1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. --> |
3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License |
4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, |
5 and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". --> |
6 <!-- Initial Contributors: |
7 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
8 Contributors: |
9 --> |
10 <!DOCTYPE concept |
11 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd"> |
12 <concept id="GUID-581A8E4B-12BE-41C0-A20E-3087A80FEECF" xml:lang="en"><title>Tactile |
13 feedback</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody> |
14 <p>There are two methods where vibration or audio of the device is used as |
15 an output method (when mobile device users interact with the device touch |
16 screen):</p> |
17 <ul> |
18 <li><p>As a <i>tacticon</i> to inform users through physical feedback, that |
19 an important event is occurring in the device. For example, when a new message |
20 arrives or a warning note is displayed.</p></li> |
21 <li><p>As <i>tactile feedback</i> to indicate to the user that an interaction |
22 event has been successful. For example, users receive tactile feedback when |
23 they press a button on the touch screen.</p></li> |
24 </ul> |
25 <p>As with sounds, tactile feedback must be used carefully so as not to desensitize |
26 the user to the vibration; the attention grabbing quality remains and functions |
27 so long as the feedback is not too frequent.</p> |
28 <p>Tactile feedback is enabled for all the Symbian platform UI components. |
29 Tactile feedback can be disabled for the common UI components in an application. |
30 However, this is acceptable only if tactile feedback causes interference with |
31 other device functions.</p> |
32 <p>The user can choose the level of tactile feedback and turn tacticons ON |
33 and OFF.</p> |
34 <p>The following table lists the tactile feedback effects:</p> |
35 <p><table id="GUID-4969AEA7-3BE4-4644-8232-1FA26D49010B"><title>Tactile feedback |
36 effects</title> |
37 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col1" colwidth="0.40*"/><colspec colname="col2" colwidth="1.60*"/> |
38 <thead> |
39 <row> |
40 <entry valign="top"><p>Effects</p></entry> |
41 <entry valign="top"><p>Description</p></entry> |
42 </row> |
43 </thead> |
44 <tbody> |
45 <row> |
46 <entry><p><b>Sensitive button</b></p></entry> |
47 <entry><p>It provides single pulse effect on repeated key presses with buttons. |
48 It is also possible with other similar components.</p></entry> |
49 </row> |
50 <row> |
51 <entry><p><b>Basic button</b></p></entry> |
52 <entry><p>It provides stronger single pulse effect to buttons. It is also |
53 possible with other similar components.</p></entry> |
54 </row> |
55 <row> |
56 <entry><p><b>Sensitive list</b></p></entry> |
57 <entry><p>It provides single pulse effect to lists and grids. Effect is used |
58 with move (drag and flick) when new item appears on the screen.</p></entry> |
59 </row> |
60 <row> |
61 <entry><p><b>Basic list</b></p></entry> |
62 <entry><p>It provides stronger single pulse effect to lists and grids. Effect |
63 is used with touch down and release when tap makes an action. </p><p>In hierarchical |
64 list, collapsing/expanding item provides basic list effect with touch down |
65 and release.</p></entry> |
66 </row> |
67 <row> |
68 <entry><p><b>Bounce effect</b></p></entry> |
69 <entry><p>It provides pulse effect when list returns to its normal state after |
70 boundary effect.</p></entry> |
71 </row> |
72 <row> |
73 <entry><p><b>Sensitive slider</b></p></entry> |
74 <entry><p>It provides pulse effect with scrollbar and slider thumbs. Effect |
75 is provided with touch down and release in thumb area.</p></entry> |
76 </row> |
77 <row> |
78 <entry><p><b>Smooth slider</b></p></entry> |
79 <entry><p>It provides continuous smooth feedback when dragging scrollbar or |
80 slider thumb. This can also be increasing or decreasing depending of the slider |
81 type.</p></entry> |
82 </row> |
83 <row> |
84 <entry><p><b>Hold slider</b></p></entry> |
