changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  */
    15 %{
    17 /*
    18  *	includes
    19  */
    20 #include <stdio.h>
    21 #include <stdlib.h>
    22 #include <assert.h>
    23 #include <ctype.h>
    24 #include <stdarg.h>
    25 #include <errno.h>
    27 #include <qfileinfo.h>
    28 #include <qdir.h>
    29 #include <qtextstream.h>
    30 #include <qregexp.h>
    31 #include <qstack.h>
    32 #include <qglobal.h>
    34 #include "config.h"
    35 #include "version.h"
    36 #include "portable.h"
    37 #include "util.h"
    39 #include "lang_cfg.h"
    40 #include "configoptions.h"
    42 #undef Config_getString
    43 #undef Config_getInt
    44 #undef Config_getList
    45 #undef Config_getEnum
    46 #undef Config_getBool
    48 // use in-class definitions
    49 #define Config_getString(val)  getString(__FILE__,__LINE__,val)
    50 #define Config_getInt(val)     getInt(__FILE__,__LINE__,val)
    51 #define Config_getList(val)    getList(__FILE__,__LINE__,val)
    52 #define Config_getEnum(val)    getEnum(__FILE__,__LINE__,val)
    53 #define Config_getBool(val)    getBool(__FILE__,__LINE__,val)
    55 void config_err(const char *fmt, ...)
    56 {
    57   va_list args;
    58   va_start(args, fmt);
    59   vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
    60   va_end(args); 
    61 }
    62 void config_warn(const char *fmt, ...)
    63 {
    64   va_list args;
    65   va_start(args, fmt);
    66   vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
    67   va_end(args);
    68 }
    70 static QCString configStringRecode(
    71     const QCString &str,
    72     const char *fromEncoding,
    73     const char *toEncoding);
    75 #define MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH 10
    76 #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 1
    78 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
    79  */
    80 QCString ConfigOption::convertToComment(const QCString &s)
    81 {
    82   QCString result;
    83   if (s.isEmpty()) return result;
    84   else
    85   {
    86     QCString tmp=s.stripWhiteSpace();
    87     char *p=tmp.data();
    88     char c;
    89     result+="#";
    90     if (*p && *p!='\n')
    91       result+=" ";
    92     while ((c=*p++))
    93     {
    94       if (c=='\n')
    95       {
    96         result+="\n#";
    97         if (*p && *p!='\n')
    98           result+=" ";
    99       }
   100       else result+=c;
   101     }
   102     result+='\n';
   103   }
   104   return result;
   105 }
   107 void ConfigOption::writeBoolValue(QTextStream &t,bool v)
   108 {
   109   t << " ";
   110   if (v) t << "YES"; else t << "NO";
   111 }
   113 void ConfigOption::writeIntValue(QTextStream &t,int i)
   114 {
   115   t << " " << i;
   116 }
   118 void ConfigOption::writeStringValue(QTextStream &t,QCString &s)
   119 {
   120   char c;
   121   bool needsEscaping=FALSE;
   122   // convert the string back to it original encoding
   123   QCString se = configStringRecode(s,"UTF-8",m_encoding);
   124   const char *p=se.data();
   125   if (p)
   126   {
   127     t << " ";
   128     while ((c=*p++)!=0 && !needsEscaping) 
   129       needsEscaping = (c==' ' || c=='\n' || c=='\t' || c=='"' || c=='#');
   130     if (needsEscaping)
   131     { 
   132       t << "\"";
   133       p=se.data();
   134       while (*p)
   135       {
   136 	if (*p==' ' && *(p+1)=='\0') break; // skip inserted space at the end
   137 	if (*p=='"') t << "\\"; // escape quotes
   138 	t << *p++;
   139       }
   140       t << "\"";
   141     }
   142     else
   143     {
   144       t << se;
   145     }
   146   }
   147 }
   149 void ConfigOption::writeStringList(QTextStream &t,QStrList &l)
   150 {
   151   const char *p = l.first();
   152   bool first=TRUE;
   153   while (p)
   154   {
   155     QCString s=p;
   156     if (!first)
   157       t << "                        ";
   158     first=FALSE;
   159     writeStringValue(t,s);
   160     p = l.next();
   161     if (p) t << " \\" << endl;
   162   }
   163 }
   165 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   166  */
   168 Config *Config::m_instance = 0;
   170 void ConfigInt::convertStrToVal() 
   171 {
   172   if (!m_valueString.isEmpty())
   173   {
   174     bool ok;
   175     int val = m_valueString.toInt(&ok);
   176     if (!ok || val<m_minVal || val>m_maxVal)
   177     {
   178       config_warn("Warning: argument `%s' for option %s is not a valid number in the range [%d..%d]!\n"
   179                 "Using the default: %d!\n",m_valueString.data(),m_name.data(),m_minVal,m_maxVal,m_value);
   180     }
   181     m_value=val;
   182   }
   183 }
   185 void ConfigBool::convertStrToVal()
   186 {
   187   QCString val = m_valueString.stripWhiteSpace().lower();
   188   if (!val.isEmpty())
   189   {
   190     if (val=="yes" || val=="true" || val=="1" || val=="all") 
   191     {
   192       m_value=TRUE;
   193     }
   194     else if (val=="no" || val=="false" || val=="0" || val=="none")
   195     {
   196       m_value=FALSE;
   197     }
   198     else
   199     {
   200       config_warn("Warning: argument `%s' for option %s is not a valid boolean value\n"
   201                 "Using the default: %s!\n",m_valueString.data(),m_name.data(),m_value?"YES":"NO");
   202     }
   203   }
   204 }
   206 QCString &Config::getString(const char *fileName,int num,const char *name) const
   207 {
   208   ConfigOption *opt = m_dict->find(name);
   209   if (opt==0) 
   210   {
   211     config_err("%s<%d>: Internal error: Requested unknown option %s!\n",fileName,num,name);
   212     exit(1);
   213   }
   214   else if (opt->kind()!=ConfigOption::O_String)
   215   {
   216     config_err("%s<%d>: Internal error: Requested option %s not of string type!\n",fileName,num,name);
   217     exit(1);
   218   }
   219   return *((ConfigString *)opt)->valueRef();
   220 }
   222 QStrList &Config::getList(const char *fileName,int num,const char *name) const
   223 {
   224   ConfigOption *opt = m_dict->find(name);
   225   if (opt==0) 
   226   {
   227     config_err("%s<%d>: Internal error: Requested unknown option %s!\n",fileName,num,name);
   228     exit(1);
   229   }
   230   else if (opt->kind()!=ConfigOption::O_List)
   231   {
   232     config_err("%d<%d>: Internal error: Requested option %s not of list type!\n",fileName,num,name);
   233     exit(1);
   234   }
   235   return *((ConfigList *)opt)->valueRef();
   236 }
