author Graeme Price <GRAEME.PRICE@NOKIA.COM>
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 14:32:18 +0100
changeset 15 307f4279f433
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial contribution of the Adaptation Documentation.

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<task id="GUID-FA026EBD-7867-4A2C-9FA4-EC70A5243526" xml:lang="en"><title>Transferring Data with DMA</title><shortdesc>Explains how to transfer data using DMA.</shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><taskbody>
<prereq id="GUID-FCC97364-77B5-4AB9-AEBD-0F63500A522D"><p>The client
will typically have a DMA class containing pointers to:</p><ul>
<li><p>a <xref href="GUID-83882548-FAC5-3EFF-92ED-14D1D9A85D37.dita"><apiname>TDmaChannel</apiname></xref> object, </p> </li>
<li><p>one or more <xref href="GUID-780F4D53-5546-3B69-B328-0226C70EBDE2.dita"><apiname>DDmaRequest</apiname></xref> objects, </p></li>
<li><p>a <xref href="GUID-E675237D-0D05-30A3-9B82-DDD3D0F41E79.dita"><apiname>TDfcQueue</apiname></xref> object, and</p></li>
<li><p>a callback which returns when the data transfer completes (successfully
or not).</p></li>
</ul><p>These classes are discussed in <xref href="GUID-D5ED62EB-744D-42EB-B8CF-D5623BDA5B38.dita">DMA OS Interface</xref>.</p></prereq>
<context id="GUID-EAC78622-0692-4FBE-81FE-553F838A77DD"><p>To allow
a client application to receive or transmit a block of data by DMA
you set up a transfer between a source or a destination buffer and
a source or a destination peripheral. Data is copied between the client
process and kernel memory by IPC form data transfer between two buffers.
When a shared chunk or a shared data buffer is used, copying of data
to kernel memory is required. At the level of implementation there
is no difference between receiving and transmitting. Client drivers
using DMA sometimes have separate receive and transmit functions defined
from the driver point of view.</p><p>You transfer data in this sequence:</p><ul>
<li><p>Open a DMA channel.</p></li>
<li><p>Fragment the data if necessary.</p></li>
<li><p>Queue the transfer.</p></li>
<li><p>Close the channel.</p></li>
</ul><p>Example code in this tutorial is taken from the <xref href="GUID-8CC3B265-C29E-3FDB-ACE8-ACC49B9E69D5.dita"><apiname>DMemoryCardDma</apiname></xref> class which transfers data to and from MMC cards by DMA.</p></context>
<steps id="GUID-4DD07DEC-6017-4237-BE46-1D69E5FBD744-GENID-1-2-1-10-1-5-1-5-1-1-7-1-9-1-7-1-3-3">
<step id="GUID-9A69E5AD-E938-4092-A8C2-CB65C37C8962-GENID-1-2-1-10-1-5-1-5-1-1-7-1-9-1-7-1-3-3-1"><cmd>Initialize
the client object by allocating a request and setting buffers.</cmd>
<info><codeblock xml:space="preserve">     //pre-allocate space for DDmaRequest
     iDMARequest = (DDmaRequest*)Kern::AllocZ(sizeof(DDmaRequest));       
     // Check Buffer Length
     if (aBuffLen)
         // Set Buffer Start
         iBufferStart = (TUint32)aBuffer;
         // Set Buffer End
         iBufferEnd   = iBufferStart + aBuffLen;
         // Set DFC Queue
         iDfcQue      = aDfcQue;
         return KErrNone;
<stepresult>The client object is now initialized.</stepresult>
<step id="GUID-9A69E5AD-E938-4092-A8C2-CB65C37C8962-GENID-1-2-1-10-1-5-1-5-1-1-7-1-9-1-7-1-3-3-2"><cmd>Open the
channel by creating an <xref href="GUID-4057074E-2543-3F01-B24A-7FF8A19F79AF.dita"><apiname>SCreateInfo</apiname></xref> object and initializing
it as follows:</cmd>
<substeps id="GUID-53B21565-D779-4B76-A8BA-8C9059CB15B4">
<substep id="GUID-3620E00A-FDE2-4EA3-9FB2-9D67AD0370AC"><cmd>Set the <xref href="GUID-B05C7976-F917-3CFC-9979-86FAC864CB4E.dita"><apiname>iCookie</apiname></xref> member to a platform specific channel identifier.</cmd>
<substep id="GUID-1890DE64-D53B-4003-9419-ECC778D663FB"><cmd>Set the <xref href="GUID-84246C3A-C8C9-3839-B8C1-8BF05C826338.dita"><apiname>iDesCount</apiname></xref> member to the number of descriptors the channel
can use.</cmd>
<info><p>The value should be set to a value based on number of simultaneous
transfers, transfer length and type of memory used for transfer. If
you select too high a value, no descriptors will be left for other
clients, and if you select too low a value the transfer may fail. </p></info>
<substep id="GUID-FF5BB11D-C922-47A1-ADB8-1A7321C0931F"><cmd>Set the <xref href="GUID-D9C831A3-4841-3E4F-BFEC-8D3997BEEFFF.dita"><apiname>iDfcPriority</apiname></xref> member to the DFC priority. </cmd>
<substep id="GUID-F1D4A3C1-6E81-4FA4-99D0-E127FCD2C004"><cmd>Set the <xref href="GUID-EC191BDB-5C89-3359-9C45-748C96EF08C1.dita"><apiname>iDfcQueue</apiname></xref> member to the client class queue: it will be
used to service transfer completion events.</cmd>
<stepxmp><codeblock xml:space="preserve">     // Open and configure the channel
     if (!iDMAChannelOpen)
         if (!iDfcQue)
             return KErrGeneral;
         TDmaChannel::SCreateInfo info;
         info.iCookie = (TUint32)iChannelId;
         info.iDesCount = 3;
         info.iDfcPriority = 3;
         info.iDfcQ = iDfcQue;
<stepresult>The channel is now initialized.</stepresult>
<step id="GUID-9A69E5AD-E938-4092-A8C2-CB65C37C8962-GENID-1-2-1-10-1-5-1-5-1-1-7-1-9-1-7-1-3-3-3"><cmd>Pass the <xref href="GUID-4057074E-2543-3F01-B24A-7FF8A19F79AF.dita"><apiname>SCreateInfo</apiname></xref> object and a channel ID to the <xref href="GUID-20D0D10F-3401-3F72-8AF6-DC35F6025DC2.dita"><apiname>Open()</apiname></xref> function of <xref href="GUID-83882548-FAC5-3EFF-92ED-14D1D9A85D37.dita"><apiname>TDmaChannel</apiname></xref> to open a DMA channel.</cmd>
<info><p> This is not necessary if the channel is already open due
to a previous transfer request by the same application on the same
<stepxmp><codeblock xml:space="preserve">         // Open DMA Channel
         r = TDmaChannel::Open(info, iDMAChannel);
         if (r)
             return r;
         // Set DMA Channel Open
         iDMAChannelOpen = ETrue;
<info>At what point you open the channel depends on platform configuration.
