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3 <title>TB10.1 Example Applications: CHangup Class Reference</title> |
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7 <!-- Generated by Doxygen 1.5.3 --> |
8 <h1>CHangup Class Reference</h1><!-- doxytag: class="CHangup" --><!-- doxytag: inherits="CISVAPIAsync,CISVAPIAsync,CISVAPIAsync" --><div class="dynheader"> |
9 Inheritance diagram for CHangup:</div> |
10 <div class="dynsection"> |
11 |
12 <p><center><img src="class_c_hangup.png" usemap="#CHangup_map" border="0" alt=""></center> |
13 <map name="CHangup_map"> |
14 <area href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_async.html" alt="CISVAPIAsync" shape="rect" coords="0,56,97,80"> |
15 <area href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_async.html" alt="CISVAPIAsync" shape="rect" coords="107,56,204,80"> |
16 <area href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_async.html" alt="CISVAPIAsync" shape="rect" coords="214,56,311,80"> |
17 <area href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html" alt="CISVAPIBase" shape="rect" coords="0,0,97,24"> |
18 <area href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html" alt="CISVAPIBase" shape="rect" coords="107,0,204,24"> |
19 <area href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html" alt="CISVAPIBase" shape="rect" coords="214,0,311,24"> |
20 </map> |
21 </div> |
22 |
23 <p> |
24 <a href="class_c_hangup-members.html">List of all members.</a><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> |
25 <tr><td></td></tr> |
26 <tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr> |
27 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"> </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html#b013511110798db877fb62fbc57ce4ba">~CHangup</a> ()</td></tr> |
28 |
29 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html#3a74e216b871816b156431f3ca8388d1">DoStartRequestL</a> (CTelephony::TCallId aCallId)</td></tr> |
30 |
31 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html#3a74e216b871816b156431f3ca8388d1">DoStartRequestL</a> (CTelephony::TCallId aCallId)</td></tr> |
32 |
33 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top">void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html#3a74e216b871816b156431f3ca8388d1">DoStartRequestL</a> (CTelephony::TCallId aCallId)</td></tr> |
34 |
35 <tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Static Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr> |
36 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top">static <a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html">CHangup</a> * </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html#a8a5bd8e1fc787f1c6960b2806f1b008">NewL</a> (<a class="el" href="class_m_exec_async.html">MExecAsync</a> *aController)</td></tr> |
37 |
38 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="67d43dbce55bd225fa809b91c38d622d"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CHangup::NewL" ref="67d43dbce55bd225fa809b91c38d622d" args="(MExecAsync *aController)" --> |
39 static <a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html">CHangup</a> * </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>NewL</b> (<a class="el" href="class_m_exec_async.html">MExecAsync</a> *aController)</td></tr> |
40 |
41 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="67d43dbce55bd225fa809b91c38d622d"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CHangup::NewL" ref="67d43dbce55bd225fa809b91c38d622d" args="(MExecAsync *aController)" --> |
42 static <a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html">CHangup</a> * </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>NewL</b> (<a class="el" href="class_m_exec_async.html">MExecAsync</a> *aController)</td></tr> |
43 |
44 <tr><td colspan="2"><br><h2>Public Attributes</h2></td></tr> |
45 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top">CTelephony::TCallId </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html#b96d71c46eaad03f7fd419f261141e8d">iCallId</a></td></tr> |
46 |
47 </table> |
48 <hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2> |
49 Hang up the currently active call whose callId is specified as an argument to <a class="el" href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html#f5a272546d704790a27788fcd45598b5">DoStartRequestL()</a><p> |
50 Hangs up the current active call with the callId specified as an argument to <a class="el" href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html#f5a272546d704790a27788fcd45598b5">DoStartRequestL()</a>.<p> |
