changeset 7 51a74ef9ed63
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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-998DCA78-2488-5D6D-B5B3-D86C52F32823" xml:lang="en"><title>Modifications
    13 to Keyspaces</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <p>This topic describes the types of keyspace modifications </p>
    15 <p>Keyspaces are modified by operations including </p>
    16 <ul>
    17 <li id="GUID-3642D0A6-456B-55A8-8CDF-FE5E56C4C5BC"><p>installation of new
    18 software, </p> </li>
    19 <li id="GUID-8FEA1A45-CC2B-5346-8ABC-853CF3EC319D"><p>firmware updates, </p> </li>
    20 <li id="GUID-DDFAA956-9F88-5CE5-A00E-A6B7B90453AF"><p>the restore factory
    21 settings operation, and </p> </li>
    22 <li id="GUID-2948CF00-2335-51CF-A5A1-9746D62FAB53"><p>backup and restore. </p> </li>
    23 </ul>
    24 <p>The integrity of the keyspace is maintained over modifications of this
    25 kind by applying the appropriate rules for each operation and combination
    26 of operations. </p>
    27 <section id="GUID-95F7E0FB-1435-4B68-B246-9DB111C31FC2"><title>Installating keyspaces </title> <p><b>Steps to be taken at
    28 device creation</b> </p><p>         There are two ways of equipping an application
    29 with a keyspace when the application is installed on the device. One is to
    30 save the keyspace to the directory <filepath>z:\private\10202BE9\</filepath>at
    31 ROM build, as explained above. This method has the disadvantage that a keyspace
    32 created in this way cannot subsequently be uninstalled, though it can be modified
    33 by the software installer or firmware upgrades. The other way is to install
    34 the keyspace along with the application using the software installer. Application
    35 writers cannot do this on their own because the process requires one of the
    36 necessary files, the stub .sis file, to be set up appropriately by device
    37 creators, and another, the upgrade .sis file, to be signed by Symbian.  </p><p> 
    38         You install a keyspace by placing a stub .sis file (installation file)
    39 in the <filepath>\System\Install</filepath>&lt;file&gt;\System\Install&lt;/file&gt;
    40 directory in ROM. This file is written by device creators rather than developers.
    41 It must contain the central repository server executable. It must list all
    42 the ROM-supplied keyspace files which are ntended to be upgradable.   </p><p> 
    43         The following template is supplied for use in device creation. Device
    44 creators are free to modify the major and minor version numbers but are strongly
    45 recommended to retain the UID 0x20007770 which is allocated for use with the
    46 central repository.  </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">;
    47 ; template_stub.pkg
    49 ; Template Central Repository Stub Package File
    51 ; Copyright (c) 2006 Symbian Software Ltd. All rights reserved.
    54 ; Language
    55 &amp;EN
    57 ; Package Header
    59 ; #{"Package name"}, (Package UID), major-version, minor-version, build-number
    61 ; You are free to modify the version and build numbers but the package UID
    62 ; should NOT be altered.
    64 #{"Centrep Stub"}, (0x20007770), 0, 0, 0
    66 ; Vendor
    67 %{"Symbian Software Ltd."}
    68 :"Symbian Software Ltd."
    70 ; Central Repository Server - this must be in the stub package file
    71 "&lt;INSERT-LOCAL-PATH-HERE&gt;centralrepositorysrv.exe"-"z:\sys\bin\centralrepositorysrv.exe"
    72 ; eg "\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\centralrepositorysrv.exe"-"z:\sys\bin\centralrepositorysrv.exe"
    74 ; List of upgradeable ROM keyspaces
    76 ; If you wish to provide the ability for a keyspace supplied in ROM to be upgraded
    77 ; by Software Install then list it below.  Any keyspaces not included in this list
    78 ; may not be upgraded.
    80 ; Each entry in the list should take the following form:
    81 ;  ""-"z:\private\10202be9\&lt;keyspace-file.ext&gt;"
    83 ; For example:
    84 ;  ""-"z:\private\10202be9\ace1ace1.cre"
    86 </codeblock> <p><b>How to upgrade a keyspace during software installation</b> </p> <p>Installing
    87 an application is explained <xref href="GUID-9C4C3F93-4F9F-5FE0-9979-7729CE255255.dita">here</xref> and
    88 upgrading is explained <xref href="GUID-0B9C52E5-490D-5CF0-9789-1EC50D6C7919.dita">here</xref>.
