changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 ** 
     3 **
     4 ** Implementation of QGList and QGListIterator classes
     5 **
     6 ** Created : 920624
     7 **
     8 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
     9 **
    10 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
    11 **
    12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
    13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
    14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
    15 **
    16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
    17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
    18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
    19 ** packaging of this file.
    20 **
    21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
    22 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
    23 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
    24 **
    25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
    27 **
    28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
    29 **   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
    30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
    31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
    32 **
    33 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
    34 ** not clear to you.
    35 **
    36 **********************************************************************/
    38 #include "qglist.h"
    39 #include "qgvector.h"
    40 #include "qdatastream.h"
    43 // NOT REVISED
    44 /*!
    45   \class QLNode qglist.h
    46   \brief The QLNode class is an internal class for the QList template collection.
    48   QLNode is a doubly linked list node; it has three pointers:
    49   <ol>
    50   <li> Pointer to the previous node.
    51   <li> Pointer to the next node.
    52   <li> Pointer to the actual data.
    53   </ol>
    55   Sometimes it might be practical to have direct access to the list nodes
    56   in a QList, but it is seldom required.
    58   \warning Be very careful if you want to access the list nodes. The heap
    59   can easily get corrupted if you make a mistake.
    61   \sa QList::currentNode(), QList::removeNode(), QList::takeNode()
    62 */
    64 /*!
    65   \fn QCollection::Item QLNode::getData()
    66   Returns a pointer (\c void*) to the actual data in the list node.
    67 */
    70 /*!
    71   \class QGList qglist.h
    72   \brief The QGList class is an internal class for implementing Qt collection classes.
    74   QGList is a strictly internal class that acts as a base class for several
    75   \link collection.html collection classes\endlink; QList, QQueue and
    76   QStack.
    78   QGList has some virtual functions that can be reimplemented to customize
    79   the subclasses.
    80   <ul>
    81   <li> compareItems() compares two collection/list items.
    82   <li> read() reads a collection/list item from a QDataStream.
    83   <li> write() writes a collection/list item to a QDataStream.
    84   </ul>
    85   Normally, you do not have to reimplement any of these functions.
    86   If you still want to reimplement them, see the QStrList class (qstrlist.h),
    87   which is a good example.
    88 */
    91 /*****************************************************************************
    92   Default implementation of virtual functions
    93  *****************************************************************************/
    95 /*!
    96   This virtual function compares two list items.
    98   Returns:
    99   <ul>
   100   <li> 0 if \e item1 == \e item2
   101   <li> non-zero if \e item1 != \e item2
   102   </ul>
   104   This function returns \e int rather than \e bool so that
   105   reimplementations can return three values and use it to sort by:
   107   <ul>
   108   <li> 0 if \e item1 == \e item2
   109   <li> \> 0 (positive integer) if \e item1 \> \e item2
   110   <li> \< 0 (negative integer) if \e item1 \< \e item2
   111   </ul>
   113   The QList::inSort() function requires that compareItems() is implemented
   114   as described here.
   116   This function should not modify the list because some const functions
   117   call compareItems().
   119   The default implementation compares the pointers:
   120   \code
   122   \endcode
   123 */
   125 int QGList::compareItems( QCollection::Item item1, QCollection::Item item2 )
   126 {
   127     return item1 != item2;			// compare pointers
   128 }
   130 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
   131 /*!
   132   Reads a collection/list item from the stream \a s and returns a reference
   133   to the stream.
   135   The default implementation sets \a item to 0.
   137   \sa write()
   138 */
   140 QDataStream &QGList::read( QDataStream &s, QCollection::Item &item )
   141 {
   142     item = 0;
   143     return s;
   144 }
   146 /*!
   147   Writes a collection/list item to the stream \a s and returns a reference
   148   to the stream.
   150   The default implementation does nothing.
   152   \sa read()
   153 */
   155 QDataStream &QGList::write( QDataStream &s, QCollection::Item ) const
   156 {
   157     return s;
   158 }
   159 #endif // QT_NO_DATASTREAM
   161 /*****************************************************************************
   162   QGList member functions
   163  *****************************************************************************/
   165 /*!
