changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  */
    17 /*! \page commands Special Commands
    19 \section cmd_intro Introduction
    21 All commands in the documentation start with a backslash (<b>\\</b>) or an
    22 at-sign (<b>\@</b>). If you prefer you can replace all commands starting with a 
    23 backslash below by their counterparts that start with an at-sign.
    25 Some commands have one or more arguments. 
    26 Each argument has a certain range:
    27 <ul>
    28 <li>If \<sharp\> braces are used the argument is a single word.
    29 <li>If (round) braces are used the argument extends until the end of the line
    30     on which the command was found.
    31 <li>If {curly} braces are used the argument extends until the next paragraph.
    32     Paragraphs are delimited by a blank line or by a section indicator.
    33 </ul>
    34 If [square] brackets are used the argument is optional.
    36 Here is an alphabetically sorted list of all commands with references to their 
    37 documentation:
    38 \secreflist
    39 \refitem cmda \\a
    40 \refitem cmdaddindex \\addindex
    41 \refitem cmdaddtogroup \\addtogroup
    42 \refitem cmdanchor \\anchor
    43 \refitem cmdarg \\arg
    44 \refitem cmdattention \\attention
    45 \refitem cmdauthor \\author
    46 \refitem cmdb \\b
    47 \refitem cmdbrief \\brief
    48 \refitem cmdbug \\bug
    49 \refitem cmdc \\c
    50 \refitem cmdcallgraph \\callgraph
    51 \refitem cmdcallergraph \\callergraph
    52 \refitem cmdcategory \\category
    53 \refitem cmdclass \\class
    54 \refitem cmdcode \\code
    55 \refitem cmdcond \\cond
    56 \refitem cmdcopybrief \\copybrief
    57 \refitem cmdcopydetails \\copydetails
    58 \refitem cmdcopydoc \\copydoc
    59 \refitem cmddate \\date
    60 \refitem cmddef \\def
    61 \refitem cmddefgroup \\defgroup
    62 \refitem cmddeprecated \\deprecated
    63 \refitem cmddetails \\details
    64 \refitem cmddir \\dir
    65 \refitem cmddontinclude \\dontinclude
    66 \refitem cmddot \\dot
    67 \refitem cmddotfile \\dotfile
    68 \refitem cmde \\e
    69 \refitem cmdelse \\else
    70 \refitem cmdelseif \\elseif
    71 \refitem cmdem \\em
    72 \refitem cmdendcode \\endcode
    73 \refitem cmdendcond \\endcond
    74 \refitem cmdenddot \\enddot
    75 \refitem cmdendhtmlonly \\endhtmlonly
    76 \refitem cmdendif \\endif
    77 \refitem cmdendlatexonly \\endlatexonly
    78 \refitem cmdendlink \\endlink
    79 \refitem cmdendmanonly \\endmanonly
    80 \refitem cmdendmsc \\endmsc
    81 \refitem cmdendverbatim \\endverbatim
    82 \refitem cmdendxmlonly \\endxmlonly
    83 \refitem cmdenum \\enum
    84 \refitem cmdexample \\example
    85 \refitem cmdexception \\exception
    86 \refitem cmdextends \\extends
    87 \refitem cmdfdollar \\f\$
    88 \refitem cmdfbropen \\f[
    89 \refitem cmdfbrclose \\f]
    90 \refitem cmdfcurlyopen \\f{
    91 \refitem cmdfcurlyclose \\f}
    92 \refitem cmdfile \\file
    93 \refitem cmdfn \\fn
    94 \refitem cmdheaderfile \\headerfile
    95 \refitem cmdhideinitializer \\hideinitializer
    96 \refitem cmdhtmlinclude \\htmlinclude
    97 \refitem cmdhtmlonly \\htmlonly
    98 \refitem cmdif \\if
    99 \refitem cmdifnot \\ifnot
   100 \refitem cmdimage \\image
   101 \refitem cmdimplements \\implements
   102 \refitem cmdinclude \\include
   103 \refitem cmdincludelineno \\includelineno
   104 \refitem cmdingroup \\ingroup
   105 \refitem cmdinternal \\internal
   106 \refitem cmdinvariant \\invariant
   107 \refitem cmdinterface \\interface
   108 \refitem cmdlatexonly \\latexonly
   109 \refitem cmdli \\li
   110 \refitem cmdline \\line
   111 \refitem cmdlink \\link
   112 \refitem cmdmainpage \\mainpage
   113 \refitem cmdmanonly \\manonly
   114 \refitem cmdmemberof \\memberof
   115 \refitem cmdmsc \\msc
   116 \refitem cmdn \\n
   117 \refitem cmdname \\name
   118 \refitem cmdnamespace \\namespace
   119 \refitem cmdnosubgrouping \\nosubgrouping
   120 \refitem cmdnote \\note
   121 \refitem cmdoverload \\overload
   122 \refitem cmdp \\p
   123 \refitem cmdpackage \\package
   124 \refitem cmdpage \\page
   125 \refitem cmdpar \\par
   126 \refitem cmdparagraph \\paragraph
   127 \refitem cmdparam \\param
   128 \refitem cmdpost \\post
   129 \refitem cmdpre \\pre
   130 \refitem cmdprivate \\private
   131 \refitem cmdprivate \\privatesection
   132 \refitem cmdproperty \\property
   133 \refitem cmdprotected \\protected
   134 \refitem cmdprotected \\protectedsection
   135 \refitem cmdprotocol \\protocol
   136 \refitem cmdpublic \\public
   137 \refitem cmdpublic \\publicsection
   138 \refitem cmdref \\ref
   139 \refitem cmdrelates \\relates
   140 \refitem cmdrelatesalso \\relatesalso
   141 \refitem cmdremarks \\remarks
   142 \refitem cmdreturn \\return
   143 \refitem cmdretval \\retval
   144 \refitem cmdsa \\sa
   145 \refitem cmdsection \\section
   146 \refitem cmdsee \\see
   147 \refitem cmdshowinitializer \\showinitializer
   148 \refitem cmdsince \\since
   149 \refitem cmdskip \\skip
   150 \refitem cmdskipline \\skipline
   151 \refitem cmdstruct \\struct
   152 \refitem cmdsubpage \\subpage
   153 \refitem cmdsubsection \\subsection
   154 \refitem cmdsubsubsection \\subsubsection
   155 \refitem cmdtest \\test
   156 \refitem cmdthrow \\throw
   157 \refitem cmdtodo \\todo
   158 \refitem cmdtparam \\tparam
   159 \refitem cmdtypedef \\typedef
   160 \refitem cmdunion \\union
   161 \refitem cmduntil \\until
   162 \refitem cmdvar \\var
   163 \refitem cmdverbatim \\verbatim
   164 \refitem cmdverbinclude \\verbinclude
   165 \refitem cmdversion \\version
   166 \refitem cmdwarning \\warning
   167 \refitem cmdweakgroup \\weakgroup
   168 \refitem cmdxmlonly \\xmlonly
   169 \refitem cmdxrefitem \\xrefitem
   170 \refitem cmddollar \\\$
   171 \refitem cmdat \\\@
   172 \refitem cmdbackslash \\\\
   173 \refitem cmdamp \\\&
   174 \refitem cmdtilde \\~
   175 \refitem cmdlt \\\<
   176 \refitem cmdgt \\\>
   177 \refitem cmdhash \\\#
   178 \refitem cmdperc \\\%
   179 \refitem cmdquot \\\"
   180 \endsecreflist
   182 The following subsections provide a list of all commands that are recognized by
   183 doxygen. Unrecognized commands are treated as normal text.
   186 \htmlonly <center> \endhtmlonly 
   187 <h2>
   188 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
   189 Structural indicators
   190 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
   191 </h2>
   192 \htmlonly </center> \endhtmlonly
   194 \section cmdaddtogroup \\addtogroup <name> [(title)]
   195   \addindex \\addtogroup
   196   Defines a group just like \ref cmddefgroup "\\defgroup", but in contrast to
   197   that command using the same \<name\> more than once will not result in a warning,
   198   but rather one group with a merged documentation and the first title found in
   199   any of the commands.
   201   The title is optional, so this command can also be used to add a number of 
   202   entities to an existing group using \@{ and \@} like this:
   204 \verbatim
   205   /*! \addtogroup mygrp
   206    *  Additional documentation for group `mygrp'
   207    *  @{
   208    */
   210   /*!
   211    *  A function 
   212    */
   213   void func1()
   214   {
   215   }
   217   /*! Another function */
   218   void func2()
   219   {
   220   }
   222   /*! @} */
   223 \endverbatim
   225   \sa page \ref grouping "Grouping", sections \ref cmddefgroup "\\defgroup", \ref cmdingroup "\\ingroup" and
   226   \ref cmdweakgroup "\\weakgroup".
   228 <hr>
   229 \section cmdcallgraph \\callgraph 
   231   \addindex \\callgraph
   232   When this command is put in a comment block of a function or method
   233   and \ref cfg_have_dot "HAVE_DOT" is set to YES, then doxygen will 
   234   generate a call graph for that function (provided the implementation of the
   235   function or method calls other documented functions). The call graph will 
   236   generated regardless of the value of \ref cfg_call_graph "CALL_GRAPH".
   237   \note The completeness (and correctness) of the call graph depends on the 
   238   doxygen code parser which is not perfect.
   240 <hr>
   241 \section cmdcallergraph \\callergraph 
   243   \addindex \\callergraph
   244   When this command is put in a comment block of a function or method
   245   and \ref cfg_have_dot "HAVE_DOT" is set to YES, then doxygen will 
   246   generate a caller graph for that function (provided the implementation of the
   247   function or method calls other documented functions). The caller graph will 
   248   generated regardless of the value of \ref cfg_caller_graph "CALLER_GRAPH".
   249   \note The completeness (and correctness) of the caller graph depends on the 
   250   doxygen code parser which is not perfect.
   252 <hr>
   253 \section cmdcategory \\category <name> [<header-file>] [<header-name>]
   255   \addindex \\category
   256   For Objective-C only: Indicates that a comment block contains documentation 
   257   for a class category with name \<name\>. The arguments are 
   258   equal to the \\class command.
   260   \sa section \ref cmdclass "\\class".
   262 <hr>
   263 \section cmdclass \\class <name> [<header-file>] [<header-name>]
   265   \addindex \\class
   266   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a
   267   class with name \<name\>. Optionally a header file and a header name 
   268   can be specified. If the header-file is specified, a link to a verbatim copy 
   269   of the header will be included in the HTML documentation. 
   270   The \<header-name\> argument can be used to overwrite the 
   271   name of the link that is used in the class documentation to something other 
   272   than \<header-file\>. This can be useful if the include name is not located 
   273   on the default include path (like \<X11/X.h\>). With the \<header-name\>
   274   argument you can also specify how the include statement should look like, 
   275   by adding either quotes or sharp brackets around the name. 
   276   Sharp brackets are used if just the name is given. Note that the 
   277   last two arguments can also specified using 
   278   the \ref cmdheaderfile "\\headerfile" command.
