session
   138  */
   139 	{
   140 	switch(aMessage.Function())
   141 		{
   142 		// API CreateLog() call
   143 		case RFileFlogger::ECreateLog :
   144 			{
   145 			// Sanity check to make sure it's not been called multiple times
   146 			if(iControl)
   147 				{
   148 				aMessage.Complete(KErrInUse);
   149 				break;
   150 				}
   151 			// Get the filepath
   152 			// size policed on the client side
   153 			TBuf<KMaxLoggerFilePath> logFilePath;
   154 			// Read it
   155 			aMessage.ReadL(0,logFilePath);
   156 			// Get the log mode in the second argument
   157 			RFileFlogger::TLogMode logMode;
   158 			logMode = (RFileFlogger::TLogMode)aMessage.Int1();
   159 			// Get a pointer to the parent server
   160 			CLogServer* server=(CLogServer*) Server();
   161 			// For compare's convert the whole path to lower case
   162 			logFilePath.LowerCase();
   163 			// Get rid of leading and trailing spaces.
   164 			logFilePath.Trim();
   166 			// Loop the through the server's logfile control class list
   167 			// to see if there's a match.
   168 			TInt i;
   169 			for(i=0;i<server->LogControl().Count();i++)
   170 				{
   171 				if(server->LogControl()[i]->LogFile() == logFilePath)
   172 					// This file's already in open so we don't have to open it
   173 					break;
   174 				}
   175 			TInt err = KErrNone;
   176 			// Check the count
   177 			if(i < server->LogControl().Count())
   178 				// Map this session to an existing logfile control class in the list
   179 				iControl = server->LogControl()[i];
   180 			else
   181 				{
   182 				// Create a new logfile control class
   183 				// creates/opens the logfile
   184 				TRAP(err,iControl = CLogFileControl::NewL(*server,logFilePath,logMode));
   185 				if(!err)
   186 					{  // nancy
   187 					// find out the type of output format and assign to this new created control
   188 					TInt error = logFilePath.Find(_L(".xml"));
   189 					if(error==KErrNotFound) iControl->SetLogType(CLogFileControl::ETxt);
   190 					else iControl->SetLogType(CLogFileControl::EXml);					
   191 					// end nancy
   192 					// Append it to the logfile control class list
   193 					server->LogControl().Append(iControl);					
   194 					}
   195 				}
   196 			if(!err)
   197 				// Increment its session count
   198 				iControl->AddSession();
   199 			aMessage.Complete(err);
   200 			}
   201 			break;
   202 		// One of the API write calls
   203 		case RFileFlogger::EWriteLog :
   204 			{
   205 			// Sanity check
   206 			if(!iControl)
   207 				{
   208 				aMessage.Complete(KErrNotFound);
   209 				break;
   210 				}
   211 			// Data can be any size
   212 			// Get the length from second argument
   213 			TInt bufferLength = aMessage.Int1();
   214 			// Get a heap buffer of the right size
   215 			HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(bufferLength);
   216 			TPtr8 ptr(buffer->Des());
   217 			// read the data
   218 			aMessage.ReadL(0,ptr);			
   219 			// Get a buffer control class contructed with the heap data
   220 			// takes ownership
   221 			CLogBuffer* logBuffer = new (ELeave) CLogBuffer(*buffer);
   222 			CleanupStack::Pop(buffer);
   223 			// Add it to the logfile control class buffer queue
   224 			iControl->AddLogBuffer(*logBuffer);
   225 			if(!iControl->IsActive())
   226 				// AO is idle, kick into life
   227 				iControl->Kick();
   228 			aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   229 			}
   230 			break;
   232 		default:
   233 			break;
   234 		}
   235 	}
   237 ///////
   239 CLogFileControl* CLogFileControl::NewL(CLogServer& aParent, const TDesC& aLogFilePath,RFileFlogger::TLogMode aMode)
   240 /**
   241  * @param aParent - Server reference for callback
   242  * @param aLogFilePath - Full path and filename of the logfile
