changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 ** 
     3 **
     4 ** Implementation of QGArray class
     5 **
     6 ** Created : 930906
     7 **
     8 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
     9 **
    10 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
    11 **
    12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
    13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
    14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
    15 **
    16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
    17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
    18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
    19 ** packaging of this file.
    20 **
    21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
    22 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
    23 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
    24 **
    25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
    27 **
    28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
    29 **   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
    30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
    31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
    32 **
    33 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
    34 ** not clear to you.
    35 **
    36 **********************************************************************/
    38 #define	 QGARRAY_CPP
    39 #include "qgarray.h"
    40 #include "qstring.h"
    41 #include <stdlib.h>
    43 #define USE_MALLOC				// comment to use new/delete
    45 #undef NEW
    46 #undef DELETE
    48 #if defined(USE_MALLOC)
    49 #define NEW(type,size)	((type*)malloc(size*sizeof(type)))
    50 #define DELETE(array)	(free((char*)array))
    51 #else
    52 #define NEW(type,size)	(new type[size])
    53 #define DELETE(array)	(delete[] array)
    54 #define DONT_USE_REALLOC			// comment to use realloc()
    55 #endif
    58 // NOT REVISED
    59 /*!
    60   \class QShared qshared.h
    61   \brief The QShared struct is internally used for implementing shared classes.
    63   It only contains a reference count and member functions to increment and
    64   decrement it.
    66   Shared classes normally have internal classes that inherit QShared and
    67   add the shared data.
    69   \sa \link shclass.html Shared Classes\endlink
    70 */
    73 /*!
    74   \class QGArray qgarray.h
    75   \brief The QGArray class is an internal class for implementing the QArray class.
    77   QGArray is a strictly internal class that acts as base class for the
    78   QArray template array.
    80   It contains an array of bytes and has no notion of an array element.
    81 */
    84 /*!
    85   \internal
    86   Constructs a null array.
    87 */
    89 QGArray::QGArray()
    90 {
    91     shd = newData();
    92     CHECK_PTR( shd );
    93 }
    95 /*!
    96   \internal
    97   Dummy constructor; does not allocate any data.
    99   This constructor does not initialize any array data so subclasses
   100   must do it. The intention is to make the code more efficient.
   101 */
   103 QGArray::QGArray( int, int )
   104 {
   105 }
   107 /*!
   108   \internal
   109   Constructs an array with room for \e size bytes.
   110 */
   112 QGArray::QGArray( int size )
   113 {
   114     if ( size < 0 ) {
   115 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   116 	qWarning( "QGArray: Cannot allocate array with negative length" );
   117 #endif
   118 	size = 0;
   119     }
   120     shd = newData();
   121     CHECK_PTR( shd );
   122     if ( size == 0 )				// zero length
   123 	return;
   124     shd->data = NEW(char,size);
   125     CHECK_PTR( shd->data );
   126     shd->len = size;
   127 }
   129 /*!
   130   \internal
   131   Constructs a shallow copy of \e a.
   132 */
   134 QGArray::QGArray( const QGArray &a )
   135 {
   136     shd = a.shd;
   137     shd->ref();
   138 }
   140 /*!
   141   \internal
   142   Dereferences the array data and deletes it if this was the last
   143   reference.
   144 */
   146 QGArray::~QGArray()
   147 {
   148     if ( shd && shd->deref() ) {		// delete when last reference
   149 	if ( shd->data )			// is lost
   150 	    DELETE(shd->data);
   151 	deleteData( shd );
   152     }
   153 }
   156 /*!
   157   \fn QGArray &QGArray::operator=( const QGArray &a )
   158   \internal
   159   Assigns a shallow copy of \e a to this array and returns a reference to
   160   this array.  Equivalent to assign().
   161 */
   163 /*!
   164   \fn void QGArray::detach()
   165   \internal
   166   Detaches this array from shared array data.
   167 */
   169 /*!
   170   \fn char *QGArray::data() const
   171   \internal
   172   Returns a pointer to the actual array data.
   173 */
   175 /*!
   176   \fn uint QGArray::nrefs() const
   177   \internal
   178   Returns the reference count.
   179 */
   181 /*!
   182   \fn uint QGArray::size() const
   183   \internal
   184   Returns the size of the array, in bytes.
   185 */
   188 /*!
