changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 ** 
     3 **
     4 ** Global functions
     5 **
     6 ** Created : 920604
     7 **
     8 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
     9 **
    10 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
    11 **
    12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
    13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
    14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
    15 **
    16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
    17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
    18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
    19 ** packaging of this file.
    20 **
    21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
    22 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
    23 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
    24 **
    25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
    27 **
    28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
    29 **   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
    30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
    31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
    32 **
    33 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
    34 ** not clear to you.
    35 **
    36 **********************************************************************/
    38 #include "qglobal.h"
    39 #include "qasciidict.h"
    40 #include "qstring.h"
    41 #include <stdio.h>
    42 #include <stdarg.h>
    43 #include <stdlib.h>
    45 // NOT REVISED
    47 /*!
    48   \relates QApplication
    49   Returns the Qt version number for the library, typically "1.30"
    50   or "2.1.0".
    51 */
    53 const char *qVersion()
    54 {
    55     return QT_VERSION_STR;
    56 }
    59 /*****************************************************************************
    60   System detection routines
    61  *****************************************************************************/
    63 static bool si_alreadyDone = FALSE;
    64 static int  si_wordSize;
    65 static bool si_bigEndian;
    67 /*!
    68   \relates QApplication
    69   Obtains information about the system.
    71   The system's word size in bits (typically 32) is returned in \e *wordSize.
    72   The \e *bigEndian is set to TRUE if this is a big-endian machine,
    73   or to FALSE if this is a little-endian machine.
    75   This function calls qFatal() with a message if the computer is truly weird
    76   (i.e. different endianness for 16 bit and 32 bit integers).
    77 */
    79 bool qSysInfo( int *wordSize, bool *bigEndian )
    80 {
    81 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
    82     ASSERT( wordSize != 0 );
    83     ASSERT( bigEndian != 0 );
    84 #endif
    86     if ( si_alreadyDone ) {			// run it only once
    87 	*wordSize  = si_wordSize;
    88 	*bigEndian = si_bigEndian;
    89 	return TRUE;
    90     }
    91     si_alreadyDone = TRUE;
    93     si_wordSize = 0;
    94     uint n = (uint)(~0);
    95     while ( n ) {				// detect word size
    96 	si_wordSize++;
    97 	n /= 2;
    98     }
    99     *wordSize = si_wordSize;
   101     if ( *wordSize != 64 &&
   102 	 *wordSize != 32 &&
   103 	 *wordSize != 16 ) {			// word size: 16, 32 or 64
   104 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   105 	qFatal( "qSysInfo: Unsupported system word size %d", *wordSize );
   106 #endif
   107 	return FALSE;
   108     }
   109     if ( sizeof(Q_INT8) != 1 || sizeof(Q_INT16) != 2 || sizeof(Q_INT32) != 4 ||
   110 	 sizeof(float) != 4 || sizeof(double) != 8 ) {
   111 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   112 	qFatal( "qSysInfo: Unsupported system data type size" );
   113 #endif
   114 	return FALSE;
   115     }
   117     bool  be16, be32;				// determine byte ordering
   118     short ns = 0x1234;
   119     int	  nl = 0x12345678;
   121     unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)(&ns);	// 16-bit integer
   122     be16 = *p == 0x12;
   124     p = (unsigned char *)(&nl);			// 32-bit integer
   125     if ( p[0] == 0x12 && p[1] == 0x34 && p[2] == 0x56 && p[3] == 0x78 )
   126 	be32 = TRUE;
   127     else
   128     if ( p[0] == 0x78 && p[1] == 0x56 && p[2] == 0x34 && p[3] == 0x12 )
   129 	be32 = FALSE;
   130     else
   131 	be32 = !be16;
   133     if ( be16 != be32 ) {			// strange machine!
   134 #if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
   135 	qFatal( "qSysInfo: Inconsistent system byte order" );
   136 #endif
   137 	return FALSE;
   138     }
   140     *bigEndian = si_bigEndian = be32;
   141     return TRUE;
   142 }
   145 /*****************************************************************************
   146   Debug output routines
   147  *****************************************************************************/
   149 /*!