    89 Upgrading software in ROM is explained <xref href="GUID-30FFE6C4-FE79-55F9-A805-D98F83D90441.dita">here</xref>.
    90 It involves using the CreateSIS tool to compile files listed in a package
    91 (.pkg) file into an installation (.sis) file. A package file may refer to
    92 an existing .sis file: if so, the .sis file is said to be embedded. An upgrade
    93 is essentially the installation of a software patch. You upgrade a keyspace
    94 in the same way as you upgrade the associated application and the two operations
    95 are often combined. Installing a keyspace is the same as upgrading one: you
    96 are eclipsing the stub .sis file discussed in the previous section. To do
    97 this you need: </p> <ul>
    98 <li id="GUID-BCEB30EA-7C0F-5333-9033-0DA3521A56E7"><p>the upgrade .pkg file
    99 and corresponding .sis file, </p> </li>
   100 <li id="GUID-DA3E131F-98C3-57AF-BD28-C6858A2F53E4"><p>and the application
   101 .pkg file and corresponding .sis file if you are upgrading the application. </p> </li>
   102 </ul> <p>A third party developer cannot create a stub .sis file: it must have
   103 been created as part of the device's ROM. If one does not exist, you cannot
   104 upgrade a keyspace. </p> <p>The upgrade .sis file must be signed. </p> <p>You
   105 do not need the application .sis and .pkg files if you are installing or upgrading
   106 a keyspace without the associated application. </p> <p>In both cases you write
   107 a .pkg file with details of the software upgrade. It can upgrade the application
   108 and the keyspace at the same time or could upgrade the keyspace alone as shown
   109 in the following example: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-5436AF6A-5A82-51A4-BC52-3FEDFCBA431F" xml:space="preserve">&amp;EN
   111 #{"Example new keyspace"}, (0x20007770), 1, 2, 3, TYPE=SP
   113 %{"Symbian Software Ltd."}
   114 :"Symbian Software Ltd."
   116 ; Install keyspace in Central Repository’s private data cage
   117 "12345678.cre"-"c:\private\10202be9\12345678.cre"
   118 </codeblock> <p>The important thing is that the package UID, (0x20007770),
   119 must match the UID in the stub package header. You compile the .pkg file into
   120 a .sis file and, if required, go through the signing process at this point.
   121 At this point you can deploy the keyspace .sis file on its own. However, it
   122 is more usual to embed the keyspace .sis file into your application .pkg file
   123 and install the application. </p> <p><b>How to uninstall a keyspace during
   124 software uninstallation</b> </p> <p>You uninstall a keyspace by uninstalling
   125 the application which it was embedded in. This has the effect of uninstalling
   126 all the software patches with which you upgraded the keyspace. If there is
   127 a version of the keyspace in ROM, placed there at device creation, it comes
   128 back into use. If the keyspace was installed subsequently then no version
   129 of it remains after uninstallation. It is not possible to remove individual
   130 upgrades, only the entire set of upgrades which have ever been applied. </p> <p><b>Effects
   131 of upgrading a keyspace during software installation</b> </p> <p>An upgrade
   132 to a keyspace may conflict with user modifications to the keyspace. In that
   133 case the existing settings are merged with those in the upgrading keyspace
   134 in accordance with the following rules. The keyspaces are merged in accordance
   135 with the principle that user modifications override upgrade modifications. </p> <ul>
   136 <li id="GUID-D0E7853C-D91D-53C4-9DA8-C581A9AB5A79"><p>If a setting exists
   137 in the existing keyspace on the phone and the upgrading keyspace and the existing
   138 setting has not been modified by the user, the upgrading setting replaces
   139 the existing setting. </p> </li>
   140 <li id="GUID-C94441FB-0967-53D5-9EAE-750BDABE48E2"><p>If a setting exists
   141 in the existing keyspace and the upgrading keyspace and the existing setting
   142 has been modified by the user, the existing setting is preserved. </p> </li>
   143 <li id="GUID-DEEF31A4-5CF6-540A-A81A-E43DF2026C77"><p>If a setting exists
   144 in the existing keyspace but not in the upgrading keyspace, the existing setting
   145 is preserved. </p> </li>
   146 <li id="GUID-1270CCEC-7836-51BA-99EA-9BD46CA4BBCA"><p>If a setting exists
   147 in the upgrading keyspace but not in the existing keyspace, the upgrading
   148 setting is created. </p> </li>
   149 </ul> <p>Upgrades preserve the existing platform security policies. Metadata
   150 values assigned by default or to a range remain unchanged, but metadata values
   151 of individual keys take their upgrade settings. </p> <p>The first time you
   152 upgrade a keyspace which is provided in ROM you only need to list the keys
   153 which are being added to or changed from the ROM keyspace. However, if you
   154 are performing an upgrade to a keyspace which has previously been upgraded,
   155 you must include all the changes in all the previous upgrades: this is also
   156 the case where the keyspace was originally installed as an upgrade to a stub
   157 .sis file. </p> <p>If there are notification requests on any of the keys,
   158 the requests will complete as a result of installation, upgrading and uninstallation.
