changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  *
     6  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     7  *
     8  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     9  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
    10  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    11  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    12  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    13  *
    14  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    15  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    16  *
    17  */
    19 #include "qtbc.h"
    20 #include <stdio.h>
    21 #include <stdlib.h>
    22 #include <qlist.h>
    23 #include <qarray.h>
    24 #include <qtextstream.h>
    25 #include <qfile.h>
    27 #include "diagram.h"
    28 #include "image.h"
    29 #include "classdef.h"
    30 #include "config.h"
    31 #include "message.h"
    32 #include "util.h"
    33 #include "doxygen.h"
    34 #include "portable.h"
    35 #include "index.h"
    37 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    39 const uint maxTreeWidth = 8;
    40 const int gridWidth  = 100;
    41 const int gridHeight = 100;
    43 const uint labelHorSpacing  = 10;  // horizontal distance between labels
    44 const uint labelVertSpacing = 32;  // vertical distance between labels
    45 const uint labelHorMargin   = 6;   // horiz. spacing between label and box
    46 const uint fontHeight       = 12;  // height of a character
    48 //static QCString escapeLatex(const char *s)
    49 //{
    50 //  QCString result;
    51 //  char c;
    52 //  while ((c=*s++))
    53 //  {
    54 //    if (c=='_') result+="\\_";
    55 //           else result+=c;
    56 //  }
    57 //  return result;
    58 //}
    60 static uint protToMask(Protection p)
    61 {
    62   switch(p)
    63   {
    64     case Public:    return 0xffffffff;
    65     case Package: // package is not possible!
    66     case Protected: return 0xcccccccc;
    67     case Private:   return 0xaaaaaaaa;
    68   }
    69   return 0;
    70 }
    72 static uint protToColor(Protection p)
    73 {
    74   switch(p)
    75   {
    76     case Public:    return 6;
    77     case Package: // package is not possible!
    78     case Protected: return 5;
    79     case Private:   return 4;
    80   }
    81   return 0;
    82 }
    84 static QCString protToString(Protection p)
    85 {
    86   switch(p)
    87   {
    88     case Public:    return "solid";
    89     case Package: // package is not possible!
    90     case Protected: return "dashed";
    91     case Private:   return "dotted";
    92   }
    93   return 0;
    94 }
    96 static uint virtToMask(Specifier p)
    97 {
    98   switch(p)
    99   {
   100     case Normal:    return 0xffffffff;
   101     case Virtual:   return 0xf0f0f0f0;
   102     default:        return 0;
   103   }
   104   return 0;
   105 }
   107 // pre: dil is not empty
   108 static Protection getMinProtectionLevel(DiagramItemList *dil)
   109 {
   110   DiagramItem *di=dil->first();
   111   Protection result=di->protection();
   112   di=dil->next();
   113   while (di)
   114   {
   115     Protection p=di->protection();
   116     if (p!=result) 
   117     {
   118       if (result==Protected && p==Public) result=p;
   119       else if (result==Private) result=p;
   120     } 
   121     di=dil->next();
   122   }
   123   return result;
   124 }
   126 static void writeBitmapBox(DiagramItem *di,Image *image,
   127                            int x,int y,int w,int h,bool firstRow,
   128                            bool hasDocs,bool children=FALSE)
   129 {
   130   int colFill = hasDocs ? (firstRow ? 0 : 2) : 7;
   131   int colBorder = (firstRow || !hasDocs) ? 1 : 3;
   132   int l = Image::stringLength(di->label());
   133   uint mask=virtToMask(di->virtualness());
   134   image->fillRect(x+1,y+1,w-2,h-2,colFill,mask);
   135   image->drawRect(x,y,w,h,colBorder,mask);
   136   image->writeString(x+(w-l)/2, y+(h-fontHeight)/2, di->label(),1);
   137   if (children)
   138   {
   139     int i;
   140     for (i=0;i<5;i++)
   141       image->drawHorzLine(y+h+i-6,x+w-2-i,x+w-2,firstRow?1:3,0xffffffff);
   142   }
   143 }
   145 static void writeVectorBox(QTextStream &t,DiagramItem *di,
   146                            float x,float y,bool children=FALSE)
   147 {
   148   if (di->virtualness()==Virtual) t << "dashed\n";
   149   t << " (" << di->label() << ") " << x << " " << y << " box\n";
   150   if (children) t << x << " " << y << " mark\n";
   151   if (di->virtualness()==Virtual) t << "solid\n";
   152 }
   154 static void writeMapArea(QTextStream &t,ClassDef *cd,QCString relPath,
   155                          int x,int y,int w,int h)
   156 {
   157   if (cd->isLinkable())
   158   {
   159     QCString *dest;
   160     QCString ref=cd->getReference();
   161     t << "<area ";
   162     if (!ref.isEmpty()) 
   163     {
   164       t << "doxygen=\"" << ref << ":";
   165       if ((dest=Doxygen::tagDestinationDict[ref])) t << *dest << "/";
   166       t << "\" ";
   167     }
   168     t << "href=\"";
   169     if (!ref.isEmpty())
   170     {
   171       if ((dest=Doxygen::tagDestinationDict[ref])) t << *dest << "/";
   172     }
   173     else
   174     {
   175       t << relPath;
   176     }
   177     t << cd->getOutputFileBase() << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\" ";
   178     t << "alt=\"" << convertToXML(cd->displayName()); 
   179     t << "\" shape=\"rect\" coords=\"" << x << "," << y << ",";
   180     t << (x+w) << "," << (y+h) << "\"/>" << endl;
   181   }
   182 }
   183 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 DiagramItem::DiagramItem(DiagramItem *p,int number,ClassDef *cd,
   186                          Protection pr,Specifier vi,const char *ts) 
   187 { 
   188   parent=p; 
   189   x=y=0; 
   190   //name=n;
   191   num=number;
   192   children = new DiagramItemList;
   193   prot=pr;
   194   virt=vi;
   195   inList=FALSE;
   196   classDef=cd;
   197   templSpec=ts;
   198 }
   200 DiagramItem::~DiagramItem() 
   201 { 
   202   delete children;
   203 }
   205 QCString DiagramItem::label() const
   206 {
   207   QCString result;
   208   if (!templSpec.isEmpty())
   209   {
   210     // we use classDef->name() here and not diplayName() in order
   211     // to get the name used in the inheritance relation.