85 <entry><p>It provides sensitive pulse effect when touch down and hold on the |
86 slider or scrollbar area. Slider thumb starts moving step by step towards |
87 the touch point. Every step gives one sensitive pulse. If slider thumb moves |
88 directly to the touch point, then basic slider effect is provided.</p></entry> |
89 </row> |
90 <row> |
91 <entry><p><b>Pop-up</b></p></entry> |
92 <entry><p>It provides sensitive pulse effect when pop-up is opened or closed. |
93 If the theme animations are ON, then pop-up effect is used with opening event |
94 after increasing long touch effect. In this scenario, there is no pop-up effect |
95 while closing. <note> All pop-ups does not have theme animation.</note></p></entry> |
96 </row> |
97 <row> |
98 <entry><p><b>Pop-up close</b></p></entry> |
99 <entry><p>It provides decreasing smooth feedback while closing pop-up and |
100 when theme animations are ON.</p></entry> |
101 </row> |
102 <row> |
103 <entry><p><b>Increasing long touch</b></p></entry> |
104 <entry><p>It provides increasing smooth feedback. This can be used with either |
105 long tap animation or pop-up opening theme effects. If the theme effects are |
106 ON and long tap opens a pop-up, then feedback is provided only with long tap. |
107 This is followed by pop-up.</p></entry> |
108 </row> |
109 <row> |
110 <entry><p><b>Basic tab</b></p></entry> |
111 <entry><p>It provides strong pulse effect with touch down event in tab area.</p></entry> |
112 </row> |
113 <row> |
114 <entry><p><b>Smooth flick</b></p></entry> |
115 <entry><p>It provides smooth feedback with drag when horizontal movement is |
116 possible.</p></entry> |
117 </row> |
118 <row> |
119 <entry><p><b>Sensitive flick</b></p></entry> |
120 <entry><p>It provides sensitive pulse effect with touch release when horizontal |
121 movement is possible.</p></entry> |
122 </row> |
123 <row> |
124 <entry><p><b>Sensitive edit</b></p></entry> |
125 <entry><p>It provides sensitive pulse effect in editors with touch down and |
126 release.</p></entry> |
127 </row> |
128 <row> |
129 <entry><p><b>Text edit</b></p></entry> |
130 <entry><p>It provides pulse effect when painting the text. Effect is provided |
131 with every character while painting the text.</p></entry> |
132 </row> |
133 <row> |
134 <entry><p><b>Blank edit</b></p></entry> |
135 <entry><p>It provides pulse effect when painting blank character. By default, |
136 it is none.</p></entry> |
137 </row> |
138 <row> |
139 <entry><p><b>Line edit</b></p></entry> |
140 <entry><p>It provides pulse effect when painting a line.</p></entry> |
141 </row> |
142 <row> |
143 <entry><p><b>Empty line</b></p></entry> |
144 <entry><p>It provides pulse effect when painting an empty line. By default, |
145 it is none.</p></entry> |
146 </row> |
147 <row> |
148 <entry><p><b>Check box</b></p></entry> |
149 <entry><p>It provides pulse effect when marking/unmarking a check box.</p></entry> |
150 </row> |
151 <row> |
152 <entry><p><b>Multi-touch recognition</b></p></entry> |
153 <entry><p>It provides double pulse (sensitive + sensitive) effect when multi-touch |
154 is recognized (generally, when second finger is touched down).</p></entry> |
155 </row> |
156 <row> |
157 <entry><p><b>Smooth pinch</b></p></entry> |
158 <entry><p>It provides smooth continuous feedback while moving fingers in multi-touch |
159 pinch situation.</p></entry> |
160 </row> |
161 <row> |
162 <entry><p><b>Smooth rotate</b></p></entry> |
163 <entry><p>It provides smooth continuous feedback while moving fingers in |
164 multi-touch rotate situation.</p></entry> |
165 </row> |
166 </tbody> |
167 </tgroup> |
168 </table></p> |
169 <section id="GUID-B9A35CA3-B830-4D97-9B0A-E22DC4A3CDA1"><title>Characteristics |
170 of haptics related APIs</title><p>You can use the following APIs to create |
171 haptic effects:</p><ul> |
172 <li><p><xref href="GUID-8661A7E0-F19A-41F8-9062-FBFAE70CF658.dita">Tactile Feedback |
173 Client API</xref></p><ul> |
174 <li><p>It is available from S60 5th Edition onwards</p></li> |
175 <li><p>It can be used on all S60 5th Edition or later mobile devices. However, |