   243  * @param aMode - Overwrite or Append
   244  *
   245  * First phase construction for logfile control class
   246  */
   247 	{
   248 	CLogFileControl* self = new (ELeave) CLogFileControl(aParent,aLogFilePath);
   249 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   250 	self->ConstructL(aMode);
   251 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   252 	return self;
   253 	}
   255 CLogFileControl::CLogFileControl(CLogServer& aParent,const TDesC& aLogFilePath) :
   256 	iParent(aParent),
   257 	iLogFileName(aLogFilePath),
   258 	iTransmitted(EFalse)
   259 /**
   260  * @param aParent - Server reference for callback
   261  * @param aLogFilePath - Full path and filename of the logfile
   262  *
   263  * Constructor - Safe initialisation
   264  */
   265 	{
   266 	iQueue.SetOffset(CLogBuffer::LinkOffset());
   267 	}
   269 void CLogFileControl::ConstructL(RFileFlogger::TLogMode aMode)
   270 /**
   271  * @param aMode - Overwrite or Append
   272  *
   273  * Second phase construction - Create or open the logfile
   274  */
   275 	{
   276 	if(aMode == RFileFlogger::ELogModeOverWrite)
   277 		// In overwrite mode replace
   278 		User::LeaveIfError(iLogFile.Replace(iParent.Fs(),iLogFileName,EFileWrite));
   279 	else
   280 		{
   281 		// For append try open then replace
   282 		TInt err = iLogFile.Open(iParent.Fs(),iLogFileName,EFileWrite);
   283 		if(err != KErrNone)
   284 			// Bomb out if replace fails
   285 			User::LeaveIfError(iLogFile.Replace(iParent.Fs(),iLogFileName,EFileWrite));
   286 		else
   287 			{
   288 			// Open worked. Position at EOF
   289 			TInt pos;
   290 			iLogFile.Size(pos);
   291 			User::LeaveIfError(iLogFile.Seek(ESeekEnd,pos));
   292 			}
   293 		}
   294 	}
   296 CLogFileControl::~CLogFileControl()
   297 /**
   298  * Destructor
   299  * The server maintains a list of these classes and will not destruct one if there
   300  * is data on its queue
   301  * Destructor just closes the file handle.
   302  */
   303 	{
   304 	iLogFile.Close();
   305 	}
   307 void CLogFileControl::RunL()
   308 /**
   309  * Main File writing pump
   310  * Called on write completion or Kick() by the session that accepts the data
   311  */
   312 	{
   313 #if (defined _DEBUG)
   314 	_LIT(KPanic,"LogEng RunL()");
   315 #endif
   316 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iStatus.Int() == KErrNone,User::Panic(KPanic,iStatus.Int()));
   317 	// Check to see if this is the result of write completion
   318 	if(iTransmitted)
   319 		{
   320 		// Write completed
   321 		// Remove the buffer at the head of the queue and free it
   322 		CLogBuffer* buffer = iQueue.First();
   323 		iQueue.Remove(*buffer);
   324 		delete buffer;
   325 		}
   326 	// Check to see if there's more on the queue
   327 	if(!iQueue.IsEmpty())
   328 		{
   329 		// There is so write the head of the queue
   330 		CLogBuffer* buffer = iQueue.First();	
   331 		SetActive();
   332 		// Set the flag to say we've transmitted
   333 		iTransmitted = ETrue;
   335 //  ------------------------------------
   336 		if(iLogFormat==ETxt)  WriteTxt(buffer->Buf());
   337 		else WriteXml(buffer->Buf());
   338 		} 
   339 	else
   340 		{
   341 		// Nothing on the queue
   342 		iTransmitted = EFalse;
   343 		// Call into the server to check if this resource can be freed
   344 		iParent.ControlComplete(*this);
   345 		}
   346 	}
   348 void CLogFileControl::WriteXml(const TDesC8 &aDes)
   349 /**
   350  * @param aDes - send a aDes string in xml format to a log file
   351  */
   352 	{
   353 /*--------- Maintaince Warning:  -----------------------------------
   354 ******* the fomat of below is sensible from client original format.  
   355 ******* Any change should match actual string formated from client. 