If a channel is dedicated to a particular function such as USB, it
is typically opened by the channel constructor method and closed by
the destructor as there is never any contention for it. In other cases,
you must open the channel at the start of a transfer and close it
at the end.</info>
<stepresult>The channel is now open.</stepresult>
<step id="GUID-9A69E5AD-E938-4092-A8C2-CB65C37C8962-GENID-1-2-1-10-1-5-1-5-1-1-7-1-9-1-7-1-3-3-4"><cmd>Call the <xref href="GUID-27816E89-D612-30BE-BC4B-50B892223918.dita"><apiname>Fragment()</apiname></xref> function of <xref href="GUID-780F4D53-5546-3B69-B328-0226C70EBDE2.dita"><apiname>DDmaRequest</apiname></xref> to
fragment the data.</cmd>
<info>:If your buffers are cacheable you must flush them before a
write transfer and both before and after a read transfer, using these
functions of the <xref href="GUID-4425E698-EE8A-369B-92CD-09B1CBD2911F.dita"><apiname>Cache</apiname></xref> class:<ul>
<li><p><codeph>Cache::SyncMemoryBeforeDmaWrite()</codeph> (takes source
buffer as argument)</p></li>
<li><p><codeph>Cache::SyncMemoryBeforeDmaRead()</codeph> (takes destination
buffer as argument)</p></li>
<li><p><codeph>Cache::SyncMemoryAfterDmaRead()</codeph> (takes destination
buffer as argument)</p></li>
<stepresult>The data is now fragmented.</stepresult>
<step id="GUID-99DC4339-5C3E-42AC-BE71-5FED662A6C3A"><cmd>Call the <xref href="GUID-78F37FB6-1286-39CD-80A5-24DA9F27A9AF.dita"><apiname>Queue()</apiname></xref> function of <xref href="GUID-83882548-FAC5-3EFF-92ED-14D1D9A85D37.dita"><apiname>TDmaChannel</apiname></xref> to queue
the data on the channel.</cmd>
<stepxmp><codeblock xml:space="preserve">     TInt retval = KErrNone;
     if (iDMABusy)
         if (iDMAChannel)
     iDMABusy = ETrue;
     iDMAReadStarted = EFalse;
     if (!iDMAChannelOpen)
          retval = Open();
     if (iDMAChannelOpen)
         iDMADestination = aDest;
         iDMACount       = aCount;
         // aDest cached, ivalidate RAM
         Cache::SyncMemoryBeforeDmaRead(aDest, aCount);
         retval = iDMARequest ? iDMARequest-&gt;Fragment(EDmaSDMMC, aDest, aCount, KDmaMemDest | KDmaIncDest, 0 /* no HW Flags*/) : KErrGeneral;
         if (retval)
            return retval;
         iDMAReadStarted = ETrue;
         if (iDMARequest)
<stepresult><p>The data is now queued on the channel.</p></stepresult>
<step id="GUID-DA024D3E-F088-4BEC-BC20-DD467D11928F"><cmd>Close the
channel. First check whether the channel is busy and take appropriate
action if it is (in the following example code you cancel all pending
transfers). Then call the <xref href="GUID-01D2AF56-21E1-3FF3-BF86-0C356A1658EF.dita"><apiname>Close()</apiname></xref> function of <xref href="GUID-83882548-FAC5-3EFF-92ED-14D1D9A85D37.dita"><apiname>TDmaChannel</apiname></xref>.</cmd>
<stepxmp><codeblock xml:space="preserve">    if (iDMAChannelOpen &amp;&amp; iDMAChannel &amp;&amp; !iDMABusy)
         iDMARequestsCount = 0;      // All DMA requests have been now canceled!
         if (iDMARequest)
             //just call destructor explicitly and the object can reused
<stepresult><p>The channel is now closed.</p></stepresult>
<result id="GUID-7BF6DAFD-2B40-4F3F-889D-F8FDDEFF091C"><p>You have
now conducted a data transfer by DMA.</p></result>