176 the feedback is played only on touch enabled layouts.</p></li> |
177 <li><p>It provides simple functions for triggering various predefined tactile |
178 feedback (vibration or audio) effects.</p></li> |
179 <li><p>It enables a consistent user experience in all applications of the |
180 mobile device (an application gives a logical feedback type as an input and |
181 the actual physical effect depends on the mobile device configuration and |
182 end user settings).</p></li> |
183 <li><p>When the area feedback is used, latency is low for the feedback triggering |
184 (a tactile feedback can already be triggered at the window server level prior |
185 to the corresponding pointer event being delivered to the visible application).</p></li> |
186 <li><p>Direct feedback can be easily integrated into <codeph>CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL()</codeph> . </p></li> |
187 <li><p>An application can select the logical tactile feedback from certain |
188 types. The produced effect may be different on various mobile devices.</p></li> |
189 </ul></li> |
190 <li><p><xref href="jar:GUID-558A5A9B-811E-4A87-B3DD-AE734C9AA966.jar!/public_specs/GuidesA/Haptics_API_Specification/Haptics_API_Specification.html" format="application/java-archive">Haptics |
191 API</xref></p><ul> |
192 <li><p>It is available from S60 5.2 Edition onwards.</p></li> |
193 <li><p>It can be used in touch and hybrid mobile devices.</p></li> |
194 <li><p>It provides an interface for accessing Haptics player that can control |
195 different actuator types.</p></li> |
196 <li><p>It enables producing of complex vibrator effects, such as an explosion |
197 or machine gun effect in a game, bass boost for a music player, advanced ringing |
198 tone vibration, and so on.</p></li> |
199 <li><p>It enables simultaneous playing of different kinds of basis effects |
200 and modifying them when played. </p></li> |
201 <li><p>It allows for designing complex effects (using a separate PC application) |
202 that can be loaded on Haptics player for playing.</p></li> |
203 <li><p>It may require a special license key for third-party applications |
204 (to be set at runtime) to enable the Haptics player functionality.</p></li> |
205 </ul></li> |
206 <li><p><xref href="GUID-D53A00E4-CF37-5F11-8D15-C5ECCCE64597.dita">Vibra API</xref></p><ul> |
207 <li><p>It available from S60 3.0 onwards</p></li> |
208 <li><p>It can be used for running device vibrator with given intensity for |
209 a given period of time</p></li> |
210 <li><p>It can be used by a privileged client application to play pulse effects, |
211 which have a very short duration (as the ones used for tactile feedback)</p></li> |
212 </ul></li> |
213 </ul></section> |
214 <section id="GUID-428F693C-1CA8-4588-9A7D-C4265D2AED91"><title>When to use |
215 Tactile Feedback Client API, Haptics API, and Vibra API</title><p>You must |
216 use<ul> |
217 <li><p>Tactile Feedback Client API for providing tactile feedback in custom |
218 controls (grids, lists, and so on) which will comply with the style of Core |
219 UI components to ensure a uniform user experience among applications</p></li> |
220 <li><p>Haptics API on touch and hybrid mobile devices for producing complex |
221 vibration feedback which cannot be achieved with Tactile Framework (games, |
222 simulations, demos, and so on.)</p></li> |
223 <li><p>Vibra API for producing haptic effects such as ringing tone vibration |
224 in those mobile devices where Haptics API is not available or functional</p></li> |
225 </ul></p></section> |
226 <section id="GUID-8334E102-8F04-4726-9CD2-1D8004A417E1"><title>Using |
227 tactile feedback in C++ applications</title><p>The API to use for tactile |
228 feedback is the <xref href="GUID-8661A7E0-F19A-41F8-9062-FBFAE70CF658.dita">Tactile |
229 feedback client API</xref>.</p><p>The Symbian platform includes a tactile |
230 feedback interface to add, modify and remove feedback areas in the registry. |
231 There is also an option to trigger direct feedback and bypass the registry. |