   238 QCString &Config::getEnum(const char *fileName,int num,const char *name) const
   239 {
   240   ConfigOption *opt = m_dict->find(name);
   241   if (opt==0) 
   242   {
   243     config_err("%s<%d>: Internal error: Requested unknown option %s!\n",fileName,num,name);
   244     exit(1);
   245   }
   246   else if (opt->kind()!=ConfigOption::O_Enum)
   247   {
   248     config_err("%s<%d>: Internal error: Requested option %s not of enum type!\n",fileName,num,name);
   249     exit(1);
   250   }
   251   return *((ConfigEnum *)opt)->valueRef();
   252 }
   254 int &Config::getInt(const char *fileName,int num,const char *name) const
   255 {
   256   ConfigOption *opt = m_dict->find(name);
   257   if (opt==0) 
   258   {
   259     config_err("%s<%d>: Internal error: Requested unknown option %s!\n",fileName,num,name);
   260     exit(1);
   261   }
   262   else if (opt->kind()!=ConfigOption::O_Int)
   263   {
   264     config_err("%s<%d>: Internal error: Requested option %s not of integer type!\n",fileName,num,name);
   265     exit(1);
   266   }
   267   return *((ConfigInt *)opt)->valueRef();
   268 }
   270 bool &Config::getBool(const char *fileName,int num,const char *name) const
   271 {
   272   ConfigOption *opt = m_dict->find(name);
   273   if (opt==0) 
   274   {
   275     config_err("%s<%d>: Internal error: Requested unknown option %s!\n",fileName,num,name);
   276     exit(1);
   277   }
   278   else if (opt->kind()!=ConfigOption::O_Bool)
   279   {
   280     config_err("%s<%d>: Internal error: Requested option %s not of integer type!\n",fileName,num,name);
   281     exit(1);
   282   }
   283   return *((ConfigBool *)opt)->valueRef();
   284 }
   286 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   287  */
   289 void ConfigInt::writeXML(QTextStream& t)
   290 {
   291   t << "    <option type='int' "
   292        "id='" << convertToXML(name()) << "' "
   293        "docs='\n" << convertToXML(docs()) << "' "
   294        "minval='" << m_minVal << "' "
   295        "maxval='" << m_maxVal << "' "
   296        "defval='" << m_defValue << "'";
   297   if (!m_dependency.isEmpty()) t << " depends='" << m_dependency << "'";
   298   t << "/>" << endl;
   299 }
   301 void ConfigBool::writeXML(QTextStream& t)
   302 {
   303   t << "    <option type='bool' "
   304        "id='" << convertToXML(name()) << "' "
   305        "docs='\n" << convertToXML(docs()) << "' "
   306        "defval='" << m_defValue << "'";
   307   if (!m_dependency.isEmpty()) t << " depends='" << m_dependency << "'";
   308   t << "/>" << endl;
   309 }
   311 void ConfigString::writeXML(QTextStream& t)
   312 {
   313   QString format;
   314   switch (m_widgetType)
   315   {
   316     case String: format="string"; break;
   317     case File:   format="file";   break;
   318     case Dir:    format="dir";    break;
   319   }
   320   t << "    <option type='string' "
   321        "id='" << convertToXML(name()) << "' "
   322        "format='" << format << "' "
   323        "docs='\n" << convertToXML(docs()) << "' "
   324        "defval='" << convertToXML(m_defValue) << "'";
   325   if (!m_dependency.isEmpty()) t << " depends='" << m_dependency << "'";
   326   t << "/>" << endl;
   327 }
   329 void ConfigEnum::writeXML(QTextStream &t)
   330 {
   331   t << "    <option type='enum' "
   332        "id='" << convertToXML(name()) << "' "
   333        "defval='" << convertToXML(m_defValue) << "' "
   334        "docs='\n" << convertToXML(docs()) << "'";
   335   if (!m_dependency.isEmpty()) t << " depends='" << m_dependency << "'";
   336   t << ">" << endl;
   338   char *enumVal = m_valueRange.first();
   339   while (enumVal)
   340   {
   341     t << "      <value name='" << convertToXML(enumVal) << "'/>" << endl;
   342     enumVal = m_valueRange.next();
   343   }
   345   t << "    </option>" << endl;
   346 }
   348 void ConfigList::writeXML(QTextStream &t)
   349 {
   350   QString format;
   351   switch (m_widgetType)
   352   {
   353     case String:     format="string";  break;
   354     case File:       format="file";    break;
   355     case Dir:        format="dir";     break;
   356     case FileAndDir: format="filedir"; break;
   357   }
   358   t << "    <option type='list' "
   359        "id='" << convertToXML(name()) << "' "
   360        "format='" << format << "' "
   361        "docs='\n" << convertToXML(docs()) << "'";
   362   if (!m_dependency.isEmpty()) t << " depends='" << m_dependency << "'";
   363   t << ">" << endl;
   364   char *enumVal = m_value.first();
   365   while (enumVal)
   366   {
   367     t << "      <value name='" << convertToXML(enumVal) << "'/>" << endl;
   368     enumVal = m_value.next();
   369   }
   371   t << "    </option>" << endl;
   372 }
   374 void ConfigObsolete::writeXML(QTextStream &t)
   375 {
   376   t << "    <option type='obsolete' "
   377        "id='" << convertToXML(name()) << "'/>" << endl;
   378 }
   381 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   382  *
   383  *	static variables
   384  */
   386 struct ConfigFileState
   387 {
   388   int lineNr;
   389   FILE *filePtr;
   390   YY_BUFFER_STATE oldState;
   391   YY_BUFFER_STATE newState;
   392   QCString fileName;
   393 };  
   395 static const char       *inputString;
   396 static int	         inputPosition;
   397 static int               yyLineNr;
   398 static QCString          yyFileName;
   399 static QCString          tmpString;
   400 static QCString         *s=0;
   401 static bool             *b=0;
   402 static QStrList         *l=0;
   403 static int               lastState;
   404 static QCString          elemStr;
   405 static QCString          includeName;
   406 static QStrList          includePathList;
   407 static QStack<ConfigFileState> includeStack;  
   408 static int               includeDepth;
   410 static QCString     tabSizeString;
   411 static QCString     maxInitLinesString;
   412 static QCString     colsInAlphaIndexString;
   413 static QCString     enumValuesPerLineString;
   414 static QCString     treeViewWidthString;
   415 static QCString     maxDotGraphWidthString;
   416 static QCString     maxDotGraphHeightString;
   417 static QCString     encoding;
   419 static Config      *config;
   421 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   422  */
   423 #undef	YY_INPUT
   424 #define	YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size);
   426 static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size)
   427 {
   428     // no file included
