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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-A5F65344-BE05-5295-85BB-E8114505FB82" xml:lang="en"><title>Alarm
    13 Sound Play Control</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <p>This section explains the use of sound, which is one of the several ways
    15 that the Alarm Server can notify the user. </p>
    16 <section><title>Alarm Play Interval Configuration</title> <p>The alarm sound
    17 play definition (<xref href="GUID-0075C5BA-8084-33EB-A246-7EED717E2B88.dita"><apiname>TASCliSoundPlayDefinition</apiname></xref>) is set using
    18 the <xref href="GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4.dita"><apiname>RASCliSession</apiname></xref> class. Alarm sounds are played according
    19 to intervals that consist of a duration and an offset. The <xref href="GUID-0075C5BA-8084-33EB-A246-7EED717E2B88.dita"><apiname>TASCliSoundPlayDefinition</apiname></xref> class
    20 defines when alarm sounds are to be played, and for how long. </p> <p>The
    21 purpose of configuring alarm sound play is to enable the Alarm Server to perform
    22 the following operations: </p> <ul>
    23 <li id="GUID-954909FC-2690-50A6-A967-AB4E3C97A319"><p>set the alarm sound
    24 state to ON or OFF (<xref href="GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4.dita#GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4/GUID-EE45EA45-0289-3946-ACB8-25971D32FDC7"><apiname>RASCliSession::SetAlarmSoundState()</apiname></xref>). </p> </li>
    25 <li id="GUID-B8D77E1F-0F9C-5AA2-8269-68A04CD73525"><p>silence all alarms until
    26 a specific time (<xref href="GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4.dita#GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4/GUID-C15F814F-AFB6-3FE4-8674-B961A1EFA6F2"><apiname>RASCliSession::SetAlarmSoundsSilentUntil()</apiname></xref>).
    27 No sound is played for any alarm that is notified before this time. </p> </li>
    28 <li id="GUID-7359767C-FFC6-5903-B4C1-099C55EB0C3E"><p>silence all alarms for
    29 a specified interval (<xref href="GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4.dita#GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4/GUID-D86F97E4-3407-32C9-ADBA-0FD44D5A3ED3"><apiname>RASCliSession::SetAlarmSoundsSilentFor()</apiname></xref>).
    30 No alarm sound is played for any alarm notified during this period. </p> </li>
    31 <li id="GUID-79917BFC-C399-5FCB-A1B3-9E3CA16250F7"><p>cancel the silent period,
    32 turning the alarm sounds ON (<xref href="GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4.dita#GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4/GUID-92A4C2FD-46B9-36CA-A624-002EEFA9671C"><apiname>RASCliSession::CancelAlarmSilence()</apiname></xref>). </p> </li>
    33 <li id="GUID-D701C819-91AC-55F6-8A2B-99A3B95BB22D"><p>configure alarm sound
    34 play intervals (<xref href="GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4.dita#GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4/GUID-BB9A298E-C3AE-3E98-A677-E7A028F67602"><apiname>RASCliSession::SetAlarmPlayIntervalsL()</apiname></xref>),
    35 which specify the duration of the ‘play/silence/play’ when an alarm expires. </p> </li>
    36 <li id="GUID-4FCCE100-C356-5F22-8300-C4BFD6A64F0B"><p>determine whether the
    37 alarm server has temporarily silenced the sounds (<xref href="GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4.dita#GUID-3598EAEE-0EF4-35A2-89E5-F3B2555B1AB4/GUID-EB8DC5EB-ABA9-3AB9-9D1B-E37DA612C0BB"><apiname>RASCliSession::AlarmSoundsTemporarilySilenced()</apiname></xref>).
