changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2001 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  * Based on qfile_unix.cpp 
    17  *
    18  * Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.
    19  */
    21 #include "qglobal.h"
    23 #include "qfile.h"
    24 #include "qfiledefs_p.h"
    26 #if defined(_OS_MAC_) || defined(_OS_MSDOS_) || defined(_OS_WIN32_) || defined(_OS_OS2_)
    27 # define HAS_TEXT_FILEMODE			// has translate/text filemode
    28 #endif
    29 #if defined(O_NONBLOCK)
    30 # define HAS_ASYNC_FILEMODE
    31 # define OPEN_ASYNC O_NONBLOCK
    32 #elif defined(O_NDELAY)
    33 # define HAS_ASYNC_FILEMODE
    34 # define OPEN_ASYNC O_NDELAY
    35 #endif
    37 bool qt_file_access( const QString& fn, int t )
    38 {
    39     if ( fn.isEmpty() )
    40 	return FALSE;
    41     return ACCESS( QFile::encodeName(fn), t ) == 0;
    42 }
    44 /*!
    45   Removes the file \a fileName.
    46   Returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
    47 */
    49 bool QFile::remove( const QString &fileName )
    50 {
    51     if ( fileName.isEmpty() ) {
    52 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
    53 	qWarning( "QFile::remove: Empty or null file name" );
    54 #endif
    55 	return FALSE;
    56     }
    57     return ::remove( QFile::encodeName(fileName) ) == 0;	
    58     // unlink more common in UNIX
    59 }
    61 #if defined(O_NONBLOCK)
    62 # define HAS_ASYNC_FILEMODE
    63 # define OPEN_ASYNC O_NONBLOCK
    64 #elif defined(O_NDELAY)
    65 # define HAS_ASYNC_FILEMODE
    66 # define OPEN_ASYNC O_NDELAY
    67 #endif
    69 /*!
    70   Opens the file specified by the file name currently set, using the mode \e m.
    71   Returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
    73   The mode parameter \e m must be a combination of the following flags:
    74   <ul>
    75   <li>\c IO_Raw specified raw (non-buffered) file access.
    76   <li>\c IO_ReadOnly opens the file in read-only mode.
    77   <li>\c IO_WriteOnly opens the file in write-only mode (and truncates).
    78   <li>\c IO_ReadWrite opens the file in read/write mode, equivalent to
    79   \c (IO_ReadOnly|IO_WriteOnly).
    80   <li>\c IO_Append opens the file in append mode. This mode is very useful
    81   when you want to write something to a log file. The file index is set to
    82   the end of the file. Note that the result is undefined if you position the
    83   file index manually using at() in append mode.
    84   <li>\c IO_Truncate truncates the file.
    85   <li>\c IO_Translate enables carriage returns and linefeed translation
    86   for text files under MS-DOS, Windows and OS/2.
    87   </ul>
    89   The raw access mode is best when I/O is block-operated using 4kB block size
    90   or greater. Buffered access works better when reading small portions of
    91   data at a time.
    93   <strong>Important:</strong> When working with buffered files, data may
    94   not be written to the file at once. Call \link flush() flush\endlink
    95   to make sure the data is really written.
    97   \warning We have experienced problems with some C libraries when a buffered
    98   file is opened for both reading and writing. If a read operation takes place
    99   immediately after a write operation, the read buffer contains garbage data.
   100   Worse, the same garbage is written to the file. Calling flush() before
   101   readBlock() solved this problem.
   103   If the file does not exist and \c IO_WriteOnly or \c IO_ReadWrite is
   104   specified, it is created.
