changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #ifndef CLASSDEF_H
    19 #define CLASSDEF_H
    21 #include "qtbc.h"
    22 #include <qlist.h>
    23 #include <qdict.h>
    24 #include <qstrlist.h>
    26 //#include "entry.h"
    27 #include "memberlist.h"
    28 #include "definition.h"
    29 #include "sortdict.h"
    31 class MemberDict;
    32 class ClassList;
    33 class ClassSDict;
    34 class OutputList;
    35 class FileDef;
    36 class BaseClassList;
    37 class NamespaceDef;
    38 class MemberDef;
    39 class ExampleSDict;
    40 class MemberNameInfoSDict;
    41 class UsesClassDict;
    42 class MemberGroupSDict;
    43 class QTextStream;
    44 class PackageDef;
    45 class GroupDef;
    46 class StringDict;
    47 struct IncludeInfo;
    48 class ClassDefImpl;
    50 /*! \brief This class contains all information about a compound.
    51  *
    52  *  A compound can be a class, struct, union, interface, or exception.
    53  *  \note This class should be renamed to CompoundDef
    54  */
    55 class ClassDef : public Definition
    56 {
    57   public:
    58     /*! The various compound types */
    59     enum CompoundType { Class, //=Entry::CLASS_SEC, 
    60                         Struct, //=Entry::STRUCT_SEC, 
    61                         Union, //=Entry::UNION_SEC,
    62                         Interface, //=Entry::INTERFACE_SEC,
    63                         Protocol, //=Entry::PROTOCOL_SEC,
    64                         Category, //=Entry::CATEGORY_SEC,
    65                         Exception //=Entry::EXCEPTION_SEC
    66                       };
    68     /*! Creates a new compound definition.
    69      *  \param fileName  full path and file name in which this compound was
    70      *                   found.
    71      *  \param startLine line number where the definition of this compound
    72      *                   starts.
    73      *  \param name      the name of this compound (including scope)
    74      *  \param ct        the kind of Compound
    75      *  \param ref       the tag file from which this compound is extracted
    76      *                   or 0 if the compound doesn't come from a tag file
    77      *  \param fName     the file name as found in the tag file. 
    78      *                   This overwrites the file that doxygen normally 
    79      *                   generates based on the compound type & name.
    80      *  \param isSymbol  If TRUE this class name is added as a publicly 
    81      *                   visible (and referencable) symbol.
    82      */
    83     ClassDef(const char *fileName,int startLine,
    84              const char *name,CompoundType ct,
    85              const char *ref=0,const char *fName=0,
    86              bool isSymbol=TRUE);
    87     /*! Destroys a compound definition. */
    88    ~ClassDef();
    90     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91     // --- getters 
    92     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94     /*! Used for RTTI, this is a class */
    95     DefType definitionType() const { return TypeClass; }
    97     /*! Returns the unique base name (without extension) of the class's file on disk */
    98     QCString getOutputFileBase() const; 
    99     QCString getInstanceOutputFileBase() const; 
   100     QCString getFileBase() const;
   102     /*! Returns the base name for the source code file */
   103     QCString getSourceFileBase() const; 
   105     /*! If this class originated from a tagfile, this will return the tag file reference */
   106     QCString getReference() const;
   108     /*! Returns TRUE if this class is imported via a tag file */
   109     bool isReference() const;
   111     /*! Returns TRUE if this is a local class definition, see EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES */
   112     bool isLocal() const;
   114     /*! returns the classes nested into this class */
   115     ClassSDict *getInnerClasses();
   117     /*! returns TRUE if this class has documentation */
   118     bool hasDocumentation() const;
   120     /*! Returns the name as it is appears in the documentation */
   121     QCString displayName() const;
   123     /*! Returns the type of compound this is, i.e. class/struct/union/.. */
   124     CompoundType compoundType() const;
   126     /*! Returns the type of compound as a string */
   127     QCString compoundTypeString() const;
   129     /*! Returns the list of base classes from which this class directly
   130      *  inherits.
