changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 ** 
     3 **
     4 ** Definition of QValueList class
     5 **
     6 ** Created : 990406
     7 **
     8 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
     9 **
    10 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
    11 **
    12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
    13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
    14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
    15 **
    16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
    17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
    18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
    19 ** packaging of this file.
    20 **
    21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
    22 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
    23 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
    24 **
    25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
    27 **
    28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
    29 **   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
    30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
    31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
    32 **
    33 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
    34 ** not clear to you.
    35 **
    36 **********************************************************************/
    38 #ifndef QVALUELIST_H
    39 #define QVALUELIST_H
    41 #ifndef QT_H
    42 #include "qshared.h"
    43 #include "qdatastream.h"
    44 #endif // QT_H
    46 #if defined(_CC_MSVC_)
    47 #pragma warning(disable:4284) // "return type for operator -> is not a UDT"
    48 #endif
    50 template <class T>
    51 class Q_EXPORT QValueListNode
    52 {
    53 public:
    54     QValueListNode( const T& t ) : data( t ) { }
    55     QValueListNode() { }
    56 #if defined(Q_TEMPLATEDLL)
    57     // Workaround MS bug in memory de/allocation in DLL vs. EXE 
    58     virtual ~QValueListNode() { }
    59 #endif
    61     QValueListNode<T>* next;
    62     QValueListNode<T>* prev;
    63     T data;
    64 };
    66 template<class T>
    67 class Q_EXPORT QValueListIterator
    68 {
    69  public:
    70     /**
    71      * Typedefs
    72      */
    73     typedef QValueListNode<T>* NodePtr;
    75     /**
    76      * Variables
    77      */
    78     NodePtr node;
    80     /**
    81      * Functions
    82      */
    83     QValueListIterator() : node( 0 ) {}
    84     QValueListIterator( NodePtr p ) : node( p ) {}
    85     QValueListIterator( const QValueListIterator<T>& it ) : node( it.node ) {}
    87     bool operator==( const QValueListIterator<T>& it ) const { return node == it.node; }
    88     bool operator!=( const QValueListIterator<T>& it ) const { return node != it.node; }
    89     const T& operator*() const { return node->data; }
    90     T& operator*() { return node->data; }
    92     // Compilers are too dumb to understand this for QValueList<int>
    93     //T* operator->() const { return &(node->data); }
    95     QValueListIterator<T>& operator++() {
    96 	node = node->next;
    97 	return *this;
    98     }
   100     QValueListIterator<T> operator++(int) {
   101 	QValueListIterator<T> tmp = *this;
   102 	node = node->next;
   103 	return tmp;
   104     }
   106     QValueListIterator<T>& operator--() {
   107 	node = node->prev;
   108 	return *this;
   109     }
   111     QValueListIterator<T> operator--(int) {
   112 	QValueListIterator<T> tmp = *this;
   113 	node = node->prev;
   114 	return tmp;
   115     }
   116 };
   118 template<class T>
   119 class Q_EXPORT QValueListConstIterator
   120 {
   121  public:
   122     /**
   123      * Typedefs
   124      */
   125     typedef QValueListNode<T>* NodePtr;
   127     /**
   128      * Variables
   129      */
   130     NodePtr node;
   132     /**
   133      * Functions
   134      */
   135     QValueListConstIterator() : node( 0 ) {}
   136     QValueListConstIterator( NodePtr p ) : node( p ) {}
   137     QValueListConstIterator( const QValueListConstIterator<T>& it ) : node( it.node ) {}
   138     QValueListConstIterator( const QValueListIterator<T>& it ) : node( it.node ) {}
   140     bool operator==( const QValueListConstIterator<T>& it ) const { return node == it.node; }
   141     bool operator!=( const QValueListConstIterator<T>& it ) const { return node != it.node; }
   142     const T& operator*() const { return node->data; }
   144     // Compilers are too dumb to understand this for QValueList<int>
   145     //const T* operator->() const { return &(node->data); }