   106   Example:
   107   \code
   108     QFile f1( "/tmp/data.bin" );
   109     QFile f2( "readme.txt" );
   110     f1.open( IO_Raw | IO_ReadWrite | IO_Append );
   111     f2.open( IO_ReadOnly | IO_Translate );
   112   \endcode
   114   \sa name(), close(), isOpen(), flush()
   115 */
   117 bool QFile::open( int m )
   118 {
   119     if ( isOpen() ) {				// file already open
   120 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
   121 	qWarning( "QFile::open: File already open" );
   122 #endif
   123 	return FALSE;
   124     }
   125     if ( fn.isNull() ) {			// no file name defined
   126 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
   127 	qWarning( "QFile::open: No file name specified" );
   128 #endif
   129 	return FALSE;
   130     }
   131     init();					// reset params
   132     setMode( m );
   133     if ( !(isReadable() || isWritable()) ) {
   134 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   135 	qWarning( "QFile::open: File access not specified" );
   136 #endif
   137 	return FALSE;
   138     }
   139     bool ok = TRUE;
   140     STATBUF st;
   141     if ( isRaw() ) {				// raw file I/O
   142 	int oflags = OPEN_RDONLY;
   143 	if ( isReadable() && isWritable() )
   144 	    oflags = OPEN_RDWR;
   145 	else if ( isWritable() )
   146 	    oflags = OPEN_WRONLY;
   147 	if ( flags() & IO_Append ) {		// append to end of file?
   148 	    if ( flags() & IO_Truncate )
   149 		oflags |= (OPEN_CREAT | OPEN_TRUNC);
   150 	    else
   151 		oflags |= (OPEN_APPEND | OPEN_CREAT);
   152 	    setFlags( flags() | IO_WriteOnly ); // append implies write
   153 	} else if ( isWritable() ) {		// create/trunc if writable
   154 	    if ( flags() & IO_Truncate )
   155 		oflags |= (OPEN_CREAT | OPEN_TRUNC);
   156 	    else
   157 		oflags |= OPEN_CREAT;
   158 	}
   159 #if defined(HAS_TEXT_FILEMODE)
   160 	if ( isTranslated() )
   161 	    oflags |= OPEN_TEXT;
   162 	else
   163 	    oflags |= OPEN_BINARY;
   164 #endif
   165 #if defined(HAS_ASYNC_FILEMODE)
   166 	if ( isAsynchronous() )
   167 	    oflags |= OPEN_ASYNC;
   168 #endif
   169 	fd = OPEN( QFile::encodeName(fn), oflags, 0666 );
   171 	if ( fd != -1 ) {			// open successful
   172 	    FSTAT( fd, &st ); // get the stat for later usage
   173 	} else {
   174 	    ok = FALSE;
   175 	}
   176     } else {					// buffered file I/O
   177 	QCString perm;
   178 	char perm2[4];
   179 	bool try_create = FALSE;
   180 	if ( flags() & IO_Append ) {		// append to end of file?
   181 	    setFlags( flags() | IO_WriteOnly ); // append implies write
   182 	    perm = isReadable() ? "a+" : "a";
   183 	} else {
   184 	    if ( isReadWrite() ) {
   185 		if ( flags() & IO_Truncate ) {
   186 		    perm = "w+";
   187 		} else {
   188 		    perm = "r+";
   189 		    try_create = TRUE;		// try to create if not exists
   190 		}
   191 	    } else if ( isReadable() ) {
   192 		perm = "r";
   193 	    } else if ( isWritable() ) {
   194 		perm = "w";
   195 	    }
   196 	}
   197 	qstrcpy( perm2, perm );
   198 	if ( isTranslated() )
   199 	    strcat( perm2, "t" );
   200 	else
   201 	    strcat( perm2, "b" );
   202 	while (1) { // At most twice
   204 	    fh = fopen( QFile::encodeName(fn), perm2 );
   206 	    if ( !fh && try_create ) {
   207 		perm2[0] = 'w';			// try "w+" instead of "r+"
   208 		try_create = FALSE;
   209 	    } else {
   210 		break;
   211 	    }
   212 	}
   213 	if ( fh ) {
   214 	    FSTAT( FILENO(fh), &st ); // get the stat for later usage
   215 	} else {
   216 	    ok = FALSE;
   217 	}
   218     }
   219     if ( ok ) {
   220 	setState( IO_Open );
   221 	// on successful open the file stat was got; now test what type
   222 	// of file we have
   223 	if ( (st.st_mode & STAT_MASK) != STAT_REG ) {
   224 	    // non-seekable
   225 	    setType( IO_Sequential );
   226 	    length = INT_MAX;
   227 	    ioIndex  = (flags() & IO_Append) == 0 ? 0 : length;
   228 	} else {
   229 	    length = (int)st.st_size;
   230 	    ioIndex  = (flags() & IO_Append) == 0 ? 0 : length;
   231 	    if ( (flags() & !IO_Truncate) && length == 0 && isReadable() ) {
   232 		// try if you can read from it (if you can, it's a sequential
   233 		// device; e.g. a file in the /proc filesystem)
   234 		int c = getch();
   235 		if ( c != -1 ) {
   236 		    ungetch(c);
   237 		    setType( IO_Sequential );
   238 		    length = INT_MAX;
   239 		}
   240 	    }
   241 	}
   242     } else {
   243 	init();
   244 	if ( errno == EMFILE )			// no more file handles/descrs
   245 	    setStatus( IO_ResourceError );
   246 	else
   247 	    setStatus( IO_OpenError );
   248     }
   249     return ok;
   250 }
   252 /*!
