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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-0A61CB48-B8EA-5516-B24E-65898CDF2566" xml:lang="en"><title>How
    13 to Configure Multithreaded C32 Serial Comms: Tutorial</title><abstract><shortdesc>This page describes how a device manufacturer can configure
    14 the grouping of CSYs into various threads. </shortdesc> <p>The Serial Server
    15 on Symbian platform supports the use of multiple threads in order to separate
    16 the serial plug-in CSY modules. The first section provides a brief migration
    17 guide, while the subsequent sections provide more detail on the specific parameters
    18 and behaviour, and other advanced information. </p> </abstract><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    20 <section id="GUID-4109EB99-A9A8-597B-BF42-89CF6AD7DB73"><title>Introduction</title> <p>The
    21 Comms Configurator (<codeph>c32start</codeph>) uses a configuration Comms
    22 Module Ini file (.CMI) to load Comms Provider Modules (CPMs) into the Rootserver
    23 process. Each CMI file represents exactly one CPM loaded inside Rootserver.
    24 CPMs are the name given to threads running inside the Rootserver process,
    25 since they extend the thread concept by adding a wrapper of extra information
    26 and functionality used to manage the threads. </p> <p>The Comms Configurator
    27 searches for the CMI files in the <codeph>\private\101f7988</codeph> folders
    28 by searching from Y: to A: and then Z:. The folder <filepath>101f7988</filepath> is
    29 the secure area for the Comms Configurator process and its name derives from
    30 the UID for the process - as specified by the requirements for <xref href="GUID-1E7AA950-06C2-599C-BCC2-12BB99306E1B.dita#GUID-1E7AA950-06C2-599C-BCC2-12BB99306E1B/GUID-03558B99-2B98-579C-AD59-CF66BD98F69F">Data Caging</xref>. If the files are found in the ROM (usually Z:) they are <i>not</i> then
    31 copied to any other drive but only read in-place. Thus, a later configuration
    32 of CMI files installed on another media/drive other than the ROM drive can
    33 be used to override the original ROM configuration. The Configurator reads
    34 these files only once during boot so any further changes will not take effect
    35 until the next system boot. </p> </section>
    36 <section id="GUID-B742D7C6-ACA3-40CD-8D2D-B8E8AB4F1885"><title>Quick Migration Guide</title> <p>This section provides a brief
    37 description of how to migrate a configuration from the old single-threaded
    38 C32 Serial Server to the new multi-threaded server. As there are numerous
    39 potential configurations with the multi-threaded server, this migration guide
    40 should be used as a first step to getting any old settings migrated over and
    41 thus allowing the server to continue working after an upgrade of Symbian platform. </p> <p>Once
    42 migrated, the other sections in this article provide further useful information
    43 regarding configuring CMI files for better performance in line with the requirements
    44 of the particular device. </p> <p>The quick migration involves two steps: </p> <ul>
    45 <li id="GUID-07F882AE-797F-5326-A4C3-DC596F3BC888"><p>apply any special configuration
    46 used with the previous single-threaded C32 Serial Server to the new configuration
    47 files supplied with the multi-threaded server </p> </li>
    48 <li id="GUID-423E4236-73EA-51CA-B9E3-03761078DF86"><p>adjust the default set
    49 of configuration files supplied with the multi-threaded server to suit the
    50 particular serial plug-ins in use </p> </li>
    51 </ul> <p>These two steps are explained in more detail in the following sections. </p> <p><b>Migrating settings</b> </p> <p>The original single-threaded Serial Server
    52 was controlled by a single configuration file called (by default) <filepath>c32.cmi</filepath>,
    53 located in <filepath>\private\101f7988</filepath>. A default version of this
    54 file shipped with Symbian platform, although a device manufacturer could change
    55 this file. The default version of this file was: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-897E8787-4E34-5D80-B04F-85E94EE5B570" xml:space="preserve">## Comms Configurator config file for the C32 server
    57 [Loader]
    58 Name=CCommServer
    59 FileName=c32.dll
    60 ThreadFunctionOrdinal=87
    61 IsServer=1
    62 IsSticky=1
    63 Priority=EPriorityMuchMore
    64 StackSize=8192
    65 ScaledStartupState=0x1085
    66 HeapOption=EDefaultHeap
    67 MinHeapSize=256
    68 MaxHeapSize=524288
    69 SystemCritical=1</codeblock> <p>The multi-threaded C32 Serial Server (C32MT)
    70 ships by default with five configuration files, since by default it supports
    71 five different threads. These configuration files are: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-AE8071D9-1ECD-58EF-AC33-713B42EDB7F8" xml:space="preserve">\private\101f7988\c32.cmi
    72 \private\101f7988\c32_first.cmi
    73 \private\101f7988\c32_second.cmi
    74 \private\101f7988\c32_third.cmi
    75 \private\101f7988\c32_fourth.cmi</codeblock> <p>They are an extended version
    76 of the original CMI file that shipped with the single-threaded C32. For example,
    77 the first of these configuration files (c32.cmi) looks like: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-6B6FF51B-A9CC-5D9D-99B0-A98BA1634FA2" xml:space="preserve"># c32_main - Comms Configurator config file forming part of the Default C32 server configuration
    79 [Loader]
    80 Name=C32_Main
    81 FileName=c32.dll
    82 ThreadFunctionOrdinal=87
    83 IsSticky=0
    84 IsServer=1
    85 Priority=EPriorityMuchMore
    86 StackSize=16384
    87 ScaledStartupState=0x1085
