changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 ** 
     3 **
     4 ** Definition of QMap class
     5 **
     6 ** Created : 990406
     7 **
     8 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
     9 **
    10 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
    11 **
    12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
    13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
    14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
    15 **
    16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
    17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
    18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
    19 ** packaging of this file.
    20 **
    21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
    22 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
    23 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
    24 **
    25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
    27 **
    28 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
    29 **   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
    30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
    31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
    32 **
    33 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
    34 ** not clear to you.
    35 **
    36 **********************************************************************/
    38 #ifndef QMAP_H
    39 #define QMAP_H
    41 #ifndef QT_H
    42 #include "qshared.h"
    43 #include "qdatastream.h"
    44 #endif // QT_H
    47 struct QMapNodeBase
    48 {
    49     enum Color { Red, Black };
    51     QMapNodeBase* left;
    52     QMapNodeBase* right;
    53     QMapNodeBase* parent;
    55     Color color;
    57     QMapNodeBase* minimum() {
    58 	QMapNodeBase* x = this;
    59 	while ( x->left )
    60 	    x = x->left;
    61 	return x;
    62     }
    64     QMapNodeBase* maximum() {
    65 	QMapNodeBase* x = this;
    66 	while ( x->right )
    67 	    x = x->right;
    68 	return x;
    69     }
    70 };
    73 template <class K, class T>
    74 struct QMapNode : public QMapNodeBase
    75 {
    76     QMapNode( const K& _key, const T& _data ) { data = _data; key = _key; }
    77     QMapNode( const K& _key )	   { key = _key; }
    78     QMapNode( const QMapNode<K,T>& _n ) { key = _n.key; data = _n.data; }
    79     QMapNode() { }
    80     T data;
    81     K key;
    82 };
    85 template<class K, class T>
    86 class Q_EXPORT QMapIterator
    87 {
    88  public:
    89     /**
    90      * Typedefs
    91      */
    92     typedef QMapNode< K, T >* NodePtr;
    94     /**
    95      * Variables
    96      */
    97     QMapNode<K,T>* node;
    99     /**
   100      * Functions
   101      */
   102     QMapIterator() : node( 0 ) {}
   103     QMapIterator( QMapNode<K,T>* p ) : node( p ) {}
   104     QMapIterator( const QMapIterator<K,T>& it ) : node( it.node ) {}
   106     bool operator==( const QMapIterator<K,T>& it ) const { return node == it.node; }
   107     bool operator!=( const QMapIterator<K,T>& it ) const { return node != it.node; }
   108     T& operator*() { return node->data; }
   109     const T& operator*() const { return node->data; }
   111     // Cannot have this - some compilers are too stupid
   112     //T* operator->() const { return &(node->data); }
   114     const K& key() const { return node->key; }
   115     T& data() { return node->data; }
   116     const T& data() const { return node->data; }
   118 private:
   119     int inc() {
   120 	QMapNodeBase* tmp = node;
   121 	if ( tmp->right ) {
   122 	    tmp = tmp->right;
   123 	    while ( tmp->left )
   124 		tmp = tmp->left;
   125 	} else {
   126 	    QMapNodeBase* y = tmp->parent;
   127 	    while (tmp == y->right) {
   128 		tmp = y;
   129 		y = y->parent;
   130 	    }
   131 	    if (tmp->right != y)
   132 		tmp = y;
   133 	}
   134 	node = (NodePtr)tmp;
   135 	return 0;
   136     }
   138     int dec() {
   139 	QMapNodeBase* tmp = node;
   140 	if (tmp->color == QMapNodeBase::Red &&
   141 	    tmp->parent->parent == tmp ) {
   142 	    tmp = tmp->right;
   143 	} else if (tmp->left != 0) {
   144 	    QMapNodeBase* y = tmp->left;
   145 	    while ( y->right )
   146 		y = y->right;
   147 	    tmp = y;
   148 	} else {
   149 	    QMapNodeBase* y = tmp->parent;
   150 	    while (tmp == y->left) {