   150   \fn void qDebug( const char *msg, ... )
   152   \relates QApplication
   153   Prints a debug message, or calls the message handler (if it has been
   154   installed).
   156   This function takes a format string and a list of arguments, similar to
   157   the C printf() function.
   159   Example:
   160   \code
   161     qDebug( "my window handle = %x", myWidget->id() );
   162   \endcode
   164   Under X11, the text is printed to stderr.  Under Windows, the text is
   165   sent to the debugger.
   167   \warning The internal buffer is limited to 8196 bytes (including the
   168   0-terminator).
   170   \sa qWarning(), qFatal(), qInstallMsgHandler(),
   171   \link debug.html Debugging\endlink
   172 */
   174 /*!
   175   \fn void qWarning( const char *msg, ... )
   177   \relates QApplication
   178   Prints a warning message, or calls the message handler (if it has been
   179   installed).
   181   This function takes a format string and a list of arguments, similar to
   182   the C printf() function.
   184   Example:
   185   \code
   186     void f( int c )
   187     {
   188 	if ( c > 200 )
   189 	    qWarning( "f: bad argument, c == %d", c );
   190     }
   191   \endcode
   193   Under X11, the text is printed to stderr.  Under Windows, the text is
   194   sent to the debugger.
   196   \warning The internal buffer is limited to 8196 bytes (including the
   197   0-terminator).
   199   \sa qDebug(), qFatal(), qInstallMsgHandler(),
   200   \link debug.html Debugging\endlink
   201 */
   203 /*!
   204   \fn void qFatal( const char *msg, ... )
   206   \relates QApplication
   207   Prints a fatal error message and exits, or calls the message handler (if it
   208   has been installed).
   210   This function takes a format string and a list of arguments, similar to
   211   the C printf() function.
   213   Example:
   214   \code
   215     int divide( int a, int b )
   216     {
   217 	if ( b == 0 )				// program error
   218 	    qFatal( "divide: cannot divide by zero" );
   219 	return a/b;
   220     }
   221   \endcode
   223   Under X11, the text is printed to stderr.  Under Windows, the text is
   224   sent to the debugger.
   226   \warning The internal buffer is limited to 8196 bytes (including the
   227   0-terminator).
   229   \sa qDebug(), qWarning(), qInstallMsgHandler(),
   230   \link debug.html Debugging\endlink
   231 */
   234 static msg_handler handler = 0;			// pointer to debug handler
   237 #ifdef _OS_MAC_
   239 static FILE * mac_debug=0;
   241 void qDebug( const char *msg, ... )
   242 {
   243     mac_debug=fopen( "debug.txt", "a+" );
   244     if(mac_debug) {
   245 	char buf[8196];
   246 	va_list ap;
   247 	va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   248 	if ( handler ) {
   249 	    vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   250 	    va_end( ap );
   251 	    (*handler)( QtDebugMsg, buf );
   252 	} else {
   253 	    vfprintf( mac_debug, msg, ap );
   254 	    va_end( ap );
   255 	    fprintf( mac_debug, "\n" );		// add newline
   256 	    fflush( mac_debug );
   257 	}
   258 	fclose(mac_debug);
   259     } else {
   260 	exit(0);
   261     }
   262 }
   264 // copied... this looks really bad.
