1 #include <QtGui> |
2 #include "doxywizard.h" |
3 #include "version.h" |
4 #include "expert.h" |
5 #include "wizard.h" |
6 |
7 const int messageTimeout = 5000; //!< status bar message timeout in millisec. |
8 |
9 MainWindow &MainWindow::instance() |
10 { |
11 static MainWindow *theInstance = new MainWindow; |
12 return *theInstance; |
13 } |
14 |
15 MainWindow::MainWindow() |
16 : m_settings(QString::fromAscii("Doxygen.org"), QString::fromAscii("Doxywizard")) |
17 { |
18 QMenu *file = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("File")); |
19 file->addAction(tr("Open..."), |
20 this, SLOT(openConfig()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_O); |
21 m_recentMenu = file->addMenu(tr("Open recent")); |
22 file->addAction(tr("Save"), |
23 this, SLOT(saveConfig()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_S); |
24 file->addAction(tr("Save as..."), |
25 this, SLOT(saveConfigAs()), Qt::SHIFT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_S); |
26 file->addAction(tr("Quit"), |
27 this, SLOT(quit()), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Q); |
28 |
29 QMenu *settings = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Settings")); |
30 settings->addAction(tr("Reset to factory defaults"), |
31 this,SLOT(resetToDefaults())); |
32 settings->addAction(tr("Use current settings at startup"), |
33 this,SLOT(makeDefaults())); |
34 |
35 QMenu *help = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Help")); |
36 help->addAction(tr("Online manual"), |
37 this, SLOT(manual()), Qt::Key_F1); |
38 help->addAction(tr("About"), |
39 this, SLOT(about()) ); |
40 |
41 m_expert = new Expert; |
42 m_wizard = new Wizard(m_expert->modelData()); |
43 |
44 // ----------- top part ------------------ |
45 QWidget *topPart = new QWidget; |
46 QVBoxLayout *rowLayout = new QVBoxLayout(topPart); |
47 |
48 // select working directory |
49 QHBoxLayout *dirLayout = new QHBoxLayout; |
50 m_workingDir = new QLineEdit; |
51 m_selWorkingDir = new QPushButton(tr("Select...")); |
52 dirLayout->addWidget(m_workingDir); |
53 dirLayout->addWidget(m_selWorkingDir); |
54 |
55 //------------- bottom part -------------- |
56 QWidget *runTab = new QWidget; |
57 QVBoxLayout *runTabLayout = new QVBoxLayout(runTab); |
58 |
59 // run doxygen |
60 QHBoxLayout *runLayout = new QHBoxLayout; |
61 m_run = new QPushButton(tr("Run doxygen")); |
62 m_run->setEnabled(false); |
63 m_runStatus = new QLabel(tr("Status: not running")); |
64 m_saveLog = new QPushButton(tr("Save log...")); |
65 m_saveLog->setEnabled(false); |
66 QPushButton *showSettings = new QPushButton(tr("Show configuration")); |
67 runLayout->addWidget(m_run); |
68 runLayout->addWidget(m_runStatus); |
69 runLayout->addStretch(1); |
70 runLayout->addWidget(showSettings); |
71 runLayout->addWidget(m_saveLog); |
72 |
73 // output produced by doxygen |
74 runTabLayout->addLayout(runLayout); |
75 runTabLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Output produced by doxygen"))); |
76 QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout; |
77 m_outputLog = new QTextEdit; |
78 m_outputLog->setReadOnly(true); |
79 m_outputLog->setFontFamily(QString::fromAscii("courier")); |
80 m_outputLog->setMinimumWidth(600); |
81 grid->addWidget(m_outputLog,0,0); |
82 grid->setColumnStretch(0,1); |
83 grid->setRowStretch(0,1); |
84 QHBoxLayout *launchLayout = new QHBoxLayout; |
85 m_launchHtml = new QPushButton(tr("Show HTML output")); |
86 launchLayout->addWidget(m_launchHtml); |
87 |
88 launchLayout->addStretch(1); |
89 grid->addLayout(launchLayout,1,0); |
90 runTabLayout->addLayout(grid); |
91 |
92 QTabWidget *tabs = new QTabWidget; |
93 tabs->addTab(m_wizard,tr("Wizard")); |
94 tabs->addTab(m_expert,tr("Expert")); |
95 tabs->addTab(runTab,tr("Run")); |
96 |
97 rowLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Step 1: Specify the working directory from which doxygen will run"))); |
