changeset 2 ebc84c812384
parent 0 89d6a7a84779
--- a/Symbian3/SDK/Source/GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB.dita	Fri Jan 22 18:26:19 2010 +0000
+++ b/Symbian3/SDK/Source/GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB.dita	Thu Mar 11 15:24:26 2010 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 <li id="GUID-245A31A4-4C38-54F4-9ACC-92285C12966E"><p><xref href="GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB.dita#GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB/GUID-7582B2CB-AAC8-5E41-ADE1-76C12B691E10">Socket IOCtl options</xref>  </p> </li>
 <li id="GUID-1A2BDA7D-2DE4-52AE-ACD3-12D1A6311A88"><p><xref href="GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB.dita#GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB/GUID-9BF9562E-5831-5A7F-90A1-87BDE1CFBA54">Mathematical functions</xref>  </p> </li>
 <li id="GUID-A6183A50-BFBA-573B-B2BC-68BE637D7DF5"><p><xref href="GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB.dita#GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB/GUID-DA65E8FA-E20B-5572-AEC9-20AB140DF33A">Error handling and cleanup</xref>  </p> <ul>
-<li id="GUID-ADB0AC3E-FB59-52DC-B151-A4551467CBA0"><p><xref href="GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB.dita#GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB/GUID-D8DB43BD-9D19-5A78-8E37-6699653D047A">Mapping P.I.P.S. error codes to Symbian platform error codes</xref>  </p> </li>
+<li id="GUID-ADB0AC3E-FB59-52DC-B151-A4551467CBA0"><p><xref href="GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB.dita#GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB/GUID-D8DB43BD-9D19-5A78-8E37-6699653D047A">Mapping P.I.P.S. error codes to the Symbian platform error codes</xref>  </p> </li>
 </ul> </li>
 <li id="GUID-EA748131-29ED-5D32-B1C2-F948ABEA6584"><p><xref href="GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB.dita#GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB/GUID-CF52A59F-FD04-5043-A526-05545E11F0F5">System logger</xref>  </p> </li>
 <li id="GUID-1C98EDF4-C7BD-5CC8-90EB-D35B759280CD"><p><xref href="GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB.dita#GUID-6590B534-D976-5305-BE95-48DD05120DFB/GUID-8C951D9F-DE32-5201-90F2-45EB442F9FFC">Pthread barriers, rwlocks and spinlocks</xref>  </p> </li>
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
 }</codeblock> </section>
 <section id="GUID-7582B2CB-AAC8-5E41-ADE1-76C12B691E10"><title>Socket IOCtl
-options</title> <p>The underlying implementation of sockets on Symbian platform
-imposes some restrictions on the socket options available in P.I.P.S. and
-has also resulted in some new non-standard options to be created. </p> <p>The
+options</title> <p>The underlying implementation of sockets on the Symbian
+platform imposes some restrictions on the socket options available in P.I.P.S.
+and has also resulted in some new non-standard options to be created. </p> <p>The
 introduction of multi-homing (single link, multiple IP addresses) on Symbian
 phones and the various methods of connecting to networks, such as Wi-Fi and
 3G, with their varying degrees of cost to the user have made it important
@@ -252,27 +252,27 @@
   return Sock;
 }</codeblock> </section>
 <section id="GUID-9BF9562E-5831-5A7F-90A1-87BDE1CFBA54"><title>Mathematical
-functions</title> <p>Symbian platform does not have any support for long doubles
-so any P.I.P.S. programs which call long double versions of APIs will actually
-invoke the double version of the API. </p> <p>Symbian platform supports the
-use of a hardware floating point co-processor, however not all phones incorporate
-an FPU (Floating Point Unit) and rely on software emulation of floating point
-operations. Phones and computers equipped with an FPU provide faster and more
-accurate floating point operations. </p> <p>Symbian platform does not support
-complex numbers so the P.I.P.S. libraries are not able to offer the POSIX
-complex number APIs. </p> <p> <b>Note:</b> The mathematical functions are
-included in the <filepath>libm.dll</filepath> file. </p> </section>
+functions</title> <p>The Symbian platform does not have any support for long
+doubles so any P.I.P.S. programs which call long double versions of APIs will
+actually invoke the double version of the API. </p> <p>The Symbian platform
+supports the use of a hardware floating point co-processor, however not all