   265 void debug( const char *msg, ... )
   266 {
   267     mac_debug=fopen( "debug.txt", "a+" );
   268     if(mac_debug) {
   269 	char buf[8196];
   270 	va_list ap;
   271 	va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   272 	if ( handler ) {
   273 	    vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   274 	    va_end( ap );
   275 	    (*handler)( QtDebugMsg, buf );
   276 	} else {
   277 	    vfprintf( mac_debug, msg, ap );
   278 	    va_end( ap );
   279 	    fprintf( mac_debug, "\n" );		// add newline
   280 	    fflush( mac_debug );
   281 	}
   282 	fclose(mac_debug);
   283     }
   284 }
   286 void qWarning( const char *msg, ... )
   287 {
   288     mac_debug=fopen( "debug.txt", "a+" );
   289     if(mac_debug) {
   290 	char buf[8196];
   291 	va_list ap;
   292 	va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   293 	if ( handler ) {
   294 	    vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   295 	    va_end( ap );
   296 	    (*handler)( QtDebugMsg, buf );
   297 	} else {
   298 	    vfprintf( mac_debug, msg, ap );
   299 	    va_end( ap );
   300 	    fprintf( mac_debug, "\n" );		// add newline
   301 	    fflush( mac_debug );
   302 	}
   303 	fclose(mac_debug);
   304     }
   305 }
   307 // copied... this looks really bad.
   308 void warning( const char *msg, ... )
   309 {
   310     mac_debug=fopen( "debug.txt", "a+" );
   311     if(mac_debug) {
   312 	char buf[8196];
   313 	va_list ap;
   314 	va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   315 	if ( handler ) {
   316 	    vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   317 	    va_end( ap );
   318 	    (*handler)( QtDebugMsg, buf );
   319 	} else {
   320 	    vfprintf( mac_debug, msg, ap );
   321 	    va_end( ap );
   322 	    fprintf( mac_debug, "\n" );		// add newline
   323 	    fflush( mac_debug );
   324 	}
   325 	fclose(mac_debug);
   326     }
   327 }
   329 void qFatal( const char *msg, ... )
   330 {
   331     mac_debug=fopen( "debug.txt", "a+");
   332     if(mac_debug) {
   333 	char buf[8196];
   334 	va_list ap;
   335 	va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   336 	if ( handler ) {
   337 	    vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   338 	    va_end( ap );
   339 	    (*handler)( QtDebugMsg, buf );
   340 	} else {
   341 	    vfprintf( mac_debug, msg, ap );
   342 	    va_end( ap );
   343 	    fprintf( mac_debug, "\n" );		// add newline
   344 	    fflush( mac_debug );
   345 	}
   346 	fclose(mac_debug);
   347     }
   348     exit(0);
   349 }
   351 // copied... this looks really bad.
   352 void fatal( const char *msg, ... )
   353 {
   354     mac_debug=fopen( "debug.txt", "a+" );
   355     if(mac_debug) {
   356 	char buf[8196];
   357 	va_list ap;
   358 	va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   359 	if ( handler ) {
   360 	    vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   361 	    va_end( ap );
   362 	    (*handler)( QtDebugMsg, buf );
   363 	} else {
   364 	    vfprintf( mac_debug, msg, ap );
   365 	    va_end( ap );
   366 	    fprintf( mac_debug, "\n" );		// add newline
   367 	    fflush( mac_debug );
   368 	}
   369 	fclose(mac_debug);
   370     }
   371     exit(0);
   372 }
   374 #else
   376 void qDebug( const char *msg, ... )
   377 {
   378     char buf[8196];
   379     va_list ap;
   380     va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   381     if ( handler ) {
   382 	vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );		// ### vsnprintf would be great here
   383 	va_end( ap );
   384 	(*handler)( QtDebugMsg, buf );
   385     } else {
   386 	vfprintf( stderr, msg, ap );
   387 	va_end( ap );
   388 	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );		// add newline
   389     }
   390 }
   392 // copied... this looks really bad.
