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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-3AF1F492-3D7D-5F8C-B1AE-16FBD8224775" xml:lang="en"><title>Resource
    13 Files </title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <p>Resource files contain data separated from executable code. The purpose
    15 of using resource files are to define user interface components and store
    16 localisable data. </p>
    17 <p>The application framework defined by the Uikon Core expects features of
    18 the application UI, such as menus, to be supplied in a resource file. The
    19 framework reads these resources itself. Other user interface components, such
    20 as dialogs, can also be easily created from resources, without the application
    21 needing to use this API itself. </p>
    22 <p>The API has two key concepts - resource file reader and resource component
    23 reader. </p>
    24 <section><title>Resource file reader</title> <p>Resource files contain data
    25 in numbered resources. The resource file reader allows such files to be opened
    26 and closed, and individual resources within them, as identified by symbolic
    27 identifiers, to be read into binary descriptors. Data items are then extracted
    28 from these descriptors using the resource component reader. </p> <p>The resource
    29 file can be read using <xref href="GUID-AA6DEF11-6F23-3523-A9F7-F15DF918E1BA.dita"><apiname>RResourceFile</apiname></xref>. </p> </section>
    30 <section><title>Resource component reader</title> <p>A resource is defined
    31 as a struct. Struct members can be simple, such as integers and strings, or
    32 complex, such as other structs, or arrays of structs. The resource component
    33 reader is used to read these struct members from a binary descriptor holding
    34 the resource into C++ variables. The application must ensure that it places
    35 the struct members into variables of appropriate types. </p> <p>The resource
    36 component header information can be accessed using <xref href="GUID-B375D32E-1F91-30FA-8605-A2E163111F9A.dita"><apiname>TResourceReader</apiname></xref>. </p> </section>
    37 <section id="GUID-EA9C30E1-AB21-5042-9417-CFDE320C519D"><title>Basic resource
    38 file use</title> <p>The basic concepts involved with using resource files
    39 are as follows: </p> <ul>
    40 <li id="GUID-67FFC98D-2829-5146-B4B6-5DEB3A4966BA"><p>In a resource file,
    41 define structs or use appropriate pre-defined structs and then define resources
    42 that use those structs. </p> </li>
    43 <li id="GUID-C57BD780-2B6F-547F-B008-FAD1F51B565F"><p>Run the resource compiler
    44 to produce both a generated header file and a resource file. The generated
    45 header file defines the symbols which a program uses to refer to the resources. </p> </li>
    46 </ul> <p>A program which requires a resource file then performs the following: </p> <ul>
    47 <li id="GUID-6E6F8010-F264-5F28-A540-D122530C98ED"><p>Includes the generated
    48 header file in the appropriate source file to get symbolic access to the IDs
    49 of the resources contained within the file. </p> </li>
    50 <li id="GUID-8E1FFF9C-6D4A-5926-AE9E-703E2B224F23"><p>Opens a <codeph>RResourceFile</codeph> object,
    51 specifying the generated resource file name. </p> </li>
    52 <li id="GUID-AB22B5E3-1C8E-5994-B4E4-28CCD62297BD"><p>Reads any resource that
    53 is required. The resource is identified by a symbolic ID which has been <codeph>#define</codeph> d
    54 as a number; the content of the resource is read into a binary descriptor,
    55 derived from <codeph>TDesC8</codeph>. </p> </li>
    56 <li id="GUID-E743799B-77A2-51F6-AC73-1D8A9325FD5E"><p>Converts the binary
    57 descriptor into whatever target format is appropriate for the data in the
    58 resource file. </p> </li>
    59 <li id="GUID-83832E00-F8A1-5F42-80A7-AA29C11D1CFD"><p>Discards the descriptor,
    60 if appropriate, when the binary descriptor has been fully converted into its
    61 target format. </p> </li>
    62 <li id="GUID-8E5F9573-7180-5E44-ABAD-53D4F9608E33"><p>Closes the <codeph>RResourceFile</codeph> when
    63 all operations on the resource file are complete. </p> </li>
    64 </ul> <p>The resource text can be changed and the resources recompiled without
    65 altering or recompiling the C++ program. For example, to alter the language
    66 used by text strings. </p> </section>
    67 <section><title>Resource File Interface</title><p>Resource files contain data
    68 in numbered resources. A resource file has the following format:</p><fig id="GUID-9CFB3B14-9C09-42E2-A87E-ED07BD2E7E36">
    69 <image href="GUID-FB479891-8788-5548-B875-A5C637EC2DE6_d0e195180_href.png" placement="inline"/>
    70 </fig><p>A resource file is generated from text input using the resource compiler.