   429     if (includeStack.isEmpty()) 
   430     {
   431         int c=0;
   432 	if (inputString==0) return c;
   433 	while( c < max_size && inputString[inputPosition] )
   434 	{
   435 	      *buf = inputString[inputPosition++] ;
   436 	      c++; buf++;
   437   	}
   438 	return c;
   439     } 
   440     else 
   441     {
   442         //assert(includeStack.current()->newState==YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);
   443 	return (int)fread(buf,1,max_size,includeStack.current()->filePtr);
   444     }
   445 }
   448 static QCString configStringRecode(
   449     const QCString &str,
   450     const char *fromEncoding,
   451     const char *toEncoding)
   452 {
   453   QCString inputEncoding = fromEncoding;
   454   QCString outputEncoding = toEncoding;
   455   if (inputEncoding.isEmpty() || outputEncoding.isEmpty() || inputEncoding==outputEncoding) return str;
   456   int inputSize=str.length();
   457   size_t outputSize=inputSize*4+1;
   458   QCString output(outputSize);
   459   void *cd = portable_iconv_open(outputEncoding,inputEncoding);
   460   if (cd==(void *)(-1)) 
   461   {
   462     fprintf(stderr,"Error: unsupported character conversion: '%s'->'%s'\n",
   463         inputEncoding.data(),outputEncoding.data());
   464     exit(1);
   465   }
   466   size_t iLeft=inputSize;
   467   size_t oLeft=outputSize;
   468   const char *inputPtr  = str.data();
   469   char       *outputPtr = output.data();
   470   if (!portable_iconv(cd, &inputPtr, &iLeft, &outputPtr, &oLeft))
   471   {
   472     outputSize-=oLeft;
   473     output.resize(outputSize+1);
   474     output.at(outputSize)='\0';
   475     //printf("iconv: input size=%d output size=%d\n[%s]\n",size,newSize,srcBuf.data());
   476   }
   477   else
   478   {
   479     fprintf(stderr,"Error: failed to translate characters from %s to %s: %s\n",
   480         inputEncoding.data(),outputEncoding.data(),strerror(errno));
   481     exit(1);
   482   }
   483   portable_iconv_close(cd);
   484   return output;
   485 }
   487 static void checkEncoding()
   488 {
   489   ConfigString *option = (ConfigString*)config->get("DOXYFILE_ENCODING");
   490   encoding = *option->valueRef();
   491 }
   493 static FILE *tryPath(const char *path,const char *fileName)
   494 {
   495   QCString absName=(path ? (QCString)path+"/"+fileName : (QCString)fileName);
   496   QFileInfo fi(absName);
   497   if (fi.exists() && fi.isFile())
   498   {
   499     FILE *f=fopen(absName,"r");
   500     if (!f) config_err("Error: could not open file %s for reading\n",absName.data());
   501     return f;
   502   }
   503   return 0;
   504 }
   506 static void substEnvVarsInStrList(QStrList &sl);
   507 static void substEnvVarsInString(QCString &s);
   509 static bool isAbsolute(const char * fileName)
   510 {
   511 # ifdef _WIN32
   512   if (isalpha (fileName [0]) && fileName[1] == ':')
   513     fileName += 2;
   514 # endif
   515   char const fst = fileName [0];
   516   if (fst == '/')  {
   517     return true;
   518   }
   519 # ifdef _WIN32
   520   if (fst == '\\')
   521     return true;
   522 # endif
   523   return false;
   524 }
   526 static FILE *findFile(const char *fileName)
   527 {
   528   if(isAbsolute(fileName))
   529     return tryPath(NULL, fileName);
   530   substEnvVarsInStrList(includePathList);
   531   char *s=includePathList.first();
   532   while (s) // try each of the include paths
   533   {
   534     FILE *f = tryPath(s,fileName);
   535     if (f) return f;
   536     s=includePathList.next();
   537   } 
   538   // try cwd if includePathList fails
   539   return tryPath(".",fileName);
   540 }
   542 static void readIncludeFile(const char *incName)
   543 {
   544   if (includeDepth==MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH) {
   545     config_err("Error: maximum include depth (%d) reached, %s is not included. Aborting...\n",
   546 	MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH,incName);
   547     exit(1);
   548   } 
   550   QCString inc = incName;
   551   substEnvVarsInString(inc);
   552   inc = inc.stripWhiteSpace();
   553   uint incLen = inc.length();
   554   if (inc.at(0)=='"' && inc.at(incLen-1)=='"') // strip quotes
   555   {
   556     inc=inc.mid(1,incLen-2);
   557   }
   559   FILE *f;
   561   if ((f=findFile(inc))) // see if the include file can be found
   562   {
   563     // For debugging
   564 #if SHOW_INCLUDES
   565     for (i=0;i<includeStack.count();i++) msg("  ");
   566     msg("@INCLUDE = %s: parsing...\n",inc.data());
   567 #endif
   569     // store the state of the old file 
   570     ConfigFileState *fs=new ConfigFileState;
   571     fs->oldState=YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
   572     fs->lineNr=yyLineNr;
   573     fs->fileName=yyFileName;
   574     fs->filePtr=f;
   575     // push the state on the stack
   576     includeStack.push(fs);
   577     // set the scanner to the include file
   578     yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(f, YY_BUF_SIZE));
   579     fs->newState=YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
   580     yyFileName=inc;
   581     includeDepth++;
   582   } 
   583   else
   584   {
   585     config_err("Error: @INCLUDE = %s: not found!\n",inc.data());
   586     exit(1);
   587   }
   588 }
   591 %}
   593 %option nounput
   594 %option noyywrap
   596 %x      Start
   597 %x	SkipComment
   598 %x      SkipInvalid
   599 %x      GetString
   600 %x      GetBool
   601 %x      GetStrList
   602 %x      GetQuotedString
   603 %x      GetEnvVar
   604 %x      Include
   606 %%
   608 <*>\0x0d
   609 <Start,GetString,GetStrList,GetBool,SkipInvalid>"#"	 { BEGIN(SkipComment); }
   610 <Start>[a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*[ \t]*"="	 { QCString cmd=yytext;
   611                                            cmd=cmd.left(cmd.length()-1).stripWhiteSpace(); 
   612 					   ConfigOption *option = config->get(cmd);
   613 					   if (option==0) // oops not known
   614 					   {
   615 					     config_err("Warning: ignoring unsupported tag `%s' at line %d, file %s\n",
   616 						 yytext,yyLineNr,yyFileName.data()); 
   617 					     BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   618 					   }
   619 					   else // known tag
   620 					   {
   621 					     option->setEncoding(encoding);
   622 					     switch(option->kind())
   623 					     {
   624 					       case ConfigOption::O_Info:
   625 						 // shouldn't get here!
