changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 ** 
     3 **
     4 ** Global feature selection
     5 **
     6 ** Created : 000417
     7 **
     8 ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
     9 **
    10 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
    11 **
    12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
    13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
    14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
    15 **
    16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
    17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
    18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
    19 ** packaging of this file.
    20 **
    21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
    22 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
    23 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
    24 **
    25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
    27 **
    28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
    29 **   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
    30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
    31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
    32 **
    33 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
    34 ** not clear to you.
    35 **
    36 **********************************************************************/
    38 #ifndef QFEATURES_H
    39 #define QFEATURES_H
    41 /*! \page features....html
    42     ...
    43 */
    45 // Qt ships with a number of pre-defined configurations. If none suit
    46 // your needs, define QCONFIG_LOCAL and create a "qconfig-local.h" file.
    47 //
    48 // Note that disabling some features will produce a libqt that is not
    49 // compatible with other libqt builds. Such modifications are only
    50 // supported on Qt/Embedded where reducing the library size is important
    51 // and where the application-suite is often a fixed set.
    52 //
    53 #if defined(QCONFIG_LOCAL)
    54 #include <qconfig-local.h>
    55 #elif defined(QCONFIG_MINIMAL)
    56 #include <qconfig-minimal.h>
    57 #elif defined(QCONFIG_SMALL)
    58 #include <qconfig-small.h>
    59 #elif defined(QCONFIG_MEDIUM)
    60 #include <qconfig-medium.h>
    61 #elif defined(QCONFIG_LARGE)
    62 #include <qconfig-large.h>
    63 #else // everything...
    64 #include <qconfig.h>
    65 #endif
    68 // Data structures
    69 /*!
    70     QStringList
    71 */
    72 //#define QT_NO_STRINGLIST
    74 #if defined(QT_NO_IMAGE_SMOOTHSCALE)
    75 /*!
    76     QIconSet
    77 */
    78 # define QT_NO_ICONSET
    79 #endif
    81 // File I/O
    82 #if defined(QT_NO_STRINGLIST)
    83     /*!
    84 	QDir
    85     */
    86 # define QT_NO_DIR
    87 #endif
    89 /*!
    90   Palettes
    91 */
    92 //#define QT_NO_PALETTE
    94 /*!
    95     QTextStream
    96 */
    97 //#define QT_NO_TEXTSTREAM
    98 /*!
    99     QDataStream
   100 */
   101 //#define QT_NO_DATASTREAM
   103 /*!
   104   Dynamic module linking
   105 */
   106 //#define QT_NO_PLUGIN
   109 // Images
   110 /*!
   111     BMP image I/O
   112     <p>The Windows Bitmap (BMP) image format is common on MS-Windows.
   113     <p>This is an uncompressed image format
   114     offering few advantages over PNG or JPEG.
   115 */
   116 #if defined(QT_NO_DATASTREAM)
   117 # define QT_NO_IMAGEIO_BMP
   118 #endif
   119 /*!
   120     PPM image I/O
   121     <p>The Portable PixMap (PPM) image format is common on Unix.
   122     <p>This is an uncompressed image format
   123     offering few advantages over PNG or JPEG.
   124 */
   125 //#define QT_NO_IMAGEIO_PPM
   126 /*!
   127     XBM image I/O
   128     <p>The X11 BitMap (XBM) image format is common on X11.
   129     <p>This is an uncompressed monochrome image format.
   130     Qt uses this format for some internal images (eg. mouse cursors).
   131 */
   132 //#define QT_NO_IMAGEIO_XBM
   133 /*!
   134     XPM image I/O
   135     <p>The X11 PixMap (XPM) image format is common on X11.
   136     <p>This is an uncompressed image format.
   137     XPM images have the small advantage that they can be trivially
   138     included in source files as they are C code.
   139     Qt uses this format for some internal images (eg. QMessageBox icons).
   140 */
   141 #if defined(QT_NO_TEXTSTREAM)
   142 # define QT_NO_IMAGEIO_XPM
   143 #endif
   144 /*!
   145     PNG image I/O
   146     <p>The Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is a compressed image format.
   147     <p>See <a href=http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/>The PNG Home Site</a> for
   148     details of the format.
