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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
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     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
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     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-C2FAEBB2-4A1A-5BB0-9670-4801525CBC6A" xml:lang="en"><title>SQL Index
    13 Tips</title><shortdesc>This document includes several tips for using SQL indexes.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <section id="GUID-3895F9D0-DE9C-4375-B541-AC99CABB7B8A"><title>Introduction</title> <p>You can use indexes to speed up access.
    15 You create indexes automatically using PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE. </p> <p><b>Intended
    16 audience:</b> </p> <p>This document is intended to be used by Symbian platform
    17 licensees and third party application developers. </p> </section>
    18 <section id="GUID-765F0DF1-ACB0-57DB-B9A8-3697E4637065"><title>Use an Index
    19 to Speed up Access</title> <p>Suppose you have a table like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-F70B25AB-A151-52CE-A413-1C62A2464D6A" xml:space="preserve">
    20 CREATE TABLE demo5(
    21     id INTEGER,
    22     content BLOB
    23 );
    24 </codeblock> <p>Further suppose that this table contains thousands or millions
    25 of rows and you want to access a single row with a particular ID: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-B02FA452-4093-5383-BAFA-AE035919D720" xml:space="preserve">
    26 SELECT content FROM demo5 WHERE id=?
    27 </codeblock> <p>The only want that SQLite can perform this query, and be certain
    28 to get every row with the chosen ID, is to examine every single row, check
    29 the ID of that row, and return the content if the ID matches. Examining every
    30 single row this way is called a <i>full table scan</i>. </p> <p>Reading and
    31 checking every row of a large table can be very slow, so you want to avoid
    32 full table scans. The usual way to do this is to create an index on the column
    33 you are searching against. In the example above, an appropriate index would
    34 be this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-82E337F1-2CA2-51B0-A7BC-071A83779A18" xml:space="preserve">
    35 CREATE INDEX demo5_idx1 ON demo5(id);
    36 </codeblock> <p>With an index on the ID column, SQLite is able to use a binary
    37 search to locate entries that contain a particular value of ID. So if the
    38 table contains a million rows, the query can be satisfied with about 20 accesses
    39 rather than 1000000 accesses. This is a huge performance improvement. </p> <p>One
    40 of the features of the SQL language is that you do not have to figure out
    41 what indexes you may need in advance of coding your application. It is perfectly
    42 acceptable, even preferable, to write the code for your application using
    43 a database without any indexes. Then once the application is running and you
    44 can make speed measurements, add whatever indexes are needed in order to make
    45 it run faster. </p> <p>When you add indexes, the query optimizer within the
    46 SQL compiler is able to find new more efficient bytecode procedures for carrying
    47 out the operations that your SQL statements specify. In other words, by adding
    48 indexes late in the development cycle you have the power to completely reorganize
    49 your data access patterns without changing a single line of code. </p> </section>
    50 <section id="GUID-BB1F17C5-1174-5DF4-AA61-611173237F3F"><title>Create Indexes
    51 Automatically Using PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE</title> <p>Any column of a table
    52 that is declared to be the PRIMARY KEY or that is declared UNIQUE will be
    53 indexed automatically. There is no need to create a separate index on that
    54 column using the CREATE INDEX statement. So, for example, this table declaration: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E4BE6077-F639-5CE7-964A-276B0D58A129" xml:space="preserve">
    55 CREATE TABLE demo39a(
    56     id INTEGER,
    57     content BLOB
    58 );
    60 CREATE INDEX demo39_idx1 ON demo39a(id);
    61 </codeblock> <p>Is roughly equivalent to the following: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-DB3167E0-FA95-50CA-92C7-102B5C2C13E3" xml:space="preserve">
    62 CREATE TABLE demo39b(
    63     id INTEGER UNIQUE,
    64     content BLOB
    65 );
    66 </codeblock> <p>The two examples above are “roughly” equivalent, but not exactly
    67 equivalent. Both tables have an index on the ID column. In the first case,
    68 the index is created explicitly. In the second case, the index is implied
    69 by the UNIQUE keyword in the type declaration of the ID column. Both table
    70 designs use exactly the same amount of disk space, and both will run queries
    71 such as </p> <codeblock id="GUID-7ACAE270-6D20-557B-B7D1-C90EDD757E43" xml:space="preserve">