   159 If transactions are pending during an upgrade or uninstallation, those transactions
   160 will fail. It is advisable to close all sessions on a keyspace before uninstalling. </p> </section>
   161 <section id="GUID-D3331692-F84F-4421-8314-E46FA17F02A4"><title>Firmware updates</title> <p>Symbian provides limited support
   162 for firmware updates to ROM over a serial connection or by FOTA (firmware
   163 over the air). The generic term for these firmware updates is FOTx. When this
   164 happens, the Central Repository detects the upgrade when the device is next
   165 restarted and makes corresponding updates to its keyspaces. A firmware update
   166 reboots the device: as part of this process the Central Repository gets the
   167 current ROM version using <codeph>SysUtil::GetSWVersion</codeph> and compares
   168 it with a previously saved version. Where the Central Repository detects a
   169 difference it merges the relevant keyspaces at the level of the file or of
   170 individual settings. </p> <p>The rule is that user values (settings modified
   171 by the user) override SWI values (settings modified by a software upgrade
   172 or installation) and that SWI values override ROM values. </p> <p>There are
   173 two cases where a difference is resolved at the level of the file. </p> <ul>
   174 <li id="GUID-8B050D35-F362-5B75-A779-DC162C3DFF79"><p>Where a keyspace is
   175 non-persisted (ROM was never overridden), the ROM update replaces the current
   176 ROM. </p> </li>
   177 <li id="GUID-5388506C-9908-518E-A3B4-63E609E0BB55"><p>Where the ROM update
   178 deletes an existing ROM file, any persisted keyspaces are removed along with
   179 the deleted file. This rule also applies when the user has modified the keyspace
   180 in existing ROM, but not when the software installer has modified the keyspace
   181 in existing ROM. </p> </li>
   182 </ul> <p>Where the ROM update conflicts with user-modified keyspaces or SWI-modified
   183 keyspaces, the new ROM is merged with the persisted file at the level of the
   184 setting. The rules for resolving conflicts involve creation, modification
   185 and deletion of settings and they vary according to the point at which a setting
   186 was created. </p> <ul>
   187 <li id="GUID-D50380BB-2DBC-5320-8221-54DCE3A3C235"><p>If a setting is created
   188 by the firmware update it is simply added to the keyspace. </p> </li>
   189 <li id="GUID-AE312886-DDB5-5B9F-9D73-97741AD8324D"><p>If a setting was created
   190 by the software installer, an attempted modification by FOTx is not applied.
   191 A FOTx update will have no impact on any settings created by the software
   192 installer that are not in ROM. </p> </li>
   193 <li id="GUID-91A7F55A-60BD-5267-97F1-BD88F241C2FC"><p>If a setting was created
   194 by the device user, an attempted modification by FOTx is not applied. A FOTx
   195 update will have no impact on any settings created by the user that are not
   196 in ROM. </p> </li>
   197 <li id="GUID-ADF63BBA-0F4C-558A-9CC2-8A330F4A3C4A"><p>If a setting was present
   198 in existing ROM, these rules apply: </p> <ul>
   199 <li id="GUID-D4FA6716-FEC9-5A84-9C32-C429D6C105A0"><p>A modification by the
   200 user overrides a modification by FOTx. </p> </li>
   201 <li id="GUID-6CA71AAD-41F6-5CBA-8F2C-36FABA542A6E"><p>A modification by the
   202 user overrides a deletion by FOTx. </p> </li>
   203 <li id="GUID-7F619ECB-A5CE-5D42-B3AE-C261FD6222F1"><p>A deletion by the user
   204 is cancelled by a modification by FOTx. </p> </li>
   205 <li id="GUID-CE7F094E-4270-535D-8198-71C8D021A8C3"><p>A deletion by the user
   206 is confirmed by a deletion by FOTx. </p> </li>
   207 <li id="GUID-F49E35FF-22E1-5D53-ACE8-551B5B08C41D"><p>A modification by the
   208 software installer overrides a modifcation by FOTx. </p> </li>
   209 <li id="GUID-708220F5-90AD-56F5-B11C-CF178F3B56CB"><p>A modification by the
