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     1 /****************************************************************************
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     4 ** Qt template library classes documentation
     5 **
     6 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
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    36 /*!
    37 \page qtl.html
    39 \title Qt Template library
    41 Thq Qt Template Library is a set of templates within Qt dealing with
    42 containers of objects.  It provides a list of objects, a stack of
    43 objects, a map (or dictionary) from one type to another, and
    44 associated iterators and algorithms.
    46 Qt also contains similar classes that deal with pointers to objects;
    47 \l QValueList vs. \l QList, etc.  Compared to the pointer-based
    48 templates, the QTL offers easy copying of the container, real support
    49 for classes that e.g. require constructors, expand to much more object
    50 code, can often be a bit faster, require that the objects stored can
    51 be copied, and finally, have a worse record of compiler problems.
    53 Compared to the STL, the QTL contains only the most important features
    54 of the STL, has more regular function naming, has no platform
    55 differences, is often a little slower and often expands to less object
    56 code.
    59 If you can not make copies of the objects you want to store you are
    60 better off with QCollection and friends. They were designed to handle
    61 exactly that kind of pointer semantics. This applies for example to
    62 all classes derived from \l QObject. A QObject does not have a copy
    63 constructor, so using it as value is impossible. You may choose be
    64 store pointers to QObjects in a QValueList, but using QList directly
    65 seems to be the better choice for this kind of application
    66 domain. QList, like all other QCollection based containers, provides
    67 far more sanity checking than a speed-optimized value
    68 based container.
    70 If you have objects that implement value semantics, use the Qt
    71 template library.  Value semantics require at least
    72 <ul>
    73 <li>a copy constructor,
    74 <li>an assignment operator and
    75 <li> a default constructor, i.e. a constructor that does not take
    76 any arguments.
    77 </ul>
    78 Note that a fast copy constructor is absolutely crucial for a good
    79 overall performance of the container, since many copy operations are
    80 going to happen.
    82 Examples for value based classes are QRect, QPoint, QSize and all
    83 simple C++ types like int, bool or double.
    85 The Qt template library is designed for speed. Especially iterators
    86 are extremely fast. On the drawback side, less error checking is done
    87 than in the QCollection based containers. A template library container
    88 for example does not track associated iterators. This makes certain
    89 validity checks, like on removing items, impossible to perform
    90 automatically.
    92 <h2> Iterators </h2>
    94 The Qt template library deals with value objects, not with pointers.
    95 For that reason, there is no other way of iterating over containers
    96 than using iterators. This is no disadvantage as the size of an
    97 iterator matches the size of a normal pointer - 32 or 64 bits
    98 depending on your CPU architecture.
   100 To iterate over a container, use a loop like this:
   102 \code
   103 	typedef QValueList<int> List;
   104 	List l;
   105 	for( List::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it )
   106 		printf("Number is %i\n",*it);
   107 \endcode
   109 begin() returns the iterator pointing at the first element, while
   110 end() returns an iterator that points \e after the last
   111 element. end() marks an invalid position, it can never be
   112 dereferenced. It's the break condition in any iteration, may it be
   113 from begin() or fromLast(). For maximum speed, use increment or
   114 decrement iterators with the prefix operator (++it, --it) instead of the the
   115 postfix one (it++, it--), since the former is slightly faster.
   117 The same concept applies to the other container classes:
   119 \code
   120 	typedef QMap<QString,QString> Map;
   121 	Map map;
   122 	for( Map::Iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it )
   123 		printf("Key=%s Data=%s\n", it.key().ascii(), it.data().ascii() );
   125 	typedef QArray<int> Array;
   126 	Array array;
   127 	for( Array::Iterator it = array.begin(); it != array.end(); ++it )
   128 		printf("Data=%i\n", *it );
   129 \endcode
   131 There are two kind of iterators, the volatile iterator shown in the
   132 examples above and a version that returns a const reference to its
   133 current object, the ConstIterator. Const iterators are required
   134 whenever the container itself is const, such as a member variable
   135 inside a const function. Assigning a ConstIterator to a normal
   136 Iterator is not allowed as it would violate const semantics.
   138 <h2> Algorithms </h2>
   140 The template library defines a number of algorithms that operate on
   141 its containers: qHeapSort(), qBubbleSort(), qSwap() and
   142 qCopy(). These algorithms are implemented as template functions.