    72 SELECT content FROM demo39 WHERE id=?
    73 </codeblock> <p>using exactly the same bytecode. The only difference is that
    74 table demo39a lets you insert multiple rows with the same ID whereas table
    75 demo39b will raise an exception if you try to insert a new row with the same
    76 ID as an existing row. </p> <p>If you use the UNIQUE keyword in the CREATE
    77 INDEX statement of demo39a, like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-0EE5E186-CC4A-5CC3-AEAE-F1482F1F8F9A" xml:space="preserve">
    78 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX demo39_idx1 ON demo39a(id);
    79 </codeblock> <p>Then both table designs really would be exactly the same in
    80 every way. In fact, whenever SQLite sees the UNIQUE keyword on a column type
    81 declaration, all it does is create an automatic unique index on that column. </p> <p>The
    82 PRIMARY KEY modifier on a column type declaration works like UNIQUE; it causes
    83 a unique index to be created automatically. The main difference is that you
    84 are only allowed to have a single PRIMARY KEY. This restriction of only allowing
    85 a single PRIMARY KEY is part of the official SQL language definition. </p> <p>The
    86 idea is that a PRIMARY KEY is used to order the rows on disk. Some SQL database
    87 engines actually implement PRIMARY KEYs this way. But with SQLite, a PRIMARY
    88 KEY is like any other UNIQUE column, with only one exception: INTEGER PRIMARY
    89 KEY is a special case which is handled differently, as described in the next
    90 section. </p> </section>
    91 <section id="GUID-BF7A0301-8490-58ED-BB37-FAC403A84230"><title>Use Multi-Column
    92 Indexes</title> <p>SQLite is able to make use of multi-column indexes. The
    93 rule is that if an index is over columns <i>X</i>  <i> 0 </i>, <i>X</i>  <i> 1 </i>, <i>X</i>  <i> 2 </i>,
    94 ..., <i>X</i>  <i> n </i> of some table, then the index can be used if the
    95 WHERE clause contains equality constraints for some prefix of those columns <i>X</i>  <i>0 </i>, <i>X</i>  <i>1 </i>, <i>X</i>  <i>2 </i>,
    96 ..., <i>X</i>  <i>i </i> where <i>i</i> is less than <i>n</i>. </p> <p>As
    97 an example, suppose you have a table and index declared as follows: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-C18C97F7-23CA-5636-9F00-130A8FB3DEF5" xml:space="preserve">
    98 CREATE TABLE demo314(a,b,c,d,e,f,g);
    99 CREATE INDEX demo314_idx ON demo314(a,b,c,d,e,f);
   100 </codeblock> <p>Then the index might be used to help with a query that contained
   101 a WHERE clause like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-8A0944F4-1ACF-5267-B49F-EB83EFBB5670" xml:space="preserve">
   102 ... WHERE a=1 AND b='Smith' AND c=1
   103 </codeblock> <p>All three terms of the WHERE clause would be used together
   104 with the index in order to narrow the search. But the index could not be used
   105 if there WHERE clause said: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-B5F1C17F-0F5E-5FC2-A9A4-DF19D699A076" xml:space="preserve">
   106 ... WHERE b='Smith' AND c=1
   107 </codeblock> <p>The second WHERE clause does not contain equality terms for
   108 a prefix of the columns in the index because it omits a term for the “a” column. </p> <p>In
   109 a case like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-EF2CFE7D-0456-5414-847D-BADCC057CFD8" xml:space="preserve">
   110 ... WHERE a=1 AND c=1
   111 </codeblock> <p>Only the “a=1” term in the WHERE clause could be used to help
   112 narrow the search. The “c=1” term is not part of the prefix of terms in the
   113 index which have equality constraints because there is no equality constraint
   114 on the “b” column. </p> <p>SQLite only allows a single index to be used per
   115 table within a simple SQL statement. For UPDATE and DELETE statements, this
   116 means that only a single index can ever be used, since those statements can
   117 only operate on a single table at a time. </p> <p>In a simple SELECT statement
   118 multiple indexes can be used if the SELECT statement is a join – one index
   119 per table in the join. In a compound SELECT statement (two or more SELECT
   120 statements connected by UNION or INTERSECT or EXCEPT) each SELECT statement
   121 is treated separately and can have its own indexes. Likewise, SELECT statements