   280   \par Example: 
   281   \verbinclude class.h  
   282   \htmlonly
   283   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/class/html/index.html">here</a> 
   284   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   285   \endhtmlonly
   287 <hr>
   288 \section cmddef \\def <name>
   290   \addindex \\def
   291   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a 
   292   \c \#define macro. 
   294   \par Example:
   295   \verbinclude define.h  
   296   \htmlonly
   297   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/define/html/define_8h.html">here</a> 
   298   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   299   \endhtmlonly
   301 <hr>
   302 \section cmddefgroup \\defgroup <name> (group title)
   304   \addindex \\defgroup
   305   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a
   306   \ref modules "group" of classes, files or namespaces. This can be used to
   307   categorize classes, files or namespaces, and document those
   308   categories. You can also use groups as members of other groups,
   309   thus building a hierarchy of groups.
   311   The \<name\> argument should be a single-word identifier.
   313   \sa page \ref grouping "Grouping", sections \ref cmdingroup "\\ingroup", \ref cmdaddtogroup "\\addtogroup",
   314   \ref cmdweakgroup "\\weakgroup".
   316 <hr>
   317 \section cmddir \\dir [<path fragment>]
   319   \addindex \\dir
   320   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a directory.
   321   The "path fragment" argument should include the directory name and 
   322   enough of the path to be unique w.r.t. the other directories in the project.
   323   The \ref cfg_show_dirs "SHOW_DIRECTORIES" option determines whether 
   324   or not the directory information is shown and the
   325   \ref cfg_strip_from_path "STRIP_FROM_PATH" option determines what is 
   326   stripped from the full path before it appears in the output.
   328 <hr>
   329 \section cmdenum \\enum <name>
   331   \addindex \\enum
   332   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for an 
   333   enumeration, with name \<name\>. If the enum is a member of a class and
   334   the documentation block is located outside the class definition,
   335   the scope of the class should be specified as well.
   336   If a comment block is located directly in front of an enum declaration,
   337   the \\enum comment may be omitted.
   339   \par Note:
   340   The type of an anonymous enum cannot be documented, but the values 
   341   of an anonymous enum can.
   343   \par Example:
   344   \verbinclude enum.h  
   345   \htmlonly
   346   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/enum/html/class_test.html">here</a> 
   347   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   348   \endhtmlonly
   350 <hr>
   351 \section cmdexample \\example <file-name>
   353   \addindex \\example
   354   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a source code 
   355   example. The name of the source file is \<file-name\>. The text of
   356   this file will be included in the documentation, just after the 
   357   documentation contained in the comment block. All examples are placed
   358   in a list. The source code is scanned for documented members and classes.
   359   If any are found, the names are cross-referenced with the documentation. 
   360   Source files or directories can be specified using the 
   361   \ref cfg_example_path "EXAMPLE_PATH" 
   362   tag of doxygen's configuration file.
   364   If \<file-name\> itself is not unique for the set of example files specified
   365   by the 
   366   \ref cfg_example_path "EXAMPLE_PATH" tag, you can include part of the absolute path
   367   to disambiguate it.
   369   If more that one source file is needed for the example,
   370   the \\include command can be used.
   372   \par Example:
   373   \verbinclude example.cpp
   374   Where the example file \c example_test.cpp looks as follows:
   375   \verbinclude example_test.cpp
   376   \htmlonly
   377   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/example/html/examples.html">here</a> 
   378   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   379   \endhtmlonly
   381   \sa section \ref cmdinclude "\\include".
   383 <hr>
   384 \section cmdextends \\extends <name>
   386   \addindex \\extends
   387   This command can be used to manually indicate an inheritance relation,
   388   when the programming language does not support this concept natively
   389   (e.g. C).
   391   The file \c manual.c in the example directory shows how to use this command.
   393   \htmlonly
   394   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/manual/html/index.html">here</a> 
   395   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   396   \endhtmlonly
   398   \sa section \ref cmdimplements "\\implements" and section
   399       \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof"
   401 <hr>
   402 \section cmdfile \\file [<name>]
   404   \addindex \\file
   405   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a source or 
   406   header file with name \<name\>. The file name may include (part of) the
   407   path if the file-name alone is not unique. If the file name is omitted
   408   (i.e. the line after \\file is left blank) then the documentation block that 
   409   contains the \\file command will belong to the file it is located in.
   411   \par Important:
   412   The documentation of global functions, variables, typedefs, and enums will 
   413   only be included in the output if the file they are in is documented as well.
   415   \par Example:
   416   \verbinclude file.h  
   417   \htmlonly
   418   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/file/html/file_8h.html">here</a> 
   419   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   420   \endhtmlonly
   422   \note In the above example \ref cfg_javadoc_autobrief "JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF"
   423   has been set to YES in the configuration file.
   425 <hr>
   426 \section cmdfn \\fn (function declaration)
   428   \addindex \\fn
   429   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a function
   430   (either global or as a member of a class). This command is \em only 
   431   needed if a comment block is \e not placed in front (or behind) 
   432   the function declaration or definition. 
   434   If your comment block \e is in front of the function 
   435   declaration or definition this command can (and to avoid redundancy
   436   should) be omitted. 
   438   A full function declaration including arguments should be specified after the
   439   \\fn command on a \e single line, since the argument ends at the end 
   440   of the line!
   442   \warning Do not use this command
   443   if it is not absolutely needed, since it will lead to duplication of 
   444   information and thus to errors.
   446   \par Example:
   447   \verbinclude func.h  
   448   \htmlonly
   449   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/func/html/class_test.html">here</a> 
   450   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   451   \endhtmlonly
   454   \sa section \ref cmdvar "\\var" and \ref cmdtypedef "\\typedef".
   456 <hr>
   457 \section cmdheaderfile \\headerfile <header-file> [<header-name>]
   459   \addindex \\headerfile
   460   Intended to be used for class, struct, or union documentation, where
   461   the documentation is in front of the definition. The arguments of
   462   this command are the same as the second and third argument of 
   463   \ref cmdclass "\\cmdclass".
   464   The header-file name refers to the file that should by included by the 
   465   application to obtain the definition of the class, struct, or union.
   466   The \<header-name\> argument can be used to overwrite the 
   467   name of the link that is used in the class documentation to something other 
   468   than \<header-file\>. This can be useful if the include name is not located 
   469   on the default include path (like \<X11/X.h\>). 
   471   With the \<header-name\>
   472   argument you can also specify how the include statement should look like, 
   473   by adding either double quotes or sharp brackets around the name. 
   474   By default sharp brackets are used if just the name is given. 
   476   If a pair of double quotes is given for either the header-file or 
   477   header-name argument, the current file (in which the command was found) 
   478   will be used but with quotes. So for a comment block with a \\headerfile
   479   command inside a file test.h, the following three commands are equivalent:
   480   \verbatim
   481   \headerfile test.h "test.h"
   482   \headerfile test.h ""
   483   \headerfile "" \endverbatim
   484   To get sharp brackets you do not need to specify anything,
   485   but if you want to be explicit you could use any of the following:
   486   \verbatim
   487   \headerfile test.h <test.h>
   488   \headerfile test.h <>
   489   \headerfile <> \endverbatim
   491   To globally reverse the default include representation to 
   492   local includes you can set
   493   \ref cfg_force_local_includes "FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES" to \c YES.
   495   To disable the include information altogether set
   496   \ref cfg_show_include_files "SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES" to \c NO.
   498 <hr>
   499 \section cmdhideinitializer \\hideinitializer
   501   \addindex \\hideinitializer
   502   By default the value of a define and the initializer of a variable
   503   are displayed unless they are longer than 30 lines. By putting
   504   this command in a comment block of a define or variable, the 
   505   initializer is always hidden.
   507   \sa section \ref cmdshowinitializer "\\showinitializer".
   509 <hr>
   510 \section cmdimplements \\implements <name>
   512   \addindex \\implements
   513   This command can be used to manually indicate an inheritance relation,
   514   when the programming language does not support this concept natively
   515   (e.g. C).
   517   The file \c manual.c in the example directory shows how to use this command.
   519   \htmlonly
   520   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/manual/html/index.html">here</a> 
   521   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   522   \endhtmlonly
   524   \sa section \ref cmdextends "\\extends" and section
   525       \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof"
   527 <hr>
   528 \section cmdingroup \\ingroup (<groupname> [<groupname> <groupname>])
   530   \addindex \\ingroup
   531   If the \\ingroup command is placed in a comment block of a
   532   class, file or namespace, then it will be added to the group or
   533   groups identified by \<groupname\>.
   535   \sa page \ref grouping "Grouping", sections \ref cmddefgroup "\\defgroup",
   536   \ref cmdaddtogroup "\\addtogroup" and \ref cmdweakgroup "\\weakgroup"
   538 <hr>
   539 \section cmdinterface \\interface <name> [<header-file>] [<header-name>]
   541   \addindex \\interface
   542   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for an
   543   interface with name \<name\>. The arguments are equal to the \\class
   544   command.
   546   \sa section \ref cmdclass "\\class".
   548 <hr>
   549 \section cmdinternal \\internal
   551   \addindex \\internal
   552   This command writes the message `For internal use only' to the output and
   553   all text \e after an \c \\internal command until the end of the
   554   comment block or the end of the section (whichever comes first) is 
   555   marked as "internal". 
   557   If the \\internal command is put inside a section 
   558   (see for example \ref cmdsection "\\section") all subsection after the 
   559   command are considered to be internal as well. Only a new section at the 
   560   same level will be visible again. 
   562   You can use \ref cfg_internal_docs "INTERNAL_DOCS" in the config file
   563   to show or hide the internal documentation.
   565 <hr>
   566 \section cmdmainpage \\mainpage [(title)]
   568   \addindex \\mainpage
   570   If the \\mainpage command is placed in a comment block the 
   571   block is used to customize the index page (in HTML) or
   572   the first chapter (in \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$). 
   574   The title argument is optional and replaces the default title that
   575   doxygen normally generates. If you do not want any title you can
   576   specify \c notitle as the argument of \\mainpage.
   578   Here is an example:
   579 \verbatim
   580 /*! \mainpage My Personal Index Page
   581  *
   582  * \section intro_sec Introduction
   583  *
   584  * This is the introduction.
   585  *
   586  * \section install_sec Installation
   587  *
   588  * \subsection step1 Step 1: Opening the box
   589  *  
   590  * etc...
   591  */
   592 \endverbatim
   594  You can refer to the main page using \\ref index (if the treeview
   595  is disabled, otherwise you should use \\ref main).
   597  \sa section \ref cmdsection "\\section", 
   598      section \ref cmdsubsection "\\subsection" and 
   599      section \ref cmdpage "\\page".
   601 <hr>
   602 \section cmdmemberof \\memberof <name>
   604   \addindex \\memberof
   605   This command make a function a member of a class in a similar way
   606   as \ref cmdrelates "\\relates" does, only with this command the function
   607   is represented as a real member of the class.
   608   This can be useful when the programming language does not support 
   609   the concept of member functions natively (e.g. C).