   151 		tmp = y;
   152 		y = y->parent;
   153 	    }
   154 	    tmp = y;
   155 	}
   156 	node = (NodePtr)tmp;
   157 	return 0;
   158     }
   160 public:
   161     QMapIterator<K,T>& operator++() {
   162 	inc();
   163 	return *this;
   164     }
   166     QMapIterator<K,T> operator++(int) {
   167 	QMapIterator<K,T> tmp = *this;
   168 	inc();
   169 	return tmp;
   170     }
   172     QMapIterator<K,T>& operator--() {
   173 	dec();
   174 	return *this;
   175     }
   177     QMapIterator<K,T> operator--(int) {
   178 	QMapIterator<K,T> tmp = *this;
   179 	dec();
   180 	return tmp;
   181     }
   182 };
   184 template<class K, class T>
   185 class Q_EXPORT QMapConstIterator
   186 {
   187  public:
   188     /**
   189      * Typedefs
   190      */
   191     typedef QMapNode< K, T >* NodePtr;
   193     /**
   194      * Variables
   195      */
   196     QMapNode<K,T>* node;
   198     /**
   199      * Functions
   200      */
   201     QMapConstIterator() : node( 0 ) {}
   202     QMapConstIterator( QMapNode<K,T>* p ) : node( p ) {}
   203     QMapConstIterator( const QMapConstIterator<K,T>& it ) : node( it.node ) {}
   204     QMapConstIterator( const QMapIterator<K,T>& it ) : node( it.node ) {}
   206     bool operator==( const QMapConstIterator<K,T>& it ) const { return node == it.node; }
   207     bool operator!=( const QMapConstIterator<K,T>& it ) const { return node != it.node; }
   208     const T& operator*()  const { return node->data; }
   210     // Cannot have this - some compilers are too stupid
   211     //const T* operator->() const { return &(node->data); }
   213     const K& key() const { return node->key; }
   214     const T& data() const { return node->data; }
   216 private:
   217     int inc() {
   218         QMapNodeBase* tmp = node;
   219 	if ( tmp->right ) {
   220 	    tmp = tmp->right;
   221 	    while ( tmp->left )
   222 		tmp = tmp->left;
   223 	} else {
   224 	    QMapNodeBase* y = tmp->parent;
   225 	    while (tmp == y->right) {
   226 		tmp = y;
   227 		y = y->parent;
   228 	    }
   229 	    if (tmp->right != y)
   230 		tmp = y;
   231 	}
   232 	node = (NodePtr)tmp;
   233 	return 0;
   234     }
   236     int dec() {
   237 	QMapNodeBase* tmp = node;
   238 	if (tmp->color == QMapNodeBase::Red &&
   239 	    tmp->parent->parent == tmp ) {
   240 	    tmp = tmp->right;
   241 	} else if (tmp->left != 0) {
   242 	    QMapNodeBase* y = tmp->left;
   243 	    while ( y->right )
   244 		y = y->right;
   245 	    tmp = y;
   246 	} else {
   247 	    QMapNodeBase* y = tmp->parent;
   248 	    while (tmp == y->left) {
   249 		tmp = y;
   250 		y = y->parent;
   251 	    }
   252 	    tmp = y;
   253 	}
   254 	node = (NodePtr)tmp;
   255 	return 0;
   256     }
   258 public:
   259     QMapConstIterator<K,T>& operator++() {
   260 	inc();
   261 	return *this;
   262     }
   264     QMapConstIterator<K,T> operator++(int) {
   265 	QMapConstIterator<K,T> tmp = *this;
   266 	inc();
   267 	return tmp;
   268     }
   270     QMapConstIterator<K,T>& operator--() {
   271 	dec();
   272 	return *this;
   273     }
   275     QMapConstIterator<K,T> operator--(int) {
   276 	QMapConstIterator<K,T> tmp = *this;
   277 	dec();
   278 	return tmp;
   279     }
   280 };
   283 class Q_EXPORT QMapPrivateBase : public QShared
   284 {
   285 public:
   286     QMapPrivateBase() {
   287 	node_count = 0;
   288     }
   289     QMapPrivateBase( const QMapPrivateBase* _map) {
   290 	node_count = _map->node_count;
   291     }
   293     /**
   294      * Implementations of basic tree algorithms
   295      */
   296     void rotateLeft( QMapNodeBase* x, QMapNodeBase*& root);
   297     void rotateRight( QMapNodeBase* x, QMapNodeBase*& root );
   298     void rebalance( QMapNodeBase* x, QMapNodeBase*& root );
   299     QMapNodeBase* removeAndRebalance( QMapNodeBase* z, QMapNodeBase*& root,
   300 				      QMapNodeBase*& leftmost,
   301 				      QMapNodeBase*& rightmost );
   303     /**
   304      * Variables
   305      */
   306     int node_count;
   307 };
   310 template <class Key, class T>
   311 class QMapPrivate : public QMapPrivateBase
   312 {
   313 public:
   314     /**
   315      * Typedefs
   316      */
   317     typedef QMapIterator< Key, T > Iterator;
   318     typedef QMapConstIterator< Key, T > ConstIterator;
