changeset 5 f345bda72bc4
parent 3 46218c8b8afa
child 14 578be2adaf3e
equal deleted inserted replaced
4:4816d766a08a 5:f345bda72bc4
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     7     Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
     8 Contributors: 
     8 Contributors: 
     9 -->
     9 -->
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    10 <!DOCTYPE concept
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    11   PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
    12 <concept xml:lang="en" id="GUID-B7E978C1-45CA-554C-8028-D901B97BA2E0"><title>ANALYZE Command</title><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody><p>This guide gives details of how to use the ANALYZE command to help the optimizer. </p> <section><title>Introduction</title> <p>The ANALYZE command is used to provide the query optimizer with statistical information about the distribution of values in a database so that it can make better decisions about which indexes to use. </p> <p><b>Intended audience:</b> </p> <p>This document is intended to be used by Symbian OS licensees and third party application developers. </p> </section> <section id="GUID-3C9732D5-8F18-5835-A7D5-1D17B870E439"><title>Use the ANALYZE Command to Help the Optimizer</title> <p>A big part of the job of the SQL compiler is to choose which of many implementation options should be used for a particular SQL statement. </p> <p>Often a table will have two or more indexes and the optimizer will need to choose which one of those indexes to use. Or the optimizer will have to decide between using an index to implement the WHERE clause or the ORDER BY clause. For a join, the optimizer has to pick an appropriate order for the table in the join. And so forth. </p> <p>By default, the only information the optimizer has to go on when trying to choose between two or more indexes is the database schema. In many cases the schema alone is not sufficient to make a wise choice. Suppose, for example, you have a table with two indexes: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-2DE5BC4C-0A22-575F-B1FF-C0B47A0421AB" xml:space="preserve">
    12 <concept id="GUID-B7E978C1-45CA-554C-8028-D901B97BA2E0" xml:lang="en"><title>ANALYZE Command</title><shortdesc>This guide gives details of how to use the ANALYZE command to help
    13 the optimizer.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><conbody>
    14 <section id="GUID-1612E196-C269-4D58-A36D-6F8F76C7C2F3"><title>Introduction</title> <p>The ANALYZE command is used to provide
    15 the query optimizer with statistical information about the distribution of
    16 values in a database so that it can make better decisions about which indexes
    17 to use. </p> <p><b>Intended
    18 audience:</b> </p> <p>This document is intended to be used by Symbian platfomr
    19 licensees and third party application developers. </p> </section>
    20 <section id="GUID-3C9732D5-8F18-5835-A7D5-1D17B870E439"><title>Use the ANALYZE
    21 Command to Help the Optimizer</title> <p>A big part of the job of the SQL
    22 compiler is to choose which of many implementation options should be used
    23 for a particular SQL statement. </p> <p>Often a table will have two or more
    24 indexes and the optimizer will need to choose which one of those indexes to
    25 use. Or the optimizer will have to decide between using an index to implement
    26 the WHERE clause or the ORDER BY clause. For a join, the optimizer has to
    27 pick an appropriate order for the table in the join. And so forth. </p> <p>By
    28 default, the only information the optimizer has to go on when trying to choose
    29 between two or more indexes is the database schema. In many cases the schema
    30 alone is not sufficient to make a wise choice. Suppose, for example, you have
    31 a table with two indexes: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-2DE5BC4C-0A22-575F-B1FF-C0B47A0421AB" xml:space="preserve">
    13 CREATE TABLE demo318(a,b,c,data);
    32 CREATE TABLE demo318(a,b,c,data);
    14 CREATE INDEX idx318a ON demo381(a);
    33 CREATE INDEX idx318a ON demo381(a);
    15 CREATE INDEX idx318b ON demo381(b);
    34 CREATE INDEX idx318b ON demo381(b);
    16 </codeblock> <p>And further suppose SQLite is trying to compile a statement such as the following: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-F0AA8C8F-B6F8-5F50-8AB8-7DE583FDF4F6" xml:space="preserve">
    35 </codeblock> <p>And further suppose SQLite is trying to compile a statement
