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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
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     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-2C60C1C3-82B5-5ED3-98DF-E787193E8797" xml:lang="en"><title>SQLite
    13 Technology Guide</title><shortdesc>This document provides background information on the internal workings
    14 of SQLite, the database engine used by Symbian SQL.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    15 <section id="GUID-54B0C26F-873B-4FDD-9CB6-163B65789ABF"><title>Purpose</title> <p>SQLite is a fast efficient database engine
    16 freely available to anyone to use in any way the want. The information in
    17 this document provides important background information that you will need
    18 to know in order to make the most of Symbian SQL and SQLite on Symbian platform. </p> </section>
    19 <section id="GUID-ECAB0622-BF6B-43F8-ACC9-0E64E95A164E"><title>Intended audience:</title> <p>This document is intended to
    20 be used by Symbian platform developrs and third party application developers. </p> </section>
    21 <section id="GUID-612B113B-C89E-5870-A586-F163D333A19B"><title>The architecture
    22 and operation of SQLite</title> <p>The figure below shows the major modules
    23 within SQLite. SQL statements that are to be processed are sent to the SQL
    24 Compiler module which does a syntactic and semantic analysis of the SQL statements
    25 and generates bytecode for carrying out the work of each statement. The generated
    26 bytecode is then handed over to a Virtual Machine for evaluation. </p> <fig id="GUID-370A849E-D1CC-5510-9211-D732C2D1DF6B">
    27 <title>              Simplified SQLite Architecture            </title>
    28 <image href="GUID-D3881E09-4519-5E3F-9978-C9FEFD123B85_d0e372605_href.png" placement="inline"/>
    29 </fig> <p>The Virtual Machine considers the database to be a set of B-Trees,
    30 one B-Tree for each table and one B-Tree for each index. The logic for creating,
    31 reading, writing, updating, balancing and destroying B-Trees is contained
    32 in the B-Tree module. </p> <p>The B-Tree module uses the Pager module to access
    33 individual pages of the database file. The Pager module abstracts the database
    34 file into zero or more fixed-sized pages with atomic commit and rollback semantics. </p> <p>All
    35 interaction with the underlying file system and operating system occurs through
    36 the OS Adaptation Layer. </p> <p id="GUID-9AEF6B71-B6B6-5A83-9ED2-547BB60A6752"><b>SQL Statements as Computer
    37 Programs</b> </p> <p>A key to understanding the operation of SQLite, or any
    38 other SQL relational database engine, is to recognize that each statement
    39 of SQL is really a small computer program. </p> <p>Users of SQL database engines
    40 sometimes fail to grasp this simple truth because SQL is a peculiar programming
    41 language. In most other computer languages the programmer must specify exactly <i>how</i> a
    42 computation is to take place. But in SQL the programmer specifies <i>what</i> results
    43 are needed and lets the SQL Compiler worry about how to achieve them. </p> <p>All
    44 SQL database engines contain a SQL Compiler of some kind. The job of this
    45 compiler is to convert SQL statements into procedural programs for obtaining
    46 the desired result. Most SQL database engines translate SQL statements into
    47 tree structures. The Virtual Machine modules of these databases then walk
    48 these tree structures to evaluate the SQL statements. A few SQL database engines
    49 translate SQL statements into native machine code. </p> <p>SQLite takes an
    50 intermediate approach and translates SQL statements into small programs written
    51 in a bytecode language. The SQLite bytecode is similar in concept to Java
    52 bytecode, the parrot bytecode of Perl, or to the p-code of the UCSD Pascal
    53 implementation. SQLite bytecode consists of operators that work with values
    54 contained in registers or on a stack. Typical bytecode operators do things
    55 like: </p> <ul>
    56 <li id="GUID-75B81AB2-56C8-5D76-AA4C-D2E1CBF3B868"><p>Push a literal value
    57 onto the stack </p> </li>
    58 <li id="GUID-4E4C868D-18BD-5B2C-9188-8303EEA062B7"><p>Pop two numbers off
    59 of the stack, add them together and push the result back onto the stack </p> </li>
    60 <li id="GUID-1B17CC17-D06C-5883-AC1C-768E87E60BF0"><p>Move the top element
    61 of the stack into a specific memory register </p> </li>
    62 <li id="GUID-B475E9E0-FE03-5C1F-9C2E-F35C866D53B3"><p>Jump to a specific instruction
    63 if the top element of the stack is zero </p> </li>
    64 </ul> <p>The SQLite bytecode supports about 125 different opcodes. There is
    65 a remarkable resemblance between SQLite bytecode and assembly language. The
    66 major difference is that SQLite bytecode contains a few specialized opcodes
    67 designed to facilitate database operations that commonly occur in SQL. </p> <p>Just
    68 as you do not need to understand the details of x86 or ARM7 assembly language
    69 in order to make effective use of C++, so also you do not need to know any
    70 of the details of SQLite bytecode in order to make the best use of SQLite.