   149 */
   150 //#define QT_NO_IMAGEIO_PNG
   151 /*!
   152     MNG image I/O
   153     <p>The Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) is a compressed animation format.
   154     <p>See <a href=http://www.libpng.org/pub/mng/>The MNG Home Site</a> for
   155     details of the format.
   156 */
   157 //#define QT_NO_IMAGEIO_MNG
   158 /*!
   159     JPEG image I/O
   160     <p>The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is a compressed lossy image format that gives high compression
   161 	for real-world and photo-realistic images.
   162 */
   163 //#define QT_NO_IMAGEIO_JPEG
   165 /*!
   166     Asynchronous I/O
   167     <p>Allows push-driven data processing.
   168 */
   169 //#define QT_NO_ASYNC_IO
   170 /*!
   171     Asynchronous image I/O
   172     <p>Allows push-driven images.
   173 */
   174 //#define QT_NO_ASYNC_IMAGE_IO
   175 #if defined(QT_NO_ASYNC_IO) || defined(QT_NO_ASYNC_IMAGE_IO)
   176     /*!
   177 	Animated images
   178 	<p>This includes animated GIFs.
   179 	<p><b>Note: this currently also requires <tt>QT_BUILTIN_GIF_READER</tt> to
   180 	be defined when building Qt.</b>
   181     */
   182 # define QT_NO_MOVIE
   183 #endif
   185 // Fonts
   186 /*!
   187     TrueType font files
   188     <p>Scalable font format common on MS-Windows and becoming common on Unix.
   189     <p>Only supported on Qt/Embedded.
   190 */
   191 //#define QT_NO_TRUETYPE
   192 /*!
   193     BDF font files
   194     <p>The Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) font file format, common
   195 	on Unix.
   196     <p>Only supported on Qt/Embedded.
   197 */
   198 #if defined(QT_NO_TEXTSTREAM) || defined(QT_NO_STRINGLIST)
   199 # define QT_NO_BDF
   200 #endif
   201 /*!
   202     QFontDatabase
   203 */
   204 #if defined(QT_NO_STRINGLIST)
   205 # define QT_NO_FONTDATABASE
   206 #endif
   208 // Internationalization
   210 /*!
   211     QObject::tr()
   212 */
   213 #if defined(QT_NO_DATASTREAM)
   214 # define QT_NO_TRANSLATION
   215 #endif
   217 /*!
   218     QTextCodec class and subclasses
   219 */
   220 //#define QT_NO_TEXTCODEC
   222 #if defined(QT_NO_TEXTCODEC)
   223     /*!
   224 	QTextCodec classes
   225 	<p>This includes some large conversion tables.
   226     */
   227 # define QT_NO_CODECS
   228 #endif
   229 #if defined(QT_LITE_UNICODE)
   230     /*!
   231 	Unicode property tables
   232 	<p>These include some large tables.
   233     */
   234 # define QT_NO_UNICODETABLES
   235 #endif
   237 /*!
   238     MIME
   239 */
   240 #if defined(QT_NO_DIR)
   241 # define QT_NO_MIME
   242 #endif
   243 #if defined(QT_NO_MIME) || defined(QT_NO_TEXTSTREAM) || defined(QT_NO_DRAWUTIL) || defined(QT_NO_IMAGE_SMOOTHSCALE)
   244     /*!
   245 	RichText (HTML) display
   246     */
   247 # define QT_NO_RICHTEXT
   248 #endif
   250 /*!
   251   XML
   252 */
   253 #if defined(QT_NO_STRINGLIST) || defined(QT_NO_TEXTSTREAM) || defined(QT_NO_TEXTCODEC)
   254 # define QT_NO_XML
   255 #endif
   257 /*!
   258   Document Object Model
   259 */
   260 #if defined(QT_NO_XML) || defined(QT_NO_MIME)
   261 # define QT_NO_DOM
   262 #endif
   264 // Sound
   265 /*!
   266     Playing sounds
   267 */
   268 //#define QT_NO_SOUND
   270 /*!
   271     Properties
   272 */
   273 #if defined(QT_NO_STRINGLIST) || defined(QT_NO_ICONSET)
   274 # define QT_NO_PROPERTIES
   275 #endif
   279 // Networking
   281 /*!