   122 that appear in subexpressions are treated separately. </p> <p>Some other SQL
   123 database engines (for example PostgreSQL) allow multiple indexes to be used
   124 for each table in a SELECT. For example, if you had a table and index in PostgreSQL
   125 like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-F5DE8F24-7471-5992-9896-295CE173D855" xml:space="preserve">
   126 CREATE TABLE pg1(a INT, b INT, c INT, d INT);
   127 CREATE INDEX pg1_ix1 ON pg1(a);
   128 CREATE INDEX pg1_ix2 ON pg1(b);
   129 CREATE INDEX pg1_ix3 ON pg1(c);
   130 </codeblock> <p>And if you were to run a query like the following: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-A35663B7-4E7D-5CC0-BF5E-CF3A4CFED63F" xml:space="preserve">
   131 SELECT d FROM pg1 WHERE a=5 AND b=11 AND c=99;
   132 </codeblock> <p>Then PostgreSQL might attempt to optimize the query by using
   133 all three indexes, one for each term of the WHERE clause. </p> <p>SQLite does
   134 not work this way. SQLite is compelled to select a single index to use in
   135 the query. It might select any of the three indexes shown, depending on which
   136 one the optimizer things will give the best speedup. But in every case it
   137 will only select a single index and only a single term of the WHERE clause
   138 will be used. </p> <p>SQLite prefers to use a multi-column index such as this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-40FB7075-1239-5089-BBC5-0D994F4A0C39" xml:space="preserve">
   139 CREATE INDEX pg1_ix_all ON pg1(a,b,c);
   140 </codeblock> <p>If the pg1_ix_all index is available for use when the SELECT
   141 statement above is prepared, SQLite will likely choose it over any of the
   142 single-column indexes because the multi-column index is able to make use of
   143 all 3 terms of the WHERE clause. </p> <p>You can trick SQLite into using multiple
   144 indexes on the same table by rewriting the query. Instead of the SELECT statement
   145 shown above, if you rewrite it as this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-D7DE75D4-BB01-50DF-A9DC-956A83DED5D0" xml:space="preserve">
   146 SELECT d FROM pg1 WHERE RowID IN (
   147     SELECT RowID FROM pg1 WHERE a=5
   148     INTERSECT
   149     SELECT RowID FROM pg1 WHERE b=11
   150     INTERSECT
   151     SELECT RowID FROM pg1 WHERE c=99
   152 )
   153 </codeblock> <p>Then each of the individual SELECT statements will using a
   154 different single-column index and their results will be combined by the outer
   155 SELECT statement to give the correct result. The other SQL database engines
   156 like PostgreSQL that are able to make use of multiple indexes per table do
   157 so by treating the simpler SELECT statement shown first as if they where the
   158 more complicated SELECT statement shown here. </p> </section>
   159 <section id="GUID-E90057A8-70B6-590C-B8AE-616DA25BB543"><title>Use Inequality
   160 Constraints on the Last Index Term</title> <p>Terms in the WHERE clause of
   161 a query or UPDATE or DELETE statement are mostly likely to trigger the use
   162 of an index if they are an equality constraint – in other words if the term
   163 consists of the name of an indexed column, an equal sign (“=”), and an expression. </p> <p>So,
   164 for example, if you have a table and index that look like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-84AADB9D-5853-57C2-B489-87DC7FB7AADE" xml:space="preserve">
   165 CREATE TABLE demo315(a,b,c,d);
   166 CREATE INDEX demo315_idx1 ON demo315(a,b,c);
   167 </codeblock> <p>And a query like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-A2B7DA9F-DB82-5D06-80E2-7AF714E403D5" xml:space="preserve">
   168 SELECT d FROM demo315 WHERE a=512;
   169 </codeblock> <p>The single “a=512” term of the WHERE clause qualifies as an
   170 equality constraint and is likely to provoke the use of the demo315_idx1 index. </p> <p>SQLite
   171 supports two other kinds of equality constraints. One is the IN operator: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-EA5D7637-A6B8-5BC0-A72E-D576B0F945A3" xml:space="preserve">
   172 SELECT d FROM demo315 WHERE a IN (512,1024);
   173 SELECT d FROM demo315 WHERE a IN (SELECT x FROM someothertable);
   174 </codeblock> <p>There other is the IS NULL constraint: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-B2C1C84B-C33D-55C5-8484-24B28EFC8E37" xml:space="preserve">
