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     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
     3 <!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
     4 "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
     5 and is available at the URL "". -->
     6 <!-- Initial Contributors:
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept id="GUID-B1CB6374-2C2B-5D6C-9A7C-6E49D8F235B8" xml:lang="en"><title>Display
    13 Control and Mapping in the Window Server Client</title><shortdesc>ScreenPlay provides support for externally connected displays,
    14 such as TV-out. Previous versions of Symbian and the non-ScreenPlay variant
    15 consider the size of each display to be fixed, assuming it to be built into
    16 the phone. However, for High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) and composite
    17 video connectors, there is a range of resolutions that can change dynamically.
    18 ScreenPlay provides an optional feature that supports switching between resolutions
    19 at runtime and notifies Window Server clients when there are changes to the
    20 resolution and connectedness. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    21 <p>This topic builds on the introduction in <xref href="GUID-0EBE5733-A267-5F4A-85AD-87C3ECF80731.dita">Dynamic
    22 Resolution Switching</xref>. </p>
    23 <p>The <xref href="GUID-30479BE3-296E-3B4D-914D-B080ABD733E4.dita"><apiname>CWsScreenDevice</apiname></xref> Window Server client-side API has
    24 a <xref href="GUID-49DCA149-A46F-3DB1-9879-AEDDFE1746B9.dita"><apiname>GetInterface()</apiname></xref> function, which you can use to return
    25 pointers to the <codeph>MDisplayControl</codeph> and <codeph>MDisplayMapping</codeph> interfaces
    26 or null if the interface is not supported. For example: </p>
    27 <codeblock id="GUID-1F87BCBD-F4FB-5C20-8B94-01088F79CD73" xml:space="preserve">// Establish connection and get display control interface.
    28 class CWindowClient : public CBase
    29     {
    30     ...
    31     RWsSession iSession;
    32     CWsScreenDevice* iScreenDevice;
    33     MDisplayControl* iDisplayControl;
    34     MDisplayMapping* iDisplayMapping;
    35     TWsDisplayChangedEvent iLastEvent;
    36     }
    38 void CWindowClient::ConstructL(TInt aDisplayNumber)
    39     {
    40     User::LeaveIfError(iSession.Connect());
    41     iScreenDevice = new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iSession);
    42     User::LeaveIfError(iScreenDevice-&gt;Construct(aDisplayNumber));
    43     iDisplayControl = iScreenDevice-&gt;GetInterface(EDisplayControl);
    44     User::LeaveIfNull(iDisplayControl);
    45     iDisplayMapping = iScreenDevice-&gt;GetInterface(EDisplayMapping);
    46     User::LeaveIfNull(iDisplayMapping);
    47     }</codeblock>
    48 <p>In addition, <xref href="GUID-30479BE3-296E-3B4D-914D-B080ABD733E4.dita"><apiname>CWsScreenDevice</apiname></xref> provides the <xref href="GUID-01040953-1D8A-3DD8-B3E4-047C29F7BAAC.dita"><apiname>IsCurrentModeDynamic()</apiname></xref> and <xref href="GUID-259598EF-8A53-3EED-8A4D-E24038B902F2.dita"><apiname>IsModeDynamic()</apiname></xref> functions
    49 for querying whether the current screen mode and a given screen mode are dynamic.
    50 If a screen mode is dynamic, the application extent always fills the full
    51 UI space and the area returned by <xref href="GUID-30479BE3-296E-3B4D-914D-B080ABD733E4.dita#GUID-30479BE3-296E-3B4D-914D-B080ABD733E4/GUID-8E1B5729-FD1C-3D4A-AC73-C6364E7D5BBF"><apiname>CWsScreenDevice::SizeInPixels()</apiname></xref> always
    52 matches the actual resolution that is in use. However, the <codeph>MDisplayMapping</codeph> interface
    53 also provides features that enable you to draw outside the application UI
    54 extent. </p>
    55 <section> <title>MDisplayControl</title> <p>The <xref href="GUID-0C384D35-77DD-318E-AF3E-C9ED5ADD9D11.dita"><apiname>MDisplayControl</apiname></xref> interface
    56 provides Window Server clients with functions for setting and getting the
    57 current display configuration, getting a list of available resolutions and
    58 enabling display change event notifications (<xref href="GUID-6426E0A6-35F2-3704-962C-0A8AE8AF7226.dita"><apiname>EEventDisplayChanged</apiname></xref>).