   611   It is also possible to use this command together with
   612   \ref cmdpublic "\\public", \ref cmdprotected "\\protected" or
   613   \ref cmdprivate "\\private".
   615   The file \c manual.c in the example directory shows how to use this command.
   617   \htmlonly
   618   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/manual/html/index.html">here</a> 
   619   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   620   \endhtmlonly
   622   \sa sections \ref cmdextends "\\extends", \ref cmdimplements "\\implements",
   623       \ref cmdpublic "\\public", \ref cmdprotected "\\protected" and
   624       \ref cmdprivate "\\private".
   626 <hr>
   627 \section cmdname \\name (header)  
   629   \addindex \\name
   631   This command turns a comment block into a header
   632   definition of a member group. The
   633   comment block should be followed by a 
   634   <code>//\@{ ... //\@}</code> block containing the
   635   members of the group.
   637   See section \ref memgroup for an example.
   639 <hr>
   640 \section cmdnamespace \\namespace <name> 
   642   \addindex \\namespace
   643   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a
   644   namespace with name \<name\>. 
   646 <hr>
   647 \section cmdnosubgrouping \\nosubgrouping
   649   \addindex \\nosubgrouping
   650   This command can be put in the documentation
   651   of a class. It can be used in combination with member grouping
   652   to avoid that doxygen puts a member group as a subgroup of a
   653   Public/Protected/Private/... section.
   655 <hr>
   656 \section cmdoverload \\overload [(function declaration)]
   658   \addindex \\overload
   659   This command can be used to generate the following 
   660   standard text for an overloaded member function:
   662    `This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. 
   663     It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.'
   665   If the documentation for the overloaded member function is not located
   666   in front of the function declaration or definition, the optional 
   667   argument should be used to specify the correct function.
   669   Any other documentation that is inside the documentation block will
   670   by appended after the generated message.
   672   \par Note 1:
   673     You are responsible that there is indeed an
   674     earlier documented member that is overloaded by this one.
   675     To prevent that document reorders the documentation you should set
   676     \ref cfg_sort_member_docs "SORT_MEMBER_DOCS" to NO in this case.
   677   \par Note 2:
   678     The \\overload command does not work inside a one-line comment.
   679   \par Example:
   680   \verbinclude examples/overload.cpp
   681   \htmlonly
   682   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/overload/html/class_test.html">here</a> 
   683   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   684   \endhtmlonly
   686 <hr>
   687 \section cmdpackage \\package <name>
   689   \addindex \\package
   690   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a
   691   Java package with name \<name\>. 
   693 <hr>
   694 \section cmdpage \\page <name> (title)
   696   \addindex \\page
   697   Indicates that a comment block contains a piece of documentation that is
   698   not directly related to one specific class, file or member. 
   699   The HTML generator creates a page containing the documentation. The
   700   \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ generator 
   701   starts a new section in the chapter `Page documentation'.
   703   \par Example:
   704   \verbinclude page.doc  
   705   \htmlonly
   706   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/page/html/pages.html">here</a> 
   707   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   708   \endhtmlonly
   710   \par Note: 
   711      The \<name\> argument consists of a combination of letters and number
   712      digits. If you wish to use upper case letters (e.g. \c MYPAGE1), or 
   713      mixed case letters (e.g. \c MyPage1) in the \<name\> argument, you 
   714      should set \c CASE_SENSE_NAMES to \c YES. However, this is advisable 
   715      only if your file system is case sensitive. Otherwise (and for better 
   716      portability) you should use all lower case letters (e.g. \c mypage1) 
   717      for \<name\> in all references to the page.
   719   \sa section \ref cmdsection "\\section", section 
   720               \ref cmdsubsection "\\subsection", and section 
   721               \ref cmdref "\\ref".
   723 <hr>
   724 \section cmdprivate \\private
   726   \addindex \\private
   727   \addindex \\privatesection
   728   Indicates that the member documented in the comment block is private,
   729   i.e., should only be accessed by other members in the same class.
   731   Note that Doxygen automatically detects the protection level of members
   732   in object-oriented languages. This command is intended for use only when
   733   the language does not support the concept of protection level natively
   734   (e.g. C, PHP 4).
   736   For starting a section of private members, in a way similar to the
   737   "private:" class marker in C++, use \\privatesection.
   739   \sa sections \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof", \ref cmdpublic "\\public",
   740       and \ref cmdprotected "\\protected".
   742 <hr>
   743 \section cmdproperty \\property (qualified property name)
   745   \addindex \\property
   746   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a
   747   property (either global or as a member of a class). 
   748   This command is equivalent to \\var and \\fn.
   750   \sa section \ref cmdfn "\\fn" and \ref cmdvar "\\var".
   752 <hr>
   753 \section cmdprotected \\protected
   755   \addindex \\protected
   756   \addindex \\protectedsection
   757   Indicates that the member documented in the comment block is protected,
   758   i.e., should only be accessed by other members in the same or derived
   759   classes.
   761   Note that Doxygen automatically detects the protection level of members
   762   in object-oriented languages. This command is intended for use only when
   763   the language does not support the concept of protection level natively
   764   (e.g. C, PHP 4).
   766   For starting a section of protected members, in a way similar to the
   767   "protected:" class marker in C++, use \\protectedsection.
   769   \sa sections \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof", \ref cmdpublic "\\public",
   770       and \ref cmdprivate "\\private".
   772 <hr>
   773 \section cmdprotocol \\protocol <name> [<header-file>] [<header-name>]
   775   \addindex \\protocol
   776   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a
   777   protocol in Objective-C with name \<name\>. The arguments are equal 
   778   to the \\class command.
   780   \sa section \ref cmdclass "\\class".
   782 <hr>
   783 \section cmdpublic \\public
   785   \addindex \\public
   786   \addindex \\publicsection
   787   Indicates that the member documented in the comment block is public,
   788   i.e., can be accessed by any other class or function.
   790   Note that Doxygen automatically detects the protection level of members
   791   in object-oriented languages. This command is intended for use only when
   792   the language does not support the concept of protection level natively
   793   (e.g. C, PHP 4).
   795   For starting a section of public members, in a way similar to the
   796   "public:" class marker in C++, use \\publicsection.
   798   \sa sections \ref cmdmemberof "\\memberof", \ref cmdprotected "\\protected"
   799       and \ref cmdprivate "\\private".
   801 <hr>
   802 \section cmdrelates \\relates <name>
   804   \addindex \\relates
   805   This command can be used in the documentation of a non-member function
   806   \<name\>. It puts the function inside the `related function' section 
   807   of the class documentation. This command is useful for documenting 
   808   non-friend functions that are nevertheless strongly coupled to a certain
   809   class. It prevents the need of having to document a file, but
   810   only works for functions.  
   812   \par Example:
   813   \verbinclude relates.cpp  
   814   \htmlonly
   815   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/relates/html/class_string.html">here</a> 
   816   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   817   \endhtmlonly
   819 <hr>
   820 \section cmdrelatesalso \\relatesalso <name>
   822   \addindex \\relatesalso
   823   This command can be used in the documentation of a non-member function
   824   \<name\>. It puts the function both inside the `related function' section 
   825   of the class documentation as well as leaving its normal file documentation
   826   location. This command is useful for documenting 
   827   non-friend functions that are nevertheless strongly coupled to a certain
   828   class. It only works for functions.  
   830 <hr>
   831 \section cmdshowinitializer \\showinitializer
   833   \addindex \\showinitializer
   834   By default the value of a define and the initializer of a variable
   835   are only displayed if they are less than 30 lines long. By putting
   836   this command in a comment block of a define or variable, the 
   837   initializer is shown unconditionally.
   839   \sa section \ref cmdhideinitializer "\\hideinitializer".
   841 <hr>
   842 \section cmdstruct \\struct <name> [<header-file>] [<header-name>]
   844   \addindex \\struct
   845   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a
   846   struct with name \<name\>. The arguments are equal to the \\class
   847   command.
   849   \sa section \ref cmdclass "\\class".
   851 <hr>
   852 \section cmdtypedef \\typedef (typedef declaration)
   854   \addindex \\typedef
   855   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a
   856   typedef (either global or as a member of a class). 
   857   This command is equivalent to \\var and \\fn.
   859   \sa section \ref cmdfn "\\fn" and \ref cmdvar "\\var".
   861 <hr>
   862 \section cmdunion \\union <name> [<header-file>] [<header-name>]
   864   \addindex \\union
   865   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a
   866   union with name \<name\>. The arguments are equal to the \\class
   867   command.
   869   \sa section \ref cmdclass "\\class".
   871 <hr>
   872 \section cmdvar \\var (variable declaration)
   874   \addindex \\var
   875   Indicates that a comment block contains documentation for a variable or
   876   enum value (either global or as a member of a class). 
   877   This command is equivalent to \\typedef and \\fn.
   879   \sa section \ref cmdfn "\\fn" and \ref cmdtypedef "\\typedef".
   881 <hr>
   882 \section cmdweakgroup \\weakgroup <name> [(title)]
   883   \addindex \\addtogroup
   884   Can be used exactly like \ref cmdaddtogroup "\\addtogroup", but has
   885   a lower priority when it comes to resolving conflicting grouping
   886   definitions.
   888   \sa page \ref grouping "Grouping" and \ref cmdaddtogroup "\\addtogroup".
   890 <hr>
   892 \htmlonly <center> \endhtmlonly 
   893 <h2>
   894 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
   895 Section indicators
   896 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
   897 </h2>
   898 \htmlonly </center>\endhtmlonly
   900 <hr>
   901 \section cmdattention \\attention { attention text }
   903   \addindex \\attention
   904   Starts a paragraph where a message that needs attention may be entered. 
   905   The paragraph will be indented. 
   906   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
   907   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
   908   Multiple adjacent \\attention commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
   909   The \\attention command ends when a blank line or some other 
   910   sectioning command is encountered. 
   912 <hr>
   913 \section cmdauthor \\author { list of authors }
   915   \addindex \\author
   916   Starts a paragraph where one or more author names may be entered. 
   917   The paragraph will be indented. 
   918   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
   919   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
   920   Multiple adjacent \\author commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
   921   Each author description will start a new line. Alternatively, one \\author command 
   922   may mention several authors. The \\author command ends when a blank line or some other 
   923   sectioning command is encountered.
   925   \par Example:
   926   \verbinclude author.cpp  
   927   \htmlonly
   928   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/author/html/class_windows_n_t.html">here</a> 
   929   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
   930   \endhtmlonly
   932 <hr>
   933 \section cmdbrief \\brief {brief description}
   935   \addindex \\brief
   936   Starts a paragraph that serves as a brief description. For classes and files
   937   the brief description will be used in lists and at the start of the
   938   documentation page. For class and file members, the brief description
   939   will be placed at the declaration of the member and prepended to the
   940   detailed description. A brief description may span several lines (although
   941   it is advised to keep it brief!). A brief description ends when a 
   942   blank line or another sectioning command is encountered. If multiple
   943   \\brief commands are present they will be joined. See section 
   944   \ref cmdauthor "\\author" for an example. 