   175 SELECT d FROM demo315 WHERE a IS NULL;
   176 </codeblock> <p>SQLite allows at most one term of an index to be constrained
   177 by an inequality such as less than “&lt;”, greater than “&gt;”, less than or
   178 equal to “&lt;=”, or greater than or equal to “&gt;=”. </p> <p>The column that
   179 the inequality constrains will be the right-most term of the index that is
   180 used. So, for example, in this query: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-563231B5-EC3A-57C2-BC6F-1A8129ADE308" xml:space="preserve">
   181 SELECT d FROM demo315 WHERE a=5 AND b&gt;11 AND c=1;
   182 </codeblock> <p>Only the first two terms of the WHERE clause will be used
   183 with the demo315_idx1 index. The third term, the “c=1” constraint, cannot
   184 be used because the “c” column occurs to the right of the “b” column in the
   185 index and the “b” column is constrained by an inequality. </p> <p>SQLite allows
   186 up to two inequalities on the same column as long as the two inequalities
   187 provide an upper and lower bound on the column. For example, in this query: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-4EB94886-EDFF-58F2-8692-011A67AC5A60" xml:space="preserve">
   188 SELECT d FROM demo315 WHERE a=5 AND b&gt;11 AND b&lt;23;
   189 </codeblock> <p>All three terms of the WHERE clause will be used because the
   190 two inequalities on the “b” column provide an upper and lower bound on the
   191 value of “b”. </p> <p>SQLite will only use the four inequalities mentioned
   192 above to help constrain a search: “&lt;”, “&gt;”, “&lt;=”, and “&gt;=”. Other inequality
   193 operators such as not equal to (“!=” or “&lt;&gt;”) and NOT NULL are not helpful
   194 to the query optimizer and will never be used to control an index and help
   195 make the query run faster. </p> </section>
   196 <section id="GUID-CAD0C181-37E7-578A-A7E1-7843447C247F"><title>Use Indexes
   197 To Help ORDER BY Clauses Evaluate Faster</title> <p>The default method for
   198 evaluating an ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement is to first evaluate the
   199 SELECT statement and store the results in a temporary tables, then sort the
   200 temporary table according to the ORDER BY clause and scan the sorted temporary
   201 table to generate the final output. </p> <p>This method always works, but
   202 it requires three passes over the data (one pass to generate the result set,
   203 a second pass to sort the result set, and a third pass to output the results)
   204 and it requires a temporary storage space sufficiently large to contain the
   205 entire results set. </p> <p>Where possible, SQLite will avoid storing and
   206 sorting the result set by using an index that causes the results to emerge
   207 from the query in sorted order in the first place. </p> <p>The way to get
   208 SQLite to use an index for sorting is to provide an index that covers the
   209 same columns specified in the ORDER BY clause. For example, if the table and
   210 index are like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-F0103033-C5C8-5177-8AD7-70BCC45C33C9" xml:space="preserve">
   211 CREATE TABLE demo316(a,b,c,data);
   212 CREATE INDEX idx316 ON demo316(a,b,c);
   213 </codeblock> <p>And you do a query like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-D67BB6FF-E213-5B86-A2C1-E1992DA96A62" xml:space="preserve">
   214 SELECT data FROM demo316 ORDER BY a,b,c;
   215 </codeblock> <p>SQLite will use the idx316 index to implement the ORDER BY
   216 clause, obviating the need for temporary storage space and a separate sorting
   217 pass. </p> <p>An index can be used to satisfy the search constraints of a
   218 WHERE clause and to impose the ORDER BY ordering of outputs all at once. The
   219 trick is for the ORDER BY clause terms to occur immediately after the WHERE
   220 clause terms in the index. For example, one can write: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-02063968-34B5-5766-9D02-86D696D39C1E" xml:space="preserve">
   221 SELECT data FROM demo316 WHERE a=5 ORDER BY b,c;
   222 </codeblock> <p>The “a” column is used in the WHERE clause and the immediately
   223 following terms of the index, “b” and “c” are used in the ORDER BY clause.
