changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 #include <stdlib.h>
     2 #include <ctype.h>
     3 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
     4 #undef UNICODE
     5 #include <windows.h>
     6 #else
     7 #include <unistd.h>
     8 #include <stdlib.h>
     9 #include <sys/types.h>
    10 #include <sys/wait.h>
    11 #include <errno.h>
    12 extern char **environ;
    13 #endif
    15 #include <qglobal.h>
    16 #include <qdatetime.h>
    18 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
    19 #define popen _popen
    20 #define pclose _pclose
    21 #endif
    23 #include "portable.h"
    24 #ifndef NODEBUG
    25 #include "debug.h"
    26 #endif
    27 //#include "doxygen.h"
    29 static double  sysElapsedTime;
    31 int  portable_system(const char *command,const char *args,bool commandHasConsole)
    32 {
    33   QTime time;
    34   time.start();
    36   if (command==0) return 1;
    38   QCString fullCmd=command;
    39   fullCmd=fullCmd.stripWhiteSpace();
    40   if (fullCmd.at(0)!='"' && fullCmd.find(' ')!=-1)
    41   {
    42     // add quotes around command as it contains spaces and is not quoted already
    43     fullCmd="\""+fullCmd+"\"";
    44   }
    45   fullCmd += " ";
    46   fullCmd += args;
    47 #ifndef NODEBUG
    48   Debug::print(Debug::ExtCmd,0,"Executing external command `%s`\n",fullCmd.data());
    49 #endif
    51 #if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
    52   commandHasConsole=commandHasConsole;
    53   /*! taken from the system() manpage on my Linux box */
    54   int pid,status=0;
    56 #ifdef _OS_SOLARIS // for Solaris we use vfork since it is more memory efficient
    58   // on Solaris fork() duplicates the memory usage
    59   // so we use vfork instead
    61   // spawn shell
    62   if ((pid=vfork())<0)
    63   {
    64     status=-1;
    65   }
    66   else if (pid==0)
    67   {
    68      execl("/bin/sh","sh","-c",fullCmd.data(),(char*)0);
    69      _exit(127);
    70   }
    71   else
    72   {
    73     while (waitpid(pid,&status,0 )<0)
    74     {
    75       if (errno!=EINTR)
    76       {
    77         status=-1;
    78         break;
    79       }
    80     }
    81   }
    82   sysElapsedTime+=((double)time.elapsed())/1000.0;
    83   return status;
    85 #else  // Other Unices just use fork
    87   pid = fork();
    88   if (pid==-1) return -1;
    89   if (pid==0)
    90   {
    91     const char * argv[4];
    92     argv[0] = "sh";
    93     argv[1] = "-c";
    94     argv[2] = fullCmd.data();
    95     argv[3] = 0;
    96     execve("/bin/sh",(char * const *)argv,environ);
    97     exit(127);
    98   }
    99   for (;;)
   100   {
   101     if (waitpid(pid,&status,0)==-1)
   102     {
   103       if (errno!=EINTR) return -1;
   104     }
   105     else
   106     {
   107       sysElapsedTime+=((double)time.elapsed())/1000.0;
   108       if (WIFEXITED(status))
   109       {
   110         return WEXITSTATUS(status);
   111       }
   112       else
   113       {
   114         return status;
   115       }
   116     }
   117   }
   118 #endif // !_OS_SOLARIS
   120 #else // Win32 specific
   121   if (commandHasConsole)
   122   {
   123     return system(fullCmd);
   124   }
   125   else
   126   {
   127     // gswin32 is a GUI api which will pop up a window and run
   128     // asynchronously. To prevent both, we use ShellExecuteEx and
   129     // WaitForSingleObject (thanks to Robert Golias for the code)
   131     SHELLEXECUTEINFO sInfo = {
   132       sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO),   /* structure size */
   133       SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI,  /* tell us the process
   134                                                        *  handle so we can wait till it's done | 
   135                                                        *  do not display msg box if error 
   136                                                        */
   137       NULL,                       /* window handle */
   138       NULL,                       /* action to perform: open */
   139       command,                    /* file to execute */
   140       args,                       /* argument list */ 
   141       NULL,                       /* use current working dir */
   142       SW_HIDE,                    /* minimize on start-up */
   143       0,                          /* application instance handle */
   144       NULL,                       /* ignored: id list */
   145       NULL,                       /* ignored: class name */
   146       NULL,                       /* ignored: key class */
   147       0,                          /* ignored: hot key */
   148       NULL,                       /* ignored: icon */
   149       NULL                        /* resulting application handle */
   150     };
   151     if (!ShellExecuteEx(&sInfo))
   152     {
   153       return -1;
   154     }
   155     else if (sInfo.hProcess)      /* executable was launched, wait for it to finish */
   156     {
   157       WaitForSingleObject(sInfo.hProcess,INFINITE); 
   158       CloseHandle(sInfo.hProcess);
   159     }
   160   }
   161   sysElapsedTime+=((double)time.elapsed())/1000.0;
   162   return 0;
   163 #endif
   165 }
   167 uint portable_pid()
   168 {
   169   uint pid;
   170 #if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
   171   pid = (uint)getpid();
   172 #else
   173   pid = (uint)GetCurrentProcessId();
   174 #endif
   175   return pid;
   176 }
   178 static char **last_environ;
   180 void portable_setenv(const char *name,const char *value)
   181 {
   182 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
   183     SetEnvironmentVariable(name,value);
   184 #else
   185     register char **ep = 0;
   186     register size_t size;
   187     const size_t namelen=strlen(name);
   188     const size_t vallen=strlen(value) + 1;
   190     size = 0;
   191     if (environ!=0)
   192     {
   193       for (ep = environ; *ep; ++ep)
   194       {
   195         if (!strncmp (*ep, name, namelen) && (*ep)[namelen] == '=')
   196           break;
   197         else
   198           ++size;
   199       }
   200     }
   202     if (environ==0 || *ep==0) /* add new string */
   203     {
   204       char **new_environ;
   205       if (environ == last_environ && environ!=0)
   206       {
   207         // We allocated this space; we can extend it. 