   946   Synonymous to \\short.
   948 <hr>
   949 \section cmdbug \\bug { bug description }
   951   \addindex \\bug
   952   Starts a paragraph where one or more bugs may be reported. 
   953   The paragraph will be indented. 
   954   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
   955   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
   956   Multiple adjacent \\bug commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
   957   Each bug description will start on a new line.
   958   Alternatively, one \\bug command may mention 
   959   several bugs. The \\bug command ends when a blank line or some other 
   960   sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdauthor "\\author"
   961   for an example.
   963 <hr>
   964 \section cmdcond \\cond [<section-label>]
   966   \addindex \\cond
   967   Starts a conditional section that ends with a corresponding 
   968   \ref cmdendcond "\\endcond" command, which is typically found in 
   969   another comment block. The main purpose of this pair of
   970   commands is to (conditionally) exclude part of a file from processing
   971   (in older version of doxygen this could only be achieved using C preprocessor commands). 
   973   The section between \\cond and \\endcond commands can be included by
   974   adding its section label to the \ref cfg_enabled_sections "ENABLED_SECTIONS"
   975   configuration option. If the section label is omitted, the section will
   976   be excluded from processing unconditionally.
   978   For conditional sections within a comment block one should 
   979   use a \ref cmdif "\\if" ... \ref cmdendif "\\endif" block.
   981   Conditional sections can be nested. In this case a nested section will only
   982   be shown if it and its containing section are included.
   984   Here is an example showing the commands in action:
   986 \verbatim
   987 /** An interface */
   988 class Intf
   989 {
   990   public:
   991     /** A method */
   992     virtual void func() = 0;
   994     /// @cond TEST
   996     /** A method used for testing */
   997     virtual void test() = 0;
   999     /// @endcond
  1000 };
  1002 /// @cond DEV
  1003 /*
  1004  *  The implementation of the interface 
  1005  */
  1006 class Implementation : public Intf
  1007 {
  1008   public:
  1009     void func();
  1011     /// @cond TEST
  1012     void test();
  1013     /// @endcond
  1015     /// @cond
  1016     /** This method is obsolete and does
  1017      *  not show up in the documentation.
  1018      */
  1019     void obsolete();
  1020     /// @endcond
  1021 };
  1023 /// @endcond 
  1024 \endverbatim
  1026 The output will be different depending on whether or not \c ENABLED_SECTIONS
  1027 contains \c TEST, or \c DEV
  1029 <hr>
  1030 \section cmddate \\date { date description }
  1032   \addindex \\date
  1033   Starts a paragraph where one or more dates may be entered. 
  1034   The paragraph will be indented. 
  1035   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
  1036   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1037   Multiple adjacent \\date commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1038   Each date description will start on a new line.
  1039   Alternatively, one \\date command may mention 
  1040   several dates. The \\date command ends when a blank line or some other 
  1041   sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdauthor "\\author" 
  1042   for an example.
  1044 <hr>
  1045 \section cmddeprecated \\deprecated { description }
  1047   \addindex \\deprecated
  1048   Starts a paragraph indicating that this documentation block belongs to
  1049   a deprecated entity. Can be used to describe alternatives, 
  1050   expected life span, etc.
  1052 <hr>
  1053 \section cmddetails \\details {detailed decription}
  1055   \addindex \\details
  1056   Just like \ref cmdbrief "\\brief" starts a brief description, \\details
  1057   starts the detailed description. You can also start a new paragraph (blank line)
  1058   then the \\details command is not needed.
  1060 <hr>
  1061 \section cmdelse \\else 
  1063   \addindex \\else
  1064   Starts a conditional section if the previous conditional section 
  1065   was not enabled. The previous section should have been started with 
  1066   a \c \\if, \c \\ifnot, or \c \\elseif command.
  1068   \sa \ref cmdif "\\if", \ref cmdifnot "\\ifnot", \ref cmdelseif "\\elseif",
  1069       \ref cmdendif "\\endif."
  1071 <hr>
  1072 \section cmdelseif \\elseif <section-label>
  1074   \addindex \\elseif
  1075   Starts a conditional documentation section if the previous section 
  1076   was not enabled. A conditional section is
  1077   disabled by default. To enable it you must put the
  1078   section-label after the \ref cfg_enabled_sections "ENABLED_SECTIONS" 
  1079   tag in the configuration
  1080   file. Conditional blocks can be nested. A nested section is
  1081   only enabled if all enclosing sections are enabled as well.
  1083   \sa sections \ref cmdendif "\\endif", \ref cmdifnot "\\ifnot", 
  1084               \ref cmdelse "\\else", and \ref cmdelseif "\\elseif".
  1086 <hr>
  1087 \section cmdendcond \\endcond
  1089   \addindex \\endcond
  1090   Ends a conditional section that was started by \ref cmdcond "\\cond".
  1092   \sa \ref cmdcond "\\cond".
  1094 <hr>
  1095 \section cmdendif \\endif 
  1097   \addindex \\endif
  1098   Ends a conditional section that was started by \c \\if or \c \\ifnot
  1099   For each \c \\if or \c \\ifnot one and only one matching \c \\endif must follow.
  1101   \sa \ref cmdif "\\if", and \ref cmdifnot "\\ifnot".
  1103 <hr>
  1104 \section cmdexception \\exception <exception-object> { exception description }
  1106   \addindex \\exception
  1107   Starts an exception description for an exception object with name 
  1108   \<exception-object\>. Followed by a description of the exception. 
  1109   The existence of the exception object is not checked.
  1110   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
  1111   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1112   Multiple adjacent \\exception commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1113   Each parameter description will start on a new line.
  1114   The \\exception description ends when a blank line or some other 
  1115   sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdfn "\\fn" for an 
  1116   example.
  1118   \par Note: 
  1119   the tag \\exceptions is a synonym for this tag.
  1121 <hr>
  1122 \section cmdif \\if <section-label>
  1124   \addindex \\if
  1125   Starts a conditional documentation section. The section ends 
  1126   with a matching \c \\endif command. A conditional section is
  1127   disabled by default. To enable it you must put the
  1128   section-label after the \ref cfg_enabled_sections "ENABLED_SECTIONS" 
  1129   tag in the configuration
  1130   file. Conditional blocks can be nested. A nested section is
  1131   only enabled if all enclosing sections are enabled as well.
  1133   \par Example:
  1134 \verbatim
  1135   /*! Unconditionally shown documentation.
  1136    *  \if Cond1
  1137    *    Only included if Cond1 is set.
  1138    *  \endif
  1139    *  \if Cond2
  1140    *    Only included if Cond2 is set.
  1141    *    \if Cond3
  1142    *      Only included if Cond2 and Cond3 are set.
  1143    *    \endif
  1144    *    More text.
  1145    *  \endif
  1146    *  Unconditional text.
  1147    */
  1148 \endverbatim  
  1150   You can also use conditional commands inside aliases. To 
  1151   document a class in two languages you could for instance use:
  1153 \par Example 2:
  1154 \verbatim
  1155 /*! \english
  1156  *  This is English.
  1157  *  \endenglish
  1158  *  \dutch
  1159  *  Dit is Nederlands.
  1160  *  \enddutch
  1161  */
  1162 class Example
  1163 {
  1164 };
  1165 \endverbatim
  1167   Where the following aliases are defined in the configuration file:
  1169 \verbatim
  1170 ALIASES  = "english=\if english" \
  1171            "endenglish=\endif" \
  1172            "dutch=\if dutch" \
  1173            "enddutch=\endif"
  1174 \endverbatim
  1176   and \c ENABLED_SECTIONS can be used to enable either \c english or \c dutch.
  1178   \sa sections \ref cmdendif "\\endif", \ref cmdifnot "\\ifnot", 
  1179               \ref cmdelse "\\else", and \ref cmdelseif "\\elseif".
  1181 <hr>
  1182 \section cmdifnot \\ifnot <section-label>
  1184   \addindex \\ifnot
  1185   Starts a conditional documentation section. The section ends 
  1186   with a matching \c \\endif command. This conditional section is
  1187   enabled by default. To disable it you must put the
  1188   section-label after the \ref cfg_enabled_sections "ENABLED_SECTIONS" 
  1189   tag in the configuration
  1190   file. 
  1192   \sa sections \ref cmdendif "\\endif", \ref cmdif "\\if", 
  1193               \ref cmdelse "\\else", and \ref cmdelseif "\\elseif".
  1195 <hr>
  1196 \section cmdinvariant \\invariant { description of invariant }
  1198   \addindex \\invariant
  1199   Starts a paragraph where the invariant of an entity can be described.
  1200   The paragraph will be indented. 
  1201   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
  1202   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1203   Multiple adjacent \\invariant commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1204   Each invariant description will start on a new line.
  1205   Alternatively, one \\invariant command may mention 
  1206   several invariants. The \\invariant command ends when a blank line or some other 
  1207   sectioning command is encountered.
  1209 <hr>
  1210 \section cmdnote \\note { text }
  1212   \addindex \\note
  1213   Starts a paragraph where a note can be entered. The paragraph will be 
  1214   indented. The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. 
  1215   All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1216   Multiple adjacent \\note commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1217   Each note description will start on a new line.
  1218   Alternatively, one \\note command may mention 
  1219   several notes. The \\note command ends when a blank line or some other 
  1220   sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdpar "\\par" 
  1221   for an example.
  1223 <hr>
  1224 \section cmdpar \\par [(paragraph title)] { paragraph }
  1226   \addindex \\par
  1227   If a paragraph title is given this command starts a paragraph with a 
  1228   user defined heading. The heading extends until the end of the
  1229   line. The paragraph following the command will be indented.
  1231   If no paragraph title is given this command will start a new paragraph.
  1232   This will also work inside other paragraph commands 
  1233   (like \\param or \\warning) without ending the that command. 
  1235   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
  1236   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1237   The \\par command ends when a blank line or some other 
  1238   sectioning command is encountered. 
  1240   \par Example:
  1241   \verbinclude par.cpp  
  1242   \htmlonly
  1243   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/par/html/class_test.html">here</a> 
  1244   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
  1245   \endhtmlonly
  1247 <hr>
  1248 \section cmdparam \\param <parameter-name> { parameter description }
  1250   \addindex \\param
  1251   Starts a parameter description for a function parameter with name 
  1252   \<parameter-name\>, followed by a description of the parameter. 
  1253   The existence of the parameter is checked and a warning is given if
  1254   the documentation of this (or any other) parameter is missing or not
  1255   present in the function declaration or definition.
  1257   The \\param command has an optional attribute specifying the direction
  1258   of the attribute. Possible values are "in" and "out". Here is an example
  1259   for the function memcpy:
  1260   \code
  1261 /*!
  1262  * Copies bytes from a source memory area to a destination memory area,
  1263  * where both areas may not overlap.
  1264  * @param[out] dest The memory area to copy to.
  1265  * @param[in]  src  The memory area to copy from.