    88 HeapOption=ENewHeap
    89 MinHeapSize=256
    90 MaxHeapSize=524288
    91 SystemCritical=1
    92 Group=C32SerComms
    93 OnDemand=0
    94 # Don't check heap if shutting down with EImmediate (KCF_ModuleImmediateNoCheck)
    95 ControlFlags=4
    96 [IniData]
    97 Role=Dealer
    98 WorkerId=0</codeblock> <p>The first step in migrating is to ensure that any
    99 unique configuration used with the old server is migrated across to the new
   100 server. The particular parameters that should be considered in this procedure
   101 are: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-8E2C24C0-8770-57CD-8064-5D85F4096DAE" xml:space="preserve">Priority
   102 StackSize
   103 ScaledStartupState
   104 MinHeapSize
   105 MaxHeapSize
   106 SystemCritical</codeblock> <p>These parameters would need migrating to each
   107 of the five new CMI files. The following notes relate to deliberate changes
   108 to parameter values between the single and multi-threaded servers: </p> <dl>
   109 <dlentry>
   110 <dt><b>HeapOption</b> </dt>
   111 <dd><p>The value of <codeph>HeapOption</codeph> is different between the old
   112 and new files - this was made to aid in debugging the new multi-threaded server
   113 by separating its memory from the rest of the comms system. It can be safely
   114 changed back if desired. </p> </dd>
   115 </dlentry>
   116 <dlentry>
   117 <dt><b>IsSticky</b> </dt>
   118 <dd><p>The value of <codeph>IsSticky</codeph> has changed from 1 to 0. The <codeph>IsSticky</codeph> parameter
   119 is normally unused in a production system for the Serial Server since the
   120 server runs as a <codeph>SystemCritical</codeph> thread and thus cannot be
   121 shutdown and, if it panics, the phone would reboot. The change was made to
   122 facilitate testing, since in a test environment the Serial Server can be shutdown,
   123 and to facilitate this the value of <codeph>IsSticky</codeph> must be set
   124 to 0. </p> </dd>
   125 </dlentry>
   126 <dlentry>
   127 <dt><b>StackSize</b> </dt>
   128 <dd><p>The value of <codeph>StackSize</codeph> has increased from 8192 for
   129 the single-threaded C32 to 16384 for C32MT. This change is due to the increased
   130 stack usage of the multi-threaded C32. The value used - 16384 - was based
   131 on the value proven to work with the similar ESock multi-threaded server.
   132 It is possible that this value could be trimmed back towards 8192 to save
   133 memory depending on the CSYs being used, since the ECUART CSY has been tested
   134 to work with the multi-threaded C32 server with a stack size of just 8192,
   135 and CSYs are usually much less memory-demanding than the protocols being used
   136 in ESock. </p> </dd>
   137 </dlentry>
   138 </dl> <p><b>Assigning
   139 CSY plug-ins to threads</b> </p> <p>The second part of migration to the new
   140 multi-threaded serial server is to alter the default set of CMI files to match
   141 the plug-ins (CSYs) in use and the desired operation. This step is not mandatory
   142 since by default C32 will load all plug-ins correctly. But, it is worth considering
   143 at this stage whether the default configuration needs some changes to match
   144 the requirements of the device. </p> <p>There are three broad configurations
   145 available, which are defined by whether one or more CSYs are run in the main
   146 thread for efficiency. The default configuration supplied with Symbian platform
   147 runs all the CSYs outside the main thread since this ensures that no CSY can
   148 deny service to the main server thread. It is expected that this configuration
   149 will suit most situations, but for more information on the other configurations,
   150 see the later section <xref href="GUID-0A61CB48-B8EA-5516-B24E-65898CDF2566.dita#GUID-0A61CB48-B8EA-5516-B24E-65898CDF2566/GUID-5A5FEA44-F43B-51BE-9736-7FC76901DB02">Typical
   151 Thread Configuration Examples</xref>. </p> <p>As mentioned earlier, the default
   152 configuration uses five threads. The description for each of these is given
   153 in the following table: </p> <table id="GUID-0F03B8CD-0142-595A-874F-A35C80F8C991">
   154 <tgroup cols="4"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/><colspec colname="col2"/><colspec colname="col3"/>
   155 <thead>
   156 <row>
   157 <entry>Worker ID</entry>
   158 <entry>Summary</entry>
   159 <entry>CMI file</entry>
   160 <entry>Description</entry>
   161 </row>
   162 </thead>
   163 <tbody>
   164 <row>
   165 <entry><p>0</p> </entry>
   166 <entry><p>Main thread </p> </entry>
   167 <entry><p> <filepath>c32.cmi</filepath>  </p> </entry>
   168 <entry><p>Runs the serial server to service client requests and pass on to
   169 the CSYs, possibly in other threads. This thread is expected to be started
   170 at device boot. </p> </entry>
   171 </row>
   172 <row>
   173 <entry><p>1</p> </entry>
   174 <entry><p>USB thread </p> </entry>
   175 <entry><p> <filepath>c32_first.cmi</filepath>  </p> </entry>
   176 <entry><p>Runs the USB CSY (ECACM). This is separated from all other threads
   177 so that USB can run at high-speed uninterrupted. This thread is only started
   178 when a client requires a USB connection. </p> </entry>
   179 </row>
   180 <row>
   181 <entry><p>2</p> </entry>
   182 <entry><p>Baseband thread </p> </entry>
   183 <entry><p> <filepath>c32_second.cmi</filepath>  </p> </entry>
   184 <entry><p>Runs the RS232 CSY (ECUART). This thread runs the ECUART plug-in
   185 separately since ECUART is sometimes used to connect to the baseband. If a
   186 different CSY is being used to connect to the baseband, it can be added to
   187 this CMI file and ECUART either moved to another thread, or removed altogether.