   166   \internal
   167   Constructs an empty list.
   168 */
   170 QGList::QGList()
   171 {
   172     firstNode = lastNode = curNode = 0;		// initialize list
   173     numNodes  = 0;
   174     curIndex  = -1;
   175     iterators = 0;				// initialize iterator list
   176 }
   178 /*!
   179   \internal
   180   Constructs a copy of \e list.
   181 */
   183 QGList::QGList( const QGList & list )
   184     : QCollection( list )
   185 {
   186     firstNode = lastNode = curNode = 0;		// initialize list
   187     numNodes  = 0;
   188     curIndex  = -1;
   189     iterators = 0;				// initialize iterator list
   190     QLNode *n = list.firstNode;
   191     while ( n ) {				// copy all items from list
   192 	append( n->data );
   193 	n = n->next;
   194     }
   195 }
   197 /*!
   198   \internal
   199   Removes all items from the list and destroys the list.
   200 */
   202 QGList::~QGList()
   203 {
   204     clear();
   205     if ( !iterators )				// no iterators for this list
   206 	return;
   207     QGListIterator *i = (QGListIterator*)iterators->first();
   208     while ( i ) {				// notify all iterators that
   209 	i->list = 0;				// this list is deleted
   210 	i->curNode = 0;
   211 	i = (QGListIterator*)iterators->next();
   212     }
   213     delete iterators;
   214 }
   217 /*!
   218   \internal
   219   Assigns \e list to this list.
   220 */
   222 QGList& QGList::operator=( const QGList &list )
   223 {
   224     clear();
   225     if ( list.count() > 0 ) {
   226 	QLNode *n = list.firstNode;
   227 	while ( n ) {				// copy all items from list
   228 	    append( n->data );
   229 	    n = n->next;
   230 	}
   231 	curNode	 = firstNode;
   232 	curIndex = 0;
   233     }
   234     return *this;
   235 }
   237 /*!
   238   Compares this list with \a list. Retruns TRUE if the lists
   239   contain the same data, else FALSE.
   240 */
   242 bool QGList::operator==( const QGList &list ) const
   243 {
   244     if ( count() != list.count() )
   245 	return FALSE;
   247     if ( count() == 0 )
   248 	return TRUE;
   250     QLNode *n1 = firstNode;
   251     QLNode *n2 = list.firstNode;
   252     while ( n1 && n2 ) {
   253 	// should be mutable
   254 	if ( ( (QGList*)this )->compareItems( n1->data, n2->data ) != 0 )
   255 	    return FALSE;
   256 	n1 = n1->next;
   257 	n2 = n2->next;
   258     }
   260     return TRUE;
   261 }
   263 /*!
   264   \fn uint QGList::count() const
   265   \internal
   266   Returns the number of items in the list.
   267 */
   270 /*!
   271   \internal
   272   Returns the node at position \e index.  Sets this node to current.
   273 */
   275 QLNode *QGList::locate( uint index )
   276 {
   277     if ( index == (uint)curIndex )		// current node ?
   278 	return curNode;
   279     if ( !curNode && firstNode ) {		// set current node
   280 	curNode	 = firstNode;
   281 	curIndex = 0;
   282     }
   283     register QLNode *node;
   284     int	 distance = index - curIndex;		// node distance to cur node
   285     bool forward;				// direction to traverse
   287     if ( index >= numNodes ) {
   288 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   289 	qWarning( "QGList::locate: Index %d out of range", index );
   290 #endif
   291 	return 0;
   292     }
   294     if ( distance < 0 )
   295 	distance = -distance;
   296     if ( (uint)distance < index && (uint)distance < numNodes - index ) {
   297 	node =	curNode;			// start from current node
   298 	forward = index > (uint)curIndex;
   299     } else if ( index < numNodes - index ) {	// start from first node
   300 	node = firstNode;
   301 	distance = index;
   302 	forward = TRUE;
   303     } else {					// start from last node
   304 	node = lastNode;
   305 	distance = numNodes - index - 1;
   306 	if ( distance < 0 )
   307 	    distance = 0;
   308 	forward = FALSE;
   309     }
   310     if ( forward ) {				// now run through nodes
   311 	while ( distance-- )
   312 	    node = node->next;
   313     } else {
   314 	while ( distance-- )
   315 	    node = node->prev;
   316     }
   317     curIndex = index;				// must update index
   318     return curNode = node;
   319 }
   322 /*!