   253   Opens a file in the mode \e m using an existing file handle \e f.
   254   Returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
   256   Example:
   257   \code
   258     #include <stdio.h>
   260     void printError( const char* msg )
   261     {
   262 	QFile f;
   263 	f.open( IO_WriteOnly, stderr );
   264 	f.writeBlock( msg, qstrlen(msg) );	// write to stderr
   265 	f.close();
   266     }
   267   \endcode
   269   When a QFile is opened using this function, close() does not actually
   270   close the file, only flushes it.
   272   \warning If \e f is \c stdin, \c stdout, \c stderr, you may not
   273   be able to seek.  See QIODevice::isSequentialAccess() for more
   274   information.
   276   \sa close()
   277 */
   279 bool QFile::open( int m, FILE *f )
   280 {
   281     if ( isOpen() ) {
   282 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   283 	qWarning( "QFile::open: File already open" );
   284 #endif
   285 	return FALSE;
   286     }
   287     init();
   288     setMode( m &~IO_Raw );
   289     setState( IO_Open );
   290     fh = f;
   291     ext_f = TRUE;
   292     STATBUF st;
   293     FSTAT( FILENO(fh), &st );
   294     ioIndex = (int)ftell( fh );
   295     if ( (st.st_mode & STAT_MASK) != STAT_REG ) {
   296 	// non-seekable
   297 	setType( IO_Sequential );
   298 	length = INT_MAX;
   299     } else {
   300 	length = (int)st.st_size;
   301 	if ( (flags() & !IO_Truncate) && length == 0 && isReadable() ) {
   302 	    // try if you can read from it (if you can, it's a sequential
   303 	    // device; e.g. a file in the /proc filesystem)
   304 	    int c = getch();
   305 	    if ( c != -1 ) {
   306 		ungetch(c);
   307 		setType( IO_Sequential );
   308 		length = INT_MAX;
   309 	    }
   310 	}
   311     }
   312     return TRUE;
   313 }
   315 /*!
   316   Opens a file in the mode \e m using an existing file descriptor \e f.
   317   Returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
   319   When a QFile is opened using this function, close() does not actually
   320   close the file.
   322   \warning If \e f is one of 0 (stdin), 1 (stdout) or 2 (stderr), you may not
   323   be able to seek. size() is set to \c INT_MAX (in limits.h).
   325   \sa close()
   326 */
   329 bool QFile::open( int m, int f )
   330 {
   331     if ( isOpen() ) {
   332 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   333 	qWarning( "QFile::open: File already open" );
   334 #endif
   335 	return FALSE;
   336     }
   337     init();
   338     setMode( m |IO_Raw );
   339     setState( IO_Open );
   340     fd = f;
   341     ext_f = TRUE;
   342     STATBUF st;
   343     FSTAT( fd, &st );
   344     ioIndex  = (int)LSEEK(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
   345     if ( (st.st_mode & STAT_MASK) != STAT_REG ) {
   346 	// non-seekable
   347 	setType( IO_Sequential );
   348 	length = INT_MAX;
   349     } else {
   350 	length = (int)st.st_size;
   351 	if ( length == 0 && isReadable() ) {
   352 	    // try if you can read from it (if you can, it's a sequential
   353 	    // device; e.g. a file in the /proc filesystem)
   354 	    int c = getch();
   355 	    if ( c != -1 ) {
   356 		ungetch(c);
   357 		setType( IO_Sequential );
   358 		length = INT_MAX;
   359 	    }
   360 	}
   361     }
   362     return TRUE;
   363 }
   365 /*!
