1 /**************************************************************************** |
2 ** |
3 ** |
4 ** QArray class documentation |
5 ** |
6 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. |
7 ** |
8 ** This file is part of the Qt GUI Toolkit. |
9 ** |
10 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License |
11 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file |
12 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. |
13 ** |
14 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the |
15 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software |
16 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the |
17 ** packaging of this file. |
18 ** |
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20 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License |
21 ** Agreement provided with the Software. |
22 ** |
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25 ** |
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27 ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. |
28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information. |
29 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. |
30 ** |
31 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are |
32 ** not clear to you. |
33 ** |
34 **********************************************************************/ |
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37 /***************************************************************************** |
38 QArray documentation |
39 *****************************************************************************/ |
40 |
41 /*! |
42 \class QArray qarray.h |
43 \brief The QArray class is a template class that provides arrays of simple types. |
44 |
45 \ingroup tools |
46 |
47 QArray is implemented as a template class. Define a template |
48 instance QArray\<X\> to create an array that contains X items. |
49 |
50 QArray stores the array elements directly in the array. It can only |
51 deal with simple types, i.e. C++ types, structs and classes that have |
52 no constructors, destructors or virtual functions. QArray uses |
53 bitwise operations to copy and compare array elements. |
54 |
55 The QVector collection class is also a kind of array. Like most |
56 \link collection.html collection classes\endlink, it has pointers to the |
57 contained items. |
58 |
59 QArray uses explicit \link shclass.html sharing\endlink with a reference |
60 count. If more than one array share common data, and one array is |
61 modified, all arrays will be modified. |
62 |
63 The benefit of sharing is that a program does not need to duplicate |
64 data when it is not required, which results in less memory usage and |
65 less copying of data. |
66 |
67 Example: |
68 \code |
69 #include <qarray.h> |
70 #include <stdio.h> |
71 |
72 QArray<int> fib( int num ) // returns fibonacci array |
73 { |
74 ASSERT( num > 2 ); |
75 QArray<int> f( num ); // array of ints |
76 |
77 f[0] = f[1] = 1; // initialize first two numbers |
78 for ( int i=2; i<num; i++ ) |
79 f[i] = f[i-1] + f[i-2]; |
80 |
81 return f; |
82 } |
83 |
84 void main() |
85 { |
86 QArray<int> a = fib( 6 ); // get 6 first fibonaccis |
87 int i; |
88 |
89 for ( i=0; i<a.size(); i++ ) // print them |
90 prinf( "%d: %d\n", i, a[i] ); |
91 |
92 printf( "1 is found %d time(s)\n", a.contains(1) ); |
93 printf( "5 is found at index %d\n", a.find(5) ); |
94 } |
95 \endcode |
96 |
97 Program output: |
98 \code |
99 0: 1 |
100 1: 1 |
101 2: 2 |
102 3: 3 |
103 4: 5 |
104 5: 8 |
105 1 is found 2 times |
106 5 is found at index 4 |
107 \endcode |
108 |
109 Note about using QArray for manipulating structs or classes: |
110 Compilers will often pad the size of structs of odd sizes up to the |
111 nearest word boundary. This will then be the size QArray will use |
112 for its bitwise element comparisons. Since the remaining bytes will |
113 typically be uninitialized, this can cause find() etc. to fail to |
114 find the element. Example: |
115 |
116 \code |
117 struct MyStruct |
118 { |
119 short i; // 2 bytes |
120 char c; // 1 byte |
121 }; // sizeof(MyStruct) may be padded to 4 bytes |
122 |
123 QArray<MyStruct> a(1); |
124 a[0].i = 5; |
125 a[0].c = 't'; |
126 |
127 MyStruct x; |
128 x.i = '5'; |
129 x.c = 't'; |
130 int i = a.find( x ); // May return -1 if the pad bytes differ |
131 \endcode |
132 |
133 To workaround this, make sure that you use a struct where sizeof() |
134 returns the same as the sum of the sizes of the members, either by |
135 changing the types of the struct members or by adding dummy members. |
136 |
137 \sa \link shclass.html Shared Classes\endlink |
138 */ |
139 |
140 |
141 /*! |
142 \fn QArray::QArray() |
143 Constructs a null array. |
144 \sa isNull() |
145 */ |
146 |
147 /*! |
148 \fn QArray::QArray( int size ) |
149 Constructs an array with room for \e size elements. |
150 Makes a null array if \e size == 0. |
151 |
152 Note that the elements are not initialized. |
153 |
154 \sa resize(), isNull() |
155 */ |
156 |
157 /*! |
158 \fn QArray::QArray( const QArray<type> &a ) |