   188 As the baseband requires a high speed and fast response time, it is recommended
   189 that the baseband CSY should be run in this thread to separate it from all
   190 other CSYs. This thread is only started when a client requires the CSY. </p> </entry>
   191 </row>
   192 <row>
   193 <entry><p>3</p> </entry>
   194 <entry><p>Bluetooth and IrDA thread </p> </entry>
   195 <entry><p> <filepath>c32_third.cmi</filepath>  </p> </entry>
   196 <entry><p>Runs the Bluetooth and IrDA CSYs. These CSYs usually do not have
   197 high requirements for throughput or response and thus can run together. This
   198 thread is only started when one of its CSYs is required by a client. </p> </entry>
   199 </row>
   200 <row>
   201 <entry><p>4</p> </entry>
   202 <entry><p>Default thread </p> </entry>
   203 <entry><p> <filepath>c32_fourth.cmi</filepath>  </p> </entry>
   204 <entry><p>Runs any unlisted CSYs. If C32 is asked to load a CSY for which
   205 no thread has been identified in a CMI file, then C32 will load the CSY in
   206 this thread. This thread is only started when required. </p> </entry>
   207 </row>
   208 </tbody>
   209 </tgroup>
   210 </table> <p>For a particular device, the above configuration may need to be
   211 changed to address the requirements of the device. Typical adjustments to
   212 consider are: </p> <ol id="GUID-FB351652-6FBA-5176-9C51-AAC40752C333">
   213 <li id="GUID-EA20A49C-FB32-5BC6-B47A-24F0487F65FD"><p>Change the CSY name
   214 for Worker ID 2 to match the baseband CSY, and then either move ECUART to
   215 Worker ID 3 or into its own new thread, or don't add it to any CMI file if
   216 the device doesn't use the ECUART CSY </p> </li>
   217 <li id="GUID-E08331AD-4AEA-5CAA-8C28-8B3001E1FAEC"><p>Add any extra low-performance
   218 CSYs to Worker ID 3 so that they run together with Bluetooth and IrDA. Extra
   219 CSYs could be run in a new separate thread but there is a memory cost for
   220 each new thread added so this should be considered (8K is typically allocated
   221 to a new thread, see <xref href="GUID-49379616-C235-598D-AE43-668998AD072B.dita#GUID-49379616-C235-598D-AE43-668998AD072B/GUID-5A573FEB-A274-5C0F-A6B6-87D5BAD8A21C">Process,
   222 thread, stack and memory useful information</xref>, and there is a limit to
   223 the number of threads with their own heaps that can be started in the Root
   224 Server). </p> </li>
   225 <li id="GUID-45D296E1-654C-5181-A38E-4D0AFC23A4A6"><p>For any extra high-performance
   226 CSYs, create a new CMI file so that these can run separately from the other
   227 CSYs. See <xref href="GUID-0A61CB48-B8EA-5516-B24E-65898CDF2566.dita#GUID-0A61CB48-B8EA-5516-B24E-65898CDF2566/GUID-C8EA2AA7-28CB-5F89-A0CC-CF20EF21AE6D">Creating
   228 A New CMI</xref> below </p> </li>
   229 <li id="GUID-BC119A2C-445A-5EF7-92DF-17D7E28A1A3B"><p>Prioritise important
   230 threads (or reduce the priority of lesser threads). Candidates for increased
   231 priority would be the Main, USB and Baseband threads. Care should be taken
   232 when adjusting thread priorities since these affect the whole Comms system
   233 - more guidance on setting thread priorities is available in the document <i>How
   234 To Assign Thread Priorities</i> elsewhere in this developer library. </p> </li>
   235 </ol> <p>When making these adjustments note that there is no cost involved
   236 with mentioning CSYs that may never be loaded. </p> </section>
   237 <section id="GUID-E7F95EA1-D91D-4623-B163-8BE198CC991C"><title>Overview of the C32 multi-threaded CMI files</title> <p>C32
   238 Multithreading uses the same Dealer/Player terminology/concepts as Esock Multithreading.
   239 The <b>Dealer</b> is the main C32 Comms Provider Module (CPM) which runs the
   240 C32 server; a Player is a C32 CPM that only runs one or more CSYs and takes
   241 the client requests from the Dealer module. </p> <p>For example: </p> <p> <b>C32.cmi</b>  </p> <codeblock id="GUID-569AA81E-8689-5B15-A2C8-24E9163398A7" xml:space="preserve">[Loader]
   242 Name=C32_Main
   243 FileName=c32.dll
   244 ThreadFunctionOrdinal=87
   245 IsServer=1
   246 IsSticky=0
   247 ThreadPriority=EPriorityMuchMore
   248 StackSize=16384
   249 ScaledStartupState=0x1085
   250 HeapOption=ENewHeap
   251 MinHeapSize=256
   252 MaxHeapSize=524288
   253 SystemCritical=1
   254 Group=C32SerComms
   255 OnDemand=0
   256 [IniData]
   257 Role=Dealer
   258 WorkerId=0
   259 </codeblock> <p>The <xref href="GUID-83297976-F146-3B82-BE1C-C1E8F8B9DEE5.dita"><apiname>ThreadFunctionOrdinal</apiname></xref> identifier must
   260 refer to the correct ordinal number of the main thread function for the DLL
   261 file containing the Comms Provider Module. Due to binary compatibility considerations
   262 this must be placed at ordinal "87" in the export table. A Comms Provider
   263 Module/CPM is essentially a thread managed by the Comms Configurator. </p> <p>The
   264 description of each of the settings under <codeph>[Loader]</codeph> that are
   265 specific to C32 and the settings under <codeph>[IniData]</codeph> are described
   266 in further detail below. </p> <p>As well as the C32 server thread, any other
   267 CPMs that C32 needs must also have their own CMI file. One such example file