   224 So in this case the idx316 index would be used both to speed up the search
   225 and to satisfy the ORDER BY clause. </p> <p>This query also uses the idx316
   226 index because, once again, the ORDER BY clause term “c” immediate follows
   227 the WHERE clause terms “a” and “b” in the index: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-6760EC7E-E86A-5EBD-BDDD-32A68BE78A9E" xml:space="preserve">
   228 SELECT data FROM demo316 WHERE a=5 AND b=17 ORDER BY c;
   229 </codeblock> <p>But now consider this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-9363996C-8C30-5E04-B05F-392C8262F1F6" xml:space="preserve">
   230 SELECT data FROM demo316 WHERE a=5 ORDER BY c;
   231 </codeblock> <p>Here there is a gap between the ORDER BY term “c” and the
   232 WHERE clause term “a”. So the idx316 index cannot be used to satisfy both
   233 the WHERE clause and the ORDER BY clause. The index will be used on the WHERE
   234 clause and a separate sorting pass will occur to put the results in the correct
   235 order. </p> </section>
   236 <section id="GUID-109AF0DA-A054-504A-A432-76BD145B2AC4"><title>Add Result
   237 Columns To The End Of Indexes</title> <p>Queries will sometimes run faster
   238 if their result columns appear in the right-most entries of an index. Consider
   239 the following example: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-63292052-B523-5671-B3EE-E10A66C7275F" xml:space="preserve">
   240 CREATE TABLE demo317(a,b,c,data);
   241 CREATE INDEX idx317 ON demo316(a,b,c);
   242 </codeblock> <p>A query where all result column terms appears in the index,
   243 such as </p> <codeblock id="GUID-41F740E7-EAFC-583B-BFE6-E63DBEA354D7" xml:space="preserve">
   244 SELECT c FROM demo317 WHERE a=5 ORDER BY b;
   245 </codeblock> <p>will typically run about twice as fast or faster than a query
   246 that uses columns that are not in the index, e.g. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-098752F4-304A-5A84-834E-240D97D97C2D" xml:space="preserve">
   247 SELECT data FROM demo317 WHERE a=5 ORDER BY b;
   248 </codeblock> <p>The reason for this is that when all information is contained
   249 within the index entry only a single search has to be made for each row of
   250 output. But when some of the information is in the index and other parts are
   251 in the table, first there must be a search for the appropriate index entry
   252 then a separate search is made for the appropriate table row based on the
   253 RowID found in the index entry. Twice as much searching has to be done for
   254 each row of output generated. </p> <p>The extra query speed does not come
   255 for free, however. Adding additional columns to an index makes the database
   256 file larger. So when developing an application, the programmer will need to
   257 make a space versus time trade-off to determine whether the extra columns
   258 should be added to the index or not. </p> <p>Note that if any column of the
   259 result must be obtained from the original table, then the table row will have
   260 to be searched for anyhow. There will be no speed advantage, so you might
   261 as well omit the extra columns from the end of the index and save on storage
   262 space. The speed-up described in this section can only be realized when every
   263 column in a table is obtainable from the index. </p> <p>Taking into account
   264 the results of the previous few sections, the best set of columns to put in
   265 an index can be described as follows: </p> <ul>
   266 <li id="GUID-EBF4DEFB-2F5F-5D78-92FA-06FEAB0C3650"><p>The first columns in
   267 the index should be columns that have equality constraints in the WHERE clause
   268 of the query. </p> </li>
   269 <li id="GUID-E5CB725C-6304-5946-9E18-E69B5F1A6A88"><p>The second group of
   270 columns should match the columns specified in the ORDER BY clause. </p> </li>
   271 <li id="GUID-FBC00251-C3AD-5AC0-9102-EF66EA37DE4E"><p>Add additional columns