   147     QValueListConstIterator<T>& operator++() {
   148 	node = node->next;
   149 	return *this;
   150     }
   152     QValueListConstIterator<T> operator++(int) {
   153 	QValueListConstIterator<T> tmp = *this;
   154 	node = node->next;
   155 	return tmp;
   156     }
   158     QValueListConstIterator<T>& operator--() {
   159 	node = node->prev;
   160 	return *this;
   161     }
   163     QValueListConstIterator<T> operator--(int) {
   164 	QValueListConstIterator<T> tmp = *this;
   165 	node = node->prev;
   166 	return tmp;
   167     }
   168 };
   170 template <class T>
   171 class Q_EXPORT QValueListPrivate : public QShared
   172 {
   173 public:
   174     /**
   175      * Typedefs
   176      */
   177     typedef QValueListIterator<T> Iterator;
   178     typedef QValueListConstIterator<T> ConstIterator;
   179     typedef QValueListNode<T> Node;
   180     typedef QValueListNode<T>* NodePtr;
   182     /**
   183      * Functions
   184      */
   185     QValueListPrivate() { node = new Node; node->next = node->prev = node; nodes = 0; }
   186     QValueListPrivate( const QValueListPrivate<T>& _p ) : QShared() {
   187 	node = new Node; node->next = node->prev = node; nodes = 0;
   188 	Iterator b( _p.node->next );
   189 	Iterator e( _p.node );
   190 	Iterator i( node );
   191 	while( b != e )
   192 	    insert( i, *b++ );
   193     }
   195     void derefAndDelete() // ### hack to get around hp-cc brain damage
   196     {
   197 	if ( deref() )
   198 	    delete this;
   199     }
   201 #if defined(Q_TEMPLATEDLL)
   202     // Workaround MS bug in memory de/allocation in DLL vs. EXE 
   203     virtual
   204 #endif
   205     ~QValueListPrivate() {
   206 	NodePtr p = node->next;
   207 	while( p != node ) {
   208 	    NodePtr x = p->next;
   209 	    delete p;
   210 	    p = x;
   211 	}
   212 	delete node;
   213     }
   215     Iterator insert( Iterator it, const T& x ) {
   216 	NodePtr p = new Node( x );
   217 	p->next = it.node;
   218 	p->prev = it.node->prev;
   219 	it.node->prev->next = p;
   220 	it.node->prev = p;
   221 	nodes++;
   222 	return p;
   223     }
   225     Iterator remove( Iterator it ) {
   226 	ASSERT ( it.node != node );
   227 	NodePtr next = it.node->next;
   228 	NodePtr prev = it.node->prev;
   229 	prev->next = next;
   230 	next->prev = prev;
   231 	delete it.node;
   232 	nodes--;
   233 	return Iterator( next );
   234     }
   236     NodePtr find( NodePtr start, const T& x ) const {
   237 	ConstIterator first( start );
   238 	ConstIterator last( node );
   239 	while( first != last) {
   240 	    if ( *first == x )
   241 		return first.node;
   242 	    ++first;
   243 	}
   244 	return last.node;
   245     }
   247     int findIndex( NodePtr start, const T& x ) const {
   248 	ConstIterator first( start );
   249 	ConstIterator last( node );
   250 	int pos = 0;
   251 	while( first != last) {
   252 	    if ( *first == x )
   253 		return pos;
   254 	    ++first;
   255 	    ++pos;
   256 	}
   257 	return -1;
   258     }
   260     uint contains( const T& x ) const {
   261 	uint result = 0;
   262 	Iterator first = Iterator( node->next );
   263 	Iterator last = Iterator( node );
   264 	while( first != last) {
   265 	    if ( *first == x )
   266 		++result;
   267 	    ++first;
   268 	}
   269 	return result;
   270     }
   272     void remove( const T& x ) {
   273 	Iterator first = Iterator( node->next );
   274 	Iterator last = Iterator( node );
   275 	while( first != last) {
   276 	    if ( *first == x )
   277 		first = remove( first );
   278 	    else
   279 		++first;
   280 	}
   281     }
   283     NodePtr at( uint i ) const {
   284 	ASSERT( i <= nodes );
   285 	NodePtr p = node->next;
   286 	for( uint x = 0; x < i; ++x )
   287 	    p = p->next;
   288 	return p;
   289     }
   291     void clear() {
   292 	nodes = 0;
   293 	NodePtr p = node->next;
   294 	while( p != node ) {
   295 	    NodePtr next = p->next;
   296 	    delete p;
   297 	    p = next;
   298 	}
   299 	node->next = node->prev = node;
   300     }
   302     NodePtr node;
   303     uint nodes;
   304 };
   306 template <class T>
   307 class Q_EXPORT QValueList
   308 {
   309 public:
   310     /**
   311      * Typedefs
   312      */
   313     typedef QValueListIterator<T> Iterator;
   314     typedef QValueListConstIterator<T> ConstIterator;
   315     typedef T ValueType;
   317     /**
   318      * API
   319      */
   320     QValueList() { sh = new QValueListPrivate<T>; }
   321     QValueList( const QValueList<T>& l ) { sh = l.sh; sh->ref(); }
   322     ~QValueList() { sh->derefAndDelete(); }