   282   Network support
   283 */
   284 //#define QT_NO_NETWORK
   286 #if defined(QT_NO_NETWORK) || defined(QT_NO_STRINGLIST) || defined(QT_NO_TEXTSTREAM)
   287    /*!
   288      DNS
   289    */
   290 # define QT_NO_DNS
   291 #endif
   292 /*!
   293     Network file access
   294 */
   295 #if defined(QT_NO_NETWORK) || defined(QT_NO_DIR) || defined(QT_NO_STRINGLIST)
   297 #endif
   298 #if defined(QT_NO_NETWORKPROTOCOL) || defined(QT_NO_DNS)
   299     /*!
   300 	FTP file access
   301     */
   303     /*!
   304 	HTTP file access
   305     */
   307 #endif
   309 /*!
   310   External process invocation.
   311 */
   312 //#define QT_NO_PROCESS
   315 // Qt/Embedded-specific
   317 #if defined(QT_NO_NETWORK)
   318     /*!
   319       Multi-process support.
   320     */
   321 # define QT_NO_QWS_MULTIPROCESS
   322 #endif
   324 #if defined(QT_NO_QWS_MULTIPROCESS) || defined(QT_NO_DATASTREAM)
   325     /*!
   326       Palmtop Communication Protocol
   327     */
   328 # define QT_NO_COP
   329 #endif
   331 /*!
   332     Console keyboard support
   333 */
   334 //#define QT_NO_QWS_KEYBOARD
   336 /*!
   337     Visible cursor
   338 */
   339 #if defined(QT_NO_CURSOR)
   340 # define QT_NO_QWS_CURSOR
   341 #endif
   343 /*!
   344     Alpha-blended cursor
   345 */
   346 //#define QT_NO_QWS_ALPHA_CURSOR
   347 /*!
   348     Mach64 acceleration
   349 */
   350 //#define QT_NO_QWS_MACH64
   351 /*!
   352     Voodoo3 acceleration
   353 */
   354 //#define QT_NO_QWS_VOODOO3
   355 /*!
   356     Matrox MGA acceleration (Millennium/Millennium II/Mystique/G200/G400)
   357 */
   358 //#define QT_NO_QWS_MATROX
   359 /*!
   360     Virtual frame buffer
   361 */
   363 //#define QT_NO_QWS_VFB
   364 /*!
   365     Transformed frame buffer
   366 */
   367 //#define QT_NO_QWS_TRANSFORMED
   368 #if defined(QT_NO_NETWORK)
   369 /*!
   370     Remote frame buffer (VNC)
   371 */
   372 # ifndef QT_NO_QWS_VNC
   373 #  define QT_NO_QWS_VNC
   374 # endif
   375 #endif
   376 /*!
   377     1-bit monochrome
   378 */
   379 //#define QT_NO_QWS_DEPTH_1
   380 /*!
   381     4-bit greyscale
   382 */
   383 //#define QT_NO_QWS_DEPTH_4
   384 /*!
   385     4-bit VGA
   386 */
   387 //#define QT_NO_QWS_VGA_16
   388 /*!
   389     SVGALib Support
   390     Not implemented yet
   391 */
   392 #define QT_NO_QWS_SVGALIB
   393 /*!
   394     8-bit grayscale
   395 */
   397 /*!
   398     8-bit color
   399 */
   400 //#define QT_NO_QWS_DEPTH_8
   401 /*!
   402     15 or 16-bit color (define QT_QWS_DEPTH16_RGB as 555 for 15-bit)
   403 */
   404 //#define QT_NO_QWS_DEPTH_16
   405 /*!
   406     24-bit color
   407 */
   408 //#define QT_NO_QWS_DEPTH_24
   409 /*!
   410     32-bit color
   411 */
   412 //#define QT_NO_QWS_DEPTH_32
   414 /*!
   415     Window Manager
   416 */
   417 //#define QT_NO_QWS_MANAGER
   419 /*!