   272 to the end of the index that are used in the result set of the query. </p> </li>
   273 </ul> </section>
   274 <section id="GUID-D7B5B389-E031-5512-8186-235B22F0D9C1"><title>Resolve Indexing
   275 Ambiguities Using the Unary “+” Operator</title> <p>The SQLite query optimizer
   276 usually does a good job of choosing the best index to use for a particular
   277 query, especially if ANALYZE has been run to provide it with index performance
   278 statistics. But occasions do arise where it is useful to give the optimizer
   279 hints. </p> <p>One of the easiest ways to control the operation of the optimizer
   280 is to disqualify terms in the WHERE clause or ORDER BY clause as candidates
   281 for optimization by using the unary “+” operator. </p> <p>In SQLite, a unary
   282 “+” operator is a no-op. It makes no change to its operand, even if the operand
   283 is something other than a number. So you can always prefix a “+” to an expression
   284 in without changing the meaning of the expression. As the optimizer will only
   285 use terms in WHERE, HAVING, or ON clauses that have an index column name on
   286 one side of a comparison operator, you can prevent such a term from being
   287 used by the optimizer by prefixing the column name with a “+”. </p> <p>For
   288 example, suppose you have a database with a schema like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E7747EFD-FE58-5EA4-88B3-097C0A303F52" xml:space="preserve">
   289 CREATE TABLE demo321(a,b,c,data);
   290 CREATE INDEX idx321a ON demo321(a);
   291 CREATE INDEX idx321b ON demo321(b);
   292 </codeblock> <p>If you issue a query such as this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-87BD59FC-33A8-598B-B91F-607B26F7349D" xml:space="preserve">
   293 SELECT data FROM demo321 WHERE a=5 AND b=11;
   294 </codeblock> <p>The query optimizer might use the “a=5” term with idx321a
   295 or it might use the “b=11” term with the idx321b index. But if you want to
   296 force the use of the idx321a index you can accomplish that by disqualifying
   297 the second term of the WHERE clause as a candidate for optimization using
   298 a unary “+” like this: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E6EAB459-726A-5FE4-8065-6C46AC2C5B5C" xml:space="preserve">
   299 SELECT data FROM demo321 WHERE a=5 AND +b=11;
   300 </codeblock> <p>The “+” in front of the “b=11” turns the left-hand side of
   301 the equals comparison operator into an expression instead of an indexed column
   302 name. The optimizer will then not recognize that the second term can be used
   303 with an index and so the optimizer is compelled to use the first “a=5” term. </p> <p>The
   304 unary “+” operator can also be used to disable ORDER BY clause optimizations.
   305 Consider this query: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-0488D466-77B7-50E0-AB85-FF033A2D75DC" xml:space="preserve">
   306 SELECT data FROM demo321 WHERE a=5 ORDER BY b;
   307 </codeblock> <p>The optimizer has the choice of using the “a=5” term of the
   308 WHERE clause with idx321a to restrict the search. Or it might choose to use
   309 do a full table scan with idx321b to satisfy the ORDER BY clause and thus
   310 avoid a separate sorting pass. You can force one choice or the other using
   311 a unary “+”. </p> <p>To force the use of idx321a on the WHERE clause, add
   312 the unary “+” in from of the “b” in the ORDER BY clause: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E55A085F-D91F-58E0-B964-317BB3A9D7ED" xml:space="preserve">
   313 SELECT data FROM demo321 WHERE a=5 ORDER BY +b;
   314 </codeblock> <p>To go the other way and force the idx321b index to be used
   315 to satisfy the ORDER BY clause, disqualify the WHERE term by prefixing with
   316 a unary “+”: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-D97EF52A-1F74-57EB-AC11-7911B4E088B3" xml:space="preserve">
   317 SELECT data FROM demo321 WHERE +a=5 ORDER BY b;
   318 </codeblock> <p>The reader is cautioned not to overuse the unary “+” operator.
