1 /*! \page perlmod_tree Nodes in the documentation tree of the Perl Module output format |
2 |
3 <h2>Nodes in the documentation tree of the Perl Module output |
4 format.</h2> |
5 |
6 This is a description of the structure of the documentation tree in |
7 <b>DoxyDocs.pm</b>. Each item in the list below describes a node in |
8 the tree, and the format of the description is as follows: |
9 |
10 <ul> |
11 <li>[ key => ] <b>Name</b> <i>(type)</i>. Explanation of the content. |
12 </ul> |
13 |
14 Where |
15 |
16 <ul> |
17 |
18 <li>The "key =>" part only appears if the parent node is a hash. |
19 "key" is the key for this node. |
20 |
21 <li><b>"Name"</b> is a unique name for the node, defined in |
22 DoxyModel.pm. |
23 |
24 <li><i>"(type)"</i> is the type of the node: "string" for string |
25 nodes, "hash" for hash nodes, "list" for list nodes, and "doc" for |
26 documentation subtrees. The structure of documentation subtrees is |
27 not described anywhere yet, but you can look for example at |
28 <b>doxylatex.pl</b> to see how to process it. |
29 |
30 </ul> |
31 |
32 The meaning of each node in the documentation tree is as follows: |
33 <ul> |
34 <li> <b>Root</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Root node. |
35 <ul> |
36 <li>classes => <b>Classes</b> <i>(list)</i>. Documented classes. |
37 <ul> |
38 <li> <b>Class</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A documented class. |
39 <ul> |
40 <li>protected_members => <b>ClassProtectedMembers</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the protected members in the class. |
41 <ul> |
42 <li>members => <b>ClassProtectedMemberList</b> <i>(list)</i>. protected member list. |
43 <ul> |
44 <li> <b>ClassProtectedMember</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A protected member. |
45 <ul> |
46 <li>protection => <b>ClassProtectedMemberProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the protected member. |
47 <li>detailed => <b>ClassProtectedMemberDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the protected member. |
48 <ul> |
49 <li>doc => <b>ClassProtectedMemberDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the protected member. |
50 <li>see => <b>ClassProtectedMemberSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the protected member. |
51 </ul> |
52 <li>kind => <b>ClassProtectedMemberKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of protected member (usually "variable"). |
53 <li>name => <b>ClassProtectedMemberName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the protected member. |
54 <li>type => <b>ClassProtectedMemberType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type of the protected member. |
55 </ul> |
56 </ul> |
57 </ul> |
58 <li>detailed => <b>ClassDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the class. |
59 <ul> |
60 <li>doc => <b>ClassDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation block for the class. |
61 </ul> |
62 <li>protected_typedefs => <b>ClassProtectedTypedefs</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the protected typedefs in the class. |
63 <ul> |
64 <li>members => <b>ClassProtectedTypedefList</b> <i>(list)</i>. protected typedef list. |
65 <ul> |
66 <li> <b>ClassProtectedTypedef</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A protected typedef. |
67 <ul> |
68 <li>protection => <b>ClassProtectedTypedefProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the protected typedef. |
69 <li>detailed => <b>ClassProtectedTypedefDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the protected typedef. |
70 <ul> |
71 <li>doc => <b>ClassProtectedTypedefDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the protected typedef. |
72 <li>see => <b>ClassProtectedTypedefSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the protected typedef. |
73 </ul> |
74 <li>kind => <b>ClassProtectedTypedefKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of protected typedef (usually "typedef"). |
75 <li>name => <b>ClassProtectedTypedefName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the protected typedef. |
76 <li>type => <b>ClassProtectedTypedefType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type of the protected typedef. |
77 </ul> |
78 </ul> |
79 </ul> |
80 <li>name => <b>ClassName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the class. |
81 <li>private_members => <b>ClassPrivateMembers</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the private members in the class. |
82 <ul> |
83 <li>members => <b>ClassPrivateMemberList</b> <i>(list)</i>. private member list. |
84 <ul> |
85 <li> <b>ClassPrivateMember</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A private member. |
86 <ul> |
87 <li>protection => <b>ClassPrivateMemberProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the private member. |