   323   \internal
   324   Inserts an item at its sorted position in the list.
   325 */
   327 void QGList::inSort( QCollection::Item d )
   328 {
   329     int index = 0;
   330     register QLNode *n = firstNode;
   331     while ( n && compareItems(n->data,d) < 0 ){ // find position in list
   332 	n = n->next;
   333 	index++;
   334     }
   335     insertAt( index, d );
   336 }
   339 /*!
   340   \internal
   341   Inserts an item at the start of the list.
   342 */
   344 void QGList::prepend( QCollection::Item d )
   345 {
   346     register QLNode *n = new QLNode( newItem(d) );
   347     CHECK_PTR( n );
   348     n->prev = 0;
   349     if ( (n->next = firstNode) )		// list is not empty
   350 	firstNode->prev = n;
   351     else					// initialize list
   352 	lastNode = n;
   353     firstNode = curNode = n;			// curNode affected
   354     numNodes++;
   355     curIndex = 0;
   356 }
   359 /*!
   360   \internal
   361   Inserts an item at the end of the list.
   362 */
   364 void QGList::append( QCollection::Item d )
   365 {
   366     register QLNode *n = new QLNode( newItem(d) );
   367     CHECK_PTR( n );
   368     n->next = 0;
   369     if ( (n->prev = lastNode) )			// list is not empty
   370 	lastNode->next = n;
   371     else					// initialize list
   372 	firstNode = n;
   373     lastNode = curNode = n;			// curNode affected
   374     curIndex = numNodes;
   375     numNodes++;
   376 }
   379 /*!
   380   \internal
   381   Inserts an item at position \e index in the list.
   382 */
   384 bool QGList::insertAt( uint index, QCollection::Item d )
   385 {
   386     if ( index == 0 ) {				// insert at head of list
   387 	prepend( d );
   388 	return TRUE;
   389     } else if ( index == numNodes ) {		// append at tail of list
   390 	append( d );
   391 	return TRUE;
   392     }
   393     QLNode *nextNode = locate( index );
   394     if ( !nextNode )				// illegal position
   395 	return FALSE;
   396     QLNode *prevNode = nextNode->prev;
   397     register QLNode *n = new QLNode( newItem(d) );
   398     CHECK_PTR( n );
   399     nextNode->prev = n;
   400     prevNode->next = n;
   401     n->prev = prevNode;				// link new node into list
   402     n->next = nextNode;
   403     curNode = n;				// curIndex set by locate()
   404     numNodes++;
   405     return TRUE;
   406 }
   409 /*!
   410   \internal
   411   Relinks node \e n and makes it the first node in the list.
   412 */
   414 void QGList::relinkNode( QLNode *n )
   415 {
   416     if ( n == firstNode )			// already first
   417 	return;
   418     curNode = n;
   419     unlink();
   420     n->prev = 0;
   421     if ( (n->next = firstNode) )		// list is not empty
   422 	firstNode->prev = n;
   423     else					// initialize list
   424 	lastNode = n;
   425     firstNode = curNode = n;			// curNode affected
   426     numNodes++;
   427     curIndex = 0;
   428 }
   431 /*!
   432   \internal
   433   Unlinks the current list node and returns a pointer to this node.
   434 */
   436 QLNode *QGList::unlink()
   437 {
   438     if ( curNode == 0 )				// null current node
   439 	return 0;
   440     register QLNode *n = curNode;		// unlink this node
   441     if ( n == firstNode ) {			// removing first node ?
   442 	if ( (firstNode = n->next) ) {
   443 	    firstNode->prev = 0;
   444 	} else {
   445 	    lastNode = curNode = 0;		// list becomes empty
   446 	    curIndex = -1;
   447 	}
   448     } else {
   449 	if ( n == lastNode ) {			// removing last node ?