98 rowLayout->addLayout(dirLayout); |
99 rowLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Step 2: Configure doxygen using the Wizard and/or Expert tab, then switch to the Run tab to generate the documentation"))); |
100 rowLayout->addWidget(tabs); |
101 |
102 setCentralWidget(topPart); |
103 statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Welcome to Doxygen"),messageTimeout); |
104 loadSettings(); |
105 |
106 m_runProcess = new QProcess; |
107 m_running = false; |
108 m_timer = new QTimer; |
109 updateLaunchButtonState(); |
110 m_modified = false; |
111 updateTitle(); |
112 |
113 // connect signals and slots |
114 connect(tabs,SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)),SLOT(selectTab(int))); |
115 connect(m_selWorkingDir,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(selectWorkingDir())); |
116 connect(m_recentMenu,SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)),SLOT(openRecent(QAction*))); |
117 connect(m_workingDir,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),SLOT(updateWorkingDir())); |
118 connect(m_runProcess,SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()),SLOT(readStdout())); |
119 connect(m_runProcess,SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)),SLOT(runComplete())); |
120 connect(m_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),SLOT(readStdout())); |
121 connect(m_run,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(runDoxygen())); |
122 connect(m_launchHtml,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(showHtmlOutput())); |
123 connect(m_saveLog,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(saveLog())); |
124 connect(showSettings,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(showSettings())); |
125 connect(m_expert,SIGNAL(changed()),SLOT(configChanged())); |
126 } |
127 |
128 void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) |
129 { |
130 if (discardUnsavedChanges()) |
131 { |
132 saveSettings(); |
133 event->accept(); |
134 } |
135 else |
136 { |
137 event->ignore(); |
138 } |
139 } |
140 |
141 void MainWindow::quit() |
142 { |
143 if (discardUnsavedChanges()) |
144 { |
145 saveSettings(); |
146 } |
147 QApplication::exit(0); |
148 } |
149 |
150 void MainWindow::setWorkingDir(const QString &dirName) |
151 { |
152 QDir::setCurrent(dirName); |
153 m_workingDir->setText(dirName); |
154 m_run->setEnabled(!dirName.isEmpty()); |
155 } |
156 |
157 void MainWindow::selectWorkingDir() |
158 { |
159 QString dirName = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, |
160 tr("Select working directory"),m_workingDir->text()); |
161 if (!dirName.isEmpty()) |
162 { |
163 setWorkingDir(dirName); |
164 } |
165 } |
166 |
167 void MainWindow::updateWorkingDir() |
168 { |
169 setWorkingDir(m_workingDir->text()); |
170 } |
171 |
172 void MainWindow::manual() |
173 { |
174 QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(QString::fromAscii("http://www.doxygen.org/manual.html"))); |
175 } |
176 |
177 void MainWindow::about() |
178 { |
179 QString msg; |
180 QTextStream t(&msg,QIODevice::WriteOnly); |
181 t << QString::fromAscii("<qt><center>A tool to configure and run doxygen version ")+ |
182 QString::fromAscii(versionString)+ |
183 QString::fromAscii(" on your source files.</center><p><br>" |
184 "<center>Written by<br> Dimitri van Heesch<br>© 2000-2009</center><p>" |
185 "</qt>"); |
186 QMessageBox::about(this,tr("Doxygen GUI"),msg); |
187 } |
188 |
189 void MainWindow::openConfig() |
190 { |
191 if (discardUnsavedChanges(false)) |
192 { |
193 QString fn = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, |
194 tr("Open configuration file"), |
195 m_workingDir->text()); |
196 if (!fn.isEmpty()) |
197 { |
198 loadConfigFromFile(fn); |
199 } |
200 } |
201 } |
202 |
203 void MainWindow::updateConfigFileName(const QString &fileName) |
204 { |
205 if (m_fileName!=fileName) |
206 { |