159 Constructs a shallow copy of \e a. |
160 \sa assign() |
161 */ |
162 |
163 /*! |
164 \fn QArray::QArray( int, int ) |
165 Constructs an array <em>without allocating</em> array space. |
166 The arguments should be (0, 0). Use at own risk. |
167 */ |
168 |
169 /*! |
170 \fn QArray::~QArray() |
171 Dereferences the array data and deletes it if this was the last |
172 reference. |
173 */ |
174 |
175 /*! |
176 \fn QArray<type> &QArray::operator=( const QArray<type> &a ) |
177 Assigns a shallow copy of \e a to this array and returns a reference |
178 to this array. |
179 |
180 Equivalent to assign( a ). |
181 */ |
182 |
183 /*! |
184 \fn type *QArray::data() const |
185 Returns a pointer to the actual array data. |
186 |
187 The array is a null array if data() == 0 (null pointer). |
188 |
189 \sa isNull() |
190 */ |
191 |
192 /*! |
193 \fn uint QArray::nrefs() const |
194 Returns the reference count for the shared array data. This reference count |
195 is always greater than zero. |
196 */ |
197 |
198 /*! |
199 \fn uint QArray::size() const |
200 Returns the size of the array (max number of elements). |
201 |
202 The array is a null array if size() == 0. |
203 |
204 \sa isNull(), resize() |
205 */ |
206 |
207 /*! |
208 \fn uint QArray::count() const |
209 Returns the same as size(). |
210 |
211 \sa size() |
212 */ |
213 |
214 /*! |
215 \fn bool QArray::isEmpty() const |
216 Returns TRUE if the array is empty, i.e. size() == 0, otherwise FALSE. |
217 |
218 isEmpty() is equivalent with isNull() for QArray. Note that this is not |
219 the case for QCString::isEmpty(). |
220 */ |
221 |
222 /*! |
223 \fn bool QArray::isNull() const |
224 Returns TRUE if the array is null, otherwise FALSE. |
225 |
226 A null array has size() == 0 and data() == 0. |
227 */ |
228 |
229 /*! |
230 \fn bool QArray::resize( uint size ) |
231 Resizes (expands or shrinks) the array to \e size elements. The array |
232 becomes a null array if \e size == 0. |
233 |
234 Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the memory cannot be allocated. |
235 |
236 New elements will not be initialized. |
237 |
238 \sa size() |
239 */ |
240 |
241 /*! |
242 \fn bool QArray::truncate( uint pos ) |
243 Truncates the array at position \e pos. |
244 |
245 Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the memory cannot be allocated. |
246 |
247 Equivalent to resize(\e pos). |
248 |
249 \sa resize() |
250 */ |
251 |
252 /*! |
253 \fn bool QArray::fill( const type &v, int size ) |
254 Fills the array with the value \e v. If \e size is specified as different |
255 from -1, then the array will be resized before filled. |
256 |
257 Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the memory cannot be allocated |
258 (only when \e size != -1). |
259 |
260 \sa resize() |
261 */ |
262 |
263 /*! |
264 \fn void QArray::detach() |
265 Detaches this array from shared array data, i.e. makes a private, deep |
266 copy of the data. |
267 |
268 Copying will only be performed if the |
269 \link nrefs() reference count\endlink is greater than one. |
270 |
271 \sa copy() |
272 */ |
273 |
274 /*! |
275 \fn QArray<type> QArray::copy() const |
276 Returns a deep copy of this array. |
277 \sa detach(), duplicate() |
278 */ |
279 |
280 /*! |
281 \fn QArray<type> &QArray::assign( const QArray<type> &a ) |
282 Shallow copy. Dereferences the current array and references the data |
283 contained in \e a instead. Returns a reference to this array. |
284 \sa operator=() |
285 */ |
286 |
287 /*! |
288 \fn QArray<type> &QArray::assign( const type *data, uint size ) |
289 Shallow copy. Dereferences the current array and references the |
290 array data \e data, which contains \e size elements. |
291 Returns a reference to this array. |
292 |
293 Do not delete \e data later, QArray takes care of that. |
294 */ |
295 |
296 /*! |
297 \fn QArray<type> &QArray::duplicate( const QArray<type> &a ) |
298 Deep copy. Dereferences the current array and obtains a copy of the data |
299 contained in \e a instead. Returns a reference to this array. |
300 \sa copy() |
301 */ |
302 |
303 /*! |
304 \fn QArray<type> &QArray::duplicate( const type *data, uint size ) |
305 Deep copy. Dereferences the current array and obtains a copy of the |
306 array data \e data instead. Returns a reference to this array. |
307 \sa copy() |
308 */ |
309 |
310 /*! |
311 \fn QArray<type> &QArray::setRawData( const type *data, uint size ) |
312 |
313 Sets raw data and returns a reference to the array. |
314 |
315 Dereferences the current array and sets the new array data to \e data and |
316 the new array size to \e size. Do not attempt to resize or re-assign the |
317 array data when raw data has been set. |
318 Call resetRawData(d,len) to reset the array. |
319 |
320 Setting raw data is useful because it sets QArray data without allocating |
321 memory or copying data. |
322 |
323 Example I (intended use): |
324 \code |
325 static char bindata[] = { 231, 1, 44, ... }; |
326 QByteArray a; |
327 a.setRawData( bindata, sizeof(bindata) ); // a points to bindata |
