changeset 7 51a74ef9ed63
parent 0 89d6a7a84779
equal deleted inserted replaced
6:43e37759235e 7:51a74ef9ed63
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE task
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
    12 <task id="GUID-74C1C345-823C-5CD5-8FC5-214A55734E94" xml:lang="en"><title>Developing
    13 Programs with Task Scheduling Capabilities</title><abstract><p>Symbian Developers and device creators can use the task scheduler
    14 APIs to develop programs with scheduling capabilities. Programs may need task
    15 scheduling capabilities to support scheduling options that may be required
    16 for a phone user, another program or a system server. </p><p>For example,
    17 a phone user can use the alarm option of a clock application to schedule an
    18 alarm to be triggered every day at 5:00 A.M. </p></abstract><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody>
    19 <steps id="GUID-17AC6716-B2C4-5C14-9764-109D31C3B9DA">
    20 <step id="GUID-C6EB0627-BD29-50F5-8A80-2581284DC750"><cmd/>
    21 <info>Connect the client to the task scheduler server using <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-C4EEE075-3B47-3964-AFCC-0CDF09DEDA0F"><apiname>RScheduler::Connect()</apiname></xref>. </info>
    22 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-5D5D73EF-7642-5D91-91EA-09E562F93AE8" xml:space="preserve">RScheduler iScheduler;
    23 User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.Connect());</codeblock> </stepxmp>
    24 </step>
    25 <step id="GUID-F442887C-9F99-50AF-89B3-7B9532E15A8C"><cmd/>
    26 <info>Register the client with the task scheduler server using <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-C19048C5-DC9F-3B8A-B4AD-02C0D943B7AC"><apiname>RScheduler::Register()</apiname></xref> by
    27 passing the following parameters: </info>
    28 <substeps id="GUID-B8842174-43F3-5B5D-8906-7699B89A53C8">
    29 <substep id="GUID-E95387B3-CFAA-5523-8105-1999FD5FD309"><cmd/>
    30 <info>Name and full path of the executable to be used to execute the scheduled
    31 task. For more information about creating this executable, see the <filepath>taskexecutor.cpp</filepath> topic
    32 in the<xref href="GUID-8B938FEF-4D70-4589-921C-C99667193E20.dita">TaskSchedulerExample:
    33 Using Task Scheduler for Creating and Executing Tasks</xref> section. </info>
    34 </substep>
    35 <substep id="GUID-A1655664-C67A-5DDD-BF3E-E8DDC98F1FB6"><cmd/>
    36 <info>Priority of the task to be executed, relative to other clients. If two
    37 clients have tasks to execute at the same time, the one with the higher priority
    38 is executed first. </info>
    39 </substep>
    40 </substeps>
    41 <info>The following code snippet illustrates how to register a client with
    42 the task scheduler server: </info>
    43 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-FFF2F47A-10AC-543D-B090-77E6B01A0C62" xml:space="preserve">RScheduler iScheduler;
    44 TFileName fileName;
    45 ...
    47 //A priority value
    48 const TInt priority = 3;
    50 ...
    52 User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.Register(filename, priority));</codeblock> </stepxmp>
    53 <info><note>Task scheduler supports only the execution of Symbian platform
    54 executables. The <codeph>aFileName</codeph> parameter can include a path but
    55 must not include a file extension. </note></info>
    56 <info>For example, a <codeph>fileName</codeph> can be <filepath>minimalTaskHandler</filepath>.
    57 Note that in the presence of platform security all EXEs are located in the <filepath>\sys\bin</filepath> folder
    58 and as a consequence of this, the path of an EXE (only the drive letter) is
    59 not needed. </info>
    60 </step>
    61 <step id="GUID-5D132AE0-6A8D-5A56-A52B-2CE8151CC757"><cmd/>
    62 <info>Create the support for different types of schedules that you want to
    63 provide using the following functions of <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita"><apiname>RScheduler</apiname></xref>: </info>
    64 <substeps id="GUID-4F006CFD-2A46-568F-8495-E5B61CBDE4BB">
    65 <substep id="GUID-128E5806-8499-5F19-97ED-F9022046C128"><cmd/>
    66 <info> <xref href="GUID-5CF2FCCF-552B-3BDF-8024-32F895583C8A.dita"><apiname>IMPORT_C TInt CreatePersistentSchedule(TSchedulerItemRef&amp;
    67 aRef, const CArrayFixFlat&lt;TScheduleEntryInfo2&gt;&amp; aEntryList)</apiname></xref>:Creates
    68 a persistent time-based schedule without tasks. </info>
    69 <info>The following code snippet illustrates how to create a persistent time-based
    70 schedule scheduled to start on January 1st, 2010 at 08:00 A.M., runs every
    71 one hour and is valid for eight hours. </info>
    72 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-E791116D-722C-5F25-BBE5-B4C0DEC5A29A" xml:space="preserve">...