   356 ******* Double check the code on client side 
   358 * The current assumtion of format:
   359 * First string values are seperated by sign " - " and extra pair of fields are
   360 * seperated from main log message  by long unusual string "LogFieldsRequiredBeingAddedToAboveLogMessage"
   361 * The \t used to seperate field name and field value and \r\n used to seperate
   362 * each other from those pairs of field
   363 * \t\t\t\t\t\t is used to end of whole string
   364 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   365 		_LIT8(KxmlHeader,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\r\n<LOGFILE>");
   366 		//The order of variables:
   367 		// time 		- aTime
   368 		// Severity 	- aSeverity
   369 		// Thread 		- aThread
   370 		// Filename 	- aFilename
   371 		// Linenumber 	- aLinenumber
   372 		// Text 		- aText
   374 		// Start of string retrive/deformating 
   375 		HBufC8* pBuf1 = HBufC8::NewL(KMaxLoggerLineLength*2); //(aDes.Length()+200);
   376 		if(!pBuf1)
   377 			{
   378 			return; // no memory 
   379 			}
   380 		TPtr8 aPtr(pBuf1->Des());  // used for searching
   381 		TPtr8 alogbuf(pBuf1->Des());  //used for final log
   382 		aPtr.Append(aDes);
   383 		TPtrC8 SearchBuf;
   384 		TInt aCount[8]; 
   385 		aCount[0]=0;
   386 		TInt posI(0);
   388 // retrive log message:
   389 		// Retrive common part of log message:
   390 		for(TInt i = 1; i<6; i++)
   391 			{
   392 			SearchBuf.Set(aPtr.Mid(posI));
   393 			aCount[i]=SearchBuf.Find(KSeperation8)+posI;
   394 			posI=aCount[i]+3;
   395 			if(aCount[i]<aCount[i-1])	return; // wrong format string from client
   396 			}
   397 		// seperating common log message and extra log fields will be easy for future maintaince.
   398 		TLogField8* alogField = new TLogField8[6];  // the common part of log message for both 
   399 								  					// with and without extra log fields
   400 		if(!alogField) return; // no memory
   402 		TLogField8* extralogField=NULL; // only applied to extra log fields
   404 		TInt alength=0;  // a length of array of extra log fields
   406 		alogField[0].iLogTag8.Copy(_L8("TIME"));
   407 		alogField[1].iLogTag8.Copy(_L8("SEVERITY"));
   408 		alogField[2].iLogTag8.Copy(_L8("THREAD"));
   409 		alogField[3].iLogTag8.Copy(_L8("FILENAME"));
   410 		alogField[4].iLogTag8.Copy(_L8("LINENUMBER"));
   411 		alogField[5].iLogTag8.Copy(_L8("TEXT"));
   413 		alogField[0].iLogValue8.Copy(aPtr.Mid(aCount[0],aCount[1]-aCount[0]));
   414 		for(TInt i=1; i<5; i++)
   415 			{
   416 			alogField[i].iLogValue8.Copy(aPtr.Mid(aCount[i]+3,aCount[i+1]-aCount[i]-3));				
   417 			}
   419 		SearchBuf.Set(aPtr.Mid(posI));
   420 		aCount[6]=SearchBuf.Find(_L8("LogFieldsRequiredBeingAddedToAboveLogMessage"))+posI; 
   421 		if(aCount[6]<posI)  // no addtional fields. Find return value is KErrNotFound or >0
   422 			{
   423 			TInt currentLength = alogField[5].iLogValue8.Length() ;
   424 			//this sentence will append the log info without buffer limit.
   425 			TInt newAppendLength = aDes.Length()-aCount[5]-5;
   426 			//The max length for log buff in this
   427 			TInt bufferLeft = alogField[5].iLogValue8.MaxLength() - currentLength;
   428 			// get the smaller one between the two
   429 			TInt enabledLength = bufferLeft > newAppendLength ? newAppendLength : bufferLeft ;
   430 			alogField[5].iLogValue8.Copy(aPtr.Mid(aCount[5]+3,enabledLength));
   431 			//alogField[5].iLogValue8.Copy(aPtr.Mid(aCount[5]+3,aDes.Length()-aCount[5]-5));
   432 			}
   433 		else
   434 		{
   435 			alogField[5].iLogValue8.Copy(aPtr.Mid(aCount[5]+3,aCount[6]-aCount[5]-5));
   436 			posI=aCount[6]+45;  //45 is from the length of long string and a tab
   437 			SearchBuf.Set(aPtr.Mid(posI));
   438 			aCount[7]=SearchBuf.Find(_L8("\r\n"))+posI;
   439 			TLex8 lex(aPtr.Mid(posI,aCount[7]-posI));  // get the length
   440 			TInt err=lex.Val(alength); 
   441 			if (err)	alength=0; // ignor the extra log fields. Let the log go