328 QDataStream s( a, IO_ReadOnly ); // open on a's data |
329 s >> <something>; // read raw bindata |
330 a.resetRawData( bindata, sizeof(bindata) ); // finished |
331 \endcode |
332 |
333 Example II (you don't want to do this): |
334 \code |
335 static char bindata[] = { 231, 1, 44, ... }; |
336 QByteArray a, b; |
337 a.setRawData( bindata, sizeof(bindata) ); // a points to bindata |
338 a.resize( 8 ); // will crash |
339 b = a; // will crash |
340 a[2] = 123; // might crash |
341 // forget to resetRawData - will crash |
342 \endcode |
343 |
344 \warning If you do not call resetRawData(), QArray will attempt to |
345 deallocate or reallocate the raw data, which might not be too good. |
346 Be careful. |
347 |
348 \sa resetRawData() |
349 */ |
350 |
351 /*! |
352 \fn void QArray::resetRawData( const type *data, uint size ) |
353 Resets raw data that was set using setRawData(). |
354 |
355 The arguments must be the data and length that were passed to |
356 setRawData(). This is for consistency checking. |
357 |
358 \sa setRawData() |
359 */ |
360 |
361 /*! |
362 \fn int QArray::find( const type &v, uint index ) const |
363 Finds the first occurrence of \e v, starting at position \e index. |
364 |
365 Returns the position of \e v, or -1 if \e v could not be found. |
366 |
367 \sa contains() |
368 */ |
369 |
370 /*! |
371 \fn int QArray::contains( const type &v ) const |
372 Returns the number of times \e v occurs in the array. |
373 \sa find() |
374 */ |
375 |
376 /*! |
377 \fn void QArray::sort() |
378 Sorts the array elements in ascending order, using bitwise |
379 comparison (memcmp()). |
380 |
381 \sa bsearch() |
382 */ |
383 |
384 /*! |
385 \fn int QArray::bsearch( const type &v ) const |
386 In a sorted array, finds the first occurrence of \e v using binary |
387 search. For a sorted array, this is generally much faster than |
388 find(), which does a linear search. |
389 |
390 Returns the position of \e v, or -1 if \e v could not be found. |
391 |
392 \sa sort(), find() |
393 */ |
394 |
395 /*! |
396 \fn type &QArray::operator[]( int index ) const |
397 Returns a reference to the element at position \e index in the array. |
398 |
399 This can be used to both read and set an element. Equivalent to at(). |
400 |
401 \sa at() |
402 */ |
403 |
404 /*! |
405 \fn type &QArray::at( uint index ) const |
406 Returns a reference to the element at position \e index in the array. |
407 |
408 This can be used to both read and set an element. |
409 |
410 \sa operator[]() |
411 */ |
412 |
413 /*! |
414 \fn QArray::operator const type *() const |
415 Cast operator. Returns a pointer to the array. |
416 \sa data() |
417 */ |
418 |
419 /*! |
420 \fn bool QArray::operator==( const QArray<type> &a ) const |
421 Returns TRUE if this array is equal to \e a, otherwise FALSE. |
422 |
423 The two arrays are bitwise compared. |
424 |
425 \sa operator!=() |
426 */ |
427 |
428 /*! |
429 \fn bool QArray::operator!=( const QArray<type> &a ) const |
430 Returns TRUE if this array is different from \e a, otherwise FALSE. |
431 |
432 The two arrays are bitwise compared. |
433 |
434 \sa operator==() |
435 */ |
436 |
437 /*! |
438 \fn Iterator QArray::begin() |
439 Returns an iterator pointing at the beginning of this array. |
440 This iterator can be used as the iterators of QValueList and QMap |
441 for example. In fact it does not only behave like a usual pointer: |
442 It is a pointer. |
443 */ |
444 |
445 /*! |
446 \fn Iterator QArray::end() |
447 Returns an iterator pointing behind the last element of this array. |
448 This iterator can be used as the iterators of QValueList and QMap |
449 for example. In fact it does not only behave like a usual pointer: |
450 It is a pointer. |
451 */ |
452 |
453 /*! |
454 \fn ConstIterator QArray::begin() const |
455 Returns a const iterator pointing at the beginning of this array. |
456 This iterator can be used as the iterators of QValueList and QMap |
457 for example. In fact it does not only behave like a usual pointer: |
458 It is a pointer. |
459 */ |
460 |
461 /*! |
462 \fn ConstIterator QArray::end() const |
463 Returns a const iterator pointing behind the last element of this array. |
464 This iterator can be used as the iterators of QValueList and QMap |
465 for example. In fact it does not only behave like a usual pointer: |
466 It is a pointer. |
467 */ |
468 |
469 |
470 /***************************************************************************** |
471 QByteArray documentation |
472 *****************************************************************************/ |
473 |
474 /*! |
475 \class QByteArray qcstring.h |
476 \brief The QByteArray class provides an array of bytes. |
477 |
478 \inherit QArray |
479 |
480 \ingroup tools |
481 |
482 The QByteArray class provides an explicitly shared array of |
483 bytes. It is useful for manipulating memory areas with custom |
484 data. QByteArray is implemented as QArray<char>. See the QArray |
485 documentation for further information. |
486 */ |