207 m_fileName = fileName; |
208 QString curPath = QFileInfo(fileName).path(); |
209 setWorkingDir(curPath); |
210 addRecentFile(fileName); |
211 updateTitle(); |
212 } |
213 } |
214 |
215 void MainWindow::loadConfigFromFile(const QString & fileName) |
216 { |
217 m_expert->loadConfig(fileName); |
218 m_wizard->refresh(); |
219 updateConfigFileName(fileName); |
220 updateLaunchButtonState(); |
221 m_modified = false; |
222 updateTitle(); |
223 } |
224 |
225 void MainWindow::saveConfig(const QString &fileName) |
226 { |
227 if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; |
228 QFile f(fileName); |
229 if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) |
230 { |
231 QMessageBox::warning(this, |
232 tr("Error saving"), |
233 tr("Error: cannot open the file ")+fileName+tr(" for writing!\n")+ |
234 tr("Reason given: ")+f.error()); |
235 return; |
236 } |
237 QTextStream t(&f); |
238 m_expert->writeConfig(t,false); |
239 updateConfigFileName(fileName); |
240 m_modified = false; |
241 updateTitle(); |
242 } |
243 |
244 bool MainWindow::saveConfig() |
245 { |
246 if (m_fileName.isEmpty()) |
247 { |
248 return saveConfigAs(); |
249 } |
250 else |
251 { |
252 saveConfig(m_fileName); |
253 return true; |
254 } |
255 } |
256 |
257 bool MainWindow::saveConfigAs() |
258 { |
259 QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, QString(), |
260 m_workingDir->text()+QString::fromAscii("/Doxyfile")); |
261 if (fileName.isEmpty()) return false; |
262 saveConfig(fileName); |
263 return true; |
264 } |
265 |
266 void MainWindow::makeDefaults() |
267 { |
268 if (QMessageBox::question(this,tr("Use current setting at startup?"), |
269 tr("Do you want to save the current settings " |
270 "and use them next time Doxywizard starts?"), |
271 QMessageBox::Save| |
272 QMessageBox::Cancel)==QMessageBox::Save) |
273 { |
274 //printf("MainWindow:makeDefaults()\n"); |
275 m_expert->saveSettings(&m_settings); |
276 m_settings.setValue(QString::fromAscii("wizard/loadsettings"), true); |
277 } |
278 } |
279 |
280 void MainWindow::resetToDefaults() |
281 { |
282 if (QMessageBox::question(this,tr("Reset settings to their default values?"), |
283 tr("Do you want to revert all settings back " |
284 "to their original values?"), |
285 QMessageBox::Reset| |
286 QMessageBox::Cancel)==QMessageBox::Reset) |
287 { |
288 //printf("MainWindow:resetToDefaults()\n"); |
289 m_expert->resetToDefaults(); |
290 m_settings.setValue(QString::fromAscii("wizard/loadsettings"), false); |
291 m_wizard->refresh(); |
292 } |
293 } |
294 |
295 void MainWindow::loadSettings() |
296 { |
297 QVariant geometry = m_settings.value(QString::fromAscii("main/geometry"), QVariant::Invalid); |
298 QVariant state = m_settings.value(QString::fromAscii("main/state"), QVariant::Invalid); |
299 QVariant wizState = m_settings.value(QString::fromAscii("wizard/state"), QVariant::Invalid); |
300 QVariant loadSettings = m_settings.value(QString::fromAscii("wizard/loadsettings"), QVariant::Invalid); |
301 |
302 if (geometry !=QVariant::Invalid) restoreGeometry(geometry.toByteArray()); |
303 if (state !=QVariant::Invalid) restoreState (state.toByteArray()); |
304 if (wizState !=QVariant::Invalid) m_wizard->restoreState(wizState.toByteArray()); |
305 if (loadSettings!=QVariant::Invalid && loadSettings.toBool()) |
306 { |
307 m_expert->loadSettings(&m_settings); |
308 } |
309 |
310 for (int i=0;i<10;i++) |
311 { |
312 QString entry = m_settings.value(QString().sprintf("recent/config%d",i)).toString(); |
313 if (!entry.isEmpty()) addRecentFile(entry); |
314 } |
315 |
316 } |
317 |
318 void MainWindow::saveSettings() |
319 { |
320 QSettings settings(QString::fromAscii("Doxygen.org"), QString::fromAscii("Doxywizard")); |
321 |
322 m_settings.setValue(QString::fromAscii("main/geometry"), saveGeometry()); |
323 m_settings.setValue(QString::fromAscii("main/state"), saveState()); |