   212     result=insertTemplateSpecifierInScope(classDef->name(),templSpec);
   213   }
   214   else
   215   {
   216     result=classDef->displayName();
   217   }
   218   if (Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES")) result=stripScope(result);
   219   return result;
   220 }
   222 QCString DiagramItem::fileName() const
   223 {
   224   return classDef->getOutputFileBase();
   225 }
   227 int DiagramItem::avgChildPos() const
   228 {
   229   DiagramItem *di;
   230   int c=children->count();
   231   if (c==0) // no children -> don't move
   232     return xPos();
   233   if ((di=children->getFirst())->isInList()) // children should be in a list
   234     return di->xPos();
   235   if (c&1) // odd number of children -> get pos of middle child
   236     return children->at(c/2)->xPos();
   237   else // even number of children -> get middle of most middle children
   238     return (children->at(c/2-1)->xPos()+children->at(c/2)->xPos())/2;
   239 }
   241 int DiagramItem::numChildren() const
   242 {
   243   return children->count();
   244 }
   246 void DiagramItem::addChild(DiagramItem *di)
   247 {
   248   children->append(di);
   249 }
   251 void DiagramRow::insertClass(DiagramItem *parent,ClassDef *cd,bool doBases,
   252                              Protection prot,Specifier virt,const char *ts)
   253 {
   254   //if (cd->visited) return; // the visit check does not work in case of
   255                              // multiple inheritance of the same class!
   256   DiagramItem *di=new DiagramItem(parent, diagram->at(level)->count(), 
   257                                   cd,prot,virt,ts);
   258   //cd->visited=TRUE;
   259   if (parent) parent->addChild(di);
   260   di->move(count()*gridWidth,level*gridHeight);
   261   append(di);
   262   BaseClassList *bcl=doBases ? cd->baseClasses() : cd->subClasses();
   263   int count=0;
   264   if (bcl)
   265   {
   266     /* there are base/sub classes */
   267     BaseClassDef *bcd=bcl->first();
   268     while (bcd)
   269     {
   270       ClassDef *ccd=bcd->classDef;
   271       if (ccd && ccd->isVisibleInHierarchy() /*&& !ccd->visited*/) count++;
   272       bcd=bcl->next();
   273     }
   274   }
   275   if (count>0 && (prot!=Private || !doBases))
   276   {
   277     DiagramRow *row=0;
   278     if (diagram->count()<=level+1) /* add new row */
   279     {
   280       row = new DiagramRow(diagram,level+1);
   281       diagram->append(row);
   282     }
   283     else /* get next row */
   284     {
   285       row=diagram->at(level+1);
   286     }
   287     /* insert base classes in the next row */
   288     BaseClassDef *bcd=bcl->first();
   289     while (bcd)
   290     {
   291       ClassDef *ccd=bcd->classDef;
   292       if (ccd && ccd->isVisibleInHierarchy() /*&& !ccd->visited*/)
   293       {
   294         row->insertClass(di,ccd,doBases,bcd->prot,
   295             doBases?bcd->virt:Normal,
   296             doBases?bcd->templSpecifiers.data():"");
   297       }
   298       bcd=bcl->next();
   299     }
   300   }
   301 }
   303 TreeDiagram::TreeDiagram(ClassDef *root,bool doBases)
   304 {
   305   setAutoDelete(TRUE); 
   306   DiagramRow *row=new DiagramRow(this,0);
   307   append(row);
   308   row->insertClass(0,root,doBases,Public,Normal,0);
   309 }
   311 TreeDiagram::~TreeDiagram()
   312 {
   313 }
   316 void TreeDiagram::moveChildren(DiagramItem *root,int dx)
   317 {
   318   DiagramItemList *dil=root->getChildren();
   319   DiagramItem *di=dil->first();
   320   while (di)
   321   {
   322     di->move(dx,0);
   323     moveChildren(di,dx);
   324     di=dil->next();
   325   }
   326 }
   328 bool TreeDiagram::layoutTree(DiagramItem *root,int r)
   329 {
   330   bool moved=FALSE;
   331   //printf("layoutTree(%s,%d)\n",root->label().data(),r);
   333   DiagramItemList *dil=root->getChildren(); 
   334   if (dil->count()>0)
   335   {
   336     uint k;
   337     int pPos=root->xPos();
   338     int cPos=root->avgChildPos();
   339     if (pPos>cPos) // move children
   340     {
   341       DiagramRow *row=at(r+1);
   342       //printf("Moving children %d-%d in row %d\n",
   343       //    dil->getFirst()->number(),row->count()-1,r+1);
   344       for (k=dil->getFirst()->number();k<row->count();k++)
   345         row->at(k)->move(pPos-cPos,0);
   346       moved=TRUE;
   347     }
   348     else if (pPos<cPos) // move parent
   349     {
   350       DiagramRow *row=at(r);
   351       //printf("Moving parents %d-%d in row %d\n",
   352       //    root->number(),row->count()-1,r);
   353       for (k=root->number();k<row->count();k++)
   354         row->at(k)->move(cPos-pPos,0);
   355       moved=TRUE;
   356     }
   358     // recurse to children
   359     DiagramItem *di=dil->first();
   360     while (di && !moved && !di->isInList())
   361     {
   362       moved = moved || layoutTree(di,r+1);
   363       di=dil->next();
   364     }
   365   }
   366   return moved;
   367 }
   369 void TreeDiagram::computeLayout()
   370 {
   371   DiagramRow *row=first();
   372   while (row && row->count()<maxTreeWidth) row=next();
   373   if (row)
   374   {
   375     //printf("computeLayout() list row at %d\n",row->number());
   376     DiagramItem *di=row->first();
   377     DiagramItem *opi=0;
   378     int delta=0;
   379     bool first=TRUE;
   380     while (di)
   381     {
   382       DiagramItem *pi=di->parentItem();
   383       if (pi==opi && !first) { delta-=gridWidth; }
   384       first = pi!=opi;
   385       opi=pi;
   386       di->move(delta,0); // collapse all items in the same 
   387                          // list (except the first)
   388       di->putInList();
   389       di=row->next();
   390     }
   391   }