   420     Window Manager Styles
   421 */
   422 #define QT_NO_QWS_KDE2_WM_STYLE
   423 #if defined( QT_NO_QWS_MANAGER ) || defined( QT_NO_IMAGEIO_XPM )
   424 # define QT_NO_QWS_AQUA_WM_STYLE
   425 # define QT_NO_QWS_BEOS_WM_STYLE
   426 # define QT_NO_QWS_KDE_WM_STYLE
   427 # define QT_NO_QWS_QPE_WM_STYLE
   428 # define QT_NO_QWS_WINDOWS_WM_STYLE
   429 #endif
   431 /*!
   432     Saving of fonts
   433 */
   434 //#define QT_NO_QWS_SAVEFONTS
   436 /*!
   437     Favour code size over graphics speed
   438     <p>Smaller, slower code will be used for drawing operations.
   439     <p>Only supported on Qt/Embedded.
   440 */
   441 //#define QT_NO_QWS_GFX_SPEED
   443 /*!
   444     Qt/Embedded window system properties.
   445 */
   446 //#define QT_NO_QWS_PROPERTIES
   448 #if defined(QT_NO_QWS_PROPERTIES) || defined(QT_NO_MIME)
   449     /*!
   450       Cut and paste
   451     */
   452 # define QT_NO_CLIPBOARD
   453 #endif
   455 #if defined(QT_NO_MIME) || defined(QT_NO_QWS_PROPERTIES)
   456     /*!
   457 	Drag and drop
   458     */
   459 # define QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP
   460 #endif
   462 #if defined(QT_NO_PROPERTIES)
   463     /*!
   464 	SQL
   465     */
   466 # define QT_NO_SQL
   467 #endif
   469 #if defined(QT_NO_CLIPBOARD) || defined(QT_NO_MIME) || defined(_WS_QWS_)
   470     /*!
   471 	Cut and paste of complex data types (non-text)
   472 	Not yet implemented for QWS. 
   473     */
   474 # define QT_NO_MIMECLIPBOARD
   475 #endif
   478 /*!
   479     Drawing utility functions
   480 */
   481 //#define QT_NO_DRAWUTIL
   482 /*!
   483     TrueColor QImage
   484 */
   485 //#define QT_NO_IMAGE_TRUECOLOR
   486 /*!
   487     Smooth QImage scaling
   488 */
   489 //#define QT_NO_IMAGE_SMOOTHSCALE
   490 /*!
   491     Image file text strings
   492 */
   493 #if defined(QT_NO_STRINGLIST)
   494 # define QT_NO_IMAGE_TEXT
   495 #endif
   497 #if defined(QT_NO_IMAGE_TRUECOLOR)
   498     /*!
   499 	16-bit QImage
   500     */
   501 # define QT_NO_IMAGE_16_BIT
   502 #endif
   503 /*!
   504     Cursors
   505 */
   506 //#define QT_NO_CURSOR
   508 // Painting
   509 /*!
   510     Named colors
   511 */
   512 //#define QT_NO_COLORNAMES
   513 /*!
   514     Scaling and rotation
   515 */
   516 //#define QT_NO_TRANSFORMATIONS
   518 /*!
   519     Printing
   520 */
   521 #if defined(QT_NO_TEXTSTREAM)
   522 # define QT_NO_PRINTER
   523 #endif
   525 /*!
   526     QPicture
   527 */
   528 #if defined(QT_NO_DATASTREAM)
   529 # define QT_NO_PICTURE
   530 #endif
   532 // Layout
   533 /*!
   534     Automatic widget layout
   535 */
   536 //#define QT_NO_LAYOUT
   538 // Widgets
   539 #if defined(QT_NO_DRAWUTIL) || defined(QT_NO_PALETTE)
   540 /*!
   541     QStyle
   542 */
   543 # define QT_NO_STYLE
   544 #endif
   547 /*!
   548   Dialogs
   549 */
   550 //#define QT_NO_DIALOG
   551 /*!
   552   Semi-modal dialogs
   553 */
   554 //#define QT_NO_SEMIMODAL
   555 /*!
   556   Framed widgets
   557 */
   558 //#define QT_NO_FRAME
   560 /*!
   561   Special widget effects (fading, scrolling)
   562 */
   563 //#define QT_NO_EFFECTS
   566 /*!
