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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-8390D842-B8A3-5042-952D-73240DB30D6B" xml:lang="en"><title>Message
    13 Server and Store Overview</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <p>This section provides an overview of the functionality and the architecture
    15 of Message Server and Store. </p>
    16 <section><title>Purpose</title> <p>The following services that are provided
    17 by this component can be used by the client application: </p> <ul>
    18 <li id="GUID-67C56ED5-6996-585F-A6EB-DB64E3956DF8"><p><xref href="GUID-5CFA3F21-3E42-5B53-8EC1-BC0F7F0E8136.dita">Storing
    19 Messages</xref>  </p> </li>
    20 <li id="GUID-452071CE-E72F-5BE7-AF45-E4EA1C085E18"><p><xref href="GUID-4CD6C5CC-A91B-56BE-825F-5B10B63627DA.dita"> Handling
    21 Client Requests</xref>  </p> </li>
    22 <li id="GUID-F4732AD3-EB59-52E5-B3EF-E8C1D8B527E2"><p><xref href="GUID-2FAB8281-569A-52BE-8BC8-A2D378068706.dita">Caching</xref> </p> </li>
    23 <li id="GUID-89ED7AA5-5DBB-5D7D-AE80-739813964183"><p><xref href="GUID-32C1FC8B-F7D2-5275-BDF2-0D662551294C.dita"> Searching
    24 and Sorting Messages</xref>  </p> </li>
    25 </ul> </section>
    26 <section><title>Architecture</title> <p>Message type-dependent operations,
    27 such as address handling, are called by client applications using client MTMs
    28 and UI MTMs. These MTMs then access the appropriate Message Store and alter
    29 it as required. </p> <p>The following figure shows the logical structure of
    30 the Message Server. Dashed boxes indicate components that can be developed
    31 by third-parties. </p> <fig id="GUID-F469ED0A-E43F-5260-B86E-3EFE3CBA0DBB">
    32 <title>              Logical structure of Messaging Middleware architecture
    33            </title>
    34 <image href="GUID-0259868F-8F88-5D9D-A9DE-9309C3BFBA85_d0e253000_href.png" placement="inline"/>
    35 </fig><note> No lower-level communication components are shown, as the architecture
    36 is designed to be independent of any particular communication protocol. Instead,
    37 communication libraries are accessed as needed by Server MTMs. For example,
    38 an SMTP MTM would use TCP/IP, while the SMS MTM would use the Telephony Server
    39 (ETel).</note> <dl>
    40 <dlentry>
    41 <dt>Application/App UI</dt>
    42 <dd><p>This represents a message client application. </p> </dd>
    43 </dlentry>
    44 <dlentry>
    45 <dt>User Interface MTM, Client-side MTM, UI Data MTM, Server-side MTM Bases</dt>
    46 <dd><p>These are base classes required for implementing protocol-specific
    47 MTM components. User Interface and UI Data MTMs handle user interface functionality
    48 and resources. Client-side MTMs provide message data handling functions. Server-side
    49 MTMs provide message transport functions. </p> </dd>
    50 </dlentry>
    51 <dlentry>
    52 <dt>Concrete User Interface MTM, Concrete Client-side MTM, Concrete UI Data
    53 MTM, Concrete Server-side MTM</dt>
    54 <dd><p>These represent instances of MTM components written to implement a
    55 particular messaging protocol. </p> </dd>
    56 </dlentry>
    57 <dlentry>
    58 <dt>Message Server</dt>
    59 <dd><p>The Message Server handles all requests to access or manipulate message
    60 data. Where necessary, it passes requests to the protocol-specific message
    61 transport components, the Server-side MTMs. </p> </dd>
    62 </dlentry>
    63 <dlentry>
    64 <dt>Session</dt>
    65 <dd><p>Sessions allow client-side components to issue requests to the Message
    66 Server. There are a number of classes provided to clients that allow message
    67 entries to be manipulated. </p> </dd>
    68 </dlentry>
    69 </dl> <p>The <filepath>msgs.dll</filepath> library provides a client-side
    70 session class called <xref href="GUID-2DA04D96-F0AD-3FDC-9E36-1C27D889AF4B.dita"><apiname>CMsvSession</apiname></xref> . Client applications
    71 typically create an instance of this class on start-up. Instances of Client
    72 MTMs, User Interface (UI) MTMs and high-level client library classes maintain
    73 a reference to the client application’s session object, to make requests if
    74 needed. </p> <p>Message client applications, Client MTMs and UI MTMs manipulate
    75 entries through <xref href="GUID-5A23B804-2C06-3407-9D48-1BFB212D699F.dita"><apiname>TMsvEntry</apiname></xref> and <xref href="GUID-85BBE389-81F7-3E2F-A789-446D9BE2CC49.dita"><apiname>CMsvEntry</apiname></xref> classes.