    38 This returns <xref href="GUID-781E8158-805B-3784-8FED-D7A191822FC3.dita"><apiname>ETrue</apiname></xref> if alarm sound playing is temporarily
    39 silenced, else <xref href="GUID-A759CA2D-8327-348F-9337-4886E619D920.dita"><apiname>EFalse</apiname></xref> is specified. </p> </li>
    40 </ul> <p> <b>NOTE</b>: These APIs can be used <i>only</i> if the alarm sound
    41 play control is enabled from the Alarm Server side. </p> <p>To perform these
    42 operations, the Alarm Server uses a resource file, which defines the sound
    43 play intervals and durations. </p> <p><b>Resource File</b> </p> <p>The alarm
    44 play intervals are defined in <codeph>AlarmServer.rss</codeph> resource file.
    45 The compiled resource file (configuration file) must be named as <codeph>alarmserver.rsc</codeph> and
    46 be placed in the Alarm Server’s private directory (<codeph>C:\private\101F5027</codeph> on
    47 emulator, or <codeph>Z:\private\101F5027</codeph> on target platforms). </p> <p>The
    48 resource file must start with the necessary include directives, resource name,
    49 and standard signature entry as illustrated in the following code fragment: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-A6885AA2-38C0-54BA-8765-9B10A20B0478" xml:space="preserve">#include &lt;badef.rh&gt;
    50 #include &lt;alarmserver.rh&gt;
    52 NAME ASRV
    54     {
    55     signature = 1;
    56     }</codeblock> <p>The resource file specifies only the Offset (in minutes)
    57 and Duration (in seconds) of the Alarm play intervals. It is used only for
    58 initial configuration. </p> <p>At runtime, Alarm Server configurations are
    59 backed up to a file called as <filepath>AlarmServer.ini</filepath>, on the
    60 PC side. The backup operation performed can be one of the following types: </p> <ul>
    61 <li id="GUID-46E046BC-44CB-5B8C-90DD-4E022F258145"><p> <b>Secure Backup</b> -
    62 In this method, <codeph>backuprestorenotification.lib</codeph> (provides a
    63 notification mechanism) is used for backing and restoring operation to and
    64 from <codeph>C:\private\101F5027\AlarmServer.ini</codeph>. </p> </li>
    65 <li id="GUID-B17FCD6F-500A-5D49-9FC2-389B7F41E810"><p> <b>Passive Backup</b> -
    66 In this method, the required backup behavior is mentioned in a backup registration
    67 file called <filepath>backup_registration.xml</filepath>, placed in its private
    68 directory. The list of private directories and files that must be backed up
    69 are mentioned in this backup registration file. </p> </li>
    70 </ul> <p> <b>NOTE</b>: The backup file takes precedence over the resource
    71 file the next time the Alarm Server is started. Therefore, if changes are
    72 made to the resource file, <filepath>AlarmServer.ini</filepath> must be deleted
    73 manually before restarting the Alarm Server. </p> <p><b>Alarm Sound Play Intervals
    74 and Durations</b> </p> <p>The following diagram illustrates the alarm sound
    75 play intervals: </p> <fig id="GUID-477088D0-57BD-58BF-91BC-BF05E3EF2162">
    76 <title>                 ALARM SOUND PLAY INTERVALS               </title>
    77 <image href="GUID-3E23788D-4D67-5E9B-961F-B67D7471BB71_d0e152869_href.png" placement="inline"/>
    78 </fig> <p>Alarm play intervals define the toggling of alarm sound playing/stopping
    79 and alarm dialog show/hide when an alarm expires. It consists of a duration
    80 and an offset. The offset is the time, in minutes, from the beginning alarm
    81 time or the end of the last snooze. The duration is the time period, in seconds,
    82 during which the alarm sound is played. </p> <p>At each offset, the Alarm
    83 Server makes a request to the Alarm Alert server to display the alarm dialog