   131      */
   132     BaseClassList *baseClasses() const;
   134     /*! Returns the list of sub classes that directly derive from this class
   135      */
   136     BaseClassList *subClasses() const;
   138     /*! Returns a dictionary of all members. This includes any inherited 
   139      *  members. Members are sorted alphabetically.
   140      */ 
   141     MemberNameInfoSDict *memberNameInfoSDict() const;
   143     /*! Return the protection level (Public,Protected,Private) in which 
   144      *  this compound was found.
   145      */
   146     Protection protection() const;
   148     /*! returns TRUE iff a link is possible to this item within this project.
   149      */
   150     bool isLinkableInProject() const;
   152     /*! return TRUE iff a link to this class is possible (either within 
   153      *  this project, or as a cross-reference to another project).
   154      */
   155     bool isLinkable() const;
   157     /*! the class is visible in a class diagram, or class hierarchy */
   158     bool isVisibleInHierarchy();
   160     /*! Returns the template arguments of this class 
   161      *  Will return 0 if not applicable.
   162      */
   163     ArgumentList *templateArguments() const;
   165     /*! Returns the namespace this compound is in, or 0 if it has a global
   166      *  scope.
   167      */
   168     NamespaceDef *getNamespaceDef() const;
   170     /*! Returns the file in which this compound's definition can be found.
   171      *  Should not return 0 (but it might be a good idea to check anyway).
   172      */
   173     FileDef      *getFileDef() const;
   175     /*! Returns the Java package this class is in or 0 if not applicable. 
   176      */ 
   178     MemberDef    *getMemberByName(const QCString &) const;
   180     /*! Returns TRUE iff \a bcd is a direct or indirect base class of this
   181      *  class. This function will recusively traverse all branches of the
   182      *  inheritance tree.
   183      */
   184     bool isBaseClass(ClassDef *bcd,bool followInstances,int level=0);
   186     /*! returns TRUE iff \a md is a member of this class or of the
   187      *  the public/protected members of a base class 
   188      */
   189     bool isAccessibleMember(MemberDef *md);
   191     /*! Returns a sorted dictionary with all template instances found for
   192      *  this template class. Returns 0 if not a template or no instances.
   193      */
   194     QDict<ClassDef> *getTemplateInstances() const;
   196     /*! Returns the template master of which this class is an instance.
   197      *  Returns 0 if not applicable.
   198      */
   199     ClassDef *templateMaster() const;
   201     /*! Returns TRUE if this class is a template */
   202     bool isTemplate() const;
   204     IncludeInfo *includeInfo() const;
   206     UsesClassDict *usedImplementationClasses() const;
   208     UsesClassDict *usedByImplementationClasses() const;
   210     UsesClassDict *usedInterfaceClasses() const;
   212     bool isTemplateArgument() const;
   214     /*! Returns the definition of a nested compound if
   215      *  available, or 0 otherwise.
   216      *  @param name The name of the nested compound
   217      */
   218     virtual Definition *findInnerCompound(const char *name);
   220     /*! Returns the template parameter lists that form the template
   221      *  declaration of this class.
   222      *  
   223      *  Example: <code>template<class T> class TC {};</code>
   224      *  will return a list with one ArgumentList containing one argument
   225      *  with type="class" and name="T".
   226      */
   227     void getTemplateParameterLists(QList<ArgumentList> &lists) const;
   229     QCString qualifiedNameWithTemplateParameters(
   230         QList<ArgumentList> *actualParams=0) const;
   232     /*! Returns TRUE if there is at least one pure virtual member in this
   233      *  class.
   234      */
   235     bool isAbstract() const;
   237     /*! Returns TRUE if this class is implemented in Objective-C */
   238     bool isObjectiveC() const;
   240     /*! Returns the class of which this is a category (Objective-C only) */
   241     ClassDef *categoryOf() const;
   243     /*! Returns the name of the class including outer classes, but not
   244      *  including namespaces.