   567   QLabel
   568 */
   569 #ifdef QT_NO_FRAME
   570 # define QT_NO_LABEL
   571 #endif
   573 /*!
   574   Toolbars
   575 */
   576 #ifdef QT_NO_LAYOUT
   577 # define QT_NO_TOOLBAR
   578 #endif
   580 /*!
   581   Buttons
   582 */
   583 #if defined(QT_NO_BUTTON) || defined(QT_NO_STYLE)
   584 /*!
   585   Check-boxes
   586 */
   587 # define QT_NO_CHECKBOX
   588 /*!
   589   Radio-buttons
   590 */
   591 # define QT_NO_RADIOBUTTON
   592 #endif
   593 #if defined(QT_NO_BUTTON) || defined(QT_NO_TOOLBAR) || defined(QT_NO_ICONSET)
   594 /*!
   595   Tool-buttons
   596 */
   597 # define QT_NO_TOOLBUTTON
   598 #endif
   599 /*!
   600   Grid layout widgets
   601 */
   602 #ifdef QT_NO_FRAME
   603 # define QT_NO_GRID
   604 #endif
   605 /*!
   606   Group boxes
   607 */
   608 #ifdef QT_NO_FRAME
   609 # define QT_NO_GROUPBOX
   610 #endif
   611 #if defined(QT_NO_GROUPBOX)
   612 /*!
   613   Button groups
   614 */
   615 # define QT_NO_BUTTONGROUP
   616 /*!
   617   Horizontal group boxes
   618 */
   619 # define QT_NO_HGROUPBOX
   620 #endif
   621 #if defined(QT_NO_HGROUPBOX)
   622 /*!
   623   Vertical group boxes
   624 */
   625 # define QT_NO_VGROUPBOX
   626 #endif
   627 #if defined(QT_NO_BUTTONGROUP)
   628 /*!
   629   Horizontal button groups
   630 */
   631 #  define QT_NO_HBUTTONGROUP
   632 #endif
   633 #if defined(QT_NO_HBUTTONGROUP)
   634 /*!
   635   Vertical button groups
   636 */
   637 #   define QT_NO_VBUTTONGROUP
   638 #endif
   639 /*!
   640   Horizonal box layout widgets
   641 */
   642 #ifdef QT_NO_FRAME
   643 # define QT_NO_HBOX
   644 #endif
   645 #if defined(QT_NO_HBOX)
   646 /*!
   647   Vertical box layout widgets
   648 */
   649 # define QT_NO_VBOX
   650 #endif
   651 /*!
   652   Single-line edits
   653 */
   654 #if defined(QT_NO_PALETTE)
   655 # define QT_NO_LINEEDIT
   656 #endif
   657 #if defined(QT_NO_TOOLBAR)
   658 /*!
   659   Main-windows
   660 */
   661 # define QT_NO_MAINWINDOW
   662 #endif
   663 #if defined(QT_NO_ICONSET)
   664 /*!
   665   Menu-like widgets
   666 */
   667 # define QT_NO_MENUDATA
   668 #endif
   669 #if defined(QT_NO_MENUDATA)
   670 /*!
   671   Popup-menus
   672 */
   673 # define QT_NO_POPUPMENU
   674 /*!
   675   Menu bars
   676 */
   677 # define QT_NO_MENUBAR
   678 #endif
   679 #if defined(QT_NO_BUTTON) || defined(QT_NO_ICONSET) || defined(QT_NO_POPUPMENU)
   680 /*!
   681   Push-buttons
   682 */
   683 # define QT_NO_PUSHBUTTON
   684 #endif
   685 /*!
   686   Progress bars
   687 */
   688 #ifdef QT_NO_FRAME
   689 # define QT_NO_PROGRESSBAR
   690 #endif
   691 /*!
   692   Range-control widgets
   693 */
   694 //#define QT_NO_RANGECONTROL
   695 #if defined(QT_NO_RANGECONTROL) || defined(QT_NO_STYLE)
   696 /*!
   697   Scroll bars
   698 */
   699 # define QT_NO_SCROLLBAR
   700 /*!
   701   Sliders
   702 */
   703 # define QT_NO_SLIDER
   704 /*!