    74 TSchedulerItemRef&amp; aRef;
    76 //Array to hold the schedule entries
    77 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TScheduleEntryInfo2&gt;* cSchEntryInfoArray;    
    78 cSchEntryInfoArray = new CArrayFixFlat&lt;TScheduleEntryInfo2&gt;(1);
    80 CleanupStack::PushL(cSchEntryInfoArray);
    82 // Create an hourly schedule
    83 TScheduleEntryInfo2 entry1;
    85 //Sets the date and time for the schedule as Jan 1st, 2010, 08:00 am
    86 TDateTime datetime2(2010, EJanuary, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0); 
    87 TTsTime time2(datetime2, ETrue);
    89 //Set the first instance when the entry will cause the execution of tasks. 
    90 entry1.SetStartTime(time2);
    92 // Set the interval between execution of tasks
    93 // Here the interval is 2 hours because the interval type is hourly.
    94 const TInt interval = 2;
    95 entry1.SetInterval(interval);
    97 // Set the type of interval used between due times for the scheduled entry
    98 entry1.SetIntervalType(TIntervalType(EHourly));
   100 // Set the period for which the entry is valid. After 8 hours the 
   101 // tasks associated with the entry will not be eligible for execution.
   102 const TInt eightHours = 480; // in minutes 
   103 entry1.SetValidityPeriod(TTimeIntervalMinutes(eightHours));
   105 cSchEntryInfoArray-&gt;AppendL(entry1);
   107 //create the time-based persistent schedule
   108 User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *cSchEntryInfoArray));
   110 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cSchEntryInfoArray);
   111 ...</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   112 </substep>
   113 <substep id="GUID-FFC11C40-D971-5122-B07C-32695C61EE64"><cmd/>
   114 <info> <xref href="GUID-5A30CCBC-8D18-359A-ABB1-E4256ADC7199.dita"><apiname>IMPORT_C TInt CreatePersistentSchedule(TSchedulerItemRef&amp;
   115 aRef, const CArrayFixFlat&lt;TTaskSchedulerCondition&gt;&amp; aConditions, const
   116 TTsTime&amp; aDefaultRunTime)</apiname></xref>: Creates a persistent condition-based
   117 schedule without tasks. </info>
   118 <info>The following code snippet illustrates how to create a persistent condition-based
   119 schedule that is triggered when both <codeph>condtion1</codeph> and <codeph>condtion2</codeph> are
   120 satisfied. By default, the schedule is set to start on December 10th, 2009
   121 at 09:00 A.M., if the condition set is not met. </info>
   122 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-B1F905E8-DC06-5C94-84FE-7BEC9E21EB43" xml:space="preserve">...
