1 #include "expert.h" |
2 #include "inputbool.h" |
3 #include "inputstring.h" |
4 #include "inputint.h" |
5 #include "inputstring.h" |
6 #include "inputstrlist.h" |
7 #include <QtGui> |
8 #include <QtXml> |
9 #include "config.h" |
10 #include "version.h" |
11 |
12 #undef SA |
13 #define SA(x) QString::fromAscii(x) |
14 |
15 static QString convertToComment(const QString &s) |
16 { |
17 if (s.isEmpty()) |
18 { |
19 return QString(); |
20 } |
21 else |
22 { |
23 return SA("# ")+ |
24 s.trimmed().replace(SA("\n"),SA("\n# "))+ |
25 SA("\n"); |
26 } |
27 } |
28 |
29 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
30 |
31 Expert::Expert() |
32 { |
33 m_treeWidget = new QTreeWidget; |
34 m_treeWidget->setColumnCount(1); |
35 m_topicStack = new QStackedWidget; |
36 |
37 QFile file(SA(":/config.xml")); |
38 QString err; |
39 int errLine,errCol; |
40 QDomDocument configXml; |
41 if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) |
42 { |
43 if (!configXml.setContent(&file,false,&err,&errLine,&errCol)) |
44 { |
45 QString msg = tr("Error parsing internal config.xml at line %1 column %2.\n%3"). |
46 arg(errLine).arg(errCol).arg(err); |
47 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), msg); |
48 exit(1); |
49 } |
50 } |
51 m_rootElement = configXml.documentElement(); |
52 |
53 createTopics(m_rootElement); |
54 m_helper = new QTextEdit; |
55 m_helper->setReadOnly(true); |
56 m_splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical); |
57 m_splitter->addWidget(m_treeWidget); |
58 m_splitter->addWidget(m_helper); |
59 |
60 QWidget *rightSide = new QWidget; |
61 QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(rightSide); |
62 m_prev = new QPushButton(tr("Previous")); |
63 m_prev->setEnabled(false); |
64 m_next = new QPushButton(tr("Next")); |
65 grid->addWidget(m_topicStack,0,0,1,2); |
66 grid->addWidget(m_prev,1,0,Qt::AlignLeft); |
67 grid->addWidget(m_next,1,1,Qt::AlignRight); |
68 grid->setColumnStretch(0,1); |
69 grid->setRowStretch(0,1); |
70 |
71 addWidget(m_splitter); |
72 addWidget(rightSide); |
73 connect(m_next,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(nextTopic())); |
74 |
75 connect(m_prev,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(prevTopic())); |
76 } |
77 |
78 Expert::~Expert() |
79 { |
80 QHashIterator<QString,Input*> i(m_options); |
81 while (i.hasNext()) |
82 { |
83 i.next(); |
84 delete i.value(); |
85 } |
86 } |
87 |
88 void Expert::createTopics(const QDomElement &rootElem) |
89 { |
90 QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> items; |
91 QDomElement childElem = rootElem.firstChildElement(); |
92 while (!childElem.isNull()) |
93 { |
94 if (childElem.tagName()==SA("group")) |
95 { |
96 QString name = childElem.attribute(SA("name")); |
97 items.append(new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget*)0,QStringList(name))); |
98 QWidget *widget = createTopicWidget(childElem); |
99 m_topics[name] = widget; |
100 m_topicStack->addWidget(widget); |
101 } |
102 childElem = childElem.nextSiblingElement(); |
103 } |
104 m_treeWidget->setHeaderLabels(QStringList() << SA("Topics")); |
105 m_treeWidget->insertTopLevelItems(0,items); |
106 connect(m_treeWidget, |
107 SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *)), |
108 this, |
109 SLOT(activateTopic(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *))); |