   208         new_environ = (char **) realloc (last_environ, (size + 2) * sizeof (char *));
   209       }
   210       else
   211       {
   212         new_environ = (char **) malloc ((size + 2) * sizeof (char *));
   213       }
   215       if (new_environ==0) // no more memory 
   216       {
   217         return;
   218       }
   220       new_environ[size] = (char *)malloc (namelen + 1 + vallen);
   221       if (new_environ[size]==0)
   222       {
   223         free (new_environ);
   224         return;
   225       }
   227       if (environ != last_environ)
   228       {
   229         memcpy ((char *) new_environ, environ, size * sizeof (char *));
   230       }
   232       memcpy(new_environ[size], name, namelen);
   233       new_environ[size][namelen] = '=';
   234       memcpy(&new_environ[size][namelen + 1], value, vallen);
   235       new_environ[size + 1] = 0;
   236       last_environ = environ = new_environ;
   237     }
   238     else /* replace existing string */
   239     {
   240       size_t len = strlen (*ep);
   241       if (len + 1 < namelen + 1 + vallen)
   242       {
   243         /* The existing string is too short; malloc a new one.  */
   244         char *newString = (char *)malloc(namelen + 1 + vallen);
   245         if (newString==0)
   246         {
   247           return;
   248         }
   249         *ep = newString;
   250       }
   251       memcpy(*ep, name, namelen);
   252       (*ep)[namelen] = '=';
   253       memcpy(&(*ep)[namelen + 1], value, vallen);
   254     }
   256 #endif
   257 }
   259 void portable_unsetenv(const char *variable)
   260 {
   261 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
   262     SetEnvironmentVariable(variable,0);
   263 #else
   264     /* Some systems don't have unsetenv(), so we do it ourselves */
   265     size_t len;
   266     char **ep;
   268     if (variable == NULL || *variable == '\0' || strchr (variable, '=') != NULL)
   269     {
   270       return; // not properly formatted
   271     }
   273     len = strlen(variable);
   275     ep = environ;
   276     while (*ep != NULL)
   277     {
   278       if (!strncmp(*ep, variable, len) && (*ep)[len]=='=')
   279       {
   280         /* Found it.  Remove this pointer by moving later ones back.  */
   281         char **dp = ep;
   282         do dp[0] = dp[1]; while (*dp++);
   283         /* Continue the loop in case NAME appears again.  */
   284       }
   285       else
   286       {
   287         ++ep;
   288       }
   289     }
   290 #endif
   291 }
   293 const char *portable_getenv(const char *variable)
   294 {
   295   return getenv(variable);
   296 }
   298 portable_off_t portable_fseek(FILE *f,portable_off_t offset, int whence)
   299 {
   300 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
   301   return _fseeki64(f,offset,whence);
   302 #else
   303   return fseeko(f,offset,whence);
   304 #endif
   305 }
   307 portable_off_t portable_ftell(FILE *f)
   308 {
   309 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
   310   return _ftelli64(f);
   311 #else
   312   return ftello(f);
   313 #endif
   314 }
   316 char  portable_pathSeparator()
   317 {
   318 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
   319   return '\\';
   320 #else
   321   return '/';
   322 #endif
   323 }
   325 char  portable_pathListSeparator()
   326 {
   327 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
   328   return ';';
   329 #else
   330   return ':';
   331 #endif
   332 }
   334 const char *portable_ghostScriptCommand()
   335 {
   336 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
   337     return "gswin32c.exe";
   338 #else
   339     return "gs";
   340 #endif
   341 }
   343 const char *portable_commandExtension()
   344 {
   345 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
   346     return ".exe";
   347 #else
   348     return "";
   349 #endif
   350 }
   352 bool portable_fileSystemIsCaseSensitive()
   353 {
   354 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(macintosh) || defined(__MACOSX__) || defined(__APPLE__)
   355   return FALSE;
   356 #else
   357   return TRUE;
   358 #endif
   359 }
   361 FILE * portable_popen(const char *name,const char *type)
   362 {
   363   return popen(name,type);
   364 }
   366 int portable_pclose(FILE *stream)
   367 {
   368   return pclose(stream);
   369 }
   371 double portable_getSysElapsedTime()
   372 {
   373   return sysElapsedTime;
   374 }