   124 TSchedulerItemRef&amp; aRef;
   126 //Array to hold the schedule conditions
   127 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TTaskSchedulerCondition&gt;* cTaskScheCondArray;
   129 //Condition list to hold a set of conditions
   130 CSchConditionArray conditionList = new (ELeave) CSchConditionArray(2);
   131 CleanupStack::PushL(conditionList);
   133 //set the first condition
   134 TTaskSchedulerCondition condition1;
   136 //UID of the publish and subscribe category for condition1
   137 const TUid KPubSubsPersistCondCategUid1 = TUid::Uid(0x102F7784);
   139 //Key of the publish and subscribe category for condition2
   140 const TInt KPubSubsPersistCondKey1 = 1;
   142 condition1.iCategory = KPubSubsPersistCondCategUid1;
   143 condition1.iKey        = KPubSubsPersistCondKey1;
   144 condition1.iState    = 10;
   145 condition1.iType    = TTaskSchedulerCondition::EEquals;
   146 conditionList-&gt;AppendL(condition1);
   148 //set the second condition
   149 TTaskSchedulerCondition condition2;
   151 //UID of the publish and subscribe category for condition2
   152 const TUid KPubSubsPersistCondCategUid2 = TUid::Uid(0x103F7784);
   154 //Key of the publish and subscribe category for condition2
   155 const TInt KPubSubsPersistCondKey2 = 1;
   157 condition2.iCategory = KPubSubsPersistCondCategUid2;
   158 condition2.iKey        = KPubSubsPersistCondKey2;
   159 condition2.iState    = 20;
   160 condition2.iType    = TTaskSchedulerCondition::ENotEquals;
   161 conditionList-&gt;AppendL(condition2);
   163 //Set the date and time for the schedule as Dec 10th, 2009, 09:00 am
   164 TDateTime datetime2(2009, EDecember, 10, 9, 0, 0, 0); 
   165 TTsTime time2(datetime2, EFalse);
   167 //create the condition-based persistent schedule
   168 iScheduler.CreatePersistentSchedule(aRef, *conditionList, time2);
   170 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // conditionList</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   171 </substep>
   172 <substep id="GUID-E19A594F-F7A8-576F-B509-726FB4DF3B1F"><cmd/>
   173 <info><xref href="GUID-B51E61E7-8A9F-354C-9695-58E741DD21AB.dita"><apiname>IMPORT_C TInt ScheduleTask(TTaskInfo&amp; aTaskInfo, HBufC&amp;
   174 aTaskData, TSchedulerItemRef&amp; aRef, const CArrayFixFlat&lt;TScheduleEntryInfo2&gt;&amp;
   175 aEntryList)</apiname></xref>:Creates a transient time-based schedule and adds a task
   176 to it. </info>
   177 <info>The following code snippet illustrates how to create a transient time-based
   178 schedule and associate a task to it. It starts at a specific time, runs every
   179 one hour and is valid for two hours. </info>
   180 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-B0087E50-F2F1-5BC8-9165-53C505E53330" xml:space="preserve">...
   182 TSchedulerItemRef ref;
   184 // Array that holds the schedule entries
   185 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TScheduleEntryInfo2&gt;* cSchEntryInfoArray;
   186 cSchEntryInfoArray = new CArrayFixFlat&lt;TScheduleEntryInfo2&gt;(1);
   188 CleanupStack::PushL(cSchEntryInfoArray);
   190 // Create a schedule entry
   191 TScheduleEntryInfo2 entry;
   193 TTime now;
   195 //    Set the date and time of this TTime to the universal time.
   196 now.UniversalTime();
   198 // Assign an offset of 15 seconds. 
   199 TInt offset = 15;
   200 now += TTimeIntervalSeconds(offset);
   202 // Constructs a TTsTime with a TTime object.
   203 // ETrue indicates that TTsTime is UTC based time
   204 TTsTime time(now, ETrue);
   206 // Set the above time as the first time at which
   207 // the entry will cause execution of tasks. 
   208 entry.SetStartTime(time);
   210 // Set the type of interval used between due times for scheduled entry
   211 entry.SetIntervalType(TIntervalType(EHourly));
   213 // Set the period for which the entry is valid. 
   214 // After 2 hours the tasks associated with the entry will not be eligible for execution 
   215 TInt validity = 120;
   216 entry.SetValidityPeriod(TTimeIntervalMinutes(validity));
   218 // Set the interval between execution of tasks
   219 // Here the interval is 1 hour because the interval type is hourly.
   220 entry.SetInterval(1);
   222 //Add the schedule entry to the array
   223 cSchEntryInfoArray-&gt;AppendL(entry);
   225 // Create a transient task to be scheduled
   226 TTaskInfo taskInfo;
   228 // Task id
   229 const TInt tId = 0;
   230 taskInfo.iTaskId = tId;
   232 // The task repeats just once
   233 const TInt numberOfRepeats = 1;
   234 taskInfo.iRepeat = numberOfRepeats;
   236 // Task priority set by the client. 
   237 // Where a client has two tasks with different priorities, 
   238 // the task with the higher priority will be executed first.
