changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 ** 
     3 **
     4 ** Definition of QXmlSimpleReader and related classes.
     5 **
     6 ** Created : 000518
     7 **
     8 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
     9 **
    10 ** This file is part of the XML module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
    11 **
    12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
    13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
    14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
    15 **
    16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
    17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
    18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
    19 ** packaging of this file.
    20 **
    21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition licenses may use this
    22 ** file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided
    23 ** with the Software.
    24 **
    25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
    27 **
    28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
    29 **   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
    30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
    31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
    32 **
    33 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
    34 ** not clear to you.
    35 **
    36 **********************************************************************/
    38 #ifndef QXML_H
    39 #define QXML_H
    41 #include <qmodules.h>
    43 #if !defined(QT_MODULE_XML)
    44 #define QM_EXPORT
    45 #else
    46 #define QM_EXPORT Q_EXPORT
    47 #endif
    49 #ifndef QT_H
    50 #include <qtextstream.h>
    51 #include <qfile.h>
    52 #include <qstring.h>
    53 #include <qstringlist.h>
    54 #include <qvaluestack.h>
    55 #include <qmap.h>
    56 #endif // QT_H
    58 #ifndef QT_NO_XML
    60 class QXmlNamespaceSupport;
    61 class QXmlAttributes;
    62 class QXmlContentHandler;
    63 class QXmlDefaultHandler;
    64 class QXmlDTDHandler;
    65 class QXmlEntityResolver;
    66 class QXmlErrorHandler;
    67 class QXmlLexicalHandler;
    68 class QXmlDeclHandler;
    69 class QXmlInputSource;
    70 class QXmlLocator;
    71 class QXmlNamespaceSupport;
    72 class QXmlParseException;
    74 class QXmlReader;
    75 class QXmlSimpleReader;
    77 class QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate;
    78 class QXmlNamespaceSupportPrivate;
    79 class QXmlAttributesPrivate;
    80 class QXmlInputSourcePrivate;
    81 class QXmlParseExceptionPrivate;
    82 class QXmlLocatorPrivate;
    83 class QXmlDefaultHandlerPrivate;
    86 //
    87 // SAX Namespace Support
    88 //
    90 #if defined(Q_TEMPLATEDLL)
    91 // MOC_SKIP_BEGIN
    92 template class QM_EXPORT QMap<QString, QString>;
    93 template class QM_EXPORT QValueStack<QMap<QString, QString> >;
    94 template class QM_EXPORT QValueStack<QString>;
    95 // MOC_SKIP_END
    96 #endif
    98 class QM_EXPORT QXmlNamespaceSupport
    99 {
   100 public:
   101     QXmlNamespaceSupport();
   102     ~QXmlNamespaceSupport();
   104     void setPrefix( const QString&, const QString& );
   106     QString prefix( const QString& ) const;
   107     QString uri( const QString& ) const;
   108     void splitName( const QString&, QString&, QString& ) const;
   109     void processName( const QString&, bool, QString&, QString& ) const;
   110     QStringList prefixes() const;
   111     QStringList prefixes( const QString& ) const;
   113     void pushContext();
   114     void popContext();
   115     void reset();
   116 private:
   117     QValueStack<QMap<QString, QString> > nsStack;
   118     QMap<QString, QString> ns;
   120     QXmlNamespaceSupportPrivate *d;
   121 };
   124 //
   125 // SAX Attributes
   126 //
   128 class QM_EXPORT QXmlAttributes
   129 {
   130 public:
   131     QXmlAttributes() {}
   132     virtual ~QXmlAttributes() {}
   134     int index( const QString& qName ) const;
   135     int index( const QString& uri, const QString& localPart ) const;
   136     int length() const;
   137     QString localName( int index ) const;
   138     QString qName( int index ) const;
   139     QString uri( int index ) const;
   140     QString type( int index ) const;
   141     QString type( const QString& qName ) const;
   142     QString type( const QString& uri, const QString& localName ) const;
   143     QString value( int index ) const;
   144     QString value( const QString& qName ) const;
   145     QString value( const QString& uri, const QString& localName ) const;
