diff -r f345bda72bc4 -r 43e37759235e Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/_drive_info_8cpp-source.html --- a/Symbian3/Examples/guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/_drive_info_8cpp-source.html Tue Mar 30 11:56:28 2010 +0100 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ - - -TB10.1 Example Applications: examples/Base/FileServer/DriveInfo/DriveInfo.cpp Source File - - - - -


00001 // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-00002 // All rights reserved.
-00003 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-00004 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-00005 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-00006 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-00007 //
-00008 // Initial Contributors:
-00009 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-00010 //
-00011 // Contributors:
-00012 //
-00013 // Description:
-00014 //
-00017 #include <f32file.h>
-00018 #include "CommonFramework.h"
-00021 LOCAL_D RFs fsSession;
-00023 // example functions
-00024 void PrintDriveVolInfoL();
-00026 // utility functions
-00027 void FormatDriveInfo(TDes& aBuffer, const TDriveInfo aDriveInfo);
-00028 void FormatVolumeInfo(TDes& aBuffer, const TVolumeInfo aVolumeInfo);
-00030 void WaitForKey()
-00031         {
-00032         _LIT(KMessage,"Press any key to continue\n\n");
-00033         console->Printf(KMessage);
-00034         console->Getch();
-00035         }
-00037 // do the example
-00038 LOCAL_C void doExampleL()
-00039     {
-00040         // Connect to file server
-00041         User::LeaveIfError(fsSession.Connect()); // Start session
-00042         PrintDriveVolInfoL();
-00043         fsSession.Close(); // close file server session
-00044         }
-00046 void PrintDriveVolInfoL()
-00047         {
-00048         _LIT(KMessage,"PrintDriveVolInfoL()\n");
-00049         _LIT(KValidDriveMsg,"\nValid drives as characters (and as numbers) are:\n");
-00050         _LIT(KDriveChar,"%c");
-00051         _LIT(KDriveNum,"(%d) ");
-00052         _LIT(KNewLine,"\n");
-00053         _LIT(KAvailDriveMsg,"\nUsing DriveList(), available drives are: ");
-00054         _LIT(KDriveAtts,"%c: %02x ");
-00055         _LIT(KDriveInfo,"\nDrive information for %c: drive is:\n%S");
-00056         _LIT(KVolInfo,"\nVolume information for %c: is:\n%S");
-00058         console->Printf(KMessage);
-00060         // Print the valid drives as characters and as numbers. 
-00061         // Then print the drive list (list of available drives), and
-00062         // information about each drive in the list using Drive(). 
-00063         // Finally, print volume information.
-00065         console->Printf(KValidDriveMsg);
-00067         TInt driveNumber=EDriveA; 
-00068         TChar driveLetter; 
-00069         for (; driveNumber<=EDriveZ; driveNumber++)
-00070                 {
-00071                 if (fsSession.IsValidDrive(driveNumber))
-00072                         {
-00073                         fsSession.DriveToChar(driveNumber,driveLetter);
-00074                         console->Printf(KDriveChar,TUint(driveLetter));
-00075                         fsSession.CharToDrive(driveLetter, driveNumber);
-00076                         console->Printf(KDriveNum,driveNumber);
-00077                         }
-00078                 }
-00079         console->Printf(KNewLine);
-00081         TDriveList drivelist; 
-00082         User::LeaveIfError(fsSession.DriveList(drivelist));
-00083         // A TDriveList (the list of available drives), is an array of 
-00084         // 26 bytes. Each byte with a non zero value signifies that the 
-00085         // corresponding drive is available.