   239 const TInt priority = 2; 
   240 taskInfo.iPriority = priority;
   242 _LIT(KScheduleType," transient schedule");
   243 const TDesC* transient = &amp;KScheduleType;
   244 HBufC* data = transient-&gt;AllocLC();
   246 // Create the transient time-based schedule 
   247 User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, *data, ref, *cSchEntryInfoArray));
   249 ...</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   250 <info> Important:  The task scheduler does not notify a client if a scheduled
   251 task fails to execute successfully. Clients can however use the notification
   252 mechanism of the <xref href="GUID-5B63D14D-007D-566F-A065-1A25FE4B97A3.dita">Log
   253 Engine</xref> to get some notification and information of the error condition
   254 that caused the task to fail. </info>
   255 <info><ul>
   256 <li id="GUID-CEB9D7B2-08C1-5256-8E05-743E2F894AFB"><p>Errors can occur when
   257 the task scheduler prepares to create and run a task process. The most likely
   258 error is an out of memory error. The task scheduler logs the error to the
   259 system log with type <xref href="GUID-3F3A8B98-D750-30C5-A2D5-D28AB1D8EAE9.dita"><apiname>KLogTaskSchedulerEventTypeUid</apiname></xref>. The
   260 task or schedule is not retried. </p> </li>
   261 <li id="GUID-11D78BC8-02F4-53C3-8544-F5C3F8BD0671"><p>If the task process
   262 is created successfully, but it exits with an error, the task scheduler logs
   263 the process exit reason to the system log, also with type <xref href="GUID-3F3A8B98-D750-30C5-A2D5-D28AB1D8EAE9.dita"><apiname>KLogTaskSchedulerEventTypeUid</apiname></xref>. </p> </li>
   264 </ul> </info>
   265 </substep>
   266 <substep id="GUID-8E8365D3-3A08-5B6E-BA92-73F2E750145C"><cmd/>
   267 <info> <xref href="GUID-C6D23376-3EF2-349A-9BCF-812D57E61EA3.dita"><apiname>IMPORT_C TInt ScheduleTask(TTaskInfo&amp; aTaskInfo, HBufC&amp;
   268 aTaskData, TSchedulerItemRef&amp; aRef, const CArrayFixFlat&lt;TTaskSchedulerCondition&gt;&amp;
   269 aConditions, const TTsTime&amp; aDefaultRunTime)</apiname></xref>: Creates a transient
   270 condition-based schedule and adds a task to it. </info>
   271 <info>The following code snippet illustrates how to create a transient condition-based
   272 schedule and associate a task to it. The schedule is triggered when <codeph>condition1</codeph> is
   273 met. By default, the schedule is set to start on December 10th, 2009 at 09:00
   274 A.M., if the condition set is not met. </info>
   275 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-F1E856BD-38F2-5F65-B1D7-96B11A008F47" xml:space="preserve">...
   277 TSchedulerItemRef ref2;
   279 //Array that holds the conditions
   280 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TTaskSchedulerCondition&gt;* CSchConditionArray;
   281 CSchConditionArray conditionList = new (ELeave) CSchConditionArray(1);
   283 CleanupStack::PushL(conditionList);
   285 //set the condition
   286 TTaskSchedulerCondition condition1;
   288 //UID of the publish and subscribe category for condition1
   289 const TUid KPubSubsTransCondCategUid1 = TUid::Uid(0x102F7785);
   291 //Key of the publish and subscribe category for condition1
   292 const TInt KPubSubsTransCondKey1 = 1;
   294 condition1.iCategory = KPubSubsTransCondCategUid1;
   295 condition1.iKey        = KPubSubsTransCondKey1;
   296 condition1.iState    = 10;
   297 condition1.iType    = TTaskSchedulerCondition::EEquals;
   298 conditionList-&gt;AppendL(condition1);
   300 // Associate a task with the condition-based schedule
   301 TTaskInfo taskInfo2;
   303 _LIT(KTransSchedTaskName, "Transient - Condition-Based");
   304 _LIT(KTransSchedTaskData2, "Task data for transient schedule");
   306 taskInfo2.iName = KTransSchedTaskName;
   307 taskInfo2.iPriority = 2;
   308 taskInfo2.iRepeat = 0;
   310 // Create some data associated with this task
   311 HBufC* taskTransSchedData = KTransSchedTaskData2().AllocLC();