   319 The SQLite query optimizer usually picks the best index without any outside
   320 help. Premature use of unary “+” can confuse the optimizer and cause less
   321 than optimal performance. But in some cases it is useful to be able override
   322 the decisions of the optimizer, and the unary “+” operator is an excellent
   323 way to do this when it becomes necessary. </p> </section>
   324 <section id="GUID-7BEBC49C-0528-5D58-9626-2A92F3D0D9E8"><title>Avoid Indexing
   325 Large BLOBs and CLOBs</title> <p>SQLite stores indexes as b-trees. Each b-tree
   326 node uses one page of the database file. In order to maintain an acceptable
   327 fan-out, the b-tree module within SQLite requires that at least 4 entries
   328 must fit on each page of a b-tree. There is also some overhead associated
   329 with each b-tree page. So at the most there is about 250 bytes of space available
   330 on the main b-tree page for each index entry. </p> <p>If an index entry exceeds
   331 this allotment of approximately 250 bytes excess bytes are spilled to overflow
   332 pages. There is no arbitrary limit on the number of overflow pages or on the
   333 length of a b-tree entry, but for maximum efficiency it is best to avoid overflow
   334 pages, especially in indexes. This means that you should strive to keep the
   335 number of bytes in each index entry below 250. </p> <p>If you keep the size
   336 of indexes significantly smaller than 250 bytes, then the b-tree fan-out is
   337 increased and the binary search algorithm used to search for entries in an
   338 index has fewer pages to examine and therefore runs faster. So the fewer bytes
   339 used in each index entry the better, at least from a performance perspective. </p> <p>For
   340 these reasons, it is recommended that you avoid indexing large BLOBs and CLOBs.
   341 SQLite will continue to work when large BLOBs and CLOBs are indexed, but there
   342 will be a performance impact. </p> <p>On the other hand, if you need to lookup
   343 entries using a large BLOB or CLOB as the key, then by all means use an index.
   344 An index on a large BLOB or CLOB is not as fast as an index using more compact
   345 data types such as integers, but it is still many order of magnitude faster
   346 than doing a full table scan. So to be more precise, the advice of this section
   347 is that you should design your applications so that you do not need to lookup
   348 entries using a large BLOB or CLOB as the key. Try to arrange to have compact
   349 keys consisting of short strings or integers. </p> <p>Note that many other
   350 SQL database engines disallow the indexing of BLOBs and CLOBs in the first
   351 place. You simple cannot do it. SQLite is more flexible that most in that
   352 it does allow BLOBs and CLOBs to be indexed and it will use those indexes
   353 when appropriate. But for maximum performance, it is best to use smaller search
   354 keys. </p> </section>
   355 <section id="GUID-DD40F29F-DF93-536E-9B52-F9B9FF45155D"><title>Avoid Excess
   356 Indexes</title> <p>Some developers approach SQL-based application development
   357 with the attitude that indexes never hurt and that the more indexes you have,
   358 the faster your application will run. This is definitely not the case. There
   359 is a costs associated with each new index you create: </p> <ul>
   360 <li id="GUID-FD257BF7-F938-54B5-AC03-9536712D6281"><p>Each new index takes
   361 up additional space in the database file. The more indexes you have, the larger
   362 your database files will become for the same amount of data. </p> </li>
   363 <li id="GUID-E1B74FB6-246A-5148-AF06-04E1B4B949F1"><p>Every INSERT and UPDATE
   364 statement modifies both the original table and all indexes on that table.
   365 So the performance of INSERT and UPDATE decreases linearly with the number
   366 of indexes. </p> </li>
   367 <li id="GUID-56AAE2D1-71D6-5A23-8190-B0C80B204DED"><p>Compiling new SQL statements
   368 using <codeph>Prepare()</codeph> takes longer when there are more indexes
   369 for the optimizer to choose between. </p> </li>
   370 <li id="GUID-24B7F7D8-FAA9-5C78-B3C7-B886FA774C0B"><p>Surplus indexes give
   371 the optimizer more opportunities to make a bad choice. </p> </li>
   372 </ul> <p>Your policy on indexes should be to avoid them wherever you can.