   450 	    lastNode = n->prev;
   451 	    lastNode->next = 0;
   452 	} else {				// neither last nor first node
   453 	    n->prev->next = n->next;
   454 	    n->next->prev = n->prev;
   455 	}
   456     }
   457     if ( n->next ) {				// change current node
   458 	curNode = n->next;
   459     } else if ( n->prev ) {
   460 	curNode = n->prev;
   461 	curIndex--;
   462     }
   463     if ( iterators && iterators->count() ) {	// update iterators
   464 	QGListIterator *i = (QGListIterator*)iterators->first();
   465 	while ( i ) {				// fix all iterators that
   466 	    if ( i->curNode == n )		// refers to pending node
   467 		i->curNode = curNode;
   468 	    i = (QGListIterator*)iterators->next();
   469 	}
   470     }
   471     numNodes--;
   472     return n;
   473 }
   476 /*!
   477   \internal
   478   Removes the node \e n from the list.
   479 */
   481 bool QGList::removeNode( QLNode *n )
   482 {
   483 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
   484     if ( n == 0 || (n->prev && n->prev->next != n) ||
   485 	 (n->next && n->next->prev != n) ) {
   486 	qWarning( "QGList::removeNode: Corrupted node" );
   487 	return FALSE;
   488     }
   489 #endif
   490     curNode = n;
   491     unlink();					// unlink node
   492     deleteItem( n->data );			// deallocate this node
   493     delete n;
   494     curNode  = firstNode;
   495     curIndex = curNode ? 0 : -1;
   496     return TRUE;
   497 }
   499 /*!
   500   \internal
   501   Removes the item \e d from the list.	Uses compareItems() to find the item.
   502 */
   504 bool QGList::remove( QCollection::Item d )
   505 {
   506     if ( d ) {					// find the item
   507 	if ( find(d) == -1 )
   508 	    return FALSE;
   509     }
   510     QLNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
   511     if ( !n )
   512 	return FALSE;
   513     deleteItem( n->data );			// deallocate this node
   514     delete n;
   515     return TRUE;
   516 }
   518 /*!
   519   \internal
   520   Removes the item \e d from the list.
   521 */
   523 bool QGList::removeRef( QCollection::Item d )
   524 {
   525     if ( d ) {					// find the item
   526 	if ( findRef(d) == -1 )
   527 	    return FALSE;
   528     }
   529     QLNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
   530     if ( !n )
   531 	return FALSE;
   532     deleteItem( n->data );			// deallocate this node
   533     delete n;
   534     return TRUE;
   535 }
   537 /*!
   538   \fn bool QGList::removeFirst()
   539   \internal
   540   Removes the first item in the list.
   541 */
   543 /*!
   544   \fn bool QGList::removeLast()
   545   \internal
   546   Removes the last item in the list.
   547 */
   549 /*!
   550   \internal
   551   Removes the item at position \e index from the list.
   552 */
   554 bool QGList::removeAt( uint index )
   555 {
   556     if ( !locate(index) )
   557 	return FALSE;
   558     QLNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
   559     if ( !n )
   560 	return FALSE;
   561     deleteItem( n->data );			// deallocate this node
   562     delete n;
   563     return TRUE;
   564 }
   567 /*!
   568   \internal
   569   Takes the node \e n out of the list.
   570 */
   572 QCollection::Item QGList::takeNode( QLNode *n )
   573 {
   574 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
   575     if ( n == 0 || (n->prev && n->prev->next != n) ||
   576 	 (n->next && n->next->prev != n) ) {
   577 	qWarning( "QGList::takeNode: Corrupted node" );
   578 	return 0;
   579     }
   580 #endif
   581     curNode = n;
   582     unlink();					// unlink node
   583     Item d = n->data;
   584     delete n;					// delete the node, not data
   585     curNode  = firstNode;
   586     curIndex = curNode ? 0 : -1;
   587     return d;
   588 }
   590 /*!
   591   \internal
   592   Takes the current item out of the list.
   593 */
   595 QCollection::Item QGList::take()
   596 {
   597     QLNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
   598     Item d = n ? n->data : 0;
   599     delete n;					// delete node, keep contents
   600     return d;
   601 }
   603 /*!
   604   \internal
   605   Takes the item at position \e index out of the list.
   606 */
   608 QCollection::Item QGList::takeAt( uint index )
   609 {
   610     if ( !locate(index) )
   611 	return 0;
   612     QLNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
   613     Item d = n ? n->data : 0;
   614     delete n;					// delete node, keep contents
   615     return d;
   616 }
   618 /*!