+phones incorporate an FPU (Floating Point Unit) and rely on software emulation
+of floating point operations. Phones and computers equipped with an FPU provide
+faster and more accurate floating point operations. </p> <p>The Symbian platform
+does not support complex numbers so the P.I.P.S. libraries are not able to
+offer the POSIX complex number APIs. </p> <p> <b>Note:</b> The mathematical
+functions are included in the <filepath>libm.dll</filepath> file. </p> </section>
 <section id="GUID-DA65E8FA-E20B-5572-AEC9-20AB140DF33A"><title> Error handling
-and cleanup</title> <p>It is important that Symbian platform error codes do
-not reach any ported application code. P.I.P.S. logically maps the native
+and cleanup</title> <p>It is important that the Symbian platform error codes
+do not reach any ported application code. P.I.P.S. logically maps the native
 OS error codes with the corresponding POSIX <codeph>errno</codeph> values
 as per the standard. So, ported programs will not usually have to alter their
 error checking/handling. </p> <p id="GUID-D8DB43BD-9D19-5A78-8E37-6699653D047A"><b>Mapping
-P.I.P.S. error codes to Symbian platform error codes</b> </p> <p>Porting your
-application to Symbian platform requires 'translating' Symbian platform error
-codes to POSIX error codes. <xref href="GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D.dita#GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D/GUID-B00F7659-9C31-36CD-896A-40887DECEA4B"><apiname>User::Leaves()</apiname></xref> from native
-Symbian APIs are trapped in P.I.P.S.. Calls to P.I.P.S. APIs from user code
-need not be wrapped in <xref href="GUID-3AD20E0C-F364-533F-9FBC-227478CA9982.dita">TRAP</xref> s. </p> <p>Occasionally
+P.I.P.S. error codes to the Symbian platform error codes</b> </p> <p>Porting
+your application to the Symbian platform requires 'translating' the Symbian
+platform error codes to POSIX error codes. <xref href="GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D.dita#GUID-C197C9A7-EA05-3F24-9854-542E984C612D/GUID-B00F7659-9C31-36CD-896A-40887DECEA4B"><apiname>User::Leaves()</apiname></xref> from
+native Symbian APIs are trapped in P.I.P.S.. Calls to P.I.P.S. APIs from user
+code need not be wrapped in <xref href="GUID-3AD20E0C-F364-533F-9FBC-227478CA9982.dita">TRAP</xref> s. </p> <p>Occasionally
 errors may be generated by the underlying Symbian platform that cannot be
 translated to POSIX error codes, in which case the error variable <codeph>errno</codeph> will
 be out of the usual range of values, above the maximum value of <codeph>__EMAXERRNO</codeph> or <codeph>124</codeph>. </p> <p>The
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@
 /**</codeblock> </section>
 <section id="GUID-777FDBF9-4B80-5B58-88F3-E78DBDB89021"><title>Command line
-shell</title> <p>Symbian platform phones do not have a command line shell
+shell</title> <p>The Symbian platform phones do not have a command line shell
 as standard. P.I.P.S. does however support the <xref href="GUID-C0C1D22B-298F-3E8D-A1E9-6F5EFA81F9E8.dita"><apiname>stdin()</apiname></xref>, <xref href="GUID-85797574-E2A2-3C0C-9670-C178078DE199.dita"><apiname>stdout()</apiname></xref> and <xref href="GUID-4FF97B50-2C1E-37EC-888B-FB8D3F14B5B8.dita"><apiname>stderr()</apiname></xref> standard
 streams, enabling parent processes to redirect a child's standard streams
 for the exchange of data. Without explicitly redirecting the standard streams,
@@ -666,11 +666,11 @@
 libraries such as GTK. P.I.P.S., however, does not have its own UI libraries,
 so any P.I.P.S. based applications that require UI functionality must rely
 on the UI from the device manufacturer. As a consequence, for any UI program
-that uses P.I.P.S., there must be an interaction between Symbian platform
+that uses P.I.P.S., there must be an interaction between the Symbian platform
 native C++ and P.I.P.S. C code. </p> </section>
 <section id="GUID-3CA8FF29-79B4-5D43-8A23-EDB136BF7A8F"><title>One Definition
 Rule - warning</title> <p>Standard C++ states that the <keyword>One Definition
-Rule</keyword> (ODR) must be maintained within a program. </p> <p>Symbian
+Rule</keyword> (ODR) must be maintained within a program. </p> <p>The Symbian
 platform can neither check (without significant modifications) that the ODR
 is violated nor use the technique called symbol pre-emption to ensure that
 the ODR is enforced. </p> <p>Therefore, you must take care and must not assume