88 <li>detailed => <b>ClassPrivateMemberDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the private member. |
89 <ul> |
90 <li>doc => <b>ClassPrivateMemberDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the private member. |
91 <li>see => <b>ClassPrivateMemberSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the private member. |
92 </ul> |
93 <li>kind => <b>ClassPrivateMemberKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of private member (usually "variable"). |
94 <li>name => <b>ClassPrivateMemberName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the private member. |
95 <li>type => <b>ClassPrivateMemberType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type of the private member. |
96 </ul> |
97 </ul> |
98 </ul> |
99 <li>private_typedefs => <b>ClassPrivateTypedefs</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the private typedefs in the class. |
100 <ul> |
101 <li>members => <b>ClassPrivateTypedefList</b> <i>(list)</i>. private typedef list. |
102 <ul> |
103 <li> <b>ClassPrivateTypedef</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A private typedef. |
104 <ul> |
105 <li>protection => <b>ClassPrivateTypedefProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the private typedef. |
106 <li>detailed => <b>ClassPrivateTypedefDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the private typedef. |
107 <ul> |
108 <li>doc => <b>ClassPrivateTypedefDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the private typedef. |
109 <li>see => <b>ClassPrivateTypedefSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the private typedef. |
110 </ul> |
111 <li>kind => <b>ClassPrivateTypedefKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of private typedef (usually "typedef"). |
112 <li>name => <b>ClassPrivateTypedefName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the private typedef. |
113 <li>type => <b>ClassPrivateTypedefType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type of the private typedef. |
114 </ul> |
115 </ul> |
116 </ul> |
117 <li>protected_methods => <b>ClassProtectedMethods</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the protected methods in the class. |
118 <ul> |
119 <li>members => <b>ClassProtectedMethodList</b> <i>(list)</i>. protected method list. |
120 <ul> |
121 <li> <b>ClassProtectedMethod</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A protected method. |
122 <ul> |
123 <li>parameters => <b>ClassProtectedMethodParams</b> <i>(list)</i>. List of the parameters of the protected method. |
124 <ul> |
125 <li> <b>ClassProtectedMethodParam</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter of the protected method. |
126 <ul> |
127 <li>declaration_name => <b>ClassProtectedMethodParamName</b> <i>(string)</i>. The name of the parameter. |
128 <li>type => <b>ClassProtectedMethodParamType</b> <i>(string)</i>. The data type of the parameter. |
129 </ul> |
130 </ul> |
131 <li>protection => <b>ClassProtectedMethodProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the protected method. |
132 <li>virtualness => <b>ClassProtectedMethodVirtualness</b> <i>(string)</i>. Virtualness of the protected method. |
133 <li>detailed => <b>ClassProtectedMethodDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the protected method. |
134 <ul> |
135 <li>params => <b>ClassProtectedMethodPDBlocks</b> <i>(list)</i>. List of parameter documentation blocks for the protected method. |
136 <ul> |
137 <li> <b>ClassProtectedMethodPDBlock</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter documentation block for the protected method. |
138 <ul> |
139 <li>parameters => <b>ClassProtectedMethodPDParams</b> <i>(list)</i>. Parameter list for this parameter documentation block. |
140 <ul> |
141 <li> <b>ClassProtectedMethodPDParam</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter documented by this documentation block. |
142 <ul> |
143 <li>name => <b>ClassProtectedMethodPDParamName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the parameter. |
144 </ul> |
145 </ul> |
146 <li>doc => <b>ClassProtectedMethodPDDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Documentation for this parameter documentation block. |
147 </ul> |
148 </ul> |
149 <li>doc => <b>ClassProtectedMethodDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the protected method. |
150 <li>see => <b>ClassProtectedMethodSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the protected method. |
151 <li>return => <b>ClassProtectedMethodReturn</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Documentation about the return value of the protected method. |
152 </ul> |
153 <li>kind => <b>ClassProtectedMethodKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of protected method (usually "function"). |