   705   Spin boxes
   706 */
   707 # define QT_NO_SPINBOX
   708 /*!
   709   Dials
   710 */
   711 # define QT_NO_DIAL
   712 #endif
   715 #if defined(QT_NO_SCROLLBAR) || defined(QT_NO_FRAME)
   716 /*!
   717   Scrollable view widgets
   718 */
   719 # define QT_NO_SCROLLVIEW
   720 #endif
   721 #if defined(QT_NO_SCROLLVIEW)
   722 /*!
   723     QCanvas
   724 */
   725 # define QT_NO_CANVAS
   726 /*!
   727     QIconView
   728 */
   729 # define QT_NO_ICONVIEW
   730 #endif
   732 #if defined(QT_NO_SCROLLBAR)
   733 /*!
   734   Table-like widgets
   735 */
   736 # define QT_NO_TABLEVIEW
   737 #endif
   738 #if defined(QT_NO_TABLEVIEW)
   739 /*!
   740   Multi-line edits
   741 */
   742 # define QT_NO_MULTILINEEDIT
   743 #endif
   745 /*!
   746   Splitters
   747 */
   748 #ifdef QT_NO_FRAME
   749 # define QT_NO_SPLITTER
   750 #endif
   751 /*!
   752   Status bars
   753 */
   754 #ifdef QT_NO_LAYOUT
   755 # define QT_NO_STATUSBAR
   756 #endif
   757 /*!
   758   Tab-bars
   759 */
   760 #if defined(QT_NO_ICONSET)
   761 # define QT_NO_TABBAR
   762 #endif
   763 #if defined(QT_NO_TABBAR)
   764 /*!
   765   Tab widgets
   766 */
   767 # define QT_NO_TABWIDGET
   768 #endif
   769 /*!
   770   Tool tips
   771 */
   772 #if defined( QT_NO_LABEL ) || defined( QT_NO_PALETTE )
   773 # define QT_NO_TOOLTIP
   774 #endif
   775 /*!
   776   Input validators
   777 */
   778 //#define QT_NO_VALIDATOR
   779 /*!
   780   "What's this" help
   781 */
   782 #if defined( QT_NO_TOOLTIP )
   783 # define QT_NO_WHATSTHIS
   784 #endif
   785 /*!
   786   Widget stacks
   787 */
   788 #ifdef QT_NO_FRAME
   789 # define QT_NO_WIDGETSTACK
   790 #endif
   792 #if defined(QT_NO_RICHTEXT) || defined(QT_NO_SCROLLVIEW)
   793     /*!
   794 	QTextView
   795     */
   796 # define QT_NO_TEXTVIEW
   797 #endif
   799 #if defined(QT_NO_TEXTVIEW)
   800     /*!
   801 	QTextBrowser
   802     */
   803 # define QT_NO_TEXTBROWSER
   804 #endif
   806 #if defined(QT_NO_STYLE)
   807     /*!
   808 	Windows style
   809     */
   810 # define QT_NO_STYLE_WINDOWS
   811     /*!
   812 	Motif style
   813     */
   814 # define QT_NO_STYLE_MOTIF
   815 #endif
   817 #if defined(QT_NO_STYLE_MOTIF)
   818     /*!
   819 	Motif-plus style
   820     */
   821 # define QT_NO_STYLE_MOTIFPLUS
   822 #endif
   825 #if defined(QT_NO_SCROLLVIEW) || defined(QT_NO_STRINGLIST)
   826     /*!
   827 	QListBox
   828     */
   829 # define QT_NO_LISTBOX
   830 #endif
   832 /*!
   833     QAccel
   834 */
   835 //#define QT_NO_ACCEL
   837 /*!
   838     QSizeGrip
   839 */
   840 #ifdef QT_NO_PALETTE
   841 # define QT_NO_SIZEGRIP
   842 #endif
   843 /*!
   844     QHeader
   845 */
   846 #ifdef QT_NO_ICONSET
   847 # define QT_NO_HEADER
   848 #endif
   849 /*!
   850     QWorkSpace
   851 */
   852 #ifdef QT_NO_FRAME
   853 # define QT_NO_WORKSPACE
   854 #endif
   855 /*!