   268 is: </p> <p> <b>C32_Default.cmi</b>  </p> <codeblock id="GUID-7E488DEF-535C-5C13-9DEA-246B11DF39E4" xml:space="preserve">[Loader]
   269 Name=C32_Default
   270 FileName=c32.dll
   271 ThreadFunctionOrdinal=87
   272 IsServer=1
   273 IsSticky=0
   274 ThreadPriority=EPriorityMuchMore
   275 StackSize=16384
   276 ScaledStartupState=0x3040
   277 HeapOption=EShareHeap
   278 SharedHeapName=C32_Main
   279 MinHeapSize=256
   280 MaxHeapSize=524288
   281 SystemCritical=0
   282 Group=C32SerComms
   283 OnDemand=1
   284 Binding0=C32_Default:4,C32_Main:0,ECustom,42,42
   285 [IniData]
   286 Role=Player
   287 WorkerId=4
   288 CSYList=*</codeblock> </section>
   289 <section id="GUID-AEEFD832-108E-5CC2-AD5D-5CF6414CA720"><title>C32 CMI Parameter
   290 Descriptions</title> <p>This section gives details about the parameters available
   291 in the CMI file relevant to C32. The CMI file has two sections - a <codeph>[Loader]</codeph> section
   292 and an <codeph>[IniData]</codeph> section. The <codeph>[Loader]</codeph> section
   293 parameters are defined for the CPM, and the ones relevant to C32MT are detailed
   294 below. The <codeph>[IniData]</codeph> section contains parameters specific
   295 to a CPM. If further information on the format of the CMI file itself or the <codeph>[Loader]</codeph> parameters
   296 is required, please refer to the document <i>Comms Process Starter/Config
   297 Design Document</i> section <i>3.1.1</i>. This document is located in this
   298 developer library as well as in the <filepath>comms-infras\rootserver\Documentation</filepath> folder. </p> <p><b>A note on CMI processing</b> </p> <p>No mechanism is provided to change
   299 CMI files at run-time, since they are designed to be configured for inclusion
   300 in a ROM and then not changed through the life of a phone product. After-market
   301 changing of the configuration is supported via the installation of CMI files
   302 in a non-ROM folder which then take precedence over the ROM files when the
   303 device is next rebooted. Thus, any CMI configuration file problems should
   304 become apparent during the early stages of phone development. </p> <p>A bad
   305 configuration will panic in debug builds to signal the user to change/edit
   306 the <codeph>.CMI</codeph> files in order to make a desired and correct configuration.
   307 In <codeph>urel</codeph> builds a bad configuration may survive (unless the <codeph>.CMI</codeph> files
   308 are very malformed) but at a cost that all CSYs are loaded in the Dealer Thread
   309 (<codeph>Workerid=0</codeph>) making it in effect a single threaded system. </p> <p>The
   310 panic numbers used by the C32 Serial Server for internal server faults are
   311 defined in the enum <xref href="GUID-FED70722-0258-3B96-A941-1F7C13699002.dita"><apiname>TECommFault</apiname></xref>. </p> <p><b> CMI [Loader] Parameters relevant to C32</b> </p> <p><b>OnDemand </b> </p> <p>This indicates whether the CPM is started as part
   312 of the Configurator’s CPM load on boot ("0"), or whether the CPM should only
   313 be loaded via an explicit request to Configurator ("1"). The default value
   314 is "0". The <codeph>OnDemand</codeph> parameter for the main thread can only
   315 be "0" if mentioned. For Player modules the setting can be either "0" or "1".
   316 If a Player thread is not marked as <codeph>OnDemand=1</codeph> then it will
   317 load during the boot sequence. If the main thread (<codeph>Workerid=0</codeph>)
   318 is marked as <codeph>OnDemand=1</codeph>, then this is a configuration error
   319 and C32 can never be started (although in theory this is possible - see <xref href="GUID-0A61CB48-B8EA-5516-B24E-65898CDF2566.dita#GUID-0A61CB48-B8EA-5516-B24E-65898CDF2566/GUID-6350761E-18F6-53B7-98F8-C6E2EB5DA942">Footnote
   320 1</xref> below). Players marked to load at boot up do not load any CSYs implicitly
   321 as part of the boot load. </p> <p>All Player modules for C32 must be marked
   322 with <codeph>OnDemand=1</codeph> since the C32 Dealer must instigate a Player
   323 load. If a Player thread is not marked as <codeph>OnDemand=0</codeph> then
   324 it will load during the boot sequence. </p> <p><b>Group </b> </p> <p>All CMI files for C32 must map to the same Group ID.
   325 The actual Group ID for the C32 group is <codeph>C32SerComms</codeph>. CMI
   326 files for C32 Players that do not have a Group member will never be loaded
   327 by C32 (assuming <codeph>OnDemand=1</codeph> is set for the Player threads). </p> <p>If
   328 there is no group defined in any CMI files and therefore no <b>[IniData]</b> is
   329 processed for any of them, then C32 will simply assign all CSYs to load into
   330 the Dealer thread. </p> <p> <b>Name</b>  </p> <p>This parameter is used to
   331 identify the CPM to the Configurator and is used to name the thread for the
   332 kernel. It is stored by C32 for all CMI files in the C32SerComms group for
   333 use when requesting Configurator to load or unload a CPM. As this value is
   334 easily configurable and is used to name the thread to the kernel, software
   335 should not rely on the name of any C32 thread being any particular string.
