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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-2161BD64-889B-5EAB-B023-1162FE9619DB" xml:lang="en"><title>How
    13 to use multiple active objects</title><shortdesc>This document illustrates how to use one active object to control
    14 another.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    15 <p>The following example code fragments show how to construct a program with
    16 two active objects, where one controls the initiation and cancellation of
    17 the other.</p>
    18 <p>In these examples:</p>
    19 <p><codeph>CActiveConsole</codeph> is an active object and contains a pointer
    20 to a <codeph>CConsoleBase</codeph> object which is a service provider. Through
    21 this service provider, the active object provides the facility to request
    22 a character from the keyboard.</p>
    23 <p><codeph>RunL()</codeph> delegates the handling of completed requests to
    24 the pure virtual function <codeph>ProcessKeyPress()</codeph>, which must be
    25 provided by a derived class.</p>
    26 <p><codeph>CMessageKeyProcessor</codeph> is further derived from <codeph>CActiveConsole</codeph> and
    27 contains a pointer to another active object <codeph>CExampleActiveObject</codeph>,
    28 which requires input from the keyboard.</p>
    29 <p>Depending on the input character, the <codeph>CMessageKeyProcessor</codeph> active
    30 object does one of the following:</p>
    31 <ul>
    32 <li id="GUID-9151F698-3D4F-5C3D-A758-194018FC053C"><p>issues a request to
    33 the <codeph>CExampleActiveObject</codeph> active object</p> </li>
    34 <li id="GUID-FBF8743F-0147-502B-BBE8-824DB727F791"><p>cancels any outstanding
    35 request to the <codeph>CExampleActiveObject</codeph> active object</p> </li>
    36 <li id="GUID-2E714DE6-AAE1-5926-8026-9B6E1C09C5C7"><p>does nothing</p> </li>
    37 </ul>
    38 <p>The implementation of the <codeph>CExampleActiveObject</codeph> active
    39 object is not relevant to the example and is not shown.</p>
    40 <p>The following diagram shows the relationship between the classes.</p>
    41 <fig id="GUID-AF998428-D142-56F8-8967-AF66AF9119F8">
    42 <image href="GUID-BEDF6765-4BF4-532F-A2C7-F052FE8A9CA2_d0e208130_href.png" placement="inline"/>
    43 </fig>
    44 <section id="GUID-5E2A6378-546D-46C5-8081-6425A96FAAFF"><title>Encapsulating the service provider</title> <p>The class <codeph>CActiveConsole</codeph> encapsulates
    45 the provision of basic keyboard services. Its <codeph>iConsole</codeph> data
    46 member is a pointer to the service provider, the <codeph>CConsoleBase</codeph> object.</p> <p>The
    47 active object class is defined as:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-DC98E432-1927-55F5-94A3-68D2493B75E8" xml:space="preserve">class CActiveConsole : public CActive
    48     {
    49 public:
    50     CActiveConsole(CConsoleBase* aConsole);
    51     void ConstructL();
    52     ~CActiveConsole();
    53     void RequestCharacter();
    54     void RunL();
    55     void DoCancel();
    56     virtual void ProcessKeyPress(TChar aChar)=0;
    57 protected:
    58     CConsoleBase* iConsole; 
    59     };</codeblock> <p>The class constructor takes a pointer to a <codeph>CConsoleBase</codeph> object
    60 as its single argument and initializes its <codeph>iConsole</codeph> data
    61 member to this value:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-2C5C49DB-AE88-5F84-82D7-BA5680A286C8" xml:space="preserve">CActiveConsole::CActiveConsole(CConsoleBase* aConsole)
    62     : iConsole(aConsole)
    63     {}</codeblock> <p>The <codeph>ConstructL()</codeph> function adds the
    64 active object to the active scheduler:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-CE947B19-9664-5774-ABFB-17E79A112131" xml:space="preserve">void CActiveConsole::ConstructL()
    65     {
    66     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    67     }</codeblock> <p>The destructor cancels any outstanding request before
    68 destroying the active object:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-0120EE92-2BD8-5B2E-841A-DC366B3BED12" xml:space="preserve">CActiveConsole::~CActiveConsole()
    69     {
    70     Cancel();
    71     }</codeblock> <p><codeph>DoCancel()</codeph> is implemented to cancel
    72 the request to <codeph>iConsole</codeph>.</p> <p>The <codeph>RequestCharacter()</codeph> function
    73 makes a request for a key press to the service provider by calling <codeph>iConsole-&gt;Read(iStatus)</codeph> and
    74 setting the active request flag:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-EF731B8D-7001-503F-8167-7A10697D5202" xml:space="preserve">void CActiveConsole::RequestCharacter()
    75     {
    76     iConsole-&gt;Read(iStatus);
    77     SetActive();
    78     }</codeblock> <p>The <codeph>RunL()</codeph> function makes a call to
    79 the <codeph>ProcessKeyPress()</codeph> function. This is a pure virtual function
    80 that derived classes must implement to handle the key press and to reissue
    81 the request:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-DF9F07BB-2099-5310-8921-3A290580B4AF" xml:space="preserve">void CActiveConsole::RunL()
    82     {
    83     ProcessKeyPress(TChar(iConsole-&gt;KeyCode()));
    84     }</codeblock> </section>
    85 <section id="GUID-FFD3321F-3A46-4C40-A779-39C142DC79C3"><title>Further deriving from the active object</title> <p>The class <codeph>CMessageKeyProcessor</codeph> is
    86 a concrete class, derived from <codeph>CActiveConsole</codeph>. It provides
    87 an implementation for the<codeph>ProcessKeyPress()</codeph> function and can
    88 issue or cancel requests to a<codeph>CExampleActiveObject</codeph> active
    89 object.</p> <p>This active object class is defined as:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-C5F51E0D-517C-523D-BADA-4B3CDCA53073" xml:space="preserve">class CMessageKeyProcessor : public CActiveConsole
    90     {
    91 public:
    92     ...