    71 The reader need only recognize that the bytecode is there and is being used
    72 behind the scenes. </p> <p>Those who are interested can peruse the definitions
    73 of the bytecodes in the SQLite documentation. But the details of the various
    74 bytecodes are not important to making optimal use of SQLite and so no further
    75 details on the bytecodes will be provided in this document. </p> <p id="GUID-AFB97D35-56B8-5B12-8B6A-0AC6A4DC9088"><b>The B-Tree Module</b> </p> <p>A
    76 SQLite database file consists of one or more b-trees. Each table and each
    77 index is a separate b-tree. </p> <p>A b-tree is a data structure discovered
    78 in 1970 by Rudolf Bayer and Edward McCreight and is widely used in the implementation
    79 of databases. B-trees provide an efficient means of organizing data stored
    80 on an external storage device with fixed-sized blocks, such as a disk drive
    81 or a flash memory card. Each entry in a b-tree has a unique key and arbitrary
    82 data. The entries are ordered by their key which permits efficient lookup
    83 using a binary search. The b-tree algorithm guarantees worst-case insert,
    84 update, and access times of O(log N) where N is the number of entries. </p> <p>In
    85 SQLite, each table is a separate b-tree and each row of the table is a separate
    86 entry. The b-tree key is the RowID or INTEGER PRIMARY KEY for the row and
    87 other columns in the row are stored in the data for the b-tree entry. Tables
    88 use a variant of the b-tree algorithm call <i>b+trees</i> in which all data
    89 is stored on the leaves of the tree. </p> <p>Indexes are also stored as b-trees
    90 with one entry in the b-tree for each row of the table being indexed. The
    91 b-tree key is composed of the values for the columns being indexed followed
    92 by the RowID of the corresponding row in the table. Indexes do not use the
    93 data part of the b-tree entry. Indexes use the original Bayer and McCreight
    94 b-tree algorithm, not b+trees as tables do. </p> <p>The number of pages in
    95 a b-tree can grow and shrink as information is inserted and removed. When
    96 new information is inserted and the b-tree needs to grow, the B-Tree Module
    97 may reuse pages in the database that have fallen into disuse or it may ask
    98 the Pager module to allocate new pages at the end of the database file to
    99 accommodate this growth. When a b-tree shrinks and pages are no longer needed,
   100 the surplus pages are added to a <i>free-list</i> to be reused by future page
   101 requests. The B-Tree module takes care of managing this free-list of unused
   102 pages. </p> <p id="GUID-640FDE57-C615-55AF-9579-79B0D718A78E"><b>The Pager Module</b> </p> <p>The
   103 Pager module (also called simply “the pager”) manages the reading and writing
   104 of raw data from the database file such that reads are always consistent and
   105 isolated and so that writes are atomic. </p> <p>The pager treats the database
   106 file as a sequence of zero or more fixed-size pages. A typical page size might
   107 be 1024 bytes. Within a single database all pages are the same size. The first
   108 page of a database file is called page 1. The second is page 2. There is no
   109 page 0. SQLite uses a page number of 0 internally to mean “no such page”. </p> <p>When
   110 the B-Tree module needs a page of data from the database file, it asks for
   111 the page by number from the pager. The pager then returns a pointer to the
   112 requested data. The pager keeps a cache of recently accessed database pages
   113 so in many cases no disk I/O has to occur to fulfil a page request. </p> <p>The
   114 B-Tree module notifies the pager before making any changes to a page and the
   115 pager then saves a copy of the original page content in a rollback journal
   116 file. The rollback journal is used to restore the database to its original
   117 state if a ROLLBACK occurs. </p> <p>After making changes to one or more pages,
   118 the B-Tree Module may ask the pager to commit those changes. The pager then
   119 goes through a carefully designed sequence of steps that ensure that changes
   120 to the database are atomic. If the update process is interrupted by a program
   121 crash, a system crash, or even a power failure, the next time the database
   122 is accessed it will appear that either all the changes were made or else none
   123 of them. </p> <p id="GUID-3C970D41-7611-5AF6-B5B4-C486B5DA3875"><b>Database File Format Summary</b> </p> <p>A
   124 SQLite database file consists of one or more fixed-sized pages. The first
   125 page contains a 100-byte header that identifies the file as a SQLite database
   126 and which contains operating parameters such as the page size, a file format
   127 version number, the first page of the free-list, flags indicating whether
   128 or not autovacuum is enabled, and so forth. </p> <p>The content of the database