-00087         console->Printf(KAvailDriveMsg);
-00088         for (driveNumber=EDriveA; driveNumber<=EDriveZ;driveNumber++)
-00089                 {
-00090                 if (drivelist[driveNumber]) // if drive-list entry non-zero, drive is available
-00091                         {
-00092                         TInt err = fsSession.DriveToChar(driveNumber,driveLetter);
-00093                         if(err == KErrNone)
-00094                                 {
-00095                                 // The following line prints the drive letter followed by the hex value 
-00096                                 // of the integer indicating that drive's attributes 
-00097                                 console->Printf(KDriveAtts,TUint(driveLetter), drivelist[driveNumber]);
-00098                                 }
-00099                         else if(err == KErrArgument)
-00100                                 {
-00101                                 _LIT(KTextInvalidDriveNumber, "Drive Number %d is invalid\n");
-00102                                 console->Printf(KTextInvalidDriveNumber, driveNumber);
-00103                                 }
-00104                         else
-00105                                 {
-00106                                 _LIT(KTextErrCode, "DriveToChar() returned %d error code");
-00107                                 console->Printf(KTextErrCode, err);
-00108                                 }
-00109                         }
-00110                 }
-00111         console->Printf(KNewLine);
-00113         // Print information about available drives 
-00115         TBuf<200> buffer;
-00116         TDriveInfo driveInfo; 
-00117         for (driveNumber=EDriveA; driveNumber<=EDriveZ; driveNumber++)
-00118                 {
-00119                 fsSession.Drive(driveInfo,driveNumber);
-00120                 if (TInt(driveInfo.iDriveAtt)==KDriveAbsent)
-00121                         // test whether drive is available. If not, skip to next drive
-00122                         continue;
-00123                 FormatDriveInfo(buffer,driveInfo);
-00124                 TInt errNum = fsSession.DriveToChar(driveNumber,driveLetter);
-00125                 if(errNum == KErrNone)
-00126                         {
-00127                         console->Printf(KDriveInfo,TUint(driveLetter),&buffer);
-00128                         buffer.Zero();
-00129                         WaitForKey();
-00130                         }
-00131                 }
-00133         // Print volume information for all available drives. TVolumeInfo
-00134         // provides drive information, and additional information about
-00135         // the volume. Just print out the volume information.
-00137         TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
-00138         for (driveNumber=EDriveA; driveNumber<=EDriveZ; driveNumber++)
-00139                 {
-00140                 TInt err=fsSession.Volume(volumeInfo,driveNumber);
-00141                 if (err!=KErrNotReady) 
-00142                         // Volume() returns KErrNotReady if no volume present.
-00143                         // In this case, check next drive number
-00144                         {
-00145                         buffer.Zero();
-00146                         FormatVolumeInfo(buffer,volumeInfo);
-00147                         TInt errNum = fsSession.DriveToChar(driveNumber,driveLetter);
-00148                         if(errNum == KErrNone)
-00149                                 {
-00150                                 console->Printf(KVolInfo,
-00151                                 (TUint)driveLetter,&buffer);
-00152                                 WaitForKey();
-00153                                 }                       
-00154                         }
-00155                 }
-00156         }
-00158 void FormatDriveInfo(TDes& aBuffer, const TDriveInfo aDriveInfo)
-00159         {
-00160         // Append battery, media and drive information to aBuffer
-00161         // Define descriptor constants using the _LIT macro 
-00162         _LIT(KFormatString,"iType=%02x,iBattery=%02x,iDriveAtt=%02x,iMediaAtt=%02x\n");
-00163         _LIT(KBatLow,"Battery low\n");
-00164         _LIT(KBatGood,"Battery good\n");
-00165         _LIT(KBatNotSupported,"Battery not supported\n");
-00166         _LIT(KNotPresent,"No media present\n");
-00167         _LIT(KFloppy,"Media is floppy disk\n");
-00168         _LIT(KHard,"Media is hard disk\n");
-00169         _LIT(KCDROM,"Media is CD-ROM\n");
-00170         _LIT(KRam,"Media is RAM\n");
-00171         _LIT(KFlash,"Media is flash\n");
-00172         _LIT(KRom,"Media is ROM\n");
-00173         _LIT(KRemote,"Media is remote\n");
-00174         _LIT(KNANDFlash,"Media is NAND flash\n");
-00175         _LIT(KUnknown,"Media unknown\n");
-00176         _LIT(KDriveAtts,"Drive attributes:");
-00177         _LIT(KLocal," local");
-00178         _LIT(KROMDrive," ROM");
-00179         _LIT(KRedirected," redirected");
-00180         _LIT(KSubstituted," substituted");
-00181         _LIT(KInternal," internal");
-00182         _LIT(KRemovable," removable");
-00183         _LIT(KMediaAtts,"\nMedia attributes:");
-00184         _LIT(KDynamic," dynamic");
-00185         _LIT(KDual," dual-density");