110 } |
111 |
112 |
113 QWidget *Expert::createTopicWidget(QDomElement &elem) |
114 { |
115 QScrollArea *area = new QScrollArea; |
116 QWidget *topic = new QWidget; |
117 QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout(topic); |
118 QDomElement child = elem.firstChildElement(); |
119 int row=0; |
120 while (!child.isNull()) |
121 { |
122 QString type = child.attribute(SA("type")); |
123 if (type==SA("bool")) |
124 { |
125 InputBool *boolOption = |
126 new InputBool( |
127 layout,row, |
128 child.attribute(SA("id")), |
129 child.attribute(SA("defval"))==SA("1"), |
130 child.attribute(SA("docs")) |
131 ); |
132 m_options.insert( |
133 child.attribute(SA("id")), |
134 boolOption |
135 ); |
136 connect(boolOption,SIGNAL(showHelp(Input*)),SLOT(showHelp(Input*))); |
137 connect(boolOption,SIGNAL(changed()),SIGNAL(changed())); |
138 } |
139 else if (type==SA("string")) |
140 { |
141 InputString::StringMode mode; |
142 QString format = child.attribute(SA("format")); |
143 if (format==SA("dir")) |
144 { |
145 mode = InputString::StringDir; |
146 } |
147 else if (format==SA("file")) |
148 { |
149 mode = InputString::StringFile; |
150 } |
151 else // format=="string" |
152 { |
153 mode = InputString::StringFree; |
154 } |
155 InputString *stringOption = |
156 new InputString( |
157 layout,row, |
158 child.attribute(SA("id")), |
159 child.attribute(SA("defval")), |
160 mode, |
161 child.attribute(SA("docs")), |
162 child.attribute(SA("abspath")) |
163 ); |
164 m_options.insert( |
165 child.attribute(SA("id")), |
166 stringOption |
167 ); |
168 connect(stringOption,SIGNAL(showHelp(Input*)),SLOT(showHelp(Input*))); |
169 connect(stringOption,SIGNAL(changed()),SIGNAL(changed())); |
170 } |
171 else if (type==SA("enum")) |
172 { |
173 InputString *enumList = new InputString( |
174 layout,row, |
175 child.attribute(SA("id")), |
176 child.attribute(SA("defval")), |
177 InputString::StringFixed, |
178 child.attribute(SA("docs")) |
179 ); |
180 QDomElement enumVal = child.firstChildElement(); |
181 while (!enumVal.isNull()) |
182 { |
183 enumList->addValue(enumVal.attribute(SA("name"))); |
184 enumVal = enumVal.nextSiblingElement(); |
185 } |
186 enumList->setDefault(); |
187 |
188 m_options.insert(child.attribute(SA("id")),enumList); |
189 connect(enumList,SIGNAL(showHelp(Input*)),SLOT(showHelp(Input*))); |
190 connect(enumList,SIGNAL(changed()),SIGNAL(changed())); |
191 } |
192 else if (type==SA("int")) |
193 { |
194 InputInt *intOption = |
195 new InputInt( |
196 layout,row, |
197 child.attribute(SA("id")), |
198 child.attribute(SA("defval")).toInt(), |
199 child.attribute(SA("minval")).toInt(), |
200 child.attribute(SA("maxval")).toInt(), |
201 child.attribute(SA("docs")) |
202 ); |
203 m_options.insert( |
204 child.attribute(SA("id")), |
205 intOption |
206 ); |
207 connect(intOption,SIGNAL(showHelp(Input*)),SLOT(showHelp(Input*))); |
208 connect(intOption,SIGNAL(changed()),SIGNAL(changed())); |
209 } |
210 else if (type==SA("list")) |
211 { |
212 InputStrList::ListMode mode; |
213 QString format = child.attribute(SA("format")); |
214 if (format==SA("dir")) |
215 { |
216 mode = InputStrList::ListDir; |
217 } |
218 else if (format==SA("file")) |
219 { |
220 mode = InputStrList::ListFile; |
221 } |
222 else if (format==SA("filedir")) |
223 { |
224 mode = InputStrList::ListFileDir; |
225 } |