324 m_settings.setValue(QString::fromAscii("wizard/state"), m_wizard->saveState()); |
325 } |
326 |
327 void MainWindow::selectTab(int id) |
328 { |
329 if (id==0) m_wizard->refresh(); |
330 } |
331 |
332 void MainWindow::addRecentFile(const QString &fileName) |
333 { |
334 int i=m_recentFiles.indexOf(fileName); |
335 if (i!=-1) m_recentFiles.removeAt(i); |
336 |
337 // not found |
338 if (m_recentFiles.count() < 10) // append |
339 { |
340 m_recentFiles.prepend(fileName); |
341 } |
342 else // add + drop last item |
343 { |
344 m_recentFiles.removeLast(); |
345 m_recentFiles.prepend(fileName); |
346 } |
347 m_recentMenu->clear(); |
348 i=0; |
349 foreach( QString str, m_recentFiles ) |
350 { |
351 m_recentMenu->addAction(str); |
352 m_settings.setValue(QString().sprintf("recent/config%d",i++),str); |
353 } |
354 } |
355 |
356 void MainWindow::openRecent(QAction *action) |
357 { |
358 if (discardUnsavedChanges(false)) |
359 { |
360 loadConfigFromFile(action->text()); |
361 } |
362 } |
363 |
364 void MainWindow::runDoxygen() |
365 { |
366 if (!m_running) |
367 { |
368 QString doxygenPath; |
369 #if defined(Q_OS_MACX) |
370 doxygenPath = qApp->applicationDirPath()+QString::fromAscii("/../Resources/"); |
371 qDebug() << tr("Doxygen path: ") << doxygenPath; |
372 if ( !QFile(doxygenPath + QString::fromAscii("doxygen")).exists() ) |
373 { |
374 // No doygen binary in the resources, if there is a system doxygen binary, use that instead |
375 if ( QFile(QString::fromAscii("/usr/local/bin/doxygen")).exists() ) |
376 { |
377 doxygenPath = QString::fromAscii("/usr/local/bin/"); |
378 } |
379 else |
380 { |
381 qDebug() << tr("Can't find the doxygen command, make sure it's in your $$PATH"); |
382 doxygenPath = QString::fromAscii(""); |
383 } |
384 } |
385 qDebug() << tr("Getting doxygen from: ") << doxygenPath; |
386 #endif |
387 |
388 m_runProcess->setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput); |
389 m_runProcess->setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); |
390 m_runProcess->setWorkingDirectory(m_workingDir->text()); |
391 QStringList env=QProcess::systemEnvironment(); |
392 // set PWD environment variable to m_workingDir |
393 env.replaceInStrings(QRegExp(QString::fromAscii("^PWD=(.*)"),Qt::CaseInsensitive), |
394 QString::fromAscii("PWD=")+m_workingDir->text()); |
395 m_runProcess->setEnvironment(env); |
396 |
397 QStringList args; |
398 args << QString::fromAscii("-b"); // make stdout unbuffered |
399 args << QString::fromAscii("-"); // read config from stdin |
400 |
401 m_outputLog->clear(); |
402 m_runProcess->start(doxygenPath + QString::fromAscii("doxygen"), args); |
403 |
404 if (!m_runProcess->waitForStarted()) |
405 { |
406 m_outputLog->append(QString::fromAscii("*** Failed to run doxygen\n")); |
407 return; |
408 } |
409 QTextStream t(m_runProcess); |
410 m_expert->writeConfig(t,false); |
411 m_runProcess->closeWriteChannel(); |
412 |
413 if (m_runProcess->state() == QProcess::NotRunning) |
414 { |
415 m_outputLog->append(QString::fromAscii("*** Failed to run doxygen\n")); |
416 } |
417 else |
418 { |
419 m_saveLog->setEnabled(false); |
420 m_running=true; |
421 m_run->setText(tr("Stop doxygen")); |
422 m_runStatus->setText(tr("Status: running")); |
423 m_timer->start(1000); |
424 } |
425 } |
426 else |
427 { |
428 m_running=false; |
429 m_run->setText(tr("Run doxygen")); |
430 m_runStatus->setText(tr("Status: not running")); |
431 m_runProcess->kill(); |
432 m_timer->stop(); |
433 //updateRunnable(m_workingDir->text()); |
434 } |
435 } |
436 |
437 void MainWindow::readStdout() |
438 { |
439 if (m_running) |
440 { |
441 QByteArray data = m_runProcess->readAllStandardOutput(); |
442 QString text = QString::fromLocal8Bit(data); |
443 if (!text.isEmpty()) |
444 { |
445 m_outputLog->append(text.trimmed()); |
446 } |
447 } |
448 } |
449 |
450 void MainWindow::runComplete() |
451 { |
452 if (m_running) |