   313 //set the default time at which you want the transient condition-based
   314 //schedule to start, if no conditions are met
   315 // sets the date and time as Jan 1st, 2010, 10:01 am
   316 TDateTime datetime2(2010, EJanuary, 1, 10, 1, 0, 0); 
   317 TTsTime defaultRuntime(datetime2, ETrue); // 10:01 am
   319 // Create the transient condition-based schedule
   320 User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo2, *taskTransSchedData, ref2, *conditionList, defaultRuntime));
   322 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // taskTransSchedData, conditionList
   324 ...</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   325 </substep>
   326 </substeps>
   327 <info><note> Schedules can be either persistent or transient. Persistent schedules
   328 have schedule information and any corresponding task data persisted to the
   329 disk. </note></info>
   330 <info>The task scheduler server reads this data back into memory when the
   331 phone is restarted. But, transient schedules do not have their data persisted
   332 and are deleted automatically once any associated tasks have finished running. </info>
   333 </step>
   334 <step id="GUID-265E13BF-EC53-5308-ABD1-92FAF2F3A9E0"><cmd/>
   335 <info>Create the support for adding tasks to a persistent schedule by passing
   336 the handle of the persistent schedule to <xref href="GUID-A293C22A-B2A7-333B-B2B7-E28A22343DE9.dita"><apiname>ScheduleTask(TTaskInfo&amp;
   337 aTaskInfo, HBufC&amp; aTaskData, const TInt aScheduleHandle)</apiname></xref>. </info>
   338 <info><b> Notes</b>:  <ul>
   339 <li><p>This step applies only, if you have already created a persistent schedule. </p></li>
   340 <li><p>For more information about the effects of backup and restore on scheduled
   341 tasks in persistent schedules, see the <xref href="GUID-00363030-AAE2-5231-8407-AC609DA0F496.dita">Backup
   342 and Restore on Scheduled Tasks in Persistent Schedules</xref>. </p></li>
   343 </ul><p/></info>
   344 <info>The following code snippet illustrates how to create a task and associate
   345 it with an existing persistent schedule. </info>
   346 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-BA89C9FD-0876-59CE-BD90-BBEE3526277F" xml:space="preserve">
   347 ...
   349 //Contains the handle to the persistent schedule
   350 TInt aScheduleId;
   351 ...
   354 TInt&amp; aNewId;
   356 //Create the task that you want to add the persistent schedule
   357 TTaskInfo taskInfo;
   358 taskInfo.iTaskId = aNewId;
   360 _LIT(aName, "Task for Persistent Schedule");
   362 taskInfo.iName = aName;
   363 taskInfo.iPriority = 2;
   364 taskInfo.iRepeat = 0;
   366 HBufC* taskdata = _L("the data").AllocLC();
   368 iScheduler.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, *taskdata, aScheduleId);
   370 //Update aNewId with the task ID set by the task scheduler
   371 aNewId = taskInfo.iTaskId;
   372 ...
   374 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // taskdata
   376 ...</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   377 <info> Notes:  </info>
   378 <info><p><ul>
   379 <li><p>The <codeph>HBufC* taskdata</codeph> parameter is used by clients who
   380 want to send data to the executable that is launched when the task becomes
   381 due. When the executable is launched, this data is stored in a temporary task
   382 file and the filename is passed on the command line to the newly created process.
   383 That executable can then open the file and stream in the contents. </p></li>
   384 <li><p>If multiple tasks are assigned to a schedule that has become due, the
   385 data for each schedule is concatenated into the same file. The tasks are stored
   386 in the file as <xref href="GUID-049FF2D7-8444-3E87-BF2F-DD0EA9B10ED0.dita"><apiname>CScheduledTask</apiname></xref> instances. The first item
   387 in the file is an integer describing how many tasks there are in the file.