   626 					         BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   627 						 break;
   628 					       case ConfigOption::O_List:
   629 						 l = ((ConfigList *)option)->valueRef();
   630 					         l->clear();
   631 						 elemStr="";
   632 					         BEGIN(GetStrList);
   633 					         break;
   634 					       case ConfigOption::O_Enum:
   635 						 s = ((ConfigEnum *)option)->valueRef();
   636 					         s->resize(0);
   637 					         BEGIN(GetString);
   638 					         break;
   639 					       case ConfigOption::O_String:
   640 						 s = ((ConfigString *)option)->valueRef();
   641 					         s->resize(0);
   642 					         BEGIN(GetString);
   643 					         break;
   644 					       case ConfigOption::O_Int:
   645 						 s = ((ConfigInt *)option)->valueStringRef();
   646 					         s->resize(0);
   647 					         BEGIN(GetString);
   648 					         break;
   649 					       case ConfigOption::O_Bool:
   650 						 s = ((ConfigBool *)option)->valueStringRef();
   651 					         s->resize(0);
   652 					         BEGIN(GetString);
   653 						 break;
   654 					       case ConfigOption::O_Obsolete:
   655 					         config_err("Warning: Tag `%s' at line %d of file %s has become obsolete.\n"
   656 						            "To avoid this warning please update your configuration "
   657 							    "file using \"doxygen -u\"\n", cmd.data(),yyLineNr,yyFileName.data()); 
   658 					         BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   659 						 break;
   660 					     }
   661 					   }
   662 					}
   663 <Start>[a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*[ \t]*"+="	{ QCString cmd=yytext;
   664                                           cmd=cmd.left(cmd.length()-2).stripWhiteSpace(); 
   665 					  ConfigOption *option = config->get(cmd);
   666 					  if (option==0) // oops not known
   667 					  {
   668 					    config_err("Warning: ignoring unsupported tag `%s' at line %d, file %s\n",
   669 						yytext,yyLineNr,yyFileName.data()); 
   670 					    BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   671 					  }
   672 					  else // known tag
   673 					  {
   674 					    switch(option->kind())
   675 					    {
   676 					      case ConfigOption::O_Info:
   677 					        // shouldn't get here!
   678 					        BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   679 						break;
   680 					      case ConfigOption::O_List:
   681 					        l = ((ConfigList *)option)->valueRef();
   682 						elemStr="";
   683 					        BEGIN(GetStrList);
   684 					        break;
   685 					      case ConfigOption::O_Enum:
   686 					      case ConfigOption::O_String:
   687 					      case ConfigOption::O_Int:
   688 					      case ConfigOption::O_Bool:
   689 					        config_err("Warning: operator += not supported for `%s'. Ignoring line at line %d, file %s\n",
   690 						    yytext,yyLineNr,yyFileName.data()); 
   691 					        BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   692 						break;
   693 					       case ConfigOption::O_Obsolete:
   694 					         config_err("Warning: Tag `%s' at line %d of file %s has become obsolete.\n"
   695 						            "To avoid this warning please update your configuration "
   696 							    "file using \"doxygen -u\"\n", cmd.data(),yyLineNr,yyFileName.data()); 
   697 					         BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   698 						 break;
   699 					     }
   700 					   }
   701 					}
   702 <Start>"@INCLUDE_PATH"[ \t]*"=" 	{ BEGIN(GetStrList); l=&includePathList; l->clear(); elemStr=""; }
   703   /* include a config file */
   704 <Start>"@INCLUDE"[ \t]*"="     		{ BEGIN(Include);}
   705 <Include>([^ \"\t\r\n]+)|("\""[^\n\"]+"\"") { 
   706   					  readIncludeFile(configStringRecode(yytext,encoding,"UTF-8")); 
   707   					  BEGIN(Start);
   708 					}
   709 <<EOF>>					{
   710                                           //printf("End of include file\n");
   711 					  //printf("Include stack depth=%d\n",g_includeStack.count());
   712                                           if (includeStack.isEmpty())
   713 					  {
   714 					    //printf("Terminating scanner!\n");
   715 					    yyterminate();
   716 					  }
   717 					  else
   718 					  {
   719 					    ConfigFileState *fs=includeStack.pop();
   720 					    fclose(fs->filePtr);
   721 					    YY_BUFFER_STATE oldBuf = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
   722 					    yy_switch_to_buffer( fs->oldState );
   723 					    yy_delete_buffer( oldBuf );
   724 					    yyLineNr=fs->lineNr;
   725 					    yyFileName=fs->fileName;
   726 					    delete fs; fs=0;
   727                                             includeDepth--;
   728 					  }
   729   					}
   731 <Start>[a-z_A-Z0-9]+			{ config_err("Warning: ignoring unknown tag `%s' at line %d, file %s\n",yytext,yyLineNr,yyFileName.data()); }
   732 <GetString,GetBool,SkipInvalid>\n	{ yyLineNr++; BEGIN(Start); }
   733 <GetStrList>\n				{ 
   734   					  yyLineNr++; 
   735 					  if (!elemStr.isEmpty())
   736 					  {
   737 					    //printf("elemStr1=`%s'\n",elemStr.data());
   738 					    l->append(elemStr);
   739 					  }
   740 					  BEGIN(Start); 
   741 					}
   742 <GetStrList>[ \t]+			{
   743   				          if (!elemStr.isEmpty())
   744 					  {
   745 					    //printf("elemStr2=`%s'\n",elemStr.data());
   746   					    l->append(elemStr);
   747 					  }
   748 					  elemStr.resize(0);
   749   					}
   750 <GetString>[^ \"\t\r\n]+		{ (*s)+=configStringRecode(yytext,encoding,"UTF-8"); 
   751                                           checkEncoding();
   752                                         }
   753 <GetString,GetStrList,SkipInvalid>"\""	{ lastState=YY_START;
   754   					  BEGIN(GetQuotedString); 
   755                                           tmpString.resize(0); 
   756 					}
   757 <GetQuotedString>"\""|"\n" 		{ 
   758                                           // we add a bogus space to signal that the string was quoted. This space will be stripped later on.
   759                                           tmpString+=" ";
   760   					  //printf("Quoted String = `%s'\n",tmpString.data());
   761   					  if (lastState==GetString)
   762 					  {
   763 					    (*s)+=configStringRecode(tmpString,encoding,"UTF-8");
   764                                             checkEncoding();
   765 					  }
   766 					  else
   767 					  {
   768 					    elemStr+=configStringRecode(tmpString,encoding,"UTF-8");
   769 					  }
   770 					  if (*yytext=='\n')
   771 					  {
   772 					    config_err("Warning: Missing end quote (\") on line %d, file %s\n",yyLineNr,yyFileName.data());
   773 					    yyLineNr++;
   774 					  }
   775 					  BEGIN(lastState);
   776   					}
   777 <GetQuotedString>"\\\""			{
   778   					  tmpString+='"';
   779   					}
   780 <GetQuotedString>.			{ tmpString+=*yytext; }
   781 <GetBool>[a-zA-Z]+			{ 
   782   					  QCString bs=yytext; 
   783   					  bs=bs.upper();
   784   					  if (bs=="YES" || bs=="1")
   785 					    *b=TRUE;
   786 					  else if (bs=="NO" || bs=="0")
   787 					    *b=FALSE;
   788 					  else 
   789 					  {
   790 					    *b=FALSE; 
   791 					    config_warn("Warning: Invalid value `%s' for "
   792 						 "boolean tag in line %d, file %s; use YES or NO\n",
   793 						 bs.data(),yyLineNr,yyFileName.data());
   794 					  }
   795 					}
   796 <GetStrList>[^ \#\"\t\r\n]+		{
   797   					  elemStr+=configStringRecode(yytext,encoding,"UTF-8");
   798   					}
   799 <SkipComment>\n				{ yyLineNr++; BEGIN(Start); }
   800 <SkipComment>\\[ \r\t]*\n		{ yyLineNr++; BEGIN(Start); }
   801 <*>\\[ \r\t]*\n				{ yyLineNr++; }
   802 <*>.					