    76 The entry currently being operated on is called the context. A client application
    77 can begin by setting the context to the root entry. By finding the children
    78 of this initial entry, and then their children in turn, any entry can be found. </p> <p>Operations
    79 such as creating, deleting, sorting and accessing body text, or changing an
    80 index entry, which are independent of the message-type, are requested by client
    81 applications and MTMs through <xref href="GUID-BC3D2A73-3E8C-3D0C-8E18-5E35AA431D99.dita"><apiname>CMvsEntry</apiname></xref> or <xref href="GUID-681B56F3-B3A2-3147-B25A-FD69451F4A1D.dita"><apiname>CMsvServerEntry</apiname></xref>.
    82 The Message Server may either perform such operations itself or delegate them
    83 to a server MTM. </p> </section>
    84 <section><title>Description</title> <p>The Message Server is the core component
    85 in the Messaging Middleware module. It accepts asynchronous requests from
    86 clients through a kernel-maintained session. It performs the following functions: </p> <ul>
    87 <li id="GUID-55C60AD4-DCFD-5C31-AA33-1D081FFE2A47"><p> <b>Controls access
    88 to message data</b>  </p> <p>In response to client requests, the Message Server
    89 delegates temporary, exclusive access to message data, so that more than one
    90 client cannot edit the same message at the same time. It is the responsibility
    91 of Message Server to keep the message data in workable order, and cope with
    92 events such as failure recovery. </p> </li>
    93 <li id="GUID-BA07A6D4-194D-5908-9139-1A86F0D0C9E3"><p> <b>Delegates requests
    94 to Server MTMs</b>  </p> <p>Message Server must identify requests, such as
    95 sending a message that requires protocol-specific functionality, and load
    96 the appropriate Server MTM. </p> </li>
    97 </ul> <p id="GUID-8E01ADD0-A706-54B2-8159-E65C33274C30"><b>Message Store</b> </p> <p>Message
    98 Server provides persistent storage of messages and messaging account settings
    99 by providing a Message Store. The Message Store contains message data in a
   100 variable number of entries in a tree view, each of which is referenced by
   101 a unique identifier. This concept is known as a <xref href="GUID-D099551B-6E99-5210-B44A-693012A29DD1.dita">dictionary
   102 file store</xref>. Each entry in the tree can represent an email account,
   103 folder of messages, message part and so on. </p> <p>Message Store is secured
   104 in a protected data-caged area of Message Server. Message Server allows multiple
   105 read-only and a single read-write access to a message in the Message Store
   106 at given time. It also accepts copy and delete requests from clients trusted
   107 with <codeph>WriteUserData</codeph> capability. When a copy or delete is requested,
   108 the message server first flags itself as unavailable and then locks the files
   109 before attempting to process them. </p> <p>Message settings are stored in
   110 the Central Repository and attachment information is stored in the Message
   111 Store. MTMs can create additional streams in the message store to hold MTM-specific
   112 message data. Usually, at least one stream is devoted to non-generic header
   113 information such as recipient information. </p> <p>When Message Server starts,
   114 the Message Store is created unless there is already a Message Store present.