154 <li>name => <b>ClassProtectedMethodName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the protected method. |
155 <li>type => <b>ClassProtectedMethodType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type returned by the protected method. |
156 <li>static => <b>ClassProtectedMethodStatic</b> <i>(string)</i>. Whether the protected method is static. |
157 </ul> |
158 </ul> |
159 </ul> |
160 <li>public_typedefs => <b>ClassPublicTypedefs</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the public typedefs in the class. |
161 <ul> |
162 <li>members => <b>ClassPublicTypedefList</b> <i>(list)</i>. public typedef list. |
163 <ul> |
164 <li> <b>ClassPublicTypedef</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A public typedef. |
165 <ul> |
166 <li>protection => <b>ClassPublicTypedefProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the public typedef. |
167 <li>detailed => <b>ClassPublicTypedefDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the public typedef. |
168 <ul> |
169 <li>doc => <b>ClassPublicTypedefDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the public typedef. |
170 <li>see => <b>ClassPublicTypedefSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the public typedef. |
171 </ul> |
172 <li>kind => <b>ClassPublicTypedefKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of public typedef (usually "typedef"). |
173 <li>name => <b>ClassPublicTypedefName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the public typedef. |
174 <li>type => <b>ClassPublicTypedefType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type of the public typedef. |
175 </ul> |
176 </ul> |
177 </ul> |
178 <li>public_members => <b>ClassPublicMembers</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the public members in the class. |
179 <ul> |
180 <li>members => <b>ClassPublicMemberList</b> <i>(list)</i>. public member list. |
181 <ul> |
182 <li> <b>ClassPublicMember</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A public member. |
183 <ul> |
184 <li>protection => <b>ClassPublicMemberProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the public member. |
185 <li>detailed => <b>ClassPublicMemberDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the public member. |
186 <ul> |
187 <li>doc => <b>ClassPublicMemberDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the public member. |
188 <li>see => <b>ClassPublicMemberSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the public member. |
189 </ul> |
190 <li>kind => <b>ClassPublicMemberKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of public member (usually "variable"). |
191 <li>name => <b>ClassPublicMemberName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the public member. |
192 <li>type => <b>ClassPublicMemberType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type of the public member. |
193 </ul> |
194 </ul> |
195 </ul> |
196 <li>private_methods => <b>ClassPrivateMethods</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the private methods in the class. |
197 <ul> |
198 <li>members => <b>ClassPrivateMethodList</b> <i>(list)</i>. private method list. |
199 <ul> |
200 <li> <b>ClassPrivateMethod</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A private method. |
201 <ul> |
202 <li>parameters => <b>ClassPrivateMethodParams</b> <i>(list)</i>. List of the parameters of the private method. |
203 <ul> |
204 <li> <b>ClassPrivateMethodParam</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter of the private method. |
205 <ul> |
206 <li>declaration_name => <b>ClassPrivateMethodParamName</b> <i>(string)</i>. The name of the parameter. |
207 <li>type => <b>ClassPrivateMethodParamType</b> <i>(string)</i>. The data type of the parameter. |
208 </ul> |
209 </ul> |
210 <li>protection => <b>ClassPrivateMethodProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the private method. |
211 <li>virtualness => <b>ClassPrivateMethodVirtualness</b> <i>(string)</i>. Virtualness of the private method. |
212 <li>detailed => <b>ClassPrivateMethodDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the private method. |
213 <ul> |
214 <li>params => <b>ClassPrivateMethodPDBlocks</b> <i>(list)</i>. List of parameter documentation blocks for the private method. |
215 <ul> |
216 <li> <b>ClassPrivateMethodPDBlock</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter documentation block for the private method. |
217 <ul> |
218 <li>parameters => <b>ClassPrivateMethodPDParams</b> <i>(list)</i>. Parameter list for this parameter documentation block. |
219 <ul> |
220 <li> <b>ClassPrivateMethodPDParam</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter documented by this documentation block. |
221 <ul> |
222 <li>name => <b>ClassPrivateMethodPDParamName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the parameter. |
223 </ul> |
224 </ul> |