    36 such as the following: </p> <codeblock id="GUID-F0AA8C8F-B6F8-5F50-8AB8-7DE583FDF4F6" xml:space="preserve">
    17 SELECT data FROM demo318 WHERE a=0 AND b=11;
    37 SELECT data FROM demo318 WHERE a=0 AND b=11;
    18 </codeblock> <p>The optimizer has to decide whether it should use idx318a with the “a=5” term of the WHERE clause or if it should use idx318b with the “b=11” term. </p> <p>Without additional information, the two approaches are equivalent and so the choice is arbitrary. But the choice of indexes might have a big impact on performance. </p> <p>Suppose that the demo318 table contains one million rows of which 55% have a=0, 40% have a=1, and the rest have a=2 or a=3. If the idx381a index is chosen, it will only narrow down the set of candidate rows by half. In this situation you are unlikely to notice any performance gain at all. In fact, in this extreme case, using the index is likely to make the query slower! </p> <p>On the other hand, let us assume that there are never more than 2 or 3 rows with the same value for column b. In this case using index idx381b allows us to reduce the set of candidate rows from one million to 2 or 3 which will yield a huge speed improvement. </p> <p>So clearly, in this example we hope that the optimizer chooses index idx318b. But without knowledge of the table contents and the statistical distributions of values for the “a” and “b” columns, the optimizer has no way of knowing which of the idx318a and idx318b indexes will work better. </p> <p>The ANALYZE command is used to provide the query optimizer with statistical information about the distribution of values in a database so that it can make better decisions about which indexes to use. </p> <p>When you run the ANALYZE command, SQLite creates a special table named SQLITE_STAT1. It then reads the entire database, gathers statistics and puts those statistics in the SQLITE_STAT1 table so that the optimizer can find them. ANALYZE is a relatively slow operation, since it has to read every single row of every single table in your database. </p> <p>The statistical information generated by ANALYZE is not kept up-to-date by subsequent changes to the database. But many databases have a relatively constant statistical profile so running ANALYZE once and using the same statistical profile forever thereafter is often sufficient. </p> <p>For embedded applications, you can often get by without ever having to run ANALYZE on a real database on the embedded device. Instead, generate a template database that contains typical data for your application and then run ANALYZE on that database on a developer workstation. Then just copy the content of the resulting SQLITE_STAT1 table over to the embedded device. </p> <p>The SQLITE_STAT1 table is special in that you cannot CREATE or DROP it, but you can still SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE the SQLITE_STAT1 table. So to create the SQLITE_STAT1 table on the embedded device, just run ANALYZE when the database is empty. That will take virtually no time and will leave you with an empty SQLITE_STAT1 table. Then copy the content of the SQLITE_STAT1 table that was created on the developer workstation into the database on the embedded device and the optimizer will begin using it just as if it had been created locally. </p> <p>There is one entry in the SQLITE_STAT1 table for each index in your schema. Each entry contains the name of the table being indexed, the name of the index itself, and a string composed of two or more integers separated by spaces. These integers are the statistics that the ANALYZE command collects for each index. </p> <p>The first integer is the total number of entries in the table. The second integer is the average number of rows in a result from a query that had an equality constraint on the first term of the index. The third integer (if there is one) is the average number of rows that would result if the index were used with equality constraints on the first two terms of the index. And so forth for as many terms as there are in the index. </p> <p>The smaller the second and subsequent integers are, the more selective an index is. And the more selective the index is, the fewer rows have to be processed when using that index. So the optimizer tries to use indexes with small second and subsequent numbers. </p> <p>The details are complex and do not really add any understanding to what is going on. The key point is that the second and subsequent integers in the SQLITE_STAT1 table are a measure of the selectivity of an index and that smaller numbers are better. </p> <p>The statistics gathered