51 Hangs up the currently active call with the callId specified as an argument to <a class="el" href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html#f5a272546d704790a27788fcd45598b5">DoStartRequestL()</a>. |
52 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_auto_d_t_m_f_dialler_2_c_hangup_8h-source.html#l00030">30</a> of file <a class="el" href="_auto_d_t_m_f_dialler_2_c_hangup_8h-source.html">CHangup.h</a>.</p> |
53 <hr><h2>Constructor & Destructor Documentation</h2> |
54 <a class="anchor" name="b013511110798db877fb62fbc57ce4ba"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CHangup::~CHangup" ref="b013511110798db877fb62fbc57ce4ba" args="()" --> |
55 <div class="memitem"> |
56 <div class="memproto"> |
57 <table class="memname"> |
58 <tr> |
59 <td class="memname">CHangup::~CHangup </td> |
60 <td>(</td> |
61 <td class="paramname"> </td> |
62 <td> ) </td> |
63 <td width="100%"></td> |
64 </tr> |
65 </table> |
66 </div> |
67 <div class="memdoc"> |
68 |
69 <p> |
70 Destructor. Cancels outstanding requests.<p> |
71 Destructor. Cancels outstanding requests |
72 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_auto_d_t_m_f_dialler_2_c_hangup_8cpp-source.html#l00037">37</a> of file <a class="el" href="_auto_d_t_m_f_dialler_2_c_hangup_8cpp-source.html">CHangup.cpp</a>.</p> |
73 |
74 </div> |
75 </div><p> |
76 <hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2> |
77 <a class="anchor" name="a8a5bd8e1fc787f1c6960b2806f1b008"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CHangup::NewL" ref="a8a5bd8e1fc787f1c6960b2806f1b008" args="(MExecAsync *aController)" --> |
78 <div class="memitem"> |
79 <div class="memproto"> |
80 <table class="memname"> |
81 <tr> |
82 <td class="memname"><a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html">CHangup</a> * CHangup::NewL </td> |
83 <td>(</td> |
84 <td class="paramtype"><a class="el" href="class_m_exec_async.html">MExecAsync</a> * </td> |
85 <td class="paramname"> <em>aController</em> </td> |
86 <td> ) </td> |
87 <td width="100%"><code> [static]</code></td> |
88 </tr> |
89 </table> |
90 </div> |
91 <div class="memdoc"> |
92 |
93 <p> |
94 Factory constructor. <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
95 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
96 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aController</em> </td><td>Pointer to <a class="el" href="class_m_exec_async.html">MExecAsync</a> object passed to constructor of <a class="el" href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html">CISVAPIBase</a> </td></tr> |
97 </table> |
98 </dl> |
99 <dl class="return" compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>Instance of <a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html">CHangup</a> class</dd></dl> |
100 Factory constructor.<p> |
101 <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
102 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
103 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aController</em> </td><td>Pointer to <a class="el" href="class_m_exec_async.html">MExecAsync</a> object passed to constructor of <a class="el" href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html">CISVAPIBase</a> </td></tr> |
104 </table> |
105 </dl> |
106 <dl class="return" compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>Instance of <a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html">CHangup</a> class </dd></dl> |
107 |
108 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_auto_d_t_m_f_dialler_2_c_hangup_8cpp-source.html#l00024">24</a> of file <a class="el" href="_auto_d_t_m_f_dialler_2_c_hangup_8cpp-source.html">CHangup.cpp</a>.</p> |
109 |
110 </div> |
111 </div><p> |
112 <a class="anchor" name="3a74e216b871816b156431f3ca8388d1"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CHangup::DoStartRequestL" ref="3a74e216b871816b156431f3ca8388d1" args="(CTelephony::TCallId aCallId)" --> |
113 <div class="memitem"> |
114 <div class="memproto"> |
115 <table class="memname"> |
116 <tr> |
117 <td class="memname">void CHangup::DoStartRequestL </td> |
118 <td>(</td> |
119 <td class="paramtype">CTelephony::TCallId </td> |
120 <td class="paramname"> <em>aCallId</em> </td> |
121 <td> ) </td> |
122 <td width="100%"><code> [virtual]</code></td> |
123 </tr> |
124 </table> |
125 </div> |
126 <div class="memdoc"> |
127 |
128 <p> |
129 Hangs up call specified in aCallId. <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
130 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
131 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aCallId</em> </td><td>Call ID of call to hang up</td></tr> |
