--- a/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-E10A3336-9C4C-59A5-B94F-6CECA92FFB9F.dita Tue Mar 30 11:42:04 2010 +0100
+++ b/Symbian3/PDK/Source/GUID-E10A3336-9C4C-59A5-B94F-6CECA92FFB9F.dita Tue Mar 30 11:56:28 2010 +0100
@@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
-<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
-"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
-and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
-<!-- Initial Contributors:
- Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-<!DOCTYPE task
- PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
-<task id="GUID-E10A3336-9C4C-59A5-B94F-6CECA92FFB9F" xml:lang="en"><title>Providing
-a Custom Resolver </title><shortdesc>The plug-in framework has a default resolver that selects an appropriate
-implementation to suit the client requests. If the algorithm used by the custom
-resolver is inappropriate, an interface definition can provide its own custom
-resolver. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody>
-<context><p>Custom resolvers are interface implementations that implement
-the <xref href="GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48.dita"><apiname>CResolver</apiname></xref> interface. They are instantiated by the framework
-in response to the <xref href="GUID-1344F049-81C4-3D17-AF46-8B5584680ADB.dita#GUID-1344F049-81C4-3D17-AF46-8B5584680ADB/GUID-C7F147AC-6D77-3169-AAB4-B27262B4333B"><apiname>REComSession::CreateImplementationL()</apiname></xref> calls
-that specify to use a particular custom resolver. Custom resolvers must confirm
-to other aspects of interface implementations, including providing registration
-resource information, and publishing its UID and factory function in an implementation
-proxy table. </p><note> Additionally, in order to be trusted by ECom, the
-plug-in must have the ProtServ capability set in the project file. </note><p>A
-custom resolver class must derive from <xref href="GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48.dita"><apiname>CResolver</apiname></xref>.
-The derived class must implement the following inherited functions: </p> </context>
-<steps id="GUID-B8CC6618-FF31-5E9E-9C74-EE029F6A4A6F">
-<step id="GUID-81A902BA-C325-556A-ACE4-1E945DD82731"><cmd/>
-<info>Implement a factory function that takes an <xref href="GUID-C6201A47-85A9-365C-9B28-48243FA6ACD0.dita"><apiname>MPublicRegistry</apiname></xref> object
-as input. <xref href="GUID-C6201A47-85A9-365C-9B28-48243FA6ACD0.dita"><apiname>MPublicRegistry</apiname></xref> provides the resolver with the
-list of the implementations registered with the plug-in framework that meet
-the requirements of the specified interface. </info>
-<step id="GUID-39F2C21F-C917-5D40-B6AE-61CF1C8852E7"><cmd/>
-<info>Implement the <xref href="GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48.dita#GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48/GUID-948455C3-D565-3D6E-ABD0-18E23C4D2C40"><apiname>CResolver::IdentifyImplementationL()</apiname></xref> function
-that takes the UID of the interface for which an implementation is requested.
-The resolver uses the resolution parameters and returns the UID of the best-fit
-implementation. The best-fit algorithm is specific to each custom resolver. </info>
-<info> <xref href="GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48.dita#GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48/GUID-948455C3-D565-3D6E-ABD0-18E23C4D2C40"><apiname>CResolver::IdentifyImplementationL()</apiname></xref> returns a list
-of all matching implementations. </info>
-<step id="GUID-3642618B-17BD-594F-8C0B-0985AC3B087F"><cmd/>
-<info>Implement the <xref href="GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48.dita#GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48/GUID-5FDD82E1-9538-3393-A892-44D577EC4090"><apiname>CResolver::ListAllL()</apiname></xref> function. </info>
-<example id="GUID-E1354F45-99FB-5509-B9E4-9E0B9E44C6F3"><title>Custom resolver
-example</title> <p>The following code depicts a sample customer resolver. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-552AC3FB-730E-54A6-91EC-EB5A6A65C0B1" xml:space="preserve">class CExampleResolver : public CResolver
- {
- // Factory function:
- static CExampleResolver* NewL(MPublicRegistry& aRegistry);
- ~CExampleResolver();
- // Implement IdentifyImplementationL()
- TUid IdentifyImplementationL(TUid aInterfaceUid,
- const TEComResolverParams& aParameters) const;
-// Implement ListAllL
- RImplInfoArray* ListAllL(TUid aInterfaceUid,
- const TEComResolverParams& aParameters) const;</codeblock> <p>The
-following code shows a sample standard registration resource required by a
-custom resolver. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-D4072E8E-DB0A-5B3B-ACC5-078F1C3FD83A" xml:space="preserve">RESOURCE REGISTRY_INFO theInfo
- {
- dll_uid = 0x10009DB3;
- interfaces =
- {
- // interface_uid value is always 0x10009D90.