   319     typedef QMapNode< Key, T > Node;
   320     typedef QMapNode< Key, T >* NodePtr;
   322     /**
   323      * Functions
   324      */
   325     QMapPrivate() {
   326 	header = new Node;
   327 	header->color = QMapNodeBase::Red; // Mark the header
   328 	header->parent = 0;
   329 	header->left = header->right = header;
   330     }
   331     QMapPrivate( const QMapPrivate< Key, T >* _map ) : QMapPrivateBase( _map ) {
   332 	header = new Node;
   333 	header->color = QMapNodeBase::Red; // Mark the header
   334 	if ( _map->header->parent == 0 ) {
   335 	    header->parent = 0;
   336 	    header->left = header->right = header;
   337 	} else {
   338 	    header->parent = copy( (NodePtr)(_map->header->parent) );
   339 	    header->parent->parent = header;
   340 	    header->left = header->parent->minimum();
   341 	    header->right = header->parent->maximum();
   342 	}
   343     }
   344     ~QMapPrivate() { clear(); delete header; }
   346     NodePtr copy( NodePtr p ) {
   347 	if ( !p )
   348 	    return 0;
   349 	NodePtr n = new Node( *p );
   350 	n->color = p->color;
   351 	if ( p->left ) {
   352 	    n->left = copy( (NodePtr)(p->left) );
   353 	    n->left->parent = n;
   354 	} else {
   355 	    n->left = 0;
   356 	}
   357 	if ( p->right ) {
   358 	    n->right = copy( (NodePtr)(p->right) );
   359 	    n->right->parent = n;
   360 	} else {
   361 	    n->right = 0;
   362 	}
   363 	return n;
   364     }
   366     void clear() {
   367 	clear( (NodePtr)(header->parent) );
   368 	header->color = QMapNodeBase::Red;
   369 	header->parent = 0;
   370 	header->left = header->right = header;
   371 	node_count = 0;
   372     }
   374     void clear( NodePtr p ) {
   375 	while ( p != 0 ) {
   376 	    clear( (NodePtr)p->right );
   377 	    NodePtr y = (NodePtr)p->left;
   378 	    delete p;
   379 	    p = y;
   380 	}
   381     }
   383     Iterator begin()	{ return Iterator( (NodePtr)(header->left ) ); }
   384     Iterator end()	{ return Iterator( header ); }
   385     ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator( (NodePtr)(header->left ) ); }
   386     ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator( header ); }
   388     ConstIterator find(const Key& k) const {
   389 	QMapNodeBase* y = header;        // Last node
   390 	QMapNodeBase* x = header->parent; // Root node.
   392 	while ( x != 0 ) {
   393 	    // If as k <= key(x) go left
   394 	    if ( !( key(x) < k ) ) {
   395 		y = x;
   396 		x = x->left;
   397 	    } else {
   398 		x = x->right;
   399 	    }
   400 	}
   402 	// Was k bigger/smaller then the biggest/smallest
   403 	// element of the tree ? Return end()
   404 	if ( y == header || k < key(y) )
   405 	    return ConstIterator( header );
   406 	return ConstIterator( (NodePtr)y );
   407     }
   409     void remove( Iterator it ) {
   410 	NodePtr del = (NodePtr) removeAndRebalance( it.node, header->parent, header->left, header->right );
   411 	delete del;
   412 	--node_count;
   413     }
   415 #ifdef QT_QMAP_DEBUG
   416     void inorder( QMapNodeBase* x = 0, int level = 0 ){
   417 	if ( !x )
   418 	    x = header->parent;
   419 	if ( x->left )
   420 	    inorder( x->left, level + 1 );
   421     //cout << level << " Key=" << key(x) << " Value=" << ((NodePtr)x)->data << endl;
   422 	if ( x->right )
   423 	    inorder( x->right, level + 1 );
   424     }
   425 #endif
   427     Iterator insertMulti(const Key& v){
   428 	QMapNodeBase* y = header;
   429 	QMapNodeBase* x = header->parent;
   430 	while (x != 0){
   431 	    y = x;
   432 	    x = ( v < key(x) ) ? x->left : x->right;
   433 	}
   434 	return insert(x, y, v);
   435     }
   437     Iterator insertSingle( const Key& k ) {
   438 	// Search correct position in the tree
   439 	QMapNodeBase* y = header;
   440 	QMapNodeBase* x = header->parent;
   441 	bool result = TRUE;
   442 	while ( x != 0 ) {
   443 	    result = ( k < key(x) );
   444 	    y = x;
   445 	    x = result ? x->left : x->right;
   446 	}
   447 	// Get iterator on the last not empty one
   448 	Iterator j( (NodePtr)y );
   449 	if ( result ) {
   450 	    // Smaller then the leftmost one ?
   451 	    if ( j == begin() ) {
   452 		return insert(x, y, k );
   453 	    } else {
   454 		// Perhaps daddy is the right one ?
   455 		--j;
   456 	    }
   457 	}
   458 	// Really bigger ?