   393   // re-organize the diagram items
   394   DiagramItem *root=getFirst()->getFirst();
   395   while (layoutTree(root,0)) { }
   397   // move first items of the lists
   398   if (row)
   399   {
   400     DiagramItem *di=row->first();
   401     while (di)
   402     {
   403       DiagramItem *pi=di->parentItem();
   404       if (pi->getChildren()->count()>1)
   405       {
   406         di->move(gridWidth,0);
   407         while (di && di->parentItem()==pi) di=row->next();
   408       }
   409       else
   410       {
   411         di=row->next();
   412       }
   413     }
   414   }
   415 }
   417 uint TreeDiagram::computeRows()
   418 {
   419   //printf("TreeDiagram::computeRows()=%d\n",count());
   420   int count=0;
   421   DiagramRow *row=first();
   422   while (row && !row->getFirst()->isInList())
   423   {
   424     count++;
   425     row=next();
   426   }
   427   //printf("count=%d row=%p\n",count,row);
   428   if (row)
   429   {
   430     int maxListLen=0;
   431     int curListLen=0;
   432     DiagramItem *di=row->first(),*opi=0;
   433     while (di)
   434     {
   435       if (di->parentItem()!=opi) curListLen=1; else curListLen++; 
   436       if (curListLen>maxListLen) maxListLen=curListLen;
   437       opi=di->parentItem();
   438       di=row->next();
   439     }
   440     //printf("maxListLen=%d\n",maxListLen);
   441     count+=maxListLen;
   442   }
   443   return count;
   444 }
   446 #if 0
   447 uint TreeDiagram::computeCols()
   448 {
   449   uint count=0;
   450   DiagramRow *row=first();
   451   while (row && !row->getFirst()->isInList())
   452   {
   453     if (row->count()>count) count=row->count();
   454     row=next();
   455   }
   456   if (row)
   457   {
   458     row=prev();
   459     uint cols=row->count();
   460     if (row->getLast()->getChildren()->count()>1) cols++;
   461     if (cols>count) count=cols;
   462   }
   463   return count;
   464 };
   465 #endif
   467 void TreeDiagram::computeExtremes(uint *maxLabelLen,uint *maxXPos)
   468 {
   469   uint ml=0,mx=0;
   470   DiagramRow *dr=first();
   471   bool done=FALSE;
   472   while (dr && !done)
   473   {
   474     DiagramItem *di=dr->first();
   475     while (di)
   476     {
   477       if (di->isInList()) done=TRUE;
   478       if (maxXPos) mx=QMAX(mx,(uint)di->xPos());
   479       if (maxLabelLen) ml=QMAX(ml,Image::stringLength(di->label()));
   480       di=dr->next();
   481     }
   482     dr=next();
   483   }
   484   if (maxLabelLen) *maxLabelLen=ml;
   485   if (maxXPos)     *maxXPos=mx;
   486 }
   488 void TreeDiagram::drawBoxes(QTextStream &t,Image *image, 
   489                             bool doBase,bool bitmap,
   490                             uint baseRows,uint superRows,
   491                             uint cellWidth,uint cellHeight,
   492                             QCString relPath,
   493                             bool generateMap)
   494 {
   495   DiagramRow *dr=first();
   496   if (!doBase) dr=next();
   497   bool done=FALSE;
   498   bool firstRow = doBase;
   499   while (dr && !done)
   500   {
   501     int x=0,y=0;
   502     float xf=0.0,yf=0.0;
   503     DiagramItem *di=dr->first();
   504     if (di->isInList()) // put boxes in a list
   505     {
   506       DiagramItem *opi=0;
   507       if (doBase) di=dr->last();
   508       while (di) 
   509       {
   510         if (di->parentItem()==opi)
   511         {
   512           if (bitmap)
   513           {
   514             if (doBase) y -= cellHeight+labelVertSpacing;
   515             else        y += cellHeight+labelVertSpacing;
   516           }
   517           else
   518           {
   519             if (doBase) yf += 1.0;
   520             else        yf -= 1.0;
   521           }
   522         }
   523         else
   524         {
   525           if (bitmap)
   526           {
   527             x = di->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth;
   528             if (doBase)
   529             {
   530               y = image->getHeight()-
   531                 superRows*cellHeight-
   532                 (superRows-1)*labelVertSpacing-
   533                 di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   534             }
   535             else
   536             {
   537               y = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)+
   538                 di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   539             }
   540           }
   541           else
   542           {
   543             xf = di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth;
   544             if (doBase)
   545             {
   546               yf = di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1;
   547             }
   548             else
   549             {
   550               yf = superRows-1-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight;
   551             }
   552           }
   553         }
   554         opi=di->parentItem();
   556         if (bitmap)
   557         {
   558           bool hasDocs=di->getClassDef()->isLinkable();
   559           writeBitmapBox(di,image,x,y,cellWidth,cellHeight,firstRow,
   560               hasDocs,di->getChildren()->count()>0); 
   561           if (!firstRow && generateMap) 
   562             writeMapArea(t,di->getClassDef(),relPath,x,y,cellWidth,cellHeight);
   563         }
   564         else
   565         {
   566           writeVectorBox(t,di,xf,yf,di->getChildren()->count()>0);
   567         }
   569         if (doBase) di=dr->prev(); else di=dr->next();
   570       }
   571       done=TRUE;
   572     }
   573     else // draw a tree of boxes
   574     {
   575       while (di)
   576       {
   577         if (bitmap)