    84 and play the alarm sound. At the end of each duration period, the Alarm Server
    85 makes a request to the Alarm Alert server to hide the alarm and stop playing
    86 the alarm sound. </p> <p>The following is an example code fragment that plays
    87 the sound for 30 seconds, then pauses for 30 seconds, and repeats the pattern
    88 two more times: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-7ECBB50D-0C81-5059-A334-81BC979A04B2" xml:space="preserve">RESOURCE sound_controller
    89     {
    90     intervals =
    91         {
    92         SOUND_INTERVAL { offset = 0; duration = 30; },
    93         SOUND_INTERVAL { offset = 1; duration = 30; },
    94         SOUND_INTERVAL { offset = 2; duration = 30; };
    95         };
    96     }</codeblock> <p>An interval must have an offset of zero if more than
    97 one offset is specified. </p> <p> <b>NOTE</b>: The <xref href="GUID-0075C5BA-8084-33EB-A246-7EED717E2B88.dita"><apiname>TASCliSoundPlayDefinition</apiname></xref> class
    98 is the runtime equivalent of the sound intervals array. It defines <xref href="GUID-0075C5BA-8084-33EB-A246-7EED717E2B88.dita#GUID-0075C5BA-8084-33EB-A246-7EED717E2B88/GUID-79792213-24E6-3862-BEF5-832F8C34BF5A"><apiname>TASCliSoundPlayDefinition::Offset()</apiname></xref> length
    99 in minutes and defines <xref href="GUID-0075C5BA-8084-33EB-A246-7EED717E2B88.dita#GUID-0075C5BA-8084-33EB-A246-7EED717E2B88/GUID-1900BA63-48B2-32A6-93DB-F77CC7AA3E39"><apiname>TASCliSoundPlayDefinition::Duration()</apiname></xref> length
   100 in seconds. The API to set a <xref href="GUID-0075C5BA-8084-33EB-A246-7EED717E2B88.dita"><apiname>TASCliSoundPlayDefinition</apiname></xref> array
   101 is <xref href="GUID-0075C5BA-8084-33EB-A246-7EED717E2B88.dita#GUID-0075C5BA-8084-33EB-A246-7EED717E2B88/GUID-AB1E72B5-D9CE-3BAD-860D-6C1F443442E8"><apiname>TASCliSoundPlayDefinition::SetAlarmPlayIntervalsL()</apiname></xref>. </p> </section>
   102 <section><title>Alarm Play Sequence Repeat Option</title> <p>The resource
   103 file provides an option to repeat the sequence when the end of the alarm play
   104 sequence is reached. </p> <p>For backward compatibility, the default behavior
   105 is to restart the sequence when the end of the alarm play sequence is reached
   106 (see <xref href="GUID-0056DE57-61FD-3452-B65B-EFADC0069B8F.dita"><apiname>EAlarmSoundRepeatSettingStop</apiname></xref>). This occurs if there
   107 is no resource file, or if the resource file does not specify an option. There
   108 are two more end-of-sequence options: </p> <ul>
   109 <li id="GUID-73A1D734-2938-5477-81F7-B17F5237C374"><p> <xref href="GUID-41015640-AD70-3D56-9D89-AFAF67E15BCA.dita"><apiname>EAlarmSoundRepeatSettingLoop</apiname></xref> -
   110 stop when the end of sequence reached. </p> </li>
   111 <li id="GUID-F531E88D-AAD6-5F8D-9CDE-B153467D4DB1"><p> <xref href="GUID-98CE95CB-96F7-37A5-8C49-0B11D7CAEE6B.dita"><apiname>EAlarmSoundRepeatSettingRepeatLast</apiname></xref> -
   112 repeat last interval indefinitely. This is an optional entry in the resource
   113 file. </p> </li>
   114 </ul> <p>The following is a resource file example illustrating the use of
   115 an option to repeat the alarm play sequence: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-07ADF881-C2CE-558A-9237-2BF0E4E28064" xml:space="preserve">RESOURCE sound_controller
   116     {
   117     option = EAlarmSoundRepeatSettingRepeatLast;
   118     intervals = 
   119         {
   120          ...
   121         }
   122     }</codeblock> </section>
   123 <section><title>See also</title> <p><xref href="GUID-59D2B677-63D7-5FE7-98F4-549D9C235E56.dita">Playing
   124 Alarm Sound Continuously</xref> </p> </section>
   125 </conbody></concept>