   388 Subsequently the file just contains tasks which can be streamed in using the <xref href="GUID-049FF2D7-8444-3E87-BF2F-DD0EA9B10ED0.dita#GUID-049FF2D7-8444-3E87-BF2F-DD0EA9B10ED0/GUID-F9ED1FDD-0DAF-3450-99A6-730D43D00FE0"><apiname>CScheduledTask::NewLC()</apiname></xref> method. </p></li>
   389 </ul></p></info>
   390 </step>
   391 <step id="GUID-DEE8E40C-ED35-5C48-9406-DA44B1E68A61"><cmd/>
   392 <info>Create the support for viewing schedules. This involves two steps: </info>
   393 <substeps id="GUID-97888525-CEB8-530F-A092-5DB980E7C841">
   394 <substep id="GUID-B783CD9D-AE70-5BB9-B6ED-CC93EEE97512"><cmd/>
   395 <info>Get the name and ID (schedule handle) of schedules using <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-7C8B221C-F8E5-3EEE-9693-2055D6F1EBF4"><apiname>RScheduler::GetScheduleRefsL()</apiname></xref>. </info>
   396 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-07058B0D-CD00-53A0-B744-6073FD81B941" xml:space="preserve">//Array that holds schedule entries
   397 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TSchedulerItemRef&gt;* CSchItemRefArray;
   398 CSchItemRefArray = new CArrayFixFlat&lt;TSchedulerItemRef&gt;(3);
   400 CleanupStack::PushL(CSchItemRefArray);
   402 //Get the list of all schedules
   403 User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.GetScheduleRefsL(*CSchItemRefArray, EAllSchedules));
   405 ...
   407 //Gets the schedule handle and assigns it to schedHandle
   408 TInt schedHandle = *CSchItemRefArray)[1].iHandle;
   410 ...</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   411 </substep>
   412 <substep id="GUID-5D034701-EF62-5982-8070-A2C40DDD1122"><cmd/>
   413 <info>Get schedule details by passing the schedule handle to <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-AD5F8784-D619-32BB-B125-30C7393FA1A9"><apiname>RScheduler::GetScheduleL()</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-946F7B2F-EF2C-33DB-A397-D31A009165A6"><apiname>RScheduler::GetScheduleTypeL()</apiname></xref>. </info>
   414 <info><ul>
   415 <li id="GUID-D15FBE3E-4214-5074-A91C-747324339C7E"><p> <b>Viewing details
   416 of time-based schedules:</b>  </p> <codeblock id="GUID-27955B2E-A6F6-5D13-8AFD-7AC37F579E31" xml:space="preserve">...
   418 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TTaskInfo&gt; CTaskInfoArray;
   419 CTaskInfoArray* tasks = new (ELeave) CTaskInfoArray(3);
   421 TTsTime nextTimeScheduleIsDue;
   422 TScheduleState2 stateTimebasedSched;
   424 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TScheduleEntryInfo2&gt; CScheduleEntryInfoArray;
   425 CScheduleEntryInfoArray* entries = new (ELeave) CScheduleEntryInfoArray(3);
   427 CleanupStack::PushL(entries);
   429 iScheduler.GetScheduleL(schedHandle, stateTimebasedSched, *entries, tasks, nextTimeScheduleIsDue);
   430 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entries);</codeblock> </li>
   431 <li id="GUID-5EBF8371-0DAB-5C02-93BE-84C75D2258A3"><p> <b>Viewing details
   432 of condition-based schedules:</b>  </p> <codeblock id="GUID-240EF5BE-211F-5CA4-AD03-0A39B7FD9927" xml:space="preserve">...
   434 TTsTime defaultTime;
   435 TScheduleState2 state;
   437 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TTaskInfo&gt; CTaskInfoArray;
   438 CTaskInfoArray* tasks = new (ELeave) CTaskInfoArray(3);
   440 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TTaskSchedulerCondition&gt; CSchConditionArray;
   441 CSchConditionArray* conditionList = new (ELeave) CSchConditionArray(3);
   442 CleanupStack::PushL(conditionList);
   444 iScheduler.GetScheduleL(schedHandle, state, *conditionList, defaultTime, tasks);
   446 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(conditionList);</codeblock> </li>
   447 <li id="GUID-9966127B-4650-510D-9FD4-36177F801889"><p> <b>Viewing the schedule
   448 type associated with a schedule:</b> Identifies whether the schedule is a
   449 condition or time-based. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E696A2CA-3135-56BD-8B41-AE2CB5E6FDC0" xml:space="preserve">...