226 else // format=="string" |
227 { |
228 mode = InputStrList::ListString; |
229 } |
230 QStringList sl; |
231 QDomElement listVal = child.firstChildElement(); |
232 while (!listVal.isNull()) |
233 { |
234 sl.append(listVal.attribute(SA("name"))); |
235 listVal = listVal.nextSiblingElement(); |
236 } |
237 InputStrList *listOption = |
238 new InputStrList( |
239 layout,row, |
240 child.attribute(SA("id")), |
241 sl, |
242 mode, |
243 child.attribute(SA("docs")) |
244 ); |
245 m_options.insert( |
246 child.attribute(SA("id")), |
247 listOption |
248 ); |
249 connect(listOption,SIGNAL(showHelp(Input*)),SLOT(showHelp(Input*))); |
250 connect(listOption,SIGNAL(changed()),SIGNAL(changed())); |
251 } |
252 else if (type==SA("obsolete")) |
253 { |
254 // ignore |
255 } |
256 else // should not happen |
257 { |
258 printf("Unsupported type %s\n",qPrintable(child.attribute(SA("type")))); |
259 } |
260 child = child.nextSiblingElement(); |
261 } |
262 |
263 // compute dependencies between options |
264 child = elem.firstChildElement(); |
265 while (!child.isNull()) |
266 { |
267 QString dependsOn = child.attribute(SA("depends")); |
268 QString id = child.attribute(SA("id")); |
269 if (!dependsOn.isEmpty()) |
270 { |
271 Input *parentOption = m_options[dependsOn]; |
272 Input *thisOption = m_options[id]; |
273 Q_ASSERT(parentOption); |
274 Q_ASSERT(thisOption); |
275 if (parentOption && thisOption) |
276 { |
277 //printf("Adding dependency '%s' (%p)->'%s' (%p)\n", |
278 // qPrintable(dependsOn),parentOption, |
279 // qPrintable(id),thisOption); |
280 parentOption->addDependency(thisOption); |
281 } |
282 } |
283 child = child.nextSiblingElement(); |
284 } |
285 |
286 // set initial dependencies |
287 QHashIterator<QString,Input*> i(m_options); |
288 while (i.hasNext()) |
289 { |
290 i.next(); |
291 if (i.value()) |
292 { |
293 i.value()->updateDependencies(); |
294 } |
295 } |
296 |
297 layout->setRowStretch(row,1); |
298 layout->setColumnStretch(1,2); |
299 layout->setSpacing(5); |
300 topic->setLayout(layout); |
301 area->setWidget(topic); |
302 area->setWidgetResizable(true); |
303 return area; |
304 } |
305 |
306 void Expert::activateTopic(QTreeWidgetItem *item,QTreeWidgetItem *) |
307 { |
308 if (item) |
309 { |
310 QWidget *w = m_topics[item->text(0)]; |
311 m_topicStack->setCurrentWidget(w); |
312 m_prev->setEnabled(m_topicStack->currentIndex()!=0); |
313 m_next->setEnabled(m_topicStack->currentIndex()!=m_topicStack->count()-1); |
314 } |
315 } |
316 |
317 void Expert::loadSettings(QSettings *s) |
318 { |
319 QHashIterator<QString,Input*> i(m_options); |
320 while (i.hasNext()) |
321 { |
322 i.next(); |
323 QVariant var = s->value(SA("config/")+i.key()); |
324 //printf("Loading key %s: type=%d\n",qPrintable(i.key()),var.type()); |
325 if (i.value()) |
326 { |
327 i.value()->value() = var; |
328 i.value()->update(); |
329 } |
330 } |
331 } |
332 |
333 void Expert::saveSettings(QSettings *s) |
334 { |
335 QHashIterator<QString,Input*> i(m_options); |
336 while (i.hasNext()) |
337 { |
338 i.next(); |
339 if (i.value()) |
340 { |
341 s->value(SA("config/")+i.key(),i.value()->value()); |
342 } |
343 } |
344 } |
345 |
346 void Expert::loadConfig(const QString &fileName) |
347 { |
348 //printf("Expert::loadConfig(%s)\n",qPrintable(fileName)); |
349 parseConfig(fileName,m_options); |
350 } |
351 |