   147 private:
   148     QStringList qnameList;
   149     QStringList uriList;
   150     QStringList localnameList;
   151     QStringList valueList;
   153     QXmlAttributesPrivate *d;
   155     friend class QXmlSimpleReader;
   156 };
   158 //
   159 // SAX Input Source
   160 //
   162 class QM_EXPORT QXmlInputSource
   163 {
   164 public:
   165     QXmlInputSource();
   166     QXmlInputSource( QTextStream& stream );
   167     QXmlInputSource( QFile& file );
   168     virtual ~QXmlInputSource();
   170     virtual const QString& data() const;
   171     virtual void setData( const QString& d );
   173 private:
   174     void readInput( QByteArray& rawData );
   176     QString input;
   178     QXmlInputSourcePrivate *d;
   179 };
   181 //
   182 // SAX Exception Classes
   183 //
   185 class QM_EXPORT QXmlParseException
   186 {
   187 public:
   188     QXmlParseException( const QString& name="", int c=-1, int l=-1, const QString& p="", const QString& s="" )
   189 	: msg( name ), column( c ), line( l ), pub( p ), sys( s )
   190     { }
   192     int columnNumber() const;
   193     int lineNumber() const;
   194     QString publicId() const;
   195     QString systemId() const;
   196     QString message() const;
   198 private:
   199     QString msg;
   200     int column;
   201     int line;
   202     QString pub;
   203     QString sys;
   205     QXmlParseExceptionPrivate *d;
   206 };
   209 //
   210 // XML Reader
   211 //
   213 class QM_EXPORT QXmlReader
   214 {
   215 public:
   216     virtual ~QXmlReader() {}
   217     virtual bool feature( const QString& name, bool *ok = 0 ) const = 0;
   218     virtual void setFeature( const QString& name, bool value ) = 0;
   219     virtual bool hasFeature( const QString& name ) const = 0;
   220     virtual void* property( const QString& name, bool *ok = 0 ) const = 0;
   221     virtual void setProperty( const QString& name, void* value ) = 0;
   222     virtual bool hasProperty( const QString& name ) const = 0;
   223     virtual void setEntityResolver( QXmlEntityResolver* handler ) = 0;
   224     virtual QXmlEntityResolver* entityResolver() const = 0;
   225     virtual void setDTDHandler( QXmlDTDHandler* handler ) = 0;
   226     virtual QXmlDTDHandler* DTDHandler() const = 0;
   227     virtual void setContentHandler( QXmlContentHandler* handler ) = 0;
   228     virtual QXmlContentHandler* contentHandler() const = 0;
   229     virtual void setErrorHandler( QXmlErrorHandler* handler ) = 0;
   230     virtual QXmlErrorHandler* errorHandler() const = 0;
   231     virtual void setLexicalHandler( QXmlLexicalHandler* handler ) = 0;
   232     virtual QXmlLexicalHandler* lexicalHandler() const = 0;
   233     virtual void setDeclHandler( QXmlDeclHandler* handler ) = 0;
   234     virtual QXmlDeclHandler* declHandler() const = 0;
   235     virtual bool parse( const QXmlInputSource& input ) = 0;
   236 };
   238 class QM_EXPORT QXmlSimpleReader : public QXmlReader
   239 {
   240 public:
   241     QXmlSimpleReader();
   242     virtual ~QXmlSimpleReader();
   244     bool feature( const QString& name, bool *ok = 0 ) const;
   245     void setFeature( const QString& name, bool value );
   246     bool hasFeature( const QString& name ) const;
   248     void* property( const QString& name, bool *ok = 0 ) const;
   249     void setProperty( const QString& name, void* value );
   250     bool hasProperty( const QString& name ) const;
   252     void setEntityResolver( QXmlEntityResolver* handler );
   253     QXmlEntityResolver* entityResolver() const;
   254     void setDTDHandler( QXmlDTDHandler* handler );
   255     QXmlDTDHandler* DTDHandler() const;
   256     void setContentHandler( QXmlContentHandler* handler );
   257     QXmlContentHandler* contentHandler() const;
   258     void setErrorHandler( QXmlErrorHandler* handler );
   259     QXmlErrorHandler* errorHandler() const;
   260     void setLexicalHandler( QXmlLexicalHandler* handler );
   261     QXmlLexicalHandler* lexicalHandler() const;
   262     void setDeclHandler( QXmlDeclHandler* handler );
   263     QXmlDeclHandler* declHandler() const;
   265     bool parse( const QXmlInputSource& input );
   267 private:
   268     // variables
   269     QXmlContentHandler* contentHnd;
   270     QXmlErrorHandler*   errorHnd;
   271     QXmlDTDHandler*     dtdHnd;
   272     QXmlEntityResolver* entityRes;
   273     QXmlLexicalHandler* lexicalHnd;
   274     QXmlDeclHandler*    declHnd;
   276     QChar c; // the character at reading position
   277     int lineNr; // number of line
   278     int columnNr; // position in line