-00186         _LIT(KFormattable," formattable");
-00187         _LIT(KLockable," lockable");
-00188         _LIT(KLocked," locked");
-00189         _LIT(KHasPassword," has password");
-00190         _LIT(KWriteProtected," write-protected");
-00191         _LIT(KNewLine,"\n");
-00193         aBuffer.AppendFormat(KFormatString, TInt(aDriveInfo.iType), 
-00194                 TInt(aDriveInfo.iBattery), TInt(aDriveInfo.iDriveAtt), TInt(aDriveInfo.iMediaAtt));
-00196         switch (aDriveInfo.iBattery)
-00197                 {
-00198                 case EBatLow:
-00199                         aBuffer.Append(KBatLow);
-00200                         break;
-00201                 case EBatGood:
-00202                         aBuffer.Append(KBatGood);
-00203                         break;
-00204                 default:
-00205                         aBuffer.Append(KBatNotSupported);
-00206                 }
-00208         switch (aDriveInfo.iType)
-00209                         {
-00210                 case EMediaNotPresent:
-00211                         aBuffer.Append(KNotPresent);                    
-00212                         break;
-00213                 case EMediaFloppy:
-00214                         aBuffer.Append(KFloppy);
-00215                         break;
-00216                 case EMediaHardDisk:    
-00217                         aBuffer.Append(KHard);
-00218                         break;
-00219                 case EMediaCdRom:
-00220                         aBuffer.Append(KCDROM);
-00221                         break;
-00222                 case EMediaRam:
-00223                         aBuffer.Append(KRam);
-00224                         break;
-00225                 case EMediaFlash:
-00226                         aBuffer.Append(KFlash);
-00227                         break;
-00228                 case EMediaRom:
-00229                         aBuffer.Append(KRom);
-00230                         break;
-00231                 case EMediaRemote:
-00232                         aBuffer.Append(KRemote);
-00233                         break;
-00234                 case EMediaNANDFlash:
-00235             aBuffer.Append(KNANDFlash);
-00236                         break;
-00237                 default: 
-00238                         aBuffer.Append(KUnknown);
-00240                 }
-00241                 aBuffer.Append(KDriveAtts);
-00242                 if (aDriveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttLocal)
-00243                         aBuffer.Append(KLocal);
-00244                 if (aDriveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRom)
-00245                         aBuffer.Append(KROMDrive);
-00246                 if (aDriveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRedirected)
-00247                         aBuffer.Append(KRedirected);
-00248                 if (aDriveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttSubsted)
-00249                         aBuffer.Append(KSubstituted);
-00250                 if (aDriveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttInternal)
-00251                         aBuffer.Append(KInternal);
-00252                 if (aDriveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRemovable)
-00253                         aBuffer.Append(KRemovable);
-00254                 aBuffer.Append(KMediaAtts);
-00255                 if (aDriveInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttVariableSize)
-00256                         aBuffer.Append(KDynamic);
-00257                 if (aDriveInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttDualDensity)
-00258                         aBuffer.Append(KDual);
-00259                 if (aDriveInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttFormattable)
-00260                         aBuffer.Append(KFormattable);
-00261                 if (aDriveInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttWriteProtected)
-00262                         aBuffer.Append(KWriteProtected);
-00263                 if (aDriveInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLockable)
-00264                         aBuffer.Append(KLockable);
-00265                 if (aDriveInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked)
-00266                         aBuffer.Append(KLocked);
-00267                 if (aDriveInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttHasPassword)
-00268                         aBuffer.Append(KHasPassword);
-00269                 aBuffer.Append(KNewLine);
-00270         }
-00272 void FormatVolumeInfo(TDes& aBuffer, const TVolumeInfo aVolumeInfo)
-00273         {
-00274         // Append volume information to aBuffer
-00275         _LIT(KUID,"Unique ID: %08x\n");
-00276         _LIT(KSize,"Size: %Ld bytes\n");
-00277         _LIT(KFree,"Free space: %Ld bytes\n");
-00278         _LIT(KVolName,"Volume name: %S\n");
-00279         aBuffer.AppendFormat(KUID,aVolumeInfo.iUniqueID);
-00280         aBuffer.AppendFormat(KSize,aVolumeInfo.iSize);
-00281         aBuffer.AppendFormat(KFree,aVolumeInfo.iFree);
-00282         aBuffer.AppendFormat(KVolName,&aVolumeInfo.iName);
-00283         }

Generated on Thu Jan 21 10:32:56 2010 for TB10.1 Example Applications by  - -doxygen 1.5.3
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