   619   \internal
   620   Takes the first item out of the list.
   621 */
   623 QCollection::Item QGList::takeFirst()
   624 {
   625     first();
   626     QLNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
   627     Item d = n ? n->data : 0;
   628     delete n;
   629     return d;
   630 }
   632 /*!
   633   \internal
   634   Takes the last item out of the list.
   635 */
   637 QCollection::Item QGList::takeLast()
   638 {
   639     last();
   640     QLNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
   641     Item d = n ? n->data : 0;
   642     delete n;
   643     return d;
   644 }
   647 /*!
   648   \internal
   649   Removes all items from the list.
   650 */
   652 void QGList::clear()
   653 {
   654     register QLNode *n = firstNode;
   656     firstNode = lastNode = curNode = 0;		// initialize list
   657     numNodes = 0;
   658     curIndex = -1;
   660     if ( iterators && iterators->count() ) {
   661 	QGListIterator *i = (QGListIterator*)iterators->first();
   662 	while ( i ) {				// notify all iterators that
   663 	    i->curNode = 0;			// this list is empty
   664 	    i = (QGListIterator*)iterators->next();
   665 	}
   666     }
   668     QLNode *prevNode;
   669     while ( n ) {				// for all nodes ...
   670 	deleteItem( n->data );			// deallocate data
   671 	prevNode = n;
   672 	n = n->next;
   673 	delete prevNode;			// deallocate node
   674     }
   675 }
   678 /*!
   679   \internal
   680   Finds an item in the list.
   681 */
   683 int QGList::findRef( QCollection::Item d, bool fromStart )
   684 {
   685     register QLNode *n;
   686     int	     index;
   687     if ( fromStart ) {				// start from first node
   688 	n = firstNode;
   689 	index = 0;
   690     } else {					// start from current node
   691 	n = curNode;
   692 	index = curIndex;
   693     }
   694     while ( n && n->data != d ) {		// find exact match
   695 	n = n->next;
   696 	index++;
   697     }
   698     curNode = n;
   699     curIndex = n ? index : -1;
   700     return curIndex;				// return position of item
   701 }
   703 /*!
   704   \internal
   705   Finds an item in the list.  Uses compareItems().
   706 */
   708 int QGList::find( QCollection::Item d, bool fromStart )
   709 {
   710     register QLNode *n;
   711     int	     index;
   712     if ( fromStart ) {				// start from first node
   713 	n = firstNode;
   714 	index = 0;
   715     } else {					// start from current node
   716 	n = curNode;
   717 	index = curIndex;
   718     }
   719     while ( n && compareItems(n->data,d) ){	// find equal match
   720 	n = n->next;
   721 	index++;
   722     }
   723     curNode = n;
   724     curIndex = n ? index : -1;
   725     return curIndex;				// return position of item
   726 }
   729 /*!
   730   \internal
   731   Counts the number an item occurs in the list.
   732 */
   734 uint QGList::containsRef( QCollection::Item d ) const
   735 {
   736     register QLNode *n = firstNode;
   737     uint     count = 0;
   738     while ( n ) {				// for all nodes...
   739 	if ( n->data == d )			// count # exact matches
   740 	    count++;
   741 	n = n->next;
   742     }
   743     return count;
   744 }
   746 /*!
   747   \internal
   748   Counts the number an item occurs in the list.	 Uses compareItems().
   749 */
   751 uint QGList::contains( QCollection::Item d ) const
   752 {
   753     register QLNode *n = firstNode;
   754     uint     count = 0;
   755     QGList  *that = (QGList*)this;		// mutable for compareItems()
   756     while ( n ) {				// for all nodes...
   757 	if ( !that->compareItems(n->data,d) )	// count # equal matches
   758 	    count++;
   759 	n = n->next;
   760     }
   761     return count;
   762 }
   765 /*!
   766   \fn QCollection::Item QGList::at( uint index )
   767   \internal
   768   Sets the item at position \e index to the current item.
   769 */
   771 /*!
   772   \fn int QGList::at() const
   773   \internal
   774   Returns the current index.
   775 */
   777 /*!
   778   \fn QLNode *QGList::currentNode() const
   779   \internal
   780   Returns the current node.
   781 */
   783 /*!