   451 TScheduleType &amp;type;
   453 iScheduler.GetScheduleTypeL(schedHandle, type);</codeblock> </li>
   454 </ul> </info>
   455 </substep>
   456 </substeps>
   457 </step>
   458 <step id="GUID-BA59B4AB-0104-5794-808E-5D9F6693BE03"><cmd/>
   459 <info>Create the support for editing, enabling and disabling schedules. Schedules
   460 can be edited using <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-50B287A9-F62F-3C49-AD22-2760C96846EA"><apiname>RScheduler::EditSchedule()</apiname></xref> when a change
   461 is required to be done to a schedule. </info>
   462 <info>Before making changes to a schedule, you can use <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-64263B93-74B9-3526-B585-4B2E8B8B86A2"><apiname>RScheduler::DisableSchedule()</apiname></xref> to
   463 disable a schedule, so that it is not triggered and later use <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-5AE06AE8-46BA-3339-8ADB-E7C642928C9C"><apiname>RScheduler::EnableSchedule()</apiname></xref> to
   464 enable it, once the changes are done to the schedule. </info>
   465 <info>The following code snippet illustrates how to disable a time-based schedule,
   466 edit it to make changes to the schedule and later enable the schedule. </info>
   467 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-BD180A79-767B-54A4-A5EA-4D763A295D4C" xml:space="preserve">//Editing time-based schedules
   469 ...
   471 TInt schedHandle;
   473 ...
   475 //Disables the schedule referenced by "schedHandle"
   476 User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.DisableSchedule(schedHandle);
   477 ...
   479 //Array to hold the schedule entries
   480 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TScheduleEntryInfo2&gt; CSchEntryInfoArray;
   481 CSchEntryInfoArray* entryList = new (ELeave) CSchEntryInfoArray(3);
   483 CleanupStack::PushL(entryList);
   485 //Change the start date and time as Jan 10th, 2010, 11:00 am
   486 TDateTime datetime2(2010, EJanuary, 10, 11, 0, 0, 0);
   487 TTsTime defaultRuntime(datetime2, ETrue);
   489 //create the schedule entry with the updated time
   490 TScheduleEntryInfo2 entry1 (defaultRuntime, EDaily, 1, 20); // 20m from "now"
   491 entryList-&gt;AppendL(entry1);
   493 //Enables the schedule referenced by "schedHandle"
   494 User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.EnableSchedule(schedHandle);
   496 //edit the schedule
   497 User::LeaveIfError(iScheduler.EditSchedule(schedHandle, entryList));
   499 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryList);</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   500 <info>The following code snippet illustrates how to edit a condition-based
   501 schedule by passing the schedule handle of the schedule to be edited and the
   502 updated schedule condition details to <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-50B287A9-F62F-3C49-AD22-2760C96846EA"><apiname>RScheduler::EditSchedule()</apiname></xref>. </info>
   503 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-35B0F192-2530-5BD4-8AF5-E44C02405D13" xml:space="preserve">//Editing condition-based schedules
   504 ...
   506 TInt schedHandle;
   508 ...
   510 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TTaskSchedulerCondition&gt;* CSchConditionArray;
   513 CSchConditionArray conditionList = new (ELeave) CSchConditionArray(2);
   514 CleanupStack::PushL(conditionList);
   516 //update the condition
   517 TTaskSchedulerCondition condition1;
   519 //UID of the publish and subscribe category for condition1
   520 const TUid KPubSubsTransCondCategUid1 = TUid::Uid(0x102F7785);
   522 //Key of the publish and subscribe category for condition1
   523 const TInt KPubSubsTransCondKey1 = 1;
   525 condition1.iCategory = KPubSubsTransCondCategUid1;
   526 condition1.iKey        = KPubSubsTransCondKey1;
   527 condition1.iState    = 10;
   528 condition1.iType    = TTaskSchedulerCondition::EEquals;
   529 conditionList-&gt;AppendL(condition1);
   531 // sets the date and time as Jan 10th, 2010, 10:00 am
   532 TDateTime datetime2(2010, EJanuary, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0);
   533 TTsTime defaultRuntime(datetime2, ETrue);
   535 iScheduler.EditSchedule(schedHandle, *conditionList, defaultRuntime);
   537 ...</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   538 </step>
   539 <step id="GUID-91C5C26A-7120-500C-8F42-AE61133BB375"><cmd/>
   540 <info>Create the support for deleting schedules using <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-B4CECD92-82C6-3CEC-8DA6-E4D1580BEC00"><apiname>RScheduler::DeleteSchedule()</apiname></xref>. </info>
   541 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-DBB6A497-BFFC-5832-B5E8-5B8D2F713576" xml:space="preserve">...
