changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #include "classlist.h"
    19 #include "config.h"
    20 #include "util.h"
    21 #include "outputlist.h"
    22 #include "language.h"
    23 #include "doxygen.h"
    24 #include "vhdldocgen.h"
    26 ClassList::ClassList() : QList<ClassDef>()
    27 {
    28 }
    30 ClassList::~ClassList()
    31 {
    32 }
    34 static int compItems(void *item1,void *item2)
    35 {
    36   ClassDef *c1=(ClassDef *)item1;
    37   ClassDef *c2=(ClassDef *)item2;
    38   static bool b = Config_getBool("SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME");
    39   //printf("compItems: %d %s<->%s\n",b,c1->qualifiedName().data(),c2->qualifiedName().data());
    40   if (b) 
    41   { 
    42      return stricmp(c1->name(),
    43                     c2->name());
    44   }
    45   else
    46   {
    47      return stricmp(c1->className(),
    48                     c2->className());
    49   }
    50 }
    52 int ClassList::compareItems(GCI item1, GCI item2)
    53 {
    54   return compItems(item1,item2);
    55 }
    57 int ClassSDict::compareItems(GCI item1, GCI item2)
    58 {
    59   return compItems(item1,item2);
    60 }
    62 ClassListIterator::ClassListIterator(const ClassList &cllist) :
    63   QListIterator<ClassDef>(cllist)
    64 {
    65 }
    67 void ClassSDict::writeDeclaration(OutputList &ol,const ClassDef::CompoundType *filter,
    68                                   const char *header,bool localNames)
    69 {
    70   static bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
    71   static bool vhdlOpt    = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
    72   if (count()>0)
    73   {
    74     ClassSDict::Iterator sdi(*this);
    75     ClassDef *cd=0;
    76     bool found=FALSE;
    77     for (sdi.toFirst();(cd=sdi.current());++sdi)
    78     {
    79       if (cd->name().find('@')==-1 && 
    80           (filter==0 || *filter==cd->compoundType())
    81          )
    82       {
    83         bool isLink = cd->isLinkable();
    84         if (isLink || 
    85              (!Config_getBool("HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES") && 
    86               (!cd->isLocal() || Config_getBool("EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES"))
    87              )
    88            )
    89         {
    90           if (!found)
    91           {
    92             ol.startMemberHeader();
    93             if (header)
    94             {
    95               ol.parseText(header);
    96             }
    97             else if (vhdlOpt)
    98             {
    99               ol.parseText(VhdlDocGen::trVhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE,FALSE));
   100             }
   101             else
   102             {
   103               ol.parseText(fortranOpt ? theTranslator->trDataTypes() :
   104                                         theTranslator->trCompounds());
   105             }
   106             ol.endMemberHeader();
   107             ol.startMemberList();
   108             found=TRUE;
   109           }
   110           if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty() &&
   111               !cd->isReference())  // skip classes found in tag files
   112           {
   113             Doxygen::tagFile << "    <class kind=\"" << cd->compoundTypeString() 
   114               << "\">" << convertToXML(cd->name()) << "</class>" << endl;
   115           }
   116           ol.startMemberItem(FALSE);
   117           QCString tmp = cd->compoundTypeString();
   118           QCString cname;
   119           if (localNames)
   120           {
   121             cname = cd->localName();
   122           }
   123           else
   124           {
   125             cname = cd->displayName();
   126           }
   128           if (!vhdlOpt) // for VHDL we swap the name and the type
   129           {
   130             ol.writeString(tmp);
   131             ol.writeString(" ");
   132             ol.insertMemberAlign();
   133           }
   134           if (isLink) 
   135           {
   136             ol.writeObjectLink(cd->getReference(),
   137                 cd->getOutputFileBase(),
   138                 0,
   139                 cname
   140                 );
   141           }
   142           else 
   143           {
   144             ol.startBold();
   145             ol.docify(cname);
   146             ol.endBold();
   147           }
   148           if (vhdlOpt) // now write the type
   149           {
   150             ol.insertMemberAlign();
   151             VhdlDocGen::writeClassType(cd,ol,cname);
   152           }
   153           ol.endMemberItem();
   154           if (!cd->briefDescription().isEmpty())
   155           {
   156             ol.startMemberDescription();
   157             ol.parseDoc(cd->briefFile(),cd->briefLine(),cd,0,
   158                 cd->briefDescription(),FALSE,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE);
   159             if (//(!cd->briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF")) ||
   160                 //!cd->documentation().isEmpty())
   161                 cd->isLinkableInProject()
   162                 )
   163             {
   164               ol.pushGeneratorState();
   165               ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
   166               //ol.endEmphasis();
   167               ol.docify(" ");
   168               ol.startTextLink(cd->getOutputFileBase(),"_details");
   169               ol.parseText(theTranslator->trMore());
   170               ol.endTextLink();
   171               //ol.startEmphasis();
   172               ol.popGeneratorState();
   173             }
   174             ol.endMemberDescription();
   175           }
   176         }
   177       }
   178     }
   179     if (found) ol.endMemberList();
   180   }
   181 }