   189   \internal
   190   Returns TRUE if this array is equal to \e a, otherwise FALSE.
   191   The comparison is bitwise, of course.
   192 */
   194 bool QGArray::isEqual( const QGArray &a ) const
   195 {
   196     if ( size() != a.size() )			// different size
   197 	return FALSE;
   198     if ( data() == a.data() )			// has same data
   199 	return TRUE;
   200     return (size() ? memcmp( data(), a.data(), size() ) : 0) == 0;
   201 }
   204 /*!
   205   \internal
   206   Resizes the array to \e newsize bytes.
   207 */
   209 bool QGArray::resize( uint newsize )
   210 {
   211     if ( newsize == shd->len )			// nothing to do
   212 	return TRUE;
   213     if ( newsize == 0 ) {			// remove array
   214 	duplicate( 0, 0 );
   215 	return TRUE;
   216     }
   217     if ( shd->data ) {				// existing data
   218 #if defined(DONT_USE_REALLOC)
   219 	char *newdata = NEW(char,newsize);	// manual realloc
   220 	memcpy( newdata, shd->data, QMIN(shd->len,newsize) );
   221 	DELETE(shd->data);
   222 	shd->data = newdata;
   223 #else
   224 	shd->data = (char *)realloc( shd->data, newsize );
   225 #endif
   226     } else {
   227 	shd->data = NEW(char,newsize);
   228     }
   229     CHECK_PTR( shd->data );
   230     if ( !shd->data )				// no memory
   231 	return FALSE;
   232     shd->len = newsize;
   233     return TRUE;
   234 }
   236 /*!
   237   \internal
   238   Fills the array with the repeated occurrences of \e d, which is
   239   \e sz bytes long.
   240   If \e len is specified as different from -1, then the array will be
   241   resized to \e len*sz before it is filled.
   243   Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the memory cannot be allocated
   244   (only when \e len != -1).
   246   \sa resize()
   247 */
   249 bool QGArray::fill( const char *d, int len, uint sz )
   250 {
   251     if ( len < 0 )
   252 	len = shd->len/sz;			// default: use array length
   253     else if ( !resize( len*sz ) )
   254 	return FALSE;
   255     if ( sz == 1 )				// 8 bit elements
   256 	memset( data(), *d, len );
   257     else if ( sz == 4 ) {			// 32 bit elements
   258 	register Q_INT32 *x = (Q_INT32*)data();
   259 	Q_INT32 v = *((Q_INT32*)d);
   260 	while ( len-- )
   261 	    *x++ = v;
   262     } else if ( sz == 2 ) {			// 16 bit elements
   263 	register Q_INT16 *x = (Q_INT16*)data();
   264 	Q_INT16 v = *((Q_INT16*)d);
   265 	while ( len-- )
   266 	    *x++ = v;
   267     } else {					// any other size elements
   268 	register char *x = data();
   269 	while ( len-- ) {			// more complicated
   270 	    memcpy( x, d, sz );
   271 	    x += sz;
   272 	}
   273     }
   274     return TRUE;
   275 }
   277 /*!
   278   \internal
   279   Shallow copy. Dereference the current array and references the data
   280   contained in \e a instead. Returns a reference to this array.
   281   \sa operator=()
   282 */
   284 QGArray &QGArray::assign( const QGArray &a )
   285 {
   286     a.shd->ref();				// avoid 'a = a'
   287     if ( shd->deref() ) {			// delete when last reference
   288 	if ( shd->data )			// is lost
   289 	    DELETE(shd->data);
   290 	deleteData( shd );
   291     }
   292     shd = a.shd;
   293     return *this;
   294 }
   296 /*!
   297   \internal
   298   Shallow copy. Dereference the current array and references the
   299   array data \e d, which contains \e len bytes.
   300   Returns a reference to this array.
   302   Do not delete \e d later, because QGArray takes care of that.
   303 */
   305 QGArray &QGArray::assign( const char *d, uint len )
   306 {
   307     if ( shd->count > 1 ) {			// disconnect this
   308 	shd->count--;
   309 	shd = newData();
   310 	CHECK_PTR( shd );
   311     } else {
   312 	if ( shd->data )
   313 	    DELETE(shd->data);
   314     }
   315     shd->data = (char *)d;
   316     shd->len = len;
   317     return *this;
   318 }
   320 /*!
   321   \internal
   322   Deep copy. Dereference the current array and obtains a copy of the data
   323   contained in \e a instead. Returns a reference to this array.