   803 <*>\n					{ yyLineNr++ ; }
   805 %%
   807 /*@ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   808  */
   810 void Config::writeTemplate(QTextStream &t,bool sl,bool upd)
   811 {
   812   t << "# Doxyfile " << versionString << endl << endl;
   813   if (!sl)
   814   {
   815     t << "# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system\n";
   816     t << "# doxygen (www.doxygen.org) for a project\n";
   817     t << "#\n";
   818     t << "# All text after a hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored\n";
   819     t << "# The format is:\n";
   820     t << "#       TAG = value [value, ...]\n";
   821     t << "# For lists items can also be appended using:\n";
   822     t << "#       TAG += value [value, ...]\n";
   823     t << "# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (\" \")\n";
   824   }
   825   ConfigOption *option = m_options->first();
   826   while (option)
   827   {
   828     option->writeTemplate(t,sl,upd);
   829     option = m_options->next();
   830   }
   831 }
   833 void Config::writeXML(QTextStream &t)
   834 {
   835   t << "<doxygenconfig>" << endl;
   836   bool first=TRUE;
   837   ConfigOption *option = m_options->first();
   838   while (option)
   839   {
   840     if (option->kind()==ConfigOption::O_Info)
   841     {
   842       if (!first) t << "  </group>" << endl;
   843       t << "  <group name='" << option->name() << "' "
   844 	   "docs='"        << option->docs() << "'>" << endl;
   845       first=FALSE;
   846     }
   847     else
   848     {
   849       option->writeXML(t);
   850     }
   851     option = m_options->next();
   852   }
   853   option = m_obsolete->first();
   854   while (option)
   855   {
   856     option->writeXML(t);
   857     option = m_obsolete->next();
   858   }
   859   if (!first) t << "  </group>" << endl;
   860   t << "</doxygenconfig>" << endl;
   861 }
   863 void Config::convertStrToVal()
   864 {
   865   ConfigOption *option = m_options->first();
   866   while (option)
   867   {
   868     option->convertStrToVal();
   869     option = m_options->next();
   870   }
   871 }
   873 static void substEnvVarsInString(QCString &s)
   874 {
   875   static QRegExp re("\\$\\([a-z_A-Z0-9]+\\)");
   876   if (s.isEmpty()) return;
   877   int p=0;
   878   int i,l;
   879   //printf("substEnvVarInString(%s) start\n",s.data());
   880   while ((i=re.match(s,p,&l))!=-1)
   881   {
   882     //printf("Found environment var s.mid(%d,%d)=`%s'\n",i+2,l-3,s.mid(i+2,l-3).data());
   883     QCString env=portable_getenv(s.mid(i+2,l-3));
   884     substEnvVarsInString(env); // recursively expand variables if needed.
   885     s = s.left(i)+env+s.right(s.length()-i-l);
   886     p=i+env.length(); // next time start at the end of the expanded string
   887   }
   888   s=s.stripWhiteSpace(); // to strip the bogus space that was added when an argument
   889                          // has quotes
   890   //printf("substEnvVarInString(%s) end\n",s.data());
   891 }
   893 static void substEnvVarsInStrList(QStrList &sl)
   894 {
   895   char *s = sl.first();
   896   while (s)
   897   {
   898     QCString result(s);
   899     // an argument with quotes will have an extra space at the end, so wasQuoted will be TRUE.
   900     bool wasQuoted = (result.find(' ')!=-1) || (result.find('\t')!=-1);
   901     // here we strip the quote again
   902     substEnvVarsInString(result);
   904     //printf("Result %s was quoted=%d\n",result.data(),wasQuoted);
   906     if (!wasQuoted) /* as a result of the expansion, a single string
   907 		       may have expanded into a list, which we'll
   908 		       add to sl. If the orginal string already 
   909 		       contained multiple elements no further 
   910 		       splitting is done to allow quoted items with spaces! */
   911     {
   912       int l=result.length();
   913       int i,p=0;
   914       // skip spaces
   915       // search for a "word"
   916       for (i=0;i<l;i++)
   917       {
   918 	char c=0;
   919 	// skip until start of new word
   920 	while (i<l && ((c=result.at(i))==' ' || c=='\t')) i++; 
   921 	p=i; // p marks the start index of the word
   922 	// skip until end of a word
   923 	while (i<l && ((c=result.at(i))!=' ' && c!='\t' && c!='"')) i++;
   924 	if (i<l) // not at the end of the string
   925 	{
   926 	  if (c=='"') // word within quotes
   927 	  {
   928 	    p=i+1;
   929 	    for (i++;i<l;i++)
   930 	    {
   931 	      c=result.at(i);
   932 	      if (c=='"') // end quote
   933 	      {
   934 		// replace the string in the list and go to the next item.
   935 		sl.insert(sl.at(),result.mid(p,i-p)); // insert new item before current item.
   936 		sl.next();                 // current item is now the old item
   937 		p=i+1;
   938 		break; 
   939 	      }
   940 	      else if (c=='\\') // skip escaped stuff
   941 	      {
   942 		i++;
   943 	      }
   944 	    }
   945 	  }
   946 	  else if (c==' ' || c=='\t') // separator
   947 	  {
   948 	    // replace the string in the list and go to the next item.
   949 	    sl.insert(sl.at(),result.mid(p,i-p)); // insert new item before current item.
   950 	    sl.next();                 // current item is now the old item
   951 	    p=i+1;
   952 	  }
   953 	}
   954       }
   955       if (p!=l) // add the leftover as a string
   956       {
   957 	// replace the string in the list and go to the next item.
   958 	sl.insert(sl.at(),result.right(l-p)); // insert new item before current item.
   959 	sl.next();                 // current item is now the old item
   960       }
   961     }
   962     else // just goto the next element in the list
   963     {
   964       sl.insert(sl.at(),result);
   965       sl.next();
   966     }
   967     // remove the old unexpanded string from the list
   968     int i=sl.at();
   969     sl.remove(); // current item index changes if the last element is removed.
