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     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  */
    17 /*! \page doxywizard_usage Doxywizard usage
    19 Doxywizard is a GUI front-end for configuring and running doxygen. 
    21 When you start doxywizard it will display the main window 
    22 (the actual look depends on the OS used).
    24 \image html doxywizard_main.png "Main window"
    26 The windows shows the steps to take to configure and run doxygen.
    27 The first step is to choose one of the ways to configure doxygen.
    28 <dl>
    29 <dt>Wizard<dd>Click this button to quickly configure the most important 
    30     settings and leave the rest of the options to their defaults.
    31 <dt>Expert<dd>Click this button to to gain access to the 
    32     \ref config "full range of configuration options".
    33 <dt>Load<dd>Click this button to load an existing configuration file 
    34     from disk.
    35 </dl>
    36 Note that you can select multiple buttons in a row, for instance to first 
    37 configure doxygen using the Wizard and then fine tune the settings via 
    38 the Expert.
    40 After doxygen is configured you need to save the configuration as a file
    41 to disk. This second step allows doxygen to use the configuration 
    42 and has the additional advantage that the configuration can be reused 
    43 to run doxygen with the same settings at a later point in time.
    45 Since some configuration options may use relative paths, the next step is
    46 to select a directory from which to run doxygen. This is typically the root
    47 of the source tree and will most of the time already be filled in correctly.
    49 Once the configuration file is saved and the working directory is set, you
    50 can run doxygen based on the selected settings. Do this by pressing the
    51 "Start" button. Once doxygen runs you can cancel it by clicking the same
    52 button again. The output produced by doxygen is captured and shown in a log
    53 window. Once doxygen finishes, the log can be saved as a text file.
    55 <h3>The Wizard Dialog</h3>
    57 If you select the Wizard button in step 1, then a dialog with
    58 a number of tabs will appear.
    60 \image html doxywizard_page1.png "Wizard dialog: Project settings"
    62 The fields in the project tab speak for themselves. Once doxygen has finished
    63 the Destination directory is where to look for the results. Doxygen will
    64 put each output format in a separate sub-directory.
    66 \image html doxywizard_page2.png "Wizard dialog: Mode of operating"
    68 The mode tab allows you to select how doxygen will look at your sources.
    69 The default is to only look for things that have been documented. 
    71 You can also select how doxygen should present the results. 
    72 The latter does not affect the way doxygen parses your source code.
    74 \image html doxywizard_page3.png "Wizard dialog: Output to produce"
    76 You can select one or more of the output formats that doxygen should
    77 produce. For HTML and LaTeX there are additional options. 
    79 \image html doxywizard_page4.png "Wizard dialog: Diagrams to generate"
    81 Doxygen can produce a number of diagrams. Using the diagrams tab you
    82 can select which ones to generate. For most diagrams the 
    83 dot tool of the <a href="http://www.graphviz.org">GraphViz</a> package
    84 is needed (if you use the binary packages for MacOSX this
    85 tool is already included).
    87 <h3>Expert dialog</h3>
    89 The Expert dialog has a number of tab fields, one
    90 for each section in the configuration file. Each tab-field
    91 contains a number of lines, one for each configuration option in
    92 that section. 
    94 The kind of input widget depends on the type of the configuration option. 
    95 <ul>
    96 <li>For each boolean option (those options that are answered with YES or 
    97     NO in the configuration file) there is a check-box. 
    98 <li>For items taking one of a fixed set of values (like 
    99     \ref cfg_output_language "OUTPUT_LANGUAGE") a combo box is used.
   100 <li>For items taking an integer value from a range, a spinbox is used.
   101 <li>For free form string-type options there is a one line edit field
   102 <li>For options taking a lists of strings, a one line edit field is 
   103     available, with a `+' button to add this string to the list and 
   104     a `-' button to remove the selected string from the list. There 
   105     is also a `*' button that, when pressed, 
   106     replaces the selected item in the list with the string entered in the 
   107     edit field. 
   108 <li>For file and folder entries, there are special buttons 
   109     that start a file selection dialog.
   110 </ul>
   112 \image html doxywizard_expert.png "Some options from the Expert dialog"
   114 The get additional information about the meaning of an option, click
   115 on the "Help" button at the bottom right of the dialog and then on the
   116 item. A tooltip with additional information will appear.
   118 <h3>Menu options</h3>
   120 The GUI front-end has a menu with a couple of useful items
   122 \image html doxywizard_menu.png "File menu"
   124 <dl>
   125 <dt>Open...<dd>This is the same as the "Load" button in the main window
   126     and allows to open a configuration file from disk.
   127 <dt>Save as..<dd>This is the same as the "Save" button in the main window
   128     and can be used to save the current configuration settings to disk.
   129 <dt>Recent configurations<dd>Allow to quickly load a recently saved
   130     configuration.
   131 <dt>Set as default...<dd>Stores the current configuration settings as the
   132     default to use next time the GUI is started. You will be asked to
   133     confirm the action.
   134 <dt>Reset...<dd>Restores the factory defaults as the default settings to use.
   135     You will be asked to confirm the action.
   136 </dl>
   138 */