   856     QLCDNumber
   857 */
   858 #ifdef QT_NO_FRAME
   859 # define QT_NO_LCDNUMBER
   860 #endif
   861 /*!
   862     QAction
   863 */
   864 //#define QT_NO_ACTION
   866 #if defined(QT_NO_HEADER)
   867     /*!
   868 	QTable
   869     */
   870 # define QT_NO_TABLE
   871 #endif
   873 #if defined(QT_NO_LISTBOX)
   874     /*!
   875 	QComboBox
   876     */
   877 # define QT_NO_COMBOBOX
   878 #endif    
   880 #if defined(QT_NO_HEADER) || defined(QT_NO_SCROLLVIEW)
   881     /*!
   882 	QListView
   883     */
   884 # define QT_NO_LISTVIEW
   885 #endif
   887 #if defined(QT_NO_STYLE_WINDOWS)
   888     /*!
   889 	Compact Windows style
   890     */
   891 # define QT_NO_STYLE_COMPACT
   892 #endif
   894 #if defined(QT_NO_STYLE_MOTIF) || defined(QT_NO_TRANSFORMATIONS)
   895     /*!
   896 	CDE style
   897     */
   898 # define QT_NO_STYLE_CDE
   899     /*!
   900 	SGI style
   901     */
   902 # define QT_NO_STYLE_SGI
   903 #endif
   904 #if defined(QT_NO_STYLE_WINDOWS)
   905     /*!
   906 	Platinum style
   907     */
   908 # define QT_NO_STYLE_PLATINUM
   909 #endif
   911 /*!
   912     QColorDialog
   913 */
   914 #if defined(QT_NO_LAYOUT) || defined(QT_NO_LABEL) || defined(QT_NO_PUSHBUTTON) || defined(QT_NO_DIALOG)
   915 # define QT_NO_COLORDIALOG
   916 #endif
   917 #if defined(QT_NO_DIALOG)
   918 /*!
   919     QMessageBox
   920 */
   921 # define QT_NO_MESSAGEBOX
   922 #endif
   923 #if defined(QT_NO_DIALOG) || defined(QT_NO_TABBAR)
   924 /*!
   925     QTabDialog
   926 */
   927 #define QT_NO_TABDIALOG
   928 #endif
   930 #if defined(QT_NO_DIALOG)
   931 /*!
   932     QWizard
   933 */
   934 # define QT_NO_WIZARD
   935 #endif
   937 #if defined(QT_NO_DIALOG) || defined(QT_NO_LISTVIEW) || defined(QT_NO_NETWORKPROTOCOL) || defined(QT_NO_COMBOBOX) || defined(QT_NO_DIR) || defined(QT_NO_MESSAGEBOX) || defined(QT_NO_SEMIMODAL)
   938     /*!
   939 	QFileDialog
   940     */
   941 # define QT_NO_FILEDIALOG
   942 #endif
   944 #if defined(QT_NO_DIALOG) || defined(QT_NO_FONTDATABASE) || defined(QT_NO_COMBOBOX)
   945     /*!
   946 	QFontDialog
   947     */
   948 # define QT_NO_FONTDIALOG
   949 #endif
   951 #if defined(QT_NO_DIALOG) || defined(QT_NO_LISTVIEW) || defined(QT_NO_PRINTER) || defined(QT_NO_COMBOBOX) || defined(QT_NO_DIR) || defined(QT_NO_LAYOUT) || defined(QT_NO_LABEL)
   952     /*!
   953 	QPrintDialog
   954     */
   955 # define QT_NO_PRINTDIALOG
   956 #endif
   958 #if defined(QT_NO_SEMIMODAL)
   959     /*!
   960 	QProgressDialog
   961     */
   962 # define QT_NO_PROGRESSDIALOG
   963 #endif
   964 #if defined(QT_NO_DIALOG) || defined(QT_NO_COMBOBOX)
   965     /*!
   966 	QInputDialog
   967     */
   968 # define QT_NO_INPUTDIALOG
   969 #endif
   971 #if defined(QT_NO_STRINGLIST)
   972     /*!
   973 	Session management support
   974     */
   975 # define QT_NO_SESSIONMANAGER
   976 #endif
   978 #endif // QFEATURES_H