changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  */
    18 %{
    20 /*
    21  *	includes
    22  */
    23 #include <stdio.h>
    24 //#include <iostream.h>
    25 #include <assert.h>
    26 #include <ctype.h>
    28 #include "declinfo.h"
    29 #include "util.h"
    30 #include "message.h"
    32 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
    33  *
    34  *	statics
    35  */
    37 static const char * inputString;
    38 static int	    inputPosition;
    39 static QCString      scope;
    40 static QCString      className;
    41 static QCString      classTempList;
    42 static QCString      funcTempList;
    43 static QCString      type;
    44 static QCString      name;
    45 static QCString      args;
    46 static QCString      tmpType;
    47 static int          sharpCount;
    48 static bool         classTempListFound;
    49 static bool         funcTempListFound;
    50 static QCString      exceptionString;
    51 static bool          insideObjC;
    53 static void addType()
    54 {
    55   //printf("addType() type=`%s' scope=`%s' name=`%s'\n",
    56   //       type.data(),scope.data(),name.data());
    57   if (name.isEmpty() && scope.isEmpty()) return;
    58   if (!type.isEmpty()) type+=" ";
    59   if (!scope.isEmpty()) type+=scope+"::";
    60   type+=name;
    61   scope.resize(0);
    62   name.resize(0);
    63 }
    65 static void addTypeName()
    66 {
    67   //printf("addTypeName() type=`%s' scope=`%s' name=`%s'\n",
    68   //       type.data(),scope.data(),name.data());
    69   if (name.isEmpty() || 
    70       name.at(name.length()-1)==':')  // end of Objective-C keyword => append to name not type
    71   {
    72     return;
    73   }
    74   if (!type.isEmpty()) type+=' ';
    75   type+=name;
    76   name.resize(0);
    77 }
    79 #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 1
    81 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
    82  */
    83 #undef	YY_INPUT
    84 #define	YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size);
    86 static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size)
    87 {
    88     int c=0;
    89     while( c < max_size && inputString[inputPosition] )
    90     {
    91 	*buf = inputString[inputPosition++] ;
    92 	c++; buf++;
    93     }
    94     return c;
    95 }
    97 %}
    99 B       [ \t]
   100 ID	"$"?([a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF]*)|(@[0-9]+)
   102 %option nounput
   103 %option noyywrap
   105 %x      Start
   106 %x	Template
   107 %x	ReadArgs
   108 %x	Operator
   109 %x	FuncPtr
   110 %x	EndTemplate
   111 %x	StripTempArgs
   112 %x	SkipSharp
   113 %x      ReadExceptions
   115 %%
   117 <Start>"operator"/({B}*"["{B}*"]")* 	{ // operator rule must be before {ID} rule
   118   				  name += yytext;
   119   				  BEGIN(Operator);
   120   				}
   121 <Start>{ID}{B}*"("{B}*{ID}{B}*")" { // Objective-C class categories
   122   				  if (!insideObjC) 
   123 				  {
   124 				    REJECT;
   125 				  }
   126 				  else 
   127 				  {
   128 				    name += yytext;
   129 				  }
   130   				}
   131 <Start>(~{B}*)?{ID}/({B}*"["{B}*"]")* { // the []'s are for Java, 
   132                                         // the / was add to deal with multi-
   133                                         // dimensional C++ arrays like A[][15]
   134   				  addTypeName();
   135 				  name += yytext;
   136   				}
   137 <Start>{B}*"::"{B}*		{ // found a scope specifier
   138  				  if (!scope.isEmpty())
   139 				  {
   140 				    scope+="::"+name; // add name to scope
   141 				  }
   142 				  else
   143 				  {
   144   				    scope = name.copy(); // scope becomes name
   145 				  }
   146 				  name.resize(0);
   147   				}
   148 <Start>{B}*":"			{ // Objective-C argument separator
   149   				  name+=yytext;
   150   				}
   151 <Start>[*&]+			{
   152   				  addType();
   153   				  type+=yytext;
   154   				}
   155 <Start>{B}+			{
   156   				  addType();
   157   				}
   158 <Start>{B}*"("({ID}"::")*{B}*[&*]({B}*("const"|"volatile"){B}+)?	{
   159   				  addType();
   160 				  QCString text=yytext;
   161 				  type+=text.stripWhiteSpace();
   162   				}
   163 <Start>{B}*")"			{
   164   				  type+=")";
   165   				}
   166 <Start>{B}*"("			{ // TODO: function pointers
   167   				  args+="(";
   168   				  BEGIN(ReadArgs);
   169   				}
   170 <Start>{B}*"["			{
   171   				  args+="[";
   172 				  BEGIN(ReadArgs);
   173   				}
   174 <Start>{B}*"<"			{
   175   				  name+="<";
   176 				  sharpCount=0;
   177   				  BEGIN(Template);
   178   				}
   179 <Template>"<<"			{ name+="<<"; }
   180 <Template>">>"			{ name+=">>"; }
   181 <Template>"<"			{
   182   				  name+="<";
   183   				  sharpCount++;
   184   				}
   185 <Template>">"			{
   186   				  name+=">";
   187   				  if (sharpCount)
   188 				    --sharpCount;
   189 				  else
   190 				  {
   191 				    BEGIN(Start);
   192 				  }
   193   				}
   194 <Template>.			{
   195   				  name+=*yytext;
   196   				}
   197 <Operator>{B}*"("{B}*")"{B}*"<>"{B}*/"("	{
   198   				  name+="() <>";
   199 				  BEGIN(ReadArgs);
   200   				}
   201 <Operator>{B}*"("{B}*")"{B}*/"("	{
   202   				  name+="()";
   203 				  BEGIN(ReadArgs);
   204   				}
   205 <Operator>[^(]*{B}*("<>"{B}*)?/"(" {
   206   				  name+=yytext;
   207 				  BEGIN(ReadArgs);
   208   				}
   209 <ReadArgs>"throw"{B}*"("	{
   210   				  exceptionString="throw(";
   211 				  BEGIN(ReadExceptions);
   212   				}
   213 <ReadArgs>.			{
   214   				  args+=*yytext;
   215   				}
   216 <ReadExceptions>.		{
   217   				  exceptionString+=*yytext;
   218   				}
   219 <*>.