   373 Indexes are powerful medicine and can work wonders to improve the performance
   374 of a program. But just as too many drugs can be worse than none at all, so
   375 also can too many indexes cause more harm than good. </p> <p>When building
   376 a new application, a good approach is to omit all explicitly declared indexes
   377 in the beginning and only add indexes as needed to address specific performance
   378 problems. </p> <p>Take care to avoid redundant indexes. For example, consider
   379 this schema: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-89F20101-1628-5783-82B0-2ABE84078C7D" xml:space="preserve">
   380 CREATE TABLE demo323a(a,b,c);
   381 CREATE INDEX idx323a1 ON demo323(a);
   382 CREATE INDEX idx323a2 ON demo323(a,b);
   383 </codeblock> <p>The idx323a1 index is redundant and can be eliminated. Anything
   384 that the idx323a1 index can do the idx323a2 index can do better. </p> <p>Other
   385 redundancies are not quite as apparent as the above. Recall that any column
   386 or columns that are declared UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY (except for the special
   387 case of INTEGER PRIMARY KEY) are automatically indexed. So in the following
   388 schema: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-2FE7B726-4027-518C-9217-B4BD1ECDA991" xml:space="preserve">
   390 CREATE INDEX idx323b1 ON demo323b(x);
   391 CREATE INDEX idx323b2 ON demo323b(y);
   392 </codeblock> <p>Both indexes are redundant and can be eliminated with no loss
   393 in query performance. Occasionally one sees a novice SQL programmer use both
   394 UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY on the same column: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-CDE12649-BDB4-58D4-8981-02628BDF5C79" xml:space="preserve">
   396 </codeblock> <p>This has the effect of creating two indexes on the “p” column
   397 – one for the UNIQUE keywords and another for the PRIMARY KEY keyword. Both
   398 indexes are identical so clearly one can be omitted. A PRIMARY KEY is guaranteed
   399 to always be unique so the UNIQUE keyword can be removed from the demo323c
   400 table definition with no ambiguity or loss of functionality. </p> <p>It is
   401 not a fatal error to create too many indexes or redundant indexes. SQLite
   402 will continue to generate the correct answers but it may take longer to produce
   403 those answers and the resulting database files might be a little larger. So
   404 for best results, keep the number of indexes to a minimum. </p> </section>
   405 <section id="GUID-9337E315-BB5A-56D0-8319-6C398D26151F"><title>Avoid Tables
   406 and Indexes with an Excessive Number of Columns</title> <p>SQLite places no
   407 arbitrary limits on the number of columns in a table or index. There are known
   408 commercial applications using SQLite that construct tables with tens of thousands
   409 of columns each. And these applications actually work. </p> <p>However the
   410 database engine is optimized for the common case of tables with no more than
   411 a few dozen columns. For best performance you should try to stay in the optimized
   412 region. Furthermore, we note that relational databases with a large number
   413 of columns are usually not well normalized. So even apart from performance
   414 considerations, if you find your design has tables with more than a dozen
   415 or so columns, you really need to rethink how you are building your application. </p> <p>There
   416 are a number of places in <codeph>Prepare()</codeph> that run in time O(N<sup>2</sup>)
   417 where N is the number of columns in the table. The constant of proportionality
   418 is small in these cases so you should not have any problems for N of less
   419 than one hundred but for N on the order of a thousand, the time to run <codeph>Prepare()</codeph> can
   420 start to become noticeable. </p> <p>When the bytecode is running and it needs
   421 to access the i-th column of a table, the values of the previous i-1 columns
   422 must be accessed first. So if you have a large number of columns, accessing
   423 the last column can be an expensive operation. This fact also argues for putting
   424 smaller and more frequently accessed columns early in the table. </p> <p>There
   425 are certain optimizations that will only work if the table has 30 or fewer
   426 columns. The optimization that extracts all necessary information from an
   427 index and never refers to the underlying table works this way. So in some
   428 cases, keeping the number of columns in a table at or below 30 can result
   429 in a 2-fold speed improvement. </p> <p>Indexes will only be used if they contain
   430 30 or fewer columns. You can put as many columns in an index as you want,
   431 but if the number is greater than 30, the index will never improve performance
   432 and will never do anything but take up space in your database file. </p> </section>
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