   578         {
   579           x = di->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth;
   580           if (doBase)
   581           {
   582             y = image->getHeight()-
   583               superRows*cellHeight-
   584               (superRows-1)*labelVertSpacing-
   585               di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   586           }
   587           else
   588           {
   589             y = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)+
   590               di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   591           }
   592           bool hasDocs=di->getClassDef()->isLinkable();
   593           writeBitmapBox(di,image,x,y,cellWidth,cellHeight,firstRow,hasDocs); 
   594           if (!firstRow && generateMap) 
   595             writeMapArea(t,di->getClassDef(),relPath,x,y,cellWidth,cellHeight);
   596         }
   597         else
   598         {
   599           xf=di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth;
   600           if (doBase)
   601           {
   602             yf = di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1;
   603           }
   604           else
   605           {
   606             yf = superRows-1-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight;
   607           }
   608           writeVectorBox(t,di,xf,yf);
   609         }
   611         di=dr->next();
   612       }
   613     }
   614     dr=next();
   615     firstRow=FALSE;
   616   }
   617 }
   619 void TreeDiagram::drawConnectors(QTextStream &t,Image *image,
   620                                  bool doBase,bool bitmap,
   621                                  uint baseRows,uint superRows,
   622                                  uint cellWidth,uint cellHeight)
   623 {
   624   DiagramRow *dr=first();
   625   bool done=FALSE;
   626   while (dr && !done) // for each row
   627   {
   628     DiagramItem *di=dr->first();
   629     if (di->isInList()) // row consists of list connectors
   630     {
   631       int x=0,y=0,ys=0;
   632       float xf=0.0,yf=0.0,ysf=0.0;
   633       while (di)
   634       {
   635         DiagramItem *pi=di->parentItem();
   636         DiagramItemList *dil=pi->getChildren();
   637         DiagramItem *last=dil->getLast();
   638         if (di==last) // single child
   639         {
   640           if (bitmap) // draw pixels
   641           {
   642             x = di->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth + cellWidth/2;
   643             if (doBase) // base classes
   644             {
   645               y = image->getHeight()-
   646                 (superRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
   647                 di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   648               image->drawVertArrow(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2,
   649                                    protToColor(di->protection()),
   650                                    protToMask(di->protection()));
   651             }
   652             else // super classes
   653             {
   654               y = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
   655                 labelVertSpacing/2+
   656                 di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   657               image->drawVertLine(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2,
   658                                   protToColor(di->protection()),
   659                                   protToMask(di->protection()));
   660             }
   661           }
   662           else // draw vectors
   663           {
   664             t << protToString(di->protection()) << endl;
   665             if (doBase)
   666             {
   667               t << "1 " << (di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth) << " " 
   668                 << (di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1) << " in\n";
   669             }
   670             else
   671             {
   672               t << "0 " << (di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth) << " " 
   673                 << ((float)superRows-0.25-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight)
   674                 << " in\n";
   675             }
   676           }
   677         }
   678         else // multiple children, put them in a vertical list
   679         {
   680           if (bitmap)
   681           {
   682             x = di->parentItem()->xPos()*
   683               (cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth+cellWidth/2;
   684             if (doBase) // base classes
   685             {
   686               ys = image->getHeight()-
   687                 (superRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
   688                 di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   689               y = ys - cellHeight/2;
   690             }
   691             else // super classes
   692             {
   693               ys = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)+
   694                 di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   695               y = ys + cellHeight/2;
   696             }
   697           }
   698           else
   699           {
   700             xf = di->parentItem()->xPos()/(float)gridWidth;
   701             if (doBase)
   702             {
   703               ysf = di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1;
   704               yf = ysf + 0.5;
   705             }
   706             else
   707             {
   708               ysf = (float)superRows-0.25-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight;
   709               yf = ysf - 0.25;
   710             }
   711           }
   712           while (di!=last) // more children to add