by the ANALYZE command reflect the state of the database at a single point in time. While making the final performance tweaks on an application, some developers may want to adjust these statistics manually to better reflect the kinds of data they expect to encounter in the field. This is easy to do. The SQLITE_STAT1 table is readable and writable using ordinary SQL statements. You are free to adjust or modify the statistics in anyway that seems to performance benefit. </p> </section> </conbody><related-links><link href="GUID-22844C28-AB5B-5A6F-8863-7269464684B4.dita"><linktext>SQL Overview</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-78773BCA-ADF6-53E6-AC80-5CB2AE1F8BCC.dita"><linktext>SQL Server Guide</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-E51836E1-D33E-506C-B75B-19B8E3CC313A.dita"><linktext>SQLite</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-1F12E3F5-45B2-55EC-B021-00338277C608.dita"><linktext>SQL DB Overview</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-43CA02E7-0101-5824-B91B-E15EE20C829A.dita"><linktext>Avoid Transient
    38 </codeblock> <p>The optimizer has to decide whether it should use idx318a
    19                 Tables</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-49A3419F-D20A-5C5D-B2FF-51724EF37704.dita"><linktext>Prevent
    39 with the “a=5” term of the WHERE clause or if it should use idx318b with the
    20                 Datafile Corruption</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-C2FAEBB2-4A1A-5BB0-9670-4801525CBC6A.dita"><linktext>SQL Index
    40 “b=11” term. </p> <p>Without additional information, the two approaches are
    21                 Tips</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-B994E6F7-228A-5433-B87F-91857C5D93D6.dita"><linktext>SQL Insertion
    41 equivalent and so the choice is arbitrary. But the choice of indexes might
    22                 Tips</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-4FC23DB7-4758-5DA4-81FF-0DAB169E2757.dita"><linktext>SQL Schema
    42 have a big impact on performance. </p> <p>Suppose that the demo318 table contains
    23                 Tips</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-2A2920E0-5D40-5358-BC0C-8572CEFE078C.dita"><linktext>SQL
    43 one million rows of which 55% have a=0, 40% have a=1, and the rest have a=2
    24                 Expressions</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-126FCCCC-0E7D-59AE-959A-2F94A7319C4B.dita"><linktext>SQL Statement
    44 or a=3. If the idx381a index is chosen, it will only narrow down the set of
    25                 Tips</linktext> </link> <link href="GUID-ACCCB148-DAF9-59EC-B585-8EF632B9BF04.dita"><linktext>SQL Joins</linktext> </link> <link><linktext/></link><link href="GUID-AF5A75D7-0687-546C-87B2-0B7DF7D33217.dita"><linktext> SQL WHERE CLause
    45 candidate rows by half. In this situation you are unlikely to notice any performance
    26                 Tips</linktext> </link> </related-links></concept>
    46 gain at all. In fact, in this extreme case, using the index is likely to make
    47 the query slower! </p> <p>On the other hand, let us assume that there are
    48 never more than 2 or 3 rows with the same value for column b. In this case
    49 using index idx381b allows us to reduce the set of candidate rows from one
    50 million to 2 or 3 which will yield a huge speed improvement. </p> <p>So clearly,
    51 in this example we hope that the optimizer chooses index idx318b. But without
    52 knowledge of the table contents and the statistical distributions of values
    53 for the “a” and “b” columns, the optimizer has no way of knowing which of
    54 the idx318a and idx318b indexes will work better. </p> <p>The ANALYZE command
    55 is used to provide the query optimizer with statistical information about
    56 the distribution of values in a database so that it can make better decisions
    57 about which indexes to use. </p> <p>When you run the ANALYZE command, SQLite
    58 creates a special table named SQLITE_STAT1. It then reads the entire database,
    59 gathers statistics and puts those statistics in the SQLITE_STAT1 table so
    60 that the optimizer can find them. ANALYZE is a relatively slow operation,
    61 since it has to read every single row of every single table in your database. </p> <p>The
    62 statistical information generated by ANALYZE is not kept up-to-date by subsequent
    63 changes to the database. But many databases have a relatively constant statistical
    64 profile so running ANALYZE once and using the same statistical profile forever