   336 Prior to the multithreaded C32 (C32MT), the C32 thread was conventionally
   337 known as <codeph>CCommServer</codeph>. However, with C32 now potentially having
   338 a multiplicity of threads, other schemes are probable such as <codeph>C32_Main,
   339 C32_USB and C32_BaseBand</codeph> or <codeph>C32_BT-IR and              C32_Default</codeph>  </p> <p>The
   340 Dealer and all Players in the C32 group can have any name since C32 will find
   341 them as part of the same group (see Group above). The names in the C32 group
   342 should all be unique – if the same name is found twice or more C32 will panic
   343 in debug builds but attempt to recover in release builds by only processing
   344 the first that it finds. This is still a highly risky situation since if C32
   345 needs to start that module in order to accommodate a CSY, Configurator may
   346 load the wrong CMI file when creating the new thread. </p> <p>When introducing
   347 new CMIs, care should be taken to change the <codeph>BindingN</codeph> line
   348 in CMI to reflect the new modulename and WorkerId. </p> <p><b>CMI [IniData] Parameters relevant to C32</b> </p> <p>In the case where
   349 C32 has a CMI file that loads the C32 binary during boot up, but the CMI file
   350 does not have an <codeph>[IniData]</codeph> section, C32 will assume that
   351 this CMI is for the main thread and that the CMI is a pre-C32MT file. However,
   352 for C32MT, this is an undesired configuration and should be rectified. Old
   353 versions of <codeph>c32.cmi</codeph> are only kept in the source distribution
   354 to support backwards compatibility and should not be used in a system which
   355 has C32MT present. In such backwards-compatible modes of C32MT, the main thread
   356 will host a Player in case no other CMI files are present. </p> <p> <b>Role</b>  </p> <p>The
   357 value for this parameter should be either <codeph>Dealer</codeph> or <codeph>Player</codeph>.
   358 Only one <codeph>Dealer</codeph> can exist in a C32 system, but there can
   359 be any number of <codeph>Player</codeph> s. If there are two or more <codeph>Dealer</codeph> CMI
   360 files, the <codeph>ScaledStartupState</codeph> determines which Dealer CMI
   361 starts first. If both the CMIs have the same <codeph>ScaledStartupState</codeph>,
   362 then they are loaded in alphabetical order. Configurator is guaranteed to
   363 start a C: CMI file before the Z: one. If they both have the same module name
   364 then it is safe since Rootserver will refuse the load of the second module
   365 with the same name failing with <codeph>KErrAlreadyExists</codeph>. However,
   366 if the module name is different Rootserver will load them both and C32 will
   367 detect that an instance of itself is already running and exit the second thread.
   368 Only the IniData for the CMI file that was used to start the Dealer will be
   369 processed, with all other Dealer CMI files being ignored. If the main thread
   370 is to include a co-resident Player, the iniData should include the <codeph>CSYList</codeph> key-value
   371 pair discussed below. </p> <p> <b>WorkerId</b>  </p> <p>The ID number of this
   372 thread inside the C32 system. The Id numbers should be a positive integer
   373 or "0" in the case of the main thread (In case CMI file of <codeph>WorkerId=0</codeph> has
   374 anything else than Dealer as role, it is overridden with Role=Dealer, logging
   375 a warning). The system expects subsequent ID numbers to be incremented up
   376 from the main thread's ID. Where a CMI file in the C32 group does not have
   377 a WorkerId, it is a bad configuration and will panic in debug builds. Allocating
   378 the next higher number is not possible as this Player needs to be bound with
   379 the Dealer using the <codeph>BindingN</codeph> line which accepts <codeph>WorkerId</codeph> parameter.
   380 In case of duplicate <codeph>WorkerId</codeph>, a panic occurs as the second
   381 module cannot be bound to the Dealer as the binding for the main thread has
   382 already been done. </p> <p> <b>CSYList</b>  </p> <p>A comma-separated list
   383 of the filenames of the CSYs this thread will own. All CMIs in the C32 group
   384 must have a CSY list, except for the Dealer which can optionally have a <codeph>CSYList</codeph>.
   385 A Player with no <codeph>CSYList</codeph> represents a bad configuration as
   386 a Player’s sole purpose is to load CSYs. Such a Player with no CSY list will
   387 never be started by C32. A Dealer with no CSY list will act purely as a Dealer.
   388 A Dealer with a CSY list becomes a Dealer with a co-resident Player inside
   389 its thread. <codeph>CSYList</codeph> param determines if the CPM will host
   390 a Player or not. </p> <p>If a CSY appears in more than one CMI file, then
   391 the CSY will be assigned to one thread, but not necessarily that with the
   392 least number of CSYs in it. </p> <p>The comma-separated list should not have
   393 any spaces or other white space in it, and each CSY name must be an alphanumeric
   394 string. The CSY name is not case sensitive, and should not have the <codeph>.CSY</codeph> extension.
   395 C32 does not check whether the supplied CSY names actually exist as binaries,
   396 since it only refers to the list when a client asks to load a particular CSY. </p> <p>If
   397 an asterix ("*") appears as a CSY name in the CSY list, this is inferred by
   398 C32 as meaning that this thread is also to be used to load any CSYs not mentioned
   399 in any CMI file, and is known as the <i>default</i> thread. If two different
   400 CMI files in the C32 group have the wildcard then only one CMI file will be
   401 marked as being the host for unknown CSYs – it is not defined as to which
   402 one. If no CMI file has a wildcard then C32 will assign the wildcard to an
   403 unused Player thread so that all unlisted CSYs are isolated into their own
   404 thread. This is overridden if the only CMI file is for the Dealer, in which
   405 case the Dealer will load all CSYs into its own co-resident Player, since
   406 the Dealer cannot request the Configurator to start a module for which there
   407 is not an associated CMI file. </p> </section>
   408 <section id="GUID-8E49AE8A-E940-52F3-ADA5-0332DA1D58D2"><title>Important Notes</title> <p>Field
   409 names in the <codeph>[IniData]</codeph> are case sensitive, but fields values
   410 are not. </p> <p>The <codeph>BindingN</codeph> line is responsible for binding
   411 the Player CPM with Dealer. If you leave out the <codeph>BindingN</codeph> line
   412 from the CMI then the new Player will in essence remain as an island and no
   413 requests for loading or any subsequent operation can be passed to it from
   414 Dealer. This will not result in a panic. </p> <p>The <codeph>C32_Main.cmi</codeph> doesn’t
   415 have a <codeph>BindingN</codeph> line since it is a Dealer and thus does not
   416 need to bind to another Dealer. </p> </section>
   417 <section id="GUID-C8EA2AA7-28CB-5F89-A0CC-CF20EF21AE6D"><title>Creating A
   418 New CMI</title> <p>To create a new CMI file, copy an existing Player CMI file,
   419 rename it and change the necessary parameters as detailed below. The examples
   420 below assume that the base CMI used was the supplied <codeph>c32_fourth.cmi</codeph>.