  1266  * @param[in]  n    The number of bytes to copy
  1267  */
  1268 void memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
  1269   \endcode
  1270   If a parameter is both input and output, use [in,out] as an attribute.
  1272   The parameter description is a paragraph with no special internal structure. 
  1273   All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1275   Multiple adjacent \\param commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1276   Each parameter description will start on a new line.
  1277   The \\param description ends when a blank line or some other 
  1278   sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdfn "\\fn" for an 
  1279   example.
  1281 <hr>
  1282 \section cmdtparam \\tparam <template-parameter-name> { description }
  1284   \addindex \\tparam
  1285   Starts a template parameters for a class or function template parameter
  1286   with name \<template-parameter-name\>, followed by a description of the
  1287   template parameter.
  1289   Otherwise similar to \ref cmdparam "\\cmdparam".
  1291 <hr>
  1292 \section cmdpost \\post { description of the postcondition }
  1294   \addindex \\post
  1295   Starts a paragraph where the postcondition of an entity can be described.
  1296   The paragraph will be indented. 
  1297   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
  1298   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1299   Multiple adjacent \\post commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1300   Each postcondition will start on a new line.
  1301   Alternatively, one \\post command may mention 
  1302   several postconditions. The \\post command ends when a blank line or some other 
  1303   sectioning command is encountered.
  1305 <hr>
  1306 \section cmdpre \\pre { description of the precondition }
  1308   \addindex \\pre
  1309   Starts a paragraph where the precondition of an entity can be described.
  1310   The paragraph will be indented. 
  1311   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
  1312   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1313   Multiple adjacent \\pre commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1314   Each precondition will start on a new line.
  1315   Alternatively, one \\pre command may mention 
  1316   several preconditions. The \\pre command ends when a blank line or some other 
  1317   sectioning command is encountered.
  1319 <hr>
  1320 \section cmdremarks \\remarks { remark text }
  1322   \addindex \\remarks
  1323   Starts a paragraph where one or more remarks may be entered. 
  1324   The paragraph will be indented. 
  1325   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
  1326   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1327   Multiple adjacent \\remark commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1328   Each remark will start on a new line.
  1329   Alternatively, one \\remark command may mention 
  1330   several remarks. The \\remark command ends when a blank line or some other 
  1331   sectioning command is encountered. 
  1333 <hr>
  1334 \section cmdreturn \\return { description of the return value }
  1336   \addindex \\return
  1337   Starts a return value description for a function. 
  1338   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
  1339   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1340   Multiple adjacent \\return commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1341   The \\return description ends when a blank line or some other 
  1342   sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdfn "\\fn" for an 
  1343   example.
  1345 <hr>
  1346 \section cmdretval \\retval <return value> { description }
  1348   \addindex \\retval
  1349   Starts a return value description for a function with name 
  1350   \<return value\>. Followed by a description of the return value. 
  1351   The text of the paragraph that forms the description has no special
  1352   internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be used inside the 
  1353   paragraph.
  1354   Multiple adjacent \\retval commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1355   Each return value description will start on a new line.
  1356   The \\retval description ends when a blank line or some other 
  1357   sectioning command is encountered. 
  1359 <hr>
  1360 \section cmdsa \\sa { references }
  1362   \addindex \\sa
  1363   Starts a paragraph where one or more cross-references to classes, 
  1364   functions, methods, variables, files or URL may be specified.
  1365   Two names joined by either <code>::</code> or <code>\#</code> 
  1366   are understood as referring to a class and one of its members. 
  1367   One of several overloaded methods or constructors 
  1368   may be selected by including a parenthesized list of argument types after 
  1369   the method name. 
  1371   Synonymous to \\see.
  1373   \sa section \ref autolink "autolink" for information on how to create links 
  1374       to objects.
  1376 <hr>
  1377 \section cmdsee \\see { references }
  1379   \addindex \\see
  1380   Equivalent to \ref cmdsa "\\sa". Introduced for compatibility with Javadoc.
  1382 <hr>
  1383 \section cmdsince \\since { text }
  1385   \addindex \\since
  1386   This tag can be used to specify since when (version or time) an
  1387   entity is available. The paragraph that follows \\since does not have any
  1388   special internal structure. All visual enhancement commands may be 
  1389   used inside the paragraph. The \\since description ends when a blank 
  1390   line or some other sectioning command is encountered. 
  1392 <hr>
  1393 \section cmdtest \\test { paragraph describing a test case }
  1395   \addindex \\test
  1396   Starts a paragraph where a test case can be described. 
  1397   The description will also add the test case to a separate test list. 
  1398   The two instances of the description will be cross-referenced.
  1399   Each test case in the test list will be preceded by a header that
  1400   indicates the origin of the test case.
  1402 <hr>
  1403 \section cmdthrow \\throw <exception-object> { exception description }
  1405   \addindex \\throw
  1406   Synonymous to \\exception (see section \ref cmdexception "\\exception").
  1408   \par Note: 
  1409   the tag \\throws is a synonym for this tag.
  1411 <hr>
  1412 \section cmdtodo \\todo { paragraph describing what is to be done }
  1414   \addindex \\todo
  1415   Starts a paragraph where a TODO item is described. 
  1416   The description will also add an item to a separate TODO list. 
  1417   The two instances of the description will be cross-referenced.
  1418   Each item in the TODO list will be preceded by a header that
  1419   indicates the origin of the item.
  1421 <hr>
  1422 \section cmdversion \\version { version number }
  1424   \addindex \\version
  1425   Starts a paragraph where one or more version strings may be entered. 
  1426   The paragraph will be indented. 
  1427   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
  1428   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1429   Multiple adjacent \\version commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1430   Each version description will start on a new line.
  1431   Alternatively, one \\version command may mention 
  1432   several version strings. 
  1433   The \\version command ends when a blank line or some other 
  1434   sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdauthor "\\author" 
  1435   for an example.
  1437 <hr>
  1438 \section cmdwarning \\warning { warning message }
  1440   \addindex \\warning
  1441   Starts a paragraph where one or more warning messages may be entered. 
  1442   The paragraph will be indented. 
  1443   The text of the paragraph has no special internal structure. All visual
  1444   enhancement commands may be used inside the paragraph.
  1445   Multiple adjacent \\warning commands will be joined into a single paragraph.
  1446   Each warning description will start on a new line.
  1447   Alternatively, one \\warning command may mention 
  1448   several warnings. The \\warning command ends when a blank line or some other 
  1449   sectioning command is encountered. See section \ref cmdauthor "\\author" 
  1450   for an example.
  1452 <hr>
  1453 \section cmdxrefitem \\xrefitem <key> "(heading)" "(list title)" {text}
  1455  \addindex \\xrefitem
  1456  This command is a generalization of commands such as \ref cmdtodo "\\todo" 
  1457  and \ref cmdbug "\\bug".
  1458  It can be used to create user-defined text sections which are automatically 
  1459  cross-referenced between the place of occurrence and a related page, 
  1460  which will be generated. On the related page all sections of 
  1461  the same type will be collected. 
  1463  The first argument \<key\> is a
  1464  identifier uniquely representing the type of the section. The second argument 
  1465  is a quoted string representing the heading of the section under which 
  1466  text passed as the forth argument is put. The third argument (list title)
  1467  is used as the title for the related page containing all items with the 
  1468  same key. The keys "todo", "test", "bug", and "deprecated" are predefined.
  1470  To get an idea on how to use the \\xrefitem command and what its effect 
  1471  is, consider the todo list, which (for English output) can be seen an 
  1472  alias for the command
  1473  \verbatim \xrefitem todo "Todo" "Todo List" \endverbatim
  1475  Since it is very tedious and error-prone to repeat the first three 
  1476  parameters of the command for each section, the command is meant to 
  1477  be used in combination with the \ref cfg_aliases "ALIASES" option in the 
  1478  configuration file.
  1479  To define a new command \\reminder, for instance, one should add the following
  1480  line to the configuration file:
  1481  \verbatim ALIASES += "reminder=\xrefitem reminders \"Reminder\" \"Reminders\"" \endverbatim
  1482  Note the use of escaped quotes for the second and third argument of the
  1483  \\xrefitem command.
  1485 <hr>
  1487 \htmlonly <center> \endhtmlonly 
  1488 <h2>
  1489 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
  1490 Commands to create links
  1491 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
  1492 </h2>
  1493 \htmlonly </center>\endhtmlonly
  1495 <hr>
  1496 \section cmdaddindex \\addindex (text)
  1498   \addindex \\addindex
  1499   This command adds (text) to the \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ index.
  1501 <hr>
  1502 \section cmdanchor \\anchor <word>
  1504   \addindex \\anchor
  1505   This command places an invisible, named anchor into the documentation
  1506   to which you can refer with the \\ref command. 
  1508   \note Anchors can currently only be put into a comment block
  1509   that is marked as a page (using \ref cmdpage "\\page") or mainpage
  1510   (\ref cmdmainpage "\\mainpage"). 
  1512   \sa section \ref cmdref "\\ref".
  1514 <hr>
  1515 \section cmdendlink \\endlink
  1517   \addindex \\endlink 
  1518   This command ends a link that is started with the \\link command.
  1520   \sa section \ref cmdlink "\\link".
  1522 <hr>
  1523 \section cmdlink \\link <link-object> 
  1525   \addindex \\link
  1526   The links that are automatically generated by doxygen always have the
  1527   name of the object they point to as link-text. 
  1529   The \\link command can be used to create a link to an object (a file, 
  1530   class, or member) with a user specified link-text. 
  1531   The link command should end with an \\endlink command. All text between
  1532   the \\link and \\endlink commands serves as text for a link to 
  1533   the \<link-object\> specified as the first argument of \\link.
  1535   See section \ref autolink "autolink" for more information on automatically 
  1536   generated links and valid link-objects.
  1538 <hr>
  1539 \section cmdref \\ref <name> ["(text)"]
  1541   \addindex \\ref
  1542   Creates a reference to a named section, subsection, page or anchor.
  1543   For HTML documentation the reference command will generate a link to 
  1544   the section. For a sections or subsections the title of the section will be 
  1545   used as the text of the link. For anchor the optional text between quotes
  1546   will be used or \<name\> if no text is specified.
  1547   For \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ documentation the reference command will 
  1548   generate a section number for sections or the text followed by a 
  1549   page number if \<name\> refers to an anchor.
  1551   \sa
  1552     Section \ref cmdpage "\\page" for an example of the \\ref command.
  1554 <hr>
  1555 \section cmdsubpage \\subpage <name> ["(text)"]
  1557   \addindex \\subpage
  1558   This command can be used to create a hierarchy of pages. The
  1559   same structure can be made using the \ref cmddefgroup "\\defgroup" and
  1560   \ref cmdingroup "\\ingroup" commands, but for pages the \\subpage command
  1561   is often more convenient. The main page (see \ref cmdmainpage "\\mainpage") 
  1562   is typically the root of hierarchy. 
  1564   This command behaves similar as \ref cmdref "\\ref" in the sense that
  1565   it creates a reference to a page labeled \<name\> with the optional
  1566   link text as specified in the second argument. 
  1568   It differs from the \\ref command in that it only works for pages,
  1569   and creates a parent-child relation between pages, where the
  1570   child page (or sub page) is identified by label \<name\>. 
