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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-CF6014E9-FB59-4715-B245-5826090DDF28" xml:lang="en"><title>Symbian
    13 Platform vs UNIX</title><shortdesc/><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <section id="GUID-977EFA64-8D61-44CA-9A89-64D8DB0F771E"> <title>Hello World</title><p>Assuming
    15 that the user is new to the UNIX environment, writing a simple program that
    16 displays a string on a console does not take more than a day’s effort. Its
    17 simply 4-5 lines of code as shown below: </p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
    18 int main(int argc, char** argv)
    19     {
    20     printf(“Hello world\n”);
    21     return 0;
    22     }</codeblock><p>The code contains a <codeph>main()</codeph> , one <codeph>printf</codeph> statement,
    23 and one <codeph>#include&lt; &gt;</codeph>. By convention UNIX applications will
    24 map descriptor 0 with standard input (<codeph>STDIN</codeph>), descriptor
    25 1 with standard output (<codeph>STDOUT</codeph>), and descriptor 2 with standard
    26 error (<codeph>STDERROR</codeph>) of the process. So, there is no need to
    27 create/open standard input/output/error for a process before using them. Notice
    28 also that, <codeph>main()</codeph> takes two arguments. These arguments will
    29 be read from the command prompt before invoking <codeph>main()</codeph> and
    30 will be passed to main. These arguments are not mandatory; they can be ignored.
    31 No additional work is needed for having these arguments. </p><p>If the user
    32 attempts to display a string on a console using Symbian platform, a lot of
    33 effort goes into collecting the materials, and for coding. The first time
    34 the developer may find the code a little complex to understand.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">#include &lt;e32std.h&gt;
    35 #include &lt;e32cons.h&gt;
    36 int HelloWorldL()
    37        {
    38        CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(_L("Hello World"), TSize( KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));
    39        console-&gt;Printf(_L(“Hello World\n”));
    40        delete console;
    41        return 0;
    42        }
    44 TInt E32Main()
    45        {
    46        __UHEAP_MARK;
    47        CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
    48        TInt retVal = KErrNone;
    49        if (cleanup)
    50            {
    51            TRAP(retVal, HelloWorldL());
    52            __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!retVal, User::Panic(_L("Hello-World PANIC"), retVal));
    53            //Destroy cleanup stack
    54            delete cleanup;
    55            }
    56        __UHEAP_MARKEND;
    57        return retVal;
    58        }
    59 </codeblock><p>The code above has some header inclusions, two functions, and
    60 some complicated codes. In Symbian platform, the entry function for an EXE
    61 is <codeph>E32Main</codeph> (not main as in UNIX). The following actions are
    62 done to print a message on a console: </p><ol>
    63 <li id="GUID-11FE80AB-BD78-4A53-88D4-90E9CE3158EF"><p>Mark the heap using <codeph>__UHEAP_MARK</codeph> (not
    64 mandatory).</p></li>
    65 <li id="GUID-5292A0E8-5158-4A3B-89DC-095D570AEDA7"><p>Create the cleanup stack.
    66 Have a top-level TRAP for the function <codeph>HelloWorldL()</codeph> function.</p></li>
    67 <li id="GUID-E47E4F4F-EC51-4D7F-8254-0329A6DC1689"><p>In the <codeph>HelloWorldL()</codeph> function,
    68 create a console object.</p></li>
    69 <li id="GUID-8CAA7ADA-3EE1-470E-A376-DAD345066BF2"><p>Do print on the created
    70 console object.</p></li>
    71 <li id="GUID-8ABFB71E-A89A-4D02-9CBC-50FACC853805"><p>Delete the console.</p></li>
    72 <li id="GUID-4FDC0B1D-0DAB-42AF-9E54-A53DBDD47327"><p>Delete the cleanup stack.</p></li>
    73 <li id="GUID-187B70A6-D15E-4197-A742-372F6E385FEC"><p>Unmark the heap (not
    74 mandatory if the heap is not marked). </p></li>
    75 </ol><p>In Symbian platform, a console is not created by default; it has to
    76 be created explicitly. Symbian platform does not give a rich set of APIs needed
    77 to perform I/O operations on a console. The I/O operations that can be performed
    78 on a console in Symbian platform are limited to:</p><ul>
    79 <li><p>printing strings and reading one character at a time</p></li>
    80 <li><p>getting cursor position </p></li>