   324   \sa assign(), operator=()
   325 */
   327 QGArray &QGArray::duplicate( const QGArray &a )
   328 {
   329     if ( a.shd == shd ) {			// a.duplicate(a) !
   330 	if ( shd->count > 1 ) {
   331 	    shd->count--;
   332 	    register array_data *n = newData();
   333 	    CHECK_PTR( n );
   334 	    if ( (n->len=shd->len) ) {
   335 		n->data = NEW(char,n->len);
   336 		CHECK_PTR( n->data );
   337 		if ( n->data )
   338 		    memcpy( n->data, shd->data, n->len );
   339 	    } else {
   340 		n->data = 0;
   341 	    }
   342 	    shd = n;
   343 	}
   344 	return *this;
   345     }
   346     char *oldptr = 0;
   347     if ( shd->count > 1 ) {			// disconnect this
   348 	shd->count--;
   349 	shd = newData();
   350 	CHECK_PTR( shd );
   351     } else {					// delete after copy was made
   352 	oldptr = shd->data;
   353     }
   354     if ( a.shd->len ) {				// duplicate data
   355 	shd->data = NEW(char,a.shd->len);
   356 	CHECK_PTR( shd->data );
   357 	if ( shd->data )
   358 	    memcpy( shd->data, a.shd->data, a.shd->len );
   359     } else {
   360 	shd->data = 0;
   361     }
   362     shd->len = a.shd->len;
   363     if ( oldptr )
   364 	DELETE(oldptr);
   365     return *this;
   366 }
   368 /*!
   369   \internal
   370   Deep copy. Dereferences the current array and obtains a copy of the
   371   array data \e d instead.  Returns a reference to this array.
   372   \sa assign(), operator=()
   373 */
   375 QGArray &QGArray::duplicate( const char *d, uint len )
   376 {
   377     char *data;
   378     if ( d == 0 || len == 0 ) {
   379 	data = 0;
   380 	len  = 0;
   381     } else {
   382 	if ( shd->count == 1 && shd->len == len ) {
   383 	    memcpy( shd->data, d, len );	// use same buffer
   384 	    return *this;
   385 	}
   386 	data = NEW(char,len);
   387 	CHECK_PTR( data );
   388 	memcpy( data, d, len );
   389     }
   390     if ( shd->count > 1 ) {			// detach
   391 	shd->count--;
   392 	shd = newData();
   393 	CHECK_PTR( shd );
   394     } else {					// just a single reference
   395 	if ( shd->data )
   396 	    DELETE(shd->data);
   397     }
   398     shd->data = data;
   399     shd->len  = len;
   400     return *this;
   401 }
   403 /*!
   404   \internal
   405   Resizes this array to \e len bytes and copies the \e len bytes at
   406   address \e into it.
   408   \warning This function disregards the reference count mechanism.  If
   409   other QGArrays reference the same data as this, all will be updated.
   410 */
   412 void QGArray::store( const char *d, uint len )
   413 {						// store, but not deref
   414     resize( len );
   415     memcpy( shd->data, d, len );
   416 }
   419 /*!
   420   \fn array_data *QGArray::sharedBlock() const
   421   \internal
   422   Returns a pointer to the shared array block.
   424   \warning
   426   Do not use this function.  Using it is begging for trouble.  We dare
   427   not remove it, for fear of breaking code, but we \e strongly
   428   discourage new use of it.
   429 */
   431 /*!
   432   \fn void QGArray::setSharedBlock( array_data *p )
   433   \internal
   434   Sets the shared array block to \e p.
   436   \warning
   438   Do not use this function.  Using it is begging for trouble.  We dare
   439   not remove it, for fear of breaking code, but we \e strongly
   440   discourage new use of it.
   441 */
   444 /*!
   445   \internal
   446   Sets raw data and returns a reference to the array.
   448   Dereferences the current array and sets the new array data to \e d and
   449   the new array size to \e len.	 Do not attempt to resize or re-assign the
   450   array data when raw data has been set.
   451   Call resetRawData(d,len) to reset the array.
   453   Setting raw data is useful because it set QArray data without allocating
   454   memory or copying data.