   279     int pos; // position in string
   281     int     namePos;
   282     QChar   nameArray[256]; // only used for names
   283     QString nameValue; // only used for names
   284     int     refPos;
   285     QChar   refArray[256]; // only used for references
   286     QString refValue; // only used for references
   287     int     stringPos;
   288     QChar   stringArray[256]; // used for any other strings that are parsed
   289     QString stringValue; // used for any other strings that are parsed
   291     QString xml;
   292     int xmlLength;
   293     QString xmlRef; // used for parsing of entity references
   295     QValueStack<QString> tags;
   297     QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate* d;
   299     static const QChar QEOF;
   301     // inlines
   302     virtual bool is_S( const QChar& );
   303     virtual bool is_Letter( const QChar& );
   304     virtual bool is_NameBeginning( const QChar& );
   305     virtual bool is_Digit( const QChar& );
   306     virtual bool is_CombiningChar( const QChar& );
   307     virtual bool is_Extender( const QChar& );
   308     virtual bool is_NameChar( const QChar& );
   310     QString& string();
   311     void stringClear();
   312     void stringAddC();
   313     void stringAddC(const QChar&);
   314     QString& name();
   315     void nameClear();
   316     void nameAddC();
   317     void nameAddC(const QChar&);
   318     QString& ref();
   319     void refClear();
   320     void refAddC();
   321     void refAddC(const QChar&);
   323     // used by parseReference() and parsePEReference()
   324     enum EntityRecognitionContext { InContent, InAttributeValue, InEntityValue, InDTD };
   326     // private functions
   327     void eat_ws();
   328     void next_eat_ws();
   330     void next();
   331     bool atEnd();
   333     void init( const QXmlInputSource& i );
   335     bool entityExist( const QString& ) const;
   337     bool parseProlog();
   338     bool parseElement();
   339     bool parseElementEmptyTag( bool &t, QString &uri, QString &lname );
   340     bool parseElementETagBegin2();
   341     bool parseElementAttribute( QString &prefix, QString &uri, QString &lname );
   342     bool parseMisc();
   343     bool parseContent();
   345     bool parsePI(bool xmldecl=FALSE);
   346     bool parseDoctype();
   347     bool parseComment();
   349     bool parseName( bool useRef=FALSE );
   350     bool parseNmtoken();
   351     bool parseAttribute();
   352     bool parseReference( bool &charDataRead, EntityRecognitionContext context );
   353     bool processReference( bool &charDataRead, EntityRecognitionContext context );
   355     bool parseExternalID( bool allowPublicID = FALSE );
   356     bool parsePEReference( EntityRecognitionContext context );
   357     bool parseMarkupdecl();
   358     bool parseAttlistDecl();
   359     bool parseAttType();
   360     bool parseAttValue();
   361     bool parseElementDecl();
   362     bool parseNotationDecl();
   363     bool parseChoiceSeq();
   364     bool parseEntityDecl();
   365     bool parseEntityValue();
   367     bool parseString( const QString& s );
   369     void reportParseError();
   371     friend class QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate;
   372     friend class QXmlLocator;
   373 };
   375 //
   376 // SAX Locator
   377 //
   379 class QM_EXPORT QXmlLocator
   380 {
   381 public:
   382     QXmlLocator( QXmlSimpleReader* parent )
   383     { reader = parent; }
   384     ~QXmlLocator()
   385     { }
   387     int columnNumber();
   388     int lineNumber();
   389 //    QString getPublicId()
   390 //    QString getSystemId()
   392 private:
   393     QXmlSimpleReader* reader;
   395     QXmlLocatorPrivate *d;
   396 };
   398 //
   399 // SAX handler classes
   400 //
   402 class QM_EXPORT QXmlContentHandler
   403 {
   404 public:
   405     virtual ~QXmlContentHandler() {}
   406     virtual void setDocumentLocator( QXmlLocator* locator ) = 0;
   407     virtual bool startDocument() = 0;
   408     virtual bool endDocument() = 0;
   409     virtual bool startPrefixMapping( const QString& prefix, const QString& uri ) = 0;
   410     virtual bool endPrefixMapping( const QString& prefix ) = 0;
   411     virtual bool startElement( const QString& namespaceURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts ) = 0;
   412     virtual bool endElement( const QString& namespaceURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName ) = 0;
   413     virtual bool characters( const QString& ch ) = 0;