   713           {
   714             if (bitmap)
   715             {
   716               if (doBase) // base classes
   717               {
   718                 image->drawHorzArrow(y,x,x+cellWidth/2+labelHorSpacing,
   719                     protToColor(di->protection()),
   720                     protToMask(di->protection()));
   721                 y -= cellHeight+labelVertSpacing;
   722               }
   723               else // super classes
   724               {
   725                 image->drawHorzLine(y,x,x+cellWidth/2+labelHorSpacing,
   726                     protToColor(di->protection()),
   727                     protToMask(di->protection()));
   728                 y += cellHeight+labelVertSpacing;
   729               }
   730             }
   731             else
   732             {
   733               t << protToString(di->protection()) << endl;
   734               if (doBase)
   735               {
   736                 t << "1 " << xf << " " << yf << " hedge\n";
   737                 yf += 1.0;
   738               }
   739               else
   740               {
   741                 t << "0 " << xf << " " << yf << " hedge\n";
   742                 yf -= 1.0;
   743               }
   744             }
   745             di=dr->next();
   746           }
   747           // add last horizonal line and a vertical connection line
   748           if (bitmap)
   749           {
   750             if (doBase) // base classes
   751             {
   752               image->drawHorzArrow(y,x,x+cellWidth/2+labelHorSpacing,
   753                   protToColor(di->protection()),
   754                   protToMask(di->protection()));
   755               image->drawVertLine(x,y,ys+labelVertSpacing/2,
   756                   protToColor(getMinProtectionLevel(dil)),
   757                   protToMask(getMinProtectionLevel(dil)));
   758             }
   759             else // super classes
   760             {
   761               image->drawHorzLine(y,x,x+cellWidth/2+labelHorSpacing,
   762                   protToColor(di->protection()),
   763                   protToMask(di->protection()));
   764               image->drawVertLine(x,ys-labelVertSpacing/2,y,
   765                   protToColor(getMinProtectionLevel(dil)),
   766                   protToMask(getMinProtectionLevel(dil)));
   767             }
   768           }
   769           else
   770           {
   771             t << protToString(di->protection()) << endl;
   772             if (doBase)
   773             {
   774               t << "1 " << xf << " " << yf << " hedge\n";
   775             }
   776             else
   777             {
   778               t << "0 " << xf << " " << yf << " hedge\n";
   779             }
   780             t << protToString(getMinProtectionLevel(dil)) << endl;
   781             if (doBase)
   782             {
   783               t << xf << " " << ysf << " " << yf << " vedge\n";
   784             }
   785             else
   786             {
   787               t << xf << " " << (ysf + 0.25) << " " << yf << " vedge\n";
   788             }
   789           }
   790         }
   791         di=dr->next();
   792       }
   793       done=TRUE; // the tree is drawn now
   794     }
   795     else // normal tree connector
   796     {
   797       while (di)
   798       {
   799         int x=0,y=0;
   800         DiagramItemList *dil = di->getChildren();
   801         DiagramItem *parent  = di->parentItem();
   802         if (parent) // item has a parent -> connect to it
   803         {
   804           if (bitmap) // draw pixels
   805           {
   806             x = di->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth + cellWidth/2;
   807             if (doBase) // base classes
   808             {
   809               y = image->getHeight()-
   810                 (superRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
   811                 di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   812               /* write input line */
   813               image->drawVertArrow(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2,
   814                   protToColor(di->protection()),
   815                   protToMask(di->protection()));
   816             }
   817             else // super classes
   818             {
   819               y = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
   820                 labelVertSpacing/2+
   821                 di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   822               /* write output line */
   823               image->drawVertLine(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2,
   824                   protToColor(di->protection()),
   825                   protToMask(di->protection()));
   826             }
   827           }
   828           else // draw pixels
   829           {
   830             t << protToString(di->protection()) << endl;
   831             if (doBase)
   832             {
   833               t << "1 " << di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " " 
   834                 << (di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1) << " in\n";
   835             }
   836             else
   837             {
   838               t << "0 " << di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " " 
   839                 << ((float)superRows-0.25-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight)
   840                 << " in\n";
   841             }
   842           }
   843         }
   844         if (dil->count()>0)
   845         {
   846           Protection p=getMinProtectionLevel(dil);
   847           uint mask=protToMask(p);
   848           uint col=protToColor(p);