   543 //Deletes the schedule referenced by "schedHandle"
   544 iScheduler.DeleteSchedule(schedHandle);</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   545 </step>
   546 <step id="GUID-83E497A5-9C7C-5B57-A4E1-922A0B9BF913"><cmd/>
   547 <info>Create the support for viewing task information associated with a schedule.
   548 This involves two steps: </info>
   549 <substeps id="GUID-F7C63AE4-4F06-58A6-9614-BC5356176977">
   550 <substep id="GUID-89600927-D804-54C6-8C97-459BD3C1078E"><cmd/>
   551 <info>Get a list of all tasks or a subset of tasks using <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-8A56C5D7-473C-3CA1-9B03-E6C794434EAB"><apiname>RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL()</apiname></xref>. </info>
   552 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-6EA170CE-2CE5-5E43-B9AA-3FC177BF1B3F" xml:space="preserve">//Array to hold the list of tasks
   553 CArrayFixFlat&lt;TSchedulerItemRef&gt; CSchItemRefArray;
   554 CSchItemRefArray* refs = new (ELeave) CSchItemRefArray(3);
   556 //Gets the list of tasks
   557 iScheduler.GetTaskRefsL(*refs, EAllSchedules, EAllTasks);
   559 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(refs);</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   560 </substep>
   561 <substep id="GUID-242AEAF8-CC8B-5EA3-9394-A62F79275735"><cmd/>
   562 <info>Get details associated with a specific task using <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-389F77C6-6127-3376-B4CF-993A5849903B"><apiname>RScheduler::GetTaskInfoL()</apiname></xref>. </info>
   563 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-8EB737CE-5990-5A04-8A44-CA1B3EDB82DE" xml:space="preserve">...
   565 //Handle to the task
   566 TInt aTaskHandle;
   568 ...
   570 TInt taskSize = 0;
   572 //Gets the size of the data to be passed to the task's program.
   573 taskSize = iScheduler.GetTaskDataSize(aTaskHandle, taskSize);
   574 HBufC* taskData = HBufC::NewLC(taskSize);
   576 TPtr pTaskData = taskData-&gt;Des();
   578 TTsime scheduleNextDueTime;
   579 TTaskInfo taskFromServer;
   580 TSchedulerItemRef scheduleReference;
   582 //Gets task details
   583 iScheduler.GetTaskInfoL(aTaskHandle, taskFromServer, pTaskData, scheduleReference, scheduleNextDueTime);
   585 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(taskData);</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   586 </substep>
   587 </substeps>
   588 </step>
   589 <step id="GUID-85E5D82C-B280-57D3-89E2-7AC8C63C072C"><cmd/>
   590 <info>Create the support for deleting tasks associated with a schedule using <xref href="GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1.dita#GUID-6E138B87-ED51-3C72-9075-8D7F887FA7B1/GUID-BE934053-79EA-3101-899D-18BC91359BB7"><apiname>RScheduler::DeleteTask()</apiname></xref>. </info>
   591 <stepxmp><codeblock id="GUID-ADF28359-38D9-5B32-8828-929E4AE56496" xml:space="preserve">TInt taskId;
   593 ...
   595 iScheduler.DeleteTask(taskId);</codeblock> </stepxmp>
   596 </step>
   597 </steps>
   598 </taskbody><related-links>
   599 <link href="GUID-3CDCE4E0-E29D-5782-8053-B386A9E34BCC.dita"><linktext>Task Scheduler
   600 Overview</linktext></link>
   601 <link href="GUID-00363030-AAE2-5231-8407-AC609DA0F496.dita"><linktext>Backup and
   602 Restore on Scheduled Tasks in Persistent Schedules</linktext></link>
   603 </related-links></task>