132 </table> |
133 </dl> |
134 Hangs up call specified in aCallId.<p> |
135 <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
136 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
137 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aCallId</em> </td><td>Call ID of call to hang up</td></tr> |
138 </table> |
139 </dl> |
140 Hangs up the call specified in aCallId.<p> |
141 <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
142 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
143 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aCallId</em> </td><td>Call ID of call to hang up </td></tr> |
144 </table> |
145 </dl> |
146 |
147 <p>Reimplemented from <a class="el" href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html#5c7370075e9ef466a25cb188cbf0f15c">CISVAPIBase</a>.</p> |
148 |
149 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_auto_d_t_m_f_dialler_2_c_hangup_8cpp-source.html#l00046">46</a> of file <a class="el" href="_auto_d_t_m_f_dialler_2_c_hangup_8cpp-source.html">CHangup.cpp</a>.</p> |
150 |
151 </div> |
152 </div><p> |
153 <a class="anchor" name="3a74e216b871816b156431f3ca8388d1"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CHangup::DoStartRequestL" ref="3a74e216b871816b156431f3ca8388d1" args="(CTelephony::TCallId aCallId)" --> |
154 <div class="memitem"> |
155 <div class="memproto"> |
156 <table class="memname"> |
157 <tr> |
158 <td class="memname">void CHangup::DoStartRequestL </td> |
159 <td>(</td> |
160 <td class="paramtype">CTelephony::TCallId </td> |
161 <td class="paramname"> <em>aCallId</em> </td> |
162 <td> ) </td> |
163 <td width="100%"><code> [virtual]</code></td> |
164 </tr> |
165 </table> |
166 </div> |
167 <div class="memdoc"> |
168 |
169 <p> |
170 Virtual function for completing the request to start. Empty method.<p> |
171 <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
172 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
173 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aCallId</em> </td><td>A call identifier to perform Etel Third Party operations on </td></tr> |
174 </table> |
175 </dl> |
176 |
177 <p>Reimplemented from <a class="el" href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html#5c7370075e9ef466a25cb188cbf0f15c">CISVAPIBase</a>.</p> |
178 |
179 </div> |
180 </div><p> |
181 <a class="anchor" name="3a74e216b871816b156431f3ca8388d1"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CHangup::DoStartRequestL" ref="3a74e216b871816b156431f3ca8388d1" args="(CTelephony::TCallId aCallId)" --> |
182 <div class="memitem"> |
183 <div class="memproto"> |
184 <table class="memname"> |
185 <tr> |
186 <td class="memname">void CHangup::DoStartRequestL </td> |
187 <td>(</td> |
188 <td class="paramtype">CTelephony::TCallId </td> |
189 <td class="paramname"> <em>aCallId</em> </td> |
190 <td> ) </td> |
191 <td width="100%"><code> [virtual]</code></td> |
192 </tr> |
193 </table> |
194 </div> |
195 <div class="memdoc"> |
196 |
197 <p> |
198 Virtual function for completing the request to start. Empty method.<p> |
199 <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
200 <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
201 <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>aCallId</em> </td><td>A call identifier to perform Etel Third Party operations on </td></tr> |
202 </table> |
203 </dl> |
204 |
205 <p>Reimplemented from <a class="el" href="class_c_i_s_v_a_p_i_base.html#5c7370075e9ef466a25cb188cbf0f15c">CISVAPIBase</a>.</p> |
206 |
207 </div> |
208 </div><p> |
209 <hr><h2>Member Data Documentation</h2> |
210 <a class="anchor" name="b96d71c46eaad03f7fd419f261141e8d"></a><!-- doxytag: member="CHangup::iCallId" ref="b96d71c46eaad03f7fd419f261141e8d" args="" --> |
211 <div class="memitem"> |
212 <div class="memproto"> |
213 <table class="memname"> |
214 <tr> |
215 <td class="memname">CTelephony::TCallId <a class="el" href="class_c_hangup.html#b96d71c46eaad03f7fd419f261141e8d">CHangup::iCallId</a> </td> |
216 </tr> |
217 </table> |
218 </div> |
219 <div class="memdoc"> |
220 |
221 <p> |
222 The call identifier of the call to be hung up. |
223 <p>Definition at line <a class="el" href="_incoming_calls_2_c_hangup_8h-source.html#l00054">54</a> of file <a class="el" href="_incoming_calls_2_c_hangup_8h-source.html">CHangup.h</a>.</p> |
224 |
225 </div> |
226 </div><p> |
227 <hr size="1"><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Thu Jan 21 10:33:05 2010 for TB10.1 Example Applications by |
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