  1572   See the \ref cmdsection "\\section"
  1573   and \ref cmdsubsection "\\subsection" commands if you want to add structure
  1574   without creating multiple pages.
  1576   \note Each page can be the sub page of only one other page and
  1577   no cyclic relations are allowed, i.e. the page hierarchy must have a tree 
  1578   structure.
  1580   Here is an example:
  1581 \verbatim
  1582 /*! \mainpage A simple manual
  1584 Some general info.
  1586 This manual is divided in the following sections:
  1587 - \subpage intro 
  1588 - \subpage advanced "Advanced usage"
  1589 */
  1591 //-----------------------------------------------------------
  1593 /*! \page intro Introduction
  1594 This page introduces the user to the topic.
  1595 Now you can proceed to the \ref advanced "advanced section".  
  1596 */
  1598 //-----------------------------------------------------------
  1600 /*! \page advanced Advanced Usage
  1601 This page is for advanced users.
  1602 Make sure you have first read \ref intro "the introduction".
  1603 */
  1604 \endverbatim
  1606 <hr>
  1607 \section cmdsection \\section <section-name> (section title)
  1609   \addindex \\section
  1610   Creates a section with name \<section-name\>. The title of the
  1611   section should be specified as the second argument of the \\section 
  1612   command.
  1614   \warning This command only works inside related page documentation and
  1615            \e not in other documentation blocks!
  1617 <hr>
  1618 \section cmdsubsection \\subsection <subsection-name> (subsection title)
  1620   \addindex \\subsection
  1621   Creates a subsection with name \<subsection-name\>. The title of the
  1622   subsection should be specified as the second argument of the \\subsection
  1623   command.
  1625   \warning This command only works inside a section of a related page 
  1626            documentation block and
  1627            \e not in other documentation blocks!
  1629   \sa
  1630    Section \ref cmdpage "\\page" for an example of the 
  1631            \ref cmdsubsection "\\subsection" command.
  1633 <hr>
  1634 \section cmdsubsubsection \\subsubsection <subsubsection-name> (subsubsection title)
  1636   \addindex \\subsubsection
  1637   Creates a subsubsection with name \<subsubsection-name\>. The title of the
  1638   subsubsection should be specified as the second argument of the 
  1639   \\subsubsection command.
  1641   \warning This command only works inside a subsection of a 
  1642            related page documentation block and
  1643            \e not in other documentation blocks!
  1645   \sa
  1646    Section \ref cmdpage "\\page" for an example of the 
  1647            \ref cmdsubsubsection "\\subsubsection" command.
  1649 <hr>
  1650 \section cmdparagraph \\paragraph <paragraph-name> (paragraph title)
  1652   \addindex \\paragraph
  1653   Creates a named paragraph with name \<paragraph-name\>. The title of the
  1654   paragraph should be specified as the second argument of the 
  1655   \\paragraph command.
  1657   \warning This command only works inside a subsubsection of a 
  1658            related page documentation block and
  1659            \e not in other documentation blocks!
  1661   \sa
  1662    Section \ref cmdpage "\\page" for an example of the 
  1663            \ref cmdparagraph "\\paragraph" command.
  1665 <hr>
  1667 \htmlonly <center> \endhtmlonly 
  1668 <h2>
  1669 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
  1670 Commands for displaying examples
  1671 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
  1672 </h2>
  1673 \htmlonly </center>\endhtmlonly
  1675 <hr>
  1676 \section cmddontinclude \\dontinclude <file-name>
  1678   \addindex \\dontinclude
  1679   This command can be used to parse a source file without actually 
  1680   verbatim including it in the documentation (as the \\include command does). 
  1681   This is useful if you want to divide the source file into smaller pieces and
  1682   add documentation between the pieces.
  1683   Source files or directories can be specified using the 
  1684   \ref cfg_example_path "EXAMPLE_PATH" 
  1685   tag of doxygen's configuration file.
  1687   The class and member declarations and definitions inside the code fragment
  1688   are `remembered' during the parsing of the comment block that contained 
  1689   the \\dontinclude command. 
  1691   For line by line descriptions of source files, one or more lines 
  1692   of the example can be displayed using the \\line, \\skip, \\skipline, and 
  1693   \\until commands. An internal pointer is used for these commands. The
  1694   \\dontinclude command sets the pointer to the first line of the example.
  1696   \par Example:
  1697   \verbinclude include.cpp
  1698   Where the example file \c example_test.cpp looks as follows:
  1699   \verbinclude example_test.cpp
  1700   \htmlonly
  1701   Click <a href="$(DOXYGEN_DOCDIR)/examples/include/html/example.html">here</a> 
  1702   for the corresponding HTML documentation that is generated by doxygen.
  1703   \endhtmlonly
  1705   \sa sections \ref cmdline "\\line", \ref cmdskip "\\skip", 
  1706                \ref cmdskipline "\\skipline", and \ref cmduntil "\\until".
  1708 <hr>
  1709 \section cmdinclude \\include <file-name>
  1711   \addindex \\include
  1712   This command can be used to include a source file as a block of code.
  1713   The command takes the name of an include file as an argument. 
  1714   Source files or directories can be specified using the 
  1715   \ref cfg_example_path "EXAMPLE_PATH" 
  1716   tag of doxygen's configuration file.
  1718   If \<file-name\> itself is not unique for the set of example files specified
  1719   by the \ref cfg_example_path "EXAMPLE_PATH" tag, you can include part 
  1720   of the absolute path to disambiguate it.
  1722   Using the \\include command is equivalent to inserting the file into 
  1723   the documentation block and surrounding it 
  1724   with \ref cmdcode "\\code" and \ref cmdendcode "\\endcode" commands.
  1726   The main purpose of the \\include command is to avoid code 
  1727   duplication in case of example blocks that consist of multiple
  1728   source and header files.
  1730   For a line by line description of a source files use the 
  1731   \ref cmddontinclude "\\dontinclude" command in combination with 
  1732   the \ref cmdline "\\line", \ref cmdskip "\\skip", 
  1733   \ref cmdskipline "\\skipline", 
  1734   and \\until commands.  
  1736   \note Doxygen's special commands do not work inside blocks of code. 
  1737   It is allowed to nest C-style comments inside a code block though.
  1739   \sa section \ref cmdexample "\\example", \ref cmddontinclude "\\dontinclude", and
  1740       section \ref cmdverbatim "\\verbatim".
  1742 <hr>
  1743 \section cmdincludelineno \\includelineno <file-name>
  1745   \addindex \\includelineno
  1746   This command works the same way as \\include, but will add line 
  1747   numbers to the included file.
  1749   \sa section \ref cmdinclude "\\include".
  1751 <hr>
  1752 \section cmdline \\line ( pattern )
  1754   \addindex \\line
  1755   This command searches line by line through the example that was last
  1756   included using \\include or \\dontinclude until it finds a non-blank
  1757   line. If that line contains the specified pattern, it is written 
  1758   to the output.
  1760   The internal pointer that is used to keep track of the current line in
  1761   the example, is set to the start of the line following the non-blank
  1762   line that was found (or to the end of the example if no such line could
  1763   be found).
  1765   See section \ref cmddontinclude "\\dontinclude" for an example.
  1767 <hr>
  1768 \section cmdskip \\skip ( pattern )
  1770   \addindex \\skip
  1771   This command searches line by line through the example that was last
  1772   included using \\include or \\dontinclude until it finds a line that contains
  1773   the specified pattern. 
  1775   The internal pointer that is used to keep track of the current line in
  1776   the example, is set to the start of the line that contains the specified
  1777   pattern (or to the end of the example if the pattern could not be found). 
  1779   See section \ref cmddontinclude "\\dontinclude" for an example.
  1781 <hr>
  1782 \section cmdskipline \\skipline ( pattern ) 
  1784   \addindex \\skipline
  1785   This command searches line by line through the example that was last
  1786   included using \\include or \\dontinclude until it finds a line that contains
  1787   the specified pattern. It then writes the line to the output.
  1789   The internal pointer that is used to keep track of the current line in
  1790   the example, is set to the start of the line following the line that is
  1791   written (or to the end of the example if the pattern could not be found). 
  1793   \par Note:
  1794     The command:
  1795     \verbatim\skipline pattern\endverbatim 
  1796     is equivalent to:
  1797 \verbatim
  1798 \skip pattern
  1799 \line pattern\endverbatim
  1801   See section \ref cmddontinclude "\\dontinclude" for an example.
  1803 <hr>
  1804 \section cmduntil \\until ( pattern )
  1806   \addindex \\until
  1807   This command writes all lines of the example that was last
  1808   included using \\include or \\dontinclude to the output, until it finds 
  1809   a line containing the specified pattern. The line containing the pattern
  1810   will be written as well.
  1812   The internal pointer that is used to keep track of the current line in
  1813   the example, is set to the start of the line following last written
  1814   line (or to the end of the example if the pattern could not be found).
  1816   See section \ref cmddontinclude "\\dontinclude" for an example.
  1818 <hr>
  1819 \section cmdverbinclude \\verbinclude <file-name>
  1821   \addindex \\verbinclude
  1822   This command includes the file \<file-name\> verbatim in the documentation.
  1823   The command is equivalent to pasting the file in the documentation and
  1824   placing \\verbatim and \\endverbatim commands around it. 
  1826   Files or directories that doxygen should look for can be specified using the 
  1827   \ref cfg_example_path "EXAMPLE_PATH" tag of doxygen's configuration file.
  1829 <hr>
  1830 \section cmdhtmlinclude \\htmlinclude <file-name>
  1832   \addindex \\htmlinclude
  1833   This command includes the file \<file-name\> as is in the HTML documentation.
  1834   The command is equivalent to pasting the file in the documentation and
  1835   placing \\htmlonly and \\endhtmlonly commands around it.
  1837   Files or directories that doxygen should look for can be specified using the 
  1838   \ref cfg_example_path "EXAMPLE_PATH" tag of doxygen's configuration file.
  1840 <hr>
  1842 \htmlonly <center> \endhtmlonly 
  1843 <h2>
  1844 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
  1845 Commands for visual enhancements
  1846 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
  1847 </h2>
  1848 \htmlonly </center>\endhtmlonly
  1850 \section cmda \\a <word>
  1852   \addindex \\a
  1853   Displays the argument \<word\> using a special font.
  1854   Use this command to refer to member arguments in the running text.
  1856   \par Example:
  1857   \verbatim
  1858   ... the \a x and \a y coordinates are used to ...
  1859   \endverbatim 
  1860   This will result in the following text:<br><br>
  1861   ... the \a x and \a y coordinates are used to ...
  1863 <hr>
  1864 \section cmdarg \\arg { item-description }
  1866   \addindex \\arg
  1867   This command has one argument that continues until the first
  1868   blank line or until another \\arg is encountered.
  1869   The command can be used to generate a simple, not nested list of
  1870   arguments. 
  1871   Each argument should start with a \\arg command.
  1873   \par Example:
  1874   Typing:
  1875   \verbatim
  1876   \arg \c AlignLeft left alignment.