   970     if (sl.at()==i)     // not last item
   971 	s = sl.current();
   972     else                // just removed last item
   973 	s = 0;
   974   }
   975 }
   977 void ConfigString::substEnvVars()
   978 {
   979   substEnvVarsInString(m_value);
   980 }
   982 void ConfigList::substEnvVars()
   983 {
   984   substEnvVarsInStrList(m_value);
   985 }
   987 void ConfigBool::substEnvVars()
   988 {
   989   substEnvVarsInString(m_valueString);
   990 }
   992 void ConfigInt::substEnvVars()
   993 {
   994   substEnvVarsInString(m_valueString);
   995 }
   997 void ConfigEnum::substEnvVars()
   998 {
   999   substEnvVarsInString(m_value);
  1000 }
  1002 void Config::substituteEnvironmentVars()
  1003 {
  1004   ConfigOption *option = m_options->first();
  1005   while (option)
  1006   {
  1007     option->substEnvVars();
  1008     option = m_options->next();
  1009   }
  1010 }
  1012 static void cleanUpPaths(QStrList &str)
  1013 {
  1014   char *sfp = str.first();
  1015   while (sfp)
  1016   {
  1017     register char *p = sfp;
  1018     if (p)
  1019     {
  1020       char c;
  1021       while ((c=*p))
  1022       {
  1023 	if (c=='\\') *p='/';
  1024 	p++;
  1025       }
  1026     }
  1027     QCString path = sfp;
  1028     if ((path.at(0)!='/' && (path.length()<=2 || path.at(1)!=':')) ||
  1029 	path.at(path.length()-1)!='/'
  1030        )
  1031     {
  1032       QFileInfo fi(path);
  1033       if (fi.exists() && fi.isDir())
  1034       {
  1035 	int i = str.at();
  1036 	str.remove();
  1037 	if (str.at()==i) // did not remove last item
  1038 	  str.insert(i,fi.absFilePath()+"/");
  1039 	else
  1040 	  str.append(fi.absFilePath()+"/");
  1041       }
  1042     }
  1043     sfp = str.next();
  1044   }
  1045 }
  1047 void Config::check()
  1048 {
  1049   //if (!projectName.isEmpty())
  1050   //{
  1051   //  projectName[0]=toupper(projectName[0]);
  1052   //}
  1054   QCString &warnFormat = Config_getString("WARN_FORMAT");
  1055   if (warnFormat.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty())
  1056   {
  1057     warnFormat="$file:$line $text";
  1058   }
  1059   else
  1060   {
  1061     if (warnFormat.find("$file")==-1)
  1062     {
  1063       config_err("Warning: warning format does not contain a $file tag!\n");
  1064     }
  1065     if (warnFormat.find("$line")==-1)
  1066     {
  1067       config_err("Warning: warning format does not contain a $line tag!\n");
  1068     }
  1069     if (warnFormat.find("$text")==-1)
  1070     {
  1071       config_err("Warning: warning format foes not contain a $text tag!\n");
  1072     }
  1073   }
  1075   QCString &manExtension = Config_getString("MAN_EXTENSION");
  1077   // set default man page extension if non is given by the user
  1078   if (manExtension.isEmpty())
  1079   {
  1080     manExtension=".3";
  1081   }
  1083   QCString &paperType = Config_getEnum("PAPER_TYPE");
  1084   paperType=paperType.lower().stripWhiteSpace(); 
  1085   if (paperType.isEmpty())
  1086   {
  1087     paperType = "a4wide";
  1088   }
  1089   if (paperType!="a4" && paperType!="a4wide" && paperType!="letter" && 
  1090       paperType!="legal" && paperType!="executive")
  1091   {
  1092     config_err("Error: Unknown page type specified");
  1093   }
  1095   QCString &outputLanguage=Config_getEnum("OUTPUT_LANGUAGE");
  1096   outputLanguage=outputLanguage.stripWhiteSpace();
  1097   if (outputLanguage.isEmpty())
  1098   {
  1099     outputLanguage = "English";
  1100   }
  1102   QCString &htmlFileExtension=Config_getString("HTML_FILE_EXTENSION");
  1103   htmlFileExtension=htmlFileExtension.stripWhiteSpace();
  1104   if (htmlFileExtension.isEmpty())
  1105   {
  1106     htmlFileExtension = ".html";
  1107   }
  1109   // expand the relative stripFromPath values
  1110   QStrList &stripFromPath = Config_getList("STRIP_FROM_PATH");
  1111   char *sfp = stripFromPath.first();
  1112   if (sfp==0) // by default use the current path
  1113   {
  1114     stripFromPath.append(QDir::currentDirPath()+"/");
  1115   }
  1116   else
  1117   {
  1118     cleanUpPaths(stripFromPath);
  1119   }
  1121   // expand the relative stripFromPath values
  1122   QStrList &stripFromIncPath = Config_getList("STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH");
  1123   cleanUpPaths(stripFromIncPath);
  1125   // Test to see if HTML header is valid
  1126   QCString &headerFile = Config_getString("HTML_HEADER");
  1127   if (!headerFile.isEmpty())
  1128   {
  1129     QFileInfo fi(headerFile);
  1130     if (!fi.exists())
  1131     {
  1132       config_err("Error: tag HTML_HEADER: header file `%s' "
  1133 	  "does not exist\n",headerFile.data());
  1134       exit(1);
  1135     }
  1136   }
  1137   // Test to see if HTML footer is valid
  1138   QCString &footerFile = Config_getString("HTML_FOOTER");
  1139   if (!footerFile.isEmpty())
  1140   {
  1141     QFileInfo fi(footerFile);
  1142     if (!fi.exists())
  1143     {
  1144       config_err("Error: tag HTML_FOOTER: footer file `%s' "
  1145 	  "does not exist\n",footerFile.data());
  1146       exit(1);
  1147     }
  1148   }
  1149   // Test to see if LaTeX header is valid
  1150   QCString &latexHeaderFile = Config_getString("LATEX_HEADER");
  1151   if (!latexHeaderFile.isEmpty())
  1152   {
  1153     QFileInfo fi(latexHeaderFile);
  1154     if (!fi.exists())
  1155     {
  1156       config_err("Error: tag LATEX_HEADER: header file `%s' "
  1157 	  "does not exist\n",latexHeaderFile.data());
  1158       exit(1);
  1159     }
  1160   }
  1161   // check include path
  1162   QStrList &includePath = Config_getList("INCLUDE_PATH");
  1163   char *s=includePath.first();
  1164   while (s)
  1165   {
  1166     QFileInfo fi(s);
  1167     if (!fi.exists()) config_err("Warning: tag INCLUDE_PATH: include path `%s' "
  1168 	                  "does not exist\n",s);
  1169     s=includePath.next();
  1170   }
  1172   // check aliases
  1173   QStrList &aliasList = Config_getList("ALIASES");
  1174   s=aliasList.first();
  1175   while (s)
  1176   {
  1177     QRegExp re1("[a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*[ \t]*=");         // alias without argument
  1178     QRegExp re2("[a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*{[0-9]*}[ \t]*="); // alias with argument
  1179     QCString alias=s;
  1180     alias=alias.stripWhiteSpace();
  1181     if (alias.find(re1)!=0 && alias.find(re2)!=0)
  1182     {
  1183       config_err("Illegal alias format `%s'. Use \"name=value\" or \"name(n)=value\", where n is the number of arguments\n",
  1184 	  alias.data());
  1185     }
  1186     s=aliasList.next();
  1187   }
  1189   // check dot image format
  1190   QCString &dotImageFormat=Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
  1191   dotImageFormat=dotImageFormat.stripWhiteSpace();
  1192   if (dotImageFormat.isEmpty())
  1193   {
  1194     dotImageFormat = "png";
  1195   }
  1196   else if (dotImageFormat!="gif" && dotImageFormat!="png" && dotImageFormat!="jpg")
  1197   {
  1198     config_err("Invalid value for DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT: `%s'. Using the default.\n",dotImageFormat.data());
  1199     dotImageFormat = "png";
  1200   }
  1203   // check dot path
  1204   QCString &dotPath = Config_getString("DOT_PATH");
  1205   if (!dotPath.isEmpty())
  1206   {
  1207     QFileInfo dp(dotPath+"/dot"+portable_commandExtension());
  1208     if (!dp.exists() || !dp.isFile())
  1209     {
  1210       config_err("Warning: the dot tool could not be found at %s\n",dotPath.data());
  1211       dotPath="";
  1212     }
  1213     else
  1214     {
  1215       dotPath=dp.dirPath(TRUE)+"/";
  1216 #if defined(_WIN32) // convert slashes
  1217       uint i=0,l=dotPath.length();
  1218       for (i=0;i<l;i++) if (dotPath.at(i)=='/') dotPath.at(i)='\\';
  1219 #endif
  1220     }
  1221   }
  1222   else // make sure the string is empty but not null!