    71 The index can be used to efficiently find a resource given its numeric ID.
    72 There can be 1 to 4095 resources in a resource file. Each resource contains
    73 binary data whose length is determined by subtracting the start position of
    74 the resource from the start of the next resource (or from the start of the
    75 index, for the last resource in the file). </p><p> Functions for handling
    76 resources in a resource file are encapsulated in the <codeph>RResourceFile</codeph> class.
    77 This class provides functions for: </p><p><ul>
    78 <li><p>opening and closing the file</p></li>
    79 <li><p>reading resources</p></li>
    80 <li><p>support for using multiple resource files</p></li>
    81 </ul></p><p>Generally, the process for reading a resource is to read it into
    82 a buffer of sufficient length, analyse it and place its data into C++ classes.
    83 Then, if appropriate, release the buffer.   </p><p>The <codeph>TResourceReader</codeph> class
    84 must be used to simplify the process of resource data analysis.  </p> </section>
    85 <section id="GUID-3E43B598-5857-5660-B9F0-432FD9AC56AA"><title>File types
    86 in resource file usage</title> <p>The file types involved in resource file
    87 usage are defined in the following diagram: </p> <fig id="GUID-4C93BFC7-89BD-5E88-BA68-D6273F13BB8D">
    88 <title>              File types            </title>
    89 <image href="GUID-4A5A50EB-261E-5739-904E-1D14D1A6BAD9_d0e195226_href.png" placement="inline"/>
    90 </fig> <p>These files work together as follows: </p> <ul>
    91 <li id="GUID-CA9BB1F1-0535-5F18-9CD2-AC2C02DACE8D"><p>the C++ compiler and
    92 linker, together, take <filepath>.cpp</filepath> source files and produce <filepath>.exe</filepath> output
    93 (or <filepath>.dll</filepath>, or <filepath>.app</filepath>, or another such
    94 extension). </p> </li>
    95 <li id="GUID-D1E44783-4179-5E25-9C2A-715E167E8177"><p>the resource compiler
    96 takes a <filepath>.rss</filepath> source file containing <codeph>RESOURCE</codeph> statements
    97 and converts it into a <filepath>.rsc</filepath> resource file which contains
    98 the resources the executable program will use. It also produces a <filepath>.rsg</filepath> generated
    99 header file, which contains the symbolic IDs of these resources. </p> </li>
   100 <li id="GUID-5E468821-D48B-5633-9801-F3ACFA96024C"><p>the <filepath>.rsg</filepath> file
   101 is <codeph>#include</codeph> d by the <filepath>.cpp</filepath> file, so that
   102 the C++ compiler has access to the symbolic IDs of the resources that will
   103 be used. </p> </li>
   104 <li id="GUID-99F5E649-D5E6-59F0-A6F0-C51A52756FA7"><p>C++ class definitions
   105 are specified in a <filepath>.h</filepath> file; a typical application will
   106 include several system header files and usually one or more of its own. </p> </li>
   107 <li id="GUID-84ED8144-AEBD-51CD-A9CE-240D143A773A"><p>resource structs are
   108 specified in a <filepath>.rh</filepath> file. A typical application will use
   109 system-provided resource headers, which define standard controls etc. Only
   110 if the application requires its own structs, will it include its own <filepath>.rh</filepath> file. </p> </li>
   111 <li id="GUID-BDDFAD1C-48FD-52F0-85A0-553CB2BAC5AA"><p>flag values are <codeph>#define</codeph> d
   112 in a file which must be available to both the C++ compiler and the resource
   113 compiler: the <filepath>.hrh</filepath> extension is used for this and <filepath>.hrh</filepath> files
   114 are typically <codeph>#include</codeph> d into the <filepath>.h</filepath> file
   115 that defines the classes (for C++) and the <filepath>.rh</filepath> file that
   116 defines the structs (for the resource compiler). </p> </li>
   117 </ul> </section>
   118 <section id="GUID-41C5ABE7-C081-5259-9814-0436844C85AD"><title>Type safety
   119 issues</title> <p>Software systems implemented in C++ are designed to be type-safe.