   129 is stored in one or more b-trees. Each b-tree has <i>root </i> page which
   130 never moves. If the table or index is small enough to fit entirely on the
   131 root page, then that one page contains everything there is to know about the
   132 table or index. But most tables and indexes require more space and additional
   133 pages must be allocated. </p> <p>The root page contains pointers (actually
   134 page numbers) to the other pages in the b-tree. So given the root page of
   135 a b-tree that implements a table or index, the B-Tree module is able to follow
   136 pointers to locate any entry in the b-tree and thus any row in the corresponding
   137 table or index. </p> <p><note> Auxiliary pages of a b-tree can be allocated
   138 from anywhere within the database file and so the pages numbers of auxiliary
   139 pages will change as information is added and removed from the b-tree. But
   140 the root page never moves. When a new table or index is created, its root
   141 page is assigned and remains unchanged for the lifetime of the table or index.</note> </p> <p>Every
   142 SQLite database contains a master table which stores the database schema.
   143 Each row of the master table holds information about a single table, index,
   144 view or trigger, including the original <codeph>CREATE</codeph> statement
   145 that created that table, index, view or trigger. Rows that define tables and
   146 indexes also record the root page number for the b-tree that stores the table
   147 or index. The root page of the master table is always page 1 of the database
   148 file, so SQLite always knows how to locate it. And from the master table it
   149 can learn the root page of every other table and index in the database and
   150 thus locate any information in the database. </p> <p id="GUID-72EACB86-5E22-5DF1-A7E6-1233DC647867"><b>An Example of SQLite in
   151 Operation</b> </p> <p>This is what happens inside SQLite during a typical
   152 usage scenario: When the SQL server instructs SQLite to open a database, the
   153 SQLite library allocates a data structure to hold everything it will ever
   154 need to know about that database connection. It also asks the pager to open
   155 the database file, but does not immediately try to read anything or even verify
   156 that the file is a valid database. </p> <p>The first time you actually try
   157 to access the database, SQLite will look at the 100-byte header of the database
   158 file to verify that the file is a SQLite database and to extract operating
   159 parameters such as the database page size. </p> <p>After checking the header
   160 SQLite opens and reads the entire master table. Recall that the master table
   161 contains entries for every table, index, view and trigger in the database
   162 and that each entry includes the complete text of the <codeph>CREATE</codeph> statement
   163 that originally created the table, index, view or trigger. </p> <p>SQLite
   164 parses these <codeph>CREATE</codeph> statements in order to rebuild an internal
   165 symbol table holding the names and properties of all tables, indexes, triggers
   166 and views in the database schema. </p> <p>Among the values stored in the header
   167 of the database is a 32-bit <i>schema cookie</i>. The schema cookie is changed
   168 whenever the database schema is modified by creating or dropping a table,
   169 index, trigger, or view. </p> <p>When SQLite parses the database schema into
   170 its internal symbol table, it remembers the schema cookie. Thereafter, whenever
   171 SQLite goes to access the database file, it first compares the schema cookie
   172 that it read when it parsed the schema to the current schema cookie value. </p> <p>If
   173 they match, everything continues normally, but if the schema cookie has changed
   174 that means that some other thread or process may have modified the database
   175 schema. When that happens, SQLite has to throw out its internal symbol table
   176 and reread and re-parse the entire database schema in order to figure out
   177 what might have changed. </p> <p> <xref href="GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A.dita"><apiname> RSqlStatement</apiname></xref> ’s <xref href="GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A.dita#GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A/GUID-DF9C2258-9BAA-38F0-9B11-21CD00316912"><apiname>RSqlStatement::Prepare()</apiname></xref> API
   178 is used to interface with SQLite’s SQL Compiler. The <codeph>Prepare()</codeph> API
   179 triggers tokenizing, parsing, and compilation of a SQL statement into the
   180 internal bytecode representation that is used by the Virtual Machine. The
   181 generated bytecode is stored in an object returned by SQLite often referred
   182 to as a <i>prepared statement</i>. </p> <p>After compiling a SQL statement
   183 into a prepared statement you can pass it to the Virtual Machine to be run.
