changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #include <stdlib.h>
    19 #include <qfile.h>
    20 #include "entry.h"
    21 #include "marshal.h"
    22 #include "util.h"
    23 #include "section.h"
    24 #include "doxygen.h"
    26 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    28 #define HEADER ('D'<<24)+('O'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'!'
    30 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 /*! the argument list is documented if one of its
    33  *  arguments is documented 
    34  */
    35 bool ArgumentList::hasDocumentation() const
    36 {
    37   bool hasDocs=FALSE;
    38   ArgumentListIterator ali(*this);
    39   Argument *a;
    40   for (ali.toFirst();!hasDocs && (a=ali.current());++ali)
    41   {
    42     hasDocs = hasDocs || a->hasDocumentation(); 
    43   }
    44   return hasDocs;
    45 }
    47 //------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 int Entry::num=0;
    51 Entry::Entry()
    52 {
    53   //printf("Entry::Entry(%p)\n",this);
    54   num++;
    55   m_parent=0;
    56   section = EMPTY_SEC;
    57   m_sublist = new QList<Entry>;
    58   m_sublist->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
    59   extends = new QList<BaseInfo>;
    60   extends->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
    61   groups = new QList<Grouping>;
    62   groups->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
    63   anchors = new QList<SectionInfo>; // Doxygen::sectionDict takes ownership of the items!
    64   argList = new ArgumentList;
    65   argList->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
    66   //printf("Entry::Entry() tArgList=0\n");
    67   tArgLists = 0;
    68   typeConstr = 0;
    69   mGrpId = -1;
    70   tagInfo = 0;
    71   sli = 0;
    72   relatesType = Simple;
    73   hidden = FALSE;
    74   groupDocType = GROUPDOC_NORMAL;
    75   reset();
    76 }
    78 Entry::Entry(const Entry &e)
    79 {
    80   //printf("Entry::Entry(%p):copy\n",this);
    81   num++;
    82   section     = e.section;
    83   type        = e.type;
    84   name        = e.name;
    85   tagInfo     = e.tagInfo;
    86   protection  = e.protection;
    87   mtype       = e.mtype;
    88   spec        = e.spec;
    89   initLines   = e.initLines;
    90   stat        = e.stat;
    91   explicitExternal = e.explicitExternal;
    92   proto       = e.proto;
    93   subGrouping = e.subGrouping;
    94   callGraph   = e.callGraph;
    95   callerGraph = e.callerGraph;
    96   virt        = e.virt;
    97   args        = e.args;
    98   bitfields   = e.bitfields;
    99   argList     = new ArgumentList;
   100   argList->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   101   tArgLists = 0;
   102   program     = e.program;
   103   initializer = e.initializer;
   104   includeFile = e.includeFile;
   105   includeName = e.includeName;
   106   doc         = e.doc;
   107   docLine     = e.docLine;
   108   docFile     = e.docFile;
   109   brief       = e.brief;
   110   briefLine   = e.briefLine;
   111   briefFile   = e.briefFile;
   112   inbodyDocs  = e.inbodyDocs;
   113   inbodyLine  = e.inbodyLine;
   114   inbodyFile  = e.inbodyFile;
   115   relates     = e.relates;
   116   relatesType = e.relatesType;
   117   read        = e.read;
   118   write       = e.write;
   119   inside      = e.inside;
   120   exception   = e.exception;
   121   typeConstr  = new ArgumentList;
   122   typeConstr->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   123   bodyLine    = e.bodyLine;
   124   endBodyLine = e.endBodyLine;
   125   mGrpId      = e.mGrpId;
   126   extends     = new QList<BaseInfo>;
   127   extends->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   128   groups      = new QList<Grouping>;
   129   groups->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   130   anchors     = new QList<SectionInfo>;
   131   fileName    = e.fileName;
   132   startLine   = e.startLine;
   133   if (e.sli)
   134   {
   135     sli = new QList<ListItemInfo>;
   136     sli->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   137     QListIterator<ListItemInfo> slii(*e.sli);
   138     ListItemInfo *ili;
   139     for (slii.toFirst();(ili=slii.current());++slii)
   140     {
   141       sli->append(new ListItemInfo(*ili));
   142     }
   143   }
   144   else
   145   {
   146     sli=0;
   147   }
   148   objc        = e.objc;
   149   hidden      = e.hidden;
   150   artificial  = e.artificial;
   151   groupDocType = e.groupDocType;
   153   m_parent    = e.m_parent;