   324     QValueList<T>& operator= ( const QValueList<T>& l )
   325     {
   326 	l.sh->ref();
   327 	sh->derefAndDelete();
   328 	sh = l.sh;
   329 	return *this;
   330     }
   332     QValueList<T> operator+ ( const QValueList<T>& l ) const
   333     {
   334 	QValueList<T> l2( *this );
   335 	for( ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it )
   336 	    l2.append( *it );
   337 	return l2;
   338     }
   340     QValueList<T>& operator+= ( const QValueList<T>& l )
   341     {
   342 	for( ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it )
   343 	    append( *it );
   344 	return *this;
   345     }
   347     bool operator== ( const QValueList<T>& l ) const
   348     {
   349 	if ( count() != l.count() )
   350 	    return FALSE;
   351 	ConstIterator it2 = begin();
   352 	ConstIterator it = l.begin();
   353 	for( ; it != l.end(); ++it, ++it2 )
   354 	    if ( !( *it == *it2 ) )
   355 		return FALSE;
   356 	return TRUE;
   357     }
   359     bool operator!= ( const QValueList<T>& l ) const { return !( *this == l ); }
   361     Iterator begin() { detach(); return Iterator( sh->node->next ); }
   362     ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator( sh->node->next ); }
   363     Iterator end() { detach(); return Iterator( sh->node ); }
   364     ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator( sh->node ); }
   365     Iterator fromLast() { detach(); return Iterator( sh->node->prev ); }
   366     ConstIterator fromLast() const { return ConstIterator( sh->node->prev ); }
   368     bool isEmpty() const { return ( sh->nodes == 0 ); }
   370     Iterator insert( Iterator it, const T& x ) { detach(); return sh->insert( it, x ); }
   372     Iterator append( const T& x ) { detach(); return sh->insert( end(), x ); }
   373     Iterator prepend( const T& x ) { detach(); return sh->insert( begin(), x ); }
   375     Iterator remove( Iterator it ) { detach(); return sh->remove( it ); }
   376     void remove( const T& x ) { detach(); sh->remove( x ); }
   378     T& first() { detach(); return sh->node->next->data; }
   379     const T& first() const { return sh->node->next->data; }
   380     T& last() { detach(); return sh->node->prev->data; }
   381     const T& last() const { return sh->node->prev->data; }
   383     T& operator[] ( uint i ) { detach(); return sh->at(i)->data; }
   384     const T& operator[] ( uint i ) const { return sh->at(i)->data; }
   385     Iterator at( uint i ) { detach(); return Iterator( sh->at(i) ); }
   386     ConstIterator at( uint i ) const { return ConstIterator( sh->at(i) ); }
   387     Iterator find ( const T& x ) { detach(); return Iterator( sh->find( sh->node->next, x) ); }
   388     ConstIterator find ( const T& x ) const { return ConstIterator( sh->find( sh->node->next, x) ); }
   389     Iterator find ( Iterator it, const T& x ) { detach(); return Iterator( sh->find( it.node, x ) ); }
   390     ConstIterator find ( ConstIterator it, const T& x ) const { return ConstIterator( sh->find( it.node, x ) ); }
   391     int findIndex( const T& x ) const { return sh->findIndex( sh->node->next, x) ; }
   392     uint contains( const T& x ) const { return sh->contains( x ); }
   394     uint count() const { return sh->nodes; }
   396     void clear() { if ( sh->count == 1 ) sh->clear(); else { sh->deref(); sh = new QValueListPrivate<T>; } }
   399     QValueList<T>& operator+= ( const T& x )
   400     {
   401 	append( x );
   402 	return *this;
   403     }
   404     QValueList<T>& operator<< ( const T& x )
   405     {
   406 	append( x );
   407 	return *this;
   408     }
   411 protected:
   412     /**
   413      * Helpers
   414      */
   415     void detach() { if ( sh->count > 1 ) { sh->deref(); sh = new QValueListPrivate<T>( *sh ); } }
   417     /**
   418      * Variables
   419      */
   420     QValueListPrivate<T>* sh;
   421 };
   423 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
   424 template<class T>
   425 inline QDataStream& operator>>( QDataStream& s, QValueList<T>& l )
   426 {
   427     l.clear();
   428     Q_UINT32 c;
   429     s >> c;
   430     for( Q_UINT32 i = 0; i < c; ++i )
   431     {
   432 	T t;
   433 	s >> t;
   434 	l.append( t );
   435     }
   436     return s;
   437 }
   439 template<class T>
   440 inline QDataStream& operator<<( QDataStream& s, const QValueList<T>& l )
   441 {
   442     s << (Q_UINT32)l.count();
   443     QValueListConstIterator<T> it = l.begin();
   444     for( ; it != l.end(); ++it )
   445 	s << *it;
   446     return s;
   447 }
   448 #endif // QT_NO_DATASTREAM
   449 #endif // QVALUELIST_H