   414     virtual bool ignorableWhitespace( const QString& ch ) = 0;
   415     virtual bool processingInstruction( const QString& target, const QString& data ) = 0;
   416     virtual bool skippedEntity( const QString& name ) = 0;
   417     virtual QString errorString() = 0;
   418 };
   420 class QM_EXPORT QXmlErrorHandler
   421 {
   422 public:
   423     virtual ~QXmlErrorHandler() {}
   424     virtual bool warning( const QXmlParseException& exception ) = 0;
   425     virtual bool error( const QXmlParseException& exception ) = 0;
   426     virtual bool fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception ) = 0;
   427     virtual QString errorString() = 0;
   428 };
   430 class QM_EXPORT QXmlDTDHandler
   431 {
   432 public:
   433     virtual ~QXmlDTDHandler() {}
   434     virtual bool notationDecl( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId ) = 0;
   435     virtual bool unparsedEntityDecl( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId, const QString& notationName ) = 0;
   436     virtual QString errorString() = 0;
   437 };
   439 class QM_EXPORT QXmlEntityResolver
   440 {
   441 public:
   442     virtual ~QXmlEntityResolver() {}
   443     virtual bool resolveEntity( const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId, QXmlInputSource* ret ) = 0;
   444     virtual QString errorString() = 0;
   445 };
   447 class QM_EXPORT QXmlLexicalHandler
   448 {
   449 public:
   450     virtual ~QXmlLexicalHandler() {}
   451     virtual bool startDTD( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId ) = 0;
   452     virtual bool endDTD() = 0;
   453 //    virtual bool startEntity( const QString& name ) = 0;
   454 //    virtual bool endEntity( const QString& name ) = 0;
   455     virtual bool startCDATA() = 0;
   456     virtual bool endCDATA() = 0;
   457     virtual bool comment( const QString& ch ) = 0;
   458     virtual QString errorString() = 0;
   459 };
   461 class QM_EXPORT QXmlDeclHandler
   462 {
   463 public:
   464     virtual ~QXmlDeclHandler() {}
   465     virtual bool attributeDecl( const QString& eName, const QString& aName, const QString& type, const QString& valueDefault, const QString& value ) = 0;
   466     virtual bool internalEntityDecl( const QString& name, const QString& value ) = 0;
   467     virtual bool externalEntityDecl( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId ) = 0;
   468     virtual QString errorString() = 0;
   469 };
   472 class QM_EXPORT QXmlDefaultHandler : public QXmlContentHandler, public QXmlErrorHandler, public QXmlDTDHandler, public QXmlEntityResolver, public QXmlLexicalHandler, public QXmlDeclHandler
   473 {
   474 public:
   475     QXmlDefaultHandler() { }
   476     virtual ~QXmlDefaultHandler() { }
   478     void setDocumentLocator( QXmlLocator* locator );
   479     bool startDocument();
   480     bool endDocument();
   481     bool startPrefixMapping( const QString& prefix, const QString& uri );
   482     bool endPrefixMapping( const QString& prefix );
   483     bool startElement( const QString& namespaceURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts );
   484     bool endElement( const QString& namespaceURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName );
   485     bool characters( const QString& ch );
   486     bool ignorableWhitespace( const QString& ch );
   487     bool processingInstruction( const QString& target, const QString& data );
   488     bool skippedEntity( const QString& name );
   490     bool warning( const QXmlParseException& exception );
   491     bool error( const QXmlParseException& exception );
   492     bool fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception );
   494     bool notationDecl( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId );
   495     bool unparsedEntityDecl( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId, const QString& notationName );
   497     bool resolveEntity( const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId, QXmlInputSource* ret );
   499     bool startDTD( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId );
   500     bool endDTD();
   501 //    bool startEntity( const QString& name );
   502 //    bool endEntity( const QString& name );
   503     bool startCDATA();
   504     bool endCDATA();
   505     bool comment( const QString& ch );
   507     bool attributeDecl( const QString& eName, const QString& aName, const QString& type, const QString& valueDefault, const QString& value );
   508     bool internalEntityDecl( const QString& name, const QString& value );
   509     bool externalEntityDecl( const QString& name, const QString& publicId, const QString& systemId );