   245      */
   246     QCString className() const;
   248     /*! Returns the members in the list identified by \a lt */
   249     MemberList *getMemberList(MemberList::ListType lt);
   251     /*! Returns the list containing the list of members sorted per type */
   252     const QList<MemberList> &getMemberLists() const;
   254     /*! Returns the member groups defined for this class */
   255     MemberGroupSDict *getMemberGroupSDict() const;
   257     QDict<int> *getTemplateBaseClassNames() const;
   259     ClassDef *getVariableInstance(const char *templSpec);
   261     bool isUsedOnly() const;
   263 	bool hasFunction(const QCString &theDef, Protection prot);
   264     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   265     // --- setters ----
   266     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   268     void insertBaseClass(ClassDef *,const char *name,Protection p,Specifier s,const char *t=0);
   269     void insertSubClass(ClassDef *,Protection p,Specifier s,const char *t=0);
   270     void setIncludeFile(FileDef *fd,const char *incName,bool local,bool force); 
   271     void insertMember(MemberDef *);
   272     void insertUsedFile(const char *);
   273     bool addExample(const char *anchor,const char *name, const char *file);
   274     void mergeCategory(ClassDef *category);
   275     void setNamespace(NamespaceDef *nd);
   276     void setFileDef(FileDef *fd);
   277     void setSubGrouping(bool enabled);
   278     void setProtection(Protection p);
   279     void setGroupDefForAllMembers(GroupDef *g,Grouping::GroupPri_t pri,const QCString &fileName,int startLine,bool hasDocs);
   280     void addInnerCompound(Definition *d);
   281     ClassDef *insertTemplateInstance(const QCString &fileName,int startLine,
   282                                 const QCString &templSpec,bool &freshInstance);
   283     void addUsedClass(ClassDef *cd,const char *accessName);
   284     void addUsedByClass(ClassDef *cd,const char *accessName);
   285     void setIsStatic(bool b);
   286     void setIsObjectiveC(bool b);
   287     void setCompoundType(CompoundType t);
   288     void setClassName(const char *name);
   290     void setTemplateArguments(ArgumentList *al);
   291     void setTemplateBaseClassNames(QDict<int> *templateNames);
   292     void setTemplateMaster(ClassDef *tm);
   293     void setTypeConstraints(ArgumentList *al);
   294     void addMembersToTemplateInstance(ClassDef *cd,const char *templSpec);
   295     void makeTemplateArgument(bool b=TRUE);
   296     void setCategoryOf(ClassDef *cd);
   297     void setUsedOnly(bool b);
   299     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300     // --- actions ----
   301     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   303     void findSectionsInDocumentation();
   304     void addMembersToMemberGroup();
   305     void addListReferences();
   306     void computeAnchors();
   307     void mergeMembers();
   308     void distributeMemberGroupDocumentation();
   309     void writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol);
   310     void writeDocumentationForInnerClasses(OutputList &ol);
   311     void writeMemberPages(OutputList &ol);
   312     void writeMemberList(OutputList &ol);
   313     void writeDeclaration(OutputList &ol,MemberDef *md,bool inGroup);
   314     void writeQuickMemberLinks(OutputList &ol,MemberDef *md) const;
   315     void reclassifyMember(MemberDef *md,MemberDef::MemberType t);
   317     bool visited;
   319   protected:
   320     void addUsedInterfaceClasses(MemberDef *md,const char *typeStr);
   321     bool hasExamples();
   322     bool hasNonReferenceSuperClass();
   323     void showUsedFiles(OutputList &ol);
   324 	bool hasFunction(MemberList::ListType lt, const QCString &theDef);
   326   private: 
   327     void internalInsertMember(MemberDef *md,Protection prot,bool addToAllList);
   328     QCString getMemberListFileName() const;
   329     void addMemberToList(MemberList::ListType lt,MemberDef *md,bool isBrief);
   330     MemberList *createMemberList(MemberList::ListType lt);
   331     void writeMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol,MemberList::ListType lt,const QCString &title,
   332                                  const char *subTitle=0);
   333     void writeMemberDocumentation(OutputList &ol,MemberList::ListType lt,const QCString &title);
   334     void writePlainMemberDeclaration(OutputList &ol,MemberList::ListType lt,bool inGroup);
   335     void writeBriefDescription(OutputList &ol,bool exampleFlag);
   336     void writeDetailedDescription(OutputList &ol,const QCString &pageType,bool exampleFlag,
   337                                   const QCString &title);
   338     void writeIncludeFiles(OutputList &ol);
   339     void writeAllMembersLink(OutputList &ol);
   340     void writeInheritanceGraph(OutputList &ol);
   341     void writeCollaborationGraph(OutputList &ol);
   342     void writeMemberGroups(OutputList &ol);
   343     void writeNestedClasses(OutputList &ol,const QCString &title);
   344     void startMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol);
   345     void endMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol);
   346     void startMemberDocumentation(OutputList &ol);
   347     void endMemberDocumentation(OutputList &ol);
   348     void writeAuthorSection(OutputList &ol);
   350     ClassDefImpl *m_impl;
   352 };
   354 /*! \brief Class that contains information about a usage relation. 