   154   m_sublist   = new QList<Entry>;
   155   m_sublist->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   157   // deep copy of the child entry list
   158   QListIterator<Entry> eli(*e.m_sublist);
   159   Entry *cur;
   160   for (;(cur=eli.current());++eli)
   161   {
   162     m_sublist->append(new Entry(*cur));
   163   }
   165   // deep copy base class list
   166   QListIterator<BaseInfo> bli(*e.extends);
   167   BaseInfo *bi;
   168   for (;(bi=bli.current());++bli)
   169   {
   170     extends->append(new BaseInfo(*bi));
   171   }
   173   // deep copy group list
   174   QListIterator<Grouping> gli(*e.groups);
   175   Grouping *g;
   176   for (;(g=gli.current());++gli)
   177   {
   178     groups->append(new Grouping(*g));
   179   }
   181   QListIterator<SectionInfo> sli2(*e.anchors);
   182   SectionInfo *s;
   183   for (;(s=sli2.current());++sli2)
   184   {
   185     anchors->append(new SectionInfo(*s));
   186   }
   188   // deep copy argument list
   189   QListIterator<Argument> ali(*e.argList);
   190   Argument *a;
   191   for (;(a=ali.current());++ali)
   192   {
   193     argList->append(new Argument(*a));
   194   }
   195   argList->constSpecifier    = e.argList->constSpecifier;
   196   argList->volatileSpecifier = e.argList->volatileSpecifier;
   197   argList->pureSpecifier     = e.argList->pureSpecifier;
   199   // deep copy type contraint list
   200   if (e.typeConstr)
   201   {
   202     QListIterator<Argument> tcli(*e.typeConstr);
   203     for (;(a=tcli.current());++tcli)
   204     {
   205       typeConstr->append(new Argument(*a));
   206     }
   207   }
   209   // deep copy template argument lists
   210   if (e.tArgLists)
   211   {
   212     tArgLists = copyArgumentLists(e.tArgLists);
   213   }
   215 }
   217 Entry::~Entry()
   218 {
   219   //printf("Entry::~Entry(%p) num=%d\n",this,num);
   220   //printf("Deleting entry %d name %s type %x children %d\n",
   221   //       num,name.data(),section,sublist->count());
   223   delete m_sublist; // each element is now own by a EntryNav so we do no longer own
   224                   // our children.
   225   delete extends;
   226   delete groups;
   227   delete anchors;
   228   delete argList;
   229   delete tArgLists;
   230   delete tagInfo;
   231   delete typeConstr;
   232   delete sli;
   233   num--;
   234 }
   236 void Entry::addSubEntry(Entry *current)
   237 {
   238   //printf("Entry %d with name %s type 0x%x added to %s type 0x%x\n",
   239   //    current->num,current->name.data(),current->section,
   240   //    name.data(),section);
   241   //printf("Entry::addSubEntry(%s:%p) to %s\n",current->name.data(),
   242   //    current,name.data());
   243   current->m_parent=this;
   244   m_sublist->append(current);  
   245 }
   247 void Entry::reset()
   248 {
   249   //printf("Entry::reset()\n");
   250   name.resize(0);
   251   type.resize(0);
   252   args.resize(0);
   253   bitfields.resize(0);
   254   exception.resize(0);
   255   program.resize(0);
   256   includeFile.resize(0);
   257   includeName.resize(0);
   258   doc.resize(0);
   259   docFile.resize(0);
   260   docLine=-1;
   261   relates.resize(0);
   262   relatesType=Simple;
   263   brief.resize(0);
   264   briefFile.resize(0);
   265   briefLine=-1;
   266   inbodyDocs.resize(0);
   267   inbodyFile.resize(0);
   268   inbodyLine=-1;
   269   inside.resize(0);
   270   fileName.resize(0);
   271   initializer.resize(0);
   272   initLines = -1;
   273   startLine = 1;
   274   bodyLine = -1;
   275   endBodyLine = -1;
   276   mGrpId = -1;
   277   callGraph = FALSE;
   278   callerGraph = FALSE;
   279   section = EMPTY_SEC;
   280   mtype   = Method;
   281   virt    = Normal;
   282   stat    = FALSE;
   283   proto   = FALSE;
   284   explicitExternal = FALSE;
   285   spec  = 0;
   286   objc = FALSE;
   287   hidden = FALSE;
   288   artificial = FALSE;
   289   subGrouping = TRUE;
   290   protection = Public;
   291   groupDocType = GROUPDOC_NORMAL;
   292   m_sublist->clear();
   293   extends->clear();
   294   groups->clear();
   295   anchors->clear();
   296   argList->clear();
   297   if (tagInfo)    { delete tagInfo; tagInfo=0; }
   298   if (tArgLists)  { delete tArgLists; tArgLists=0; }
   299   if (sli)        { delete sli; sli=0; }
   300   if (typeConstr) { delete typeConstr; typeConstr=0; }
   301   //if (mtArgList) { delete mtArgList; mtArgList=0; }
   302 }
   305 int Entry::getSize()
   306 {
   307   return sizeof(Entry);
   308 }
   310 void Entry::createSubtreeIndex(EntryNav *nav,FileStorage *storage,FileDef *fd)