    93     CMessageKeyProcessor(CConsoleBase* aConsole, CExampleActiveObject* iExampleObject);
    94     void ProcessKeyPress(TChar aChar);
    95 private:
    96     CExampleActiveObject* iExampleObject;
    97     };</codeblock> <p><b>Notes</b> </p> <ul>
    98 <li id="GUID-2341BA65-3806-5354-9F9D-EB1A8FD3FD61"><p>The first constructor
    99 parameter specifies a <codeph>CConsoleBase</codeph> which will be used to
   100 provide asynchronous keyboard input.</p> </li>
   101 <li id="GUID-E9CAAF35-C404-5418-9720-F560C4CED53D"><p>the second constructor
   102 parameter specifies a <codeph>CExampleActiveObject</codeph> which will be
   103 controlled by this <codeph>CMessageKeyProcessor</codeph>.</p> </li>
   104 </ul> <p>The behaviour of the <codeph>ProcessKeyPress()</codeph> function
   105 depends on the key code value:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-8081A453-4D44-5F2B-BAF3-7A43A1417BEF" xml:space="preserve">void CMessageKeyProcessor::ProcessKeyPress(TChar aChar)
   106     {
   107     if (aChar == 'm' || aChar == 'M')
   108         {
   109         iExampleObject-&gt;Cancel();
   110         iExampleObject-&gt;IssueRequest();
   111         }
   112     if (aChar == 'c' || aChar == 'C')
   113         {
   114         iExampleObject-&gt;Cancel();
   115         }
   116     if (aChar != EKeyEscape)
   117         {
   118         RequestCharacter();
   119         }
   120     else
   121         {
   122         iExampleObject-&gt;Cancel();
   123         CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   124         }
   125     }</codeblock> </section>
   126 <section id="GUID-91B9EF85-A595-479D-8D57-40CC427C19E7"><title>Enhanced framework</title> <p>In the code fragment below,
   127 an active scheduler is created to which both a <codeph>CMessageKeyProcessor</codeph> active
   128 object and a<codeph>CExampleActiveObject</codeph> active object are added:</p> <codeblock id="GUID-830AA24C-7781-505A-9DD1-4A042040688D" xml:space="preserve">LOCAL_C void doExampleL()
   129     {
   130     CActiveScheduler* exampleScheduler=new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
   131     CleanupStack::PushL(exampleScheduler);
   132     CActiveScheduler::Install(exampleScheduler);
   134     CExampleActiveObject* iExampleObject =
   135             CExampleActiveObject::NewLC();
   136     CMessageKeyProcessor* keyProcessor=
   137              CMessageKeyProcessor::NewLC(console, iExampleObject);
   139     keyProcessor-&gt;RequestCharacter();
   140     CActiveScheduler::Start();
   141     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);
   142     }</codeblock> <p><b>Notes</b> </p> <ul>
   143 <li id="GUID-1FB2DB58-C282-5B21-A070-DEC020E98059"><p>An instance of the active
   144 scheduler, <codeph>exampleScheduler</codeph> is pushed onto the cleanup stack
   145 and installed as the current active scheduler.</p> </li>
   146 <li id="GUID-3404475D-4044-5DB4-BEDF-5A308B2521CA"><p>An instance of the <codeph>CExampleActiveObject</codeph> active
   147 object is created.</p> </li>
   148 <li id="GUID-F7C3C84D-66E5-5F8D-8213-8DC3864D659D"><p>An instance of the <codeph>CMessageKeyProcessor</codeph> active
   149 object is created and this is in control.</p> </li>
   150 <li id="GUID-DA61DFD2-B057-50C9-8FD1-C53E884A4A0E"><p><codeph>keyProcessor-&gt;RequestCharacter()</codeph> issues
   151 a request for keyboard input.</p> </li>
   152 <li id="GUID-5BFAEEED-051C-5741-BAA0-96AFC3EA5A02"><p><codeph>CActiveScheduler::Start()</codeph> starts
   153 the active scheduler. At least one outstanding request is necessary before
   154 the wait loop is started, otherwise the thread hangs. All further request
   155 issuing and servicing occurs within this function. The wait loop continues
   156 until one of the active objects’ <codeph>RunL()</codeph> calls<codeph>CActiveScheduler::Stop()</codeph>.</p> </li>
   157 <li id="GUID-E3FB7738-DC6C-5472-8CBF-FAAD47C440D5"><p>The active objects and
   158 the active scheduler are popped from the cleanup stack and destroyed.</p> </li>
   159 </ul> </section>
   160 </conbody></concept>