   849           if (bitmap)
   850           {
   851             x = di->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth + cellWidth/2;
   852             if (doBase) // base classes
   853             {
   854               y = image->getHeight()-
   855                 (superRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
   856                 cellHeight-labelVertSpacing/2-
   857                 di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   858               image->drawVertLine(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2-1,col,mask);
   859             }
   860             else // super classes
   861             {
   862               y = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)+
   863                 cellHeight+
   864                 di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
   865               image->drawVertArrow(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2-1,col,mask);
   866             }
   867           }
   868           else
   869           {
   870             t << protToString(p) << endl;
   871             if (doBase)
   872             {
   873               t << "0 " << di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth  << " " 
   874                 << (di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1) << " out\n";
   875             }
   876             else
   877             {
   878               t << "1 " << di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth  << " " 
   879                 << ((float)superRows-1.75-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight)
   880                 << " out\n";
   881             }
   882           }
   883           /* write input line */
   884           DiagramItem *first = dil->first();
   885           DiagramItem *last  = dil->last();
   886           if (first!=last && !first->isInList()) /* connect with all base classes */
   887           {
   888             if (bitmap)
   889             {
   890               int xs = first->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth
   891                 + cellWidth/2;
   892               int xe = last->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth
   893                 + cellWidth/2; 
   894               if (doBase) // base classes
   895               {
   896                 image->drawHorzLine(y,xs,xe,col,mask); 
   897               }
   898               else // super classes
   899               {
   900                 image->drawHorzLine(y+labelVertSpacing/2,xs,xe,col,mask); 
   901               }
   902             }
   903             else
   904             {
   905               t << protToString(p) << endl;
   906               if (doBase)
   907               {
   908                 t << first->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " " 
   909                   << last->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " "
   910                   << (first->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1) 
   911                   << " conn\n";
   912               }
   913               else
   914               {
   915                 t << first->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " " 
   916                   << last->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " "
   917                   << ((float)superRows-first->yPos()/(float)gridHeight)
   918                   << " conn\n";
   919               }
   920             }
   921           }
   922         }
   923         di=dr->next();
   924       }
   925       dr=next();
   926     }
   927   }
   928 }
   931 void clearVisitFlags()
   932 {
   933   ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
   934   ClassDef *cd;
   935   for (;(cd=cli.current());++cli)
   936   {
   937     cd->visited=FALSE;
   938   }
   939 }
   941 ClassDiagram::ClassDiagram(ClassDef *root)
   942 {
   943   clearVisitFlags();
   944   base  = new TreeDiagram(root,TRUE);
   945   base->computeLayout();
   946   clearVisitFlags();
   947   super = new TreeDiagram(root,FALSE);
   948   super->computeLayout();
   949   DiagramItem *baseItem  = base->first()->first();
   950   DiagramItem *superItem = super->first()->first();
   951   int xbase  = baseItem->xPos();
   952   int xsuper = superItem->xPos();
   953   if (xbase>xsuper)
   954   {
   955     superItem->move(xbase-xsuper,0);
   956     super->moveChildren(superItem,xbase-xsuper);
   957   }
   958   else if (xbase<xsuper)
   959   {
   960     baseItem->move(xsuper-xbase,0);
   961     base->moveChildren(baseItem,xsuper-xbase);
   962   }
   963 }
   965 ClassDiagram::~ClassDiagram()
   966 {
   967   delete base;
   968   delete super;
   969 }
   971 void ClassDiagram::writeFigure(QTextStream &output,const char *path,
   972                                const char *fileName) const
   973 {
   974   uint baseRows=base->computeRows();
   975   uint superRows=super->computeRows();
   976   uint baseMaxX, baseMaxLabelWidth, superMaxX, superMaxLabelWidth;
   977   base->computeExtremes(&baseMaxLabelWidth,&baseMaxX);
   978   super->computeExtremes(&superMaxLabelWidth,&superMaxX);
   980   uint rows=baseRows+superRows-1;
   981   uint cols=(QMAX(baseMaxX,superMaxX)+gridWidth*2-1)/gridWidth;
   983   // Estimate the image aspect width and height in pixels.
   984   uint estHeight = rows*40;
   985   uint estWidth  = cols*(20+QMAX(baseMaxLabelWidth,superMaxLabelWidth));
   986   //printf("Estimated size %d x %d\n",estWidth,estHeight);
   988   const float pageWidth = 14.0; // estimated page width in cm.
   989                                 // Somewhat lower to deal with estimation
   990                                 // errors. 
   992   // compute the image height in centimeters based on the estimates