352 void Expert::saveTopic(QTextStream &t,QDomElement &elem,QTextCodec *codec, |
353 bool brief) |
354 { |
355 // write group header |
356 t << endl; |
357 t << "#---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; |
358 t << "# " << elem.attribute(SA("docs")) << endl; |
359 t << "#---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; |
360 |
361 // write options... |
362 QDomElement childElem = elem.firstChildElement(); |
363 while (!childElem.isNull()) |
364 { |
365 QString type = childElem.attribute(SA("type")); |
366 QString name = childElem.attribute(SA("id")); |
367 QHash<QString,Input*>::const_iterator i = m_options.find(name); |
368 if (i!=m_options.end()) |
369 { |
370 Input *option = i.value(); |
371 if (!brief) |
372 { |
373 t << endl; |
374 t << convertToComment(childElem.attribute(SA("docs"))); |
375 t << endl; |
376 } |
377 t << name.leftJustified(23) << "= "; |
378 if (option) |
379 { |
380 option->writeValue(t,codec); |
381 } |
382 t << endl; |
383 } |
384 childElem = childElem.nextSiblingElement(); |
385 } |
386 |
387 } |
388 |
389 bool Expert::writeConfig(QTextStream &t,bool brief) |
390 { |
391 if (!brief) |
392 { |
393 // write global header |
394 t << "# Doxyfile " << versionString << endl << endl; // TODO: add version |
395 t << "# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system\n"; |
396 t << "# doxygen (www.doxygen.org) for a project\n"; |
397 t << "#\n"; |
398 t << "# All text after a hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored\n"; |
399 t << "# The format is:\n"; |
400 t << "# TAG = value [value, ...]\n"; |
401 t << "# For lists items can also be appended using:\n"; |
402 t << "# TAG += value [value, ...]\n"; |
403 t << "# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (\" \")\n"; |
404 } |
405 |
406 QTextCodec *codec = 0; |
407 Input *option = m_options[QString::fromAscii("DOXYFILE_ENCODING")]; |
408 if (option) |
409 { |
410 codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(option->value().toString().toAscii()); |
411 if (codec==0) // fallback: use UTF-8 |
412 { |
413 codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"); |
414 } |
415 } |
416 QDomElement childElem = m_rootElement.firstChildElement(); |
417 while (!childElem.isNull()) |
418 { |
419 saveTopic(t,childElem,codec,brief); |
420 childElem = childElem.nextSiblingElement(); |
421 } |
422 return true; |
423 } |
424 |
425 QByteArray Expert::saveInnerState () const |
426 { |
427 return m_splitter->saveState(); |
428 } |
429 |
430 bool Expert::restoreInnerState ( const QByteArray & state ) |
431 { |
432 return m_splitter->restoreState(state); |
433 } |
434 |
435 void Expert::showHelp(Input *option) |
436 { |
437 m_helper->setText( |
438 QString::fromAscii("<qt><b>")+option->id()+ |
439 QString::fromAscii("</b><br>")+ |
440 option->docs(). |
441 replace(QChar::fromAscii('\n'),QChar::fromAscii(' '))+ |
442 QString::fromAscii("<qt>") |
443 ); |
444 } |
445 |
446 void Expert::nextTopic() |
447 { |
448 m_topicStack->setCurrentIndex(m_topicStack->currentIndex()+1); |
449 m_next->setEnabled(m_topicStack->count()!=m_topicStack->currentIndex()+1); |
450 m_prev->setEnabled(m_topicStack->currentIndex()!=0); |
451 m_treeWidget->setCurrentItem(m_treeWidget->invisibleRootItem()->child(m_topicStack->currentIndex())); |
452 } |
453 |
454 void Expert::prevTopic() |
455 { |
