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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-380A8C4F-3EB6-5E1C-BCFB-ED5B866136D9" xml:lang="en"><title>How
    13 to use UIDs</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <p>A UID is a globally unique identifier consisting of a 32-bit number. </p>
    15 <p>In Symbian platform, objects are identified by a compound identifier, known
    16 as the <keyword>UID type</keyword>, which is constructed from three 32 bit
    17 identifiers. The individual UIDs making up the UID type are referred to as <keyword>UID1</keyword>, <keyword>UID2</keyword> and <keyword>UID3</keyword>. </p>
    18 <p>Symbian platform makes widespread use of UIDs: </p>
    19 <ul>
    20 <li id="GUID-CD464385-25EF-5953-AA1F-31F99A12B7F1"><p>UIDs are used to identify
    21 the types of objects at runtime and loadtime, for example identifying executables,
    22 DLLs, filestores. </p> </li>
    23 <li id="GUID-E57A5374-9526-5BEA-BC18-14852DD30423"><p>UIDs are used to verify
    24 that objects present compatible and expected interfaces at runtime and loadtime,
    25 for example verifying that DLLs or filestores are of the expected type. </p> </li>
    26 <li id="GUID-5A2B51EC-DA36-5CC3-A2FA-0F318B80E983"><p>UIDs are fundamental
    27 to the association of applications with documents. For example, associating
    28 a document with an application allows the system to launch the application
    29 when the document is opened. </p> </li>
    30 </ul>
    31 <p>A file's three UIDs are stored in the first 12 bytes of the file. </p>
    32 <p>To program successfully, Symbian developers need to understand why and
    33 how to use UIDs in their programs. </p>
    34 <section><title>What UIDs are for</title> <p>From a user's point of view,
    35 conventional file names are preferable to UIDs for file identification. Symbian
    36 platform therefore supports a flexible, long filename, file naming scheme. </p> <p>However
    37 from a system point of view, guaranteed unique, 32-bit numbers provide for
    38 much safer, systematic, and more lightweight identification. </p> <p>UID1,
    39 UID2 and UID3 have the following general characteristics: </p> <ul>
    40 <li id="GUID-251CC75C-E12F-5602-AC72-D61769536325"><p> <keyword>UID1</keyword> indicates
    41 the structure of the file, for example, whether it is an executable, a DLL
    42 or a file store. </p> </li>
    43 <li id="GUID-04F9AE5C-CE1C-5A78-A58E-843CAA821975"><p>The meaning of <keyword>UID2</keyword> depends
    44 on the type of object it applies to. For polymorphic interface (plug-in framework)
    45 DLLs, UID2 identifies the interface that the DLL implements. For static interface
    46 (shared library) DLLs that others link to, the UID2 value is always the same.
    47 For executables the UID value has to be set to <codeph>KUidApp</codeph> or <codeph>NULL</codeph>. </p> </li>
    48 <li id="GUID-0C52BBE3-8971-5D13-92D9-1958BD053C90"><p> <keyword>UID3</keyword> distinguishes
    49 between objects with the same UID2 and can be thought of as a project identifier.
    50 For example, for an application, the same UID3 is shared by the executable,
    51 registration file (which defines the application's icon, caption, and some
    52 capability information), and all documents. </p> <p>The <xref href="GUID-A98F7AA2-A908-527E-9AEC-54DDD10A49C1.dita">SECUREID</xref> need
    53 not be explicitly specified in the .mmp file, but if it is omitted, then the
    54 value of the UID3, specified elsewhere in the .mmp file, is used. If the UID3
    55 is not specified, then the secureid will take the value <codeph>KNullUID</codeph>.
    56 This has several consequences, including lack of privacy for data used by
    57 that application. </p> </li>
    58 </ul> <p>The UID type is a <codeph>TUidType</codeph> object and is constructed
    59 from a combination of all or some of the three possible UIDs. The UID type
    60 can be queried to return its component <keyword>UID1</keyword>, <keyword>UID2</keyword> and <keyword>UID3</keyword> values. </p> <p>If
    61 no UIDs are attached to an object, then all three component UIDs are returned
    62 as <codeph>KUidNull</codeph>. </p> </section>
    63 <section><title>UID1, UID2, UID3, and the no UIDs case</title> <p>An object
    64 in Symbian platform and more particularly files in Symbian platform may have
    65 all, some, or none of the three possible UIDs defined. </p> <p>Symbian platform
    66 predefines all possible UID1 values and the UID2 values used for GUI applications
    67 and static interface DLLs at system level. Symbian developers refer to them
    68 by their constant names, although in project (<filepath>.mmp</filepath>) files,
    69 hexadecimal numbers are used. </p> <ul>
    70 <li id="GUID-95B7B621-CE04-53DE-A708-FCBD4DB5A36D"><p>UID1: examples include <codeph>KExecutableImageUid</codeph>, <codeph>KDynamicLibraryUid</codeph> and <codeph>KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid</codeph>  </p> </li>
    71 <li id="GUID-8956CAD8-C680-5BD6-9C3F-86821A268C1B"><p>UID2: examples include <codeph>KSharedLibraryUid</codeph> (0x1000008d)
    72 for a static interface DLL and <codeph>KUidApp</codeph> (0x100039CE) or NULL
    73 for a GUI application. <b>Note:</b> Both <codeph>KUidApp</codeph> and NULL
    74 are acceptable values for UID2 when the application is an EXE, although at
    75 the present time these values are ignored. At a later stage UID2 may be used
    76 for other purposes, so setting UID2 to values outside of these values is not
    77 recommended. </p> </li>
    78 <li id="GUID-BECDDD3F-58E9-5414-ACC7-25BE2217D81A"><p>Symbian developers are
    79 responsible for ensuring that where UID3 values are required, they are properly
    80 allocated. See the <xref href="" scope="external">Symbian
    81 Signed</xref> web site for information on how to allocate UIDs (free registration
    82 is required to see the FAQ). </p> </li>
    83 </ul> <p>Note that in project (<filepath>.mmp</filepath>) files, UID2 and
    84 UID3 values can be specified, but UID1 values cannot; the UID1 value is implied
    85 by the project's target type. </p> </section>
    86 <section><title>EXE targets and UIDs</title> <p>All executable targets have
    87 a UID1 of <codeph>KExecutableImageUid</codeph>. This is defined by Symbian
    88 platform and is automatically built into any executable target based on the <codeph>exe</codeph> target
    89 type declared in the project file. </p> <p>A UID2 value should be specified
    90 by GUI applications (.EXE) and the application architecture expects this to
    91 be <codeph>KUidApp</codeph> (0x100039CE) or NULL. Console applications (also
    92 .EXE), which are often used for testing and as example code, do not need to
    93 specify a UID2, and if they do, it is ignored. </p> </section>
    94 <section><title>DLLs and UIDs</title> <p>All DLLs, whether they have static
    95 or polymorphic interfaces, have a UID1 of <codeph>KDynamicLibraryUid</codeph>.