   456   Example of intended use:
   457   \code
   458     static uchar bindata[] = { 231, 1, 44, ... };
   459     QByteArray	a;
   460     a.setRawData( bindata, sizeof(bindata) );	// a points to bindata
   461     QDataStream s( a, IO_ReadOnly );		// open on a's data
   462     s >> <something>;				// read raw bindata
   463     s.close();
   464     a.resetRawData( bindata, sizeof(bindata) ); // finished
   465   \endcode
   467   Example of misuse (do not do this):
   468   \code
   469     static uchar bindata[] = { 231, 1, 44, ... };
   470     QByteArray	a, b;
   471     a.setRawData( bindata, sizeof(bindata) );	// a points to bindata
   472     a.resize( 8 );				// will crash
   473     b = a;					// will crash
   474     a[2] = 123;					// might crash
   475       // forget to resetRawData - will crash
   476   \endcode
   478   \warning If you do not call resetRawData(), QGArray will attempt to
   479   deallocate or reallocate the raw data, which might not be too good.
   480   Be careful.
   481 */
   483 QGArray &QGArray::setRawData( const char *d, uint len )
   484 {
   485     duplicate( 0, 0 );				// set null data
   486     shd->data = (char *)d;
   487     shd->len  = len;
   488     return *this;
   489 }
   491 /*!
   492   \internal
   493   Resets raw data.
   495   The arguments must be the data and length that were passed to
   496   setRawData().  This is for consistency checking.
   497 */
   499 void QGArray::resetRawData( const char *d, uint len )
   500 {
   501     if ( d != shd->data || len != shd->len ) {
   502 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
   503 	qWarning( "QGArray::resetRawData: Inconsistent arguments" );
   504 #endif
   505 	return;
   506     }
   507     shd->data = 0;
   508     shd->len  = 0;
   509 }
   512 /*!
   513   \internal
   514   Finds the first occurrence of \e d in the array from position \e index,
   515   where \e sz is the size of the \e d element.
   517   Note that \e index is given in units of \e sz, not bytes.
   519   This function only compares whole cells, not bytes.
   520 */
   522 int QGArray::find( const char *d, uint index, uint sz ) const
   523 {
   524     index *= sz;
   525     if ( index >= shd->len ) {
   526 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   527 	qWarning( "QGArray::find: Index %d out of range", index/sz );
   528 #endif
   529 	return -1;
   530     }
   531     register uint i;
   532     uint ii;
   533     switch ( sz ) {
   534 	case 1: {				// 8 bit elements
   535 	    register char *x = data() + index;
   536 	    char v = *d;
   537 	    for ( i=index; i<shd->len; i++ ) {
   538 		if ( *x++ == v )
   539 		    break;
   540 	    }
   541 	    ii = i;
   542 	    }
   543 	    break;
   544 	case 2: {				// 16 bit elements
   545 	    register Q_INT16 *x = (Q_INT16*)(data() + index);
   546 	    Q_INT16 v = *((Q_INT16*)d);
   547 	    for ( i=index; i<shd->len; i+=2 ) {
   548 		if ( *x++ == v )
   549 		    break;
   550 	    }
   551 	    ii = i/2;
   552 	    }
   553 	    break;
   554 	case 4: {				// 32 bit elements
   555 	    register Q_INT32 *x = (Q_INT32*)(data() + index);
   556 	    Q_INT32 v = *((Q_INT32*)d);
   557 	    for ( i=index; i<shd->len; i+=4 ) {
   558 		if ( *x++ == v )
   559 		    break;
   560 	    }
   561 	    ii = i/4;
   562 	    }
   563 	    break;
   564 	default: {				// any size elements
   565 	    for ( i=index; i<shd->len; i+=sz ) {
   566 		if ( memcmp( d, &shd->data[i], sz ) == 0 )
   567 		    break;
   568 	    }
   569 	    ii = i/sz;
   570 	    }
   571 	    break;
   572     }
   573     return i<shd->len ? (int)ii : -1;
   574 }
   576 /*!
   577   \internal
   578   Returns the number of occurrences of \e d in the array, where \e sz is
   579   the size of the \e d element.