   784   \fn QCollection::Item QGList::get() const
   785   \internal
   786   Returns the current item.
   787 */
   789 /*!
   790   \fn QCollection::Item QGList::cfirst() const
   791   \internal
   792   Returns the first item in the list.
   793 */
   795 /*!
   796   \fn QCollection::Item QGList::clast() const
   797   \internal
   798   Returns the last item in the list.
   799 */
   802 /*!
   803   \internal
   804   Returns the first list item.	Sets this to current.
   805 */
   807 QCollection::Item QGList::first()
   808 {
   809     if ( firstNode ) {
   810 	curIndex = 0;
   811 	return (curNode=firstNode)->data;
   812     }
   813     return 0;
   814 }
   816 /*!
   817   \internal
   818   Returns the last list item.  Sets this to current.
   819 */
   821 QCollection::Item QGList::last()
   822 {
   823     if ( lastNode ) {
   824 	curIndex = numNodes-1;
   825 	return (curNode=lastNode)->data;
   826     }
   827     return 0;
   828 }
   830 /*!
   831   \internal
   832   Returns the next list item (after current).  Sets this to current.
   833 */
   835 QCollection::Item QGList::next()
   836 {
   837     if ( curNode ) {
   838 	if ( curNode->next ) {
   839 	    curIndex++;
   840 	    curNode = curNode->next;
   841 	    return curNode->data;
   842 	}
   843 	curIndex = -1;
   844 	curNode = 0;
   845     }
   846     return 0;
   847 }
   849 /*!
   850   \internal
   851   Returns the previous list item (before current).  Sets this to current.
   852 */
   854 QCollection::Item QGList::prev()
   855 {
   856     if ( curNode ) {
   857 	if ( curNode->prev ) {
   858 	    curIndex--;
   859 	    curNode = curNode->prev;
   860 	    return curNode->data;
   861 	}
   862 	curIndex = -1;
   863 	curNode = 0;
   864     }
   865     return 0;
   866 }
   869 /*!
   870   \internal
   871   Converts the list to a vector.
   872 */
   874 void QGList::toVector( QGVector *vector ) const
   875 {
   876     vector->clear();
   877     if ( !vector->resize( count() ) )
   878 	return;
   879     register QLNode *n = firstNode;
   880     uint i = 0;
   881     while ( n ) {
   882 	vector->insert( i, n->data );
   883 	n = n->next;
   884 	i++;
   885     }
   886 }
   888 void QGList::heapSortPushDown( QCollection::Item* heap, int first, int last )
   889 {
   890     int r = first;
   891     while( r <= last/2 ) {
   892 	// Node r has only one child ?
   893 	if ( last == 2*r ) {
   894 	    // Need for swapping ?
   895 	    if ( compareItems( heap[r], heap[ 2*r ] ) > 0 ) {
   896 		QCollection::Item tmp = heap[r];
   897 		heap[ r ] = heap[ 2*r ];
   898 		heap[ 2*r ] = tmp;
   899 	    }
   900 	    // That's it ...
   901 	    r = last;
   902 	} else {
   903 	    // Node has two children
   904 	    if ( compareItems( heap[r], heap[ 2*r ] ) > 0 &&
   905 		 compareItems( heap[ 2*r ], heap[ 2*r+1 ] ) <= 0 ) {
   906 		// Swap with left child
   907 		QCollection::Item tmp = heap[r];
   908 		heap[ r ] = heap[ 2*r ];
   909 		heap[ 2*r ] = tmp;
   910 		r *= 2;
   911 	    } else if ( compareItems( heap[r], heap[ 2*r+1 ] ) > 0 &&
   912 			compareItems( heap[ 2*r+1 ], heap[ 2*r ] ) < 0 ) {
   913 		// Swap with right child
   914 		QCollection::Item tmp = heap[r];
   915 		heap[ r ] = heap[ 2*r+1 ];
   916 		heap[ 2*r+1 ] = tmp;
   917 		r = 2*r+1;
   918 	    } else {
   919 		// We are done
   920 		r = last;
   921 	    }
   922 	}
   923     }
   924 }
   927 /*! Sorts the list by the result of the virtual compareItems() function.
   929   The Heap-Sort algorithm is used for sorting.  It sorts n items with
   930   O(n*log n) compares.  This is the asymptotic optimal solution of the
   931   sorting problem.