   443 			// Retrive the extra log fields
   444 			extralogField = new TLogField8[alength];
   445 			if(!extralogField) return; // no memory
   446 			for(TInt i=0; i<alength; i++)
   447 				{
   448 				aCount[6]=aCount[7]+2;
   449 				SearchBuf.Set(aPtr.Mid(aCount[6]));
   450 				aCount[7]=SearchBuf.Find(_L8("\t"))+aCount[6];
   451 				extralogField[i].iLogTag8.Copy(aPtr.Mid(aCount[6],aCount[7]-aCount[6]));
   452 				aCount[6]=aCount[7]+1;
   453 				SearchBuf.Set(aPtr.Mid(aCount[6]));
   454 				aCount[7]=SearchBuf.Find(_L8("\r\n"))+aCount[6];
   455 				extralogField[i].iLogValue8.Copy(aPtr.Mid(aCount[6],aCount[7]-aCount[6]));
   456 				}
   457 		}
   459 			// Start to organize an XML format: 			
   460 			TInt afileSize;
   461 			_LIT(KLogMutex, "LoggingServerMutex");
   462 			RMutex mutex;
   463 			TInt r = mutex.CreateGlobal(KLogMutex);
   464 			if(r==KErrAlreadyExists)
   465 				r = mutex.OpenGlobal(KLogMutex);  
   467 			if(!r)	mutex.Wait();  // if still failed, let logging go 
   468 									//without bother the mutex
   470 			iLogFile.Size(afileSize);
   471 			if(afileSize<12) // 12 is from charters of "\r\n</LOGFILE>" 
   472 						//It shoud happened once at the beginning of the file
   473 						// such as overwrite mode
   474 				{
   475 				afileSize=12; // used for lock position
   476     			alogbuf.Copy(KxmlHeader);
   477 				}
   478 			alogbuf.Append(_L8("\r\n<MESSAGE>\r\n"));
   479 			for(TInt i=0; i<6; i++)
   480 				{
   481 				alogbuf.Append(_L8("  <"));
   482 				alogbuf.Append(alogField[i].iLogTag8);
   483 				alogbuf.Append(_L8(">"));
   484 				alogbuf.Append(alogField[i].iLogValue8);
   485 				alogbuf.Append(_L8("</"));
   486 				alogbuf.Append(alogField[i].iLogTag8);
   487 				alogbuf.Append(_L8(">\r\n"));				
   488 				}
   489 			for(TInt i=0; i<alength; i++)  
   490 				{
   491 				alogbuf.Append(_L8("  <"));
   492 				alogbuf.Append(extralogField[i].iLogTag8);
   493 				alogbuf.Append(_L8(">"));
   494 				alogbuf.Append(extralogField[i].iLogValue8);
   495 				alogbuf.Append(_L8("</"));
   496 				alogbuf.Append(extralogField[i].iLogTag8);
   497 				alogbuf.Append(_L8(">\r\n"));				
   498 				}
   500     		alogbuf.Append(_L8("</MESSAGE>"));
   501     		alogbuf.Append(_L8("\r\n</LOGFILE>"));
   503     		iLogFile.Write(afileSize-12,alogbuf,iStatus);
   504     		iLogFile.Flush();							
   506 			if(!r)	
   507 				{
   508 				mutex.Signal();
   509 				mutex.Close();				
   510 				} 
   512 		if(extralogField) delete[] extralogField;
   513 		delete[] alogField;	
   514 		delete pBuf1;
   516 	}
   518 void CLogFileControl::WriteTxt(const TDesC8 &aDes)
   519 /**
   520  * @param aDes - send a aDes string in xml format to a log file
   521  */
   522 	{
   523 /*--------- Maintaince Warning for aLogBuffer -----------------------------------
   524 ******* the fomat of below is sensible from client original format.  
   525 ******* Any change should match actual string formated from client. 
   526 ******* Double check the code on client side 
   528 * The current assumtion of format:
   529 * First string values are seperated by sign " - " and extra pair of fields are
   530 * seperated from main log message  by long unusual string "LogFieldsRequiredBeingAddedToAboveLogMessage"
   531 * The \t used to seperate field name and field value and \r\n used to seperate
   532 * each other from those pairs of field
   533 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   534 	iLogFile.Write(aDes,iStatus);
   535 	}
   536 ///////
   537 CLogBuffer::CLogBuffer(HBufC8& aLogBuffer) : iLogBuffer(aLogBuffer)
   538 /**
   539  * @param aLogBuffer - Heap descriptor. This class takes ownership
   540  * Constructor
   541  */
   542 	{
   543 	}
   545 CLogBuffer::~CLogBuffer()
   546 /**
   547  * Destructor
   548  * This class owns a heap buffer so just free it
   549  */
   550 	{
   551 	delete &iLogBuffer;
   552 	}