   210 software installer overrides a deletion by FOTx. </p> </li>
   211 <li id="GUID-12B84510-4DB5-530B-B21A-B17E7FEED881"><p>Deletions by the software
   212 installer do not occur. </p> </li>
   213 </ul> </li>
   214 <li id="GUID-75404D8E-11D5-53EE-963A-53C3E1E9A720"><p>Conflicts between user
   215 modified keyspaces and SWI modified keyspaces were covered in the previous
   216 section. </p> </li>
   217 </ul> </section>
   218 <section id="GUID-01DD59CD-E22D-43C5-8E62-2271F176C705"><title>Restore factory settings</title> <p>The Central Repository
   219 can restore factory settings across all keyspaces. Only device creators can
   220 restore factory settings by starting the Central Repository in a special mode
   221 during a reboot. The restore does not affect all settings in the keyspace,
   222 only those which have the appropriate metadata bit set. </p> <p>The effect
   223 of restoring factory settings is to revert settings to their value at the
   224 most recent software install or firmware update, to reverse changes made by
   225 the user. It does not return the device to the state in which it was created.
   226 To reverse the effects of software installation and firmware updates an uninstall
   227 is required. </p> <ul>
   228 <li id="GUID-95098D31-07C2-508A-A5C0-F2A9E9191306"><p>If a setting was created
   229 by the user, a restore factory settings operation deletes the setting. </p> </li>
   230 <li id="GUID-771F205B-218A-50E2-A18B-F4FCE751905E"><p>If a setting was created
   231 by SWI, a restore factory settings operation reverts the setting to the value
   232 it last had after any modifications by SWI or FOTx. </p> </li>
   233 <li id="GUID-E325ABDC-1286-5763-8C01-6D99662C20B6"><p>If a setting was created
   234 in existing ROM and modified by the user only, the setting reverts to its
   235 original value. </p> </li>
   236 <li id="GUID-4DAA44F5-218D-52A1-BE53-688B3FF4540F"><p>If a setting was created
   237 in existing ROM and deleted by the user, the setting reverts to the value
   238 it last had after any modifications by SWI or FOTx. </p> </li>
   239 <li id="GUID-09EA88F1-2A32-5207-B6FE-FF9E0B3C9F85"><p>If a setting was created
   240 in existing ROM and modified or deleted by SWI or firmware upgrade, the changes
   241 are not reversed. </p> </li>
   242 </ul> </section>
   243 <section id="GUID-D02F0D21-6081-4C5C-B9E1-63DE65C7DF82"><title>Backup and restore</title> <p>The Central Repository can back
   244 up data in a repository. Backup does not affect all repository entries, only
   245 those which have the appropriate metadata bit set. </p> <p>The effect of a
   246 restore is to merge the backed up values of backed up settings with the current
   247 values of non-backed up settings. It does not mean restoring the device state
   248 at the time of backup. </p> <ul>
   249 <li id="GUID-11F0ED5C-0C50-55F3-886D-E65042DAAE63"><p>A backed up setting
   250 is restored to its value at the time of backup. </p> </li>
   251 <li id="GUID-F1383EFE-D685-5923-AF99-1181E34860BB"><p>A non-backed up setting
   252 retains its current value. </p> </li>
   253 <li id="GUID-943725DE-9598-5ADF-B3B3-36DA8EE6FA26"><p>A backed up setting
   254 is restored after a deletion, but only if the backup took place before the
   255 deletion. </p> </li>
   256 <li id="GUID-3ECAB92B-B9B3-5F01-801F-5FEA81A632CD"><p>A non-backed up setting
   257 is never restored after a deletion. </p> </li>
   258 </ul> </section>
   259 </conbody><related-links>
   260 <link href="GUID-1C683226-C142-5C7B-BD20-060058352B08.dita"><linktext>Central Repository
   261 Guide</linktext></link>
   262 <link href="GUID-724BA3CD-7648-51DF-9285-3AA7470987F4.dita"><linktext>Optimising
   263 Repository                 Access</linktext></link>
   264 <link href="GUID-E87018CD-01B4-5886-87FC-CD25EE90587D.dita"><linktext>Central Repository
   265                 Transactions</linktext></link>
   266 </related-links></concept>