   220 <*>\n
   222 %%
   224 /*@ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   225  */
   227 void parseFuncDecl(const QCString &decl,bool objC,QCString &cl,QCString &t,
   228                    QCString &n,QCString &a,QCString &ftl,QCString &exc)
   229 {
   230   inputString   = decl;
   231   //printf("Input=`%s'\n",inputString);
   232   if (inputString==0) return;
   233   inputPosition      = 0;
   234   classTempListFound = FALSE;
   235   funcTempListFound  = FALSE;
   236   insideObjC = objC;
   237   scope.resize(0);
   238   className.resize(0);
   239   classTempList.resize(0);
   240   funcTempList.resize(0);
   241   name.resize(0);
   242   type.resize(0);
   243   args.resize(0);
   244   exceptionString.resize(0);
   245   // first we try to find the type, scope, name and arguments
   246   declinfoYYrestart( declinfoYYin );
   247   BEGIN( Start );
   248   declinfoYYlex();
   250   //printf("type=`%s' class=`%s' name=`%s' args=`%s'\n",
   251   //        type.data(),scope.data(),name.data(),args.data());
   253   int nb = name.findRev('[');
   254   if (nb!=-1 && args.isEmpty()) // correct for [] in name ambigity (due to Java return type allowing [])
   255   {
   256     args.prepend(name.right(name.length()-nb));
   257     name=name.left(nb);
   258   }
   260 #if 0
   261   {
   262     int l=scope.length();
   263     int i=0;
   264     int skipCount=0;
   265     cl.resize(0);
   266     ctl.resize(0);
   267     for (i=0;i<l;i++)
   268     {
   269       char c=scope.at(i);
   270       if (c=='<') 
   271 	skipCount++;
   272       else if (c=='>') 
   273 	skipCount--;
   274       else if (skipCount==0) 
   275 	cl+=c;
   276     }
   277   }
   278   cl=stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope(removeRedundantWhiteSpace(scope),FALSE); 
   279   ctl.resize(0);
   280 #endif
   282   cl=scope;
   283   n=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(name);
   284   int il,ir;
   285   if ((il=n.find('<'))!=-1 && (ir=n.findRev('>'))!=-1)
   286     // TODO: handle cases like where n="operator<< <T>" 
   287   {
   288     ftl=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(n.right(n.length()-il));
   289     n=n.left(il);
   290   }
   292   //ctl=classTempList.copy();
   293   //ftl=funcTempList.copy();
   294   t=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(type);
   295   a=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(args);
   296   exc=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(exceptionString);
   298   if (!t.isEmpty() && t.at(t.length()-1)==')') // for function pointers
   299   {
   300     a.prepend(")");
   301     t=t.left(t.length()-1);
   302   }
   303   //printf("type=`%s' class=`%s' name=`%s' args=`%s'\n",
   304   //        t.data(),cl.data(),n.data(),a.data());
   306   return;
   309 }
   311 //extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy
   312 //  int  declinfoYYwrap() { return 1 ; }
   313 //  void declinfoYYdummy() { yy_flex_realloc(0,0); } 
   314 //}
   316 #if 0
   317 void dumpDecl(const char *s)
   318 {
   319   QCString className;
   320   QCString classTNames;
   321   QCString type;
   322   QCString name;
   323   QCString args;
   324   QCString funcTNames;
   325   msg("-----------------------------------------\n");
   326   parseFuncDecl(s,className,classTNames,type,name,args,funcTNames);
   327   msg("type=`%s' class=`%s' classTempl=`%s' name=`%s' "
   328          "funcTemplateNames=`%s' args=`%s'\n",
   329 	    type.data(),className.data(),classTNames.data(),
   330 	    name.data(),funcTNames.data(),args.data()
   331 	);
   332 }
   334 // some test code
   335 int main()
   336 {
   337   dumpDecl("A < T > :: Value * A < T > :: getValue < S > ( const A < T > & a )");
   338   dumpDecl("const A<T>::Value* A<T>::getValue<S>(const A<T>&a)");
   339   dumpDecl("func()");
   340   dumpDecl("friend void bla<>()");
   341   dumpDecl("name< T > :: operator () (int bla)");
   342   dumpDecl("name< T > :: operator << (int bla)");
   343   dumpDecl("name< T > :: operator << <> (int bla)");
   344   dumpDecl("className::func()");
   345   dumpDecl("void ( * Name < T > :: bla ) ( int, char * )"); 
   346 }
   347 #endif
   349 #if !defined(YY_FLEX_SUBMINOR_VERSION) 
   350 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   351 extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy
   352   void declinfoYYdummy() { yy_flex_realloc(0,0); } 
   353 }
   354 #endif