   511     QString errorString();
   513 private:
   514     QXmlDefaultHandlerPrivate *d;
   515 };
   517 #ifdef _WS_QWS_
   518 #ifdef QT_XML_CPP
   519 #define inline
   520 #else
   521 #define QT_NO_XML_INLINE
   522 #endif
   523 #endif
   525 #ifndef QT_NO_XML_INLINE
   526 //
   527 // inlines
   528 //
   530 inline bool QXmlSimpleReader::is_S(const QChar& ch)
   531 { return ch==' ' || ch=='\t' || ch=='\n' || ch=='\r'; }
   533 inline bool QXmlSimpleReader::is_Letter( const QChar& ch )
   534 { return ch.isLetter(); }
   536 inline bool QXmlSimpleReader::is_NameBeginning( const QChar& ch )
   537 { return ch=='_' || ch==':' || ch.isLetter(); }
   539 inline bool QXmlSimpleReader::is_Digit( const QChar& ch )
   540 { return ch.isDigit(); }
   542 inline bool QXmlSimpleReader::is_CombiningChar( const QChar& )
   543 { return FALSE; }
   545 inline bool QXmlSimpleReader::is_Extender( const QChar& )
   546 { return FALSE; }
   548 inline bool QXmlSimpleReader::is_NameChar( const QChar& ch )
   549 {
   550     return ch=='.' || ch=='-' || ch=='_' || ch==':' ||
   551 	is_Letter(ch) || is_Digit(ch) ||
   552 	is_CombiningChar(ch) || is_Extender(ch);
   553 }
   555 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::next()
   556 {
   557     if ( !xmlRef.isEmpty() ) {
   558 	c = xmlRef[0];
   559 	xmlRef.remove( 0, 1 );
   560     } else {
   561 	if ( c=='\n' || c=='\r' ) {
   562 	    lineNr++;
   563 	    columnNr = -1;
   564 	}
   565 	if ( pos >= xmlLength ) {
   566 	    c = QEOF;
   567 	} else {
   568 	    c = xml[pos];
   569 	    columnNr++;
   570 	    pos++;
   571 	}
   572     }
   573 }
   575 inline bool QXmlSimpleReader::atEnd()
   576 { return c == QEOF; }
   578 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::eat_ws()
   579 { while ( !atEnd() && is_S(c) ) next(); }
   581 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::next_eat_ws()
   582 { next(); eat_ws(); }
   585 // use buffers instead of QString::operator+= when single characters are read
   586 inline QString& QXmlSimpleReader::string()
   587 {
   588     stringValue += QString( stringArray, stringPos );
   589     stringPos = 0;
   590     return stringValue;
   591 }
   592 inline QString& QXmlSimpleReader::name()
   593 {
   594     nameValue += QString( nameArray, namePos );
   595     namePos = 0;
   596     return nameValue;
   597 }
   598 inline QString& QXmlSimpleReader::ref()
   599 {
   600     refValue += QString( refArray, refPos );
   601     refPos = 0;
   602     return refValue;
   603 }
   605 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::stringClear()
   606 { stringValue = ""; stringPos = 0; }
   607 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::nameClear()
   608 { nameValue = ""; namePos = 0; }
   609 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::refClear()
   610 { refValue = ""; refPos = 0; }
   612 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::stringAddC()
   613 {
   614     if ( stringPos >= 256 ) {
   615 	stringValue += QString( stringArray, stringPos );
   616 	stringPos = 0;
   617     }
   618     stringArray[stringPos++] = c;
   619 }
   620 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::nameAddC()
   621 {
   622     if ( namePos >= 256 ) {
   623 	nameValue += QString( nameArray, namePos );
   624 	namePos = 0;
   625     }
   626     nameArray[namePos++] = c;
   627 }
   628 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::refAddC()
   629 {
   630     if ( refPos >= 256 ) {
   631 	refValue += QString( refArray, refPos );
   632 	refPos = 0;
   633     }
   634     refArray[refPos++] = c;
   635 }
   637 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::stringAddC(const QChar& ch)
   638 {
   639     if ( stringPos >= 256 ) {
   640 	stringValue += QString( stringArray, stringPos );
   641 	stringPos = 0;
   642     }
   643     stringArray[stringPos++] = ch;
   644 }
   645 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::nameAddC(const QChar& ch)
   646 {
   647     if ( namePos >= 256 ) {
   648 	nameValue += QString( nameArray, namePos );
   649 	namePos = 0;
   650     }
   651     nameArray[namePos++] = ch;
   652 }
   653 inline void QXmlSimpleReader::refAddC(const QChar& ch)
   654 {
   655     if ( refPos >= 256 ) {
   656 	refValue += QString( refArray, refPos );
   657 	refPos = 0;
   658     }
   659     refArray[refPos++] = ch;
   660 }
   661 #endif
   663 #ifdef _WS_QWS_
   664 #ifdef QT_XML_CPP
   665 #undef inline
   666 #endif
   667 #endif
   669 #endif //QT_NO_XML
   671 #endif