   184 This is the job of <xref href="GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A.dita"><apiname>RSqlStatement</apiname></xref> ’s <xref href="GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A.dita#GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A/GUID-C8BBAAA8-0468-3330-B601-391443C1C410"><apiname>RSqlStatement::Next()</apiname></xref> and <xref href="GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A.dita#GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A/GUID-52E3CE72-D495-388F-8829-952E32F0F37D"><apiname>RSqlStatement::Exec()</apiname></xref> APIs.
   185 These interfaces cause the bytecode contained in the prepared statement to
   186 be run until it either completes or until it hits a breakpoint. </p> <p>A
   187 breakpoint is hit whenever a <codeph>SELECT</codeph> statement generates a
   188 row of result that needs to be returned. When a breakpoint is hit SQLite returns
   189 control to the caller. </p> <p>The bytecode in a prepared statement object
   190 is such that whenever a breakpoint occurs, a single row of the result of a
   191 SELECT statement is contained on the stack of the Virtual Machine. At this
   192 point column accessor functions can be used to retrieve individual column
   193 values. </p> <p> <xref href="GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A.dita#GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A/GUID-F4D9F7EC-6FB5-3786-9C37-26ADEC1A6867"><apiname>RSqlStatement::Reset()</apiname></xref> can be called on
   194 a prepared statement at any time. This rewinds the program counter of the
   195 Virtual Machine back to the beginning and clears the stack, thus leaving the
   196 prepared statement in a state where it is ready to start over again from the
   197 beginning. </p> <p> <xref href="GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A.dita"><apiname> RSqlStatement</apiname></xref> ’s <xref href="GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A.dita#GUID-0176BF07-DF94-3259-8F90-DE030E35CE9A/GUID-916A5F7B-9B00-31D9-A945-075353D3915E"><apiname>RSqlStatement::Close()</apiname></xref> API
   198 is merely a destructor for the prepared statement object. It calls <codeph>Reset()</codeph> to
   199 clear the virtual machine stack if necessary, deallocates the generated bytecode,
   200 and frees the container object. </p> <p>Similarly, <xref href="GUID-F3D1D883-6212-3276-9C1F-131A61F2B425.dita"><apiname>RSqlDatabase’</apiname></xref> s <codeph>Close()</codeph> API
   201 is just a destructor for a server-side object created by SQLite when the database
   202 was opened. SQLite asks the pager module to close the database file, clears
   203 the symbol table, and de-allocates all associated memory. </p> </section>
   204 </conbody><related-links>
   205 <link href="GUID-22844C28-AB5B-5A6F-8863-7269464684B4.dita"><linktext>SQL Overview</linktext>
   206 </link>
   207 <link href="GUID-1F12E3F5-45B2-55EC-B021-00338277C608.dita"><linktext>SQL DB Overview</linktext>
   208 </link>
   209 <link href="GUID-78773BCA-ADF6-53E6-AC80-5CB2AE1F8BCC.dita"><linktext>SQL Server
   210 Guide</linktext></link>
   211 <link href="GUID-F8824165-4B33-50D1-9706-BD2438B5A2EE.dita"><linktext>Persistent
   212 Storage</linktext></link>
   213 </related-links></concept>