    65 thereafter is often sufficient. </p> <p>For embedded applications, you can
    66 often get by without ever having to run ANALYZE on a real database on the
    67 embedded device. Instead, generate a template database that contains typical
    68 data for your application and then run ANALYZE on that database on a developer
    69 workstation. Then just copy the content of the resulting SQLITE_STAT1 table
    70 over to the embedded device. </p> <p>The SQLITE_STAT1 table is special in
    71 that you cannot CREATE or DROP it, but you can still SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE
    72 the SQLITE_STAT1 table. So to create the SQLITE_STAT1 table on the embedded
    73 device, just run ANALYZE when the database is empty. That will take virtually
    74 no time and will leave you with an empty SQLITE_STAT1 table. Then copy the
    75 content of the SQLITE_STAT1 table that was created on the developer workstation
    76 into the database on the embedded device and the optimizer will begin using
    77 it just as if it had been created locally. </p> <p>There is one entry in the
    78 SQLITE_STAT1 table for each index in your schema. Each entry contains the
    79 name of the table being indexed, the name of the index itself, and a string
    80 composed of two or more integers separated by spaces. These integers are the
    81 statistics that the ANALYZE command collects for each index. </p> <p>The first
    82 integer is the total number of entries in the table. The second integer is
    83 the average number of rows in a result from a query that had an equality constraint
    84 on the first term of the index. The third integer (if there is one) is the
    85 average number of rows that would result if the index were used with equality
    86 constraints on the first two terms of the index. And so forth for as many
    87 terms as there are in the index. </p> <p>The smaller the second and subsequent
    88 integers are, the more selective an index is. And the more selective the index
    89 is, the fewer rows have to be processed when using that index. So the optimizer
    90 tries to use indexes with small second and subsequent numbers. </p> <p>The
    91 details are complex and do not really add any understanding to what is going
    92 on. The key point is that the second and subsequent integers in the SQLITE_STAT1
    93 table are a measure of the selectivity of an index and that smaller numbers
    94 are better. </p> <p>The statistics gathered by the ANALYZE command reflect
    95 the state of the database at a single point in time. While making the final
    96 performance tweaks on an application, some developers may want to adjust these
    97 statistics manually to better reflect the kinds of data they expect to encounter
    98 in the field. This is easy to do. The SQLITE_STAT1 table is readable and writable
    99 using ordinary SQL statements. You are free to adjust or modify the statistics
   100 in anyway that seems to performance benefit. </p> </section>
   101 </conbody><related-links>
   102 <link href="GUID-22844C28-AB5B-5A6F-8863-7269464684B4.dita"><linktext>SQL Overview</linktext>
   103 </link>
   104 <link href="GUID-78773BCA-ADF6-53E6-AC80-5CB2AE1F8BCC.dita"><linktext>SQL Server
   105 Guide</linktext></link>
   106 <link href="GUID-1F12E3F5-45B2-55EC-B021-00338277C608.dita"><linktext>SQL DB Overview</linktext>
   107 </link>
   108 <link href="GUID-43CA02E7-0101-5824-B91B-E15EE20C829A.dita"><linktext>Avoid Transient
   109 Tables</linktext></link>
   110 <link href="GUID-49A3419F-D20A-5C5D-B2FF-51724EF37704.dita"><linktext>Prevent Datafile
   111 Corruption</linktext></link>
   112 <link href="GUID-C2FAEBB2-4A1A-5BB0-9670-4801525CBC6A.dita"><linktext>SQL Index
   113 Tips</linktext></link>
   114 <link href="GUID-B994E6F7-228A-5433-B87F-91857C5D93D6.dita"><linktext>SQL Insertion
   115 Tips</linktext></link>
   116 <link href="GUID-4FC23DB7-4758-5DA4-81FF-0DAB169E2757.dita"><linktext>SQL Schema
   117 Tips</linktext></link>
   118 <link href="GUID-2A2920E0-5D40-5358-BC0C-8572CEFE078C.dita"><linktext>SQL Expressions</linktext>
   119 </link>
   120 <link href="GUID-126FCCCC-0E7D-59AE-959A-2F94A7319C4B.dita"><linktext>SQL Statement
   121 Tips</linktext></link>
   122 <link href="GUID-ACCCB148-DAF9-59EC-B585-8EF632B9BF04.dita"><linktext>SQL Joins</linktext>
   123 </link>
   124 <link href="GUID-AF5A75D7-0687-546C-87B2-0B7DF7D33217.dita"><linktext> SQL WHERE
   125 CLause Tips</linktext></link>
   126 </related-links></concept>