    81 </ul><p>In case the user is interested in command line arguments, it takes
    82 some more additional work. The user must read explicitly from the command
    83 prompt by using the APIs provided by Symbian platform.</p>     </section>
    84 <section id="GUID-3FC28B5E-4D46-4E33-90E8-AB9A1FBC038E"><title>File I/O</title><p>This
    85 section compares the ease of programming in the P.I.P.S. environment against
    86 programming on Symbian platform.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/* File I/O in UNIX environment */
    87   FILE* fp = fopen(“file.txt”, w);
    88   if (fp) {
    89      fprintf(fp, “Write some data”);
    90      fclose();
    91   }
    92 </codeblock><codeblock xml:space="preserve">//File I/O in Symbian platform
    93   RFs fSession;
    94   User::LeaveIfError(fSession.Connect());
    95   RFile file;
    96   ret = file.Open(fSession, _L(“file.txt”), EFileWrite);
    97   if (ret) 
    98      {
    99      ret = file.Create(fSession, _L(“file.txt”), EFileWrite);
   100      }
   101   if (!ret) 
   102      {
   103      file.Write(_L8(“Write some data”));
   104      }
   105   file.Close();
   106   fSession.Close();
   107 </codeblock><p>The example above shows the complexity of the code in Symbian
   108 platform for doing simple file I/O. In addition to coding complexity, the
   109 user must include and link with:</p><ul>
   110 <li><p><filepath>efsrv.lib</filepath> for any file-related operation</p></li>
   111 <li><p><filepath>esock.lib</filepath> for network-related operation</p></li>
   112 <li><p><filepath>commdb.lib</filepath> for selecting IAPs </p></li>
   113 </ul><p>Since most of the resources under Symbian platform are accessed through
   114 client/server IPC, the user must connect with the corresponding server before
   115 doing any operation and close the session on completion of the operation.
   116 For example: <ul>
   117 <li><p>connect with the file server before file operations</p></li>
   118 <li><p>connect with the socket server for socket-related operation</p></li>
   119 <li><p>connect to the communication server before serial communication operation</p></li>
   120 </ul></p><p>P.I.P.S. eliminates all these operations. P.I.P.S. allows the
   121 user to code, as if it were done for the UNIX or Linux environment and lets
   122 the user link the application with P.I.P.S.</p></section>
   123 <section id="GUID-AFAE7FDA-8829-4FF7-991F-D65EBAA652F2"><title>Thread creation</title><p>This
   124 section deals with thread creation in the UNIX and Symbian platform environments.</p><codeblock xml:space="preserve">/* Thread creation in UNIX environment*/
   125    void* ThreadEntryPoint( void* aParam );
   126    int exitReason = 0;
   127    int retVal  = 0;
   128    pthread_t threadID = 0;
   129    pthread_attr_t threadAttr;
   130    pthread_attr_init(&amp;threadAttr);
   131    retVal = pthread_create(&amp;threadID, &amp;threadAttr, ThreadEntryPoint, (void*)NULL );
   132    if(retVal == 0) {
   133        retVal = pthread_join(threadID1, (void**)&amp;exitReason);
   134    }
   135 </codeblock><codeblock xml:space="preserve">// Thread creation in Symbian Platform
   136   TInt ThreadEntryPoint( TAny* aData );
   138   RThread thread;
   139   thread.Create(_L("MY-THREAD"), ThreadEntryPoint, 4096, NULL, NULL);
   140   TRequestStatus stat;
   141   thread.Logon(stat);
   142   //Start executing the thread.
   143   thread.Resume();
   144   //Wait for the thread to die.
   145   User::WaitForRequest(stat);
   146   exitReason = thread.ExitReason();
   147   thread.Close();
   148 </codeblock><p>In addition the difference in the code for creating threads
   149 using <codeph>pthread_create</codeph> and <xref href="GUID-B0E661BC-4058-3256-B9C3-5A4FD52F6DE5.dita#GUID-B0E661BC-4058-3256-B9C3-5A4FD52F6DE5/GUID-6C840907-C3F7-34B7-97DB-CEDBA68EA277"><apiname>RThread::Create()</apiname></xref>,
   150 a thread created using <xref href="GUID-B0E661BC-4058-3256-B9C3-5A4FD52F6DE5.dita#GUID-B0E661BC-4058-3256-B9C3-5A4FD52F6DE5/GUID-6C840907-C3F7-34B7-97DB-CEDBA68EA277"><apiname>RThread::Create()</apiname></xref> also expects the <codeph>ThreadEntryPoint()</codeph> function
   151 to create its own vcleanup stack and a top-level TRAP, if required. Else,
   152 the thread may crash or panic. But this does not have to be done for a thread
   153 created using <codeph>pthread_create. pthread_create</codeph> does that for
   154 the developer.</p></section>
   155 </conbody></concept>