  1877   \arg \c AlignCenter center alignment.
  1878   \arg \c AlignRight right alignment
  1880   No other types of alignment are supported.
  1881   \endverbatim
  1882   will result in the following text:<br><br>
  1883   <ul>
  1884   <li> \c AlignLeft left alignment.
  1885   <li> \c AlignCenter center alignment.
  1886   <li> \c AlignRight right alignment
  1887   </ul><br>
  1888   No other types of alignment are supported.
  1890   \par Note:
  1891   For nested lists, HTML commands should be used.
  1893   Equivalent to \ref cmdli "\\li"
  1896 <hr>
  1897 \section cmdb \\b <word>
  1899   \addindex \\b
  1900   Displays the argument \<word\> using a bold font.
  1901   Equivalent to \<b\>word\</b\>.
  1902   To put multiple words in bold use \<b\>multiple words\</b\>.
  1904 <hr>
  1905 \section cmdc \\c <word>
  1907   \addindex \\c
  1908   Displays the argument \<word\> using a typewriter font.
  1909   Use this to refer to a word of code.
  1910   Equivalent to \<tt\>word\</tt\>.
  1912   \par Example:
  1913   Typing:
  1914   \verbatim
  1915      ... This function returns \c void and not \c int ...
  1916   \endverbatim
  1917   will result in the following text:<br><br>
  1918      ... This function returns \c void and not \c int ...
  1920   Equivalent to \ref cmdp "\\p"
  1921   To have multiple words in typewriter font use \<tt\>multiple words\</tt\>.
  1923 <hr>
  1924 \section cmdcode \\code
  1926   \addindex \\code
  1927   Starts a block of code. A code block is treated differently
  1928   from ordinary text. It is interpreted as C/C++ code. The names of the
  1929   classes and members that are documented are automatically replaced by 
  1930   links to the documentation. 
  1932   \sa section \ref cmdendcode "\\endcode", section \ref cmdverbatim "\\verbatim".
  1934 <hr>
  1935 \section cmdcopydoc \\copydoc <link-object>
  1937   \addindex \\copydoc
  1938   Copies a documentation block from the object specified by \<link-object\>
  1939   and pastes it at the location of the command. This command can be useful 
  1940   to avoid cases where a documentation block would otherwise have to be 
  1941   duplicated or it can be used to extend the documentation of an inherited 
  1942   member.
  1944   The link object can point to a member (of a class, file or group), 
  1945   a class, a namespace, a group, a page, or a file (checked in that order). 
  1946   Note that if the object pointed to is a member (function, variable, 
  1947   typedef, etc), the compound (class, file, or group) containing it 
  1948   should also be documented for the copying to work. 
  1950   To copy the documentation for a member of a 
  1951   class for instance one can put the following in the documentation
  1953 \verbatim
  1954   /*! @copydoc MyClass::myfunction() 
  1955    *  More documentation.
  1956    */
  1957 \endverbatim
  1959   if the member is overloaded, you should specify the argument types 
  1960   explicitly (without spaces!), like in the following:
  1962 \verbatim
  1963   /*! @copydoc MyClass::myfunction(type1,type2) */
  1964 \endverbatim
  1966   Qualified names are only needed if the context in which the documentation
  1967   block is found requires them.
  1969   The copydoc command can be used recursively, but cycles in the copydoc
  1970   relation will be broken and flagged as an error.
  1972   Note that both the brief description and the detailed documentation
  1973   will be copied. See \ref cmdcopybrief "\\cmdcopybrief" and
  1974   \ref cmdcopydetails "\\cmdcopydetails" for copying only the brief or
  1975   detailed part of the comment block.
  1977 <hr>
  1978 \section cmdcopybrief \\copybrief <link-object>
  1980 Works in a similar way as \ref cmdcopydoc "\\copydoc" but will
  1981 only copy the brief description, not the detailed documentation.
  1983 <hr>
  1984 \section cmdcopydetails \\copydetails <link-object>
  1986 Works in a similar way as \ref cmdcopydoc "\\copydoc" but will
  1987 only copy the detailed documentation, not the brief description.
  1989 <hr>
  1990 \section cmddot \\dot
  1992   \addindex \\dot
  1993   Starts a text fragment which should contain a valid description of a
  1994   dot graph. The text fragment ends with \ref cmdenddot "\\enddot". 
  1995   Doxygen will pass the text on to dot and include the resulting 
  1996   image (and image map) into the output.
  1997   The nodes of a graph can be made clickable by using the URL attribute.
  1998   By using the command \\ref inside the URL value you can conveniently 
  1999   link to an item inside doxygen. Here is an example:
  2000 \code
  2001 /*! class B */
  2002 class B {};
  2004 /*! class C */
  2005 class C {};
  2007 /*! \mainpage
  2008  *
  2009  *  Class relations expressed via an inline dot graph:
  2010  *  \dot
  2011  *  digraph example {
  2012  *      node [shape=record, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=10];
  2013  *      b [ label="class B" URL="\ref B"];
  2014  *      c [ label="class C" URL="\ref C"];
  2015  *      b -> c [ arrowhead="open", style="dashed" ];
  2016  *  }
  2017  *  \enddot
  2018  *  Note that the classes in the above graph are clickable 
  2019  *  (in the HTML output).
  2020  */
  2021 \endcode
  2023 <hr>
  2024 \section cmdmsc \\msc
  2026   \addindex \\msc
  2027   Starts a text fragment which should contain a valid description of a
  2028   message sequence chart. See http://www.mcternan.me.uk/mscgen/ for examples.
  2029   The text fragment ends with \ref cmdendmsc "\\endmsc". 
  2030   \note The text fragment should only include the part of the message 
  2031   sequence chart that is
  2032   within the <code>msc {...}</code> block.
  2033   \note You need to install the <code>mscgen</code> tool, if you want to use this
  2034   command. 
  2036 Here is an example of the use of the \\msc command.
  2037 \code
  2038 /** Sender class. Can be used to send a command to the server.
  2039  *  The receiver will acknowlegde the command by calling Ack().
  2040  *  \msc
  2041  *    Sender,Receiver;
  2042  *    Sender->Receiver [label="Command()", URL="\ref Receiver::Command()"];
  2043  *    Sender<-Receiver [label="Ack()", URL="\ref Ack()", ID="1"];
  2044  *  \endmsc
  2045  */
  2046 class Sender
  2047 {
  2048   public:
  2049     /** Acknowledgement from server */
  2050     void Ack(bool ok);
  2051 };
  2053 /** Receiver class. Can be used to receive and execute commands.
  2054  *  After execution of a command, the receiver will send an acknowledgement
  2055  *  \msc
  2056  *    Receiver,Sender;
  2057  *    Receiver<-Sender [label="Command()", URL="\ref Command()"];
  2058  *    Receiver->Sender [label="Ack()", URL="\ref Sender::Ack()", ID="1"];
  2059  *  \endmsc
  2060  */
  2061 class Receiver
  2062 {
  2063   public:
  2064     /** Executable a command on the server */
  2065     void Command(int commandId);
  2066 };
  2068 \endcode  
  2070 <hr>
  2071 \section cmddotfile \\dotfile <file> ["caption"] 
  2073   \addindex \\dotfile
  2074   Inserts an image generated by dot from \<file\> into the documentation. 
  2076   The first argument specifies the file name of the image. 
  2077   doxygen will look for files in the paths (or files) that you specified 
  2078   after the \ref cfg_dotfile_dirs "DOTFILE_DIRS" tag. 
  2079   If the dot file is found it will be used as an input file to the dot tool. 
  2080   The resulting image will be put into the correct output directory.
  2081   If the dot file name contains spaces you'll have to put quotes ("...") around it.
  2083   The second argument is optional and can be used to specify the caption
  2084   that is displayed below the image. This argument has to be specified
  2085   between quotes even if it does not contain any spaces. The quotes are
  2086   stripped before the caption is displayed.
  2088 <hr>
  2089 \section cmde \\e <word>
  2091   \addindex \\e 
  2092   Displays the argument \<word\> in italics.
  2093   Use this command to emphasize words.
  2095   \par Example:
  2096   Typing:
  2097   \verbatim
  2098   ... this is a \e really good example ... 
  2099   \endverbatim
  2100   will result in the following text:<br><br>
  2101   ... this is a \e really good example ...
  2103   Equivalent to \ref cmdem "\\em". 
  2104   To emphasis multiple words use \<em\>multiple words\</em\>.
  2106 <hr>
  2107 \section cmdem \\em <word>
  2109   \addindex \\em 
  2110   Displays the argument \<word\> in italics.
  2111   Use this command to emphasize words.
  2113   \par Example:
  2114   Typing:
  2115   \verbatim
  2116   ... this is a \em really good example ... 
  2117   \endverbatim
  2118   will result in the following text:<br><br>
  2119   ... this is a \em really good example ...
  2121   Equivalent to \ref cmde "\\e"
  2123 <hr>
  2124 \section cmdendcode \\endcode
  2126   \addindex \\endcode
  2127   Ends a block of code.
  2128   \sa section \ref cmdcode "\\code"
  2130 <hr>
  2131 \section cmdenddot \\enddot
  2133   \addindex \\enddot
  2134   Ends a blocks that was started with \ref cmddot "\\dot".
  2136 <hr>
  2137 \section cmdendmsc \\endmsc
  2139   \addindex \\endmsc
  2140   Ends a blocks that was started with \ref cmdmsc "\\msc".
  2142 <hr>
  2143 \section cmdendhtmlonly \\endhtmlonly
  2145   \addindex \\endhtmlonly
  2146   Ends a block of text that was started with a \\htmlonly command.
  2148   \sa section \ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly".
  2150 <hr>
  2151 \section cmdendlatexonly \\endlatexonly
  2153   \addindex \\endlatexonly
  2154   Ends a block of text that was started with a \\latexonly command.
  2156   \sa section \ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly".
  2158 <hr>
  2159 \section cmdendmanonly \\endmanonly
  2161   \addindex \\endmanonly
  2162   Ends a block of text that was started with a \\manonly command.
  2164   \sa section \ref cmdmanonly "\\manonly".
  2166 <hr>
  2167 \section cmdendverbatim \\endverbatim
  2169   \addindex \\endverbatim
  2170   Ends a block of text that was started with a \\verbatim command.
  2172   \sa section \ref cmdendcode "\\endcode", section \ref cmdverbatim "\\verbatim".
  2174 <hr>
  2175 \section cmdendxmlonly \\endxmlonly
  2177   \addindex \\endxmlonly
  2178   Ends a block of text that was started with a \\xmlonly command.
  2180   \sa section \ref cmdxmlonly "\\xmlonly".
  2182 <hr>
  2183 \section cmdfdollar \\f$
  2185   \addindex \\f\$
  2187   Marks the start and end of an in-text formula. 
  2188   \sa section \ref formulas "formulas" for an example.
  2190 <hr>
  2191 \section cmdfbropen \\f[
  2193   \addindex \\f[
  2195   Marks the start of a long formula that is displayed 
  2196   centered on a separate line.