   120 Proper use of header files, make utilities, type declarations, classes and
   121 templates makes it difficult to pass data of the wrong type to functions,
   122 to assign data of the wrong type to variables, or to construct a program whose
   123 modules are inconsistent with one another. Thus a major source of programming
   124 errors is detected while the program is being built, before running it. </p> <p>A
   125 program which uses resources must have a resource file which matches that
   126 program's requirements. However, the resource file and the executable program
   127 are only loosely bound together. A variety of errors are possible while dealing
   128 with resources, which cannot be detected during the build process. Programmers
   129 should be aware of these and take appropriate measures to avoid them. </p> <p>Additional
   130 sources of error include: </p> <ul>
   131 <li id="GUID-C08B03AF-E50C-577A-90F7-1462B223E9D0"><p>Having a program and
   132 resource file which do not correspond. </p> <p>This can arise because the
   133 resource file formats were updated, or the program was updated, but the resource
   134 file was not updated. When the program is run, the resources it loads are
   135 in the wrong format. </p> </li>
   136 <li id="GUID-81AB0840-8122-5C34-9DE9-A10DCB02E39D"><p>The structures in the
   137 resource file may be of a different format from that expected by the C++ program. </p> <p>If
   138 the C++ program expects a <codeph>LONG</codeph> while a <codeph>WORD</codeph> is
   139 present in the resource file, then the C++ program will read two extra bytes
   140 from the data item in the resource file. Any subsequent data read from that
   141 resource will be an error. </p> <p>This kind of error can only be avoided
   142 by C++ programs knowing which structs they are dealing with, knowing the data
   143 layouts of those structs in a resource file and writing code which works in
   144 that context. </p> </li>
   145 <li id="GUID-E61214E6-9FC8-5A6E-8EEC-452FF135A89C"><p>Having resources of
   146 unexpected type. </p> <p>The most likely reason for this to arise is because
   147 there is no type safety in the resource compiler. Thus, it is possible for
   148 a programmer to wrongly guess what kind of struct a particular resource must
   149 use. Appropriate comments in the <filepath>.rh</filepath> files and the documentation
   150 of the resource file, will help to reduce this kind of error. </p> </li>
   151 </ul> <p>The resource compiler does provide some elementary safety features: </p> <ul>
   152 <li id="GUID-736C2471-93C2-5AD6-8E73-CBA30DF5C6C0"><p>All resources are represented
   153 by a symbolic ID. This ensures that the resource IDs used by the C++ program
   154 and those expected by the compiler match, if the recommended build procedures
   155 are followed. </p> </li>
   156 <li id="GUID-8DE5ABAE-2504-5DC9-BDCC-70C8ABF806AA"><p>Flag values, maximum
   157 length constants and some other values, may be defined in a <filepath>.hrh</filepath> file.
   158 This ensures that C++ programs uses correct resource. </p> </li>
   159 </ul> </section>
   160 </conbody><related-links>
   161 <link href="GUID-EA107811-240C-5F95-922B-7C042FA00A87.dita"><linktext>Reading a
   162 string resource</linktext></link>
   163 </related-links></concept>