456 m_topicStack->setCurrentIndex(m_topicStack->currentIndex()-1); |
457 m_next->setEnabled(m_topicStack->count()!=m_topicStack->currentIndex()+1); |
458 m_prev->setEnabled(m_topicStack->currentIndex()!=0); |
459 m_treeWidget->setCurrentItem(m_treeWidget->invisibleRootItem()->child(m_topicStack->currentIndex())); |
460 } |
461 |
462 void Expert::resetToDefaults() |
463 { |
464 //printf("Expert::makeDefaults()\n"); |
465 QHashIterator<QString,Input*> i(m_options); |
466 while (i.hasNext()) |
467 { |
468 i.next(); |
469 if (i.value()) |
470 { |
471 i.value()->reset(); |
472 } |
473 } |
474 } |
475 |
476 static bool stringVariantToBool(const QVariant &v) |
477 { |
478 QString s = v.toString().toLower(); |
479 return s==QString::fromAscii("yes") || s==QString::fromAscii("true") || s==QString::fromAscii("1"); |
480 } |
481 |
482 static bool getBoolOption( |
483 const QHash<QString,Input*>&model,const QString &name) |
484 { |
485 Input *option = model[name]; |
486 Q_ASSERT(option!=0); |
487 return stringVariantToBool(option->value()); |
488 } |
489 |
490 static QString getStringOption( |
491 const QHash<QString,Input*>&model,const QString &name) |
492 { |
493 Input *option = model[name]; |
494 Q_ASSERT(option!=0); |
495 return option->value().toString(); |
496 } |
497 |
498 |
499 bool Expert::htmlOutputPresent(const QString &workingDir) const |
500 { |
501 bool generateHtml = getBoolOption(m_options,QString::fromAscii("GENERATE_HTML")); |
502 if (!generateHtml || workingDir.isEmpty()) return false; |
503 QString indexFile = getHtmlOutputIndex(workingDir); |
504 QFileInfo fi(indexFile); |
505 return fi.exists() && fi.isFile(); |
506 } |
507 |
508 QString Expert::getHtmlOutputIndex(const QString &workingDir) const |
509 { |
510 QString outputDir = getStringOption(m_options,QString::fromAscii("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY")); |
511 QString htmlOutputDir = getStringOption(m_options,QString::fromAscii("HTML_OUTPUT")); |
512 //printf("outputDir=%s\n",qPrintable(outputDir)); |
513 //printf("htmlOutputDir=%s\n",qPrintable(htmlOutputDir)); |
514 QString indexFile = workingDir; |
515 if (QFileInfo(outputDir).isAbsolute()) // override |
516 { |
517 indexFile = outputDir; |
518 } |
519 else // append |
520 { |
521 indexFile += QString::fromAscii("/")+outputDir; |
522 } |
523 if (QFileInfo(htmlOutputDir).isAbsolute()) // override |
524 { |
525 indexFile = htmlOutputDir; |
526 } |
527 else // append |
528 { |
529 indexFile += QString::fromAscii("/")+htmlOutputDir; |
530 } |
531 indexFile+=QString::fromAscii("/index.html"); |
532 return indexFile; |
533 } |
534 |
535 bool Expert::pdfOutputPresent(const QString &workingDir) const |
536 { |
537 bool generateLatex = getBoolOption(m_options,QString::fromAscii("GENERATE_LATEX")); |
538 bool pdfLatex = getBoolOption(m_options,QString::fromAscii("USE_PDFLATEX")); |
539 if (!generateLatex || !pdfLatex) return false; |
540 QString latexOutput = getStringOption(m_options,QString::fromAscii("LATEX_OUTPUT")); |
541 QString indexFile; |
542 if (QFileInfo(latexOutput).isAbsolute()) |
543 { |
544 indexFile = latexOutput+QString::fromAscii("/refman.pdf"); |
545 } |
546 else |
547 { |
548 indexFile = workingDir+QString::fromAscii("/")+ |
549 latexOutput+QString::fromAscii("/refman.pdf"); |
550 } |
551 QFileInfo fi(indexFile); |
552 return fi.exists() && fi.isFile(); |
553 } |
554 |