   115 Message Server initially creates the Message Store with just a root entry
   116 and then creates standard folders defined in the <filepath>msgs.rsc</filepath> resource
   117 file. Finally the Message Server runs <filepath>mailinit.exe</filepath> to
   118 customise of the Message Store. The behaviour of <filepath>mailinit.exe</filepath> is
   119 defined by the UI family of the device, such as Series 60 or UIQ. However,
   120 the typical behaviour is to load each of the UI MTMs and allow each to perform
   121 any message type specific initialisation. For example, the SMS plug-in typically
   122 creates a default service entry. </p> </section>
   123 <section><title>API summary</title> <p>The storage abstractions through which
   124 client applications access the various types of storage are key to the Messaging
   125 Middleware module. </p> <ul>
   126 <li id="GUID-5F7B2622-1FCB-57AB-B98B-32BED95E4CA5"><p>The <xref href="GUID-85BBE389-81F7-3E2F-A789-446D9BE2CC49.dita"><apiname>CMsvEntry</apiname></xref> API
   127 access and acts on a particular Message Server entry. The main functions of
   128 this API are to provide means to: </p> <ul>
   129 <li id="GUID-A14A770E-2425-59C5-BCEC-A8C209B246CE"><p>access the various types
   130 of storage associated with an entry </p> </li>
   131 <li id="GUID-991A0D61-A67C-5BA0-B943-BFF5D60839B2"><p>discover and access
   132 other entries that the entry owns (its children) </p> </li>
   133 </ul> </li>
   134 <li id="GUID-40BDE827-355F-54E5-BFB3-DEF160FC8B4B"><p> <xref href="GUID-681B56F3-B3A2-3147-B25A-FD69451F4A1D.dita"><apiname>CMsvServerEntry</apiname></xref> is
   135 similar to <xref href="GUID-85BBE389-81F7-3E2F-A789-446D9BE2CC49.dita"><apiname>CMsvEntry</apiname></xref>, but used only by Server MTMs. </p> </li>
   136 <li id="GUID-54D77E17-1B5E-529F-916B-A628DA022901"><p> <xref href="GUID-5A23B804-2C06-3407-9D48-1BFB212D699F.dita"><apiname>TMsvEntry</apiname></xref> encapsulates
   137 an index entry the Message Server index. </p> </li>
   138 <li id="GUID-DDF9FB6B-02EB-5976-8072-95FCD25FED49"><p> <xref href="GUID-8CB90FA2-A6CF-3FA2-81FF-7D22EFD9C2CE.dita"><apiname>CMsvStore</apiname></xref> encapsulates
   139 an entry’s <xref href="GUID-8390D842-B8A3-5042-952D-73240DB30D6B.dita#GUID-8390D842-B8A3-5042-952D-73240DB30D6B/GUID-8E01ADD0-A706-54B2-8159-E65C33274C30">Message
   140 Store</xref>. </p> </li>
   141 <li id="GUID-A17D856C-EE8C-5339-9EE8-108D8AE1229F"><p> <xref href="GUID-4E2B0CEA-1EDA-3452-895D-3CE1B59FD8FD.dita"><apiname>MMsvAttachmentManager</apiname></xref> class
   142 is a pure virtual interface class that defines the APIs to be used for attachment
   143 management in the Messaging Framework. </p> </li>
   144 </ul> </section>
   145 <section><title>Typical uses</title> <ul>
   146 <li id="GUID-7669F08C-0D4A-5DB1-A965-EC6178B82568"><p>Configuring the Message
   147 Server ans Store </p> </li>
   148 <li id="GUID-B915A682-265E-58B9-A66A-DE9194685952"><p>Writing MTMs </p> </li>
   149 <li id="GUID-3DB37ED4-44D6-56EE-B8C0-D5BFD31567E4"><p>Searching and sorting
   150 messages </p> </li>
   151 <li id="GUID-7E268EA1-922D-5657-885A-298E29135603"><p>Processing emails in
   152 chunks </p> </li>
   153 </ul> </section>
   154 </conbody><related-links>
   155 <link href="GUID-54AB166A-8B24-5065-92AD-5FC1BF3ED89C.dita"><linktext>Messaging
   156 Framework</linktext></link>
   157 <link href="GUID-44CF5471-564E-5790-935B-51193A4978D6.dita"><linktext>Message Server
   158 and Store Concepts</linktext></link>
   159 <link href="GUID-DD27A452-8B0F-5C6D-A2E6-FC21145468B6.dita"><linktext>Message Server
   160 and Store Tutorials</linktext></link>
   161 </related-links></concept>