   421 The following parameters need to be changed to make a valid configuration
   422 file: </p> <p>In <b>[Loader] </b> section are: </p> <ul>
   423 <li id="GUID-6C3E5830-9A7A-5D84-B4A5-FCA7FD66E31A"><p> <b>Name</b> - This
   424 is the module name of CPM. </p> </li>
   425 <li id="GUID-D5BDBEAC-A417-5D39-BB85-4E5AB9DDD36A"><p> <b>BindingN</b> - BindingN
   426 line is changed to reflect the new module name and <codeph>WorkerId</codeph> value </p> </li>
   427 </ul> <p>In<b> [IniData] </b> section: </p> <ul>
   428 <li id="GUID-3855C593-297D-5360-9926-0A1BFFAC3B12"><p> <b>WorkerId</b> - This
   429 value is numeric and must be unique </p> </li>
   430 <li id="GUID-EA091203-C0E9-5303-9FD5-924F3C67FB55"><p> <b>CSYList</b> - Contains
   431 CSYs which you want to load in this new CPM, separated by commas, no white
   432 spaces allowed. </p> </li>
   433 </ul> <p>Since the additional CMI being added is a <codeph>Player</codeph>,
   434 the Role field remains the same and it can not be changed to <codeph>Dealer</codeph> as
   435 the CPM with <codeph>WorkerId=0</codeph> is the one and only Dealer in the
   436 C32MT. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-8722A0B7-FB88-5516-846B-BCC4E11D0EEE" xml:space="preserve">[Loader]
   437 # Change the Name value to your CSY name
   438 Name=C32_Default  // </codeblock> <p>Change the <codeph>Name</codeph> value
   439 to the name of your CSY, e.g. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-EDCEA3C0-D4E6-5075-9FDE-65425194D6E5" xml:space="preserve">Name=C32_MyCSYs</codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-B7D87670-C791-533F-A8F1-6135050387E2" xml:space="preserve">FileName=c32.dll
   440 ThreadFunctionOrdinal=87
   441 ThreadPriority=EPriorityMuchMore
   442 StackSize=16384
   443 ScaledStartupState=0x3040
   444 HeapOption=ENewHeap
   445 MinHeapSize=256
   446 MaxHeapSize=524288
   447 SystemCritical=1
   448 Group=C32SerComms
   449 OnDemand=1</codeblock> <p>Change the BindingN line to refer to your CSY, for
   450 example change from </p> <codeblock id="GUID-81BEFC33-67EE-5547-8C7C-E473F902F145" xml:space="preserve"># Change the BindingN line to refer to your CSYs
   451 Binding0=C32_Default:4,C32_Main:0,ECustom,42,42</codeblock> <p>to </p> <codeblock id="GUID-2B7683AF-E01F-5C7A-896B-E3E4F37FAF23" xml:space="preserve">Binding0=C32_MyCSYs:5,C32_Main:0,ECustom,42,42</codeblock> <p>And
   452 in the <b>[IniData]</b> section: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-A0AA8BA4-AA45-5FAE-95D4-24764695F04B" xml:space="preserve">[IniData]
   453 # Make sure Role is set to "Player"
   454 Role=Player</codeblock> <p>Change the <b>WorkerId</b>, for example from <codeph>WorkerId=4</codeph> to </p> <codeblock id="GUID-D334F3C3-38B7-578F-8E9C-2C4FBBB05C06" xml:space="preserve">WorkerId=5</codeblock> <p>and
   455 change the <b>CSYList</b> to specify your CSYs, e.g. change "CSYList=XX,YY,zz"
   456 to </p> <codeblock id="GUID-9AAAD2C9-A0D0-5733-8EFC-1CB848DB8785" xml:space="preserve">CSYList=MyCSY1,MyCSY2</codeblock> </section>
   457 <section id="GUID-5A5FEA44-F43B-51BE-9736-7FC76901DB02"><title>Typical Thread
   458 Configuration Examples</title> <p>This section describes the three broad configurations
   459 for threading available for the C32 Serial Server. Each has different potential
   460 effects on the performance of C32. </p> <p>The three broad configurations
   461 available, with a summary of their costs and benefits, are detailed in the
   462 following table: </p> <table id="GUID-5552EBC6-3387-59E6-85AC-9585F31C6ABB">
   463 <tgroup cols="4"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/><colspec colname="col2"/><colspec colname="col3"/>
   464 <thead>
   465 <row>
   466 <entry/>
   467 <entry>Configuration</entry>
   468 <entry>Advantages</entry>
   469 <entry>Disadvantages</entry>
   470 </row>
   471 </thead>
   472 <tbody>
   473 <row>
   474 <entry><p>1</p> </entry>
   475 <entry><p>Run all CSYs outside the main thread <b>[Default supplied CMI set]</b>  </p> </entry>
   476 <entry><ul>
   477 <li id="GUID-3BD88C6F-9C4E-5001-B7D1-2A9DC3BBE649"><p>Some CSYs can be promoted
   478 ahead of others using thread priorities </p> </li>
   479 <li id="GUID-1C1C0DF2-5EED-5AE4-820A-B3020AF66AE6"><p>Main thread cannot ever
   480 stall when any CSY stalls </p> </li>
   481 <li id="GUID-F4331549-9283-5E78-AEE1-32C4CF0F11E3"><p>Stackable CSYs are possible:
   482 a CSY can connect to another CSY through the C32 API as long as both are in
   483 different threads </p> </li>
   484 </ul> </entry>
   485 <entry><ul>
   486 <li id="GUID-898ED70D-CCB3-5D56-A9A9-49C19BC3C5DC"><p>Operations on CSYs are
   487 a bit slower due to increased overhead of inter-thread communication </p> </li>
   488 <li id="GUID-DA120612-E01B-51A4-8B77-F582D8170318"><p>Complex to debug </p> </li>
   489 </ul> </entry>
   490 </row>
   491 <row>
   492 <entry><p>2</p> </entry>
   493 <entry><p>Run some CSYs in the main thread </p> </entry>
   494 <entry><ul>
   495 <li id="GUID-70EFC61A-5D52-55D1-B364-096F84D0EBDF"><p>CSYs in the main thread
   496 avoid the overhead of inter-thread communication </p> </li>
   497 <li id="GUID-63D0CE88-5B6D-5787-A2B4-936B48D16FB2"><p>Some CSYs can be promoted
   498 ahead of others using thread priorities </p> </li>
   499 <li id="GUID-71641750-5882-53FC-9B40-0421050E5355"><p>Main thread cannot stall
   500 when a CSY in a separate thread stalls </p> </li>
   501 <li id="GUID-88EEE21E-42CF-5401-B985-427E7B3641E9"><p>Stackable CSYs are possible:
   502 a CSY can connect to another CSY through the C32 API as long as both are in
   503 different threads </p> </li>
   504 </ul> </entry>
   505 <entry><ul>
   506 <li id="GUID-70FDC4C2-FACB-592F-AA96-9C3F980FA842"><p>If any CSY in the main
   507 thread stalls, the whole server stalls </p> </li>
   508 <li id="GUID-E5F158D5-4720-5869-9B67-7FC3001B75F2"><p>No means to prioritise
   509 one CSY ahead of others (without changing the CSY code) </p> </li>
   510 <li id="GUID-A773FE9F-AC77-59B0-AECB-FB5C8174583C"><p>Operations on CSYs outside
   511 the main thread are a bit slower due to the increased overhead of inter-thread
   512 communication </p> </li>
   513 <li id="GUID-C0505A00-C777-582A-8B98-C1E53AC094B7"><p>Complex to debug </p> </li>
   514 </ul> </entry>
   515 </row>
   516 <row>
   517 <entry><p>3</p> </entry>
   518 <entry><p>Run all CSYs in the main thread <b>[Default configuration when any
   519 CMI files are corrupt]</b>  </p> </entry>
   520 <entry><ul>
   521 <li id="GUID-537C35E5-041E-5BDC-9298-26F89CE5E51F"><p>Simplest to debug since
   522 no inter-thread communication </p> </li>
   523 <li id="GUID-EFDEEA79-10D8-5FBF-B630-268F14362C0D"><p>All CSYs avoid the overhead
   524 of inter-thread communication </p> </li>
   525 </ul> </entry>
   526 <entry><ul>
   527 <li id="GUID-F0C2BD50-CFAD-5E99-AFDF-65BF96B5BB67"><p>If any CSY stalls, the
   528 whole server stalls </p> </li>
   529 <li id="GUID-83EDBE8F-17BD-514A-B0D5-5A6020A8DF56"><p>No means to prioritise
   530 one CSY ahead of others (without changing the CSY code) </p> </li>
   531 <li id="GUID-BE4157B4-0D0D-5520-8E85-A6C4755410B3"><p>No stackable CSYs are
   532 possible </p> </li>
   533 </ul> </entry>
   534 </row>
   535 </tbody>
   536 </tgroup>
   537 </table> <p>The default set of CMI files supplied with Symbian platform
   538 is based on the first broad configuration since it was decided that the small
   539 cost of running all CSYs outside the main thread is justified by the increased
   540 reliability to the whole C32 system of ensuring no CSY can deny service to
   541 the C32 server. Each of these configurations is explained in more detail below. </p> <fig id="GUID-BC275667-5D19-56CA-ABD9-68265A852282">
   542 <title>              Figure 1 - No CSYs in main thread: RootServer with 4
   543 C32 CPMs            </title>
   544 <image href="GUID-085CD9C3-706F-51E7-A1D5-95483D3C9254_d0e124112_href.png" placement="inline"/>
   545 </fig> <p>Referring to Figure 1, the following can be observed: </p> <ol id="GUID-DA3BC841-1BE9-5483-8EC0-7BA479D85C14">
   546 <li id="GUID-EAD7752C-A094-51CA-903C-52DCF2AB5353"><p>The Main Thread has <codeph>WorkerId=0</codeph>,
   547 Role as Dealer and is configured to load no CSY </p> </li>
   548 <li id="GUID-CE4A7176-2BD6-5149-B24A-45DCD0945C76"><p>The Player Thread 1
   549 has <codeph>WorkerId=1</codeph>, Role as Player and is configured to load
   550 ECACM CSY </p> </li>
   551 <li id="GUID-A327174B-CA1A-5AD8-92E9-9895363D7851"><p>The Player Thread 2
   552 has <codeph>WorkerId=2</codeph>, Role as Player and is configured to load
   553 ECUART CSY </p> </li>
   554 <li id="GUID-6015DA12-C259-5B9F-9D72-CFF86AA91435"><p>The Player Thread 3
   555 has <codeph>WorkerId=3</codeph>, Role as Player and is configured to load <i>unlisted</i> csy.