   311 {
   312   EntryNav *childNav = new EntryNav(nav,this);
   313   nav->addChild(childNav);
   314   childNav->setFileDef(fd);
   315   childNav->saveEntry(this,storage);
   316   if (m_sublist)
   317   {
   318     //printf("saveEntry: %d children\n",node->sublist->count());
   319     QListIterator<Entry> eli(*m_sublist);
   320     Entry *childNode;
   321     for (eli.toFirst();(childNode=eli.current());++eli)
   322     {
   323       childNode->createSubtreeIndex(childNav,storage,fd);
   324     }
   325     //m_sublist->setAutoDelete(FALSE);
   326     m_sublist->clear();
   327   }
   328 }
   330 void Entry::createNavigationIndex(EntryNav *rootNav,FileStorage *storage,FileDef *fd)
   331 {
   332   //printf("createNavigationIndex(%p) sublist=%p\n",this,m_sublist);
   333   if (m_sublist)
   334   {
   335     //printf("saveEntries: %d children\n",root->sublist->count());
   336     // store all child entries of root, but keep the navigation info (=index)
   337     QListIterator<Entry> eli(*m_sublist);
   338     Entry *e;
   339     for (eli.toFirst();(e=eli.current());++eli)
   340     {
   341       createSubtreeIndex(rootNav,storage,fd);
   342     }
   343     // remove all entries from root
   344     //m_sublist->setAutoDelete(FALSE);
   345     m_sublist->clear();
   346   }
   347 }
   349 void Entry::addSpecialListItem(const char *listName,int itemId)
   350 {
   351   if (sli==0)
   352   {
   353     sli = new QList<ListItemInfo>;
   354     sli->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   355   }
   356   ListItemInfo *ili=new ListItemInfo;
   357   ili->type = listName;
   358   ili->itemId = itemId;
   359   sli->append(ili);
   360 }
   362 //------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 EntryNav::EntryNav(EntryNav *parent, Entry *e)
   366              : m_parent(parent), m_subList(0), m_section(e->section), m_type(e->type),
   367               m_name(e->name), m_fileDef(0), m_info(0), m_offset(-1), 
   368               m_noLoad(FALSE)
   369 {
   370   if (e->tagInfo)
   371   {
   372     m_tagInfo = new TagInfo;
   373     m_tagInfo->tagName  = e->tagInfo->tagName;
   374     m_tagInfo->fileName = e->tagInfo->fileName;
   375     m_tagInfo->anchor   = e->tagInfo->anchor;
   376     if (e->tagInfo)
   377     {
   378       //printf("tagInfo %p: tagName=%s fileName=%s anchor=%s\n",
   379       //    e->tagInfo,
   380       //    e->tagInfo->tagName.data(),
   381       //    e->tagInfo->fileName.data(),
   382       //    e->tagInfo->anchor.data());
   383     }
   384   }
   385   else
   386   {
   387     m_tagInfo = 0;
   388   }
   389 }
   391 EntryNav::~EntryNav()
   392 {
   393   delete m_subList;
   394   delete m_info;
   395   delete m_tagInfo;
   396 }
   398 void EntryNav::addChild(EntryNav *e)
   399 {
   400   if (m_subList==0) 
   401   {
   402     m_subList = new QList<EntryNav>;
   403     m_subList->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   404   }
   405   m_subList->append(e);
   406 }
   408 bool EntryNav::loadEntry(FileStorage *storage)
   409 {
   410   if (m_noLoad)
   411   {
   412     return TRUE;
   413   }
   414   if (m_offset==-1) 
   415   {
   416     //printf("offset not set!\n");
   417     return FALSE;
   418   }
   419   //delete m_info;
   420   //printf("EntryNav::loadEntry: new entry %p: %s\n",m_info,m_name.data());
   421   //m_info->tagInfo = m_tagInfo;
   422   //if (m_parent)
   423   //{
   424   //  m_info->parent = m_parent->m_info;
   425   //}
   426   //m_info->parent = 0;
   427   //printf("load entry: seek to %llx\n",m_offset);
   428   if (!storage->seek(m_offset)) 
   429   {
   430     //printf("seek failed!\n");
   431     return FALSE;
   432   }
   433   if (m_info)  delete m_info;
   434   m_info = unmarshalEntry(storage);
   435   m_info->name = m_name;
   436   m_info->type = m_type;
   437   m_info->section = m_section;
   438   return TRUE;
   439 }
   441 bool EntryNav::saveEntry(Entry *e,FileStorage *storage)
   442 {
   443   m_offset = storage->pos();
   444   //printf("EntryNav::saveEntry offset=%llx\n",m_offset);
   445   marshalEntry(storage,e);
   446   return TRUE;
   447 }
   449 void EntryNav::releaseEntry()
   450 {
   451   if (!m_noLoad) 
   452   { 
   453     //printf("EntryNav::releaseEntry %p\n",m_info);
   454     delete m_info; 
   455     m_info=0; 
   456   }
   457 }
   459 void EntryNav::setEntry(Entry *e) 
   460 { 
   461   delete m_info;
   462   m_info = e; 
   463   //printf("EntryNav::setEntry %p\n",e);
   464   m_noLoad=TRUE; 
   465 }