   932 */
   934 void QGList::sort()
   935 {
   936     uint n = count();
   937     if ( n < 2 )
   938 	return;
   940     // Create the heap
   941     QCollection::Item* realheap = new QCollection::Item[ n ];
   942     // Wow, what a fake. But I want the heap to be indexed as 1...n
   943     QCollection::Item* heap = realheap - 1;
   944     int size = 0;
   945     QLNode* insert = firstNode;
   946     for( ; insert != 0; insert = insert->next ) {
   947 	heap[++size] = insert->data;
   948 	int i = size;
   949 	while( i > 1 && compareItems( heap[i], heap[ i / 2 ] ) < 0 ) {
   950 	    QCollection::Item tmp = heap[ i ];
   951 	    heap[ i ] = heap[ i/2 ];
   952 	    heap[ i/2 ] = tmp;
   953 	    i /= 2;
   954 	}
   955     }
   957     insert = firstNode;
   958     // Now do the sorting
   959     for ( int i = n; i > 0; i-- ) {
   960 	insert->data = heap[1];
   961 	insert = insert->next;
   962 	if ( i > 1 ) {
   963 	    heap[1] = heap[i];
   964 	    heapSortPushDown( heap, 1, i - 1 );
   965 	}
   966     }
   968     delete [] realheap;
   969 }
   972 /*****************************************************************************
   973   QGList stream functions
   974  *****************************************************************************/
   976 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
   977 QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, QGList &list )
   978 {						// read list
   979     return list.read( s );
   980 }
   982 QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const QGList &list )
   983 {						// write list
   984     return list.write( s );
   985 }
   987 /*!
   988   \internal
   989   Reads a list from the stream \e s.
   990 */
   992 QDataStream &QGList::read( QDataStream &s )
   993 {
   994     uint num;
   995     s >> num;					// read number of items
   996     clear();					// clear list
   997     while ( num-- ) {				// read all items
   998 	Item d;
   999 	read( s, d );
  1000 	CHECK_PTR( d );
  1001 	if ( !d )				// no memory
  1002 	    break;
  1003 	QLNode *n = new QLNode( d );
  1004 	CHECK_PTR( n );
  1005 	if ( !n )				// no memory
  1006 	    break;
  1007 	n->next = 0;
  1008 	if ( (n->prev = lastNode) )		// list is not empty
  1009 	    lastNode->next = n;
  1010 	else					// initialize list
  1011 	    firstNode = n;
  1012 	lastNode = n;
  1013 	numNodes++;
  1014     }
  1015     curNode  = firstNode;
  1016     curIndex = curNode ? 0 : -1;
  1017     return s;
  1018 }
  1020 /*!
  1021   \internal
  1022   Writes the list to the stream \e s.
  1023 */
  1025 QDataStream &QGList::write( QDataStream &s ) const
  1026 {
  1027     s << count();				// write number of items
  1028     QLNode *n = firstNode;
  1029     while ( n ) {				// write all items
  1030 	write( s, n->data );
  1031 	n = n->next;
  1032     }
  1033     return s;
  1034 }
  1036 #endif // QT_NO_DATASTREAM
  1038 /*****************************************************************************
  1039   QGListIterator member functions
  1040  *****************************************************************************/
  1042 /*!
  1043   \class QGListIterator qglist.h
  1044   \brief The QGListIterator class is an internal class for implementing QListIterator.
  1046   QGListIterator is a strictly internal class that does the heavy work for
  1047   QListIterator.
  1048 */
  1050 /*!
  1051   \internal
  1052   Constructs an iterator that operates on the list \e l.
  1053 */
  1055 QGListIterator::QGListIterator( const QGList &l )
  1056 {
  1057     list = (QGList *)&l;			// get reference to list
  1058     curNode = list->firstNode;			// set to first node
  1059     if ( !list->iterators ) {
  1060 	list->iterators = new QGList;		// create iterator list
  1061 	CHECK_PTR( list->iterators );
  1062     }
  1063     list->iterators->append( this );		// attach iterator to list
  1064 }
  1066 /*!