   355  */
   356 struct UsesClassDef
   357 {
   358   UsesClassDef(ClassDef *cd) : classDef(cd) 
   359   { 
   360     accessors = new QDict<void>(17); 
   361     containment = TRUE;
   362   }
   363  ~UsesClassDef()
   364   {
   365     delete accessors;
   366   }
   367   void addAccessor(const char *s)
   368   {
   369     if (accessors->find(s)==0)
   370     {
   371       accessors->insert(s,(void *)666);
   372     }
   373   }
   374   /*! Class definition that this relation uses. */
   375   ClassDef *classDef;
   377   /*! Dictionary of member variable names that form the edge labels of the
   378    *  usage relation.
   379    */
   380   QDict<void> *accessors;
   382   /*! Template arguments used for the base class */
   383   QCString templSpecifiers;
   385   bool containment;
   386 };
   388 /*! \brief Dictionary of usage relations. 
   389  */
   390 class UsesClassDict : public QDict<UsesClassDef>
   391 {
   392   public:
   393     UsesClassDict(int size) : QDict<UsesClassDef>(size) {}
   394    ~UsesClassDict() {}
   395 };
   397 /*! \brief Iterator class to iterate over a dictionary of usage relations. 
   398  */
   399 class UsesClassDictIterator : public QDictIterator<UsesClassDef>
   400 {
   401   public:
   402     UsesClassDictIterator(const QDict<UsesClassDef> &d) 
   403       : QDictIterator<UsesClassDef>(d) {}
   404    ~UsesClassDictIterator() {}
   405 };
   407 /*! \brief Class that contains information about an inheritance relation. 
   408  */
   409 struct BaseClassDef
   410 {
   411   BaseClassDef(ClassDef *cd,const char *n,Protection p,
   412                Specifier v,const char *t) : 
   413         classDef(cd), usedName(n), prot(p), virt(v), templSpecifiers(t) {}
   415   /*! Class definition that this relation inherits from. */
   416   ClassDef *classDef;
   418   /*! name used in the inheritance list 
   419    * (may be a typedef name instead of the class name)
   420    */
   421   QCString   usedName; 
   423   /*! Protection level of the inheritance relation: 
   424    *  Public, Protected, or Private 
   425    */
   426   Protection prot;     
   428   /*! Virtualness of the inheritance relation:
   429    *  Normal, or Virtual
   430    */
   431   Specifier  virt;
   433   /*! Template arguments used for the base class */
   434   QCString templSpecifiers;
   435 };
   437 /*! \brief list of base classes 
   438  *  
   439  *  The classes are alphabetically sorted on name if inSort() is used.
   440  */
   441 class BaseClassList : public QList<BaseClassDef>
   442 {
   443   public:
   444    ~BaseClassList() {}
   445     int compareItems(GCI item1,GCI item2)
   446     {
   447       ClassDef *c1=((BaseClassDef *)item1)->classDef;
   448       ClassDef *c2=((BaseClassDef *)item2)->classDef;
   449       if (c1==0 || c2==0) 
   450         return FALSE;
   451       else
   452         return stricmp(c1->name(),c2->name());
   453     }
   454 };
   456 /*! \brief Iterator for a list of base classes
   457  */
   458 class BaseClassListIterator : public QListIterator<BaseClassDef>
   459 {
   460   public:
   461     BaseClassListIterator(const BaseClassList &bcl) : 
   462       QListIterator<BaseClassDef>(bcl) {}
   463 };
   465 #endif