225 <li>doc => <b>ClassPrivateMethodPDDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Documentation for this parameter documentation block. |
226 </ul> |
227 </ul> |
228 <li>doc => <b>ClassPrivateMethodDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the private method. |
229 <li>see => <b>ClassPrivateMethodSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the private method. |
230 <li>return => <b>ClassPrivateMethodReturn</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Documentation about the return value of the private method. |
231 </ul> |
232 <li>kind => <b>ClassPrivateMethodKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of private method (usually "function"). |
233 <li>name => <b>ClassPrivateMethodName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the private method. |
234 <li>type => <b>ClassPrivateMethodType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type returned by the private method. |
235 <li>static => <b>ClassPrivateMethodStatic</b> <i>(string)</i>. Whether the private method is static. |
236 </ul> |
237 </ul> |
238 </ul> |
239 <li>public_methods => <b>ClassPublicMethods</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the public methods in the class. |
240 <ul> |
241 <li>members => <b>ClassPublicMethodList</b> <i>(list)</i>. public method list. |
242 <ul> |
243 <li> <b>ClassPublicMethod</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A public method. |
244 <ul> |
245 <li>parameters => <b>ClassPublicMethodParams</b> <i>(list)</i>. List of the parameters of the public method. |
246 <ul> |
247 <li> <b>ClassPublicMethodParam</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter of the public method. |
248 <ul> |
249 <li>declaration_name => <b>ClassPublicMethodParamName</b> <i>(string)</i>. The name of the parameter. |
250 <li>type => <b>ClassPublicMethodParamType</b> <i>(string)</i>. The data type of the parameter. |
251 </ul> |
252 </ul> |
253 <li>protection => <b>ClassPublicMethodProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the public method. |
254 <li>virtualness => <b>ClassPublicMethodVirtualness</b> <i>(string)</i>. Virtualness of the public method. |
255 <li>detailed => <b>ClassPublicMethodDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the public method. |
256 <ul> |
257 <li>params => <b>ClassPublicMethodPDBlocks</b> <i>(list)</i>. List of parameter documentation blocks for the public method. |
258 <ul> |
259 <li> <b>ClassPublicMethodPDBlock</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter documentation block for the public method. |
260 <ul> |
261 <li>parameters => <b>ClassPublicMethodPDParams</b> <i>(list)</i>. Parameter list for this parameter documentation block. |
262 <ul> |
263 <li> <b>ClassPublicMethodPDParam</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter documented by this documentation block. |
264 <ul> |
265 <li>name => <b>ClassPublicMethodPDParamName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the parameter. |
266 </ul> |
267 </ul> |
268 <li>doc => <b>ClassPublicMethodPDDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Documentation for this parameter documentation block. |
269 </ul> |
270 </ul> |
271 <li>doc => <b>ClassPublicMethodDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the public method. |
272 <li>see => <b>ClassPublicMethodSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the public method. |
273 <li>return => <b>ClassPublicMethodReturn</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Documentation about the return value of the public method. |
274 </ul> |
275 <li>kind => <b>ClassPublicMethodKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of public method (usually "function"). |
276 <li>name => <b>ClassPublicMethodName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the public method. |
277 <li>type => <b>ClassPublicMethodType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type returned by the public method. |
278 <li>static => <b>ClassPublicMethodStatic</b> <i>(string)</i>. Whether the public method is static. |
279 </ul> |
280 </ul> |
281 </ul> |
282 </ul> |
283 </ul> |
284 <li>files => <b>Files</b> <i>(list)</i>. Documented files. |
285 <ul> |
286 <li> <b>File</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A documented file. |
287 <ul> |
288 <li>detailed => <b>FileDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the file. |
289 <ul> |
290 <li>doc => <b>FileDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation block for the file. |
291 </ul> |
292 <li>functions => <b>FileFunctions</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the functions in the file. |
293 <ul> |
294 <li>members => <b>FileFunctionList</b> <i>(list)</i>. function list. |
295 <ul> |
296 <li> <b>FileFunction</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A function. |