   393 void debug( const char *msg, ... )
   394 {
   395     char buf[8196];
   396     va_list ap;
   397     va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   398     if ( handler ) {
   399 	vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   400 	va_end( ap );
   401 	(*handler)( QtDebugMsg, buf );
   402     } else {
   403 	vfprintf( stderr, msg, ap );
   404 	va_end( ap );
   405 	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );		// add newline
   406     }
   407 }
   409 void qWarning( const char *msg, ... )
   410 {
   411     char buf[8196];
   412     va_list ap;
   413     va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   414     if ( handler ) {
   415 	vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   416 	va_end( ap );
   417 	(*handler)( QtWarningMsg, buf );
   418     } else {
   419 	vfprintf( stderr, msg, ap );
   420 	va_end( ap );
   421 	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );		// add newline
   422     }
   423 }
   426 // again, copied
   427 void warning( const char *msg, ... )
   428 {
   429     char buf[8196];
   430     va_list ap;
   431     va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   432     if ( handler ) {
   433 	vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   434 	va_end( ap );
   435 	(*handler)( QtWarningMsg, buf );
   436     } else {
   437 	vfprintf( stderr, msg, ap );
   438 	va_end( ap );
   439 	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );		// add newline
   440     }
   441 }
   443 void qFatal( const char *msg, ... )
   444 {
   445     char buf[8196];
   446     va_list ap;
   447     va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   448     if ( handler ) {
   449 	vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   450 	va_end( ap );
   451 	(*handler)( QtFatalMsg, buf );
   452     } else {
   453 	vfprintf( stderr, msg, ap );
   454 	va_end( ap );
   455 	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );		// add newline
   456 #if defined(_OS_UNIX_) && defined(DEBUG)
   457 	abort();				// trap; generates core dump
   458 #else
   459 	exit( 1 );				// goodbye cruel world
   460 #endif
   461     }
   462 }
   464 // yet again, copied
   465 void fatal( const char *msg, ... )
   466 {
   467     char buf[8196];
   468     va_list ap;
   469     va_start( ap, msg );			// use variable arg list
   470     if ( handler ) {
   471 	vsprintf( buf, msg, ap );
   472 	va_end( ap );
   473 	(*handler)( QtFatalMsg, buf );
   474     } else {
   475 	vfprintf( stderr, msg, ap );
   476 	va_end( ap );
   477 	fprintf( stderr, "\n" );		// add newline
   478 #if defined(_OS_UNIX_) && defined(DEBUG)
   479 	abort();				// trap; generates core dump
   480 #else
   481 	exit( 1 );				// goodbye cruel world
   482 #endif
   483     }
   484 }
   486 #endif
   489 /*!
   490   \fn void ASSERT( bool test )
   491   \relates QApplication
   492   Prints a warning message containing the source code file name and line number
   493   if \e test is FALSE.
   495   This is really a macro defined in qglobal.h.
   497   ASSERT is useful for testing required conditions in your program.
   499   Example:
   500   \code
   501     //
   502     // File: div.cpp
   503     //
   505     #include <qglobal.h>
   507     int divide( int a, int b )
   508     {
   509 	ASSERT( b != 0 );			// this is line 9
   510 	return a/b;
   511     }
   512   \endcode
   514   If \c b is zero, the ASSERT statement will output the following message
   515   using the qWarning() function:
   516   \code
   517     ASSERT: "b == 0" in div.cpp (9)
   518   \endcode
   520   \sa qWarning(), \link debug.html Debugging\endlink
   521 */
   524 /*!
   525   \fn void CHECK_PTR( void *p )
   526   \relates QApplication
   527   If \e p is null, a fatal messages says that the program ran out of memory
   528   and exits.  If \e p is not null, nothing happens.
   530   This is really a macro defined in qglobal.h.
   532   Example:
   533   \code
   534     int *a;
   535     CHECK_PTR( a = new int[80] );	// never do this!
   536       // do this instead:
   537     a = new int[80];
   538     CHECK_PTR( a );			// this is fine
   539   \endcode
   541   \sa qFatal(), \link debug.html Debugging\endlink
   542 */
   545 //
   546 // The CHECK_PTR macro calls this function to check if an allocation went ok.