453 { |
454 m_outputLog->append(tr("*** Doxygen has finished\n")); |
455 } |
456 else |
457 { |
458 m_outputLog->append(tr("*** Cancelled by user\n")); |
459 } |
460 m_outputLog->ensureCursorVisible(); |
461 m_run->setText(tr("Run doxygen")); |
462 m_runStatus->setText(tr("Status: not running")); |
463 m_running=false; |
464 updateLaunchButtonState(); |
465 //updateRunnable(m_workingDir->text()); |
466 m_saveLog->setEnabled(true); |
467 } |
468 |
469 void MainWindow::updateLaunchButtonState() |
470 { |
471 m_launchHtml->setEnabled(m_expert->htmlOutputPresent(m_workingDir->text())); |
472 #if 0 |
473 m_launchPdf->setEnabled(m_expert->pdfOutputPresent(m_workingDir->text())); |
474 #endif |
475 } |
476 |
477 void MainWindow::showHtmlOutput() |
478 { |
479 QString indexFile = m_expert->getHtmlOutputIndex(m_workingDir->text()); |
480 QFileInfo fi(indexFile); |
481 #ifdef WIN32 |
482 QString indexUrl(QString::fromAscii("file:///")); |
483 #else |
484 QString indexUrl(QString::fromAscii("file://")); |
485 #endif |
486 indexUrl+=fi.absoluteFilePath(); |
487 QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(indexUrl)); |
488 } |
489 |
490 void MainWindow::saveLog() |
491 { |
492 QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save log file"), |
493 m_workingDir->text()+ |
494 QString::fromAscii("/doxygen_log.txt")); |
495 if (!fn.isEmpty()) |
496 { |
497 QFile f(fn); |
498 if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) |
499 { |
500 QTextStream t(&f); |
501 t << m_outputLog->toPlainText(); |
502 statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Output log saved"),messageTimeout); |
503 } |
504 else |
505 { |
506 QMessageBox::warning(0,tr("Warning"), |
507 tr("Cannot open file ")+fn+tr(" for writing. Nothing saved!"),tr("ok")); |
508 } |
509 } |
510 } |
511 |
512 void MainWindow::showSettings() |
513 { |
514 QString text; |
515 QTextStream t(&text); |
516 m_expert->writeConfig(t,true); |
517 m_outputLog->clear(); |
518 m_outputLog->append(text); |
519 m_outputLog->ensureCursorVisible(); |
520 m_saveLog->setEnabled(true); |
521 } |
522 |
523 void MainWindow::configChanged() |
524 { |
525 m_modified = true; |
526 updateTitle(); |
527 } |
528 |
529 void MainWindow::updateTitle() |
530 { |
531 QString title = tr("Doxygen GUI frontend"); |
532 if (m_modified) |
533 { |
534 title+=QString::fromAscii(" +"); |
535 } |
536 if (!m_fileName.isEmpty()) |
537 { |
538 title+=QString::fromAscii(" (")+m_fileName+QString::fromAscii(")"); |
539 } |
540 setWindowTitle(title); |
541 } |
542 |
543 bool MainWindow::discardUnsavedChanges(bool saveOption) |
544 { |
545 if (m_modified) |
546 { |
547 QMessageBox::StandardButton button; |
548 if (saveOption) |
549 { |
550 button = QMessageBox::question(this, |
551 tr("Unsaved changes"), |
552 tr("Unsaved changes will be lost! Do you want to save the configuration file?"), |
553 QMessageBox::Save | |
554 QMessageBox::Discard | |
555 QMessageBox::Cancel |
556 ); |
557 if (button==QMessageBox::Save) |
558 { |
559 return saveConfig(); |
560 } |
561 } |
562 else |
563 { |
564 button = QMessageBox::question(this, |
565 tr("Unsaved changes"), |
566 tr("Unsaved changes will be lost! Do you want to continue?"), |
567 QMessageBox::Discard | |
568 QMessageBox::Cancel |
569 ); |
570 } |
571 return button==QMessageBox::Discard; |
572 } |
573 return true; |
574 } |
575 |
576 //----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
577 |
578 int main(int argc,char **argv) |
579 { |
580 QApplication a(argc,argv); |
581 MainWindow &main = MainWindow::instance(); |
582 if (argc==2 && argv[1][0]!='-') // name of config file as an argument |
583 { |
584 main.loadConfigFromFile(QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[1])); |
585 } |
586 else if (argc>1) |
587 { |
588 printf("Usage: %s [config file]\n",argv[0]); |
589 exit(1); |
590 } |
591 main.show(); |
592 return a.exec(); |
593 } |