- {
- interface_uid = 0x10009D90;
- implementations =
- {
- {
-// uid value is specific to individual resolvers
- implementation_uid = 0x10009DB4;
- version_no = 1;
-// unused fields
- display_name = "";
- default_data = "";
- opaque_data = "";
- }
- };
- }
- };
- }</codeblock> </example>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
+<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License
+"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution,
+and is available at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
+<!-- Initial Contributors:
+ Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+<!DOCTYPE task
+ PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
+<task id="GUID-E10A3336-9C4C-59A5-B94F-6CECA92FFB9F" xml:lang="en"><title>Providing
+a Custom Resolver </title><shortdesc>The plug-in framework has a default resolver that selects an appropriate
+implementation to suit the client requests. If the algorithm used by the custom
+resolver is inappropriate, an interface definition can provide its own custom
+resolver. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody>
+<context><p>Custom resolvers are interface implementations that implement
+the <xref href="GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48.dita"><apiname>CResolver</apiname></xref> interface. They are instantiated by the framework
+in response to the <xref href="GUID-1344F049-81C4-3D17-AF46-8B5584680ADB.dita#GUID-1344F049-81C4-3D17-AF46-8B5584680ADB/GUID-C7F147AC-6D77-3169-AAB4-B27262B4333B"><apiname>REComSession::CreateImplementationL()</apiname></xref> calls
+that specify to use a particular custom resolver. Custom resolvers must confirm
+to other aspects of interface implementations, including providing registration
+resource information, and publishing its UID and factory function in an implementation
+proxy table. </p><note> Additionally, in order to be trusted by ECom, the
+plug-in must have the ProtServ capability set in the project file. </note><p>A
+custom resolver class must derive from <xref href="GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48.dita"><apiname>CResolver</apiname></xref>.
+The derived class must implement the following inherited functions: </p> </context>
+<steps id="GUID-B8CC6618-FF31-5E9E-9C74-EE029F6A4A6F">
+<step id="GUID-81A902BA-C325-556A-ACE4-1E945DD82731"><cmd/>
+<info>Implement a factory function that takes an <xref href="GUID-C6201A47-85A9-365C-9B28-48243FA6ACD0.dita"><apiname>MPublicRegistry</apiname></xref> object
+as input. <xref href="GUID-C6201A47-85A9-365C-9B28-48243FA6ACD0.dita"><apiname>MPublicRegistry</apiname></xref> provides the resolver with the
+list of the implementations registered with the plug-in framework that meet
+the requirements of the specified interface. </info>
+<step id="GUID-39F2C21F-C917-5D40-B6AE-61CF1C8852E7"><cmd/>
+<info>Implement the <xref href="GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48.dita#GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48/GUID-948455C3-D565-3D6E-ABD0-18E23C4D2C40"><apiname>CResolver::IdentifyImplementationL()</apiname></xref> function
+that takes the UID of the interface for which an implementation is requested.
+The resolver uses the resolution parameters and returns the UID of the best-fit
+implementation. The best-fit algorithm is specific to each custom resolver. </info>
+<info> <xref href="GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48.dita#GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48/GUID-948455C3-D565-3D6E-ABD0-18E23C4D2C40"><apiname>CResolver::IdentifyImplementationL()</apiname></xref> returns a list
+of all matching implementations. </info>
+<step id="GUID-3642618B-17BD-594F-8C0B-0985AC3B087F"><cmd/>
+<info>Implement the <xref href="GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48.dita#GUID-38D97F70-383E-3950-B052-CB56965B0B48/GUID-5FDD82E1-9538-3393-A892-44D577EC4090"><apiname>CResolver::ListAllL()</apiname></xref> function. </info>
+<example id="GUID-E1354F45-99FB-5509-B9E4-9E0B9E44C6F3"><title>Custom resolver
+example</title> <p>The following code depicts a sample customer resolver. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-552AC3FB-730E-54A6-91EC-EB5A6A65C0B1" xml:space="preserve">class CExampleResolver : public CResolver
+ {
+ // Factory function:
+ static CExampleResolver* NewL(MPublicRegistry& aRegistry);
+ ~CExampleResolver();
+ // Implement IdentifyImplementationL()
+ TUid IdentifyImplementationL(TUid aInterfaceUid,
+ const TEComResolverParams& aParameters) const;
+// Implement ListAllL
+ RImplInfoArray* ListAllL(TUid aInterfaceUid,
+ const TEComResolverParams& aParameters) const;</codeblock> <p>The
+following code shows a sample standard registration resource required by a
+custom resolver. </p> <codeblock id="GUID-D4072E8E-DB0A-5B3B-ACC5-078F1C3FD83A" xml:space="preserve">RESOURCE REGISTRY_INFO theInfo
+ {
+ dll_uid = 0x10009DB3;
+ interfaces =
+ {
+ // interface_uid value is always 0x10009D90.
+ {
+ interface_uid = 0x10009D90;
+ implementations =
+ {
+ {
+// uid value is specific to individual resolvers
+ implementation_uid = 0x10009DB4;
+ version_no = 1;
+// unused fields
+ display_name = "";
+ default_data = "";
+ opaque_data = "";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ }</codeblock> </example>
\ No newline at end of file