  1067   \internal
  1068   Constructs a copy of the iterator \e it.
  1069 */
  1071 QGListIterator::QGListIterator( const QGListIterator &it )
  1072 {
  1073     list = it.list;
  1074     curNode = it.curNode;
  1075     if ( list )
  1076 	list->iterators->append( this );	// attach iterator to list
  1077 }
  1079 /*!
  1080   \internal
  1081   Assigns a copy of the iterator \e it and returns a reference to this
  1082   iterator.
  1083 */
  1085 QGListIterator &QGListIterator::operator=( const QGListIterator &it )
  1086 {
  1087     if ( list )					// detach from old list
  1088 	list->iterators->removeRef( this );
  1089     list = it.list;
  1090     curNode = it.curNode;
  1091     if ( list )
  1092 	list->iterators->append( this );	// attach to new list
  1093     return *this;
  1094 }
  1096 /*!
  1097   \internal
  1098   Destroys the iterator.
  1099 */
  1101 QGListIterator::~QGListIterator()
  1102 {
  1103     if ( list )					// detach iterator from list
  1104 	list->iterators->removeRef(this);
  1105 }
  1108 /*!
  1109   \fn bool QGListIterator::atFirst() const
  1110   \internal
  1111   Returns TRUE if the iterator points to the first item, otherwise FALSE.
  1112 */
  1114 /*!
  1115   \fn bool QGListIterator::atLast() const
  1116   \internal
  1117   Returns TRUE if the iterator points to the last item, otherwise FALSE.
  1118 */
  1121 /*!
  1122   \internal
  1123   Sets the list iterator to point to the first item in the list.
  1124 */
  1126 QCollection::Item QGListIterator::toFirst()
  1127 {
  1128     if ( !list ) {
  1129 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
  1130 	qWarning( "QGListIterator::toFirst: List has been deleted" );
  1131 #endif
  1132 	return 0;
  1133     }
  1134     return list->firstNode ? (curNode = list->firstNode)->getData() : 0;
  1135 }
  1137 /*!
  1138   \internal
  1139   Sets the list iterator to point to the last item in the list.
  1140 */
  1142 QCollection::Item QGListIterator::toLast()
  1143 {
  1144     if ( !list ) {
  1145 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
  1146 	qWarning( "QGListIterator::toLast: List has been deleted" );
  1147 #endif
  1148 	return 0;
  1149     }
  1150     return list->lastNode ? (curNode = list->lastNode)->getData() : 0;
  1151 }
  1154 /*!
  1155   \fn QCollection::Item QGListIterator::get() const
  1156   \internal
  1157   Returns the iterator item.
  1158 */
  1161 /*!
  1162   \internal
  1163   Moves to the next item (postfix).
  1164 */
  1166 QCollection::Item QGListIterator::operator()()
  1167 {
  1168     if ( !curNode )
  1169 	return 0;
  1170     QCollection::Item d = curNode->getData();
  1171     curNode = curNode->next;
  1172     return  d;
  1173 }
  1175 /*!
  1176   \internal
  1177   Moves to the next item (prefix).
  1178 */
  1180 QCollection::Item QGListIterator::operator++()
  1181 {
  1182     if ( !curNode )
  1183 	return 0;
  1184     curNode = curNode->next;
  1185     return curNode ? curNode->getData() : 0;
  1186 }
  1188 /*!
  1189   \internal
  1190   Moves \e jumps positions forward.
  1191 */
  1193 QCollection::Item QGListIterator::operator+=( uint jumps )
  1194 {
  1195     while ( curNode && jumps-- )
  1196 	curNode = curNode->next;
  1197     return curNode ? curNode->getData() : 0;
  1198 }
  1200 /*!
  1201   \internal
  1202   Moves to the previous item (prefix).
  1203 */
  1205 QCollection::Item QGListIterator::operator--()
  1206 {
  1207     if ( !curNode )
  1208 	return 0;
  1209     curNode = curNode->prev;
  1210     return curNode ? curNode->getData() : 0;
  1211 }
  1213 /*!
  1214   \internal
  1215   Moves \e jumps positions backward.
  1216 */
  1218 QCollection::Item QGListIterator::operator-=( uint jumps )
  1219 {
  1220     while ( curNode && jumps-- )
  1221 	curNode = curNode->prev;
  1222     return curNode ? curNode->getData() : 0;
  1223 }