    96 This is defined by Symbian platform and is automatically built into any DLL
    97 target based on the <filepath>dll</filepath> target type declared in the project
    98 file. </p> <p>For static interface DLLs, the UID2 is <codeph>KSharedLibraryUid.</codeph> The
    99 UID3, which is used to identify the interface to the library, must be allocated
   100 by Symbian Signed. </p> <p>For polymorphic DLLs (for instance ECom plugins,
   101 device drivers and front end processors), UID2 identifies the interface that
   102 the DLL implements. UID3 (which, if required, must be allocated by Symbian
   103 Signed) may be used to identify a specific implementation of that interface. </p> </section>
   104 <section><title>Documents and UIDs</title> <p>In Symbian platform, documents
   105 are really file-stores: stores which can be closed and re-opened. There are
   106 two different kinds of file store, <keyword>direct file stores</keyword> which
   107 are write-once-read-many, and <keyword>permanent file stores</keyword> which
   108 are write-many-read-many. </p> <p>A document's UID1 will therefore be one
   109 of <codeph>KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid</codeph> or <codeph>KPermanentFileStoreLayoutUid</codeph>.
   110 The UID2 and/or UID3 will be application dependent. </p> <p>Every native document
   111 must have an appropriate UID1 which should be set by the application which
   112 creates the document. Typically documents may have a UID2 of <codeph>KUidAppDllDoc</codeph> and
   113 a UID3 shared with the creating application. More precisely, a document’s
   114 UID3 should match that of the application which will open it. </p> <p>Only
   115 the UID1 is required, but in most cases Symbian developers will want to specify
   116 second and third UIDs for the documents their applications create and use.
   117 These UIDs are used by the application architecture framework to manage associations
   118 between applications and their documents. This allows an application to be
   119 found and launched when a file is opened, and it also allows an application
   120 icon to be associated with documents in system shell displays. Conversely,
   121 it allows an application, when opening files, to select only applicable files. </p> <p>Symbian
   122 platform also allows default file associations with the implication that in
   123 some cases users may want to select a different application to open a file.
   124 Applications which support this must therefore be able to open documents whose
   125 third UID differs from their own. </p> <p>Applications may also want to open
   126 non-native documents which have no UIDs, and may wish to be specified as default
   127 applications for these documents. </p> </section>
   128 <section><title>UIDs in package files</title> <p>Package (.PKG) files are
   129 used in Symbian platform to provide the information required to create Symbian
   130 installation (.SIS) files. Each SIS file contains a UID, which is defined
   131 in the package file's <xref href="GUID-D9D20EE0-AC86-512A-91C0-EA0ACF3912A7.dita">package
   132 header</xref>. This UID should be allocated in the same way
   133 as other UIDs, through Symbian Signed. </p> </section>
   134 <section id="GUID-8D9B0F56-4CD1-506C-A8DF-A310DC5F58CE"><title>Uniqueness
   135 and allocation</title> <p>Because UIDs are fundamental to Symbian platform,
   136 it is important that they are used correctly when developing programs. To
   137 ensure uniqueness, it is essential that UIDs are properly allocated. </p> <p>Uniqueness
   138 is guaranteed by managing allocation centrally from a single database. All
   139 UIDs must therefore be assigned to users by a central allocating authority. </p> <p>UIDs
   140 are also split into protected and unprotected ranges. Any UID values falling
   141 below 0x7FFFFFFF are classed as "protected" and are only intended for use
   142 with signed applications (or those pre-installed in ROM). The software installer
   143 will refuse to install an unsigned application if it uses a package UID in
   144 the protected range. </p> <p>Symbian developers can request UIDs through <xref href="" scope="external"></xref>.
   145 For more information, see the Symbian Signed FAQ (free registration required).
   146 Note that from version 9 of Symbian platform, UIDs are no longer requested
   147 from </p></section>
   148 <section><title>Reserved UID range for development only</title><p>During development,
   149 or for test code, temporary UIDs may be chosen from the unprotected test range
   150 0xExxxxxxx. These UIDs can be used during development for unsigned applications
   151 but must not be used in released software. Note that such applications may
   152 not be installable via a SIS file. See the Symbian Signed website for more
   153 information. </p> <p>Care must still be taken to avoid clashes within development
   154 teams and between multiple projects, including old projects which may still
   155 be installed on a Symbian emulator or native platforms. UID clashes may stop
   156 a program from loading correctly, typically leading to <systemoutput>Not Found</systemoutput> errors. </p> </section>
   157 </conbody></concept>