232 <parmname>MTouchFeedback::Instance()</parmname> is used for acquiring a pointer |
233 to a touch feedback instance. When touch feedback is activated, the mobile |
234 device users get a slight vibration when the control with the feedback interface |
235 is touched. </p><note><p>Tactile feedback can be set and disabled in a client |
236 application or a mobile device in some scenarios, for example, during phone |
237 calls.</p></note><p>Client applications cannot determine the actual physical |
238 feedback that is generated. It depends on device configuration and current |
239 settings. In current devices, the user changeable settings include vibration |
240 and audio feedback intensity level.</p><p>In your application, you can use |
241 the following feedback types, defined in <codeph>TTouchLogicalFeedback</codeph>:</p><table id="GUID-6FF24F72-C352-4027-AA5D-2D34EBFA00F4"> |
242 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="col1"/><colspec colname="col2"/> |
243 <tbody> |
244 <row> |
245 <entry><p><codeph>ETouchFeedbackNone</codeph></p></entry> |
246 <entry><p>It is used for disabling feedback in some areas of the application |
247 window while using the area registry.</p></entry> |
248 </row> |
249 <row> |
250 <entry><p><codeph>ETouchFeedbackBasic</codeph></p></entry> |
251 <entry><p>It is used as a default feedback for stylus touch down events. For |
252 example, when the mobile device user taps a button or tab.</p></entry> |
253 </row> |
254 <row> |
255 <entry><p><codeph>ETouchFeedbackSensitive</codeph></p></entry> |
256 <entry><p>It provides sensitive feedback in situations when:<ul> |
257 <li><p>the triggering action is not very important (for example, change of |
258 focus in a list)</p></li> |
259 <li><p>there can be a large number of feedback instances within a short time |
260 (for example, text selection which gives feedback on every new selected character).</p></li> |
261 </ul> It is also used for scrolling and dragging.</p></entry> |
262 </row> |
263 </tbody> |
264 </tgroup> |
265 </table><p>To use vibration or audio feedback in your application:</p><ol> |
266 <li id="GUID-791E80D6-6935-4202-81E0-BA7392A9E1B3"><p>Include <codeph>touchfeedback.lib</codeph> in |
267 your <codeph>.mmp</codeph> file.</p></li> |
268 <li id="GUID-A185188F-F37B-440B-8213-214D77CF3B8B"><p>Include <parmname>touchfeedback.h</parmname>.</p></li> |
269 <li id="GUID-6455F4C1-AEA6-4C30-8E9B-DF9950558E17"><itemgroup><p>To enable |
270 tactile feedback for your application, add the following code.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance(); |
271 feedback->SetFeedbackEnabledForThisApp(ETrue); // enabling feedback is optional </codeblock><p>Do |
272 not delete the pointer in the controller destructor.</p></itemgroup></li> |
273 <li id="GUID-FC1B810B-99F4-44E5-82DC-46686D6D4198"><itemgroup><p>To use tactile |
274 feedback when a mobile device user points at a control, add the following |
275 code.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">void CMyContainerControl::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent) |
276 { |
277 // Feedback is always played at pointer down event |
278 if(aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down) |
279 { |
280 MTouchFeedback* feedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance(); |
281 if (feedback) |
282 { |
283 feedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackBasic); |
284 } |
285 } |
286 |
287 // Your other pointer event handling code here |
288 </codeblock></itemgroup></li> |
289 <li id="GUID-A26D8717-1839-4132-98C4-5C09086BB361"><itemgroup><p>To enable |
290 automatic feedback triggering in a specific area of a UI component, add</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">feedback->SetFeedbackArea( this, |
291 1, // area Id |
292 TRect( 0,0,20,20 ), |
293 ETouchFeedbackBasic, |
294 ETouchEventStylusDown ); |
295 </codeblock></itemgroup></li> |
296 </ol><note><p>To use tactile feedback in an application, additional platform |
297 security capabilities are not required.</p></note></section> |
298 </conbody></concept> |