   993   float realHeight = QMIN(rows,12); // real height in cm
   994   float realWidth  = realHeight * estWidth/(float)estHeight;
   995   if (realWidth>pageWidth) // assume that the page width is about 15 cm
   996   {
   997     realHeight*=pageWidth/realWidth; 
   998     realWidth=pageWidth;
   999   }
  1001   //output << "}\n";
  1002   output << ":\\begin{figure}[H]\n"
  1003             "\\begin{center}\n"
  1004             "\\leavevmode\n";
  1005   output << "\\includegraphics[height=" << realHeight << "cm]{" 
  1006                                         << fileName << "}" << endl;
  1007   output << "\\end{center}\n"
  1008             "\\end{figure}\n";
  1010   //printf("writeFigure rows=%d cols=%d\n",rows,cols);
  1012   QCString epsBaseName=(QCString)path+"/"+fileName;
  1013   QCString epsName=epsBaseName+".eps";
  1014   QFile f1;
  1015   f1.setName(epsName.data());
  1016   if (!f1.open(IO_WriteOnly))
  1017   {
  1018     err("Could not open file %s for writing\n",convertToQCString(f1.name()).data());
  1019     exit(1);
  1020   }
  1021   QTextStream t(&f1);
  1023   //printf("writeEPS() rows=%d cols=%d\n",rows,cols);
  1025   // generate EPS header and postscript variables and procedures
  1027   t << "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n";
  1028   t << "%%Title: ClassName\n";
  1029   t << "%%Creator: Doxygen\n";
  1030   t << "%%CreationDate: Time\n";
  1031   t << "%%For: \n";
  1032   t << "%Magnification: 1.00\n";
  1033   t << "%%Orientation: Portrait\n";
  1034   t << "%%BoundingBox: 0 0 500 " << estHeight*500.0/(float)estWidth << "\n";
  1035   t << "%%Pages: 0\n";
  1036   t << "%%BeginSetup\n";
  1037   t << "%%EndSetup\n";
  1038   t << "%%EndComments\n";
  1039   t << "\n";
  1040   t << "% ----- variables -----\n";
  1041   t << "\n";
  1042   t << "/boxwidth 0 def\n";
  1043   t << "/boxheight 40 def\n";
  1044   t << "/fontheight 24 def\n";
  1045   t << "/marginwidth 10 def\n";
  1046   t << "/distx 20 def\n";
  1047   t << "/disty 40 def\n";
  1048   t << "/boundaspect " << estWidth/(float)estHeight << " def  % aspect ratio of the BoundingBox (width/height)\n";
  1049   t << "/boundx 500 def\n";
  1050   t << "/boundy boundx boundaspect div def\n";
  1051   t << "/xspacing 0 def\n";
  1052   t << "/yspacing 0 def\n";
  1053   t << "/rows " << rows << " def\n";
  1054   t << "/cols " << cols << " def\n";
  1055   t << "/scalefactor 0 def\n";
  1056   t << "/boxfont /Times-Roman findfont fontheight scalefont def\n";
  1057   t << "\n";
  1058   t << "% ----- procedures -----\n";
  1059   t << "\n";
  1060   t << "/dotted { [1 4] 0 setdash } def\n";
  1061   t << "/dashed { [5] 0 setdash } def\n";
  1062   t << "/solid  { [] 0 setdash } def\n";
  1063   t << "\n";
  1064   t << "/max % result = MAX(arg1,arg2)\n";
  1065   t << "{\n";
  1066   t << "  /a exch def\n";
  1067   t << "  /b exch def\n";
  1068   t << "  a b gt {a} {b} ifelse\n";
  1069   t << "} def\n";
  1070   t << "\n";
  1071   t << "/xoffset % result = MAX(0,(scalefactor-(boxwidth*cols+distx*(cols-1)))/2)\n";
  1072   t << "{\n";
  1073   t << "  0 scalefactor boxwidth cols mul distx cols 1 sub mul add sub 2 div max\n";
  1074   t << "} def\n";
  1075   t << "\n";
  1076   t << "/cw % boxwidth = MAX(boxwidth, stringwidth(arg1))\n";
  1077   t << "{\n";
  1078   t << "  /str exch def\n";
  1079   t << "  /boxwidth boxwidth str stringwidth pop max def\n";
  1080   t << "} def\n";
  1081   t << "\n";
  1082   t << "/box % draws a box with text `arg1' at grid pos (arg2,arg3)\n";
  1083   t << "{ gsave\n";
  1084   t << "  2 setlinewidth\n";
  1085   t << "  newpath\n";
  1086   t << "  exch xspacing mul xoffset add\n";
  1087   t << "  exch yspacing mul\n";
  1088   t << "  moveto\n";
  1089   t << "  boxwidth 0 rlineto \n";
  1090   t << "  0 boxheight rlineto \n";
  1091   t << "  boxwidth neg 0 rlineto \n";
  1092   t << "  0 boxheight neg rlineto \n";
  1093   t << "  closepath\n";
  1094   t << "  dup stringwidth pop neg boxwidth add 2 div\n";
  1095   t << "  boxheight fontheight 2 div sub 2 div\n";
  1096   t << "  rmoveto show stroke\n";
  1097   t << "  grestore\n";
  1098   t << "} def  \n";
  1099   t << "\n";
  1100   t << "/mark\n";
  1101   t << "{ newpath\n";
  1102   t << "  exch xspacing mul xoffset add boxwidth add\n";
  1103   t << "  exch yspacing mul\n";
  1104   t << "  moveto\n";
  1105   t << "  0 boxheight 4 div rlineto\n";
  1106   t << "  boxheight neg 4 div boxheight neg 4 div rlineto\n";
  1107   t << "  closepath\n";
  1108   t << "  eofill\n";
  1109   t << "  stroke\n";
  1110   t << "} def\n";
  1111   t << "\n";
  1112   t << "/arrow\n";
  1113   t << "{ newpath\n";
  1114   t << "  moveto\n";
  1115   t << "  3 -8 rlineto\n";
  1116   t << "  -6 0 rlineto\n";
  1117   t << "  3 8 rlineto\n";
  1118   t << "  closepath\n";
  1119   t << "  eofill\n";
  1120   t << "  stroke\n";
  1121   t << "} def\n";
  1122   t << "\n";
  1123   t << "/out % draws an output connector for the block at (arg1,arg2)\n";
  1124   t << "{\n";
  1125   t << "  newpath\n";
  1126   t << "  exch xspacing mul xoffset add boxwidth 2 div add\n";
  1127   t << "  exch yspacing mul boxheight add\n";
  1128   t << "  /y exch def\n";
  1129   t << "  /x exch def\n";
  1130   t << "  x y moveto\n";
  1131   t << "  0 disty 2 div rlineto \n";
  1132   t << "  stroke\n";
  1133   t << "  1 eq { x y disty 2 div add arrow } if\n";
  1134   t << "} def\n";
  1135   t << "\n";
  1136   t << "/in % draws an input connector for the block at (arg1,arg2)\n";
  1137   t << "{\n";
  1138   t << "  newpath\n";
  1139   t << "  exch xspacing mul xoffset add boxwidth 2 div add\n";
  1140   t << "  exch yspacing mul disty 2 div sub\n";
  1141   t << "  /y exch def\n";
  1142   t << "  /x exch def\n";