   581   This function only compares whole cells, not bytes.
   582 */
   584 int QGArray::contains( const char *d, uint sz ) const
   585 {
   586     register uint i = shd->len;
   587     int count = 0;
   588     switch ( sz ) {
   589 	case 1: {				// 8 bit elements
   590 	    register char *x = data();
   591 	    char v = *d;
   592 	    while ( i-- ) {
   593 		if ( *x++ == v )
   594 		    count++;
   595 	    }
   596 	    }
   597 	    break;
   598 	case 2: {				// 16 bit elements
   599 	    register Q_INT16 *x = (Q_INT16*)data();
   600 	    Q_INT16 v = *((Q_INT16*)d);
   601 	    i /= 2;
   602 	    while ( i-- ) {
   603 		if ( *x++ == v )
   604 		    count++;
   605 	    }
   606 	    }
   607 	    break;
   608 	case 4: {				// 32 bit elements
   609 	    register Q_INT32 *x = (Q_INT32*)data();
   610 	    Q_INT32 v = *((Q_INT32*)d);
   611 	    i /= 4;
   612 	    while ( i-- ) {
   613 		if ( *x++ == v )
   614 		    count++;
   615 	    }
   616 	    }
   617 	    break;
   618 	default: {				// any size elements
   619 	    for ( i=0; i<shd->len; i+=sz ) {
   620 		if ( memcmp(d, &shd->data[i], sz) == 0 )
   621 		    count++;
   622 	    }
   623 	    }
   624 	    break;
   625     }
   626     return count;
   627 }
   629 static int cmp_item_size = 0;
   631 #if defined(Q_C_CALLBACKS)
   632 extern "C" {
   633 #endif
   635 static int cmp_arr( const void *n1, const void *n2 )
   636 {
   637     return ( n1 && n2 ) ? memcmp( n1, n2, cmp_item_size ) 
   638 	                : (int)((long)n1 - (long)n2);
   639     // Qt 3.0: Add a virtual compareItems() method and call that instead
   640 }
   642 #if defined(Q_C_CALLBACKS)
   643 }
   644 #endif
   646 /*!
   647   \internal
   649   Sort the array.
   650 */
   652 void QGArray::sort( uint sz )
   653 {
   654     int numItems = size() / sz;
   655     if ( numItems < 2 )
   656 	return;
   657     cmp_item_size = sz;
   658     qsort( shd->data, numItems, sz, cmp_arr );
   659 }
   661 /*!
   662   \internal
   664   Binary search; assumes sorted array
   665 */
   667 int QGArray::bsearch( const char *d, uint sz ) const
   668 {
   669     int numItems = size() / sz;
   670     if ( !numItems )
   671 	return -1;
   672     cmp_item_size = sz;
   673     char* r = (char*)::bsearch( d, shd->data, numItems, sz, cmp_arr );
   674     if ( !r )
   675 	return -1;
   676     while( (r >= shd->data + sz) && (cmp_arr( r - sz, d ) == 0) )
   677 	r -= sz;	// search to first of equal elements; bsearch is undef 
   678     return (int)(( r - shd->data ) / sz);
   679 }
   682 /*!
   683   \fn char *QGArray::at( uint index ) const
   684   \internal
   685   Returns a pointer to the byte at offset \e index in the array.
   686 */
   688 /*!
   689   \internal
   690   Expand the array if necessary, and copies (the first part of) its
   691   contents from the \e index*zx bytes at \e d.
   693   Returns TRUE if the operation succeeds, FALSE if it runs out of
   694   memory.
   696   \warning This function disregards the reference count mechanism.  If
   697   other QGArrays reference the same data as this, all will be changed.
   698 */
   700 bool QGArray::setExpand( uint index, const char *d, uint sz )
   701 {
   702     index *= sz;
   703     if ( index >= shd->len ) {
   704 	if ( !resize( index+sz ) )		// no memory
   705 	    return FALSE;
   706     }
   707     memcpy( data() + index, d, sz );
   708     return TRUE;
   709 }
   712 /*!
   713   \internal
   714   Prints a warning message if at() or [] is given a bad index.
   715 */
   717 void QGArray::msg_index( uint index )
   718 {
   719 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   720     qWarning( "QGArray::at: Absolute index %d out of range", index );
   721 #else
   722     Q_UNUSED( index )
   723 #endif
   724 }
   727 /*!
   728   \internal
   729   Returns a new shared array block.
   730 */
   732 QGArray::array_data * QGArray::newData()
   733 {
   734     return new array_data;
   735 }
   738 /*!
   739   \internal
   740   Deletes the shared array block.
   741 */
   743 void QGArray::deleteData( array_data *p )
   744 {
   745     delete p;
   746     p = 0;
   747 }