   547 //
   549 bool qt_check_pointer( bool c, const char *n, int l )
   550 {
   551     if ( c )
   552 	qFatal( "In file %s, line %d: Out of memory", n, l );
   553     return TRUE;
   554 }
   557 static bool firstObsoleteWarning(const char *obj, const char *oldfunc )
   558 {
   559     static QAsciiDict<int> *obsoleteDict = 0;
   560     if ( !obsoleteDict ) {			// first time func is called
   561 	obsoleteDict = new QAsciiDict<int>;
   562 #if defined(DEBUG)
   563 	qDebug(
   564       "You are using obsolete functions in the Qt library. Call the function\n"
   565       "qSuppressObsoleteWarnings() to suppress obsolete warnings.\n"
   566 	     );
   567 #endif
   568     }
   569     QCString s( obj );
   570     s += "::";
   571     s += oldfunc;
   572     if ( obsoleteDict->find(s.data()) == 0 ) {
   573 	obsoleteDict->insert( s.data(), (int*)1 );	// anything different from 0
   574 	return TRUE;
   575     }
   576     return FALSE;
   577 }
   579 static bool suppressObsolete = FALSE;
   581 void qSuppressObsoleteWarnings( bool suppress )
   582 {
   583     suppressObsolete = suppress;
   584 }
   586 void qObsolete(	 const char *obj, const char *oldfunc, const char *newfunc )
   587 {
   588     if ( suppressObsolete )
   589 	return;
   590     if ( !firstObsoleteWarning(obj, oldfunc) )
   591 	return;
   592     if ( obj )
   593 	qDebug( "%s::%s: This function is obsolete, use %s instead.",
   594 	       obj, oldfunc, newfunc );
   595     else
   596 	qDebug( "%s: This function is obsolete, use %s instead.",
   597 	       oldfunc, newfunc );
   598 }
   600 void qObsolete(	 const char *obj, const char *oldfunc )
   601 {
   602     if ( suppressObsolete )
   603 	return;
   604     if ( !firstObsoleteWarning(obj, oldfunc) )
   605 	return;
   606     if ( obj )
   607 	qDebug( "%s::%s: This function is obsolete.", obj, oldfunc );
   608     else
   609 	qDebug( "%s: This function is obsolete.", oldfunc );
   610 }
   612 void qObsolete(	 const char *message )
   613 {
   614     if ( suppressObsolete )
   615 	return;
   616     if ( !firstObsoleteWarning( "Qt", message) )
   617 	return;
   618     qDebug( "%s", message );
   619 }
   622 /*!
   623   \relates QApplication
   624   Installs a Qt message handler.  Returns a pointer to the message handler
   625   previously defined.
   627   The message handler is a function that prints out debug messages,
   628   warnings and fatal error messages.  The Qt library (debug version)
   629   contains hundreds of warning messages that are printed when internal
   630   errors (usually invalid function arguments) occur.  If you implement
   631   your own message handler, you get total control of these messages.
   633   The default message handler prints the message to the standard output
   634   under X11 or to the debugger under Windows.  If it is a fatal message,
   635   the application aborts immediately.
   637   Only one message handler can be defined, since this is usually done on
   638   an application-wide basis to control debug output.
   640   To restore the message handler, call \c qInstallMsgHandler(0).
   642   Example:
   643   \code
   644     #include <qapplication.h>
   645     #include <stdio.h>
   646     #include <stdlib.h>
   648     void myMessageOutput( QtMsgType type, const char *msg )
   649     {
   650 	switch ( type ) {
   651 	    case QtDebugMsg:
   652 		fprintf( stderr, "Debug: %s\n", msg );
   653 		break;
   654 	    case QtWarningMsg:
   655 		fprintf( stderr, "Warning: %s\n", msg );
   656 		break;
   657 	    case QtFatalMsg:
   658 		fprintf( stderr, "Fatal: %s\n", msg );
   659 		abort();			// dump core on purpose
   660 	}
   661     }
   663     int main( int argc, char **argv )
   664     {
   665 	qInstallMsgHandler( myMessageOutput );
   666 	QApplication a( argc, argv );
   667 	...
   668 	return a.exec();
   669     }
   670   \endcode
   672   \sa qDebug(), qWarning(), qFatal(), \link debug.html Debugging\endlink
   673 */
   675 msg_handler qInstallMsgHandler( msg_handler h )
   676 {
   677     msg_handler old = handler;
   678     handler = h;
   679     return old;
   680 }
   683 #ifdef _WS_WIN_
   684 bool qt_winunicode=FALSE;
   685 #endif