   556 What unlisted csy means here is that apart from ECACM and ECUART, if any new
   557 csy is to be loaded, it will get loaded in this thread. </p> </li>
   558 </ol> <p>The <b>[IniData]</b> section for the above CPMs would look like: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-CE1D7541-5103-5E9B-A20A-11A6C17ABFCA" xml:space="preserve">[IniData]
   559 Role=Dealer
   560 WorkerId=0
   561 </codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-51C4FC4E-1F85-59D3-9F9D-FC6868042363" xml:space="preserve">[IniData]
   562 Role=Player
   563 WorkerId=1
   564 CSYList=ECACM
   565 </codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-F21BBEC3-482A-59C4-BBE7-9B304F07EDB3" xml:space="preserve">[IniData]
   566 Role=Player
   567 WorkerId=2
   568 CSYList=ECUART
   569 </codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-74C70C5D-2B37-5AF8-B703-4072610C6C3E" xml:space="preserve">[IniData]
   570 Role=Player
   571 WorkerId=3
   572 CSYList=*
   573 </codeblock> <fig id="GUID-92921AF5-D056-52A9-B10E-80760DE9CD2F">
   574 <title>              Figure 2 - All CSYs in main thread: RootServer with single
   575 C32 CPM            </title>
   576 <image href="GUID-E808AB2B-3A2D-5C91-9047-A74AAA770CE6_d0e124179_href.png" placement="inline"/>
   577 </fig> <p>In Figure 2 the CPM loads any CSYs, and so should contain <codeph>CSYList</codeph> tag
   578 in the IniData section. </p> <p>The Main Thread has <codeph>WorkerId=0</codeph>,
   579 Role as Dealer and is configured to load <i>any</i> CSY. In this configuration
   580 since it is a single thread, all the CSYs will be loaded in the same thread. </p> <p>The <b>[IniData]</b> section
   581 for above CPM would look like: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-BCDEB67F-85D0-560A-AC5B-7D05B807B857" xml:space="preserve">[IniData]
   582 Role=Dealer
   583 WorkerId=0
   584 CSYList=*
   585 </codeblock> <fig id="GUID-8F658644-2E07-53A3-A003-C1F015E1396B">
   586 <title>                 Figure 3 - Some CSYs in main thread: RootServer with
   587 3 CPMs               </title>
   588 <image href="GUID-F2D96A30-7264-5CAF-9CC7-8AF05EF978E1_d0e124211_href.png" placement="inline"/>
   589 </fig> <p>From Figure 3, the following can be observed. </p> <ol id="GUID-E945237B-900A-588A-A3FF-C0B75A43BB4A">
   590 <li id="GUID-0A3CEB52-2C0F-5BB9-A271-756F9F374111"><p>The Main Thread has <codeph>WorkerId=0</codeph>,
   591 Role as Dealer and is configured to load HSDPA csy </p> </li>
   592 <li id="GUID-34EF4E58-A6DB-5EFB-8C13-EE8064A7E3F7"><p>The Player Thread 1
   593 has <codeph>WorkerId=1</codeph>, Role as Player and is configured to load
   594 ECACM csy </p> </li>
   595 <li id="GUID-BFF9FDF7-C714-5D0A-B8B3-DC4CCB2EC8FB"><p>The Player Thread 2
   596 has <codeph>WorkerId=2</codeph>, Role as Player and is configured to load
   597 an unlisted csy </p> </li>
   598 </ol> <p>The IniData section for above CPMs would look like: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E5A77235-60E5-526D-A95C-750FCDCA96BE" xml:space="preserve">[IniData]
   599 Role=Dealer
   600 WorkerId=0
   601 CSYList=HSDPA
   602 </codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-ED3EE5DE-65C4-50CB-AEA1-59D89FBC0EF3" xml:space="preserve">[IniData]
   603 Role=Player
   604 WorkerId=1
   605 CSYList=ECACM</codeblock> <codeblock id="GUID-00F4F479-B153-5F05-8E13-D2276D70B605" xml:space="preserve">[IniData]
   606 Role=Player
   607 WorkerId=2
   608 CSYList=*</codeblock> </section>
   609 <section id="GUID-6350761E-18F6-53B7-98F8-C6E2EB5DA942"><title>Footnotes</title> <dl>
   610 <dlentry>
   611 <dt><b>Footnote 1</b> </dt>
   612 <dd><p>In theory the C32 main thread (<codeph>Workerid=0</codeph>) could be
   613 marked as on-demand and started by the first client to connect to it. This
   614 might be useful since it would save device boot time for a device that does
   615 not need serial comms as part of boot up. The process would require the client
   616 to connect to Configurator and load the C32 main module explicitly. For this
   617 to work the main Module’s name would have to be fixed (the reference system
   618 uses “<codeph>C32_Main</codeph> ”) so that the client can identify it to Configurator
   619 - which is not a big problem, and the client would need the appropriate capabilities
   620 (also not a big problem as the client could well be inside Rootserver too).
   621 The other problem is that making it on-demand requires that it is still started
   622 by a priviledged process before any unpriviledged process attempts to use
   623 the C32 API (since this will fail unless no CSYs require any capabilities).
   624 Therefore, for on-demand main thread-loading to work, intimate details about
   625 the specific configuration of CSYs for a device and their potential clients
   626 would be needed. </p> </dd>
   627 </dlentry>
   628 </dl> </section>
   629 </conbody></concept>