297 <ul> |
298 <li>parameters => <b>FileFunctionParams</b> <i>(list)</i>. List of the parameters of the function. |
299 <ul> |
300 <li> <b>FileFunctionParam</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter of the function. |
301 <ul> |
302 <li>declaration_name => <b>FileFunctionParamName</b> <i>(string)</i>. The name of the parameter. |
303 <li>type => <b>FileFunctionParamType</b> <i>(string)</i>. The data type of the parameter. |
304 </ul> |
305 </ul> |
306 <li>protection => <b>FileFunctionProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the function. |
307 <li>virtualness => <b>FileFunctionVirtualness</b> <i>(string)</i>. Virtualness of the function. |
308 <li>detailed => <b>FileFunctionDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the function. |
309 <ul> |
310 <li>params => <b>FileFunctionPDBlocks</b> <i>(list)</i>. List of parameter documentation blocks for the function. |
311 <ul> |
312 <li> <b>FileFunctionPDBlock</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter documentation block for the function. |
313 <ul> |
314 <li>parameters => <b>FileFunctionPDParams</b> <i>(list)</i>. Parameter list for this parameter documentation block. |
315 <ul> |
316 <li> <b>FileFunctionPDParam</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A parameter documented by this documentation block. |
317 <ul> |
318 <li>name => <b>FileFunctionPDParamName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the parameter. |
319 </ul> |
320 </ul> |
321 <li>doc => <b>FileFunctionPDDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Documentation for this parameter documentation block. |
322 </ul> |
323 </ul> |
324 <li>doc => <b>FileFunctionDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the function. |
325 <li>see => <b>FileFunctionSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the function. |
326 <li>return => <b>FileFunctionReturn</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Documentation about the return value of the function. |
327 </ul> |
328 <li>kind => <b>FileFunctionKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of function (usually "function"). |
329 <li>name => <b>FileFunctionName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the function. |
330 <li>type => <b>FileFunctionType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type returned by the function. |
331 <li>static => <b>FileFunctionStatic</b> <i>(string)</i>. Whether the function is static. |
332 </ul> |
333 </ul> |
334 </ul> |
335 <li>name => <b>FileName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the file. |
336 <li>variables => <b>FileVariables</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the variables in the file. |
337 <ul> |
338 <li>members => <b>FileVariableList</b> <i>(list)</i>. variable list. |
339 <ul> |
340 <li> <b>FileVariable</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A variable. |
341 <ul> |
342 <li>protection => <b>FileVariableProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the variable. |
343 <li>detailed => <b>FileVariableDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the variable. |
344 <ul> |
345 <li>doc => <b>FileVariableDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the variable. |
346 <li>see => <b>FileVariableSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the variable. |
347 </ul> |
348 <li>kind => <b>FileVariableKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of variable (usually "variable"). |
349 <li>name => <b>FileVariableName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the variable. |
350 <li>type => <b>FileVariableType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type of the variable. |
351 </ul> |
352 </ul> |
353 </ul> |
354 <li>typedefs => <b>FileTypedefs</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Information about the typedefs in the file. |
355 <ul> |
356 <li>members => <b>FileTypedefList</b> <i>(list)</i>. typedef list. |
357 <ul> |
358 <li> <b>FileTypedef</b> <i>(hash)</i>. A typedef. |
359 <ul> |
360 <li>protection => <b>FileTypedefProtection</b> <i>(string)</i>. Protection of the typedef. |
361 <li>detailed => <b>FileTypedefDetailed</b> <i>(hash)</i>. Detailed information about the typedef. |
362 <ul> |
363 <li>doc => <b>FileTypedefDetailedDoc</b> <i>(doc)</i>. Detailed documentation for the typedef. |
364 <li>see => <b>FileTypedefSee</b> <i>(doc)</i>. "See also" documentation for the typedef. |
365 </ul> |
366 <li>kind => <b>FileTypedefKind</b> <i>(string)</i>. Kind of typedef (usually "typedef"). |
367 <li>name => <b>FileTypedefName</b> <i>(string)</i>. Name of the typedef. |
368 <li>type => <b>FileTypedefType</b> <i>(string)</i>. Data type of the typedef. |
369 </ul> |
370 </ul> |
371 </ul> |
372 </ul> |
373 </ul> |
374 </ul> |
375 </ul> |
376 |
377 */ |