  2197   \sa section \ref cmdfbrclose "\\f]" and section \ref formulas "formulas".
  2199 <hr>
  2200 \section cmdfbrclose \\f]
  2202   \addindex \\f]
  2204   Marks the end of a long formula that is displayed
  2205   centered on a separate line.
  2206   \sa section \ref cmdfbropen "\\f[" and section \ref formulas "formulas".
  2208 <hr>
  2209 \section cmdfcurlyopen \\f{environment}{
  2211   Marks the start of a formula that is in a specific environment.
  2212   \note The second \{ is optional and is only to help editors (such as Vim) to
  2213   do proper syntax highlighting by making the number of opening and closing braces
  2214   the same.
  2216 <hr>
  2217 \section cmdfcurlyclose \\f}
  2219   Marks the end of a formula that is in a specific environment.
  2221 <hr>
  2222 \section cmdhtmlonly \\htmlonly
  2224   \addindex \\htmlonly
  2225   Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in the
  2226   generated HTML documentation only. The block ends with a
  2227   endhtmlonly command.
  2229   This command can be used to include HTML code that is too complex
  2230   for doxygen (i.e. applets, java-scripts, and HTML tags that
  2231   require attributes). You can use the \\latexonly and \\endlatexonly
  2232   pair to provide a proper \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ alternative.
  2234   \b Note:
  2235     environment variables (like \$(HOME) ) are resolved inside a 
  2236     HTML-only block.
  2238   \sa section \ref cmdmanonly "\\manonly" and section 
  2239               \ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly".
  2241 <hr>
  2242 \section cmdimage \\image <format> <file> ["caption"] [<sizeindication>=<size>]
  2244   \addindex \\image
  2245   Inserts an image into the documentation. This command is format
  2246   specific, so if you want to insert an image for more than one
  2247   format you'll have to repeat this command for each format.
  2249   The first argument specifies the output format. Currently, the 
  2250   following values are supported: \c html and \c latex.
  2252   The second argument specifies the file name of the image. 
  2253   doxygen will look for files in the paths (or files) that you specified 
  2254   after the \ref cfg_image_path "IMAGE_PATH" tag. 
  2255   If the image is found it will be copied to the correct output directory.
  2256   If the image name contains spaces you'll have to put quotes ("...") around it.
  2257   You can also specify an absolute URL instead of a file name, but then
  2258   doxygen does not copy the image nor check its existance.
  2260   The third argument is optional and can be used to specify the caption
  2261   that is displayed below the image. This argument has to be specified
  2262   on a single line and between quotes even if it does not contain any 
  2263   spaces. The quotes are stripped before the caption is displayed.
  2265   The fourth argument is also optional and can be used to specify the 
  2266   width or height of the image. This is only useful 
  2267   for \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ output
  2268   (i.e. format=<code>latex</code>). The \c sizeindication can be 
  2269   either \c width or \c height. The size should be a valid 
  2270   size specifier in \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ (for example <code>10cm</code> or 
  2271   <code>6in</code> or a symbolic width like <code>\\textwidth</code>).
  2273   Here is example of a comment block:
  2275 \verbatim
  2276   /*! Here is a snapshot of my new application:
  2277    *  \image html application.jpg
  2278    *  \image latex application.eps "My application" width=10cm
  2279    */
  2280 \endverbatim
  2282   And this is an example of how the relevant part of the configuration file 
  2283   may look:
  2285 \verbatim
  2286   IMAGE_PATH     = my_image_dir
  2287 \endverbatim
  2289   \warning The image format for HTML is limited to what your
  2290            browser supports. For \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$, the image format
  2291            must be Encapsulated PostScript (eps).
  2292            <br><br>
  2293            Doxygen does not check if the image is in the correct format. 
  2294            So \e you have to make sure this is the case!
  2296 <hr>
  2297 \section cmdlatexonly \\latexonly
  2299   \addindex \\latexonly
  2300   Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in the
  2301   generated \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ documentation only. The block ends with a
  2302   endlatexonly command.
  2304   This command can be used to include \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ code that is too 
  2305   complex for doxygen (i.e. images, formulas, special characters). You can 
  2306   use the \\htmlonly and \\endhtmlonly pair to provide a proper HTML 
  2307   alternative.
  2309   \b Note:
  2310     environment variables (like \$(HOME) ) are resolved inside a 
  2311     \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$-only block.
  2313   \sa section \ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly" 
  2314   and section \ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly".
  2316 <hr>
  2317 \section cmdmanonly \\manonly
  2319   \addindex \\manonly
  2320   Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in the
  2321   generated MAN documentation only. The block ends with a
  2322   endmanonly command.
  2324   This command can be used to include groff code directly into
  2325   MAN pages. You can use the \\htmlonly and \\latexonly and 
  2326   \\endhtmlonly and \\endlatexonly pairs to provide proper 
  2327   HTML and \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ alternatives.
  2329   \sa section \ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly" and section 
  2330               \ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly".
  2332 <hr>
  2333 \section cmdli \\li { item-description }
  2335   \addindex \\li
  2336   This command has one argument that continues until the first
  2337   blank line or until another \\li is encountered.
  2338   The command can be used to generate a simple, not nested list of
  2339   arguments. 
  2340   Each argument should start with a \\li command.
  2342   \par Example:
  2343   Typing:
  2344   \verbatim
  2345   \li \c AlignLeft left alignment.
  2346   \li \c AlignCenter center alignment.
  2347   \li \c AlignRight right alignment
  2349   No other types of alignment are supported.
  2350   \endverbatim
  2351   will result in the following text:<br><br>
  2352   <ul>
  2353   <li> \c AlignLeft left alignment.
  2354   <li> \c AlignCenter center alignment.
  2355   <li> \c AlignRight right alignment
  2356   </ul><br>
  2357   No other types of alignment are supported.
  2359   \par Note:
  2360   For nested lists, HTML commands should be used.
  2362   Equivalent to \ref cmdarg "\\arg"
  2364 <hr>
  2365 \section cmdn \\n 
  2367   \addindex \\n
  2368   Forces a new line. Equivalent to \<br\> and inspired by
  2369   the printf function.
  2371 <hr>
  2372 \section cmdp \\p <word>
  2374   \addindex \\p
  2375   Displays the parameter \<word\> using a typewriter font.
  2376   You can use this command to refer to member function parameters in 
  2377   the running text.
  2379   \par Example:
  2380   \verbatim
  2381   ... the \p x and \p y coordinates are used to ...
  2382   \endverbatim 
  2383   This will result in the following text:<br><br>
  2384   ... the \p x and \p y coordinates are used to ...
  2386   Equivalent to \ref cmdc "\\c"
  2388 <hr>
  2389 \section cmdverbatim \\verbatim
  2391   \addindex \\verbatim
  2392   Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in both the
  2393   HTML and the 
  2394   \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ documentation. The block should end with a 
  2395   \\endverbatim block. All commands are disabled in a verbatim block.
  2397   \warning Make sure you include a \\endverbatim command for each 
  2398   \\verbatim command or the parser will get confused!
  2400   \sa section \ref cmdcode "\\code", and section \ref cmdverbinclude "\\verbinclude".
  2402 <hr>
  2403 \section cmdxmlonly \\xmlonly
  2405   \addindex \\xmlonly
  2406   Starts a block of text that will be verbatim included in the
  2407   generated XML output only. The block ends with a
  2408   endxmlonly command.
  2410   This command can be used to include custom XML tags. 
  2412   \sa section \ref cmdhtmlonly "\\htmlonly" and section 
  2413               \ref cmdlatexonly "\\latexonly".
  2415 <hr>
  2416 \section cmdbackslash \\\\
  2418   \addindex \\\\
  2419   This command writes a backslash character (\\) to the HTML and 
  2420   \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ output. The backslash has to be escaped in some 
  2421   cases because doxygen uses it to detect commands.
  2423 <hr>
  2424 \section cmdat \\\@
  2426   \addindex \\\@
  2427   This command writes an at-sign (\@) to the HTML and 
  2428   \f$\mbox{\LaTeX}\f$ output. The at-sign has to be escaped in some cases 
  2429   because doxygen uses it to detect JavaDoc commands.
  2431 <hr>
  2432 \section cmdtilde \\~[LanguageId]
  2433   \addindex \\~
  2434   This command enables/disables a language specific filter. This can be
  2435   used to put documentation for different language into one comment block
  2436   and use the \c OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag to filter out only a specific language.
  2437   Use \\~language_id to enable output for a specific language only and
  2438   \\~ to enable output for all languages (this is also the default mode).
  2440   Example:
  2441 \verbatim
  2442 /*! \~english This is english \~dutch Dit is Nederlands \~german Dieses ist
  2443     deutsch. \~ output for all languages.
  2444  */
  2445 \endverbatim
  2448 <hr>
  2449 \section cmdamp \\\&
  2451   \addindex \\\&
  2452   This command writes the \& character to output. 
  2453   This character has to be escaped because it has a special meaning in HTML.
  2455 <hr>
  2456 \section cmddollar \\\$
  2458   \addindex \\\$
  2459   This command writes the \$ character to the output. 
  2460   This character has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used to expand 
  2461   environment variables.
  2463 <hr>
  2464 \section cmdhash \\\#
  2466   \addindex \\\#
  2467   This command writes the \# character to the output. This 
  2468   character has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used to refer
  2469   to documented entities. 
  2471 <hr>
  2472 \section cmdlt \\\<
  2474   \addindex \\\<
  2475   This command writes the \< character to the output. 
  2476   This character has to be escaped because it has a special meaning in HTML.
  2478 <hr>
  2479 \section cmdgt \\\>
  2481   \addindex \\\>
  2482   This command writes the \> character to the output. This 
  2483   character has to be escaped because it has a special meaning in HTML.
  2485 <hr>
  2486 \section cmdperc \\\%
  2488   \addindex \\\%
  2489   This command writes the \% character to the output. This 
  2490   character has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used to 
  2491   prevent auto-linking to word that is also a documented class or struct. 
  2493 <hr>
  2494 \section cmdquot \\"
  2496   \addindex \\\"
  2497   This command writes the \" character to the output. This 
  2498   character has to be escaped in some cases, because it is used in pairs
  2499   to indicate an unformated text fragment.
  2501 <hr>
  2502 \htmlonly <center> \endhtmlonly 
  2503 <h2>
  2504 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
  2505 Commands included for Qt compatibility
  2506 \htmlonly --- \endhtmlonly 
  2507 </h2>
  2508 \htmlonly </center>\endhtmlonly
  2510 The following commands are supported to remain compatible to the Qt class
  2511 browser generator. Do \e not use these commands in your own documentation.
  2512 <ul>
  2513 <li>\\annotatedclasslist
  2514 <li>\\classhierarchy
  2515 <li>\\define
  2516 <li>\\functionindex
  2517 <li>\\header
  2518 <li>\\headerfilelist
  2519 <li>\\inherit
  2520 <li>\\l
  2521 <li>\\postheader
  2522 </ul>
  2523 <hr>
  2525 */