    59 The following diagram shows the class hierarchy. </p> <fig id="GUID-F9D95387-151F-5725-8BDD-C44A3D333A97">
    60 <title> Display control class diagram            </title>
    61 <image href="GUID-68E3609C-3429-5B1C-B8D9-C0EBBACEF357_d0e165199_href.png" placement="inline"/>
    62 </fig>  <p>Once you have obtained
    63 the <xref href="GUID-0C384D35-77DD-318E-AF3E-C9ED5ADD9D11.dita"><apiname>MDisplayControl</apiname></xref> interface, you can call <xref href="GUID-B50897AC-CF6F-3887-9475-A46A7C86A42D.dita"><apiname>GetResolutions()</apiname></xref> on
    64 it. For example: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-C82D0166-0E29-5F90-8087-800EDDE2D895" xml:space="preserve">// Get available resolutions
    65 RArray&lt;MDisplayControl::TResolution&gt; resolutions;
    66 User::LeaveIfError(iDisplayControl-&gt;GetResolutions(resolutions));
    68 // Use resolution list.
    70 </codeblock> <p>You can use the <xref href="GUID-66F4BAEC-13F4-3617-B86A-5BD3BCAB82A0.dita"><apiname>EnableDisplayChangedEvents()</apiname></xref> function
    71 to register for notifications of the <xref href="GUID-6426E0A6-35F2-3704-962C-0A8AE8AF7226.dita"><apiname>EEventDisplayChanged</apiname></xref> event.
    72 This is generated when the display device is attached or detached or there
    73 is a change in the current resolution, the resolution list or the current
    74 configuration. For example, this can be generated by a render stage or the
    75 composition engine in response to a hardware event (such as an external display
    76 being connected or disconnected). The event is sometimes, but not always,
    77 triggered by a change in the screen mode. </p> <p>There are therefore two
    78 aspects to the event in that it can be triggered by a display change or a
    79 configuration change. Typically you check the event against the previous one
    80 to see what has changed. </p> <p>The following table provides a summary of
    81 how this event compares to <xref href="GUID-CC1E6B2E-F68F-3A00-B4EA-4917007F7320.dita"><apiname>EEventScreenDeviceChanged</apiname></xref>. </p> <table id="GUID-50D8232A-E394-590F-A762-79567E4424C3">
    82 <tgroup cols="3"><colspec colname="col0"/><colspec colname="col1"/><colspec colname="col2"/>
    83 <thead>
    84 <row>
    85 <entry>Action</entry>
    86 <entry><codeph>EEventScreenDeviceChanged</codeph> </entry>
    87 <entry><codeph>EEventDisplayChanged</codeph> </entry>
    88 </row>
    89 </thead>
    90 <tbody>
    91 <row>
    92 <entry><p>Screen mode change </p> </entry>
    93 <entry><p>Always triggers this event </p> </entry>
    94 <entry><p>Triggers this event only if it causes a change in the configuration. </p> </entry>
    95 </row>
    96 <row>
    97 <entry><p>Display configuration change </p> </entry>
    98 <entry><p>Generally does not trigger this event </p> </entry>
    99 <entry><p>Generally triggers this event </p> </entry>
   100 </row>
   101 </tbody>
   102 </tgroup>
   103 </table> <p>The following example first registers for notification of <xref href="GUID-6426E0A6-35F2-3704-962C-0A8AE8AF7226.dita"><apiname>EEventDisplayChanged</apiname></xref> events
   104 and then changes the screen mode. The second part illustrates a simplified
   105 handler for the events. It demonstrates checking the event against the previous
   106 one to see whether the resolution or configuration has changed. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-E78D2CA8-4C1E-5E19-92EC-7E87B010E5BE" xml:space="preserve">// Establish connection and get display control interface.
   108 iDisplayControl-&gt;EnableDisplayChangeEvents(ETrue);
   110 iScreenDevice-&gt;SetScreenMode(2);    // Number depends on WSINI.INI config.
   111 iScreenDevice-&gt;SetAppScreenMode(2); // Ensure application windows are
   112                                     // shown in the new mode.
   113 ...
   115 // Simplified event handler.
   116 TWsEvent event;
   117 iSession.GetEvent(event);
   119 switch (event.Type())
   120     {
   121     case EEventScreenDeviceChanged:
   122         {
   123         TSize screenSize = iScreenDevice-&gt;SizeInPixels();
   124         // Re-layout windows for new application screen dimensions
   125         }
   126         break;
   127     case Redraw:
   128         {
   129         // Draw content of window
   130         }
   131         break;
   132     case EEventDisplayChanged:
   133         {
   134         TWsDisplayChangedEvent* newEvent;
   135         newEvent = event.DisplayChanged();
   137         if (newEvent-&gt;iResolutionListChangeId !=
   138             iLastEvent.iResolutionListChangeId)
   139             {
   140             // ...