   459 	if ( (j.node->key) < k )
   460 	    return insert(x, y, k );
   461 	// We are going to replace a node
   462 	return j;
   463     }
   465     Iterator insert( QMapNodeBase* x, QMapNodeBase* y, const Key& k ) {
   466 	NodePtr z = new Node( k );
   467 	if (y == header || x != 0 || k < key(y) ) {
   468 	    y->left = z;                // also makes leftmost = z when y == header
   469 	    if ( y == header ) {
   470 		header->parent = z;
   471 		header->right = z;
   472 	    } else if ( y == header->left )
   473 		header->left = z;           // maintain leftmost pointing to min node
   474 	} else {
   475 	    y->right = z;
   476 	    if ( y == header->right )
   477 		header->right = z;          // maintain rightmost pointing to max node
   478 	}
   479 	z->parent = y;
   480 	z->left = 0;
   481 	z->right = 0;
   482 	rebalance( z, header->parent );
   483 	++node_count;
   484 	return Iterator(z);
   485     }
   487 protected:
   488     /**
   489      * Helpers
   490      */
   491     const Key& key( QMapNodeBase* b ) const { return ((NodePtr)b)->key; }
   493     /**
   494      * Variables
   495      */
   496     NodePtr header;
   497 };
   500 template<class Key, class T>
   501 class Q_EXPORT QMap
   502 {
   503 public:
   504     /**
   505      * Typedefs
   506      */
   507     typedef QMapIterator< Key, T > Iterator;
   508     typedef QMapConstIterator< Key, T > ConstIterator;
   509     typedef T ValueType;
   510     typedef QMapPrivate< Key, T > Priv;
   512     /**
   513      * API
   514      */
   515     QMap() { sh = new QMapPrivate< Key, T >; }
   516     QMap( const QMap<Key,T>& m ) { sh = m.sh; sh->ref(); }
   517     ~QMap() { if ( sh->deref() ) delete sh; }
   519     QMap<Key,T>& operator= ( const QMap<Key,T>& m )
   520       { m.sh->ref(); if ( sh->deref() ) delete sh; sh = m.sh; return *this; }
   522     Iterator begin() { detach(); return sh->begin(); }
   523     Iterator end() { detach(); return sh->end(); }
   524     ConstIterator begin() const { return ((const Priv*)sh)->begin(); }
   525     ConstIterator end() const { return ((const Priv*)sh)->end(); }
   527     Iterator find ( const Key& k )
   528 	{ detach(); return Iterator( sh->find( k ).node ); }
   529     ConstIterator find ( const Key& k ) const
   530 	{ return sh->find( k ); }
   531     T& operator[] ( const Key& k ) {
   532 	detach(); QMapNode<Key,T>* p = sh->find( k ).node;
   533 	if ( p != sh->end().node ) return p->data;
   534 	return insert( k, T() ).data(); }
   535     const T& operator[] ( const Key& k ) const
   536 	{ return sh->find( k ).data(); }
   537     bool contains ( const Key& k ) const
   538 	{ return find( k ) != end(); }
   539 	//{ return sh->find( k ) != ((const Priv*)sh)->end(); }
   541     uint count() const { return sh->node_count; }
   543     bool isEmpty() const { return sh->node_count == 0; }
   545     Iterator insert( const Key& key, const T& value ) {
   546         detach();
   547         Iterator it = sh->insertSingle( key );
   548         it.data() = value;
   549         return it;
   550     }
   552     void remove( Iterator it ) { detach(); sh->remove( it ); }
   553     void remove( const Key& k ) {
   554         detach();
   555         Iterator it( sh->find( k ).node );
   556         if ( it != end() )
   557             sh->remove( it );
   558     }
   560     Iterator replace( const Key& k, const T& v ) {
   561 	remove( k );
   562 	return insert( k, v );
   563     }
   565     void clear() { if ( sh->count == 1 ) sh->clear(); else { sh->deref(); sh = new QMapPrivate<Key,T>; } }
   568     bool operator==( const QMap<Key,T>& ) const { return FALSE; }
   569 #endif
   571 protected:
   572     /**
   573      * Helpers
   574      */
   575     void detach() { if ( sh->count > 1 ) { sh->deref(); sh = new QMapPrivate<Key,T>( sh ); } }
   577     Priv* sh;
   578 };
   581 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
   582 template<class Key, class T>
   583 inline QDataStream& operator>>( QDataStream& s, QMap<Key,T>& m ) {
   584     m.clear();
   585     Q_UINT32 c;
   586     s >> c;
   587     for( Q_UINT32 i = 0; i < c; ++i ) {
   588 	Key k; T t;
   589 	s >> k >> t;
   590 	m.insert( k, t );
   591     }
   592     return s;
   593 }
   596 template<class Key, class T>
   597 inline QDataStream& operator<<( QDataStream& s, const QMap<Key,T>& m ) {
   598     s << (Q_UINT32)m.count();
   599     QMapConstIterator<Key,T> it = m.begin();
   600     for( ; it != m.end(); ++it )
   601 	s << it.key() << it.data();
   602     return s;
   603 }
   604 #endif
   606 #endif // QMAP_H