  1223   {
  1224     dotPath="";
  1225   }
  1227   // check mscgen path
  1228   QCString &mscgenPath = Config_getString("MSCGEN_PATH");
  1229   if (!mscgenPath.isEmpty())
  1230   {
  1231     QFileInfo dp(mscgenPath+"/mscgen"+portable_commandExtension());
  1232     if (!dp.exists() || !dp.isFile())
  1233     {
  1234       config_err("Warning: the mscgen tool could not be found at %s\n",mscgenPath.data());
  1235       mscgenPath="";
  1236     }
  1237     else
  1238     {
  1239       mscgenPath=dp.dirPath(TRUE)+"/";
  1240 #if defined(_WIN32) // convert slashes
  1241       uint i=0,l=mscgenPath.length();
  1242       for (i=0;i<l;i++) if (mscgenPath.at(i)=='/') mscgenPath.at(i)='\\';
  1243 #endif
  1244     }
  1245   }
  1246   else // make sure the string is empty but not null!
  1247   {
  1248     mscgenPath="";
  1249   }
  1252   // check input
  1253   QStrList &inputSources=Config_getList("INPUT");
  1254   if (inputSources.count()==0)
  1255   {
  1256     // use current dir as the default
  1257     inputSources.append(QDir::currentDirPath());
  1258   }
  1259   else
  1260   {
  1261     s=inputSources.first();
  1262     while (s)
  1263     {
  1264       QFileInfo fi(s);
  1265       if (!fi.exists())
  1266       {
  1267 	config_err("Warning: tag INPUT: input source `%s' does not exist\n",s);
  1268       }
  1269       s=inputSources.next();
  1270     }
  1271   }
  1273   // add default pattern if needed
  1274   QStrList &filePatternList = Config_getList("FILE_PATTERNS");
  1275   if (filePatternList.isEmpty())
  1276   {
  1277     filePatternList.append("*.c");
  1278     filePatternList.append("*.cc"); 
  1279     filePatternList.append("*.cxx");
  1280     filePatternList.append("*.cpp");
  1281     filePatternList.append("*.c++");
  1282     filePatternList.append("*.d");
  1283     filePatternList.append("*.java");
  1284     filePatternList.append("*.ii");
  1285     filePatternList.append("*.ixx");
  1286     filePatternList.append("*.ipp");
  1287     filePatternList.append("*.i++");
  1288     filePatternList.append("*.inl");
  1289     filePatternList.append("*.h");
  1290     filePatternList.append("*.hh");
  1291     filePatternList.append("*.hxx");
  1292     filePatternList.append("*.hpp");
  1293     filePatternList.append("*.h++");
  1294     filePatternList.append("*.idl");
  1295     filePatternList.append("*.odl");
  1296     filePatternList.append("*.cs");
  1297     filePatternList.append("*.php");
  1298     filePatternList.append("*.php3");
  1299     filePatternList.append("*.inc");
  1300     filePatternList.append("*.m");
  1301     filePatternList.append("*.mm");
  1302     filePatternList.append("*.dox");
  1303     filePatternList.append("*.py");
  1304     filePatternList.append("*.f90");
  1305     filePatternList.append("*.f");
  1306     filePatternList.append("*.vhd");
  1307     filePatternList.append("*.vhdl");
  1308     if (portable_fileSystemIsCaseSensitive())
  1309     {
  1310       // unix => case sensitive match => also include useful uppercase versions
  1311       filePatternList.append("*.C");
  1312       filePatternList.append("*.CC"); 
  1313       filePatternList.append("*.C++");
  1314       filePatternList.append("*.II");
  1315       filePatternList.append("*.I++");
  1316       filePatternList.append("*.H");
  1317       filePatternList.append("*.HH");
  1318       filePatternList.append("*.H++");
  1319       filePatternList.append("*.CS");
  1320       filePatternList.append("*.PHP");
  1321       filePatternList.append("*.PHP3");
  1322       filePatternList.append("*.M");
  1323       filePatternList.append("*.MM");
  1324       filePatternList.append("*.PY");
  1325       filePatternList.append("*.F90");
  1326       filePatternList.append("*.F");
  1327       filePatternList.append("*.VHD");
  1328       filePatternList.append("*.VHDL");
  1329     }
  1330   }
  1332   // add default pattern if needed
  1333   QStrList &examplePatternList = Config_getList("EXAMPLE_PATTERNS");
  1334   if (examplePatternList.isEmpty())
  1335   {
  1336     examplePatternList.append("*");
  1337   }
  1339   // if no output format is enabled, warn the user
  1340   if (!Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML")    && 
  1341       !Config_getBool("GENERATE_LATEX")   &&
  1342       !Config_getBool("GENERATE_MAN")     && 
  1343       !Config_getBool("GENERATE_RTF")     &&
  1344       !Config_getBool("GENERATE_XML")     &&
  1345       !Config_getBool("GENERATE_XML_DITA") &&
  1346       !Config_getBool("GENERATE_PERLMOD") &&
  1347       !Config_getBool("GENERATE_RTF")     &&
  1348       !Config_getBool("GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF") &&
  1349       Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty()
  1350      )
  1351   {
  1352     config_err("Warning: No output formats selected! Set at least one of the main GENERATE_* options to YES.\n");
  1353   }
  1355   // check HTMLHELP creation requirements
  1356   if (!Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML") && 
  1357       Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTMLHELP"))
  1358   {
  1359     config_err("Warning: GENERATE_HTMLHELP=YES requires GENERATE_HTML=YES.\n");
  1360   }
  1362   // check QHP creation requirements
  1363   if (Config_getBool("GENERATE_QHP"))
  1364   {
  1365     bool qhp=TRUE;
  1366     if (!Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML"))
  1367     {
  1368       config_err("Error: GENERATE_QHP=YES requires GENERATE_HTML=YES. Disabling QHP output.\n");
  1369       qhp=FALSE;
  1370     }
  1372     if (Config_getString("QHP_NAMESPACE").isEmpty())
  1373     {
  1374       config_err("Error: GENERATE_QHP=YES requires QHP_NAMESPACE to be set. Disabling QHP output.\n");
  1375       qhp=FALSE;
  1376     }
  1378     if (Config_getString("QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER").isEmpty())
  1379     {
  1380       config_err("Error: GENERATE_QHP=YES requires QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER to be set. Disabling QHP output.\n");
  1381       qhp=FALSE;
  1382     }
  1384     Config_getBool("GENERATE_QHP")=qhp;
  1385   }
  1387   if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA") && Config_getBool("INLINE_INFO"))
  1388   {
  1389     // don't show inline info for Java output, since Java has no inline 
  1390     // concept.