   366   Returns the file size.
   367   \sa at()
   368 */
   370 uint QFile::size() const
   371 {
   372     STATBUF st;
   373     if ( isOpen() ) {
   374 	FSTAT( fh ? FILENO(fh) : fd, &st );
   375     } else {
   376 	STAT( QFile::encodeName(fn), &st );
   377     }
   378     return st.st_size;
   379 }
   381 /*!
   382   \fn int QFile::at() const
   383   Returns the file index.
   384   \sa size()
   385 */
   387 /*!
   388   Sets the file index to \e pos. Returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
   390   Example:
   391   \code
   392     QFile f( "data.bin" );
   393     f.open( IO_ReadOnly );			// index set to 0
   394     f.at( 100 );				// set index to 100
   395     f.at( f.at()+50 );				// set index to 150
   396     f.at( f.size()-80 );			// set index to 80 before EOF
   397     f.close();
   398   \endcode
   400   \warning The result is undefined if the file was \link open() opened\endlink
   401   using the \c IO_Append specifier.
   403   \sa size(), open()
   404 */
   406 bool QFile::at( int pos )
   407 {
   408     if ( !isOpen() ) {
   409 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
   410 	qWarning( "QFile::at: File is not open" );
   411 #endif
   412 	return FALSE;
   413     }
   414     bool ok;
   415     if ( isRaw() ) {				// raw file
   416 	pos = (int)LSEEK(fd, pos, SEEK_SET);
   417 	ok = pos != -1;
   418     } else {					// buffered file
   419 	ok = fseek(fh, pos, SEEK_SET) == 0;
   420     }
   421     if ( ok )
   422 	ioIndex = pos;
   423 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   424     else
   425 	qWarning( "QFile::at: Cannot set file position %d", pos );
   426 #endif
   427     return ok;
   428 }
   430 /*!
   431   Reads at most \e len bytes from the file into \e p and returns the
   432   number of bytes actually read.
   434   Returns -1 if a serious error occurred.
   436   \warning We have experienced problems with some C libraries when a buffered
   437   file is opened for both reading and writing. If a read operation takes place
   438   immediately after a write operation, the read buffer contains garbage data.
   439   Worse, the same garbage is written to the file. Calling flush() before
   440   readBlock() solved this problem.
   442   \sa writeBlock()
   443 */
   445 int QFile::readBlock( char *p, uint len )
   446 {
   447 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
   448     if ( !p )
   449 	qWarning( "QFile::readBlock: Null pointer error" );
   450 #endif
   451 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
   452     if ( !isOpen() ) {				// file not open
   453 	qWarning( "QFile::readBlock: File not open" );
   454 	return -1;
   455     }
   456     if ( !isReadable() ) {			// reading not permitted
   457 	qWarning( "QFile::readBlock: Read operation not permitted" );
   458 	return -1;
   459     }
   460 #endif
   461     int nread;					// number of bytes read
   462     if ( isRaw() ) {				// raw file
   463 	nread = READ( fd, p, len );
   464 	if ( len && nread <= 0 ) {
   465 	    nread = 0;
   466 	    setStatus(IO_ReadError);
   467 	}
   468     } else {					// buffered file
   469 	nread = fread( p, 1, len, fh );
   470 	if ( (uint)nread != len ) {
   471 	    if ( ferror( fh ) || nread==0 )
   472 		setStatus(IO_ReadError);
   473 	}
   474     }
   475     ioIndex += nread;
   476     return nread;
   477 }
   479 /*! \overload int writeBlock( const QByteArray& data )
   480 */
   482 /*! \reimp
   484   Writes \e len bytes from \e p to the file and returns the number of
   485   bytes actually written.
   487   Returns -1 if a serious error occurred.
   489   \warning When working with buffered files, data may not be written
   490   to the file at once. Call flush() to make sure the data is really
   491   written.