  1143   t << "  x y moveto\n";
  1144   t << "  0 disty 2 div rlineto\n";
  1145   t << "  stroke\n";
  1146   t << "  1 eq { x y disty 2 div add arrow } if\n";
  1147   t << "} def\n";
  1148   t << "\n";
  1149   t << "/hedge\n";
  1150   t << "{\n";
  1151   t << "  exch xspacing mul xoffset add boxwidth 2 div add\n";
  1152   t << "  exch yspacing mul boxheight 2 div sub\n";
  1153   t << "  /y exch def\n";
  1154   t << "  /x exch def\n";
  1155   t << "  newpath\n";
  1156   t << "  x y moveto\n";
  1157   t << "  boxwidth 2 div distx add 0 rlineto\n";
  1158   t << "  stroke\n";
  1159   t << "  1 eq\n";
  1160   t << "  { newpath x boxwidth 2 div distx add add y moveto\n";
  1161   t << "    -8 3 rlineto\n";
  1162   t << "    0 -6 rlineto\n";
  1163   t << "    8 3 rlineto\n";
  1164   t << "    closepath\n";
  1165   t << "    eofill\n";
  1166   t << "    stroke\n";
  1167   t << "  } if\n";
  1168   t << "} def\n";
  1169   t << "\n";
  1170   t << "/vedge\n";
  1171   t << "{\n";
  1172   t << "  /ye exch def\n";
  1173   t << "  /ys exch def\n";
  1174   t << "  /xs exch def\n";
  1175   t << "  newpath\n";
  1176   t << "  xs xspacing mul xoffset add boxwidth 2 div add dup\n";
  1177   t << "  ys yspacing mul boxheight 2 div sub\n";
  1178   t << "  moveto\n";
  1179   t << "  ye yspacing mul boxheight 2 div sub\n";
  1180   t << "  lineto\n";
  1181   t << "  stroke\n";
  1182   t << "} def\n";
  1183   t << "\n";
  1184   t << "/conn % connections the blocks from col `arg1' to `arg2' of row `arg3'\n";
  1185   t << "{\n";
  1186   t << "  /ys exch def\n";
  1187   t << "  /xe exch def\n";
  1188   t << "  /xs exch def\n";
  1189   t << "  newpath\n";
  1190   t << "  xs xspacing mul xoffset add boxwidth 2 div add\n";
  1191   t << "  ys yspacing mul disty 2 div sub\n";
  1192   t << "  moveto\n";
  1193   t << "  xspacing xe xs sub mul 0\n";
  1194   t << "  rlineto\n";
  1195   t << "  stroke\n";
  1196   t << "} def\n";
  1197   t << "\n";
  1198   t << "% ----- main ------\n";
  1199   t << "\n";
  1200   t << "boxfont setfont\n";
  1201   t << "1 boundaspect scale\n";
  1204   bool done=FALSE;
  1205   DiagramRow *dr=base->first();
  1206   while (dr && !done)
  1207   {
  1208     DiagramItem *di=dr->first();
  1209     while (di)
  1210     {
  1211       done=di->isInList();
  1212       t << "(" << di->label() << ") cw\n";
  1213       di=dr->next();
  1214     }
  1215     dr=base->next();
  1216   }
  1217   dr=super->first();
  1218   dr=super->next();
  1219   done=FALSE;
  1220   while (dr && !done)
  1221   {
  1222     DiagramItem *di=dr->first();
  1223     while (di)
  1224     {
  1225       done=di->isInList();
  1226       t << "(" << di->label() << ") cw\n";
  1227       di=dr->next();
  1228     }
  1229     dr=super->next();
  1230   }
  1232   t << "/boxwidth boxwidth marginwidth 2 mul add def\n"
  1233     << "/xspacing boxwidth distx add def\n"
  1234     << "/yspacing boxheight disty add def\n"
  1235     << "/scalefactor \n"
  1236     << "  boxwidth cols mul distx cols 1 sub mul add\n"
  1237     << "  boxheight rows mul disty rows 1 sub mul add boundaspect mul \n"
  1238     << "  max def\n"
  1239     << "boundx scalefactor div boundy scalefactor div scale\n";
  1241   t << "\n% ----- classes -----\n\n";
  1242   base->drawBoxes(t,0,TRUE,FALSE,baseRows,superRows,0,0);
  1243   super->drawBoxes(t,0,FALSE,FALSE,baseRows,superRows,0,0);
  1245   t << "\n% ----- relations -----\n\n";
  1246   base->drawConnectors(t,0,TRUE,FALSE,baseRows,superRows,0,0);
  1247   super->drawConnectors(t,0,FALSE,FALSE,baseRows,superRows,0,0);
  1249   f1.close();
  1250   if (Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX"))
  1251   {
  1252     QCString epstopdfArgs(4096);
  1253     epstopdfArgs.sprintf("\"%s.eps\" --outfile=\"%s.pdf\"",
  1254                    epsBaseName.data(),epsBaseName.data());
  1255     //printf("Converting eps using `%s'\n",epstopdfCmd.data());
  1256     if (portable_system("epstopdf",epstopdfArgs)!=0)
  1257     {
  1258        err("Error: Problems running epstopdf. Check your TeX installation!\n");
  1259        return;
  1260     }
  1261   }
  1262 }
  1265 void ClassDiagram::writeImage(QTextStream &t,const char *path,
  1266                               const char *relPath,const char *fileName, 
  1267                               bool generateMap) const
  1268 {
  1269   uint baseRows=base->computeRows();
  1270   uint superRows=super->computeRows();
  1271   uint rows=baseRows+superRows-1;
  1273   uint lb,ls,xb,xs;
  1274   base->computeExtremes(&lb,&xb);
  1275   super->computeExtremes(&ls,&xs);
  1277   uint cellWidth  = QMAX(lb,ls)+labelHorMargin*2;
  1278   uint maxXPos    = QMAX(xb,xs);
  1279   uint labelVertMargin = 6; //QMAX(6,(cellWidth-fontHeight)/6); // aspect at least 1:3
  1280   uint cellHeight = labelVertMargin*2+fontHeight;
  1281   uint imageWidth = (maxXPos+gridWidth)*cellWidth/gridWidth+
  1282                     (maxXPos*labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth;
  1283   uint imageHeight = rows*cellHeight+(rows-1)*labelVertSpacing;
  1285   Image image(imageWidth,imageHeight);
  1287   base->drawBoxes(t,&image,TRUE,TRUE,baseRows,superRows,cellWidth,cellHeight,relPath,generateMap);
  1288   super->drawBoxes(t,&image,FALSE,TRUE,baseRows,superRows,cellWidth,cellHeight,relPath,generateMap);
  1289   base->drawConnectors(t,&image,TRUE,TRUE,baseRows,superRows,cellWidth,cellHeight);
  1290   super->drawConnectors(t,&image,FALSE,TRUE,baseRows,superRows,cellWidth,cellHeight);
  1292 #define IMAGE_EXT ".png"
  1293   image.save((QCString)path+"/"+fileName+IMAGE_EXT);
  1294   Doxygen::indexList.addImageFile(QCString(fileName)+IMAGE_EXT);
  1296   if (generateMap) t << "</map>" << endl;
  1297 }