  1391     Config_getBool("INLINE_INFO")=FALSE;
  1392   }
  1394   int &depth = Config_getInt("MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH");
  1395   if (depth==0)
  1396   {
  1397     depth=1000;
  1398   }
  1401   // add default words if needed
  1402   QStrList &annotationFromBrief = Config_getList("ABBREVIATE_BRIEF");
  1403   if (annotationFromBrief.isEmpty())
  1404   {
  1405     annotationFromBrief.append("The $name class");
  1406     annotationFromBrief.append("The $name widget");
  1407     annotationFromBrief.append("The $name file");
  1408     annotationFromBrief.append("is");
  1409     annotationFromBrief.append("provides");
  1410     annotationFromBrief.append("specifies");
  1411     annotationFromBrief.append("contains");
  1412     annotationFromBrief.append("represents");
  1413     annotationFromBrief.append("a");
  1414     annotationFromBrief.append("an");
  1415     annotationFromBrief.append("the");
  1416   }
  1418   // some default settings for vhdl
  1419   if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL") && 
  1420       (Config_getBool("INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB") || 
  1421        Config_getBool("INHERIT_DOCS") || 
  1422        !Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES") ||
  1423        !Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE")
  1424       )
  1425      )
  1426   {
  1427     bool b1 = Config_getBool("INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB");
  1428     bool b2 = Config_getBool("INHERIT_DOCS");
  1429     bool b3 = Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES");
  1430     bool b4 = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE");
  1431     const char *s1,*s2,*s3,*s4;
  1432     if (b1)  s1="  INLINDE_INHERITED_MEMB = NO (was YES)\n"; else s1="";
  1433     if (b2)  s2="  INHERIT_DOCS           = NO (was YES)\n"; else s2="";
  1434     if (!b3) s3="  HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES       = YES (was NO)\n"; else s3="";
  1435     if (!b4) s4="  EXTRACT_PRIVATE        = YES (was NO)\n"; else s4="";
  1437     config_err("Warning: enabling OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL assumes the following settings:\n"
  1438 	       "%s%s%s%s",s1,s2,s3,s4
  1439 	      );
  1441     Config_getBool("INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB") = FALSE;
  1442     Config_getBool("INHERIT_DOCS")          = FALSE;
  1443     Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES")      = TRUE;
  1444     Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE")       = TRUE;
  1445   }
  1447 }
  1449 void Config::init()
  1450 {
  1451   ConfigOption *option = m_options->first();
  1452   while (option)
  1453   {
  1454     option->init();
  1455     option = m_options->next();
  1456   }
  1457 }
  1459 void Config::create()
  1460 {
  1461   if (m_initialized) return; 
  1462   m_initialized = TRUE;
  1463   addConfigOptions(this);
  1464 }
  1466 static QCString configFileToString(const char *name)
  1467 {
  1468   if (name==0 || name[0]==0) return 0;
  1469   QFile f;
  1471   bool fileOpened=FALSE;
  1472   if (name[0]=='-' && name[1]==0) // read from stdin
  1473   {
  1474     fileOpened=f.open(IO_ReadOnly,stdin);
  1475     if (fileOpened)
  1476     {
  1477       const int bSize=4096;
  1478       QCString contents(bSize);
  1479       int totalSize=0;
  1480       int size;
  1481       while ((size=f.readBlock(contents.data()+totalSize,bSize))==bSize)
  1482       {
  1483         totalSize+=bSize;
  1484         contents.resize(totalSize+bSize); 
  1485       }
  1486       totalSize+=size+2;
  1487       contents.resize(totalSize);
  1488       contents.at(totalSize-2)='\n'; // to help the scanner
  1489       contents.at(totalSize-1)='\0';
  1490       return contents;
  1491     }
  1492   }
  1493   else // read from file
  1494   {
  1495     QFileInfo fi(name);
  1496     if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isFile())
  1497     {
  1498       config_err("Error: file `%s' not found\n",name);
  1499       return "";
  1500     }
  1501     f.setName(name);
  1502     fileOpened=f.open(IO_ReadOnly);
  1503     if (fileOpened)
  1504     {
  1505       int fsize=f.size();
  1506       QCString contents(fsize+2);
  1507       f.readBlock(contents.data(),fsize);
  1508       f.close();
  1509       if (fsize==0 || contents[fsize-1]=='\n') 
  1510 	contents[fsize]='\0';
  1511       else
  1512 	contents[fsize]='\n'; // to help the scanner
  1513       contents[fsize+1]='\0';
  1514       return contents;
  1515     }
  1516   }
  1517   if (!fileOpened)  
  1518   {
  1519     config_err("Error: cannot open file `%s' for reading\n",name);
  1520   }
  1521   return "";
  1522 }
  1524 bool Config::parseString(const char *fn,const char *str)
  1525 {
  1526   config = Config::instance();
  1527   inputString   = str;
  1528   inputPosition = 0;
  1529   yyFileName    = fn;
  1530   yyLineNr      = 1;
  1531   includeStack.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
  1532   includeStack.clear();
  1533   includeDepth  = 0;
  1534   configYYrestart( configYYin );
  1535   BEGIN( Start );
  1536   configYYlex();
  1537   inputString = 0;
  1538   return TRUE;
  1539 }
  1541 bool Config::parse(const char *fn)
  1542 {
  1543   encoding = "UTF-8";
  1544   return parseString(fn,configFileToString(fn)); 
  1545 }
  1547 extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy
  1548   //int  configYYwrap() { return 1 ; }
  1549 }