   493   \sa readBlock()
   494 */
   496 int QFile::writeBlock( const char *p, uint len )
   497 {
   498 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
   499     if ( p == 0 && len != 0 )
   500 	qWarning( "QFile::writeBlock: Null pointer error" );
   501 #endif
   502 #if defined(CHECK_STATE)
   503     if ( !isOpen() ) {				// file not open
   504 	qWarning( "QFile::writeBlock: File not open" );
   505 	return -1;
   506     }
   507     if ( !isWritable() ) {			// writing not permitted
   508 	qWarning( "QFile::writeBlock: Write operation not permitted" );
   509 	return -1;
   510     }
   511 #endif
   512     int nwritten;				// number of bytes written
   513     if ( isRaw() )				// raw file
   514 	nwritten = WRITE( fd, p, len );
   515     else					// buffered file
   516 	nwritten = fwrite( p, 1, len, fh );
   517     if ( nwritten != (int)len ) {		// write error
   518 	if ( errno == ENOSPC )			// disk is full
   519 	    setStatus( IO_ResourceError );
   520 	else
   521 	    setStatus( IO_WriteError );
   522 	if ( isRaw() )				// recalc file position
   523 	    ioIndex = (int)LSEEK( fd, 0, SEEK_CUR );
   524 	else
   525 	    ioIndex = fseek( fh, 0, SEEK_CUR );
   526     } else {
   527 	ioIndex += nwritten;
   528     }
   529     if ( ioIndex > length )			// update file length
   530 	length = ioIndex;
   531     return nwritten;
   532 }
   534 /*!
   535   Returns the file handle of the file.
   537   This is a small positive integer, suitable for use with C library
   538   functions such as fdopen() and fcntl(), as well as with QSocketNotifier.
   540   If the file is not open or there is an error, handle() returns -1.
   542   \sa QSocketNotifier
   543 */
   545 int QFile::handle() const
   546 {
   547     if ( !isOpen() )
   548 	return -1;
   549     else if ( fh )
   550 	return FILENO( fh );
   551     else
   552 	return fd;
   553 }
   555 /*!
   556   Closes an open file.
   558   The file is not closed if it was opened with an existing file handle.
   559   If the existing file handle is a \c FILE*, the file is flushed.
   560   If the existing file handle is an \c int file descriptor, nothing
   561   is done to the file.
   563   Some "write-behind" filesystems may report an unspecified error on
   564   closing the file. These errors only indicate that something may
   565   have gone wrong since the previous open(). In such a case status()
   566   reports IO_UnspecifiedError after close(), otherwise IO_Ok.
   568   \sa open(), flush()
   569 */
   572 void QFile::close()
   573 {
   574     bool ok = FALSE;
   575     if ( isOpen() ) {				// file is not open
   576 	if ( fh ) {				// buffered file
   577 	    if ( ext_f )
   578 		ok = fflush( fh ) != -1;	// flush instead of closing
   579 	    else
   580 		ok = fclose( fh ) != -1;
   581 	} else {				// raw file
   582 	    if ( ext_f )
   583 		ok = TRUE;			// cannot close
   584 	    else
   585 		ok = CLOSE( fd ) != -1;
   586 	}
   587 	init();					// restore internal state
   588     }
   589     if (!ok)
   590 	setStatus (IO_UnspecifiedError);
   592     return;
   593 }
   595 int64 QFile::pos() const
   596 {
   597   if (isOpen())
   598   {
   599     // TODO: support 64 bit size
   600     return ftell( fh );
   601   }
   602   return -1;
   603 }
   605 int64 QFile::toEnd() 
   606 {
   607   if (isOpen())
   608   {
   609      // TODO: support 64 bit size
   610      if (fseek( fh, 0, SEEK_END )!=-1)
   611      {
   612        return ftell( fh );
   613      }
   614   }
   615   return -1;
   616 }
   618 bool QFile::seek( int64 pos )
   619 {
   620   if (isOpen())
   621   {
   622     // TODO: support 64 bit size
   623     return fseek( fh, pos, SEEK_SET )!=-1;
   624   }
   625   return FALSE;
   626 }