   144 qHeapSort() and qBubbleSort() provide the well known sorting
   145 algorithms. You can use them like this:
   147 \code
   148 	typedef QValueList<int> List;
   149 	List l;
   150 	l << 42 << 100 << 1234 << 12 << 8;
   151 	qHeapSort( l );
   153 	List l2;
   154 	l2 << 42 << 100 << 1234 << 12 << 8;
   155 	List::Iterator b = l2.find( 100 );
   156 	List::Iterator e = l2.find( 8 );
   157 	qHeapSort( b, e );
   159 	double arr[] = { 3.2, 5.6, 8.9 };
   160 	qHeapSort( arr, arr + 3 );
   161 \endcode
   163 The first example sorts the entire list. The second one sorts all
   164 elements enclosed in the two iterators, namely 100, 1234 and 12.  The
   165 third example shows that iterators act like pointers and can be
   166 treated as such.
   168 Naturally, the sorting templates won't work with const iterators.
   170 Another utility is qSwap(). It exchanges the values of two variables:
   172 \code
   173 	QString second( "Einstein" );
   174 	QString name( "Albert" );
   175 	qSwap( second, name );
   176 \endcode
   178 Another template function is qCopy(). It copies a container or a slice
   179 of it to an OutputIterator, in this case a QTextOStreamIterator:
   181 \code
   182 	typedef QValueList<int> List;
   183 	List l;
   184 	l << 100 << 200 << 300;
   185 	QTextOStream str( stdout );
   186 	qCopy( l, QTextOStreamIterator( str ) );
   187 \endcode
   189 In addition, you can use any Qt template library iterator as the
   190 OutputIterator. Just make sure that the right hand of the iterator has
   191 as many elements present as you want to insert. The following example
   192 illustrates this:
   194 \code
   195 	QStringList l1, l2;
   196 	l1 << "Weis" << "Ettrich" << "Arnt" << "Sue";
   197 	l2 << "Torben" << "Matthias";
   198 	qCopy( l2, l1.begin();
   199 \endcode
   201 At the end of this code fragment, the List l1 contains "Torben",
   202 "Matthias", "Arnt" and "Sue", with the prior contents being
   203 overwritten. Another flavor of qCopy() takes three arguments to make
   204 it possible to copy a slice of a container:
   206 \code
   207 	typedef QValueList<int> List;
   208 	List l;
   209 	l << 42 << 100 << 1234 << 12 << 8;
   210 	List::Iterator b = l.find( 100 );
   211 	List::Iterator e = l.find( 8 );
   212 	QTextOStream str( stdout );
   213 	qCopy( b, e, QTextOStreamIterator( str ) );
   214 \endcode
   216 If you write new algorithms, consider writing them as template
   217 functions in order to make them usable with as many containers
   218 possible.  In the above example, you could just as easily print out a
   219 standard C++ array with qCopy():
   221 \code
   222 	int arr[] = { 100, 200, 300 };
   223 	QTextOStream str( stdout );
   224 	qCopy( arr, arr + 3, QTextOStreamIterator( str ) );	
   225 \endcode
   228 <h2> Streaming </h2>
   230 All mentioned containers can be serialized with the respective
   231 streaming operators. Here is an example.
   233 \code
   234 	QDataStream str(...);
   235 	QValueList<QRect> l;
   236 	// ... fill the list here
   237 	str << l;
   238 \endcode
   240 The container can be read in again with:
   242 \code
   243 	QValueList<QRect> l;
   244 	str >> l;
   245 \endcode
   247 The same applies to QStringList, QValueStack and QMap.
   249 */