   141             }
   143         if (newEvent-&gt;iConfigurationChangeId !=
   144             iLastEvent.iConfigurationChangeId)
   145             {
   146             TDisplayConfiguration config;
   147             User::LeaveIfError(
   148                 iDisplayControl-&gt;GetConfiguration(config)));
   149             // Handle updated configuration
   150             // May be entirely handled by screen device changed event
   151             }
   152         iLastEvent = *newEvent;
   153         }
   154         break;
   155     }</codeblock> <p>Here is an example of setting a new display resolution: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-B9C0254D-3990-5B41-9F63-1A81D30A3FB6" xml:space="preserve">TDisplayConfiguration config;
   156 config.SetResolution(TSize(1280, 720));
   157 config.SetRotation(MDisplayControl::ERotation180);
   159 User::LeaveIfError(iDisplayControl-&gt;SetConfiguration(config));
   160 </codeblock> </section>
   161 <section> <title>MDisplayMapping</title> <p>The <xref href="GUID-BA6FEFAE-8891-3286-A38F-2EA522D7A27E.dita"><apiname>MDisplayMapping</apiname></xref> interface
   162 enables Window Server clients to map between coordinate spaces, allowing for
   163 translation and scaling of coordinates. For example, suppose an application
   164 is to draw a virtual keyboard outside of the application's extent. This requires
   165 knowing the extent of both the application and the full UI area. The application
   166 can use the <xref href="GUID-BA6FEFAE-8891-3286-A38F-2EA522D7A27E.dita"><apiname>MDisplayMapping</apiname></xref> interface to get this information,
   167 so that the virtual keyboard can be drawn within the full UI area but outside
   168 of the application's extent. </p> <fig id="GUID-55BD49C6-9A51-53A7-A587-29A151FACF6B">
   169 <title> Display mapping class diagram            </title>
   170 <image href="GUID-7293765E-2B1E-5F0D-B6A8-0E48729DC365_d0e165342_href.png" placement="inline"/>
   171 </fig> <p> </p> <p>The <xref href="GUID-BA6FEFAE-8891-3286-A38F-2EA522D7A27E.dita"><apiname>MDisplayMapping</apiname></xref> interface is very
   172 flexible. UIDs are used to signify the application UI coordinate space, the
   173 full UI space, the composition/display coordinate space (which may be a different
   174 scale to the UI coordinate space) and the Direct Screen Access (DSA) space
   175 (which may match the full UI space, or be offset relative to the application
   176 UI space). </p> <p>The <xref href="GUID-53AF1470-F06E-321C-AF64-FE422A7662DA.dita"><apiname>MapCoordinates()</apiname></xref> function takes
   177 a rectangle, a source space and a target space and returns the correspondingly
   178 mapped rectangle in the target space. To map a point, use a rectangle with
   179 a width and height of one pixel, because the scaling between UI space and
   180 composition/display space may enlarge (or sometimes reduce) the rectangle’s
   181 size. </p> <p>For example, consider the following diagram, in which the outer
   182 rectangle represents the display area and the inner one represents the application
   183 space (screen mode). </p> <fig id="GUID-6935A7BE-C651-5582-8E2A-11A18CDD531F">
   184 <title>Display area and application extent            </title>
   185 <image href="GUID-09142C26-0AFA-510E-836D-010EE07A1549_d0e165370_href.png" placement="inline"/>
   186 </fig> <p>The display resolution is 1280 x 720, the application size is 176
   187 x 208 and a virtual resolution of 426 x 240 has been introduced, which gives
   188 a scaling factor of three in each direction. All pixels are approximately
   189 square, for simplicity. The application area has been centered in the display,
   190 giving an <i>X</i> offset of (426-176)/2 and a <i>Y</i> offset of (240-208)/2,
   191 or (125, 16). </p> <p>To put a window on screen to fill the display, create
   192 a rectangle positioned at (0,0) with a size of the current resolution (426
   193 x 240). Then pass this in with a source space of the full UI and target space
   194 of the application. This results in a rectangle of the same size but at offset
   195 (125,16). </p> <p>In addition, to use an external surface at the real resolution,
   196 pass this rectangle in with a source space of the application UI and a target
   197 space of the composition/display. This results in a rectangle with size of
   198 1280 x 720, which you can then use when creating the surface. Because the
   199 UI surface and external surface are scaled independently, the UI memory requirements
   200 can remain low, even with high resolution video, viewfinder and games. For
   201 an example code snippet, see <xref href="GUID-495EA1C8-E95F-54AE-B4D1-0F463003C2D7.dita">External
   202 Surfaces Overview</xref>. </p> </section>
   203 </conbody><related-links>
   204 <link href="GUID-1F9A47CE-7F4C-52BD-8823-25D5D1BEF42F.dita"><linktext>Window Server
   205 Client-Side Library                 Concepts</linktext></link>
   206 <link href="GUID-0EBE5733-A267-5F4A-85AD-87C3ECF80731.dita"><linktext>Dynamic Resolution
   207                 Switching</linktext></link>
   208 <link href="GUID-1D529BDC-6665-58E2-AB3F-7023D8A84F69.dita"><linktext>The wsini.ini
   209 File                 Reference</linktext></link>
   210 </related-links></concept>